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Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - The River Murray at the site of the dam 28th November, 1919
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, N.S.W. RIVER MURRAY WATERS SCHEME. HUME RESERVOIR. The River Murray at the site of the dam on 28th November 1919 looking upstream. hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme, hume weir diagrams, hume plan details -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - Valley of the Murray to be crossed by the Bethanga Bridge 1927
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, N.S.W. RIVER MURRAY WATERS SCHEME. HUME RESERVOIR. 36. Valley of the Murray to be crossed by the Bethanga Bridge described in the next photograph. (WHS 00731) This view shows the marshalling sidings for trucks below the Quarry, New South Wales, and the branch line to the site of the bridge.hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme, hume reservoir construction -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - Bethanga Bridge Site, August 1927
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, N.S.W. RIVER MURRAY WATERS SCHEME. HUME RESERVOIR. 37. Bethanga Bridge Site. A bridge is being built to cross the Reservoir to serve a large area of country which will be cut off from its natural outlets by the submergence of existing bridges when the Reservoir is in being. The site of the bridge is nearly a mile up the Murray from the Hume Reservoir Quarry. Its length will be approximately half a mile. There will be nine spans of 269 feet with steel truss girders resting on concrete pillars. Some of the pillars are founded on rock while others will rest on nests of reinforced concrete piles. The foundations and concrete piers are in the hands of the Victorian Constructing Authority and the superstructure in those of the New South Wales Authority. August 1927.hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme, hume reservoir construction -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Map - Boorgunyah - "The Town that never was"
At the height of the river trade, there was a town surveyed and laid out, and streets were named. This town was to house the workers at the river port of Red Bank when the paddle steamers plied the Murray River as far as Albury, carrying produce such as wool and wheat to the various towns along the river in the 1800s. As the river trade died away, this town never went ahead – one might say, “The town that never was.” A lone gum tree stands on the site today.This item is significant because it documents plans which were made for the early development of Wodonga.A black an white map depicting the proposed location of the township. The map is based on a sketch and is not to scale,early wodonga, boorgunyah - "the town that never was", wodonga heritage -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Making a City in the Country: The Albury-Wodonga National Growth Centre Project, 1973-2003, Bruce J Pennay, 2005
A case study of what began as one of the Whitlam Governments boldest ventures to make a new city in the country so as to relieve the pressure on capital cities. This book explains what was involved in that venture what went right and what went wrong. It relates a specific case study to shifts in the wider political and economic context. It is fresh in perspective in that it views the growth centre strategy from an actual site rather than from government offices.non-fictionA case study of what began as one of the Whitlam Governments boldest ventures to make a new city in the country so as to relieve the pressure on capital cities. This book explains what was involved in that venture what went right and what went wrong. It relates a specific case study to shifts in the wider political and economic context. It is fresh in perspective in that it views the growth centre strategy from an actual site rather than from government offices.albury-wodonga corporation, city planning, decentralisation, whitlam government decentralisation -
City of Kingston
Pamphlet - Colour, Duffus Bros, Railway Reserve Highett, c. 1923
Sales plan for land in the suburb of Highett, titled Railway Reserve, incorporating properties along Wolseley Street, Livingston Street, Highett Road and Worthing Road. The developing urban area of Highett within the City of Kingston. This land sale pamphlet illustrates the subdivision of land within the municipality and the changing demographic of the district as new houses and shops are constructed close to infrastructure.Colour pamphlet advertising thirty eight shop and villa sites for sale at the Railway Reserve, Highett. Incorporates a map of the reserve with properties available on Wolseley Street, Livingston Street, Highett Road and Worthing Road. Handwritten in grey pencil: assumed sale price recorded on subdivisions 1-7, 10, 22, 23 and 34 Handwritten in grey pencil on subdivision 4: C. Nevill / City of Melbourne bank Handwritten in grey pencil across subdivision 7: 49' Handwritten in grey pencil across subdivision 21 and 22: 134' Handwritten in grey pencil across subdivision 25 and 26: 200' Handwritten in grey pencil across subdivision 36 and 37 and both top and bottom: 120' Hand drawn in blue pencil: outline of subdivision 4 Hand drawn in blue pencil: outline of subdivisions 7, 23, 28, 37, 38 along left hand side, subdivisions 38, 37 and 36 on Wolseley Street, subdivisions 30 and 29 along Wolseley Street, subdivisions 29 and 24 along the middle of the plan, subdivisions 24 and half of 25 along Livingston Street, half of subdivision 20 along the middle of the plan, subdivisions 21 and 22 along the Right of Way between Livingston Street and Highett Road, and along the right hand border of subdivision 7. Handwritten in ink adjacent to the subdivision plan, updside down, in the bottom right hand corner: 276 / 54 / 280 / 45 / 320 / 202 / 200 / 134 / horizontal line / 11/14 Handwritten in ink adjacent to the subdivision plan, updside down, in the bottom right hand corner: 1714)2200(15 / 1714 / horizontal line / 486land sales, highett -
City of Kingston
Pamphlet - Colour, Fergusson & Mitchell Lith, Sandringham Rises, c. 1888
Sales plan for land in the suburb of Sandringham, bounded by Bluff Road, Bay Road and William Street, and incorporating Frances Street.The developing urban area of Highett (then called Sandringham) within the City of Kingston. This land sale pamphlet illustrates the subdivision of land within the municipality and the changing demographic of the district as new houses are constructed close to infrastructure.Colour pamphlet advertising for sale 35 lots in Sandringham Rises, Sandringham. Incorporates a map of the estate bordered by Bluff Road, Bay Road and William Street, including Frances Street.Handwritten in grey pencil next to the words 'THREE O'CLOCK': 1888 Handwritten in blue ben next to the words '& BUSINESS SITES': 1888land sales, sandringham, highett -
Melbourne Legacy
Booklet, The First Brochure on the First Premiated Design. The National War Memorial of Victoria, 1928
