Historical information

An aerial photo of the Somme in France during World War One. There are coordinates or numbers in some areas. Also labelled are the Johannes and Anvil Wood.
Was with 11 other photos of World War One that had been mounted on board for display at Legacy House at some stage. When they were taken off display they were put in the archive cabinets. The founding legatees all served in World War One so these photos would have been of significant places for them. (see 01888 to 01899).
From the AWM: Anvil Wood was a small wood to the north of Peronne that marked the centreline of an attack by the 14th Brigade on the morning of 1 September 1918. The northern approaches to Peronne were covered by numerous field and machine-guns, but the leading battalions of the brigade - the 53rd and 54th - pushed their attack home with determination, and sent the German defenders fleeing back to Peronne. The attack opened the way for the 14th Brigade to advance on to Peronne itself and break into the town's northern defences.


Photos from World War One that would have been significant to the founding legatees.

Physical description

Sepia photo of the Somme battlefield in France during World War One.