Showing 1866 items
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Taken in Beechworth, this photograph depicts the business of Camp Street looking towards the Ovens and Murray Benevolent Asylum. In the foreground of right hand side; there are row of buildings, on the left hand side; there are a two standing figures. The Ovens Benevolent Asylum (or the Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged) was constructed in 1862 on an elevated site overlooking the township of Beechworth. This Asylum was built in response to boom in population due to the discovery of Gold in Beechworth in 1852. This period also saw the development of additional administration buildings such as; the Court house, the Town Hall, and offices. The original Benevolent Asylum building was designed in an unusual Flemish Gothic Revival style. The single storey building is of red brick on a dressed granite base, and the main facade is dominated by four curved, Flemish gable ends, those at the extremities being added to the original central section in 1867. This facade incorporates paired windows of pointed Gothic form and dark brick diaperwork patterning. The adjacent J. A. Wallace Wing of 1899 was designed by Donald Fiddes as a separate building. Also constructed of red brick, Fiddes adopted a conservative approach, designing a simple domestic scale building with central projecting gable porch and flanking bull nosed verandahs. The Benevolent Asylum was renamed the Ovens Benevolent Home in 1935 and The Ovens and Murray Home in 1954. Many buildings have been added to this site, particularly since the 1960s, including a poorly sited addition to the front of the original building. Extensive internal renovations have also been made to the original buildings. []The Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged is of architectural significance as an unusual example of Flemish influenced design from the 1860s. Although the facade has been partly obscured, it remains intact, and, together with the more simply designed Wallace wing, are important examples of early buildings designed for the specific purpose of aged care. The Flemish gables remain as a dominant form of Beechworth's urban landscape. The Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged is of historical significance due to its association with the early development of Beechworth and its dominant siting within the town. It is illustrative of the civic development that took place in the town after the peak of the gold rush, when Beechworth was develpoing as the administrative centre of the north east of Victoria. []Black and white rectangular photograph. Image is printed on matte photographic paper. Obverse: BOOT SHOE STORE Reverse: 7770.2 / 1997.3099beechworth, burke museum, diggings, camp street, the benevolent asylum, ovens benevolent hom, gold rush -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Taken in Beechworth, this photograph depicts Albert Road looking towards the Ovens and Murray Benevolent Asylum. In the center of the image are figures standing of a bridge. The Ovens Benevolent Asylum (or the Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged) was constructed in 1862 on an elevated site overlooking the township of Beechworth. This Asylum was built in response to boom in population due to the discovery of Gold in Beechworth in 1852. This period also saw the development of additional administration buildings such as; the Court house, the Town Hall, and offices. The original Benevolent Asylum building was designed in an unusual Flemish Gothic Revival style. The single storey building is of red brick on a dressed granite base, and the main facade is dominated by four curved, Flemish gable ends, those at the extremities being added to the original central section in 1867. This facade incorporates paired windows of pointed Gothic form and dark brick diaperwork patterning. The adjacent J. A. Wallace Wing of 1899 was designed by Donald Fiddes as a separate building. Also constructed of red brick, Fiddes adopted a conservative approach, designing a simple domestic scale building with central projecting gable porch and flanking bull nosed verandahs. The Benevolent Asylum was renamed the Ovens Benevolent Home in 1935 and The Ovens and Murray Home in 1954. Many buildings have been added to this site, particularly since the 1960s, including a poorly sited addition to the front of the original building. Extensive internal renovations have also been made to the original buildings. []Black and white rectangular photograph. The image is printed on matte photographic paper. Obverse: NO INSCRIPTION Reverse: BMM7590 1997.2848 AO2848 beechworth, albert road, benevolent, asylum, burke museum, photograph, black and white -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph Album, Alan Gardiner, M.M.B.W Braeside Sewage Treatment Plant Construction, 1939
In April 1928 the MMBW had the land and the plans for what they were to construct but the timing of the actual building did not proceed as planned. Before the construction could commence the Great Depression of the 1930s intervened forcing the shelving of its plans. The new owners then offered the land for lease resulting in Frederick Werrett taking the opportunity to take up the land he formerly owned to continue his market gardening activities of growing potatoes, onions and other crops. The land and improvements made by Syme were leased in 1929 to Harry Telford a trainer from New South Wales. Phar Lap grazed there for a short time. [9] However the population of Melbourne continued to grow and the need for a sewerage treatment plant did not go away. In 1939 when the effects of the Depression had dissipated work on the Sewerage Effluent Treatment Plant commenced and the following year in October the Premier of the State, Albert Dunstan, officially commissioned it. The Sewerage Effluent Treatment Plant at Braeside served the communities of south-east Melbourne for thirty five years until 1975. In that year all the sewers that entered the Braeside plant were diverted to the South Eastern Trunk Sewer complex at Carrum.[10] In 1982 the chairman of the MMBW at that time, Alan Croxford, announced that a substantial part of the property at Braeside would be administered by the Parks and Gardens section of MMBW as a public park. Subsequently the responsibilities were transferred to Parks Victoria, the situation that exists today. It is known as “Braeside Park” now. [Source: Sewerage Treatment Plant at Braeside, Kingston Local History,]alan gardiner collection, 1939, braeside sewage treatment plant, construction, melbourne metropolitan board of works, mmbw -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Album - Photograph Album, Alan Gardiner, M.M.B.W Braeside Sewage Treatment Plant Construction, 1939
