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Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Box, pill, 1930-1940 ref: Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences
As per another example in better condition displayed on shelf above Drawers 1+2 in Chemist ' Beechams Pills as sold by the proprietors St.Helens, Lancashire England. Beechams Pills Ltd. Melbourne VIC'. Earliest mention in Victorian Newspapers TROVE : Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 19 December 1884, page 7 'A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAMS PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a guinea a box for bilious and nervous disorders such as wind and pain in tho stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer Is earnestly invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these pills are invaluable as a few doses of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required No female should be with-out them There is no medicine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or Irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver they act like "Magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine They strengthen tho whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame These are ' facts ' admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated Is Beechams Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world Full directions are given with each box Sold by all druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the colonies'. Most recent article in Victorian newspapers : TROVE : Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic. : 1885 - 1954), Friday 24 December 1954, page 1. 'MUM KNOWS BEST SHE KEEPS THE FAMILY FIT WITH BEECHAM'S PILLS SAFE because Beecham's Pills contain no harmful habit-forming drugs-they are a purely vegetable laxative. Pills balanced formula gives natural laxative action without harsh purgative effects banishes constipation. MOTHERS know how to keep growing children in their teens fit and happy-with Beecham' s Pill, the family laxative. TAKE Beecham's Pills WORTH A GUINEA A BOX'. Relevant local newspaper article reference : TROVE : Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Thursday 29 October 1942, page 1 'ln times like these old friends are best You will not have to go far before finding a friend who can tell you by personal experience how gentle and reliable Beecham's Pills are--and how effectively they banish head aches. digestive upsets and liverish ness. Purely vegetable....1/-....2/...per box Worth a guinea a box' Cylindrical wooden box with the remains of an orange, red and white printed label on top, containing small orb shaped pills.Label on lid : Beecham's pills...............Beecham's Pills Ltd., Melbourne, Vic.laxitive, pills -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Lirrewa
Four articles on Lirrewa’s history, conservation study and notes on architectural features and correspondence from National trust to Mrs W Brooks. Photocopy of an extract from Caulfied Historical Newsletter (No 4 April 1973) containing 2 articles about Lirrewa and Caulfield (one by J O’Donnell, one by Mrs AP Bell) Photocopied extract from the Caulfield Conservation study detailing history and features of Lirrewa written by Andrew Ward (January 1995) Handwritten notes on architectural features of home and hand drawn designs of side and centre windows and design above all main room doors. Includes typed directory listings from 1886 to 1921. Date and author unknown Copy of correspondence to Mrs W Brooks from the Administration National Trust of Australia regarding classification Lirrewa 20/03/1973 and stables.lirrewa, lirrewa grove, o’donnell j, fulton thomas, land subdivisions, glen eira road, glen huntly road, kooyong road, tennant dr, cox james dr, brooks walter richard, baby health care, bryce percy h, sylverly, house names, market gardens, chinese community, langdon montague william, langdon henry joseph, rosecraddock, langdon elizabeth, tarqua, st marys church, caulfield, hawthorn road, lirrewa grove, stables, architectural features, brooks gladys, brooks walter, councillors, scott robert, redcliff mr, architects, mcculloch mr, teachers, office workers, farmer mr, ward andrew, mansions, verandahs, slate tiles, fountains, leadlights, fireplaces, grant rs, black rs, anderson p, russell edwin r, cast ironwork, flats, marble, mantel pieces, gothic revival style, brick, arches -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Trophy CWA, Circa 1950
This trophy was presented by the Country Women's Association (C.W.A) Kiewa Valley Branch circa 1950's and 1960s. This was in a period when the C.W.A. was the major women's organisation which had the greatest influence among rural women (especially in isolated areas). This was a period when broad based communications were mainly by radio,women orientated magazines and the telephone. The CWA was an organisation that catered exclusively to women's needs. The C.W.A. motto; "Honour our God, Loyalty to the throne, Service to the country, Through country women, For country women, By country women."The atmosphere was one of "sisterhood" and covered nearly all the needs of rural based women. This one organisation incorporated knowledge and learning targeting women who physically may be isolated but not mentally. This particular trophy was for the "most outstanding Item" in the years: 1956,1958, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965.The Kiewa Valley Group of the C.W.A. was a focal point for women in this still relatively isolated rural region a place of refuge from the heavy domestic demands that family and business exerted. It provided for women needs of a time and space to gain all the mental