Sports Uniform (Netball) - TOTTENHAM NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL, 'Ryder' Brand T-Shirt, Early to mid 1980's

Historical information

This Netball uniform from circa 1986 was worn by a girl named Rebecca when she attended the Tottenham North Primary School.

Tottenham North Primary School was opened on 29 May 1953 and was built on a South Road, Braybrook site purchased in 1929. After a fire in February 1961 the pupils were sent to the Powell and Curtin Street schools in Yarraville, and to the Maidstone and Sunshine East schools. The new building was officially opened on 22 August 1962 by A. McDonell, Director of Education, and it had sixteen classrooms, an art/craft room, and an assembly hall. Sporting achievements by the pupils included the 1963 football premiership and the 1968 cricket premiership.

Over the years it has been called Tottenham Primary, Tottenham Crossing Primary, and Maidstone Primary. The different names resulted because of mergers with other local primary schools as the number of primary aged children in the Braybrook and Tottenham area changed. The school on South Road is now named Dinjerra Primary School. Dinjerra supposedly means 'out west' in the dialect of the original indigenous people of the area. Dinjerra Primary School is now the only neighbourhood government primary school in Braybrook Tottenham.

The above information was sourced and compiled from:
1. 'Vision and Realisation - A Centenary History of State Education in Victoria - Volume 3', Education Department of Victoria 1973.
2. The Dinjerra Principal's website article at:


The netball uniform serves as a historic reminder that a school named Tottenham North Primary School once existed. The uniform also provides us with information of the colours used on these types of sports uniforms, and of the design of the School Logo.

Physical description

Two items of Netball Uniform.
(a) Skirt - Maroon coloured wrap around sports skirt.
(b) T-shirt - Yellow, Size 14 'Ryder' brand children's T-shirt, with maroon coloured triangular shaped School Logo printed on the front.

Inscriptions & markings

TNPS. TOTTENHAM NORTH P.S. 4703 - (Printed inside triangle)

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