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matching nursing sister
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, with short dark hair... photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister ...This photograph shows one of the aspects of nursing care carried out by the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). It shows wound care being given by a Sister to a patient in her own home. The bandage being applied is called a 'Blue line bandage'. which gives firm pressure to the ladies leg.The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society, MDNS, from its inception in 1885, provided wound care to their patients who ranged in age from the very young to the elderly. As research developed better products and dressing materials the methods and medication applied to wounds changed. MDNS received Royal patronage in 1966 and as Royal District Nursing Service, RDNS, the Education department developed programs, such as Wound Care Program and the Leg Ulcer Management Program, to provide their Sisters with methods of best quality care. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctors and Hospitals to provide information on the progress of patient’s wounds and to receive any change of wound care from the Doctor. RDNS introduced Wound Care Specialists who did assessments and provided advice and support to the District Sisters working in the field. On the left of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, with short dark hair and wearing a white gown, leaning over and bandaging the right leg of a lady. The bandage has a line around the centre. The lady is looking down at the bandaging; she is wearing glasses, and is wearing a dark padded dressing gown edged with white. The lady has her other leg bandaged and a dressing on her forehead. Her right arm is in a collar and cuff sling with her jacket covering most of her arm; the first finger of her left hand is bandaged. She is in her home and is sitting on a floral covered chair, with a white towel over its right arm. The lady has both legs elevated. mdns, melbourne district nursing society, rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns wound care -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1975
... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark curly... photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who ...The Sister is supporting the elderly lady as she takes her for a walk on her veranda. The RDNS winter uniform at that time was a blue/grey skivvie worn under a V neck, tunic style, blue/grey herringbone winter material frock. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the frock.From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses (Sisters). As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, the Sisters taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family membersOn the left of the black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a light coloured skivvie under a V neck tunic style frock, standing with an elderly lady on the wooden veranda of her home. The lady, who has short white hair, is wearing a dark buttoned up cardigan over a floral frock, The lady has her right arm hooked through the left arm of the Sister, who is clasping the ladies hand. The Sister is looking to the left at the lady, and the lady is looking to the front. The weatherboard wall of her house is seen in the background. Part of a chair and small table are on the far front left of the photograph.Type written informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns rehabilitation -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 09.1972
... is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) Pat (Paddy... the supervision of RDNS Sisters. melbourne district nursing society mdns ...Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley, is the RDNS Principal Nurse Educator and she is instructing Sr. Margaret Affleck during an Education session. Both Sisters are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style frock made of herringbone winter material. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the tunic. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of RDNS Sisters. Standing on the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) Pat (Paddy) Rowley, who is wearing dark rimmed glasses and has short dark hair. She is leaning forward with her right hand resting on a table and, with her left hand, is pointing to a passage in a white paged book which is open on the table in front of Sr. Affleck who is seated. Sr. Affleck has short dark curled hair and is looking up at Sr. Rowley. Both Sisters are wearing the RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker grey V neck tunic style frock. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the tunic. In the background dark shelving and books can be seen.Photographer stamp. Quote LD 6melbourne district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister margaret affleck -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 15 05 1967
... Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing... District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister B. McDonald, who ...RDNS Sister, Betty. McDonald, is about to enter the home of a patient to administer nursing care.The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelistis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister B. McDonald, who is wearing her grey uniform coat, with RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve, and her peaked grey hat over her dark short hair. She is holding her rectangular nursing case in her left hand. Her right arm is through the long handles of a black bag which is hanging under it, and her hand is on the top of the gate; Number '39' is attached to the top of the gate post. A tall broken paling fence, with many gaps between the palings, can be seen running along the edge of the footpath to the left and right of the gate. The fence is leaning over in places. Bushes can be seen behind the fence and part of a white building is seen in the background.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 5rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns patient care, sister betty mcdonald -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1985
... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Willie Fleming, who has... nursing service rdns rdns centre sister willie fleming sister ...The RDNS Sisters are both holding the 1st day Cover Envelope issued by the Australian Postal Department in 1985 to commemorate the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society on the 17th of February 1885. A stamp is in the right hand top corner of the envelope. The main body of the stamp is pale blue. On the top of the stamp, written in deeper blue/grey, are the words "Centenary of District Nursing Services 1985" Below this, and to the right, is a pale bone colour original sign on a metal fence which reads, in white capital letters, "Melbourne District Nursing Society" Standing on the left in the foreground is a MDNS Trained nurse (Nurse) in her long grey uniform frock with white collar, cuffs and belt. She is wearing a grey helmet style hat which has a white hat band with a red Maltese cross in the centre. Her black shoes can also be seen. She is holding a bicycle; only the front wheel and part of the frame and the handlebars, which have a brown nursing bag strapped to them, can be seen, The nursing bag and handlebars cover part of the MDNS sign. At the bottom of the stamp, on a strip of white background, are the words in capital letters "Australia 33c". Below the stamp is a rectangular1st mark. On the left half of the envelope are some sketches of several two storey buildings either side of a set of steps. Some adults and children are standing on the steps as well as in the foreground; some are sketched and others dressed in various coloured clothing. In the foreground right in front of