In April 1928 the MMBW had the land and the plans for what they were to construct but the timing of the actual building did not proceed as planned. Before the construction could commence the Great Depression of the 1930s intervened forcing the shelving of its plans. The new owners then offered the land for lease resulting in Frederick Werrett taking the opportunity to take up the land he formerly owned to continue his market gardening activities of growing potatoes, onions and other crops. The land and improvements made by Syme were leased in 1929 to Harry Telford a trainer from New South Wales. Phar Lap grazed there for a short time. [9] However the population of Melbourne continued to grow and the need for a sewerage treatment plant did not go away. In 1939 when the effects of the Depression had dissipated work on the Sewerage Effluent Treatment Plant commenced and the following year in October the Premier of the State, Albert Dunstan, officially commissioned it. The Sewerage Effluent Treatment Plant at Braeside served the communities of south-east Melbourne for thirty five years until 1975. In that year all the sewers that entered the Braeside plant were diverted to the South Eastern Trunk Sewer complex at Carrum.[10] In 1982 the chairman of the MMBW at that time, Alan Croxford, announced that a substantial part of the property at Braeside would be administered by the Parks and Gardens section of MMBW as a public park. Subsequently the responsibilities were transferred to Parks Victoria, the situation that exists today. It is known as “Braeside Park” now. [Source: Sewerage Treatment Plant at Braeside, Kingston Local History,]alan gardiner collection, 1939, braeside sewage treatment plant, construction, melbourne metropolitan board of works, mmbw -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ernest Samuel Shillinglaw, 1916
SHILLINGLAW Ernest Samuel : Service Number - 1689 : Place of Birth - Eltham VIC : Place of Enlistment - Melbourne VIC : Next of Kin - (Sister) SHILLINGLAW Mary Service Record Enlisted 25 Feb 1916 Embarked overseas 20 Jun 1916 Served with the 38th Battalion in France Wounded in action 29 May 1917 with a severe gunshot wound to the left eye. Promoted to Lance Corporal 3 Sep 1918 Awarded the Military Medal 17 Mar 1919 (Gazetted London 17 Jun) Diembarked Melbourne 30 Apr 1919 Discharged 25 Jun 1919 from AIF, medically unfit with influenza POSTCARD 1905-1940s Like the carte-de-visite, postcards enjoyed a collecting craze by large numbers of people, and were often kept in albums through which the interested visitor could browse. Postcards were posted or exchanged in huge numbers. Postal authorities in Australia only allowed the private printing of postcards from 1898. At this time the back of the card was reserved for the address and postage stamp, and the front was used for the message and a picture. In 1902 British authorities allowed a "divided back", so that the left side could be used for the message, the right side for the address and stamp, and the whole of the front was devoted to the picture. France followed suit in 1904, Germany and Australia in 1905, and the United States in 1907. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, postcard, 1916, aif, ernest samuel shillinglaw (1888-1958), first world war, world war 1 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Ernest Samuel Shillinglaw, 1916
SHILLINGLAW Ernest Samuel : Service Number - 1689 : Place of Birth - Eltham VIC : Place of Enlistment - Melbourne VIC : Next of Kin - (Sister) SHILLINGLAW Mary Service Record Enlisted 25 Feb 1916 Embarked overseas 20 Jun 1916 Served with the 38th Battalion in France Wounded in action 29 May 1917 with a severe gunshot wound to the left eye. Promoted to Lance Corporal 3 Sep 1918 Awarded the Military Medal 17 Mar 1919 (Gazetted London 17 Jun) Diembarked Melbourne 30 Apr 1919 Discharged 25 Jun 1919 from AIF, medically unfit with influenza POSTCARD 1905-1940s Like the carte-de-visite, postcards enjoyed a collecting craze by large numbers of people, and were often kept in albums through which the interested visitor could browse. Postcards were posted or exchanged in huge numbers. Postal authorities in Australia only allowed the private printing of postcards from 1898. At this time the back of the card was reserved for the address and postage stamp, and the front was used for the message and a picture. In 1902 British authorities allowed a "divided back", so that the left side could be used for the message, the right side for the address and stamp, and the whole of the front was devoted to the picture. France followed suit in 1904, Germany and Australia in 1905, and the United States in 1907. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, postcard, 1916, aif, ernest samuel shillinglaw (1888-1958), first world war, world war 1 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Folder, Raynes Dickson Kiddle & Briggs Solicitors et al, Clintons Road, Christmas Hills, 1934-1938
Correspondence over a four year period (probably an incomplete file) on the behalf of Henry Cairns of Moonee Ponds and property owner at Christmas Hills / Watsons Creek including copy of a survey of his land title in relation to complaint regarding the Shire of Eltham encroaching on his land to make a road and subsequent purchase of land. The road provided acccess to the property of Mr W. Clinton of Heidelberg and other properties at Christmas Hills. Note by H.G. indicates that the property discussed in file is Clintons Road (not stated in file), possibly named after 1938. In December 1937 Eltham Shire Council agreed to purchase a block of land at the intersection of the Christmas Hills -- Smiths Gully roads from Mr Cairns to provide an outlet for the road which ran through the Cairns property. In March 1928 Mr Clinton had previously offered to contribute a sum of money towards the cost of purchasing the Cairns block to permit the road to go into his property was intending to transfer the property to himself. A Councilor was reported as being astounded in The Advertiser, 11 March 1938, as the land was needed for a road. Cr Baird: "The road was only to help his sports" Mr W. E. Clinton (Bill) was one of the founders of the Rob Roy Hill climb which took place at his property at Christmas Hills. He owned a garage in Heidleberg (See: pieces of paperraynes dickson kiddle & briggs solicitors, henry cairns, shire of eltham, roadworks, christmas hills, watsons creek, w. e. clinton, clintons road, rob roy climb -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Vietcong Flag Type 5
The National Liberation Front Flags 1955-1976 The Viet Cong, or National Liberation Front, was the patriot/rebel army based in South Vietnam that fought the South Vietnamese government and the supporting United States troops during the Vietnam War (1959-75). They fought mainly as guerrilla units and rarely as regular army units. They also provided a network of cadre who organized the peasants against the government in the territory they controlled. The Viet Cong were closely allied with the government of North Vietnam. The group was formed in the 1950s by former members of the Viet Minh acting on orders from Hanoi. They proved highly effective against both ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) and later against the better equipped American troops. There were at least four types of flags, probably more, seen being carried by the Viet Cong. Type #1 had a small yellow star centered over a red and blue striped background, Type #2 had a larger white star centered on the red and light-blue striped background, Type #3 had either a large or small yellow star centered on a red and white striped background, and Type #4 had three vertical stripes of red/white/red with a small gold star centered on the white stripe. Like the early flags of the American Revolution, most flags were hand-made and each flag was a little different. Some examples of these variant flags also had Vietnamese text added to them. flag with a red upper half and bluish lower half An Orange star is in the centre. The flag is very water damaged with extensive fading of the colour. It was initially difficult to differentiate between a Type 1, Type 3 and Type 5 flag vietcong, flag, -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ink Bottle, Second half of 19th Century or first half of the 20th Century
