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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Film Projector Speakers x2
Speakers were used to amplify the sound of the movie being shown. The Pyrox Victor was for 16mm films and used from the 1940s.Used in the Kiewa Valley possibly at the Mt Beauty Community Hall for weekly filmsHeavy large red box with 'Pyrox Vicor' on one side. 'Rola' is inscribed at the end of the cone and centred in the front. The company, Rola, of Richmond, Victoria, Model 12U. Circa 1940s. It has a long electrical cord alo inside the case. Both speakers are the same except one is in a poor condition. pyrox victor, rola manufacturers, film projector speakers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
T-Shirt - Upper Kiewa Valley Lions
Lions Club was first formed in 1947 in Victoria. It is a Services club for the CommunityThe Upper Kiewa Valley Lions Club was charted in 1964 and continues today (2024)Yellow T-shirts with brown collars and cuffs and at the waist.On the back printed in brown "U.K.V. Lions / In Action" On the front is the Lions Club logoupper kiewa valley lions club -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Dance Program - Tawonga Hall
The Tawonga hall was used for community events eg. Dances, Balls and Debutante Balls. The dance Program was displayed for the Musicians and Dancers/Guests to be ready to dance when the music started. Traditional Ballroom dances include the Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Quickstep. Latin Ballroom dances include the Cha Cha, Rumba, JiveHandmade and used by residences of Tawonga and the Kiewa Valley. Possibly unique. Handmade, tall wooden box with opening at the front showing wooden slots for dance labels eg. waltz,. It has a knob at the top side. The knob can be turned to rotate the dances so that the current dance is at the top. The labels are on white paper and printed in large green letters. dances, balls, debutante ball, tawonga hall, entertainment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
DVD - Tawonga Remembers
Education in Tawonga and nearby schools as reported in the book Tawonga Remembers by Di Edmondson Digitised onto a DVD prior to the invention of the USB stick.Tawonga Remembers covers the history of the businesses and people in the Tawonga area giving a history of farming before and after the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.DVD with yellow paper cover. In texta written on the DVD "Tawonga Remembers" / Education - 1880-2018 / Tawonga, Tawonga South / Mullindolingong.As aboveeducation, tawonga remembers, farming community -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Cap - Head
Glengarry cap used in1906 by local scottish piper. Scottish pipe bands were extensively used as providing local communities with music from "the mother" country. The strong ties to the British Empire was still very alive in local communities.Historical significant pre Wold War 1 and the great ties the population had to everything English. This bond would decrease after World War 2. English isles music was very sought after up until the American presents was starting to increase.Black Glengarry cap, black velvet with tartan trim and cream coloured lining. Cap worn by members of Scottish pipe bands. Inverted pleat running along the top. Black two cap ribbons missingcap scottish bands headware clan influence -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Certificate Prize - Bogong School, Australian Natives Association, 1944
Historical document detailing the significance of beautification and pride taken by all who worked and studied at Bogong School 4590This item represents a period in school and social development when the community covered the beautification of school facilities without State involvement. A period in time when public resources could only cover city and larger townships Buff coloured cardboard certificateThis is to certify that the Bogong School 4590 was awarded a water colour as the A.N.A. prize for the most improved school gardening and grounds in the Beechworth Inspectorial District for 1944 signed J. Parker General Secretarybogong school 4590, gardening awards, beechworth inspectorial -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Table Runner, circa 1920s to 1950s
Historically this item highlights the middle to upper to middle socio economic levels of a rural community in the 1920s to 1950s. The fashion dictated to by the larger cities and towns were for some smaller items of house hold furniture encompassed by homes in the region, not only because of practicality but also for longevity of the item it protected.The significance of this item in showing that although the region was to a small degree isolated from the "latest" fashion of house hold dressage, it was to a certain degree not regional and that the fashion of the day in large cities and towns was instilled through magazines and Country Women,s organisations.Fine cotton table runner. Middle section has a 2cm wide crochet insert around it with another border of cotton around it 2cm wide. All the item is edged with a 7cm wide crochet band.hand craft, furniture dressing, lace, crochet, cotton furniture proctective coverings -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
R.A.O.B. Members' Board
Originated in the United Kingdom in 1822 with a motto "No Man Is At All Times Wise" and a maxim of "Justice, Truth and Philanthropy". A branch of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes was formed at Bogong by Grand Lodge Officers from Melbourne and other members. The ceremony was held at Lewis Camp Mess (Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme) with a world record of 78 new members initiated and a world record of over 100 pounds was raised. Another branch, No. 150, was opened in Mt Beauty. The Bogong and Mt Beauty lodges combined in 1948 and organised a Christmas treat for all children of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria working on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Historical: The Bogong R.A.O.B. was formed circa Sept. 1946 and the Mt Beauty R.A.O.B. in 1948. The Members Board, the 78 members initiated and the money raise indicate that it was a popular organisation in Bogong and then in Mt Beauty during the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. This club also shows how important social clubs were in making up part of the community thus making it socially historic as well. This board has good interpretive capacity as it tells the story of this club which was important to the community at the time. Large hollow wooden box with 2 wooden doors at the front that open out the from centre to a hollow box. Attached to the front of the box, at the top, is a wooden decoration with curved edges along the top. In the centre of this are the letters R.A.O.B.