relaxation and group bonding necessary to balance the sometimes harsh environment that rural life presented. It provided companionship and "self worth" avenues through competitions in various activities. Unlike the rural males retreat to the local pub for male bonding women's retreat to the CWA provided a greater facility to interact with other women, of like minds, which for the majority of time benefited their families as well.This item has been manufactured in the form of a "flower" vase. It is made from bronze and is silver plated. It resembles the ancient Olympic torch, with a wide rim at the top and narrowing to the base. The base is circular and has three wave like forms cascading from the base of the "stem" to the bottom of the base."HICKEN TROPHY 1956"mementos, acknowledgement, cwa awards, trophies, rural women's club -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Document The family keepsake Meek family, 1865
This certificate has been designed and drawn by James McKain Meek, one of several produced by him to sell to local families in Warrnambool and district as a means of raising money to support his family. James Meek (1815-1899) was a fish canner, fisherman, fishmonger, storekeeper, café proprietor, explorer, gold digger, accountant, writer, librarian and above all an outstanding calligrapher. After being a pioneer settler in the Ballarat area and residing also in Port Melbourne he came to Warrnambool and lived in the area in the 1850s and 60s. He explored much of the Terang area and the Otway Ranges, speaking and writing of the great potential of the latter area. One of Meek’s calligraphy works won an award in the International Exhibition of Melbourne in 1861 and some of his works are in various art galleries and museums today. Thomas Fidler was a Warrnambool butcher who married Fanny Cockman in 1849 in London.This certificate is of great significance as one of the calligraphy works of James Meek, a 19th century resident of Warrnambool, celebrated today as a talented calligrapher. The certificate was displayed in 2015 in a James Meek exhibition at Ballarat Art Gallery. The item is also of social significance showing how the more affluent 19th century families recorded and preserved their family history. This is a certificate hand drawn by James Meek. It is a template that enables the owner to insert the details of a family tree, in this case the 19th century family of Thomas Fidler and Fanny Cockman. The certificate is in grey and black shadings with highly ornamental scrolls and patterns. The document has been produced in black ink. It has a central column with spaces for names and side tablets to include more information. The side tablets are star-shaped and the central column has attachments of various shapes – circles, rectangles etc. The base of the column has further ornamental scrolls, swirls and lacework and features sketches of three emus on one side and three kangaroos on the other side. The certificate is mounted on white cardboard. Some of the Fidler family names have been produced in printed letters and some names have been added later by a family member. ‘Th. os Fidler’s Family Register 1865’ ‘The Family Keepsake’ ‘A Present For Home’thomas fidler and fanny cockman, james meek, history of warrnambool -
Clayton RSL Sub Branch
hard cover non-fiction book, The Lost Diggers, 2012
The small French village of Vignacourt was always behind the front lines. For much of the First World War it was a staging point, casualty clearing station and recreation area for troops of all nationalities moving up to and then back from the battlefields on the Somme. Remember me: the lost diggers of Vignacourt tells the story of how one enterprising photographer took the opportunity of this passing traffic to establish a business taking portrait photographs. Captured on glass, printed into postcards and posted home, the photographs made by the Thuillier family enabled Australian soldiers to maintain a fragile link with loved ones in Australia. The Thuillier collection covers many of the significant aspects of Australian involvement on the Western Front, from military life to the friendships and bonds formed between the soldiers and civilians. The exhibition showcases a selection of the photographs as handmade traditional darkroom prints and draws on the Memorial's own collections to tell the story of these men in their own voicesapprox 4000 images were discovered in the attic of a barn Vignacourt, of soldiers and other life in WW1.An exciting story about the discovery of the plates of Vignacourt -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : Annual Report 1989, 1989
Articles in the annual report include: the building of a new library section at Enfield, transfer of Mitchell Manufacturing to Australian Foundation for Disabled, establishment of Orana regional office in Dubbo, talking local newspaper project launched with Talking Daily Liberal (Dubbo) and Talking Wentworth Courier (Sydney) piloted, four graduates of Rehabilitation Teachers course were funded by the Florence Cecily Singer Trust, one studio equipped with second generation voice indexer in conjunction with Canadian inventor, from 1990 all Braille production will be done in-house, tactile Christmas cards produced for the first time in 1989, financial decision made to consolidate accommodation services (Roselands Nursing Home and Burgess House) on the one site, two new donors clubs established (Cassette Club and Talking Book Club), and formation of Junior Black & White Committee.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Original document Concert W Town Hall show Night, 1902
