Map, Plan of Subdivision [Allotments along Lerderderg, George and McFarland Streets]

Historical information

This map shows allotments of land on the northern side of Lerderderg Street from Gisborne Road through to the approximate site of the present day Bacchus Marsh Primary School. There are also allotments shown on the southern side of McFarland Street between George Street and Gisborne Road. Larger allotments of land are shown extending northwards towards Masons Lane. Inscribed at the top of the map are the words, 'Plan of Subdivision of Cr Pors (Crown Portions) 12 & 13 & Allotments 1,2,3,4, Block 3, Parish of Korkuperrimul, County of Bourke'. The date of the map has not been established but the absence of the Bacchus Marsh Primary School on the map suggests it may have been produced prior to 1865 when the primary school was built in Lerderderg Street.

Physical description

Single page map showing house block size land allotments in the Lerderderg, George Street and McFarland Street area of Bacchus Marsh with larger allotments north of this area towards Masons Lane also shown. Scale 150 feet to 1 inch.
Part of a set of maps which are pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network.

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