steps, stands a lady with her hair drawn up and wearing along grey frock and white apron; partly seen against her right side is a small child dressed in brown. Sister Willie Fleming is the Supervisor of the RDNS Sunshine Centre and Sister Phillipa Kariko is Supervisor of Essendon Centre. They are wearing their RDNS uniforms of white short sleeve blouses under royal blue V neck tunic style frocks. The RDNS insignia is round and has royal blue writing on a white background. In Melbourne in 1885 it was recognized that skilled nursing was needed to care for the sick poor in their own homes. On the 17th of February a meeting was held with prominent Melbourne citizens, five gentlemen and fourteen ladies. ‘Dr. Caffyn and Rev. Charles Strong explained the objects and scope of District Nursing Societies that had been formed in towns in UK’. On that day the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded, the first District Nursing Service in Australia. Subsequent meetings were held to form a Committee and to draw up a Code of Rules of the Society. It was decided only nurses who had attended a Nurses Training School at a Hospital and were fully qualified would be employed by the Society, and that the Nurses would keep a daily journal of their work. After interviewing several candidates, the first Nurse, Mrs. Ferguson, was employed with a salary of £100 per annum and commenced work on the 1st of May 1885. She was employed for three months initially, but this was soon extended, “on the understanding she will make arrangements to live in the more immediate vicinity of her district”. A Doctor was consulted before any person was seen. In rotation, a member of the Superintendence Sub-Committee supervised the Nurse’s visits and could assist to alleviate some of the poor social conditions they found. Though only Trained nurses were employed, the term ’Nurse’ was used in those days, not the term ‘Sister’ that is used these days. A second Trained nurse, Mrs. Joanna Cannon, was employed in late 1885, with a trial period of six months which was extended. The two Nurses worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bags containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care and liaised with Doctors. They provided high quality nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. They educated their patients, and their carers, in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of hygiene, cleanliness, ventilation and good nutrition. They taught them, by verbal instruction and demonstration, how to make poultices, to make and apply bandages, apply medical appliances such as splints; and the Nurses supplied milk, beef tea and they cooked soup when needed. As the work increased a third Nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many Nurses only remained with the Society for several months. A Midwifery Service commenced in August 1893 with Nurse Fowler the first trained Midwife. She had previously worked with the Society carrying out General nursing. The Society expanded its areas using public transport and with the Society purchasing bicycles in 1903, before procuring its first cars to cope with the influx of patients during the Spanish influenza epidemic in 1919, though these were sold in 1927 due to their poor condition..A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Sisters to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia vehicles in 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Over its years of expansion the RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters), continued to visit patients in their homes and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as Amputees, those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary. On the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Willie Fleming, who has curly blonde hair, and on the right, Sister Phillipa Kariko, who has short dark hair. They are standing outside Essendon RDNS Centre.. They are both wearing their RDNS summer uniform of dark V neck tunic style frocks, with emblazoned RDNS insignia on its upper left, over short sleeve white blouses, Each are holding an envelope with writing, sketched buildings and figures on the envelopes left side, and a stamp is on the upper right corner. Below the stamp is writing in a rectangle. Behind the Sisters is a brick wall with them hiding some of the white capital letters of the words 'District Nursing Service' and 'Essendon Centre'. Windows and part of the fascia of the building is seen behind this.Handwritten informationmelbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns centre, sister willie fleming, sister phillipa kariko, rdns 1st day cover centenary envelope -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 20.07.1972
... Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing... District Nursing Service,(RDNS), Sister H. Ford, who has long dark ...Sister Ford is based at Moorabbin Centre and is visiting a patient in her home to give her nursing care. Sr. Ford's uniform coat was of blue/grey herringbone winter material and the RDNS curved insignia is attached to her upper left sleeve, It has a royal blue background edged in white and the words "Royal District Nursing Service" written in white capital letters.The Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care their Trained nurses (Sisters) provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service,(RDNS), Sister H. Ford, who has long dark hair drawn back and is wearing her RDNS winter uniform grey coat with RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve, standing in front of the opened wire door on the veranda of a patient's home. She has her right hand resting on the door frame and she is holding the black handle on the top of her black oblong nursing case in her left hand. To her left is the partially opened white wooden door with upper glass area, with the partial view of a lady seen in the opening. The lady has dark short hair; is wearing glasses and a light coloured frock and cardigan. The white wooden boards of the house can be seen. Photographer stamp. Quote No. KY 60royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns patient care, sister h. ford, rdns centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 09 05 1967
... District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister, who wears glasses and has...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...This Sister is working at the Control Centre at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne where she is receiving a phone call which she will transfer to the appropriate staff member in Headquarters, or if appropriate pass the message onto an RDNS Centre to take action. Central Control was based in the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Headquarters and the Sister working there took and directed all incoming telephone calls to persons in Headquarters or to the appropriate RDNS Centre. Each Centre contacted the Control Sister each morning for any messages received over night. She remained in contact with each RDNS Centre during the day, and in contact with Evening staff after each Centre was closed at 6 p.m. Evening staff contacted Central Control after completing their evening visits, and book work, so the Sister in Central Control knew they were safe and had completed their shift before leaving the RDNS premises. Of a weekend, when reduced staff numbers were working, the same procedure was carried out by the Sister working in each Center's office. In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister, who wears glasses and has short curly hair, is wearing a watch on her left wrist and is wearing her grey short sleeved uniform with an RDNS cotton badge applied to the top of the sleeve. She is sitting behind a desk and is holding a telephone to her right ear; she has a pen in her left hand and is ready to write in an open white paged book. A typewriter is on the left hand side of the desk and a black telephone can be seen on a shelf adjacent to the desk, A framed rectangular mirror can be seen on the left hand side wall. A shelf, with several books on the left hand side, can be seen attached to the upper part of the wall behind the Sister. Below this a large chart is on the wall and a wooden shelf below itPhotographers Stamp. 'Quote No. GE 14rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns administration -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.2000