This is a programme of a concert called ‘The All Nations Night’ staged by the Warrnambool Orchestral Society and held in the Warrnambool Town Hall on Show Night, November 13th 1902. The conductor was Louis Bayer (1857-1907). Born in Germany, Bayer came to Warrnambool in 1891 and with his wife taught piano, violin, orchestration and singing and established the Warrnambool Orchestral Society. In 1896-7 Louis Bayer was the musical director at the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition, writing the Cantata for the opening ceremony and directing over 60 performances, including 22 operas and many concerts. Bayer was a composer and wrote several operas including one called ‘Federation’. Bayer’s wife was an accompaniste at this ‘All Nations Night’ concert and his son, Otto was the horn player. The concert featured the soloists, Nellie McClelland, Lucy Meares, W.D. Thomson and D. Williams. The concert may have been sponsored by Youngers Stores. This large department store was established in 1888 and closed in the 1980s. This programme is of great significance as it featured a 1902 concert conducted by Louis Bayer, one of the most important musical identities in Warrnambool’s history. These are two sheets of green-coloured paper folded in two to make eight pages. The printed material is in black type. The pages include the concert programme, a list of members of the orchestra and several advertisements for Youngers Stores. The front page has the concert title (‘The All Nations Night’) in a text box bordered by a floral pattern. The pages are a little torn at the edges. younger & co, warrnambool, history of warrnambool, louis bayer -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Drill Auger, Circa early 1900s
This item wasused before diesel, electric and battery drilling apparatus were used by farmers, and other trades requiring a portable yet reliable method of drilling holes. As this item is a 3/4 inch hole drill it would be suitable for fencing and providing holes for structural studs. As with all outdoor farm equipment, man power was required (be it the farmer or farm hands). Fitness of the operator was at a high standard but protective gloves were not highly thought of as it was before occupational, health and safety regulations became mandatory over all manual handling activities, be they on rural properties or town/city factories. This period was one where the male ego was at its pinnacle i.e. the harder the tasks the more of a man was required. Hard manual work was not only the "way to go" but also a necessity. Evolution of cheap portable electric/battery powered tools opened up a more efficient method available, especially to those with less muscle strength. This item personifies the rugged environment of the rural workplace. The Kiewa Valley with its main emphasis on farming and grazing provided ample opportunity to use this construction implement. The manufacturer being a Scottish tool company is very significant in the era when this hole maker was in high demand. British steel products were of high grade and had a good record of reliability. The reliability of any tool was a solid factor for farmers and tradesmen in this semi-isolated region (Circa early 1900s) within the Kiewa Valley and its regional area. This factor,although not as crucial, post 1960s, when Asian manufacturers entered the market place and produced cheaper tools and transportation and supplies was more frequent and reliable, the need for the more expensive British made tools diminished considerably. After the influx of tradesmen from war torn Europe (post 1945) and the increased availability of tradesmen in the Kiewa Valley and its region the price of tools was and still is not as crucial and the cost of all required tools has become a minimal part of the equation. It is only with the emerging younger trades person, farmer and grazier, who have more, "one eye on production costs" and no "old ties to the motherland" inert mind set that quality tools such as this auger and other hand tools "must be made to last a life time" is no longer part of the modern work environment.This cast iron, hand operated Auger has a short barrel shaped cylinder at one end (known as the "Eye") and at the other end a Helical screw blade (screws the cutting edge into wooden material, thereby creating a hole 3/4 inch diameter in the wood) . The barrel section at the top permits a metal or wooden leverage plank to be inserted. The main rod has a 180mm long cutting/screw blade running from the bottom up towards the "eye" end. From the end of the screw blade to the handle is 380mm and cylindrical, but this changes at 550mm from the "eye" end to a 14mm x 10mm rectangular shape shaft.This shaft end is welded to the "Eye".On the shaft below the "eye" is stamped " MATHESON GLASGOW" on the front side and a spade (cards) symbol on the back.auger, hand drill, fencing, tool, rural trades, brace & bit -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Drill Auger, Circa early 1900's
