Map, Allotments in the Village of Rowsley, Parish of Gorrocburkghap, County of Grant c.1856

Historical information

Rowsley is a locality 11 kilometers south-west of Bacchus Marsh. The date of this map is uncertain. A very similar map held by the State Library of Victoria (SLV) contains slightly more information than this copy and is dated as an 1856 map. SLV reference: 'Allotments in the Village of Rowsley, Parish of Gorrocburkghap, County of Grant', by T. Nixon, Assistant Surveyor, May 1856 ; Surveyor General’s Office, July 18 1856 (lithographed by R. Meikle). (1856). Melbourne: Surveyor General’s Office. MAPS 820 BJE 1837- ROWSLEY 1856.

Physical description

A single page paper map. A cadastral map of the Village of Rowsley in Victoria, showing numbered land allotments. 57 allotments are shown on the map and some areas set aside as reserves. Allotments 8, and 10-16 are outlined in red ink and allotment 9 has a cross in red ink on it.
The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network.


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