A booklet produced by Hudson and Wardrop, Architects, who had won the contest for the design of the Shrine. This booklet shows their models of the Shrine in photos and diagrams of the site. It goes into detail of the plans for Rock of Remembrance, the eye of light, the porticos, the tympanums, the inner Shine, and materials it will use, etc. It says: 'The theme is Remembrance, and the doing is indicative of Remembrance. It is Australian in feeling, in that is stands for the highest of Australian ideals - ideals we fought for - Patriotism, Sacrifice, Justice and Freedom.' Messrs Hudson and Wardrop were also returned servicemen. This booklet could have been used to inform the public of the plans whilst fundraising for the building project. In 1928 the Governor asked for the public to contribute approx £100,000 towards the project, while the State Government had already guaranteed £80,000. (Actual budget ended up being £250,000). Item was in an envelope with other photos and programmes from different items relating to the Shrine of Remembrance - including discussions on its location and design. Labelled 'Shrine of Remembrance S1 - S14' it was part of an old archive numbering system, that showed there has been efforts in the past to collect, order and save items of Legacy's history. (01181 - 01190, 01206 - 01211, 01649, 01650).A record of the planning for the Shrine of Remembrance with details from the architects who had won the design contest. There was an effort to record historical events for the "Archive Committee" which collected this and other documents relating to the Shrine together in a file (see items 01181 - 01190, 01206 - 01211, 01649, 01650).Booklet x 20 pages, describing plans for the Shrine, buff paper in a dark grey brown cover with black and white photos and black, shrine of remembrance -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Re: Blamey House
Letter dated 11 September 1974 from (Legatee) H.L. Berg of Bernard Evans, Murphy, Berg & Hocking Pty. Ltd., Architects & Town Planners, to Legatee A. Quayle, Chairman of the Housing Steering Committee. The plan (01677.2) is undated and unnumbered, but produced by the same architects and sitting next to the letter in the file. The letter refers to a Drawing No.5 and sets out the difference in accommodation and areas from Drawing No. 1. It is unclear whether the plan is No.1 or No.5. At this time Melbourne Legacy was considering demolishing Blamey House and developing the site to build units to accommodate senior children initially and ultimately widows. (Cat. No. 01676). This was never put into practice.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopied unsigned letter and an architectural plan. residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Steering committee - Future of Residences
Draft report of the Steering Committee (Residences) dated 29/3/74 on the accompanying note, which was addressed to Hugh (Legatee H. Rodgers) and signed Allan Q. (Legatee A. Quayle). The Steering Committee was in favour of demolishing and re-building Blamey House in stages: 1. constructing motel type units on SW corner of the site, 2. Demolishing Blamey House 3. Moving occupants in from Stanhope 4. Moving occupants from Harelands to Stanhope and selling Harelands. The plan would also provide future accommodation for widows in the long term. These recommendations were never implemented. See also Cat. No. 01677.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap paper x 5 pages with black type. Two holes punched for filing. 2 handwritten add-ons, one black biro on unpunched white paper, the second black biro on faintlined paper with double holes punched. In black biro: Page 1 line 4 - 'the' inserted Page 1 3.1.2 'u' deleted Page 2 - 3.2 (A) and (B) inserted Page 3 - 3.3 split into (A) and (B) Page 3 - 4.1.2 crossed out and rewritten on separate sheet Page 3 - 4.2.2 'Move occupants from 'Stanhope' into the new complex' added. Page 4 - 4.2.3 Crossed out and rewritten as 'Move the occupants from 'Harelands' to 'Stanhope' and sell 'Harelands'. Page 4 - 6.1.1 'However, the Page 4 - final para 'detail of what these funds might be available' replaced with 'detailed information on the availability of these funds' Page 5 - 6.1.3 'implemented' replaced 'put in hand Page 5 - changed to read 'Suitable short-term housing of our Junior Legatees at a standard commensurate with the responsibility of Legacy'.residences, review, blamey house -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Drawing - Sketch Plans of Avenue of Honour Trees at Bendigo East State School
Three sheets of paper which contain sketch plans of the Avenue of Honour at Bendigo East State School. The first page shows numbered location of trees and tree species. Page two is a coloured diagram showing where trees are on the site as compared to where the trees have been described by Heritage Victoria. Page three shows a plan of where actual trees and stumps are on site at Bendigo East State School.gemma starr collection, bendigo schools, bendigo east state school, school avenue of honour -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Scene - Warrnambool, C. 1854-1871
This is an image of the Warrnambool Lighthouse Complex on Middle Island in 1854. The Store, Lighthouse Keeper's Quarters, Lighthouse and Flagstaff are in the background. The foreground shows a covered buggy drawn by two horses and a person in attendance, and another wheeled vehicle behind it with a figure nearby. There is a saddled horse to the right with two males in conversation nearby. The ground is soft, perhaps the riverbed or sandy shore. THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS Lighthouse Keepers were responsible for keeping their Lighthouse’s lights shining at night. They kept a lookout for passing vessels and changes in weather. They were expected to clean, polish and maintain the equipment and buildings. They kept regular and detailed records of who was on watch, and the time the light was lit, trimmed and extinguished. They kept a journal about other events that occurred. They keep regular, accurate Meteorological Logs. It was expected that they were competent in Morse code signalling. They would be called to help in times of disasters and shipwrecks and to give official statements about these events. Many Lighthouse Keepers also volunteered as members of the lifeboat crew. The Lady Bay lighthouses were officially classified as small, so the Keepers had the official titles of Senior Assistant Lighthouse Keeper and Assistant Lighthouse Keeper. They were employed by the Public Service and paid rent to live in the Lighthouse Quarters. They were compulsorily retired at the age of 60, with most receiving a superannuation payment. Despite their time-consuming duties, there was time to follow hobbies and crafts such as growing vegetables, playing musical instruments, making models of buildings including lighthouses, and crafting furniture pieces. An example of a keeper’s skills is the carved fire screen made by /assistant Keeper Thomas Hope in the late 19th century and displayed in the Lighthouse Keeper’s cottage at Flagstaff Hill. Both Alexander and Farncombe had served under Senior Keeper Robert Deverell, who was the first and only Senior Lighthouse Keeper at the Middle Island Complex. John Alexander was the Assistant Keeper in the 1850s. Andrew Farncombe was the last Assistant Keeper at Middle Island, serving there with his family from 1864 to 1871. During 1871 and 1872 the Lighthouse Complex was moved to Flagstaff Hill on Merri Street. Farncombe and Deverell then became the first Keepers and occupants of the Lady Bay Lighthouse Complex at Flagstaff Hill. They continued their service