This item was before diesel, electric and battery drilling apparatus were used by farmers, and other trades requiring a portable yet reliable method of drilling holes. As this item is a 3/4 inch hole drill it would be suitable for fencing and providing holes for structural studs. As with all outdoor farm equipment, man power was required (be it the farmer or farm hands). Fitness of the operator was at a high standard but protective gloves were not highly thought of as it was before occupational, health and safety regulations became mandatory over all manual handling activities, be they on rural properties or town/city factories. This period was one where the male ego was at its pinnacle i.e. the harder the tasks the more of a man was required. Hard manual work was not only the "way to go" but also a necessity. Evolution of cheap portable electric/battery powered tools opened up a more efficient method available, especially to those with less muscle strength.This item personifies the rugged environment of the rural workplace. The Kiewa Valley with its main emphasis on farming and grazing provided ample opportunity to use this construction implement. The manufacturer being a Scottish tool company is very significant in the era when this hole maker was in high demand. British steel products were of high grade and had a good record of reliability. The reliability of any tool was a solid factor for farmers and tradesmen in this semi-isolated region (Circa early 1900s) of the Kiewa Valley and its regional area. This factor,although not as crucial, post 1960s, when Asian manufacturers entered the market place and produced cheaper tools and transportation and supplies was more frequent and reliable, the need for the more expensive British made tools diminished considerably. After the influx of tradesmen from war torn Europe (post 1945) and the increased availability of tradesmen in the Kiewa Valley and its region the price of tools is not as crucial and the cost of all required tools has become a minimal part of the equation. It is only with the emerging younger trades person, farmer and grazier, who have more, "one eye on production costs" and no "old ties to the motherland" inert mind set that quality tools such as this auger and other hand tools "must be made to last a life time" is no longer part of the modern work environment.This cast iron hand operated drill, has a short barrel-shaped cylinder, known as "the eye" welded across the main rod and is 30mm in circumference. It also has a hole drilled to allow a screw to be fastened onto the hand stock ( not available).The main rod is solid for 400mm and then has been flattened and coiled (Helical screw blade) for another 200mm. At the end of the larger screw blade there is a smaller gauged starter blade with a pointer thread 15mm long. This Auger produces a 1/8th inch hole (metric measurement not used at time of manufacture) See KVHS 0469 for 3/4 inch hole and KVHS 0471 for another 1/8th inch hole.A number 5 stamped on the flat sideauger, hand drill, fencing, tool, rural trades, brace & bit -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Drill Auger, Circa early 1900's
This item was before diesel, electric and battery drilling apparatus were used by farmers, and other trades requiring a portable yet reliable method of drilling holes. As this item is a 3/4 inch hole drill it would be suitable for fencing and providing holes for structural studs. As with all outdoor farm equipment, man power was required (be it the farmer or farm hands). Fitness of the operator was at a high standard but protective gloves were not highly thought of as it was before occupational, health and safety regulations became mandatory over all manual handling activities, be they on rural properties or town/city factories. This period was one where the male ego was at its pinnacle i.e. the harder the tasks the more of a man was required. Hard manual work was not only the "way to go" but also a necessity. Evolution of cheap portable electric/battery powered tools opened up a more efficient method available, especially to those with less muscle strength.This item personifies the rugged environment of the rural workplace. The Kiewa Valley with its main emphasis on farming and grazing provided ample opportunity to use this construction implement. The manufacturer being a Scottish tool company is very significant in the era when this hole maker was in high demand. British steel products were of high grade and had a good record of reliability. The reliability of any tool was a solid factor for farmers and tradesmen in this semi-isolated region (Circa early 1900s) of the Kiewa Valley and its regional area. This factor,although not as crucial, post 1960s, when Asian manufacturers entered the market place and produced cheaper tools and transportation and supplies was more frequent and reliable, the need for the more expensive British made tools diminished considerably. After the influx of tradesmen from war torn Europe (post 1945) and the increased availability of tradesmen in the Kiewa Valley and its region the price of tools is not as crucial and the cost of all required tools has become a minimal part of the equation. It is only with the emerging younger trades person, farmer and grazier, who have more, "one eye on production costs" and no "old ties to the motherland" inert mind set that quality tools such as this auger and other hand tools "must be made to last a life time" is no longer part of the modern work environment.This cast iron hand operated drill, has a short barrel-shaped cylinder, known as "the eye" welded across the main rod and is 30mm in circumference. It also has a hole drilled to allow a screw to be fastened onto the hand stock ( not available).The main rod is solid for 400mm and then has been flattened and coiled (Helical screw blade) for another 200mm. At the end of the larger screw blade there is a smaller gauged starter blade with a pointer thread 15mm long. This Auger produces a 1/8th inch hole (metric measurement not used at time of manufacture) See KVHS 0469 for 3/4 inch hole and KVHS 0470 for another 1/8th inch hole.auger, hand drill, fencing, tool, rural trades, brace & bit -
Victoria Police Museum
Record of Conduct and Service (Charles Belcher)