... (RDNS) Sister standing in front of a Palliative Nursing Display... the supervision of the RDNS Sisters royal district nursing service rdns ...This photograph shows some of the information documents displayed on boards during an Education session on Palliative Care run by the Royal District Nursing Service Education Department.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS SistersColoured photograph of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister standing in front of a Palliative Nursing Display board. The board has a white banner across the top with the dark blue words 'Royal District Nursing Service' written in capital letters. There are several light coloured background posters displayed on the large dark coloured display board. The Sister, who has her dark hair drawn up, is wearing a RDNS blue and white patterned blouse and short sleeve V neck dark blue jumper with a name badge attached on the upper left. The Sister is holding.a white sheet of paper. Part of a red covered table is seen in front of her. A mid green board with documents attached to it is behind and to the right of the Sister. Behind this is a pale green wall with part of a bench and two large windows showing a room beyond.royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns palliative care nursing, rdns education -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1967
... demonstration. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Liz Thomson...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...The demonstration is being carried out in the bathroom at RDNS Headquarter, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. The Sisters are wearing their grey RDNS uniforms and red cardigans of that era. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses. As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, their Trained nurses taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. RDNS at first held workshops given by a contracted private Physiotherapist before employing their own Physiotherapist in 1975 who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family members. When required the Physiotherapist accompanied the Sister on her visit to the patient in their home.staff to be trained in techniques by RDNS Physiotherapists.Black and white photograph showing a safety technique demonstration. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Liz Thomson, with her hair drawn back, is wearing a white gown over her uniform and is being transferred by Sister Betty McDonald, dark short curled hair. She has her arms extended supporting Sr. Thomson onto a bath seat. Sister Thomson has her left leg over the bath and the wooden bath seat can be seen positioned in the upper section of a white bath. Sister Joanne Wilkinson, who has short straight dark hair is on the right observing. Both Sr. McDonald and Sr. Wilkinson are wearing their RDNS uniforms of a dark cardigan over a grey frock. A white tiled wall with a strip of dark tiles is behind the bath.with metal piping attached to the right tiled wall and running to taps over the bath. A window is seen to the left of the tiled wall. Photographers stamp and Quote No. GW 8royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, equipment, liz thomson, betty mcdonald, joanne wilkinson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... on view of a seated Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister... of a seated Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Kaye Pilmore ...RDNS Sister Pilmore is visiting a babe and mother to administer Post Natal nursing care and give health advice. The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.On the left of the black and white photograph is the side on view of a seated Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Kaye Pilmore, who is visiting a mother and her babe in their home. On the right the mother, who is seated, has dark shoulder length straight hair, and is wearing a white sleeveless frock. She is looking at the Sister while she holds her dark haired baby on her knee. The babe is wearing a light coloured top. Sister, Pilmore who has dark short straight hair, is wearing her RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a dark V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS insignia on the upper left. She is holding a pen in her left hand. Closed checked long curtains are seen in the background of the photograph. The partial dark haired head of another person can be seen in the left hand side foreground.. G 155 is stamped in green inkrdns, royal district nursing service, rdns patient care, sister kaye pilmore, rdns domiciliary infant and maternal care (dimc) -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister looking down at the white wound...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...The RDNS Sister is from Camberwell Centre and is visiting the lady in her home where she is attending to wound care needed on the lady's left foot. She has already attended to the wound care required on the ladies right foot. The Sister had used a dressing tray which, contained a bowl for lotion, the forceps and swabs which had been sterilized at Camberwell Centre. Sterile dressing material had been used to clean and dress the wound. The scissors had been sterilized before use..The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, provided wound care to their patients, who ranged in age from the very young to the elderly. As research developed better products and dressing materials, the methods and medication applied to wounds changed. MDNS received Royal patronage in 1966 and as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), the Education department developed programs, such as the Leg Ulcer Management Program to provide their Sisters with methods of best quality care. They introduced RDNS Wound Care Specialists who did assessments and provided advice and support to the District nurses working in the field. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s doctors and hospitals to provide information on the progress of patient’s wounds and to receive any change of wound care from the Doctors. A black and white photograph showing a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister looking down at the white wound dressing which is over the toes of an elderly lady's left foot. Her left hand is holding it, while her right hand is applying tape. The Sister has short, dark, curly hair and is wearing a white gown over her uniform. The lady has short, slightly curled, light grey hair and is wearing a light coloured patterned dressing gown over light coloured pyjamas. She is watching the procedure as she sits on a chair with her right hand bent up to rest near her ear. Both her legs are elevated and resting on a white surgical drape. There is also a white dressing over the toes of the lady's right foot. In the left foreground, part of a dressing tray, two forceps and a pair of scissors are seen on the sterile drape protruding from under the dressing tray..Handwritten 'Camberwell staff and patient'royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns patient care - wound dressing, rdns camberwell centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 22.06.1977