Although glass containers for wine and beer are probably 1,600 years old, much of their use began only in the late 17th century. In the United States, large-scale production of bottles was pioneered by Caspar Wistar in 1739 at his New Jersey plant. In the 1770s the carbonation process for producing soft drinks was developed, and so began an entirely new bottling industry. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London, one million “pop” bottles were consumed. The first beer pasteurised in glass was produced in Copenhagen in 1870. Pasteurisation of milk followed soon after. The moulding of a screw thread on a container was invented by John Mason in 1858. The principles of the “press-and-blow” process for making wide-mouth jars were shown in the United States by Philip Arbogast in 1882, and the “blow-and-blow” process for making narrow-neck containers was demonstrated by Howard Ashley in England in 1885. These processes employed manual delivery; fully automatic jar forming by a suction-and-blow process was perfected by Michael Owens over the period 1895–1917 at the Toledo (Ohio) Glass Company, which subsequently became the Owens Bottle Machine Company. The automatic single-gob feeder was developed in 1919–22 by Karl Peiler at the Hartford-Fairmont Company in Connecticut. Fully automatic machines followed, but the true rugged survivor, utilising fully automatic gob delivery to the maximum versatility, was the Individual Section, or IS, machine invented by Henry Ingle at the Hartford Empire Company in 1925. Source: item 4018, this is a much smaller ink bottle, and was probably used by an individual, as against the supply of ink to pupils from a much larger bottle.Cotton Reel Ink Bottle, green glass, small, chipped around the lip, bubbles in glass.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ink, bottle, glass -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Spoon
The teaspoon is a European invention. Small spoons were common in Europe since at least the 13th century; the special spoons were introduced almost simultaneously with tea and coffee. (Pettigrew points to its use in the mid-17th century.) Originally the teaspoons were exotic items, precious and small, resembling the demitasse spoons of later times. Also used for coffee, these spoons were usually made of gilt silver, and were available with a variety of handle shapes: plain, twisted, or decorated with knobs, also known as knops, hence the knop-top name for such spoons. Widespread use and the modern size dates back to the Georgian era. The teaspoon is first mentioned in an advertisement in a 1686 edition of the London Gazette. Teaspoons, probably of English origin, are present in the 1700 Dutch painting by Nicholas Verkolje, "A Tea Party". An 1825 cartoon makes fun of a Frenchman unfamiliar with the British etiquette. The guest did not place his spoon into the cup and is thus being offered his thirteenth cup of tea! A special dish for resting the teaspoons, a "spoon boat", was a part of the tea set in the 18th century. At that time, the spoons played an important role in tea drinking etiquette: a spoon laid "across" the teacup indicated that the guest did not need any more tea, otherwise, the hostess was obligated to offer a fresh cup of tea, and it was considered impolite to refuse the offering. Pettigrew reports that sometimes the spoons were numbered to make it easier to match the cups with the guests after a refill.,the%20mid%2D17th%20century).A history of the teaspoon.Metal teaspoon, badly corrodedNoneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Marion Imp, Portrait of two seated men in suits, 1870 (estimated)
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from In 1863-4 A.Marion & Co. 23 Soho Square, London, were publishing cartes for Southwell Brothers of 16 & 22 Baker Street W. London, and in c.1866 producing cartes wholesale for Mayall of Regent Street. They appear to have printed numerous cards with a very small name printed onto the lower front. Travelling photographers would purchase the cards and sometimes have their own personlaised details printed onto the back..6) A tintype studio portrait of two seated men in suits, attached to a card, possibly brothers. On lower edge of card "marion Imp. Paris"little gem, tintype, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, William Ripper, Steam, 1897
This book was owned by Alf Gresham Johnston who was a former SMB mining student from the Ballarat School of Mines. He died at the age of 29 during military service in South Africa. The following is from the Federation Uni Honour Roll at The October 1901 Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) Students Magazine reported 'Alf. Johnston's gone. The news came as a shock to all of us at the school. He who was with us a few short months ago, in all strength of sturdy manhood, has met a soldier's death in South Africa, and we sincerely mourn his loss…. His heart was in the school, and he did his best to further its interests … His last act on leaving Australian shores was to send a telegram from Albany to Prof. Mica Smith, to whom he was warmly attached, wishing the School and all connected with it "Good-bye". In his short, all to short, life of 29 years, he had more adventure than falls the lot of most men, and possibly the spirit of adventure, and also, of duty, prompted him to throw in his lot with the "colors," and leave for the front. The news of his death comes to us with added weight of sadness when we remember that he was one of the organisers of the School entertainment last year to help swell the fund for the erection of a statue to fallen Victorian soldiers.'A small red book with a double black line bordering the front cover, with the text Longmans Elementary Science Manuals on the bottom of the cover. On the back cover is an L&Co logoOn the title page is the inscription of the original owner of the book Alf G Johnston School of Mines Ballarat 1899. Inside the front cover and on page 19 is the stamp of the School of Mines Ballaratalfred johnston, steam engine, compound engines, condensers, heat, horse-power, transfer of heat, combustion of fuel, saturated steam, cranks and crank shafts, watt governor, boilers, alf johnston, william ripper, boer war -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Programme, 'Chu Chin Chow' Theatre Programme, c 1917