When the First World War broke out, Australian men from all backgrounds and professions were called to serve their country. Members of the Victorian Police force were some of the first to answer the call with twenty men joining the first convoy of soldiers who left Australian shores in October 1914. Over the course of four long years, one hundred and thirty-eight Victorian Police enlisted from stations across the state. Of these, twenty-seven lost their lives. Whilst the fate of each man was different, a deep commitment to protecting and serving the public was common to all. Victoria Police service: Joined: 28/10/1914; Resigned: 3/07/1915 WW1 service: Enlisted: 5 July 1915; Highest rank: Gunner; Regiment: V5A Australian Heavy Trench Mortar Battery; Fate: Died of illness, France, 18 January 1917; Medals: British War and Victory medalsOfficial documentworld war 1, 1914-1918; victoria police; belcher, charles 6041 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS June 2014 pdf, June 2014
The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin area residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts that are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum. Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest. Jim Dale continued to produce the Newsletter in 2013 after Helen resigned4 x A4 paper pages printed on one side with colour photograph, Jim Dale, President, welcomes members to the June 29th Meeting and recounts the discovery of a large brush tailed possum in the Cottage on April 27th. The courageous removal of this possum by Carol, the damage to artefacts and the clean up by members. All added to the excitement of the visitors especially children. Glen Eira Council was notified Monday 3oth April, requesting a grate over top of Chimney but no action has been taken yet. Dennis has installed a temporary barrier at base of chimney in fireplace.. CMHS has received a Grant of $2500 from Public Records Office Victoria for the purchase of a Glass Museum Display Case and Mannequin for the Mary Box Wedding Dress c1918. Jim has compiled a story of W.F.Lees WW1 soldierCity of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter JUNE 2014 ty of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, dale jim, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, east bentleigh, city of kingston lees w f, brush tailed possum, world war 1 1914-1918 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A Line cream coloured knee length coat of crimplene fabric. Fabric has all over pattern of horizontal rows of looped knot pattern. Fabric also has silver thread woven into fabric. High round neck with stand-up collar - 4.3cm. Two press studs at top below collar, plus one hook and loop to close the collar. Full length front opening with 4.5cm band. Five 2cm fabric covered buttons – evenly spaced from neckline to below hip line. Front has two side darts at bust line. Two false pocket flaps (14cm x 5cm) set at 45° angle to side seams at hem line. Long straight set in sleeves slightly tapered to the wrist. Part of ensemble with 11400.520.Top inside back below neckline: Fashioned by Gina of Melbourne Registered TMS Crimplene. Made from terylene polyester fibre. Wash by hand or machine in warm water. Rinse thoroughly. Gently squeeze out surplus water. Drip dry.costume, female daywear, coat -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Arthur Allsop Collection: Record books
Arthur Allsop went into the business office at Bendigo (Vic.) of the late Mr. Alfred Joseph. He later operated as an independent bookmaker. Arthur Allsop was a partner in the firm of Kelly and Allsop and was involved in mining and speculation in Bendigo. He was elected as a member of the Bendigo Stock Exchange in 1906. He started his athletic career at picnic sports and was a fine athlete winning many foot races. For 15 years he acted as secretary of the Sandhurst City Fire Brigade, he was captain of the Bendigo lacrosse team. He was a fair cricketer, and played against the English and Australian Elevens. He played football, and acted as secretary to the Bendigo Football Club. In later years he played bowls and captained pennant teams. He was a Past District- Grandmaster in the M.U.I.O.O.F. Allsop eventually moved to Melbourne and then Sydney working as a bookmaker. He died in Sydney in 1921. His wife Belle died in Bendigo in 1914 and is buried in the Bendigo Cemetery.Ten betting record books of various sizes and one card holder that belonged to Bookmaker Arthur Allsop. All books have black leather covers. Seven have gold lettering on the front covers with variations - Arthur Allsop Sandhurst: A Allsop Sandhurst: A Allsop Victorian Club: Arthur Allsop Victorian Club: Sandhurst (Name section removed): Member Victorian Club and Bowes' Tattersalls Reg. VRC and VATC. Five books have gold clasps. The record books contain hand written details of betting records for horse races in Victoria and New South Wales. The records include dates, Race names, Horse names, punters; names and wagers. Records are dated from 1886 to 1891. Manufacturers include Weaklin & Flint's; Henry racing, bookmaker, arthur allsop, melbourne cup, sydney cup, australian cup, kelly and allsop, weaklin & flint, henry penny -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two page document detailing the Mungo Group of Mines along the New Chum line of reef, Eaglehawk. The mines described are: Ellenborough, 2100 feet deep St Mungo, 2,600 feet deep The Lady Barkly, 1,350 feet deep, close to Upper Road with a 40 head battery on the other side. South St Mungo, known as the Governor Barkly in the earlier days. Small map on second page shows the location of the Sadowa shaft, St. Mungo shaft and the Lady Barkly shaft. Victoria Street and Upper Road marked on the map. 'Between Caldwells Road and Victoria Street and Upper Road intersection, nine mines and three crushing batteries worked at one period. All on the New Chum line of reef.' Not signed but most probably written by Albert Richardson.bendigo, mining, mungo group of mines, eaglehawk -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten notes on New Chum & Victoria. Winding Engine Pair 22 in cylinders. Two valves to each cylinder (Corliss?). One boiler - steel. 