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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Gardening, Australian Home Gardener by Leslie H. Brunning
... Australian Home Gardener by Leslie H. Brunning ..."The only comprehensive Australian Gardening Book ever compiled."Used by a resident of the Kiewa Valley.Blue hard covered book - title, author are not on the front or back cover. The Title is 'in gold' on the spine and at the base of the spine is ''Home Library" also 'in gold'. The book has black and white plates illustrating the text.gardening, plants, australian horticulture -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - School Text Book, A Graded Word Book for Australian Schools by W. Foster, M. A. and H. Bryant B. A
... A Graded Word Book for Australian Schools by W. Foster, M ...Spelling books were used in the Primary and Secondary schools during the 1950s. This book enabled the student to progress at his/her own pace. Roy Davies grew up and lived in the Kiewa Valley at Tawonga.Small faded red soft covered book with black writing on cover inside a border of a thin black line. In black: Junior and Senior Classes"Roy Davies 4B 1957". Inside cover page "accompanied, achievement, affair" hand written on inside title page.spelling, school, student, roy davies, education, mt beauty, tawonga -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Gardening - Reference, Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria Part 11 by C. French, Preface dated 1893
... Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria Part 11 by ...A gardening book useful as a reference for gardeners and horticulturists. Illustrated with detailed coloured pictures.This book was possibly part of a school library in the Kiewa Valley. Bogong school had a reputation for an excellent library especially with regard to nature. Hard covered brown book with gold embossed writing on the cover and spine including the title, author, part 11 and Price 2/6. Spine has black stamp near the base indicating it was in a library. Includes coloured Plates which illustrate the text - showing the insects and plants. Inside the covers the pages are a pale green floral type decoration. Page 85 circular stamp 'Education Department Victoria' around the outside and in the middle 'Library'education, victoria, insects, fruit and vegetables, pests, gardening -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Teacher Reference, An English Grammar for Higher Standards and Junior Teachers by Tucker Part 1, 1926
... by Tucker Part 1 ...The Grammar in this book is studied in depth which was more common for all students and teachers in the 1920s than it is now. All parts of a sentence are described and illustrated from the simple sentence to the complex sentence.Jean Williams may have come from the Kiewa Valley after studying at a local Primary School.Small brown soft covered book with black title on the cover and MacMillan logo.Inside the first page: Jean Williams, Methodist Ladies College, Remove, english, grammar, jean williams, junior teachers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Home Business, Success Publishing Company, Ltd, The Simple Ready Reckoner - Success Series by Charles Platt
... The Simple Ready Reckoner - Success Series by Charles Platt ...The picture on the front of this book depicts the female as the weaker sex unable to understand or work out numbers.This book may have been used in a Kiewa Valley business or farm.Thin soft covered red, black, fawn, brown book with picture of a female sitting down looking at this book while the male points to the ledger as if to show her how (the book) can be used. The book has a list of numbers - a Discount Table - giving how much a number of items cost at a given price. eg. 10 books at 3/- each = 30/-business, money, accounting -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - School Prize, The Religious Tract Society, Her Treasure of Truth by H. Louisa Bedford
... Her Treasure of Truth by H. Louisa Bedford ...In 1911, students received prizes for highest marks. Books were appropriate prizes. Everil Fisher grew up and lived at Mongan's Bridge in the Kiewa Valley.Blue hard covered book with light blue title surrounded by light blue swirl on cover. On the spine - the title and author's name are embossed in gold. RTS is embossed in gold at the bottom of the spine. The decoration on the spine is light blue. Inside: Font is large. Between the title page and a picture is a clear sheet of 'tissue' paper.Everil Fisher / Highest marks / S. S. 3403 / 25. 4. 11 - Handwritten on first page.everil fisher, school prize, mongan's bridge primary school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religion - Prize, Atlantic Book Publishing Co. Ltd. 1967, In the Irish Brigade by G. A. Henty, 1967