together; overall, Deverell served from 1859 to 1885 and Farncombe from 1864 to 1974. WARRNAMBOOL'S LADY BAY LIGHTHOUSE COMPLEX - The original Lighthouse Complex was built on Middle Island in 1858-1859 then transferred stone-by-stone to Flagstaff Hill in 1871. The Complex comprised the Lighthouse, the Lighthouse Keepers’ Quarters and a Privy. The bluestone Keeper’s Quarters was a cottage divided into two compartments, one for the Senior Keeper and his family, the other for the Assistant Keeper and his family. The bluestone Store was divided into three; a store, a workshop, and an oil store (or office). The Privy comprised a small building also divided into two separate, back-to-back toilets, one for each Keeper and his family. In the 1970s the Flagstaff Hill Planning Board was set up under the chairmanship of John Lindsay. The Board was to make recommendations to the Warrnambool City Council regarding the use of the buildings and the rest of the Crown Land on the site. The Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village opened in 1975 and began renovating the Cottage in stages, during which time evidence of a 1920s fire was found in the eastern section of the cottage. Additions of a porch on the west and a washroom on the east were made in the 1980s. The western part of the building is now a Shipwreck Museum and the east has returned to a late 19th-century Lighthouse Keeper’s cottage and includes the screen made by Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Thomas Hope in the late 19th century. Hope served two periods of time at the Lighthouse. This photograph is significant as a visual record of the original Warrnambool Lighthouse Complex on Middle Island, the origin of what is now the Lady Bay Lighthouse Complex. The photograph is significant for its connection to the Complex, which is now listed on the Victorian Heritage Register, H1520, for being of historical, scientific (technological) and architectural significance to the State of Victoria. The Complex is significant as an example of early colonial development. The photograph is significant for its connection with the important navigational function of the Lighthouses, a function still being performed to this day. The photograph is also significant as it shows an example of buildings organised by the Public Works Department in Victoria in the mid-to-late 19th century. The structures tare still stand strong. Photograph of horses, a buggy and three gentlemen in the foreground and the background shows a lighthouse and accompanying buildings. Printed in black and white. (Another two horse-drawn vehicles are partially visible). The subject is the Lighthouse Complex on Middle Island, Warrnambool, dated between 1854 and 1871.An inscription is handwritten in black pen on the back of the mounting board."The lighthouse and accompanying buildings were / established on Middle Island in 1854, as this / picture shows. In 1871 they were moved to their / present site on Flagstaff Hill."flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime village, warrnambool, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, lighthouse keeper's cottage, lighthouse residence, lighthouse, chart room, quarters, privy, middle island, beach lighthouse, obelisk, lighthouse complex, lady bay complex, warrnambool port, warrnambool harbour, lady bay, keepers, lighthouse keeper, upper lighthouse, lower lighthouse, assistant keeper, ports and harbours, cottage, meteorological record, 1854, 1871 -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, East Gippsland Regional Planning Committee, Sites of Historical Significance in the East Gippsland Region, 1980
A description list of sits of historical significance in teh East Gippsland Region Victoria as at 1979-1980. A bibliography of historical material in published form is also included. Illustrationheritage, social history -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - Radio Interviews, Dr Kim Dovey, Robert Peck, Greg Flynn re Sandridge City Development plan, 27 Nov 1991
Radio interviews with Dr Kim Dovey, Robert Peck, Greg Flynn, re the Sandridge City plan and the cleanup of the site. Recording 27.11.1991 and other dates, duration 30:48town planning - proposals shelved, dr kim dovey, robert peck, greg flynn -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Map, Bacchus Marsh Tuesday 23rd Oct. 1888, Lodge & Dunn's Paddocks 1888. Business and Mansion Sites
This map was created as a plan for an auction of land close to the Bacchus Marsh Railway Station. The auction took place on 23 October 1888. 102 allotments of land from an area known as Lodge and Dunn's paddocks was offered for sale. The auction was conducted by auctioneers based in Melbourne and was advertised in Melbourne newspapers as well as in the Bacchus Marsh Express newspaper. The auction plan contains a range of details including the selling agents, Munro and Baillieu; W.P. Lockhart; and John Turner, all of Melbourne, deposit terms for purchases, price of railway passes for a return trip from Melbourne to Bacchus Marsh of 1 shilling, and a description of the land as having 'magnificent views and perfect drainage'. A single page paper map showing allotments of land for sale along the Parwan Road in Maddingley. The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network. At bottom on left side: 'Harston & Co. Lith, Melb.'land sales bacchus marsh, land sales maddingley, bacchus marsh victoria maps, maddingley victoria maps -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Lakes Entrance Grid location, 1999
Lakes Entrance Grid reference, Cunninghame 8522.3.4 896.082, on ten acre site with trig point, it is from this point that all the survey for the surrounding areas was undertaken. Part of the Vic Geodetic Survey initiated in 1860 by Ellery Survey started from triangulation base in Werribee. (Grid ref B'dale 8422)Colour photograph of the Victoria Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station, Trig Station, situated off Ocean View Parade, Merrangbaur Hill. Location is indicated by ground point and standing structure, situated on an elevated bush block. Lakes Entrance Victoriasurveying, township planning -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Argus, Acclimatisation Society, 1861
Copy of article in "The Argus" 08.08.1861 the meeting of the Acclimatisation Society with a description of the competition for a design of the gardens, won by Alfred Lynch. Also copies of plans held in B18.0029 and B18.0030. Chronological history (from the National Trust of Australia, Victoria website) giving information about the 1861 design for the site by Alfred Lynch.the argus, acclimatisation society, alfred lynch, competition for design of gardens, plans -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Recipe Book Wodonga District Hospital