26 ft x 6 ft 6 ins diameter. Reference: T. M. Hooper, Mining Manager, Sth Bellevie United Mine in machinery. Report to His Directors probably 7 /11/1885. On the back with scribble over it, are some notes re Bendigo was making itrs own winding engines, air compressors and crushing machinery so efficiently that the Senior Inspector of Mines, Mr E. R. Neekison in a report to the Secretary for Mines in 1884 was emphatic that the best batteries, winding engines and gear have all been made in Sandhurst. Machinery made in Sandhurst was superior to any others in the colony for this class of work.document, gold, new chum & victoria lines of reef, new chum & victoria lines of reef, notes on new chum & victoria, t m hooper, sth bellevu united mine, mr e r meekison, new chum, garden gully, hustler's, sheepshead line -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Clothing. Infant's cream coloured silk coat with yoke front and back. Fold over collar (12 cm) with embroidered flowers on the front with embroidered zig zag edging. Round neckline with casing threaded with 1.8 cm patterned silk ribbon. Yoke sections lined with cotton fabric. Long sleeves gathered all shoulders, with embroidered pattern at wrist with 1.7 cm lace trim. Full length front opening with embroidered zig zag edging that continues around hemline of garment. Floral embroidered patterns across the back of the skirt above the hemline, and at the lower corners of the front panels. Front opening fastened with silk ribbon ties at neckline and one X 1.5 cm button at lower edge of yoke. Gathered skirt is unlined.costume, children's, infant's cream coloured silk coat -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Clothing. All over floral cotton dress, in a ''shirt-maker'' style. Short sleeves, high round neck at back, and pointed revers at front. Inserted band at front waistline, with a pointed overlap, shaped to 3.5 cm wide stitched down around front. Front opening bodice has a four press-stud closure, and two 1.75 cm white plastic buttons, sewn over the closure. Buttons impressed with a ridged pattern. Two darts on either side of lower edge of bodice, one dart from shoulder on either side of bodice. Six gores in skirt. Probably home stitched. Band inserted at waistline, extends to a 3 cm wide ''belt'' at back, fastening with two press-studs. A home stitched dress.costume, female, short sleeved floral dress -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Instrument - Compass and case
Used by John Burke at the State Rivers Tatura in the 1960 - 1970's.Compass: black and silver rimmed round container with removable lid. Bottom section has a clear glass with black rim covering the compass pointer and directions. Has 8 gold screws in black rim. Attached to rim is a hinged section with middle section see through. Opposite hinged section is another hinged section with sight on it. On outside rim of container under second hinged piece, is a black metal ring for holding. Bottom of the container has a flanged circle which attaches to a stand. Case: is tan leather with stitching around all edges. Two pieces, one large which holds the compass and the other is joined to bottom piece to form a lid. A leather strap is joined to the large section to hold the lid down and to make a carrying strap. Inside is red felt.compass, john burke, state rivers tatura -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - 1906 railway accident, Belgrave
Watercolour painting by Charlie Hammond showing two train carriages at Belgrave Station. A group of people stand on the small platform beside the small station building which bears the sign 'Monbulk'. In the background are hilly paddocks. The most distant paddock has rows of what appear to be fruit trees. Below the painting Hammond has written '1901 Belgrave Station when it was Monbulk. Benson's Hill in the background. Later – Biffin's and later still – Harper's Guest House. Typical of all the stations along the line. Govt. had not recovered from the land boom and could not afford to build better ones.' This painting is based on a photo taken by Hammond in 1906, which is labelled by him, 'Sunday 28th Jany 1906. bringing the injured passengers to Belgrave Ry Station after the accident at the trestle bridge.' -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, WA Government Printer, "Between Fremantle Tramways Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, Applicant and Fremantle Municipal Tramways and Electric Lighting Board, Respondent", 1933
Thirty four page (page 33 and 34 adhered to back of book as a single sheet), saddle stapled, off white paper, titled "Between Fremantle Tramways Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, Applicant and Fremantle Municipal Tramways and Electric Lighting Board, Respondent", agreement, No. 2 of 1931, extract from the Government Gazette of 15/9/1933. Details definitions of all workers covered by the award, hours of work, roster duty, duty hours, days off, meal relief, reports, uniforms, one man car, shorts and overs, Sunday and overtime, hours of work for carbarn staff, tradesmen and electrical, annual leave, holidays, change of shifts, absences, Board of Reference, wages schedules for various employees, juniors and apprentices, apprenticeship ( a lot of detail on this - about half the book)."Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No. 218" in ink on top of first page. Wage schedule has been updated in ink.trams, tramways, fremantle, fremantle, unions, agreements -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, J. J. Miller, ESCo 4d Day Return tickets, early to mid 1930's