Chu Chin Chow is a musical comedy written, produced and directed by Oscar Asche, with music by Frederic Norton, based (with minor embellishments) on the story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Tickets to see Chu Chin Chow were particularly eagerly sought by troops on leave from the Western Front. One of the attractions for the on-leave soldiers was the chorus of pretty slave girls who, for the period, were very scantily dressed. The cast was large and included a camel, a donkey, poultry and snakes. A total of 2,800,000 people saw the show. ( It is thought that Harry Holmes attended 'Chu Chin Chow' while on leave in London during World War One. Around this time he had been serving in the Australian Imperial Forces in Egypt. Henry 'Harry' Holmes was the son of Violet Holmes. He enlisted under the name Harry Smerdon Holmes and was put into the 18th A.A.S.C., then later transferred into the 5th Division Train A.S.C. According to his Soldier's Pay Books (Cat. No. 20112) Holmes Registration number was 7983. He was Catholic and enlisted in the Third Military District on 17 September 1915, and embarked on 8 November 1915. Holmes was in the 18th AASC Unit with the rank of Driver at that time. On 15 November 1918 Holmes was promoted to Lance Corporal. He received leave on: * 3 August 1917 - London (10 days) * 19 February 1918 - Paris (10 days) * 27 August 1918 - London (14 days) White paper theatre programme with red and black writing. It is a publicity brochure from the play 'Chu Chin Chow' by Oscar Asche set to music by Frederic Norton. In black ink in front 'So far this is an easy first of the shows I've seen, The scenes are great and being Egyptian we understand them all the better'. chatham family collection, holmes, theatre, world war 1, world war, world war i, herbert tree, entertainment, music, musical, oscar asche, fred norton -
Puffing Billy Railway
Wheelbarrow - Fritsch, Holzer & Company Brickworks
Used at the brickworks of Fritsch, Holzer & Company of Hawthorn to transport bricks and materials around the works. Fritsch Holzer Originally the company was known as the Upper Hawthorn Brick Company Ltd. It was started by brothers Johann, Martin and Anton Holzer and Gustav Augustus Fritsch. Fritsch had previously been a brick maker in Abbotsford, before moving to Hawthorn. Each had a brick works that operated next door to each other and the two works merged in 1883 to form the largest brick making company in Victoria. At its peak, they employed around eighty people and were making over 250,000 bricks per week. The depression of the 1890s caused a drastic downturn in building. Bricks were not being sold and staff laid off. The company nearly collapsed. To stave off the inevitable, in 1896 a brick co-operative was formed with Hoffman Patent Steam Brick Co., Northcote Brick Co. Ltd., New Northcote Brick Co. Ltd., Chas. Butler & Son and Fritsch, Holzer and Company. Bricks were sold throughout Victoria as the company supplied the State Government, more particularly the building of schools. They continued making bricks until the early 1970s when the works closed. The former site is now the “Ftritsch Holzer Park. The local Council purchased the 14 acre site in 1972 for $1,060.000 and used it for landfill. The site became a park in 1995. Info from Victorian Heritage Bricks, Brick Makers and Brick Works - Narrow Gauge Industrial Brickworks Equipment - Victoria, AustraliaWheelbarrow - Timber frame with Iron bracing and wheel.puffing billy, pbr,, wheelbarrow - fritsch, holzer & company brickworks, fritsch, holzer & company -
Puffing Billy Railway
NGG16 No.127 - Garratt Steam Locomotive, 1951
No. 127 is a 2'-gauge ex-South African Railways 'NGG16' class Beyer-Garratt locomotive. It was built by Beyer Peacock & Co of Manchester (builder's No.7428 of 1951) to their "Beyer Garratt" patented design of articulated steam locomotive. The South African Railways Class NG G16 2-6-2+2-6-2 of 1937 is a narrow gauge steam locomotive. Between 1937 and 1968, the South African Railways placed 34 Class NG G16 Garratt articulated steam locomotives with a 2-6-2+2-6-2 Double Prairie type wheel arrangement in service on the Avontuur Railway and on the Natal narrow gauge lines - The third order was for a further seven locomotives in 1951, numbered in the range from NG125 to NG131, once again from Beyer, Peacock. These and the subsequent locomotives had welded water and coal bunkers and flat-topped water tanks with rounded top side edges. The Beyer, Peacock locomotives ordered by the SAR, numbers NG109 to NG116 and NG125 to NG131, were shared more or less equally between the Natal and Avontuur lines No. 127 was purchased from the South African Railways by the Emerald Tourist Railway Board for the Puffing Billy Railway in late 2011 / early 2012, together with a container load of spare parts stripped from a derelict NGG16, and prepared for transport to Australia. The spare parts will assist in the restoration of sister NGG16 No.129 in the short term, while No.127 will provide the PBR with the option of restoring a second NGG16 at some future stage, if required. details from - Overseas - South African - Narrow Gauge Railways - Steam Locomotive Garratt Steam Locomotive - 2-6-2+2-6-2 Beyer Peacock & Co NGG16 No.127 build No.7428puffing billy, ngg16, sar, beyer peacock & co garratt ngg16 no.127 build no7428, narrow gauge, steam locomotive, garratt -
Puffing Billy Railway
Sign - Advertising - Griffiths Tea Sign - 30 Miles, between 1879 - 1930's
In 1879, James Griffiths established one of Australia’s first tea and coffee distribution companies at 30 Flinders St, Melbourne, which is now, occupied by the boutique Lindrum Hotel. Established with his brother John, recent immigrants from England, Griffiths occupied the highest position in the commercial world during their many years as distributors of tea, coffee, cocoa and other products throughout Victoria and Australia. The Griffiths brand was a guarantee for quality of product and service as it still is today. This extensive service was provided to customers via horse drawn carts serviced by rail from Melbourne. As a spirited entrepreneur, Griffiths made his company a household name through his pioneering use of outdoor advertising by installing the infamous blue and white enamel “Griffiths Tea” promotional signs affixed to the railway boundary fences highlighting to travellers the distance to or from Melbourne, indicating so many “— miles to Griffiths Tea”. These signs, much sought after today, were well known through out the eastern states. Photographs have been published of a sign erected by a Digger in France during the First World War with the words “1100 miles to Griffiths Bros”. Tragically, James and his wife Emily with friends died in a level rail crossing accident at Bayswater in 1925. Despite this unfortunate accident, Griffiths and its culture of innovation has survived as one of the few 100% Australian owned coffee roasters, with only three owners in 128 years. Sign - Advertising - Griffiths Tea Sign - 30 MilesHistoric - Sign - Advertising - Griffiths Tea Sign - used along side of Victorian Railway lines and at StationsSign - Advertising - Griffiths Tea Sign - 30 Miles Griffiths Tea sign made of Enamel paint on metal sign30 Miles to Griffiths Tea Sign puffing billy, sign - advertising - griffiths tea sign - 30 miles -
Puffing Billy Railway
Motor Spirit, Highly Inflamable Transporting Tin Container
Motor Spirit Highly Inflammable Transporting Tin Container "Motor Spirit" is just another name for petrol. "K" and the "KS" Kasey Trolleys were two stroke petrol motors Operation, Care and Maintenance of Track Motors Victorian Railways, 1959 gives the following : Inspection motor type B, - straight petrol Inspection motor type V, - pre-mixed petrol Motorised tricycle type M.T., - pre-mixed petrol Gang motor type K.S., - pre-mixed petrol Gang motor type K - pre-mixed petrol Motor cars altered for rail uses (Wiki) Petrol Inspection Car This was a small car numbered '1' and named the Inspection Car. It was built in England in 1923, but was not found in the 1936 stocktake. Gang Motor The eight-horsepower Gang Motor held five people, and was built at Arden Street in late 1923. In 1950 the vehicle was removed from the rolling stock register and given to "Way and Works" as a track motor. Motor Car The Motor Car was put into service in mid 1925, after being fitted with rail wheels in lieu of tyres. In 1927 the car was named "Mr Molomby's Inspection Car", and allocated to Seymour. It was scrapped in 1952. Dodge Cars There were seven Dodge cars in rail service. The cars were numbered 1 to 6, with car 7 listed "No 7 Repair". The cars were built by the Dodge Company of Melbourne and assembled at Newport. Construction was in 1925 and they lasted until 1949. Historic - Railways Permanent Way and Works - track equipment - Motor Spirit Highly Inflamable Transporting Tin ContainerMotor Spirit Highly Inflamable Transporting Tin Container made of tin Motor Spirit Highly Inflamable puffing billy, motor spirit transporting container -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