- the letters having been carved out of the wood and then filled with a different wood. Both doors have steel attachments and a locked padlock hangs on the door on the left. Inside the box is a white paper sign with black writing backed onto masonite. Inside the right hand side door a coloured paper sign is attached."R.A.O.B." top centre of box. "Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes" etc. on black and white sign inside box. "Mt Beauty Lodge No. 150. This is to certify that Brother (blank) initiated into ...on 19th March 1949 ....signed by Chas / Chris A. Angus, Secretary" on coloured paper inside right hand side door.royal antediluvian order of buffaloes. bogong. mt beauty. charitable organisation. kiewa hydro electric scheme. lewis camp mess, clubs, societies -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Letter Commerce, Confirmation of Payment, 02/12/1911
This document (dated 1911), is a receipt covering the compensation for the three acres of land required to establish the Tawonga School from its original site (since 1880) to a more central site (since 1911), within the township. This receipt clearly shows the era in which the community involvement and social commitment of landholders was at a higher level, in the early 20th century, than at the latter part. Matters involving community welfare in relatively isolated rural regions was of high priority to every person whether town folk or grazier/farmer or miner. The letter of acceptance of the amount of twenty one pounds for three acres was signed by John Cooper on behalf of Ada Ryder (parent at the school), did not require State Government Compulsory Acquisition process (as it may have, had it been in the latter part of the century and if it were in a city or large town. This social benevolency was part of the period (up to the late 1900's) of the rural Australian environment. This was well before international land investments changed the picture of the socio-economics of country towns.A4 letter of confirmation of payment on pre-lined paper and with a margin. Both margin and lines are coloured in light grey. The page has been folded four times and shows faintly, horizontal lines, of manufacture. The letter is framed with a glass front.This receipt for the compensation of money is hand written in ink and reads: "Tawonga Dec 2 1911, I have this Day Received from the Residents and other People interested in the new State School the Sum of (Pounds sign) 21-0-0 twentyone Pounds being value of compensation for three Acres of land on which is erected the new State School No.2282 Paid by Cash & Cheques with thanks 2/12/11 (Signed) John Cooper" Below this is affixed a Victoria 1 pence stamp duty stamp, on which is written(freehand) Paid 2/12/11 Initialed J Cfinancial letters, receipts, school acquisitons, stamp duty -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tins - Tobacco (Lucky Hit) x4, Mid to late 1900s Possibly c1910
The British Australasian Tobacco Co. (based in Melbourne and Sydney. The parent company was founded in England, circa 1902). This item "Lucky Hit" was the fore runner of the "Lucky Strike" brand name. The ready rubbed tobacco held within the tin was mainly used by those smokers who rolled their own cigarettes. These smokers would have mainly used their palm and formed a cup then placing their choice of the amount of tobacco to be rolled. This would then be placed on the fine cigarette paper and rolled and sealed (using saliva in the mouth) into the required shape. There were mechanical "roll you own" gadgets on the market but most rural users, especially males used their palms. The quantity of tobacco used to make up the cigarette was up to the individual user. The thinner that the cigarette was rolled the longer and more economical did the supply last. The by -products of this method were nicotine stained fingers and hands. "Chain" smokers were easily identified and could therefore be discriminated against obtaining smoke sensitive employment. The two world wars (1914-18 and1939-45) produced a significant rise in the consumption of cigarette use by men and the eventual overflow to women. Cigarette smoking before the 1900s was seen as rough and uncouth (socially frowned upon), however after the introduction of overseas films (U.K. and U.S.A.) and film stars presenting smoking as socially acceptable the rise of smoking cigarettes, especially roll you own (American western movies) in rural areas was an accepted way of life. Things however started to change in the mid 1900s when medical evidence pointed to the health problems of regular smokers. Governments were now implementing non smoking education material. Restrictions on where and when smoking was permitted and acceptable started to creep into all areas of society whether city or rural. This was the era that highlighted the use of roll your own cigarettes, especially when the costs of "tailor made" cigarettes were taxed at an increasing amount. Roll your own cigarettes also provided an avenue for the consumption of illicit drug use.The significance of this ready rubbed tobacco tin to this rural region is, stems from how much influence that the Western novels and overseas films (portraying rural lifestyles) played in shaping the rural social and working mores of the Kiewa Valley. The post war depression (financially) resulted in more smokers turning away from expensive machine (tailor) made cigarettes to the roll your own, using ready rubbed tobacco. This tobacco tin relays a long ago era, when personal contact, and not something that has been written down by some "unknown", was valued as the true appraisal of a member of the community. This was especially relevant in a small regional area such as the Kiewa Valley. Although social networking was not as fast then as the internet provides now, appearances, manners, fashion and etiquette with first impressions high on the order of evaluating someone in the community. Pointer such as the brand of tobacco smoked was part of the rural assessment method. Up until the demise of the Australian Tobacco Industry, circa 2004, the Kiewa Valley and surrounding district was part of a vibrant producer of tobacco leaves. The remnants of this industry still remain today but the drying sheds (for