Historical information
Debate about water supply and its planning and development took place in the Bacchus Marsh region from the 1850s through into the twentieth century. This plan was part of documentation to support an application for an additional loan of money from the Ministry of Water Supply to the Bacchus Marsh Shire Water Supply Trust. The plan includes the route of a proposed water channel in the Parwan area, and other features of water supply infrastructure such as the location of standpipes and gates are also shown on the plan.
Physical description
A single page paper map showing a general plan for the supply of water in the Bacchus Marsh area.The plan shows the route of the 'Main Channel' near the Werribee River and a proposed route for a Parwan Channel. The location of 'Dryden's House' near the Werribee River is also shown and the locations of land held by T. (Tom) Oliver and the Racecourse Reserve in Maddingley. Scale 40 chains to 1 inch. The plan is signed by Bacchus Marsh Shire Engineer, W.E. Standfield.
The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network.
Inscriptions & markings
General Plan of Water Supply Works in the Shire of Bacchus Marsh. Accompanying application for 2nd additional Loan. Original Waterworks district. Additional area. W.E. Standfield, 30/8/87.
- Advertising (1886, September 4). The Bacchus Marsh Express (Vic. : 1866 - 1943), p. 2. col. 5. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article90571990 Notice of plan submitted to Minister of Water Supply