... In the Irish Brigade by G. A. Henty ...Students attended Sunday School at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church and were given prizes. The students included those aged between 8 and 12 years and included boys and girls. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: Students attended Sunday School at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over tot the Uniting Church in the 1970s. White book with black printed title at top. Cardboard cover. Photo of soldiers with swords charging towards battle. On back it explains 'Red Dragon' is for boys and girls 8 - 12 years."Awarded To ...Class ....Teacher....From the Kergunyah Presbyterian Sunday School" stampreligion, religious education, kergunyah, sunday school, presbyterian, ewen wallace -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Trade, Matheson's Australian Saw - Millers' Log and Timber Ready Reckoner by D. Matheson
... Reckoner by D. Matheson ...Ready Reckoners were published to assist tradesmen to calculate the size, capacity etc. of timber as required in their everyday work.Ewen Wallace used this book on his property at Kergunyah.Brown linen cover with black print written on 4 lines with black line underneath each. On left side a double thin black line vertical. At bottom black writing. Title, in black, on spine. 120 pages.'Ewen D. Wallace' written in pen. '7/6' written in pencilsaw millers, ewen wallace, logs, timber, farms -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, First Communion by the Rev. James G. Goold, M.A
... First Communion by the Rev. James G. Goold, M.A. ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Small faded bluish cardboard cover with black cursive script title and sub title and 'Goold' on front. On back of cover "Price= Four Pence Net" 32 pages inside coverreligion, first communion, religious education, kergunyah, the church of scotland, ewen wallace, presbyterian church, sunday school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Sacred Songs & Solos - Compiled & Sung by Ira D. Sankey
... Sacred Songs & Solos - Compiled & Sung by Ira D. Sankey ...At Sunday school sacred songs were taught to/ sung by students. Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Small faded bluish book with linen cover. Print has black background within a decorative ribbon like shape. Border outside a black line within which is a thinner black line with a swirl at each corner.On the first page in pencil 'King"religion, hymns, songs, christian, kergunyah, ewen wallace, sunday school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Rambles in Bible Lands by Rev. Richard Newton, D.D
... Rambles in Bible Lands by Rev. Richard Newton, D.D. ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015. Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Brown hard covered book with coloured pictures. Title at top - 1st letter of each word R,B,L is decorated & in gold followed by black print shaded in red. Circular picture seemingly behind it and coming out across the book (gold figures, black background). Shepherd in colour bottom right and church bottom left. Title in black with gold background on spine.(Kergunyah Sabbath School / Library) stamp on inside front cover and back coverreligion, bible, kergunyah, sunday school, sabbath school, ewen wallace, presbyterian church -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Martin Luther by Henry Mayhew
... Martin Luther by Henry Mayhew ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Bright blue hard covered book with title at the top and 1st letters decorated and in gold 'M' and 'L' rest of title in red bordered by black. Decorative ribbon crosses the book about midway and also vertically on right 3 quarters from the spine. Bottom left - coloured picture of child and adult. Spine title in black on gold background, ribbon continued from front and at bottom - in circle is printed 'The Lorne Series'Inside front and back cover is stamped 'Kergunyah Sabbath School - Library'religion, kergunyah, sunday school, ewen wallace, religious education, presbyterian church -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Sacred Songs and Solos Compiled and Sung by Ira D. Sankey x2
... Sacred Songs and Solos Compiled and Sung by Ira D. Sankey ...At Sunday school sacred songs were sung / taught to students. Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Royal blue linen cover book with faded black print and border. The title is in black within a ribbon shape. There is a black circle middle and slightly to the left with blue print 'New Hymns Solos'. At the bottom, on ribbon shape, in blue with black background - the author.religion, hymns, songs, kergunyah, sacred, ewen wallace, christian, sunday school, presbyterian church -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Understanding. The Presbyterian Church by Keith D. Pearson x3