tobacco leaves) are now used to store hay for the valley's dairy and beef cattle industries. Tins 2,3 and 4 were found (in 2009) at Wallace's Hut on the Bogong High Plains. This tobacco tin is constructed from tin plated thin rolled steel. The lid is attached by two pressed and formed (from the main frame) hinges using the nip and tuck construction method. The lid and outside frame have been gold & silver anodised. Tins 2,3 and 4 have the Union Jack on the front lid. One is too rusty to read. The other two have "A blend containing choice selected Australian grown leaf" in white across the bottom on the red border and above the "2oz net weight when packed". In the centre and on the outside of the lid and surrounded by a reproduction of the "Union Jack" is stamped, "Lucky Hit Tobacco" within these words are also stamped "Ready Rubbed". The bottom of the lid is stamped (in smaller script) "2oz NET WEIGHT WHEN PACKED" and underneath this and on the rim of the lid is "THE BRITISH AUSTRALASIAN TOBACCO CO. PTY. LTD. MELBOURNE" on the inside of the lid and stamped in black print on a gold anodised lid is " NOTICE "(underlined) "Every tin of genuine "Lucky Hit has the name of the Manufacturing Company printed on wax paper lining; also on the band or wrapper with which the tin is sealed. THE BRITISH-AUSTRALIAN TOBACCO CO. PTY. LTD., MELBOURNE" and underneath this and underlined is " None genuine without the band or wrapper" On the hinge side of the lid is "LUCKY HIT READY RUBBED TOBACCO" Tins 2,3 and 4 Vary to the above inscription.roll your own, cigarette tins, smoking accessories, personal effects, tobacco containers, tobacco -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Cooking, SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites, Circa 1950
This SEC cook book was produced circa 1950s when the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme and its Commission was in full swing. The Commission had constructed two settlements, Mount Beauty and Bogong Village to house construction workers and their families in a "closed" community. These "closed" communities were for SEC staff and construction workers only. Entry into these villages was restricted to "SEC pass" carrying construction staff and their families. All facilities such as retail, sporting and other community services was provided by the SEC. This created an isolated community in which limited individual choice or administrative family leeway was available. It was a typical company town (live and work for the company). The Company was in the Kiewa Valley constructing power stations for the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme of Victoria. In one way the individual did not need to be concerned with living costs, educational needs for children, and recreational amenities and therefore "normal" community survival /living methods did not apply. This living, although restrictive, was quite simple. When the scheme was completed, in 1961, marking the end of company town, caused some of the employees, who had enjoyed the "controlled" township environment, a fair degree of angst in having the new 'laissez-faire" controls thrust upon them. This was magnified when both Mount Beauty and Bogong Village became meshed into the Bright Shire, vis-a-vis, local government. This cook book is a prime example of " the company is looking after you" and leave the worrying to us. This environment of a "company town", which creates the atmosphere of minimal personal responsibilities, is still present in a few remote mining towns in Australia at the beginning of the 21st Century.This book is a classical example of the psychological control in which the company had its construction workers families living in. The motto of many companies who had employees in isolated regions was "keep them happy". A happy and contented worker is a more productive worker. This was a period in time (1950s to 1970s) when social psychology was gaining recognition in the Australian workforce as well as internationally. At the end of the construction of all the power stations both the Mount Beauty settlement and the Bogong Village became more integrated into the main stream of rural Australia environment. Development of tourism in the region opened up not only interaction with a greater cross section of the ever expanding type of Australian but also the overseas based non rural culture tourist or immigrant. It allowed the intermingling of ideas in a non company controlled environment. The Mount Beauty and Bogong Village has, and even up to the 3000 Millennium, the same housing construction, as was built by the SEC. There has only been a very gradual change to modern domestic architectural home styles. This SEC cookbook has a folded cover with two staples at the spine, securing eight double sided pages. The white pages contain black print and sketches(3), and one black and white photograph (of the author). The front cover is mainly orange in colour with a gradual fading into yellow(at the top). The cover is approximately 210 g/m2 in thickness and each page is approximately 90 g/m2 thick. Front cover: top of page "SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites", in the middle a sketch, black on orange background, of a smiling mother walking from the kitchen to the dining table with a steaming rolled roast and vegetables in one hand and a gravy pot in the other. The furniture and decor relates to the 1950s. Below this sketch is printed"SEC TESTED RECIPES NO. 16" Inside cover: on top of the page is a black and white sketch of a pineapple, apple pear fish with scales, bunch of grapes with leaves a pork roll (head of pig one end and a roll ending on the other, on top of this food arrangement rests a fruit pie. Below this sketch are printed in black print the books contents.The first side of the first page is a black and white photograph Mary Dunne, the SEC Home Service supervisor who provided a signed foreword. The inside back cover has a promotional segment detailing a black and white photograph of a smiling (and happy) couple in the foreground with an electric stove in the distance. The written motto below this photograph is" to Live better -and save money they'll join the Power People. "the new tariff is(1960s) - First 75kWh --6 cents per kWh Next 435 kWh---2.3 cents per kWh Balance --1.7 cents per kWh The rate per killowatt-hour for the final block drops from 2.1 cents to 1.7 cents --a reduction of recipes circa 1950s, domestic food, sec victoria cook books, recipes circa 1950s -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Jacky Talbot, The banner habits of the Eltham tribes : Eltham Shire "as we are" Community Banner Project report / by Jacky Talbot, 1987