... Black and white photograph showing a Royal District Nursing... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark hair ...The RDNS Sister is giving care to the elderly man in his own home. She is wearing her winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvy worn under a blue/grey herringbone woolen V neck tunic style dress.The Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph showing a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark hair and is wearing the RDNS winter uniform, standing side on to the right of, and attending, an elderly gentleman who is seated on a couch in his lounge room. On the left, the gentleman has sparse light hair and is wearing dark pants and top over a tartan shirt. A white towel is laying on his right leg. To his right, the Sister has her right arm outstretched straightening clothing at his neck, and is supporting a glass in the mans left hand with her outstretched left arm and hand. The glass is partly hidden by her hand. The man is looking up at the Sister and has his right hand near the glass. The Sister is wearing a uniform skivvy under a V neck tunic style dress. In the background, part of floral curtains and white voile curtains can be seen.Photographer stamp. Quote No. DO 75royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns patient care, rdns uniform -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 28.06.1977
... Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing..., Sister Hengstberger, during their Community Nursing Education ...These student nurses are doing their Nursing training at the Western General Hospital and are being given a lecture by RDNS Nurse Educator, Sister Hengstberger, during their Community Nursing Education Program with RDNS. The photograph is taken at the RDNS Education Department at 448 St. Kilda Road. Sister Hengstberger is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvy worn under a blue/grey herringbone V necked winter weight tunic style dress. During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures, Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Registered nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS.Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Cecily Hengstberger, who is wearing glasses and has short dark hair, instructing a group of student nurses. Sister Hengstberger is standing facing the group and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a dark V necked tunic style dress over a lighter colour skivvie. The RDNS logo is emblazoned on the upper left hand side of the tunic. She is standing in the centre rear of the photograph, facing the students, and is holding a piece of white paper in her hands. From the foreground of the photograph, the backs of several rows of nurses, wearing a variety of day wear, can be seen seated at small, metal framed, dark wooden top individual tables. The tables have sheets of paper and pens on them. In the left background of the photograph stands a small blackboard; above this is wall clock, and to its right a large blackboard is.attached to the wall.Photographer stamp. DR 17mdns, melbourne district nursing society, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister cecily hengstberger -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white:, 1952
... Black and white photograph of Melbourne District Nursing... photograph of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), Sister J ...This photograph is taken in the home of the lady and shows MDNS Sister J. Faust giving an injection, using a glass syringe, into the right upper arm of the lady. This type of syringe was re sterilized. These syringes remained in use until the mid 1960s when disposable plastic syringes took their place. This photograph was used in a video on the history of RDNS which is held by the organization. It is a record of the type of care given by Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained nurses in a patient's home.The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), Sister J. Faust who is wearing her grey brimmed uniform hat over her dark curled hair and is wearing a white gown over her grey uniform which is seen below her gown. In her right hand, she is holding a syringe, with needle against the lady's skin, and her left hand is on the upper right arm of the lady above the needle site. The lady, who has light coloured curled hair and is wearing a dark coloured long frock, is standing to the right of the Sister and is holding the right sleeve of her dress up with her left hand. A metal sink with cupboards below is behind the lady. To the left is fireplace which is now tiled at the rear and has a gas stove with kettle on a jet in the space. A row of three pale coloured kitchen canisters in decreasing size sit on the mantle piece. On a shelf above these sit a dark coloured box and a tall thin vase. Staff members name is written on the back of the district nursing society, nursing care, royal district nursing service, rdns, mdns, nursing care - medications, mdns uniforms, j. faust -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c. 1967
... District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister wearing a white gown over...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...The RDNS Sister is applying a splint to the lady's leg after attending to any other nursing care required. This photograph depicts one of the types of nursing care carried out by the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelistis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.On the left of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister wearing a white gown over her grey uniform. She is bending over and slightly towards her right; her face is not visible, only the crown of her grey peaked hat is seen. On her right is a lady sitting in a wheelchair with her right leg extended resting on a bed. The Sister has her left hand on, with her fingers holding the strap, and her right hand on the strap below, of a Splint on the upper right leg of the lady who is watching the procedure. The lady has short dark hair and is wearing a grey buttoned up cardigan and dark skirt; she is wearing a black shoe on the foot of her extended leg. Her left leg is bent at the knee and the top of a splint with some of the straps are visible. Part of the bedspread covering the bed has a grey and white pattern. A pair of crutches and a dark drape can be seen behind the Sister and wheelchair. photographer stamprdns, royal district nursing service, rdns patient care -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 15. 05.1967
... Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing... Nursing Service, (RDNS,) Sister B. McDonald, wearing her grey ...Sister McDonald is visiting a patient to give them nursing care as requested. The photograph depicts the RDNS uniform in 1967. Her coat with the blue background Royal District Nursing Service material badge attached to the top of each sleeve, is worn over a grey cotton uniform dress.The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelistis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS,) Sister B. McDonald, wearing her grey uniform coat with the words 'Royal District Nursing Service' written in white on a dark curved material badge attached to the left upper sleeve; she is wearing her grey peaked uniform hat over her dark short hair. She is carrying her rectangular nursing case in her left hand and is opening the gate of a tall white picket fence before entering a patient's home. Number '19' is on the right hand side gate post. Trees can be seen behind the fence on either side of the gate. A two storey white attached house is in the background. The grey front door with white surround, can be seen on the ground floor. Two posts are supporting a balcony which protrudes from the top storey; a safety rail runs around its outer edge. A closed colonial door can be seen behind the balcony on the upper storey.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 42rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, sister betty mcdonald -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 30 06 1965