Demonstrates aspects of the Ballarat Tramways ticketing system for use with the daily return from Sebastopol (See Reg Item 3492 for check ticket). Printed by ESCo for a specific route and particularly historic because a weekly set of tickets has been formed.Set of six Day return (4d) tickets for travel between Sebastopol and Grenville St - one for each day of the week. Have day of month around the edge, where it would have been nipped on the inward journey. Notes condition of use and that it must be given up on the return journey for a check ticket - See Reg. Item 3492. All Printed by J. J. Miller Melb. Printing in black ink. Have been nipped or cancelled or inward journey. .1 - Monday - D0179 - purple colour - nipped for the 1st .2 - Tuesday - F 3696 - grey - 27th .3 - Wednesday - F5901 - pink - 5th .4 - Thursday - F5498 - blue - 5th .5 - Friday - E6395 - orange - 13th .6 - Saturday - D1633 - green - 23rd. trams, tramways, tickets, sebastopol, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera, G. Everett, details of each SEC Ballarat runs, c1970
Has a strong association with tram crews and the rosters crew workings, possibly D.J. Everett. Prepared by crews from sheets to enable them to know what service times to run, meal times, details of crew changes etc, based on their allocated shift or run from the roster.Approx 43 page notebook with brown card board covers, within a red plastic Croxley folder Each sheet faint ruled, both sides. Croxley notebook within spiral bound card covers, Lion Brand, No. SF303. Both sides of most pages has the hand written details of each SEC Ballarat runs - giving sign on times, notes, timetables, which run taken or taken by, meal times, notes with regard to special instructions, finish times notes with corrections and changes. Includes all days. Image 1 and 2 shows covers and image 3, one of the sheets with the runs printed on both side of the page. Presumed to be G. Everett's - see history of object. See also Reg item 2298 for an earlier version - appears to be the same handwriting. trams, tramways, ballarat, rosters, employees, shifts, timetables -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Diggers & Mining. Diggers and miners. Many diggers not only moved from field to field, but alternated between gold digging and other occupations. Slide; THE STATE OF VICTORIA - - - Gold digging and other sorts of labour have arrived at a sort of equilibrium; and streams of people are now flowing from the one occupation to the others, and visa versa. A few weeks ill luck at Bendigo disgust a man with his auriferous well sinking and he goes into some sort of service. A dispute with his master chiming in with some current takes of mining success sends him back to the diggings again; and so the stream flows backwards and forwards keeping - - - the wages of all kinds of labour at an equilibrium - - - (M.M.H., August 19, 1853) Markings: 46 994:LIF I. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1928
A Wright & Ditson 'All American' model wooden racquet with open throat and octagonal handle. String whipping around shoulders, throat pieces and around base of throat. Leather end wrap and butt cap. On obverse, model name appears as a decal atop throat on base of head. On both obverse and reverse the trademark, patent information and country of manufacture are printed on shaft. On reverse, Manufacturer name is printed as decal on base of head, above throat. Instructions on side of throat state: BAL/FROM/THIS/POINT. On one side of shaft:'WRIGHT & DITSON/MAKERS/MADE IN U.S.A./LICENSED UNDER/PAT.NO.1664466' and further down:'STRUNG BY'. On other side of shaft:PATENTED/TOP FLITE CONSTRUCTION. Materials: Wood, Gut, Metal, Lacquer, Glue, Ink, Leather, Stringtennis -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black and White photograph, late 1960's?
Set of two black and white photographs, of the front of a Mock-up tram at Preston workshops, the fore running of prototype tram 1041. In an e-mail of 2/9/2019, Mal Rowe advised: - > The second one I think is of a large model of the future 1041, of interest. > The left side photograph could be a model or an early rough-up of the mock up. The right side Photograph is probably the mock-up - judging by the window in the background. See: c late 1960's. The photo with the window in the background could be the actual mock-up (two copies held), while the 2nd is of a narrower body, but has workshop lights reflected in the window. All photos have a remnant of an adhesive strip on the rear.trams, tramways, prototype tramcar, preston workshops, models, 1041 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 3 Black & White Photograph/s, 1960's
A series of three Black and white photographs of tram T class 182 at the Williamstown Road terminus of the Footscray tram system, c1960. Tram photograph in Somerville Road. All showing the return destination of Russell St. .1 - Shows the shops in the background. Trolley pole reversed and appears the driver is about to enter the cab of the tram. Has the run number F6. Has a Caltex, Ampol, Kix and Caravan park sign in the background. .2 - 182 at the terminus with trolley pole reversed and under the wheel locating guard. Has Run No. F5 in the rear cabin window. .3 - ditto, but before trolley pole reversed with passengers leaving the car and one lady waiting to board. Printed on Fujichrome paper. Not known who took the photograph or when it was printed. Two copies of .1 held.Stamped in black ink on back "TMSV Sales"trams, tramways, footscray, williamstown rd, somerville rd, tram 182, t class, mmtb -
Bendigo Military Museum
Postcard - POSTCARD, ALDERSHOT, UK, Valentine's Series, c 1914 - 1918