... - the Exhibition, held at the Eltham Community Centre on October 9th, 1986 ...Also titled: Eltham Shire "As We Are"The 'As We Are' Community Banner Project was the first major Community Arts project initiated and co-ordinated through the resources of the Shire of Eltham. It was originally conceived and inspired by a local textile artist, Tracey Naughton, who, together with the Community Services Manager of this local government council, made the idea a very concrete and flourishing reality. As the following report reveals, the project grew from the original fourteen or so intending participant groups to fifty-seven banners; expressions of those diverse groups' interests and identities. As a first major project it was rightly felt by Tracey Naughton, who became the Shire's first Community Arts Officer in March 1985, that it should be fully documented, so that an appraisal of the extensive growth of this community arts development process could be assessed. Given the time and money available to do this the writer, Jacky Talbot, and her advisors, decided it was appropriate to select fifteen or twenty banners for detailed analysis. This was done by taping interviews with members of the chosen groups. The groups were chosen to cover all ages participating, from the toddlers in the Playhouse to our grand elder citizens in their Nursing Horne, and to cover a wide range of different types of groups - schools, scouts, churches, youth issue based, and the numerous women's groups of various combinations, localities and concerns. ·. Some groups who presented their banners for the culminating highlight of this project - the Exhibition, held at the Eltham Community Centre on October 9th, 1986, had no contact with the Shire or project co-ordinator, but heard about the project through the local news' networks or other participants. The extent of community participation was enormous. It involved hundreds and hundreds of people. It changed some people's lives, enlivened others. As a first step on a new road its success is notable. The 'As We Are' Community Banner Project took place in the Shire of Eltham and neighbouring environs for approximately 12 months, from October 1985. Paperback; 68, [10] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. Two copiesflags, emblems, banners, eltham, shire of eltham, community -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Tarcoola, Kangaroo Ground: The Highland Taken by Mick Woiwod, 1994
"A piece of Scotland in the Australian bush is how author Mick Woiwod describes the "Village" of Kangaroo Ground. Settled in 1841 by a Scottish family, the Donaldsons, the town is the feature of Mrs Woiwod's latest book, "Kangaroo Ground - The Highland Taken" The book follows the history of Kangaroo Ground, from its beginnings as an exclusively Scottish farming community in the middle of nowhere to a town that became the centre of the Yarra Valley region... It took Mr Woiwod six months of intensive research and nine months to write the book on Kangaroo Ground. He spent much of his time searching archives, public records and newspaper files for detailed information on the characters who colour his book." -- Diamond Valley News November 16, 1994 This major history of Kangaroo Ground details the district’s story between 1841 and 1994, describing it as having been unique in the Yarra Valley in that its early settlers were all Scottish and its soils were more fertile than those of surrounding districts. Their soil gave them the sort of power that saw the then extensive Shire of Eltham governed from little Kangaroo Ground for a remarkable 69 years. The author describes the Kangaroo Ground landscape that these farmers worked in the early period as having been already significantly modified by Aboriginal fire-stick farming before their arrival. This publication is a significant title in the recording of the early history of the pioneers of the small area of Kangaroo Ground, VictoriaHardback Book, 312 pagesISBN 0646209000kangaroo ground, mick woiwod, pioneers, donaldson family, thomson family -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Festival Parade, 16 October 1982, 1982
Roll of negatives of the Eltham Festival Parade as it progresses along Main Road past the Catholic Church heading towards Bridge Street. Floats included the Tasmanian Wilderness Society with the Save the Franklin River campaign, and Diamond Valley Railway celebrating 21 years of passenger service as well as the Victorian Police Marching Band. A well known Eltham identity, Jock Read was asked to lead the Eltham Pony Club contingent that year and the roll includes several shots of Jock on his horse, Lofty who was approximately ten years of age, his colour was still classed as a steel grey at the time before he went "white" quite a few years later. 1982: 16-17 October. “Pioneers of Eltham” and tractor (rain) Neswletter No. 27, November 1982 Although our parade entry did not win a prize this year, it was considered highly successful from a participation point of view. Despite some uncertainty as to just who was coming, members and friends kept appearing at the assembly area. As in the past years our friends from the Victorian Folk Music Club brought their instruments along and really added to the occasion. This year we concentrated on a rural theme with a tractor/trailer combination. Thanks to Peter Bassett-Smith for the tractor, Joh Ebeli for the decorations and friendly trailer owner Dennis McKay. Unfortunately the closing stages of the parade were marred by heavy rain. We just finished as the rain started but members scattered very quickly. This has prompted the suggestion for future parades that we have a tent or other suitable venue for members to gather after the event. This is worth following up. The cold driving rain provided a special problem for Peter in driving his tractor home to Kangaroo Ground. Have you ever had to choose between standing up to warm your hands on the exhaust and having your tractor seat flooded? Certificate, Festival Parade Award, Rotary Club of Eltham, Eighth Eltham Community Festival 1982. Presented to the Shire of Eltham Historical Society for the most effort by "locals"Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035eltham festival, catholic church, diamond valley railway, eltham, eltham district historical society, eltham parade, festivals, eltham fire brigade, eltham horse and pony club, jock read, learning co-op primary school, eltham living and learning centre, lofty (horse), main road, marching band, montmorency scouts, parade, parade floats, peter bassett-smith, research pre-school, roller city, shire of eltham historical society, victorian police -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Jorgensen, Sebastian