B&W Photograph, Chan-Young Choi, 1976
Chan-Young Choi, minister, religious organization administrator. Ordained to ministry Presbyterian Church Korea, 1952. Chaplain Republic of Korea Army, 1952-1955. Missionary to Thailand Presbyterian Church Korea, 1955-1970. General secretary Bible Societies in Thailand, Bangkok, 1962-1970. Distribution secretary American Bible Society, 1971-1974. Consultant marketing Asia Pacific region United Bible Societies, Manila, 1974-1977, coordinator marketing, 1977-1978, regional secretary Hong Kong, since 1978. Chairman Printing Limited company of United Bible Societies, Hong Kong, since 1987. Vice chairman Amity Printing Limited company, Nanping, Republic of China, since 1987. Missionary to Thailand Presbyterian Church Korea, 1955-1970. General secretary Bible Societies in Thailand, Bangkok, 1962-1970. Distribution secretary American Bible Society, 1971-1974. Consultant marketing Asia Pacific region United Bible Societies, Manila, 1974-1977, coordinator marketing, 1977-1978, regional secretary Hong Kong, since 1978. Chairman Printing Limited company of United Bible Societies, Hong Kong, since 1987. Vice chairman Amity Printing Limited company, Nanping, Republic of China, since 1987. Fraternal delegate Christian Church of Asia., Hong Kong, 1991, others. Speaker, lecturer various professional meetings. Principal Korean school for Korean children, Bangkok, 1962-1966. [] Head and shoulders portrait of Rev. Chan Young Choi, who is dressed in suit and tie.Spectator 12/5/1976 p.8presbyterian minister chan-young choi, presbyterian church korea -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Preliminary report of Structural assessment Fortuna
Fortuna Villa was initially commenced as a modest single storey home in 1861 next to the 180 Mine by Theodore Ballerstedt, who sold the mine and house to George Lansell in 1869. Lansell already owned the adjacent Fortuna Mine, and through deeper mining techniques greatly expanded the mine's operation, his personal wealth, and the house and grounds. Lansell was soon known as the 'Quartz King', Australia's first gold mining millionaire and credited as the driving force behind much of Bendigo's prosperity. He continuously added to and expanded the villa, decorating it extravagantly with the finest of artworks and materials, into a sprawling mansion with extensive landscaped grounds, to create a house and grounds of a size and grandeur with few rivals in Australia. After his death in 1907, his second wife Edith carried on with improvements, creating a house and grounds developed over 50 years. The attached mine also contributes to its significance, being one of the richest mines in Bendigo, and at one stage probably the deepest gold mine in the world at 3176 feet. The 1875 crushing works are attached directly to the mansion, and the mine's tailings and settling ponds (turned into ornamental lakes) represent a direct link between George Lansell's wealth and its source. Fortuna was compulsorily acquired by the Commonwealth in 1942 as the Cartographic Headquarters of the Australian Survey Corps during World War II, and many ancillary structures were added while preserving the main house and ornamental grounds. Victorian Heritage Database Report report of Structural assessment of Building 16 Fortuna Complex, Chum Street, Bendigo. Four page preliminary report finding the building is structurally safe as at Wed 19 December 2007 with three recommendations. Prepared for DIGO by Structural Engineers - Terry Stevens Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd.fortuna, structural assessment -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Tour Ticket
Fortuna Villa was initially commenced as a modest single storey home in 1861 next to the 180 Mine by Theodore Ballerstedt, who sold the mine and house to George Lansell in 1869. Lansell already owned the adjacent Fortuna Mine, and through deeper mining techniques greatly expanded the mine's operation, his personal wealth, and the house and grounds. Lansell was soon known as the 'Quartz King', Australia's first gold mining millionaire and credited as the driving force behind much of Bendigo's prosperity. He continuously added to and expanded the villa, decorating it extravagantly with the finest of artworks and materials, into a sprawling mansion with extensive landscaped grounds, to create a house and grounds of a size and grandeur with few rivals in Australia. After his death in 1907, his second wife Edith carried on with improvements, creating a house and grounds developed over 50 years. The attached mine also contributes to its significance, being one of the richest mines in Bendigo, and at one stage probably the deepest gold mine in the world at 3176 feet. The 1875 crushing works are attached directly to the mansion, and the mine's tailings and settling ponds (turned into ornamental lakes) represent a direct link between George Lansell's wealth and its source. Fortuna was compulsorily acquired by the Commonwealth in 1942 as the Cartographic Headquarters of the Australian Survey Corps during World War II, and many ancillary structures were added while preserving the main house and ornamental grounds. Victorian Heritage Database Report for Fortuna Villa Tour conducted by the Army Survey Regiment and the National Trust. 31/12/1985. Black printing on yellow card.fortuna villa, tour -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Preservation proposal
Fortuna Villa was initially commenced as a modest single storey home in 1861 next to the 180 Mine by Theodore Ballerstedt, who sold the mine and house to George Lansell in 1869. Lansell already owned the adjacent Fortuna Mine, and through deeper mining techniques greatly expanded the mine's operation, his personal wealth, and the house and grounds. Lansell was soon known as the 'Quartz King', Australia's first gold mining millionaire and credited as the driving force behind much of Bendigo's prosperity. He continuously added to and expanded the villa, decorating it extravagantly with the finest of artworks and materials, into a sprawling mansion with extensive landscaped grounds, to create a house and grounds of a size and grandeur with few rivals in Australia. After his death in 1907, his second wife Edith carried on with improvements, creating a house and grounds developed over 50 years. The attached mine also contributes to its significance, being one of the richest mines in Bendigo, and at one stage probably the deepest gold mine in the world at 3176 feet. The 1875 crushing works are attached directly to the mansion, and the mine's tailings and settling ponds (turned into ornamental lakes) represent a direct link between George Lansell's wealth and its source. Fortuna was compulsorily acquired by the Commonwealth in 1942 as the Cartographic Headquarters of the Australian Survey Corps during World War II, and many ancillary structures were added while preserving the main house and ornamental grounds. Victorian Heritage Database Report for the formation of a Fortuna Commission to ensure the preservation of Fortuna Villa. Written by Daryl McClure. May 2012fortuna villa, preservation, daryl mcclure -