R..H. Baron took leave from Herdcott Camp between 4.10.19918 and 8.10.1918 to visit Aldershot. See Catalogue No. 7743 for leave pass details. Relatives lived in the Aldershot area. Part of the 'Robert H. Baron', No.3596 and Cooper Collections. See Catalogue No. 19819 for details of Baron's service.1. Coloured street scene with buildings, groups of people and horse drawn transport. 2. Coloured street scene with buildings, groups of people and horse drawn transport. 3. Coloured street scene with buildings, groups of people. 4. Coloured scene features a canal with boat, tow path, bridge and house. 5. Coloured, Band marching down a street. Spectators lining the road. Church in background. 6. Coloured Group of soldiers in uniform marching along the road. Spectators, church in background. 7. Coloured statue of a man on a horse. Statue located on a hill 8. Coloured scene of gardens surrounded by buildings and a church. Groups of women. 9. Coloured - Large building with a clock tower. 10. Coloured column of uniformed soldiers on horseback. Buildings lining road. Horse drawn transport sharing road. 11. Coloured street scene with red brick building and pedestrians. 12. Coloured Monument with inscription. Buildings in background. 13. Black and wgite street scene. Street lined with buildings. Horse drawn transport. Pedestrians.1. High Street, Aldershot. 2. Wellington Street, Aldershot. 3. Union Street, Aldershot. Handwritten in black ink on back: (Notice how narrow the streets are). 4. Wharf Bridge, Farnborough Road, Aldershot. Handwritten in black ink on back: "I was all over these places with Uncle. I had a good time in Aldershot, Bob. 5. Wellington Avenue (Church Parade), Aldershot. Handwritten in black ink: 'One of the Aldershot bands', R.H. Baron.' 6. Queens Avenue and St. George's Church, Aldershot. Handwritten in black ink on back: 'Soldiers going to church". 7. Wellington Monumental, Aldershot. Handwritten on back in black ink: 'I was right up around this place!' 8. Municipal Gardens, Aldershot. Handwritten on back in black ink: 'This place is very pretty, Bob'. 9. Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot. Handwritten on back in black ink "This is a fine place!". 10. Hospital Hill, Aldershot. 11. Smith Dorrien Home, Aldershot. Handwritten on back in black ink. 'I was all over Aldershot with Uncle. I have saw all these places. Bob.' 12. R.A.M.C. Memorial, Aldershot. 13. Victoria Rd, Aldershot.robert h. baron, cooper collection, aldershot uk, postcards -
Vision Australia
Education kit - Object, Grade I Braille For Sighted People: an introduction to reading and writing Braille, 2001
In 2001 RBS and RVIB worked on a joint project to assist sighted people to learn Grade 1 Braille. This CD-ROM was produced to enable people to be able to learn and practice at home.1 CD-ROM with text and BrailleNot all keyboards are suitable for use with this program. To gauge usability launch Notepad or Wordpad and press the s, d, f and j, k, l keys simultaneously. If all six letters appear your keyboard can be used as a virtual brailler. Minimum system requirements: 32MB of Ram; Pentium 166mhz; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0; Quicktime Browser plugin and Macromedia Flash plugin (included in installation). NB: Video may take one minute to load. Display: At least 800 x 600, high colour (16 bit). Installation: The CD-ROM will automatically run the setup procedure. For best results run the program from your hard drive. If the setup fails to start automatically, double click My Computer or Windows Explorer, double click the CD-ROM drive icon, then double click the setup icon. This CD-ROM is a joint project by the Royal Blind Society and Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind.royal blind society of new south wales, education, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, William Ripper, Steam, 1897
This book was owned by Alf Gresham Johnston who was a former SMB mining student from the Ballarat School of Mines. He died at the age of 29 during military service in South Africa. The following is from the Federation Uni Honour Roll at The October 1901 Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) Students Magazine reported 'Alf. Johnston's gone. The news came as a shock to all of us at the school. He who was with us a few short months ago, in all strength of sturdy manhood, has met a soldier's death in South Africa, and we sincerely mourn his loss…. His heart was in the school, and he did his best to further its interests … His last act on leaving Australian shores was to send a telegram from Albany to Prof. Mica Smith, to whom he was warmly attached, wishing the School and all connected with it "Good-bye". In his short, all to short, life of 29 years, he had more adventure than falls the lot of most men, and possibly the spirit of adventure, and also, of duty, prompted him to throw in his lot with the "colors," and leave for the front. The news of his death comes to us with added weight of sadness when we remember that he was one of the organisers of the School entertainment last year to help swell the fund for the erection of a statue to fallen Victorian soldiers.'A small red book with a double black line bordering the front cover, with the text Longmans Elementary Science Manuals on the bottom of the cover. On the back cover is an L&Co logoOn the title page is the inscription of the original owner of the book Alf G Johnston School of Mines Ballarat 1899. Inside the front cover and on page 19 is the stamp of the School of Mines Ballaratalfred johnston, steam engine, compound engines, condensers, heat, horse-power, transfer of heat, combustion of fuel, saturated steam, cranks and crank shafts, watt governor, boilers, alf johnston, william ripper, boer war