... Eltham Community Centre... Sebastian Jorgensen artist drew gregory Eltham Community Centre ...1. Newspaper Article: Sebastian set for 2 recitals, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, July 12, 1983, p33 about the commencement of his third extenmsive tour of the east coats commencing at the Eltham Commujnity Centre also "Drew was artist in residence" about Strathewan artist Drew Gregory's time as artist in residence at Eltham High School 2. Newsclipping: Sebastian Jorgensen at Montsalvat (Photo: Lawrence Pinder), publication unknown 3. Funeral Service Booklet: Sebastian Jorgensen, 10.07.1938 - 19.08.2019Folder of information on Sebastian Jorgensen, classiical guitarist, Christmas Hillssebastian jorgensen, artist, drew gregory, eltham community centre, eltham high school, musicians, funeral service, montsalvat -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Clipper Press, Living and Learning, 1977
... . It also includes an early history of the Centre compiled ...Shire of Eltham Living and Learning Centre is located at 739 Main Road, Eltham. The purpose of the Centre is: To provide an opportunity to come together individually and in groups in an atmosphere of equality, sharing their skills and experiences in order to improve the quality of their living. Tutors are not paid and fees are not charges on the understanding that the idea of sharing and co-operating spreads and everyone enjoys the results. This book was compiled by volunteers involved at the centre recording feelings, views of their experiences within the groups at the centre. It includes recipes, poems, stories and sketches, some of local scenes. It also includes an early history of the Centre compiled by the first Co-ordinator. Subjects include enrolment day, bee keeping, Bridge Club,Carpentry and woodcarving, looking and sharing, creative dancing, crochet, dressmaking, film making, Friends of the Creek, Diamond Creek, accessibility, hair cutting, herb gardening, home handyman skills, homestead cooking, living with goats, native plants, North Riding Project, gardening, painting, playhouse, play reading, puppetry, sculpture, spinning, weaving, winemaking and yoga. This book is significant in documenting the early history of the Eltham Living and Learning centre including the concepts of community co-operation and life-long learning for adults. It connects the current users of the Centre and the wider community with this local history which is part of the character represented in the twentieth century history of the Eltham area. Softcover [64] p.eltham living and learning centre, co-operative, education -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Emergency Operations Centre, S.E.S., Kangaroo Ground
In 2017 known as the Kangaroo Ground Operations Centre a facility for hire managed by the Shire of Nillumbik. On 7 February 2009 (Black Saturday) the CFA Incident Control Centre (ICC) was located here. Described in "Worst of Days: Inside the black Saturday firestorm" by Karen Kissane (access via Google books): "..the ICC is part of a mud brick complex built in the 1980s as an emergency operations centre for several agencies, including the State Emergency Service. It is also home to the headquarters of the CFA's Lower Yarra Group. A small office with a whiteboard would be the incident controller's office throughout the office, but a larger central room, with data projectors, "smart boards" and maps would house the rest of the team.."Statement of Significance From the Victorian Heritage Database (2010) What is significant? The 1988 emergency operations centre and the surrounding site to the title boundaries. How is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally, aesthetically, socially and historically significant to the Shire of Nillumbik. Why is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally and historically significant as a good and rare example of a large public building constructed in a 1980s version of the 'Eltham style', and as a rare attempt to adapt the 'Eltham-style' aesthetic to meet the changing demands of the Shire in the 1980s (Criteria B, D & E). The emergency operations centre is architecturally and aesthetically significant because it is constructed of mud brick and features: a central entry with a tile mural (Criterion E). The emergency operations centre is socially significant because it is a focal point for the community and has played an important role in protecting the community since 1988 (Criterion G).Two colour photographs of mud brick Emergency Operations Centre building, Kangaroo Groundbuildings, mud brick, emergency centre, kangaroo ground -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Streets of Hamilton, 2007 (revised and reprinted 2009)
This is a book providing information on the streets of Hamilton, Victoria and the origin of the names. Hamilton is a city in Western Victoria at the intersection of the Glenelg Highway and the Henty Highway. European settlement began with the arrival of pastoralists following the 1836 explorations of Major Thomas Mitchell. The Wedge family in 1839 had the property ‘The Grange’ which covered the site of Hamilton today. The town was gazetted in 1851 and named after a place in Scotland. Hamilton Victoria is the centre of a sheep-grazing and agricultural district. The book won an award in the 2008 Victorian Community History Awards. This book is of interest as it gives information on the Hamilton streets and the origin of their names. The history of Hamilton is of particular interest to those also living in the Western District. The book will be a useful research tool. This is a soft cover book of 174 pages. The back cover has a white background with black and white photographs of five local Hamilton people. The front cover has a yellow and brown background with black and white photographs of five local Hamilton people, an outline of a map of Victoria and a photograph of a map of the Hamilton area with some artefacts placed on the map. The book contains an Introduction, a Preface, a Foreword, an Early Days Overview, a list of Contents, a list of the streets in alphabetical order with information on the origin of the names, two Appendices and an Index. The book has many black and white photographs and sketches. Front Cover: ‘2nd Edition’ ‘The Streets of Hamilton’ ‘Western Victoria Australia’ ‘By John McKay’ ‘A History of the People behind the Names’hamilton, victoria, john mckay, street names of hamilton, warrnambool -