Federation University Art Collection
Photograph, Erin McCuskey, 'Shiney Man' by Erin McCuskey
Erin McCUSKEY Erin is a filmmaker, photographer and digital media artist with a bent on ‘difference’. She is the Creative Director at Yum Studio where she has forged a national reputation for delivering innovative and unique creative media projects, using projection, media, social media and social broadcasting. Ern McCuskey has a passion for producing projects with human rights at their core. Her short films, installations and commissions have screened at Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (MADE), Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF), Flickerfest, Indiefest, Gertrude St Projection Festival, Ballarat International Foto Biennale, numerous exhibitions, performances and collections. Erin’s work is informed by the knowledge that difference is a necessary part of society and the core of a healthy one. She is passionate about creating media that is thought provoking, possibly controversial and also entertaining. Media creation is a group pursuit and those behind the camera are more often control the balance of power, therefore she is committed to unique collective story development. “I believe that art is in the everyday, that we all can, should and do, create. My work is informed by the moving images of my siblings as children recorded by my father, the houses and homes, spaces and events, which live on as objects themselves in various homes as photos, archives, projected and loved. These flickering images were embedded and now I spend time creating more.” (Central Highlands Art Atlas, This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Three photographs mounted side by side (portrait orientation). #1 image of curtains #2 image of sculpture of man reflected in a mirror #3 light reflecting through crystal door handle. Slight scratching on front bottom of frame. art, artwork, erin mccuskey, mccuskey, photography, foto, available -
Federation University Art Collection
Print - Artwork - printmaking, 'Messenger' and 'Woe' by David Frazer, 2002
David FRAZER (1966- ) Born Foster, Victoria, Australia David Frazer works in painting, wood engraving, etching, lithography and bronze. He studied a B.A. Fine Arts (Painting) at Phillip Institute of Technology, followed by a Diploma of Education (Secondary- Art/Craft) at Latrobe University in 1991. He completed an Honours Degree in Fine Art (Printmaking (at Monash University in 1996, and between 1998 and 2000 Frazer undertook a Master of Arts (Visual Arts) by research: “Pastoral Melancholia”, at Monash University. One of Austalia's foremost printmakers David Frazer's highly detailed woodblock and linocut prints often explore the emotional and fragile state of the human condition. His work offers a nostalgic image of Australia through its examinations of landscape, Australian buildings, sheds, and itinerant travellers. He has held seven solo exhibitions between 1996-2006 in Melbourne, Sydney and a survey show curated by the Horsham Gallery, which toured Victorian regional galleries from 2004-2005. David Frazer’s work was seen in 37 group exhibitions between 1996-2006 including the 5th British International Miniature Print Exhibition in the UK, in the 2003. He more recently held a solo exhibition with Rebecca Hossack in London 2011. (, accessed 06/03/2015) David was awarded the Keith Wingrove Bookplate Design and in 2002. These two wood engravings are the subject of the forthcoming Private Press book: ‘The Bookplates of David Frazer’ written by Robert C. Littlewood, The Lytlewode Press, Chateau Bosgouet, Normandie, France, 2014/2015. Two limited edition prints by David Frazer using the wood engraving technique. They have been framed together. .1) Messenger Wood Engraving Plate 10.0cm x 7.5cm Paper 29.0cm x 19.3cm Edition: 32/40 .2) Woe Wood Engraving Plate 10.0cm x 7.5cm Paper 29.0cm x 19.3cm Edition: 32/40 Donated through the Australian Government Cultural Gifts Programme by Katherine N. Littlewood, 2014artist, artwork, frazer, david frazer, wood engraving, framed bookplate, printmaking, bookplates, churchill, gippsland campus -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Artwork, other - Gold Chicko Roll, Simplot Australia, 2001
Commemorative object produced by Simplot Food Service and presented to the City of Greater Bendigo on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Chicko Roll by Bendigo born boiler maker, Frank McEncroe. The Chicko Roll has been an Australian icon since the 1960's and 70's. Inspired by the Chinese spring roll and first sold in 1951 as the "Chicken Roll" despite not actually containing chicken. The snack was designed to be easily eaten on the move without a plate or cutlery and is typically deep-fried in vegetable oil. By 1965 the ubiquitous Chicko Roll was sold in every fish and chip shop throughout the country and at the height of their popularity in the 1970s, 40 million Chiko Rolls were being sold Australia-wide each year and more than one million were exported to Japan.(Wikipedia Advertised with the slogan 'Grab a Chiko', 'Hit the Hot Spot' and 'You Can't Knock the Roll' the marketing around the Chicko Roll was aimed towards the male population with women perched on Harley Davidson's prevocatively preparing to bite into a Chicko Roll. In 2008 with a push towards healthier eating, Chicko Roll reviewed its advertising and although it continues to target young men, it switched to using a 'fun, active' young women, riding a retro pushbike near the beach to improve its image. In 1995 J.R. Simplot, an American company who also own Leggo's, Birds Eye, Edgell and John Wes,t acquired Chicko Roll to sure up their foothold in the Australian market. Life size gold plated chicko roll in a hinged wooden presentation box with red lining. Double sided, printed letter accompanying the object explains its creation and significance.0365.1; CHICKOcity of greater bendigo commerce, mayor acherman -
Federation University Art Collection
Painting - Oil on paper, William Frater, 'Nude' by William Frater, 1932
William FRATER (1890-1974) Born 31 January 1890 at Ochiltree Castle, near Linlithgow, Scotland Arrived Melbourne, Australia in September 1910 In a lecture on modern art in 1925, Frater stated the basic position from which the rest of his oeuvre stems: 'Copying nature is not an art; … to copy effects of light tends to destroy form and colour'. Frater gave aggressive leadership to the small group of modernists in the 1920s. His example, teaching, lecturing and crusty style of polemic did much to disrupt the academic style as the arbiter of pictorial values and to pioneer a change of taste in the community.His approach in the 1930s was markedly indebted to Cézanne, especially in the portraits which predominated until his retirement from stained-glass designing in 1940. (L. J. Course, 'Frater, William (1890–1974)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hard copy 1981, accessed online 3 May 2016.) Jock Frater was on of the first modern painters who opposed the fashionable and academic schools of painting. During the 1930s he exhibited with the Contemporary Art Group along with Arnold Shore and George Bell. During a very conservative period in Australian Art John Frater advanced the cause of innovation and modernism. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Framed seated nude study in oil on paper. Lower centre in pencil "W. Frater". In lighter pencil "painted 1932"art, artwork, frater, william frater, life drawing, nude, oil on paper, portrait, jock frater, william jock frater, available -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Pompeii Fountain & Adjacent Structures at "Fortuna"