... The MDNS Sister has given nursing care to the gentleman... is a Melbourne District Nursing Service, (MDNS) Sister, who is wearing... Sister has given nursing care to the gentleman and has ...The MDNS Sister has given nursing care to the gentleman and has transferred him safely into the wheelchair. Whilst doing this the Sister demonstrated the transfer technique to the lady in the photograph who is probably his wife. The Sister is wearing the MDNS uniform of the day, a grey cotton dress and red cardigan, under her white gown. She has a red Maltese cross applied to the centre of her grey peaked hat.From its founding in 1885 the Hospital Trained nurses of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing many other procedures, as well as assisting them with 'general care' when required. The Sisters needed to transfer the patients when required and also taught family members safe transferring techniques to enable them to care for their loved ones. RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on patient’s family members and the RDNS nursing staff . Where possible the Sisters worked towards independence, using equipment such as shower seats, rails and hand showers. The Sisters liaised with the patient's Doctor and supported and advised the patient and Carer of any further help to assist them.On the left of the black and white photograph is a Melbourne District Nursing Service, (MDNS) Sister, who is wearing glasses and is looking at the camera. She is wearing a white gown over her uniform, with the grey collar and the dark sleeves of her cardigan in view and her grey peaked hat, with an emblazoned Maltese cross in the centre front, sits over her short dark curly hair. Both of her arms are extended and resting on either side of a pillow she is straightening. The Sister is standing next to wheelchair bound man who has short dark hair and is wearing dark trousers and a light coloured jumper. On the right hand side of the wheelchair a lady, wearing a light blouse, grey jumper and tartan skirt, is standing with her left hand resting on the left arm of the man.They are both smiling and looking slightly towards the right in the photograph A 'monkey bar hand grip' is attached to the bed by a pole and hangs on a white chair over the bed. A window covered by a blind is behind the Sister, with a light curtain to the left..Photographers stamp. Quote No. DW 84mdns, melbourne district nursing service, patient care, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, c.1970
... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Cheryl Prentice, who has... district nursing service rdns rdns wound care mrs morgan sister ...Sister Prentice is visiting Mrs. Morgan in her home and is applying a lotion around the outside of Mrs. Morgan's leg ulcer. Following this application Sr. Prentice dressed the wound with the dressing material as ordered by Mrs. Morgan's Doctor. Under her gown, Sister Prentice is wearing the RDNS winter uniform introduced in 1971, which was a grey/blue skivy under a blue/grey herringbone woollen V neck tunic.From its inception in 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) provided wound care to their patients, who ranged in age from the very young to the elderly. The methods and medication applied to wounds changed as research developed better products. MDNS received Royal patronage in 1966 and as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), the Education department developed programs, such as the Leg Ulcer Management Program, to provide their trained nurses (Sisters) with methods of best quality care. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctors and Hospitals to provide information on the progress of patient’s wounds and to receive any change of wound care from the Doctors. RDNS introduced Wound Care Specialists who did assessments and provided advice and support to the District Sisters working in the field. On the right of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Cheryl Prentice, who has dark shoulder length hair and is wearing a white gown over her RDNS uniform, the sleeves of which are seen. On her left Mrs. Morgan is sitting propped against a pillow at the top of her bed and has her knees slightly bent with legs extended. Sr. Prentice, who is looking at her right hand, is holding a small open bottle in her left hand and has her right arm extended across Mrs. Morgan's legs, with the fingers of her hand touching the skin on the far side of an open ulcer wound on the right leg of Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Morgan, who has short light coloured hair, is wearing a cardigan over her floral frock, is looking at the procedure. The bedhead has fine turned wooden slats and the bed coverings are a checked rug and chenile bedspread with a floral towel under Mrs. Morgan's legs.. Photographer stamp. Quote No. DN 77 Handwritten informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns wound care, mrs morgan, sister cheryl prentice -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 26 07 1967
... District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Liaison Sister who is standing..., Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Liaison Sister who ...Sister Coates is working as a RDNS Liaison Officer in a Hospital and is sharing information with the Occupational Health Sister.Liaison had occurred between doctors and the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nursing staff, but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital doctor, via the Liaison sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District field staff and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital.Black and white photograph of Sister Moira Coates, Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Liaison Sister who is standing side on in the left foreground of the photograph. She has dark short hair, and is wearing her grey short sleeved uniform with an RDNS cloth badge at the top of her right sleeve, and her grey peaked uniform hat. She is in a Hospital and is holding an open leaflet in her left hand which she is showing to an Occupational Health Sister who is on her right, and is wearing her white uniform and white veil. Part of a trolley, with equipment on the top and bottom shelf, can be seen in the background on the right hand side. Closed Venetian blinds are seen in the background on the left hand side of the photograph.Photographers stamp and 'Quote No. GH 8'rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns liaison, sister moira coates -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 1933
... , and a group of thirteen Melbourne District Nursing Society Trained... Nurse (Sister) with the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS ...This photograph is a record of Matron Beatrice Williams with some of the Trained nurses (Sisters) who worked in the District division of Melbourne District Nursing Society After Care Home in 1933, just prior to Matron Williams resigning to be married. It was taken in front of the Nurses Home at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood and shows part of the District nursing uniform worn by the MDNS Sisters in the 1930s. At that time their uniform dresses, worn under their coats, were grey cotton and their brimmed hats were made of felt and had a red Maltese cross applied to the centre front of the hatband.Miss Beatrice Williams worked as a Trained Nurse (Sister) with the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) before going to England to gain her Midwifery certificate. After qualifying, she worked as a Tutor sister and a District Superintendent at the University College Hospital in London. On returning to Australia she was appointed, in April 1929, Matron of the District division of the MDNS After-Care Home (Hospital from 1934). She convinced the Committee of the need for Ante Natal care and in 1930 the Ante Natal Clinic was opened at the After-Care. She continued as Matron until 1933 when she married Dr. J.P Major, and was invited to join the Committee of