Australian Queer Archives
Ephemera, Australian Transsexual Association (ATA), The Transsexual and society : Where are we at in 1981? : a seminar, 1981
Additional text: "The participants: 1. Professor Ian Webster is Professor of Community Medicine at the University of NSW; 2. Dr Bob Webb is former Director of Health Education with the NSW Health Commission; 3. Roberta Perkins is a Sociologist majoring in transsexuality; 4. Bill Crews is Director of the Crisis Centre of the Wayside Chapel; 5. Dr. Ron Barr is a Psychiatrist with Prince Henry Hospital; 6. Bruce Miles is a Sydney solicitor who is well known for defending needy people."transexual, transgender -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Procession of Floats in Main Road Eltham, 10 Apr 1971
The Procession of floats travelled from the Eltham Shopping Centre to Eltham Lower Park on Saturday 10th April as part of the Shire of Eltham centenary celebrations program. The Infant Welfare Centre and BP service station can be seen in the background. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book," Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, shire of eltham, shire of eltham centenary, centenary celebrations, parade floats, parade, main road, eltham, infant welfare centre, bp service station -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Rose Stereograph Company, The Main Strteet, Eltham, Vic, c.1923
The Rose Series P. 4344 postcard. Similar view to SEPP_0609 taken from near Dudley Street looking north but significantly later in time with numerous stores now constructed on the eastern side south of Pryor Street in what was once Haley's Paddock. Luther Haley sold his bakery store in 1917 and the roof now sports advertising signage for Electrine Candles, presumably coincident with the period of ownership by Hannah Lloyd from 1917 to about February 1920 or Lee’s Railway Store (Messrs J.R. & N.E. Lee 1920-Sep 1922). A boy and a man are standing in the road and the ghost image of three people walking towards them on the footpath just past the store. Ernie Andrew’s combined newsagency and haberdashery/clothing shop with advertising for "The Age" is present at the corner of Arthur Street, on the opposite corner would be the Bootmaker's shop (F. Butterworth, succeeded in 1922 by G.H. McDonald) and William J. Capewell's Butcher shop, second building from right (relocated from in front of the railway station in 1910). North of the News Agency is believed to be Horace H. Clark’s Land and Estate Agency which had also relocated across the road.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 120 format B&W negative (copy of original postcard)shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, bootmakers, butcher, dudley street, electrine candles, eltham town centre, hannah lloyd, lloyd's general store, newsagency, pryor street, rose series postcard, shops, william james capewell, ernie andrew, f. butterworth, g.h. mcdonald, haley's paddock, j.r. lee, lee's railway store, n.e. lee, rose stereograph company -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Councillors of the Shire of Eltham in 1913. Presented to Mr A. G. Thomas C.E., Shire Secretary (centre), 1913
Sepia photograph of a portrait panel of ten councillors of the Shire of Eltham, 1913 Woodgrained Portrait panel with photos of ten Shire of Eltham Councillors 1913 presented to Mr A.G. Thomas C.E. whose photo is prominant on the panel "by the above as an expression of appreciation of many services rendered as Secretary to the Shire and best wishes for a successful career in his new sphere, November 3rd 1913.". Photographs include: Cr. W. Morris J.P. Ex Pres., Cr P.J. Downer, Cr J. Smedley, Ex-Pres., Crs R. D. Taylor, Cr. W. G. Gray J.P.. Cr. J. Fitch, J.P. Ex. Pres., Hon. E. H. Cameron, M.L.A. J.P. Ex Pres., Cr. C. H. Bath, J.P. Ex Pres and Cr. J. Darley Mealy J.P. President.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 120 format B&W negative Printsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, councilors, shire of eltham, a.g thomas, councillors, downer, e.h. cameron, eltham shire council, ewan hugh cameron, g.h smith, greg taylor, j smedley, w morris, w.d taylor, w.g gray -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Tom Prior (prob.), A peep at the picnickers, Eltham, c.1904
Reproduced ‘Pioneers & Painters’ pp 52-53. Picnickers enjoying a Sunday outing in the fields opposite Eltham Railway Station. Looking north towards Research along Main Road near the intersection with Dudley Street. Luther Hayley’s Bakery and General Store on left promoting refreshments and summer drinks. With the opening of the railway to Eltham in 1902, Melbourne residents would regularly enjoy a Sunday excursion journey on the train to Eltham for a day’s outing to the countryside. Possibly the annual State schools picnic held by the Board of Advice at Haley's Paddock near Eltham railway station on 11 March, 1904. Haley’s Paddock (now occupied by Eltham shopping centre) was capable of accommodating 10,000 people, with ample shade and hilly surroundings, an ideal place for any gathering. The main foreground is the site of the present day Eltham Village and Coles Shopping Centre. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Neg Print 20 x 25 cmshire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, bakery, eltham village reserve, general store, haley's paddock, luther haley, luther haley general store, picnic, pioneers and painters, railway store, summer drinks -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham, Main Road. Looking south
Source: Miss E. McColl, 8 Anderson St., Heidelberg. 3084 Cross Ref: 0614 Henry Street on left - now (1970) closed off at this point. House on left now demolished and site is playground for R.C. School. Bakery centre.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Eltham War Memorial Obelisk 1914-1918, cnr. Main Road and Bridge Street, c.1925