Fortuna Villa was initially commenced as a modest single storey home in 1861 next to the 180 Mine by Theodore Ballerstedt, who sold the mine and house to George Lansell in 1869. Lansell already owned the adjacent Fortuna Mine, and through deeper mining techniques greatly expanded the mine's operation, his personal wealth, and the house and grounds. Lansell was soon known as the 'Quartz King', Australia's first gold mining millionaire and credited as the driving force behind much of Bendigo's prosperity. He continuously added to and expanded the villa, decorating it extravagantly with the finest of artworks and materials, into a sprawling mansion with extensive landscaped grounds, to create a house and grounds of a size and grandeur with few rivals in Australia. After his death in 1907, his second wife Edith carried on with improvements, creating a house and grounds developed over 50 years. The attached mine also contributes to its significance, being one of the richest mines in Bendigo, and at one stage probably the deepest gold mine in the world at 3176 feet. The 1875 crushing works are attached directly to the mansion, and the mine's tailings and settling ponds (turned into ornamental lakes) represent a direct link between George Lansell's wealth and its source. Fortuna was compulsorily acquired by the Commonwealth in 1942 as the Cartographic Headquarters of the Australian Survey Corps during World War II, and many ancillary structures were added while preserving the main house and ornamental grounds. Victorian Heritage Database Report report for the Pompeii Fountain & Adjacent Structures at "Fortuna" Chum Street, Golden Square, Victoria. Prepared for Fortuna Historical Committee. March 1996.Halina Eckersley, Architect & Conservation Planner, Kewpompeii fountain, greenhouse, fortuna lake, gardens -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Melba & Co, 7th Australian Infantry Training Battalion WW1
George Alfred Yung, known as Alf, pictured in the second row, 10th from the left, enlisted on 25/02/1916; embarked on 19/02/1917; was killed during the battle of Menin Gate at Yrpres, Belgium on 20/09/1917. The 7th Battalion was among the first infantry units raised for the AIF during the First World War. Like the 5th, 6th and 8th Battalions, it was recruited from Victoria and, together with these battalions, formed the 2nd Brigade. The battalion was raised by Lieutenant Colonel H. E. "Pompey" Elliott within a fortnight of the declaration of war in August 1914 and embarked just two months later. After a brief stop in Albany, Western Australia, the battalion proceeded to Egypt, arriving on 2 December. It later took part in the ANZAC landing on 25 April 1915, as part of the second wave. Ten days after the landing, the 2nd Brigade was transferred from ANZAC to Cape Helles to help in the attack on the village of Krithia. The attack captured little ground but cost the brigade almost a third of its strength. The Victorian battalions returned to ANZAC to help defend the beachhead, and in August the 2nd Brigade fought at the battle of Lone Pine. While holding positions captured by the 1st Brigade, four members of the 7th Battalion, Corporal A. S. Burton, Acting Corporal W. Dunstan, Lieutenant W. Symons and Captain F. H. Tubb, earned the Victoria Cross - Burton posthumously. The battalion served at ANZAC until the evacuation in December. After the withdrawal from Gallipoli in December 1915, the battalion returned to Egypt. In March 1916, it sailed for France and the Western Front and entered the front line trenches for the first time on 3 May. The battalion's first major action in France was at Pozieres in the Somme valley where it fought between 23-27 July and 15-21 August. After Pozieres the battalion manned trenches in the Ypres salient in Belgium, before returning to the Somme valley. It saw out the horrendous winter of 1916-1917 rotating between training, working parties and duty in the trenches. In early 1917, the Germans withdrew to the Hindenburg Line and the 7th Battalion participated in the brief advance that followed and then came to a grinding halt before Bullecourt. The battalion was withdrawn from the front line for training on 9 May 1917 and did not return to action until the Ypres offensive of September and October. It fought major battles at Menin Road on 20 September and Broodseinde on 4 October, and then spent much of ensuing winter in the Ypres mud. In March and April 1918 the 7th helped stop the German spring offensive in northern France and later participated in the Allies' own great offensive of 1918, that began with the battle of Amiens on 8 August. The advance by British and empire troops on 8 August was the greatest success in a single day on the Western Front, one that German General Erich Ludendorff described as, "the black day of the German Army in this war". The battalion continued operations until late September 1918. At 11 am on 11 November 1918, the guns fell silent. The November armistice was followed by the peace treaty of Versailles signed on 28 June 1919. In November 1918 members of the AIF began to return to Australia for demobilisation and discharge. In March, the battalion was so reduced that it and the 6th Battalion were amalgamated to form a composite battalion. In turn, this battalion was merged with another, formed from the 5th and 8th Battalions, to form the 2nd Brigade Battalion., soldier, alf yung, 7th australian infantry battalion -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Biscuit Tin, Swallow and Ariell Pty Ltd, Mid-19th to mid-20th century
This tin was made in Melbourne and contained Swallows and Ariells biscuits. The label was written in four languages. The biscuits may have been made for export or perhaps for immigrants now living in Australia. Australia's first biscuit company was founded in 1854 by Thomas Swallow. Within five years he had taken in a partner, T.H. Ariell. After Ariell died in 1875, F.T. Derham was appointed partner and managing director in 1877, a position held by several generations of his descendants. By the early 1880s the Port Melbourne factory extended to 3 acres (1.2 ha), and the company owned flourmills and sugar plantations in the Goulburn Valley and Northern Queensland. With no equal outside Great Britain, Swallow & Ariell was the fifth largest biscuit company in the world, manufacturing over 100 varieties, including the common ship biscuit (an original product) and meat biscuits (apparently taken by Burke and Wills on their ill-fated expedition). The company also boasted popular sideline products, including cakes, plum puddings, ice-cream and dried fruit. Renowned for its patriotic fundraising campaigns during both world wars, it diverted most of its biscuits and plum puddings to the Australian and US services in World War II. Company employees were filmed leaving work in 1905 in the Salvation Army film unit's first sponsored industrial documentary film. The surviving opening sequences are held by ScreenSound Australia. The company was delisted on 5 August 1964 following acquisition of more than 95% of its capital by the Australian Biscuit Co. The factory was later registered by the National Trust and converted into units. biscuit tin is representative of local Melbourne and Victorian produce. The label was in four languages, perhaps for export or for local immigrants. The firm Swallow and Ariells Pty Ltd was a very early manufacture and was in business for over 100 years.Rectangular tin container with attached lid. Label advertises Swallow and Ariells biscuits. Made in Melbourne. The label is written in four languages. The trademark, a swallow, is on the tin. The tin is very badly corroded.'Swallow and Ariells Superior Melbourne Biscuits' Trademark: image [swallow]flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, metal craft, tin ware, biscuit box, biscuit tin, food container, melbourne biscuit maker, swallow, thomas swallow, thomas ariell, ariell -