... Understanding. The Presbyterian Church by Keith D. Pearson ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Light blue Student's Book stapled with 1 staple. Paper cover with 'Understanding' in white block print and the rest of the title in black. A Student's work book. 32 pagesreligion, christian, religious education, presbyterian church, methodist church, church of christ, congregational church, kergunyah, ewen wallace, ewen wallacesunday school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, God's Men by R.M. Lavendar x2, 1970
... God's Men by R.M. Lavendar x2 ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Orange book with cardboard cover, 32 pages, held by 2 staples. Brown printed title near spine and picture on right.religion, christian education, church of christ, presbyterian, methodist, congregational churches, sunday dchool, ewen wallace, kergunyah -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Secret Pattern - Intermediate Course Book by June Wright, 1970
... Secret Pattern - Intermediate Course Book by June Wright ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after begin handed per to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Shiny yellow book with hard cover centred by circular pattern of orange blots making 9 circles around centre. Above is title in orange print and sub title at bottom of page also in orange print. 96 pagesreligion, religious education, christian, presbyterian, methodist, churches of christ, congregational churches, anglican, ewen wallace, sunday school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Secret Pattern - Intermediate Pupils Book by June Wright x2, 1972
... Secret Pattern - Intermediate Pupils Book by June Wright ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Yellow book with cardboard cover. Centre front - large circular pattern of orange spots in 9 circles around middle. Orange printed title at top and orange printed sub title at bottom. 48 pages. Student Bookreligion, religious education, presbyterian, methodist, congregational churches, church of christ, anglican, kergunyah, sunday school, ewen wallace -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Discover by June Wright, Peter Harvey, Robert Evans, 1970
... Discover by June Wright, Peter Harvey, Robert Evans ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Green book with cardboard cover. Dark green at top of book with white block letters, lower case, for title. Lower part of book is light green and depicts moon landscape. Back cover is bright green. 88 pages held by 2 staples.religion, religious education, christian, presbyterian, methodst, churches of christ, congregational churches, anglican, kergunyah, sunday school, ewen wallace -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Discover by June Wright, Peter Harvey, Robert Evans x2, 1970
... Discover by June Wright, Peter Harvey, Robert Evans x2 ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the uniting Church in the 1970s.Green cardboard covered book. Dark green top half with white, lower case block letters at the top. Lower half is lighter green depicting moon landscape. Similarly the back cover. 50 pages held by 3 staplesreligion, religious education, presbyterian, methodist, churches of christ, congregational church, anglican, christian, kergunyah, sunday school, ewen wallace -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Choice by June Wright, Robert Evans x2, 1971
... Choice by June Wright, Robert Evans x2 ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Bright sky blue cardboard cover book with title written 2 thirds of the way down in big block white 3D letters decorated with blue stripes and green swirls. 50 pages held by 3 staplesreligion, religious education, presbyterian, methodist, churches of christ, congragational church, anglican, christian, kergunyah, ewen wallace, sunday school -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religious Education, Choice by June Wright, Robert Evans, 1970
... Choice by June Wright, Robert Evans ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This book was used by students who attended the Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Sky blue cardboard cover book with big white block letters 2 thirds from the top with blue stripes on each letter and green twirls. 'Intermediate course book' in white print along bottom of book. 80 pages held by 2 staplesreligion, religious education, christian, presbyterian, methodist, churches of christ, congregational churches, anglican, kergunyah, sunday school, ewen wallace -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Religion - Prize, David Elliott - True to his Promise by C. E. Irvine