Located on what was referred to as Obelisk Corner, improvements have been been made since the unveiling in August 1919 with the provision of a stone retaining wall topped with a chain link and granite stone boundary, most likely in conjunction with improvements to the intersection into Main Road. Along with the use of the name Obelisk Corner, the Bridge Street bridge was also known as Obelisk Bridge. The Eltham Obelisk was originally located at the corner of Bridge and Main Roads in 1919. In 1943 (WW2) the local community commenced plans to establish the Eltham War Memorial, a living memorial to benefit the children as opposed to a one in stone as per the obelisk. The Eltham War Memorial Trust was established in 1945. In 1947 the Trust intended for the Obelisk to be relocated from Bridge Street and Main Road to the Garden of Remembrance which was planned as part of the Baby Health Centre which was to be the first of three buildings of the Eltham War Memorial to be built in 1951. In 1951 the Eltham RSL was invited to be represented on the Eltham War Memorial Trust. Around this time, with pending roadworks, the obelisk was relocated to the front garden of the Eltham RSL sub branch on Main Road for safe keeping. In 2007, a suggestion was proposed by Harry Gilham (President, EDHS) to John Cohen (ERSL) to claim a special site along with the historic Shillinglaw trees on the now vacant former Eltham Shire Office site adjacent to the Eltham War Memorial precinct for relocation of the obelisk. In 2010 following the financial collapse and sale of the Eltham RSL Sub-Branch property and amalgamation with the Montmorency Eltham RSL sub-branch, the location of the obelisk was again in immediate jepoardy and in conjunction with Nillumbik Shire Council, the obelisk was relocated in front of the Eltham War Memorial buildings in preparation for the Dawn Service on Anzac Day 2012.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Negsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, eltham war memorial, bridge street, obelisk, obelisk corner -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Tom Prior, Main Road near Eltham Railway Station, c.1910
View looking south along Main Road, Eltham from near present day Luck Street. On the immediate right is a fence with the words “Hot Water” painted on it followed by William J Capewell’s butcher shop, then the slaughter yard and saleyards with the entrance access to the railway station. Contained within the saleyards facing the street, a small shelter with the name H.H. Clark upon it. Horace Harold Clark was the son of Eltham State School’s first Head Teacher, David George Clark. As well as being a farmer, he was an Estate Agent and conducted auction sales, presumably from this shelter. The large weatherboard building on the corner (opposite present-day Arthur Street) with signs for Summer Drinks and Hot Water painted on the side is Luther and Ada Haley’s General Store and Bakery, built 1902. This was the first building in what is now Eltham’s present shopping town centre. Haley previously ran the General Store and Bakery on the corner of Main Road and York Street until his lease expired and the premises were bought by Mrs Sarah Burgoyne in 1902. The store later was known as Staff's Store. In the distance approximately mid-way between the Butcher shop and the Bakery are the tops of what appears to be two cypress trees, which could well be the trees in front of the Shillinglaw Cottage facing Main Road. On the eastern (left) side of Main Street is Haley’s Paddock, which was used on occasions for community picnics. Capable of holding 10,000 people, with ample shade and hilly surroundings it was an ideal place for any community gathering such as the State Schools’ Picnic in 1904. Picture dated as c.1910 based on similar picture published in the Weekly Times, Feb. 1912. Kerb and channelling added 1923. Cross Ref: 610 (looking north), 611 (later stage), 613. Same as 705 (though in better condition)This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Neg 120 format B&W negative (spare)shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, butcher, eltham railway station, railway station, w.j. capewell, baker, eltham town centre, general store, luther haley, reynolds prior collection, shops, haley's paddock, hot water, m.m. clark, sign, summer drinks, eltham sale yards, eltham slaughter yard, staffs general store -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Tom Prior, Police Station and Residence, Maria Street, Eltham, c.1900
Situated near the top of what was known as 'Policeman's Hill' according to Miss Ivy Reynolds, neice of the photographer, Tom Prior. From the left, Eltham Court House, Police Residence and Police station on Main Road and corner of Brougham Street. These buildings formed part of Little Eltham and still stand (without the front fence) today though the Police Station was demolished in 1986 due to termite damage. A replica was built circa 1989. The institutions of law and order in Colonial Victoria included the police, courts and prisons. The 1852 report of the Snodgrass Select Committee appointed to "identify the policing needs of the colony” noted there existed seven independent police forces that did not co-operate or regularly communicate. Following the committee's report all these police entities were merged into the Victoria Police, founded on 8 January 1853, to implement law and order responsibilities throughout the Colony of Victoria. The Eltham Courthouse (1860) and adjacent Police Residence (1859) formed a justice precinct established in the immediate aftermath of the 1852 police inquiry and the effects of the gold rush. The physical presence of these buildings, in the centre of the early Eltham township, defined centralised control over law and order. In the early days the Police Constable in charge would conduct his duties travelling around the district by horse; a stable was located at the rear of the residence. At times the horse would be grazed on the paddocks across the road. Horseshoes were forged by the blacksmith beside the Courthouse on the high side of “Policeman’s Hill”. Along with the stable, there was a two-cell bluestone lockup where prisoners were held awaiting trial in the adjacent Courthouse. Their meals were usually provided by the policeman’s wife or from the hotel just up the road. With the arrival of the railway in 1902 the town centre gradually shifted towards the railway station. The Police Station and operations were moved into the town centre in 1961 to a renovated house in Pryor Street, which was later replaced by the current Police Station. From 1961-1981 the residence was occupied by the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Section of the Department of Crown Lands and Survey. Prior to August 1967 the former Police Station was dragged to the rear of Police Residence to make way for the construction of a driveway and access from Main Road. The