The Wodonga Base Hospital was officially opened on 16th January 1954. The first public meeting to discuss plans for a hospital in the district was held on 28th June 1934, but the proposed Bush Nursing Hospital did not eventuate. In 1946 another push began and land on the current site in Vernon Street was set aside. After a lengthy period of fundraising by the local community the hospital was finally realised. By 1975 the Hospital had become increasingly busy with the accommodation having increased to 68 beds, equipment being updated and a range of ancillary services extended. Between 1954 and 1974, the hospital had admitted 41,944 patients and babies born in the hospital totalled 3,996. Extensions to the Hospital were urgently needed to meet the demand on the facilities. The Victorian Government had approved the extensions and provided funds of $772,000. The Committee of Management needed to meet the cost of furnishings and equipment. Once again the Wodonga community were called upon to support their Hospital. This recipe booklet was printed as part of the fundraising campaign.This item is significant because it represents efforts made by the Wodonga community to establish and maintain appropriate Hospital facilities in Wodonga.A small publication of recipes and advertising produced to raise funds for the development of Wodonga District Hospital.wodonga base hospital, wodonga community -
Buninyong Visitor Information Centre
Plan - Cemetery Plan, Buninyong General Cemetery
Plan of the complete layout of the Buninyong General Cemetery drawn by Robert [surname unclear] on 6 April 1871.Framed and glazed original large hand drawn plan of the Buninyong General Cemetery, showing the locations of denominational sections and plots. Buninyong General Cemeterycemeteries, historic sites, buninyong -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Shire of Eltham, Meruka Child Care Centre, turning the first sod: Cr Pamela Sladden, Peter Staples MHR Jaga Jaga, c.1993
In 1919 J.B. North, a violinist with the then Melbourne Symphonic Orchestra, and Monsieur Leon Lambert, a French architect, who later designed the Glaciarium Ice Skating Rink, purchased three available farms, Looker's, Wright's and Taylor's, approximately 60 acres, the area running along the creek and being bordered by the present day Ryans Road, Karingal Drive and Sherbourne Road. The farms were used for orchards and market gardens. Leon Lambert designed and built two homes on the farm site, one for the North family, ‘Tralford’, and the other, ‘Glen Ellen’, for himself and his wife. The homes were considered as "brother and sister" and they each included in their design an identical bay window in the main living area. "Glen Ellen" originally comprised kitchen, lounge room, inglenook, dining room, bath room and sleepout. Although the home has been extended over the years, much of the original architecture has been retained including timber panelling and three fireplaces. The land was subdivided in approximately 1966 with "Glen Ellen" retaining approximately one half acre of land fronting Meruka Drive. The property then passed from the Charleston family to Gerald and Margaret Sutton in 1976 and again was sold in 1980 and lastly sold again in 1994. The Norths named their house 'Tralford'. According to Marjorie North, the name Meruka was suggested by Alan Gardner and so was apparently not used by the North family. The name appears to be of Indian origin and its connection with the land is not known. ‘Tralford’ stayed in the North family for many years. Eltham Council acquired the house to create Meruka Park. The house was used for some years by the Council as a community arts facility and as emergency accommodation. It fell into disrepair and was demolished about 1990. The Meruka Child Care Centre has been built on the site and incorporates some of the architectural features of the old house. The Co-op was opened in April 1994. The original drive flanked by large old cypress trees remains. These trees are considered to be of local heritage significance and for this reason Meruka Park is covered by a Heritage Overlay under the Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Part of the park has been preserved as habitat for rare local flora. LL's house, named ‘Glen Ellen’, remains in a well-preserved state and fronts Meruka Drive.shire of eltham archives, child care centres, health & community services, meruka child care co-operative, peter staples mhr jaga jaga, cr pamela sladden -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Shire of Eltham, Meruka Child Care Centre, turning the first sod: Cr Pamela Sladden, Peter Staples MHR Jaga Jaga, c.1993
In 1919 J.B. North, a violinist with the then Melbourne Symphonic Orchestra, and Monsieur Leon Lambert, a French architect, who later designed the Glaciarium Ice Skating Rink, purchased three available farms, Looker's, Wright's and Taylor's, approximately 60 acres, the area running along the creek and being bordered by the present day Ryans Road, Karingal Drive and Sherbourne Road. The farms were used for orchards and market gardens. Leon Lambert designed and built two homes on the farm site, one for the North family, ‘Tralford’, and the other, ‘Glen Ellen’, for himself and his wife. The homes were considered as "brother and sister" and they each included in their design an identical bay window in the main living area. "Glen Ellen" originally comprised kitchen, lounge room, inglenook, dining room, bath room and sleepout. Although the home has been extended over the years, much of the original architecture has been retained including timber panelling and three fireplaces. The land was subdivided in approximately 1966 with "Glen Ellen" retaining approximately one half acre of land fronting Meruka Drive. The property then passed from the Charleston family to Gerald and Margaret Sutton in 1976 and again was sold in 1980 and lastly sold again in 1994. The Norths named their house 'Tralford'. According to Marjorie North, the name Meruka was suggested by Alan Gardner and so was apparently not used by the North family. The name appears to be of Indian origin and its connection with the land is not known. ‘Tralford’ stayed in the North family for many years. Eltham Council acquired the house to create Meruka Park. The house was used for some years by the Council as a community arts facility and as emergency accommodation. It fell into disrepair and was demolished about 1990. The Meruka Child Care Centre has been built on the site and incorporates some of the architectural features of the old house. The Co-op was opened in April 1994. The original drive flanked by large old cypress trees remains. These trees are considered to be of local heritage significance and for this reason Meruka Park is covered by a Heritage Overlay under the Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Part of the park has been preserved as habitat for rare local flora. LL's house, named ‘Glen Ellen’, remains in a well-preserved state and fronts Meruka Drive.shire of eltham archives, child care centres, health & community services, meruka child care co-operative, peter staples mhr jaga jaga, cr pamela sladden -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Shire of Eltham, Meruka Child Care Centre, Eltham, c.1994
