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Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Sewing Machine and case, Joseph Wertheim, late 19th century
Hugo Wertheim (1854-1919), was a merchant and manufacturer and was born on the 12th July 1854 at Lispenhausen, in the German electorate of Hesse-Kassel, son of Meyer Wertheim and his wife Minna, née Heinemann. Hugo reached Melbourne in October 1875. He soon began advertising, from premises at 39 Flinders Lane East, as agent for his father's cousin Joseph Wertheim, a well-established manufacturer of sewing machines. Hugo returned to Germany where he married Joseph Wertheim's daughter Sophie Emilie (1864-1953) on 30 August 1885 at Frankfurt. the couple then came to Melbourne. In a short time, with extensive advertising, Hugo established a substantial business, selling sewing machines, bicycles, pianos and other mechanical devices, under brands such as Wertheim, Electra, Planet, Griffin and Hapsburg. He also mounted elaborate displays at agricultural shows and in 1901 at the Pan American Exposition, Buffalo, United States of America. O. C. Beale worked with him before setting up his own piano business in New South Wales. Hugo continued to own 25 per cent of one of Beale's companies, which became Wertheim's Queensland business. In 1908 Wertheim opened a large, innovative piano factory at Richmond, Melbourne, intending to produce 2000 pianos and player pianos annually, predominantly using Australian materials. In laying the foundation stone, Prime Minister Alfred Deakin observed that “few men with such opportunities for a life of ease would have embarked on such an enterprise” Hugo died of chronic hepatitis on 11 July 1919 at his home at South Yarra, his wife, two daughters and three sons survived him; Herbert Joseph (1886-1972), the eldest, continued the business. Rupert became a share broker and went on to represent Victoria in inter-State tennis in 1913-27 and Australia in Davis Cup matches against Czechoslovakia in 1922. The piano factory closed in 1935, becoming a Heinz food processing plant and in 1955, GTV Channel 9 studios and offices.Early Australians had to be self-reliant in regards to making and mending their clothes and utensils. This sewing machine was one of many items used that exhibit the skill and craftsmanship of the women in these early families. A sewing machine was a necessary part of each home and this item demonstrates how women of the time managed had to become self-reliant in the repair and making of their families clothes to make their household budgets go further.Sewing machine, Wertheim brand “ Syst 182” hand crank operated machine with folding handle, timber case and carry handle. Metal machine is painted black, with remnants of gold, red and green scrolls and floral decoration. Machine has base with inlaid measuring rule across front and 2 holes drilled through the base (perhaps for mounting machine to a bench). Machine tilts open, hinged on one side, after thumb screw is unwound, revealing machine’s workings and serial number. Base has a fitted round, concave, silver metal pin holder with lid that hinges open, and symbol pressed into lid; several pins are inside. Body of machine has brand name transfer across front and oval metal trademark disc on front. Metal sliding covers over footplates have stamped lettering. Timber machine case or cover includes an accessory box with sliding cover and metal hook and eye latch, and inside the box are 23 metal sewing attachments, a disc and a stick of black crayon with maker’s trademark on it paper cover. Workings of machine have seized up. The crayon wrapper has printed on it “For the wonderful Wertheim new family machine made in Germany ‘Syst. 182’”, and the maker’s symbol with “Trademark” beside it. Made for Hugo Wertheim.“WERTHEIM” transfer across front and back of machine body. Cover of pin holder has symbol ‘Wings above a shield’. Maker’s trademark on gold oval disc, “WERTHEIM / FRANCFURT” and picture of a dwarf with a hammer. Left footplate has script “Syst 182”, right footplate has stamp in oval shape “MANUFACTURED IN - - /SPECIALLY FOR / HUGO WERTHEIM” Serial Number “7501”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, sewing machine, hand crank sewing machine, hugo wertheim, wertheim, clothing manufacturer, sewing, syst 182 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Entrance to Shire of Eltham Memorial Park, Garden Hill, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground, c.1923