... David Elliott - True to his Promise by C. E. Irvine ...Students attended Sunday School classes at the Tawonga Sunday School in 1898. Historical: Religious Education: This book was given by teachers to students who attended classes at the Tawonga Sunday School in 1898.Very old bound book. Brown coloured linen with a branch of blackberry vine with light green and yellow leaves drawn on top third of cover. Centre front is the title (David Elliot) printed in capital black letters with the D and E larger than the following letters and enclosed in a clear coloured rectangular box that has a thick 'railway line' border on its top and bottom. The bottom third has red leaves and black berries with thorns and the sub title in the same font but much smaller in size. the top and bottom to the cover has a border. Nothing on the back. David Elliot on the SpineAwarded to Annie Sullivan by the Tawonga Sunday School 27/11/(18)98religion, tawonga, sunday school, religious education, novel -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Scrap Book - C.W.A. Tawonga, C. W. A. Tawonga by Clare Roper, Dec. 1995
... C. W. A. Tawonga by Clare Roper ...CWA Tawonga 1946 - 1988 collection of its written history. The C.W.A. aimed to improve the health, welfare and education of women and children in the country. The book gives examples of all activities the members were involved in over the years and their involvement with other CWA groups in the North East of Victoria. Through the photos it also gives a good example of women's fashions over the years.History of CWA Tawonga by Clare Roper, President, founding member and local resident. Women in Tawonga were mostly on farms and in 1946 felt remote after WWII as it affected available workers and the well being of children. The Country Women's Association improved the living conditions and well being of members in the Kiewa Valley community.Scrap book with block handwritten and coloured heading. Cover: Centre middle has a coloured photo of 10 ladies standing below a CWA logo. Covered with clear plastic. Consists of photos, newspaper clippings and typed sheets."CWA Tawonga from 1946 collected by C. Roper" - top of front pagecountry women's association; clare roper; tawonga; -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Scrap Book - Tawonga Bowling Club, Tawonga Bowls Associates by Clare Roper, 1987
... Tawonga Bowls Associates by Clare Roper ...A collection of photos, newspaper clippings, typed sheets commencing from the Opening Day 29th Sept. 1956 of the Tawonga Bowls Associates.History of the Tawonga Bowls Associates, a popular sport in Tawonga from 1956. Compiled by Clare Roper, local resident and president of the club in 1956.Scrap book with block handwritten and coloured heading. Cover: Centre middle coloured photo of 9 ladies standing wearing white bowling club uniform.Inside cover: Clare Roper Bookbowling club; tawonga; clare roper; -
Christ Church Anglican Parish of Warrnambool
... "BY THY CROSS AND PASSION GOOD LORD DELIVER US"" ...William Rutledge [born 1806, Ireland] was a self-made, larger-than-life man who involved himself prominently in business, municipal, political, community and social aspects of life. Eldest son of James and Martha [nee Forster], William arrived in Australia from Ireland in 1829 and within six years had sufficiently established himself to purchase land in New South Wales. He married Eliza Kirk in Sydney in august 1840. They had two sons and five daughters. In 1843 he began his association and life in Port Fairy and soon became prominent and influential in almost all aspects of that developing town. His interests encompassed mercantile, civic, pastoral, shipping, importing, exporting, immigration, politics and social aspects with in the district and colony. He was a major contributor to the building of St John’s Anglican Church, Port Fairy. He acquired three special surveys with historical importance in Victoria. In south west Victoria that interest being especially the Farnham Survey of 5120 acres between Dennington and Tower Hill/Killarney. This was farmed by immigrant tenant and lessee farmers, some of whom were brought to the Australia at William Rutledge’s own expense and by whom he was considered a kind and considerate landlord. His endeavours were not without failures and in 1862 his Port Fairy