Management. In the early 1950s when the Government requested the Society separate and it take over the After Care Hospital, she became President of the now named Melbourne District Nursing Service with its Headquarters and Nursing Home moving to 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Beatrice had an understanding of the poor, the sick and the aged, and was known for her kindness and sympathy. Her foresight, leadership and enthusiasm brought forth the expansion of District nursing. She died on the 15th of August 1958. The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph showing Matron, Miss Beatrice Williams, wearing a white uniform and veil over her short dark hair, and a group of thirteen Melbourne District Nursing Society Trained nurses (Sisters) outside the front of their Nurses Home. The Sisters are wearing grey coats over their grey uniforms and grey brimmed hats with a Maltese cross applied to the white headband. Matron is sitting in the centre of six Sisters and there are seven Sisters standing behind them on the veranda; a round column is seen to the right between the 4th and 5th Sisters. Part of the grey building behind shows an open door to the left and a long window to the right. A scrolled metal safety rail, running from the round column, is seen in front of the three nurses on the right. The seated Sisters and Matron have their legs crossed at the ankles, melbourne district nursing society, mdns nurses, mdns, rdns, royal district nursing service, mdns uniforms, matron beatrice mary williams -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... District Nursing (RDNS) Domiciliary Postnatal Sister, with long... District Nursing (RDNS) Domiciliary Postnatal Sister, with long ...This photograph is taken in the home of the Mother and babe and shows a RDNS Sister who is visiting to give the mother and babe Post-natal care. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had a Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC) service which gave Post-natal care to new born mothers and babes in their homes following their early discharge from hospital, or if required for other reasons. In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who was trained in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose before or after birth the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth, the Midwife gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe commencing with visits twice a day. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and a pioneering Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal service with General and Midwifery trained MDNS Sisters working from a room on the ground floor at the Footscray Hospital Nurses quarters, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Later, as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended and renamed as Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give Post-natal care to the mother and babe. Many of the RDNS Sisters who worked in DIMC also had their Infant Welfare Certificate, though Midwifery trained nurses also visited. Black and white photograph showing, to the left, a Royal District Nursing (RDNS) Domiciliary Postnatal Sister, with long hair drawn up, and wearing a white gown. She is attending to a new born baby in her wicker bassinet at the baby's home. The Sister is smiling and has her left hand by the shoulder of the wrapped babe, and her right hand is resting lower on the baby. The baby's mother, who has curly short dark hair, is dressed in a floral blouse and dark cardigan. She is standing to the right of the Sister and behind the bassinet, and is looking down at her babe and smiling. Her left hand is resting on the bassinet. The baby has dark hair and has her hand partly covering her mouth. Part of a picture is seen on the wall behind the mother.rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns domiciliary post natal service, rdns domiciary infant and maternal care, rdns dimc -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1958
... District Nursing Service (MDNS) Sister who is wearing a white gown... nursing care. He is lying in bed in his home and the Sister ...This photograph depicts a MDNS Sister visiting a male patient to give him nursing care. He is lying in bed in his home and the Sister is applying a bandage to his left wrist. Under her white gown the Sister is wearing the MDNS winter uniform of a grey dress with peaked collars and grey wool beret which has a central red Maltese cross attached. The Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, provided wound care to their patients who ranged in age from the very young to the elderly. The patients required their wounds to be dressed following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. As research developed better products and dressing materials, the methods and medication applied to wounds changed. MDNS received Royal patronage in 1966 and as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), the Education department developed wound care programs, such as the Leg Ulcer Management Program to provide their Trained nurses (Sister) with methods of best quality care. They ran a program for Wound Care Specialists who made assessments and provided advice and support to the District Sisters working in the field as needed. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctors and hospitals to provide information on the progress of patient’s wounds and to receive any change of wound care from the Doctors. Standing on the left of this photograph is a Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) Sister who is wearing a white gown over her grey uniform, the collar of which can be seen. She is wearing her uniform grey wool beret over her short dark curly hair and is smiling as, with her outstretched left hand, she supports the partly bandaged extended left arm of a gentleman who is sitting up in bed to her right; his right arm is resting on the bed and supporting him as he is partly turned towards the Sister. She has part of a rolled bandage in her right hand. The male patient, who has short dark hair, is looking at the camera and smiling. He is wearing a white and striped pyjama top and his lower body is covered by a patterned bed cover. Part of a pillow with check pillow case sits flat behind him and part of a wooden horizontal slat bedhead is seen. On the wall behind the bed hangs a framed photograph of a couple on their wedding day. Patterned curtains cover the window in the left rear of the photograph.John Gallagher photography. 4 Benares Street, Mitcham Victoria WU 2568 No. 4-4melbourne district nursing service, mdns, mdns wound care, royal district nursing service, rdns -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 19.07.1972
... Black and white photograph of three Royal District Nursing...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...This photograph is taken in a room in the RDNS Heidelberg Centre. The Sisters are demonstrating a lifting technique to staff members. The Sisters are wearing their RDNS winter uniforms which are a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress with the RDNS insignia on the upper left. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses. As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, their Trained nurses taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. RDNS at first held workshops given by a contracted private Physiotherapist, before employing their own Physiotherapist in 1975, who taught staff the correct transfer techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family members. When required the Physiotherapist accompanied the Sister on her visit to the patient in their home.Black and white photograph of three Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters demonstrating a safe bed transfer. From Left to Right is the side on view of Sisters Daphne Geldard, who has short dark curled hair with her left arm around the back of Sister Elizabeth Francis, and her right arm under her legs. Sister Francis has short dark hair and is smiling. She has her right arm over the shoulders of Sr. Geldard, and her left arm is over the shoulder of Sr. Bev Armstrong. Her buttocks are slightly off the bed which has a white pillow and grey blanket. Sr. Armstrong is facing both Sisters. She has short straight blonde hair and has her eyes closed. She has her right arm around the back of Sr. Frances and her left arm is under her legs. The three Sisters are wearing light coloured skivvies under a darker V neck tunic style dress with the RDNS insignia on the upper left. Barry Sutton's Photographer's Stamp. Reprint Quote Number: KY22 Handwritten on back of photo are the names of the RDNS staff members and the location is Heidelberg Centrerdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns physiotherapist, rdns centre, sister daphne geldard, sister elizabeth francis, sister bev armstrong -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 19.07.1972