View to south-east from Shire of Eltham Soldiers' Memorial Park showing the carriageway from the road to top of Memorial Park. Accompanying notes state that the entry gate was put in place in May 1921. Eltham and Whittlesea Shire Advertiser and Diamond Creek Valley Advocate Fri 21 May 1920 p 2 reported: Kangaroo Ground Memorial Park "It was decided to arrange for a working bee on Saturday, 29th inst., for the purpose of forming and gravelling the track leading to the Park, and of carrying out other necessary works." A history summary of the Shire of Eltham Soldiers’ Memorial Park • The summit at Garden Hill was a popular tourist lookout and picnic spot from the 1880s. Virtually the entire Shire of Eltham and beyond could be viewed from this location. • A local farmer, Mr Walter A. D. Wippell is credited as being the first to propose the idea of a war memorial park and offered £50 towards the purchase of the land. • The earliest public reference to this project is to be found in the local Advertiser newspaper edition of August 9th, 1918. A report of the August Council meeting records the Eltham Shire President, Cr. Robert White, saying: "some time back it was proposed that the Council obtain and place on an Honour Board in the Council Chamber [at Kangaroo Ground] containing names of the lads who had enlisted. Just recently however, it had been suggested that a more fitting memorial would be the obtaining of a piece of land on the summit of Garden Hill, Kangaroo Ground, and the formation of a memorial park in which a monument could be erected to represent the whole of Shire. If a couple of acres could be obtained a gentleman had promised to donate 50 pounds, and another one would fence it, and other contributions, he was sure, could be obtained." • Councillors were favourable of the proposal and the President, Shire Secretary and Shire Engineer were deputised to wait on Messrs Mess Bros. (the owners of the Garden Hill farm) and ascertain if they would gratuitously give the land. The Mess Bros. land adjoined the farm/stud of Mrs Fanny White (Cr Robert White’s mother), daughter of Andrew Harkness who established their property on Garden Hill around 1846. • Access to the land came in February 1919 when several Councillors and the Shire Engineer surveyed the actual two acres of '5 chains along the road and 4 chains deep'. The Engineer volunteered his services free to do this task. The Mess brothers however demanded £100 per acre but eventually agreed to take £50 per acre. • Entry from the Kangaroo Ground-Yarra Glen road was seen to be a problem and Mrs. White, who owned the land beside the park, was asked to donated a triangle of her property to allow this access. • By September 1919 returned soldiers were employed by the Shire and volunteers were called to clear the hilltop by ploughing up the rocks and clearing the area, the fencing was put into place and in May 1921 the Council erected three gates, within an archway, at the entrance to the drive and pathway to the summit. • Public subscriptions were sought through the Advertiser newspaper to beautify the site. The views of the Curator of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens were sought as to the ‘class of ornamental trees most suitable for planting in the Park area”. • The Memorial Park or Shire of Eltham Soldiers’ Memorial Park was officially opened by Mr. W.H. Everard, M.L.A., 3 September 1921. • In 1922 plans were made to place a War Memorial in the Park. Funds were donated by the Council of £250 and a challenge to the community, to match this money with contributions was met. • On Anzac Day 1923, 1,000 people gathered on the summit in the park for a memorial service. A much smaller group of about 50 people gathered around a newly constructed cairn and flagstaff in the afternoon of Anzac Day 1924 amidst rain and a squally southerly wind, the morning service being cancelled. • A meeting for those interested in establishing a War Memorial monument within the park was held in January 1924 and the Eltham Shire War Memorial League was formed and a design competition decided upon. • The Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower was built in 1926 at a cost of £1,023 and 5 shillings with locally quarried stone