In 1919 J.B. North, a violinist with the then Melbourne Symphonic Orchestra, and Monsieur Leon Lambert, a French architect, who later designed the Glaciarium Ice Skating Rink, purchased three available farms, Looker's, Wright's and Taylor's, approximately 60 acres, the area running along the creek and being bordered by the present day Ryans Road, Karingal Drive and Sherbourne Road. The farms were used for orchards and market gardens. Leon Lambert designed and built two homes on the farm site, one for the North family, ‘Tralford’, and the other, ‘Glen Ellen’, for himself and his wife. The homes were considered as "brother and sister" and they each included in their design an identical bay window in the main living area. "Glen Ellen" originally comprised kitchen, lounge room, inglenook, dining room, bath room and sleepout. Although the home has been extended over the years, much of the original architecture has been retained including timber panelling and three fireplaces. The land was subdivided in approximately 1966 with "Glen Ellen" retaining approximately one half acre of land fronting Meruka Drive. The property then passed from the Charleston family to Gerald and Margaret Sutton in 1976 and again was sold in 1980 and lastly sold again in 1994. The Norths named their house 'Tralford'. According to Marjorie North, the name Meruka was suggested by Alan Gardner and so was apparently not used by the North family. The name appears to be of Indian origin and its connection with the land is not known. ‘Tralford’ stayed in the North family for many years. Eltham Council acquired the house to create Meruka Park. The house was used for some years by the Council as a community arts facility and as emergency accommodation. It fell into disrepair and was demolished about 1990. The Meruka Child Care Centre has been built on the site and incorporates some of the architectural features of the old house. The Co-op was opened in April 1994. The original drive flanked by large old cypress trees remains. These trees are considered to be of local heritage significance and for this reason Meruka Park is covered by a Heritage Overlay under the Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Part of the park has been preserved as habitat for rare local flora. LL's house, named ‘Glen Ellen’, remains in a well-preserved state and fronts Meruka Drive.shire of eltham archives, child care centres, health & community services, meruka child care co-operative -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Report, Dimity Reed et al, Advisory Commlttee Hearing on Permit Applications 96/0376, and 96/0377, and on Planning Appeals 96/40724 and 96/40812 re a proposed convenience centre at 895 Main Road, Eltham, June 1997
On 15 December 1994 the former Shire of Eltham ceased to exist following the Liberal Kennett Government local council amalgamations. A new Nillumbik Shire Council was established with unelected commissioners appointed. That Council sold the former Eltham Shire Council Offices and land at 89S Main Road Eltham to Dallas Price Homes Pty. Ltd. the sale being conditional upon the granting of a planning permit for a petrol station/convenience store, fast food and video outlet. The sale was conditional that if the permit was not granted by 30 August. 1997, the contract could be avoided by either the purchaser or the vendor. The proposed development consisted of a petrol station with undercover fuelling facilities, convenience shopping, a drive through service facility for fast food, an 80 seat cafe, automated banking, a children's play area and retail space. In addition, the proposal included a 200 square metre community facility for Council use, provision of on site carparking over 2 levels for 83 vehicles, and advertising signage. The Advisory Committee was appointed under Section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to hear submissions on the proposal to develop the land at 895 Main Road Eltham, the site of the former Eltham Shire Offices. In September 1996, two applications were made by Contour Consultants Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Dallas Price Homes Ply Ltd, to Nillumbik Shire Council. After extensive notification, the Council received 213 objections and a petition of over 1400 signatures. On October 9, 1996, Nillumbik Shire Council issued Notices of Decision to Grant Permit on Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, cafe/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs. Objectors to the proposals lodged Planning Appeals number 96/40724 and 96/40812 with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on November 1, 1996. The grounds of appeal can be summarised as: inappropriate development, insufficient carparking, traffic and access issues, unsatisfactory design, inadequate permit conditions, the proposal being out of character with the area. and being contrary to the purpose and orderly development of the Eltham Town Centre, excessive noise, lack of consultation and unsuitable signage. On November 13, 1996, the Minister for Planning and Local Government directed the Registrar of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. under Section 41 (1) (a) of the Planning Act 1980, to refer the Appeals to the Governor in Council for determination without a hearing or recommendation by the Tribunal. The Minister for Planning and Local Government called in the Appeals as he considered that they raised major issues of policy relating to the facilitation of development in accordance with the objectives set out in Section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and that determination of the Appeals could have a substantial effect on the achievement of these planning objectives. The Minister required the Advisory Committee to consider the planning merits of the proposed use and development, and to address the issues raised in the objections. The Advisory Committee was required to produce a report providing: • The Committee's response to the matters detailed; • Relevant supporting information for the Advisory Committee's recommendation; and • A description of the proceedings conducted by the Advisory Committee and a list of those consulted or heard by the Committee. In March 1997, elections were held in the Shire of Nillumbik and the view of the new Council to this proposal differed from the view held by the earlier Council Hence the Submission made to the Committee by the Shire was against the decision by the Shire of Nillumbik to issue the Notices of Decision to Grant a Permit. The Recommendations of the Advisory Committee were: i. The cafe and take away food premises are as of right uses and are therefore allowable, but that shop and petrol station are unacceptable uses. A community facility is a discretionary use and is acceptable. ii. A development of the type and scale proposed is totally inappropriate for this land and that the Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, café/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs, be refused. iii. The land should be rezoned for public purposes and should remain in the community's ownership for community use. 895 main road, advisory committee, dallas price homes, eltham, eltham shire office, nillumbik shire council, planning application, administrative appeals tribunal -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Report, Paul Jerome, Advisory Committee on a Proposed Convenience Centre and an Alternative Shire Proposal - Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan - 895 Main Road Eltham, October 1997
... Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan for the site of the former... Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan for the site of the former ...On 15 December 1994 the former Shire of Eltham ceased to exist following the Liberal Kennett Government local council amalgamations. A new Nillumbik Shire Council was established with unelected commissioners appointed. That Council sold the former Eltham Shire Council Offices and land at 89S Main Road Eltham to Dallas Price Homes Pty. Ltd. the sale being conditional upon the granting of a planning permit for a petrol station/convenience store, fast food and video outlet. The sale was conditional that if the permit was not granted by 30 August. 1997, the contract could be avoided by either the purchaser or the vendor. The proposed development consisted of a petrol station with undercover fuelling facilities, convenience shopping, a drive through service facility for fast food, an 80 seat cafe, automated banking, a children's play area and retail space. In addition, the proposal included a 200 square metre community facility for Council use, provision of on site carparking over 2 levels for 83 vehicles, and advertising signage. An Advisory Committee consisting of Dimitry Reed and Margaret Pitt was appointed under Section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to hear submissions on the proposal to develop the land at 895 Main Road Eltham, the site of the former Eltham Shire Offices. In September 1996, two applications were made by Contour Consultants Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Dallas Price Homes Ply Ltd, to Nillumbik Shire Council. After extensive notification, the Council received 213 objections and a petition of over 1400 signatures. On October 9, 1996, Nillumbik Shire Council issued Notices of Decision to Grant Permit on Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, cafe/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs. Objectors to the proposals lodged Planning Appeals number 96/40724 and 96/40812 with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on November 1, 1996. The grounds of appeal can be summarised as: inappropriate development, insufficient carparking, traffic and access issues, unsatisfactory design, inadequate permit conditions, the proposal being out of character with the area. and being contrary to the purpose and orderly development of the Eltham Town Centre, excessive noise, lack of consultation and unsuitable signage. On November 13, 1996, the Minister for Planning and Local Government directed the Registrar of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. under Section 41 (1) (a) of the Planning Act 1980, to refer the Appeals to the Governor in Council for determination without a hearing or recommendation by the Tribunal. The Minister for Planning and Local Government called in the Appeals as he considered that they raised major issues of policy relating to the facilitation of development in accordance with the objectives set out in Section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and that determination of the Appeals could have a substantial effect on the achievement of these planning objectives. The Minister required the Advisory Committee to consider the planning merits of the proposed use and development, and to address the issues raised in the objections. The Advisory Committee was required to produce a report providing: • The Committee's response to the matters detailed; • Relevant supporting information for the Advisory Committee's recommendation; and • A description of the proceedings conducted by the Advisory Committee and a list of those consulted or heard by the Committee. In March 1997, elections were held in the Shire of Nillumbik and the view of the new Council to this proposal differed from the view held by the earlier Council Hence the Submission made to the Committee by the Shire was against the decision by the Shire of Nillumbik to issue the Notices of Decision to Grant a Permit. The Recommendations of the Advisory Committee were: i. The cafe and take away food premises are as of right uses and are therefore allowable, but that shop and petrol station are unacceptable uses. A community facility is a discretionary use and is acceptable. ii. A development of the type and scale proposed is totally inappropriate for this land and that the Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, café/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs, be refused. iii. The land should be rezoned for public purposes and should remain in the community's ownership for community use. Following this, the Minister for Planning and Local Government, the Hon. Robert Maclellan, appointed Mr. Paul Jerome as an Advisory Committee under section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to consider a Convenience Centre and an alternative proposal by Iha Shire of Nillumbik being the Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan for the site of the former Shire of Eltham municipal offices at 895 Main Road, Eltham. In summary, the terms of reference for the Advisory Committee required it to: • consider the merits of the Council proposal • examine the merits of both proposals in terms of net community benefit • address the report of the previous Advisory Committee on the Convenience Centre proposal The Advisory Committee inspected the site and considered all the material before It including submissions made by all parties to the previous Advisory Committee and correspondence received by the Department of Infrastructure both before and after that Committee submltted its report. The Advisory Committee also held discussions with the following people: • Cr. Robert Marshall • Cr. Margaret Jennings • Cr. Lex de Man • Mr. Dallas Howgate of Dallas Price Properties, also Dallas Price Homes • Mr. Barry Rochford, CEO, Shire of Nillumbik • Ms. Yvonne Rust, Planning Officer, Shire of Nillumbik • Mr. Gregory Burgess, Architect of the Eltham Library and of Council’s Community Precinct Concept Plan • Mr. Jim Connor representing Mrs Thelma Barkway of the Eltham Senior Citizens Club Having considered all the material before it, the Committee arrived at two basic conclusions. First, the DPP proposal should be rejected because, on its merits, It does not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of the planning scheme which is a statutory document. The planning scheme requires that, before making a decision on the permit applications for the DPP proposal, a range of matters must be considered. It follows that consideration of these matters should Influence the decision. These matters include local policies relating to character and amenity. In particular, these policies seek • to conserve and enhance the bushland/country atmosphere, artistic heritage and strong sense of community of the Eltham Town Centre by ensuring that the design and height of any new development is sympathetic to existing buildings • to achieve a pleasing physical environment within the Eltham Town Centre by encouraging a high standard of architecture and urban design • to encourage Improvement to pedestrian amenity through such facilities as open and shattered rest areas and meeting places, crossing facilities, pedestrian arcades, pedestrian links to car parks and pedestrian weather protection • to reduce conflict between vehicular traffic and pedestrian flows, and • to encourage pedestrian thoroughfares It is submitted, as set out In the main body of this report, that the DPP proposal fails substantially to meet these policies and In so doing does not merit the exercise of discretion In Its favour with the Issuing of a permit. This finding is not offset by the investment and employment attributes of the proposal. They do not override the need to comply with the planning scheme. Second, the Council proposal, on Its own merits, substantially meets all statutory requirements applicable to this site with a possible reservation about car parking and traffic management which need further definition and assessment as the concept is refined. The Council proposal, however, has a serious weakness in that Its financial viability has not been adequately tested. The Committee refers to 'financial' rather than 'commercial' viability in recognition that Council owns the land and may enter into a range of agreements and partnerships to realise its concept some of which may be truly commercial and some of which may involve an element of subsidy arising from Council's involvement as a public body acting on behalf of its community. The Committee concludes that Council should be given the opportunity, within a reasonable timeframe to establish the financial feasibility of its concept and should develop a strategy for the future of Its land asset at 895 Main Road in the event that Its concept for the site cannot be realised. 