Historical information
James Young was a prominent businessman, land owner and public figure in the early colonial period of Bacchus Marsh. In February 1868 he offered for sale through the agent W. Anderson 38 blocks of land which ran from the Lerderderg RIver westwards beyond Gisborne Road in the vicinity of the present day Masons Land. The land for sale was described as, 'unsurpassed Agricultural Land, in the immediate vicinity of Bacchus Marsh, varying in size from 2 to 12 acres each'. The sale notice in the Bacchus Marsh Express of 1st February 1868 page 2, also noted that, ' Plans can be seen at Mr. Young's Border Mills Store, and at the Border Inn'.
One of the largest and most important land sales in the early colonial period of Bacchus Marsh.
Physical description
A single page paper map showing 38 blocks of land for sale in 1868 in the vicinity of Masons Lane Bacchus Marsh. Scale 11 chains to 1 inch.
The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network.
- Land sale of James Young properties Advertising (1868, February 1). The Bacchus Marsh Express (Vic. : 1866 - 1943), p. 2. column 3, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article88372443 TUESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY, AT ONE O'CLOCK. Important Sale of Thirty-eight Lots of unsurpassed Agricultural Land, in the immediate vicinity of Bacchus Marsh, varying in size from 2 to 12 acres each. For Positive Sale, on unusually Easy Terms. W. ANDERSON has been favoured with in-structions from J. YOUNG, Esq., J.P., to offer for Positive Sale, by Public Auction, in the Commercial Room, Border Inn, Bacchus Marsh, on TUESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY, at 1 o'clock p.m. The whole of that excellent farm, fronting the main Gisborne and Bacchus Marsh road, and bounded on one side by the Lerderderg river, being equal to the best land in the colony. The lots are thirty-eight in number, and have been surveyed to suit all classes of purchasers, the size varying from two to twelve acres. Plans can be seen at Mr. Young's Border Mills Store, and at the Border Inn. TERMS:--Payments will he allowed to extend over two or three years. Fuller particulars will be declared at sale. The Auctioneer has much pleasure in calling the attention of intending free selectors and others to this opportunity of obtaining the fee simple of choice agricultural land on as easy terms as under the present Land Act, and without the delays and annoyances attendant upon that system.