Company failed with debts of over £170,000. This debt was redeemed in full within a year. According to reported accounts, William Rutledge had a tempestuous manner with an “explosive” temper, although he did not hold grudges. This is countered by accounts of his kindness, generosity, honesty and practical, progressive outlook in all his undertakings. After the failure and closure of his Company, William Rutledge moved to his property at Farnham Park near Warrnambool where he concentrated his interest in breeding sheep and horses. Throughout his life his home was reputed to be convivial and hospitable. William Rutledge died at Farnham Park on June 1st, 1876. William Rutledge's place in the history of settlement in south west Victoria gives importance to this memorial.Stained glass window, south wall, main nave, depicting Jesus bearing the Cross. The background is quite floral. A medallion shape holds the title as printed on a ribbon: "By thy cross and passion good Lord deliver us".In Latin: In Memoriam Gulielmi Rutledge qui A.D. MDCCCVI underimo ante Kal: Feb: natus vitam posuit/ Kal: Jun: MDCCCLXXVI Filae amantissimae hanc fenestram pietatis indirio posueruntrutledge, william rutledge, farnham survey, port fairy, christ church warrnambool -
Christ Church Anglican Parish of Warrnambool
Memorial window: Elizae (Eliza) RUTLEDGE, "By Thy Glorious Ascension Good Lord Deliver Us"
... "By Thy Glorious Ascension Good Lord Deliver Us" ...Eliza Rutledge (1820-1888) was the daughter of Rupert and Jane (nee Newby) Kirk. She married William Rutledge in St James’ Church, Sydney on 18th August, 1840. She and William had five children, two sons and five daughters. Recorded accounts tell that Eliza was “beloved for her kindness and hospitality” and that she and William kept open house for all manner of social events and occasions. Eliza died at Farnham Park, Dennington, on 31st August 1888. She is buried at Tower Hill Cemetery. The marriage of Eliza to William Rutledge, a man of historical importance in the development of Port Fairy, Warrnambool and the western district of Victoria, places her as a person of importance.Their daughter Susan Fleetwood is also memorialised in a window in Christ Church, Warrnambool. Their son Thomas Forster is also memorialised with a tablet positioned near the Eliza Rutledge windows. Stained glass, lancet window, south wall, main nave. Depiction of the ascension of Christ."By Thy Glorious Ascension Good Lord Deliver Us" In Latin: +In Memoriam+ Elizae Rutledge quae pridie idus Februarias/ MDCCXX nata pridie kalendas Septembres MDCCCXXXVIII obit/ liberi amantissimi Gulielmus Rutledge et Susanna Fleetwood pietatis/ indicio hane Jenestram posuerant Beati qui sunt mundi corde.rutledge, christ church warrnambool, eliza rutledge, eliza kirk, farnham park -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Byron’s Works by Lord Byron, 1903
... Byron’s Works by Lord Byron ...This book containing the 17 cantos of Don Juan, was owned by Con O’Mahony a lawyer who lived in Warrnambool at the turn of the 20th century He won the Bowen prize for essay writing in 1883. He operated from Royal Chambers in Kepler St Warrnambool for some time in partnership with Mr E W Klingender. An item which belonged to one of Warrnambool’s most prominent citizens at the time.Blue linen over card embossed in gold with crest and mermaid on front cover with overall pattern of crowns and the letter “B” Title Poet and publisher’s name in gold on spine of book. Back cover plain. 612 pages with 4 black and white plates included.Stamped C O’Mahony Solicitors Warrnambool in purple ink. Dedication: to Algernon Charles Swinburne. MDCCCC11(1902)Printed by William Clowes and sons Limited London and Beccles.warrnambool, con o’mahony, byron’s works, -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Poetry Booklet, Thoughts by Our Loving Father, 1930s
... Thoughts by Our Loving Father ...collection of verseThis is a booklet of 28 pages. It has a brown cover with the pages tied together with brown plaited thread. The pages contain printed material.non-fictioncollection of versejohn adams wangoom -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Magazine - Magazine Article, Southdown Press, Living in style in mudbricks by Kate Newman, New Idea, April 29, pp10-11, 1978
... Living in style in mudbricks by Kate Newman, New Idea ...Article with images about Alistair Knox and building in mudbrickalistair knox, alistair knox design, eltham, margot knox, mudbrick construction, mudbrick houses, mudbricks -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph (Item) - Print, Nicholas West, Geman Shepherd Found by Photographer Roaming in Eltham Town Park, 1988