895 main road, advisory committee, dallas price homes, eltham, eltham shire office, nillumbik shire council, planning application, administrative appeals tribunal -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Jenni Mitchell, Demolition of the Shire of Eltham Offices, 1996
... encouraging people to view proposed plans for the site and lodge... encouraging people to view proposed plans for the site and lodge ...Poor video quality (noise and interference), incomplete and unedited raw footage. A video documenting the demolition of the Shire of Eltham offices at 895 Main Road Eltham under the direction of the Commissioners appointed for the new Shire of Nillumbik and some of the communities activities surrounding the event. The building was demolished exactly 25 years after the southern wing housing Engineering and Planning on the upper level and the Eltham Library on the ground level was opened in celebration of the Shire of Eltham's centenary. Video has lots of distortion and noise, and sections of clips dubbed over. Immediate initial footage of Jenni Mitchell talking about asbestos claims in the Shire Offices (Sigmund Jorgensen standing behind her) advising Council did a review of the building several years previously and had been cleared of health problems. Cuts to group of people standing outside front door of offices but possibly voice dub over not related ? Then the date 27 Jul 1996 on a scene flashes on screen immediately followed by an edited clip intro of title and credits with classical music track. It then opens with Jenni Mitchell driving to the Shire Offices on Saturday 27 July 1996 at 11.00am. Footage of Main Road past Pitt Street, Alistair Knox Park then entering Shire Office driveway which is fenced off and contractor signs hanging up. Scenes at rear of building showing some internal demolition has commenced. View of the Administration wing. More clips of road driving, Alistair Knox Park, Eltham Library and visitor car park for Shire Offices. Cuts to a group of people standing in access to visitor carpark with new Eltham Library in background, one being immediate former Shire of Eltham President, John Graves. Scenes of people looking through chain link fence and security guard checking front door. John Graves being filmed that someone informed him the Shire was offering the building to the Community Health Centre for $2.3 million and that if they had been offered a price of $1.1 for what it apparently was sold for they would have snapped it up. View of truck loaded with brick rubble literally struggling to ascend the hill of Library Place to exit into Main Road. Cuts to a scene looking at Eltham War memorial Hall through the Memorial Gate, then the Shillinglaw trees and large banner sign ‘Delta Demolitions’ hanging on office façade. Views of front door, old library and bluestone wall. Scene (31 Jul 1996) filmed at night of several white crosses with “RIP Community” and “RIP Democracy”. Scene (1 August 1996) again driving along Main Road towards the Shire Offices then scenes of the offices showing substantially more demolition to exterior, groups of people standing on footpath outside watching, Delta heavy demolition machines, woman holding sign “Democracy where have you gone …”, the odd person in full protection gear and breathing apparatus hand carrying materials out to place on rubbish pile in front of people standing on footpath watching (with no protection) and then stamping on it to break it creating dust, security person in hard hat (no other protection) wandering around, many groups standing around watching, news film crew, person standing on roadside edge holding signs facing traffic stating “Pirate Planning” and “ Grant us your ears” also sign on back of parked car “Elthams High Jacks”, another sign “Community Democracy”, views of crosses in Main Road median strip “RIP Community”, groups of people on footpaths and reporters conducting interviews, footage of unknown person standing with Jenni Mitchell and Sigmund Jorgensen advising people have the right to protest, Jenni Mitchell urging people to ask questions of local MP and Council and Sigmund Jorgensen referring to the three historic Shillinglaw trees with demolition machinery operating in background, Jenni Mitchell and others installing more crosses in median strip; demolition machines operating inside and outside the building, more views of onlookers including Sigmund Jorgensen then Police approaching on footpath, workers and machinery continuing to operate, views of the old library being demolished, the former Community Services department, security personnel. Scene (2 August 1996) more heavy demolition machinery in operation smashing building up, people standing around southern wing watching, view overlooking Eltham Library of train pulling in to Eltham station. Scene (7 August 1996) more heavy demolition and people wandering around with only hard hat protection, no dust protection, comments from one operator dumping a bin of material stating “wait till there’s a Hungry Jack’s here, you’ll be laughing, fuel, videos, hamburgers. You’ll be up with the rest of the world soon, you’ll have electricity and everything here, ha ha ha ha”, more heavy machinery demolition and breaking up of materials, view of Hitachi train going by and Administration wing, view inside the front door opening of the staircase leading to upper level, person walking around operating heavy machinery with a hose spraying rubble (no protective gear other than hard hat interspersed with edit cuts of meeting of Commissioners and independent observers on panel as well as members of the community in public gallery. Nillumbik Shire CEO Barry Rochford addressing the meeting., Chief Commissioner Don Cordell directly addressing Jenni Mitchell with respect to permission to take photographs, Barry Rochford continues to address the question asked of Council about the valuation of the former Shire of Eltham Office building/site, public gallery calling out asking why was building demolished, what was the urgency. Scene (14 August 1996) views of southern wing, previous single demolition operator again mocking people filming, operators working in and around building, Shillinglaw trees and largely demolished front, heavy demolition equipment at work, piles of building rubble, hose spraying water over rubble, large trucks arriving for rubble removal and loading of