Upper Yarra Museum
Razor, Cut throat
Sharped Edged instrument used for cleaning hair from the skin. A straight razor is a razor with a blade that can fold into its handle.[1] They are also called open razors and cut-throat razors. HISTORY The first modern straight razor complete with decorated handles and hollow ground blades was constructed in Sheffield, England, by Benjamin Huntsman in 1740. Huntsman's process was adopted by the French sometime later. The English manufacturers were even more reluctant than the French to adopt the process and only did so after they saw its success in France.[5] Straight razors were the most common form of shaving before the 20th century and remained that common in many countries until the 1950s. TODAY Straight razors are still manufactured. DOVO, of Solingen, Germany, and Thiers Issard of France are two of the most well-known European manufacturers. Feather Safety Razor Co. Ltd. of Osaka, Japan makes a razor with the same form as a traditional straight, but featuring a disposable blade that can be installed through an injector-type system. Modern straight razor users are known to favor them for a variety of reasons. Some are attracted to the nostalgia of using old and traditional methods of shaving. It is a masculine ritual comparable to pipe smoking. Others profess an interest in reducing the waste of disposable blades.[11][22] Still others agree that straight razors provide a superior shave through a larger blade and greater control of the blade including the blade angle. Straight razors cover a much greater area per shaving stroke because their cutting edge is much longer than any of the multiblade razors. Ivory cut throat razor, with cream case 00121.3.Known as a straight razor.Razor with square point, full hollow ground 5/8” blade and double transverse stabiliser. The centre pin adds stability and rigidity to the handle---I think this is it ROM Parts The narrow end of the blade pivots on a pin, between 2 pieces of ivory forms the handle. LONG EXTRACT FROM WIKI _ SHORTEN to describe 00121 The parts of a straight razor and their function are described as follows: The narrow end of the blade rotates on a pin called the pivot, between two protective pieces called the scales or handle. The upward curved metal end of the narrow part of the blade beyond the pivot is called the tang and acts as a lever to help raise the blade from the handle. One or two fingers resting on the tang also help stabilize the blade while shaving. The narrow support piece between the tang and the main blade is called the shank, but this reference is often avoided because it can be confusing. The shank sometimes features decorations and the stamp of the country of origin. The top side and the underside of the shank can sometimes exhibit indentations known as fluting, or jimps for a more secure grip.[8] The curved lower part of the main blade from the shank to the cutting edge is called the shoulder.[9] The point where the shoulder joins the cutting edge is called the heel. A thick strip of metal running transversely at the junction where the main blade attaches to the shank is called the stabiliser. The stabiliser can be double,[10] single or can be absent in some razor models. The first stabiliser is usually very narrow and thicker and runs at the shank to blade junction, covering the shank and just spilling over to the shoulder. The second stabiliser can be distinguished since it is considerably wider and narrower, appearing after the first stabiliser and running lower into the shoulder. The non-cutting top of the blade is called the back or the spine while the cutting part of the blade opposite the back is called the cutting edge.[11] Finally the other free end of the blade, at the opposite end of the tang, is called the point and, sometimes, the head or the nose.[9][12] There are two to three pins in any handle. The middle pin, if present, is plastic coated and is called the plug.[13] Its function is to stabilise the sides of the handle so that they cannot be squeezed in the middle. When folded into the scales, the blade is protected from accidental damage, and the user is protected from accidental injury. During folding, the back of the blade, being thick and normally with a curved cross-section, acts as a natural stopper and prevents further rotation of the blade out of the handle from the other side shaving, lever, handle, blade, pivot, razor, tang -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fay Bridge, Eastern boundary of former Warrandyte Aboriginal Reserve, North Warrandyte, 7 November 2016
Two bronze commemorative plaques on rocks, unveiled by Wurundjeri Tribe Council Elders, mark two eastern boundaries of the former Warrandyte Aboriginal Reserve on the north and south sides of the Yarra. This project was initiated by Nillumbik Reconciliation Group in close association with Reconciliation Manningham and the Wurundjeri Tribe Council, as a means of commemorating the last great corroboree of the Kulin Nation which was held at Pound Bend in March 1852. This plaque is on the Nillumbuk side of the Yarra, accessed via The Boulevard, North Warrandyte. The plaque is set on a rock approximately 50 metres before the turning circle at the end of The Boulevard. Plaque : Warrandyte Aboriginal Reserve This commemorative rock marks an eastern boundary of the former Warrandyte Aboriginal Reserve established in 1852. Centred on Pound Bend, it covered 1,908 acres on both sides of the Yarra River (Birrarung). That same year saw the last great gathering of the Kulin nation here in Wurundjeri country which was celebrated over two weeks with traditional performance and games. For a few years longer the reserve intermittently served as a ration station.With gold having been discovered at Warrandyte, the Wurundjeri were moved on again but ultimately secured a permanent home at Coranderrk, Healesville. A second commemorative plaque and rock is located on the opposite bank of the Yarra and its confluence with Stony Creek. Melway ref : 23 C 9 Unveiled by Wurundjeri Elder, Uncle Bill Nicholson on 23rd March 2013 Funded by the Robert Bridgford Indigenous Trust (Nillumbik Community Fund) with assistance from Manningham City Council Small Grants Program Ref: Monument Autralia bridge collection, 2016-11-07, aboriginal reserve, north warrandyte, plaques, warrandyte aboriginal reserve