donated by Dr Ethel and Professor William Osborne. It was formally known as the ‘Shire of Eltham War Memorial’ and was unveiled on 11 November 1926. The large bronze inscription above the entrance to the tower states: SHIRE OF ELTHAM WAR MEMORIAL THESE MEN DIED FOR THEIR COUNTRY 1914 IN REMEMBRANCE THIS TOWER WAS BUILT 1918 • The Caretaker’s hut was built in 1927 with left over from the tower construction. • A returned soldier was appointed to act as caretaker for the memorials. Tiny Carrol, a huge man, was the first caretaker and lived in the stone hut. There was a push to have alterations made at one stage to provide additional rooms for a married caretaker but was rejected. • A new Caretaker Cottage was built in 1951 at a cost £2,500. The cottage had been subjected to raids by thieves three times during construction until a guard from the Returned Servicemen’s League was posted until its opening. • The War Memorial tower was re-dedicated by Sir Dallas Brooks on 8 November 1951, unveiling new bronze plaques containing the names of those who fell during the Second World War. Sir Dallas also officiated the opening of the new Caretaker’s Cottage. • A toilet block was built in 1965. • A further dedication of the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower took place 11 November 2001 to recognise the men who fell in subsequent campaigns up to and including Vietnam. • Four land titles are involved: o The purchase of the two acres from owners Ruth Gosling, Alexander Mess, James Johnson Mess and Joseph Mess is recorded in two actions, the first being the payment of £100 for the two acres, the second showing that the Shire of Eltham did not get a transfer of title until 14th January 1952. o The access land donated by Mrs. Fanny White is dated 26 February 1924. A further need to widen the entry came after the deepening of the road cutting and another land donation was given by Sir Herbert Gepp, title dated 15th May 1952. This would have been about the time he sold off the former White ‘Garden Hill’ property. o The land reserve to increase the area and possibly allow a circuit road to be put in place on the western side of the park was purchased by the Shire of Eltham, title dated 16th February 1973. Rare photograph of the entrance to the Shire's Memorial Park during early stages of development prior to the erection of the Shire of Eltham War MemorialSepia photograph printed with white border with slight crack lower left hand corner and three significant vertical cracks fanning from lower centre edge to upper edge Digitally enhanced version to minimise impact of crackseltham-yarra glen road, entrance gate, garden hill, kangaroo ground, shire of eltham memorial park, shire of eltham war memorial, kangaroo ground war memorial park -
Bendigo Military Museum
Herbert Trangmar Allan, refer Cat No 2755.4 for his extensive service records and awards.Pink, hard cover photo album used as a holder to display letters. .1) Letter from C in C Gen HQ Melbourne, 17.4.1942. From Gen BLAMEY to Major H T ALLAN 2/17 AIF. .2) MID Certificate dated 30.12.1941. Major H T ALLAN M C. .3) Letter dated 24.12.1944 from HQ 1Aust Corps to 'Blue' from 'Morshead'. .4) Letter dated 18.4.1946 from OIC NSW Echelon & Records to Mrs G M ALLAN, Bellevue, NSW, notifying her of Award of Mention in Despatches. It refers to NX12229 Lt Col Herbert Trangmar ALLAN HQ 5 Base Sub Area. .5) Letter dated 14.4.1945 from OIC NSW Echelon & Records to Mrs G M ALLAN notifying her of Award of Mention in Despatches. It refers to NX12229 Major T/Col Herbert Trangmar ALLAN, Finschhafen Base Sub Area. .6) Newspaper cutting titled Many NSW Men Receive Bravery Awards. Up to 31.3.1944. Marked down near bottom of the cutting is MID for T/LT Colonel H T ALLAN OBE MC ED. .7) Memo dated 11.1944 from 5 Aust Base Sub Area. Cover note for Record of Service for NX12229 Lt/Col H T ALLAN 5 Aust Base Sub Area. .8) Letter dated 2.8.1942 from NSW L of C Area Sydney to Mrs G M ALLAN Bellevue, NSW, notifying her of MID for Maj H T ALLAN MC NX12229 for his services 2.1941 - 7.1941. Signed by Lt Col H J Bennett. .9) Letter dated 14.4.1945 from OIC NSW Echelon & Records, Sydney to NX12229 Lt Col H T ALLAN HQ 5 Aust Base Sub Area. Aust Honours & Awards. MID. .10) Letter 7.12.1950 from HQ Eastern Command Vic Barracks Paddington to Col H T ALLAN OBE MC ED R of O. Watsons Bay re Change of