truck. Scene (21 August) more of the same, building virtually down, Shillinglaw trees standing tall and alone, water spraying on rubble and wattle in bloom. Cuts to Council meeting with public onlookers. Barry Rochford walks out, Wayne Phillips addresses meeting explaining one or two people shouting, members of the community challenging Council (Commissioners) about why due process appear to have been subverted. Former Shire President Robert Marshall in public audience, cuts back to Shire office carpark entrance site and sign hung on fence in front of library “Think Again!” and people standing around observing awaiting a protest demonstration erecting a large sign on stilts stating “Shell No!”, people singing a revised version of God Save the Queen (God Save Us All), Sigmund Jorgensen in attendance, Jenni Mitchell, Sigmund Jorgenson and others address the protest crowd, followed by people mingling, music being played then people standing around the cleared site circumference all with arms linked (video very broken up with noise) then chants “Save the Gateway” and “No Shell for Eltham” and more music and singing “Put up a parking lot”. The crowd then proceeds to walk along the footpath of Main Road. Scene (15 Sep 1996) meeting at Montsalvat in Great Hall addressed by Sigmund Jorgensen discussing a recently published list of the Commissioner’s to senior Council Officers of banned Nillumbik people, others encouraging people to view proposed plans for the site and lodge objections. Specific issues regarding asbestos claims are also addressed. Harry Gilham addresses the meeting on the subject of the Eltham War Memorial and Memorial Gardens and how Council believe a roundabout in the vicinity is of greater importance. Views of various artworks on display (for auction) and music performance in the Barn Gallery. Meeting addressed by Sigmund Jorgensen discussing an appeal against Council granting a permit to Dallas Howgate to develop the site and that the Minister has called the matter in to be decided by the governing council. This is followed by an auction of paintings. 0.05 - Jenni Mitchel, Sigmund Jorgensen and Peter Doughtery in background. 0.18 - Jock Kyme in front of building – David Essex, Marg Johnson on his left-hand side. 5.34 - John Graves – ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 9.02 - Unknown person being interviewed. 9.30 - Jenni Mitchell, unknown person, Mark Burns, community activist. 10.04 - Sigmund Jorgenson, Jenni Mitchell. 12.04 - Police members 21.33 - Nillumbik Council offices 7 August 1996 Barry Rochford CEO, Vin Heffernan Commissioner, Don Cordell Chief Commissioner, Kevin Abbott Commissioner, unknown person. 28.00 - Barry Rochford CEO 28.05 - Kahn Frankie - in commissioner’s seat after commissioners and council staff have vacated the council chamber. 28.26 - Wayne Phillips, State Liberal member for Eltham, addressing community in response to questions. 28.36 - Mark Burns, community activist addressing gallery. 28.48 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 29.34 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President standing, Robert Marshall, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President seated in front. 29.41 - Karen Gerhards, community activist. 30.06 - Marg Johnson with loud hailer, next to Jock Kyme, community activist. 31.32 - Marg Johnson with possibly Frank Burgoyne?, Sigmund Jorgensen, Jock Kyme. 35.35 - Harry Gilham at meeting at Montsalvat on 15 September 1996. 35.43 - Sigmund Jorgenson at lectern. 36.42 - Marg Jennings. 37.47 - Mark McDonald, Jim Connor, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor in background. 36.28 - John Cohen, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 38.56 - Ken Hines, ex Shire of Eltham Councillor and President. 41.11 - Harry Gilham, president of the Eltham District Historical Society. 43.55 - Sigmund Jorgensen in Long Gallery at Montsalvat, at start of the art auction to raise funds for community action. 45.50 - Unknown person conducting art auction. VHS Video cassette (poor quality) Converted to MP4 file format 45:01, 535MBvideo recording, 895 main road, alistair knox park, artworks, auction, barn gallery, barry rochford, community health centre, dallas howgate, delta demolitions, demolition, don cordell, eltham, eltham library, eltham shire office, eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial gate, eltham war memorial hall, great hall, harry gilham, jenni mitchell, john graves, library place, main road, memorial gardens, mervyn hannan, montsalvat, pitt street, protest, robert marshall, roundabout, shell oil, shillinglaw trees, sigmund jorgensen, sign, wayne phillips -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Victoria Archaeological Survey, The Plenty Valley Corridor: the archaeological survey of Aboriginal sites / by Isabel Ellender 1989, 1989_
This archaeological survey of th Plenty Valley was conducted by Isabel Ellender in 1989 for the Ministry of Planning and Environment. The area studied is north of Greensborough to Whittlesea. A number of Aboriginal sites were identified and recommendations made for the future.103 p., illus., maps. Plastic spiral binding.plenty river, aboriginal heritage sites -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - folder contains documentation of the support and submission to Council to Save the Bendigo East Primary School Avenue of Honour
Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - folder contains documentation of the support and submission to Council to Save the Bendigo East Primary School Avenue of Honour. Folder covers: Zoning, Policy, Maps, Heritage, Amenity and Trees documentation. Submissions had concerns about the subdivision, and the removal of trees on the site, impacting the school, local history, bendigo east primary school, planning permit and objections -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - research documents for background information to object to the planning submission to subdivide the Bendigo East Primary School site
Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - research documents for background information to object to the planning submission to subdivide the Bendigo East Primary School site; and the removal of trees on the school's Avenue of Honoursocial, local history, bendigo east primary school, world war 1 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - social responses and background information to Ms Starr's research documents to object to the planning submission to subdivide the Bendigo East Primary School site
Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - research documents for background information to object to the planning submission to subdivide the Bendigo East Primary School site; and the removal of trees on the school's Avenue of Honoursocial, local history, bendigo east primary school, planning obiections -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - VCAT submission for the hearing of Ms. Gemma Starr vs Terraco and the Greater Bendigo City Council regarding the subdivision of the former Bendigo East PS site
Gemma Starr collection - Bendigo East Primary School - documents supporting the VCAT submission for the hearing of Ms. Gemma Starr vs Terraco and the Greater Bendigo City Council regarding the subdivision of the former Bendigo East PS, local history, bendigo east primary school, planning obiections