... Geman Shepherd Found by Photographer Roaming in Eltham Town ...Nicholas West 1988 Entrant No. 66 Ref: Series 34, Items 82-86 The photographer noted that in a sad indictment of the local community, this German Shepherd dog and another had been abandoned by their owners to scavenge through the bins and chase the drunks around the lake at dawn. Both dogs were impounded and the owners never claimed them. As a consequence they were eventually both put down. The photographer noted that in a sad indictment of the local community, this German Shepherd dog and another had been abandoned by their owners to scavenge through the bins and chase the drunks around the lake at dawn. Both dogs were impounded and the owners never claimed them. As a consequence they were eventually both put down. SHIRE OF ELTHAM COMMUNITY PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEY Photography is an artform which many of us practice, sometimes purely for artistic pursuit, sometimes to record the people and events in our lives. In 1988, as part of a local Bicentennial project, the Shire of Eltham conducted the Eltham Community Photographic Survey. Up to 100 entries were to be selected by a panel of photographers for entry into the Eltham Photographic Survey Exhibition. Entries had to be submitted by May 13, 1988. Entrants whose images were selected for the exhibition were contacted and requested to further submit an entry form providing entrant’s name, area of residence, age, and proposed captions. These details were then used to produce labels for the exhibition mounts. Where negatives had not been supplied, these were requested to support the display of printed enlargements mounted on 10” x 8” cardboard. The mounted prints were made available post exhibition for sale at $8.50 each for colour prints and $7.00 for B&W prints. Residents in the Shire were invited to collect a free roll of film and take a photograph of what they either liked or did not like about the area. A total of 160 entrants submitted multiple entries for the exhibition. Of those selected for exhibition, entrants ranged in age from 9 to 70 years. All custom colour and black and white printing for the exhibition was completed by Wattle Studios of Eltham. The Eltham Photographic Survey was jointly auspiced by the Shire of Eltham and Wattle Studios, of 953 Main Road, Eltham. The project was greatly assisted by: • David McRitchie, Media Studies Lecturer Victoria College, Rusden Campus. • Ian and Annette Toohill of Wattle Studios • Tracy Naughton, Eltham Community Arts Officer • Neville Emerson Pty. Ltd. • Superior Press, Eltham • Kodak Australasia Pty. Ltd. • Agfa Gevaert Ltd. • Townsend Colourtech Pty. Ltd. • The Australian Bicentennial Authority • Eleanor Bowers, Secretary, Eltham Arts Council The exhibition was placed on display in the Woolworths Arcade, Eltham between Monday June 6th and Saturday June 11, 1988. It was also intended to hold the exhibition at a venue in the Shire’s North Riding from Monday, June 20 to Friday June 24. It was then displayed at the Were Street Theatre, Montmorency from Friday, June 24 to Thursday, July 7. Series 34: Eltham Community Photographic Survey 1988 - Prints & Documentation Series consists of 117 photographs of Shire scenes taken by members of the community. Items I - 41 are larger photographs mounted on card, which were exhibited. Items 42 - 117 are unmounted copies, alternative takes and other entries. Corresponding negatives contained in Series 35: Eltham Community Photographic Survey 1988 – Negatives which consists of 267 colour and B&W negatives and one colour slide of Shire scenes taken by members of the community. The negatives are arranged by the entrant number of the photographer. The Eltham Community Photographic Survey collection is significant to the local community as it was curated by the local community - ordinary people of all ages - representing what they liked and did not like in the area where they lived. It represents an unfiltered representation of the Shire of Eltham as it was in 1988. It also represents one of many projects as part of the national programme of events and celebrations to commemorate the bicentenary. It is a time capsule of life in the 1980s of this urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north. Rear: Entrant No., name and address in blue ink; also 'Series 34' and the 'Item No.' in orange inkshire of eltham archives, bicentennial project, eltham, eltham community photographic survey, series 34, series 35, alistair knox park, alsatian (dog), council pound, dog, eltham town park, film - kodak gb 200 5096, german shepherd (dog), nicholas west, scan - 35mm negative