address to 2MD. .11) Memo dated 28.12.1944 from HQ 1st Army AIF to 5 Aust Base Sub Area re Confirmation of Promotion of NX12229 Major H T ALLAN to Lt Colonel. .12) MID Certificate dated 15.3.1945 for Maj CT / LT Col H T ALLAN OBE MC ED Finschhafen Base Sub Area. .13) MID Certificate dated 19.7.1945 for Major CT / LT Col H T ALLAN OBE MC ED, Finschhafen Base Sub Area. .14) MID Certificate dated 21.2.1946 for LT Col H T ALLAN OBE MC ED, HQ 5 Aust Base Sub Area. .15) Letter. Letterhead is of Parliament of the Commonwealth Federal Members Rooms, Sydney, dated 1.12.1941. To: Dear Mr Allan. From: W M Hughes. Handwritten on 3 sheets of paper using 4 sides. Subject matters such as fighting, AIF, loss of HMAS Sydney, the Russian front. .16) Letter & envelope. Letter: Dated 18.4.? Letterhead: Guards Club Brook St W1. To: Dear ALLAN From: BIRDWOOD of ANZAC. Subject: Their friendship - then they have to deal with 'loathsome Japs & Germans'. Envelope. OHMS, 2-1/2 penny stamp. To: Major H T ALLAN MC & OBE AMF. C/o Defence Dept Melb, Australia. On the bottom is signature of BIRDWOOD M. Readdressed to C/o 9th Div HQ Abroad. Envelope rear is franked: PO 3D JE 42. .17) Memo dated 18.6.1946. From: HQ 8MB. To: H/Col H T ALLAN ANG PcB Rabaul. Releaes of NX12229 Lt Col (T/Col) H T ALLAN OBE MC. Posted to Retired list 7.5.1946. .18) Memo dated 6.11.1946. From: OIC, 2nn Echelon AHQ. AMF. To: Lt Col H T ALLAN OBE MC ED. C/- Mrs G M ALLAN, Queens Club, King St. Sydney NSW. .19) Letter dated 8.8.1941. Letterhead of Minister for the Navy. To: Dear Major ALLAN. From: W HUGHES. Subject: All facets of WWII to date & prospective war with Japan. .20) Memo dated 31.8.1945. From: AMF OIC NSW Echelon & Records. To: Mrs E M ALLAN, King St Sydney. Re: MID for NX12229 Maj (T / LT Col) Herbert Trangmar ALLAN OBE MC ED Finschhafen Base Sub Area.letters, albums, certificates, awards -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Gift Box, Australian Red Cross Box WW11, 1944 (estimated)
A cardboard Red Cross Gift Box used by Australian Red Cross in WW11 to send comfort parcel to POW in Germany. This particular box belonged to VX34767 Private T.H. AndersonLeft top of Box: POW Food Parcel/Germany/same size 8lbs. Centre: Red Cross Symbol/A Gift/on behalf of your Next-of-Kin with the best/ wishes of the London Committee/ Australian Red Cross Society. Top right of Box: Postage label/Mrs (torn)?olls/149 (torn off) Street Geelong West Australia./ Below this is the contents list: Chocolate/Chewing Gum/ Dentifrice/ 4 hankerchiefs/ mail brush/ pullover/ pencil/ razor blades/ 2 safety pins/ shirts/ soap/ 3 prs sox/ shaving soap/ towel/mending wool. Left hand side lower down: Despatched 18/5/44/ VX 34767 Private T.H. Anderson/ Australian Prisoner Of War No 125514/ Stalag V11 A Germany/ C/O International Red Cross Society/ Geneva Switzerland.australian, cross, ww11, red, pow, t h, anderson -
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 1997
Photocopy of a photograph of football team with names atached - Clunes Football Club - 1st Premiers SHFL 1997 Back Row: Jamie Baird, Ben Auchett, David Young, Scott Adam, Will Casey, Phillip Morrish Third Row: Matthew Bayles, Eden Thomas, Jamie Andrews, Michael Bourke, Jason Ingram, Ben Coon, John Bedwell Second Row: Rod Elliot (Sec), Peter Hill (Runner), Nick McIntosh, Heath Leishman, Craig Tucker, Michael Tranter, Brendan Sheehan, John Ingram (Trainer), Leah McArthur (Trainer), Lindsay Tucker (Chairman of Selectors), Shane Young (Joint Coach) Chris McLennan (Cap) Shawn Slater (Joint C) Jason Hill, Mark Andrews, Henk Van Doldren (Head Trainers ) Absent: Justin Sanders, David Collins, Nigel Oswin, Steve Kemp, John O Neill, Scott Hose, Jason Haymes, Jody Smith, Jimmy Taylorcfnc, australian rules football, 1997 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - TOWN HALL, YMCA SYMPHONY CONCERT, 17 September, 1924