building was placed on the site of a former Scullery and modified for Lands Department use. In 1981 the Shire of Eltham took over management of the former Police Residence in Eltham. It remained unoccupied for a period whilst its future was discussed in Council. It was then used for a community job creation scheme until 1985. In 1985 the Shire of Eltham Parks and Environment occupied the residence. Council improved the driveway but later added a second rear access from Brougham Street due to the dangerous nature of the Main Road entrance. Additionally, a rear toilet facility between the Police Residence and the relocated former Police Station, which was doubling up as a lunchroom. Council also commenced discussions to re-establish a replica Police Station. Around November 1986 the former Police Station was demolished; believed to have been suffering termite damage. About 1989, after some years of discussion, a replica Police Station was built, based on photographs, to act as a lunchroom and meeting room for the Parks and Environment staff and volunteers doing community service. In 1996 Eltham District Historical Society held discussions with Nillumbik Shire Council commissioners throughout the year regarding a home for the Society. A proposal was put forward by the Society in October to occupy the former Police Residence. In March 1997 Eltham District Historical Society gained access to former Police Residence and on July 12, 1998, moved into its Local History Centre. In July 2018, Eltham District Historical Society gained access to the replica Police Station (which had been used as a music library and storage for the Eltham Concert Band) for use as part of regular heritage tours for schools and community-based groups.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years. The Reynolds family were early settlers in Research. The Reynolds/ Prior collection of photographs were taken by Tom Prior, the maternal uncle of Ivy Reynolds, around 1900 and the 60 photos in the album give a fine overview of many of the landmarks of Research and Eltham over 100 years ago. lvy lived in the family home for many years at 106 Thompson Cres Research. Ivy's father, Ernst Richard Reynolds and grandfather, Richard Reynolds, lived at the same address. Ivy's father Richard worked for Mr. Trail on his property in Research. Reynolds Road is named after the family. Mr Tom Prior (wife Eva) worked at the Melbourne zoo. He was very innovative and made his own camera, using the black cloth hood to exclude the light. The photographs are a reminder of the rural nature of Research and Eltham and its rich heritage.Digital imagechildren, court house, courthouse, eltham, eltham district historical society, eltham justice precinct, little eltham, local history centre, main road, police residence, police station, reynolds prior collection, sepp, shadow, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham War Memorial 1914-1918. Cnr. Main Road and Bridge Street, 3 August 1919
Dated 1919, the Eltham Obelisk is decorated with wreaths, most likely for what was originally known as Armistice Day though now known as Remembrance Day, 11 November. The location of the Obelisk at the corner of Bridge Street and Main Road became known as Obelisk Corner and the Bridge Street bridge was also referred to as Obelisk Bridge. The Eltham Obelisk was originally located at the corner of Bridge and Main Roads in 1919. In 1943 (WW2) the local community commenced plans to establish the Eltham War Memorial, a living memorial to benefit the children as opposed to a one in stone as per the obelisk. The Eltham War Memorial Trust was established in 1945. In 1947 the Trust intended for the Obelisk to be relocated from Bridge Street and Main Road to the Garden of Remembrance which was planned as part of the Baby Health Centre which was to be the first of three buildings of the Eltham War Memorial to be built in 1951. In 1951 the Eltham RSL was invited to be represented on the Eltham War Memorial Trust. Around this time, with pending roadworks, the obelisk was relocated to the front garden of the Eltham RSL sub branch on Main Road for safe keeping. In 2007, a suggestion was proposed by Harry Gilham (President, EDHS) to John Cohen (ERSL) to claim a special site along with the historic Shillinglaw trees on the now vacant former Eltham Shire Office site adjacent to the Eltham War Memorial precinct for relocation of the obelisk. In 2010 following the financial collapse and sale of the Eltham RSL Sub-Branch property and amalgamation with the Montmorency Eltham RSL sub-branch, the location of the obelisk was again in immediate jepoardy and in conjunction with Nillumbik Shire Council, the obelisk was relocated in front of the Eltham War Memorial buildings in preparation for the Dawn Service on Anzac Day 2012.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Negsepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, main road, bridge street, eltham war memorial, obelisk, obelisk corner, wreath -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document, Advertised Development Plan 424/2017/03P for 28 Luck Street, Eltham by R.P. Home Developments Pty Ltd, 29 January 2018
Former Eltham Specialist Centre Nillumbik Shire Council Advertised Application; 9 of 10 pages sourced from Eltham Community Action Group Facebook page, 21 March 2018 Buildings and works to construct (6) six dwellings and reduction of car parking requirements by not providing one visitor car space Digital image (9)eltham, eltham specialist centre, luck street, bible street, r.p. home developments pty ltd, streets -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Bassett-Smith, Unveiling ceremony of the Memorial Plaque at corner of Main Road and Pitt Street, Eltham commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Eltham District Historical Society, 10 October 1987, 10/10/1987
... eltham community centre... and Time capsule. 1987 activities eltham community centre time ...Standing L-R: Mrs Florence Spicer, Mr Nankervis, Mrs Nankervis, Mrs Marjorie Smith Motschall, Mrs Joy Ness, Mr Alan Gardner, Mrs Marion Yeoman, Mrs Marie Ebeli, Mr Garnet Burges (in hat), Mrs McLellan, - , Mr Bob McLellan; Seated L-R: - , Mrs Eileen Gibbons, Mrs Kath Stephenson, Mrs Irvine Green, Mr Irvine Green (President, Doncaster and Templestowe Historical Society), - , Mrs Bishop. The commemorative plaque explains the functions of the various items used in the Victorian 150th Anniversary Monument and Time capsule.Colour photograph1987, activities, eltham community centre, time capsule