... District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Elizabeth Francis, who has... Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Elizabeth Francis, who has curled ...Mrs P.. Cosh is a private Physiotherapist contracted by RDNS to educate RDNS nursing staff in safe transferring techniques. This photograph is taken in the Heidelberg Centre. The RDNS Sisters are wearing their winter uniforms of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress,From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses. As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, their Trained nurses taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. RDNS at first held workshops given by a contracted private Physiotherapist before employing their own Physiotherapist in 1975 who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family members. When required the Physiotherapist accompanied the Sister on her visit to the patient in their home.On the left in the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Elizabeth Francis, who has curled dark hair and is kneeling on a mat looking down at Sr. Bev. Armstrong, who has straight blonde hair and is lying on a mat on the floor with her head resting on a white pillow and her right arm resting across her body. Behind and slightly to the right of Sr. Armstrong is Sr. Daphne Geldard who has short dark curled hair. She is kneeling on the mat and looking down at Sr. Armstrong. To her right is Physiotherapist Mrs. P. Cosh, who has dark short curled hair and is wearing a check suite. She is looking at Sr. Armstrong and has her left hand resting on the out edge of Sr. Armstrong's right hand. The RDNS Sisters are wearing a light coloured skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style dress. A closed wooden door is behind the Sisters with pale walls either side. Lino tiles are on the floor either side the mat on which Sr. Armstrong lay.Barry Sutton Photographer's Stamp, Quote KY28, names of staff hand written on back of photographrdns, royal district nursing service, nurses uniforms, rdns physiotherapist, sister elizabeth francis, sister bev armstrong, sister daphne geldard, mrs p. cosh -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23.05.1967
... District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister at the wheel of her RDNS... is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister at the wheel ...The photograph shows a RDNS Sister driving her RDNS car along a dirt road to reach a patient to administer nursing care. It shows the typical conditions of the roads the RDNS trained nurses encountered in some districts. The photograph also depicts an Australian made Holden car of the mid 1960s Melbourne District Nursing Society, later Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded bicycles, public transport, District cars, the use of a Motor Auxiliary, the Trained nurses (Sisters) own cars, and even a motorcycle were used, and all these forms were intermingled until RDNS had its own fleet of vehicles. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelistis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister at the wheel of her RDNS Holden car, which has a black rear Victorian number plate with 'JPH - 516' written in white letters. Through the back window you can see part of the Sister's uniform and her peaked hat worn over her short curled hair. Her left hand is on the upper part of the steering wheel. The dirt road on which she is travelling has mud and some grass tufts either side of it. On the right of the car is a hip roof brick house which has a single storey front area with attached two storey section at the rear. A short open Besser brick fence, with a white wooden gate, is seen running from the front of the property to the house, and beyond this a clothes line and shed. Beyond this, part of a tall paling fence is seen from the front of the property to the shed. The top section of the next brick house is seen beyond the fence; it has a white railed veranda along part of it and the house has a flat roof.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 90rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns patient care -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1965
... is a Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) Sister, wearing a white... to a patient who required specific nursing care. When the Sisters ...This photograph is taken in the Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) Footscray Centre and shows a Sister receiving sterilized equipment from a Sister in the Autoclave room. The Sister receiving the equipment will use this when giving specific nursing care to a patient in her home.Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), had an Autoclave room in each Centre where Catheter trays, dressing trays, as well as dressing packs and gowns and towels were sterilized for their Trained staff (Sisters) to take to the home when attending to a patient who required specific nursing care. When the Sisters returned to the Centre they cleaned the equipment and set up the trays ready for re-sterilizing. On the right of the black and white photograph is a Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) Sister, wearing a white gown over her grey uniform, with peaks showing, and wearing her grey peaked hat over her short dark hair. She is smiling as she is handing sterilized equipment through the opened sliding window of the sterilizing room. The Sister receiving the equipment is to the left in the next room. She is wearing her grey uniform coat and peaked hat over her short dark curled hair, and is standing against a row of cupboards with their bench top at the level of the sliding window. To her right, a rectangular metal basket sits on the bench top; a white drape is in the basket and another to its right. A four pronged walking stick stands on the floor to her right hand side. At the rear left a small table is against the wall with a small grey square tapering rubbish bin beneath it. The edge of the open door can be seen on the far left. In the foreground some of the cupboards, and part of a wall with an electric switch can be seen.Photographer's stamp. Quote No. GX 6 Handwritten informationmelbourne district nursing service, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns equipment, sterilizing, rdns centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1967
... Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing... Nursing Service (RDNS) Footscray Centre. Sister Short is closing ...This photograph is taken in the Sterilizing room in the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Footscray Centre. Sister Short is closing the door of the Autoclave to sterilize equipment and dressings which will then be used by a RDNS Sister when she is visiting a patient in the community. Sterilizing of equipment and dressings were carried out at each RDNS Centre. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) supplied sterilized equipment, such as ready set up catheter trays and dressing trays, as well as dressing packs for their trained staff (Sisters) to take to the home when attending to specific patient care. When the Sisters returned to the Centre they washed and set up the trays again ready for re-sterilization. Each RDNS Centre had an Autoclave room and equipment and dressings were sterilized each day.Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Margaret Short, who has short dark hair, and is wearing a white gown over her uniform, with the grey peaks seen. She is using the Autoclave in the Sterilizing room. The tall rectangular metal sterilizer stands in the centre of the photograph. There are several small dials and a larger square dial on its upper left, with a long encased thermometer in the centre and a large round dial to its right. Below this is the partly open large metal door of the sterilizing section. A thick horizontal metal piece runs from the left side of the sterilizer, across, and attached at the centre, of the door. Sister Short has her left hand on the turning bar attached to the centre section, and her right hand is on the locking section as she closes the door. Below the door are two switches and several small dials. To the left of the sterilizer is a cabinet, and to the right of Sister Short, eight small wrapped dressing packs are on a shelf. At the rear of the photograph the wall goes halfway up, with windows above.Photographer's Stamp. Quote No. GX 12 Handwritten informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, footscray centre, sterilizing, sister margaret short -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1980
... Colour photograph of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters who are standing in a room - left ...The RDNS Sisters are attending a functions being held in the Board Room at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road in Melbourne.From its founding in 1885 until 1891 the trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). The Committee meetings were held at the Religious Tract Society rooms at Queen’s walk, off Swanston Street and then at the Library Room at the Melbourne Town Hall. The Annual General Meeting was held at the Town Hall. In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Trained nurses (Nurses) and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. They left from their Nurses Home each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurse, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. to Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy where they remained for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funds to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District nurses continued to live at No. 39. In November 1953 the District Nursing Division moved into their new Headquarters and Nurses Home at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. As RDNS expanded with Centres now opening throughout the suburbs, their Trained nurses (Sisters) lived in their own homes and the Nurses Home at 452 closed and the rooms used for administrative purposes. On April the 1st 1996 RDNS Head Office relocated to 31 Alma Road, St. Kilda.Colour photograph of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters who are standing in a room - left to right - .....Pat (Paddy) Rowley, with short brown hair and wearing glasses, Kath McLean, with short dark hair, Betty Harris, who is wearing glasses and with short brown curly hair and on the far right Ruth May, wearing glasses and with short dark hair, Sister May and the unknown Sister on the far left hand side, are wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white blouse under a V neck royal blue tunic style frock. The three Sisters in the centre of the photograph are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of blue/grey skivvies under their blue/grey herringbone woollen V neck tunic style frocks. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the uniforms. Opened gold long curtains are in the background, along with three wooden chairs which have green backs and seats. The chairs are partly hidden by the standing Sisters. A vase of plumed feather flowers is behind Sr. Harris. Part of a white clothed table, with silver cutlery and white plates on it, is the the foreground.rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns headquarters, sister ruth may, sister kath mclean, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister betty harris -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.2000
... a Royal district Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who is wearing... centre, showing a Royal district Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister ...The photograph was taken in a Shopping centre and shows an RDNS Sister about to check the blood pressure of a lady..Over many years the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), was involved with carrying out health screening checks at many Shopping centres, and other venues, when requested.A coloured photograph taken in a Shopping centre, showing a Royal district Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who is wearing glasses and has short blonde straight hair, standing on the left hand side of a seated elderly lady. The RDNS Sister, is wearing RDNS dark blue slacks and a jumper over a white blouse, with the collar and cuffs seen. She is looking down at a blood pressure machine and holding the dial with her right hand. A stethoscope is hanging down from around her neck. The elderly lady has a blood pressure cuff around her right arm. She has grey curly hair and is wearing a blue and pink patterned jacket over a navy blue frock. She is facing the camera and looking serious. To the Sister's left are some open cardboard boxes, one with a white balloon on a stick from it, and further to the left part of a table covered with a red tablecloth can be seen. A shoe shop can be seen in the rear, as well as a vertical dark banner with the word 'Police' running down it in white letters.royal district nursing service, rdns, health screening checks -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.06.1971
... Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters and three student nurses outside... Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters and three student nurses outside ...The Student nurses are trainees from Footscray Hospital who, as part of their training, are to go out with and observe RDNS Sisters at work for a week. Sister Anderson is Supervisor of RDNS Footscray Centre, During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Sister for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced following discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS.Black and white photograph showing two Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters and three student nurses outside the glass door and large glass window, with a white rectangular sign with the black capital letters, some partly hidden, "Royal District Nursing Service Footscray Centre" attached. In front of this, on the left hand side of the photograph is a side on view of Sister Clare McHugh, wearing her uniform grey coat with RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve, and grey peaked hat over her blonde hair, looking towards two of the Hospital trainees to her right. They are wearing their hospital uniforms of a light grey frock with two rows white buttons down them, and white collars, white caps and dark capes. Further to their right is another uniformed Student nurse who is facing Sister E. Anderson who is in the far right of the photograph. Only the back of her dark short curled hair is seen, as she stands side on looking at the Student nurse. She is wearing her RDNS long sleeve grey uniform. Photographers stamp. Quote No. KH 66royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns - education of student nurses, clare mchugh,, ellen anderson,