Town Hall, YMCA Symphony Concert, Orchestral Society. Frank Grose, Conductor. Sept. 17th 1924. Artists Assisting; Carmen Pascova, George A Chant, Coral Trenerry, Mabel McGauchie. Hon. Treas. G W Lansell. Pres. Barkly Hyett. Programme Les preludes, Like Death's Grim Shadow, O, Pure and Tender Star of Eve, Hejre Kati, O Mio Fernando from La Favorita, The Unfinished, L'heure de pourpore, Le the, Coecilia, Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind, Feu Folley, The Last Hour, The Night Wind, At Dawing, Oh! Didn't it rain!, from La Prophete. Orchestral Society: First Violins; Mrs Harry Hillman, Miss Winnie Pithie, Miss Agnes McNair, Mrs Stanley Gant, Miss Lucille Simpson, Miss Elsie Stemmer, Mrs E Swift, Miss L Downie. Second Violins; Mr James Fitt, Master Tom Challen, Miss Myrtle Phillips, Miss Alma Doxford, Miss J Houston, Miss Evelyn Miles, Miss Elva Hesse, Miss Winnie Hobson, Mr Stanley Kennedy, Mr Albert Richardson, Master L Watts, Miss Lois Streader, Master L Meakin, Master R Trewarn. Violas; Mr P Coope, Mr H R Smith, Miss L Beischer, Miss Eisler Woodward. 'Cellos; Madame Dorothy Duval, Miss Maisie Field, Miss Ethel Crook. Basses; Mr J H Melrose, Mr R Rule, Mr J Ditchburn. Piccolo; Mr A E Sayer. Flute; Mr A E Sayer, Mr W Davidson. Oboes; Mr A B Challen, Mr W Channel. Clarionets; Mr Bowman, Mr W McEwan. Basoons; Mr T Francis, Mr P Reed. Trumpets; Mr A H F Taylor, Mr P Smith, Mr B Bowater, Mr N Banfield. Horns; Mr A Johnson, Mr J Tredinnick. Trombones; Mr D W Collier, Mr H Botten, Mr W Jackson. Tubas; Mr E C Rasmussen, Me A Hocking. Percussion; Mr J Kinder. Tympani; Mr J McLaughlin. Organist; Mr C Cowling. Pianiste; Miss Mabel McGauchie. Am Appeal to every Music Lover on behalf of Bendigo Boys. The Orchestral Society of the Young Men's Christian Association exists for the uplift of Bendigo through the agency of music. In addition to this it dedicates the whole of its profits to the extension of Christ's work among Boys. Surely this two-fold object is sufficient to warrant a large number of subscribers, and yet we regret to say we find it increasingly difficult to finance the Society, and our Association, in one to the greatest provincial cities in Australia. We would like to think that it is only sufficient to mention this matter in order to call for an immediate demand for subscribers tickets for our Orchestral Society; in order to remove the 'Damoclesian sword' of finance which perpetually suspended above our heads, and thereby insure a continuance of our Orchestral Society, and the permanence of out Association, which is in business for the men and boys of this fair City. Subscriber's Tickets may be purchased for 1 pound, 1 shilling, which permits the bearer to book seats for each Tree Concerts. These tickets are obtainable at any period during the year. For Further information apply; Frank Grose, General Secretary.F. H. Sparkman, Printer, Arcade, Bendigo.program, music, ymca of bendigo orchestral society, town hall, ymca symphony concert, orchestral society. frank grose, conductor. sept. 17th 1924. artists assisting; carmen pascova, george a chant, coral trenerry, mabel mcgauchie. hon. treas. g w lansell. pres. barkly hyett. programme les preludes, like death's grim shadow, o, pure and tender star of eve, hejre kati, o mio fernando from la favorita, the unfinished, l'heure de pourpore, le the, coecilia, blow blow thou winter wind, feu folley, the last hour, the night wind, at dawing, oh! didn't it rain!, from la prophete. orchestral society: first violins; mrs harry hillman, miss winnie pithie, miss agnes mcnair, mrs stanley gant, miss lucille simpson, miss elsie stemmer, mrs e swift, miss l downie. second violins; mr james fitt, master tom challen, miss myrtle phillips, miss alma doxford, miss j houston, miss evelyn miles, miss elva hesse, miss winnie hobson, mr stanley kennedy, mr albert richardson, master l watts, miss lois streader, master l meakin, master r trewarn. violas; mr p coope, mr h r smith, miss l beischer, miss eisler woodward. 'cellos; madame dorothy duval, miss maisie field, miss ethel crook. basses; mr j h melrose, mr r rule, mr j ditchburn. piccolo; mr a e sayer. flute; mr a e sayer, mr w davidson. oboes; mr a b challen, mr w channel. clarionets; mr bowman, mr w mcewan. basoons; mr t francis, mr p reed. trumpets; mr a h f taylor, mr p smith, mr b bowater, mr n banfield. horns; mr a johnson, mr j tredinnick. trombones; mr d w collier, mr h botten, mr w jackson. tubas; mr e c rasmussen, me a hocking. percussion; mr j kinder. tympani; mr j mclaughlin. organist; mr c cowling. pianiste; miss mabel mcgauchie. am appeal to every music lover on behalf of bendigo boys. the orchestral society of the young men's christian association exists for the uplift of bendigo through the agency of music. in addition to this it dedicates the whole of its profits to the extension of christ's work among boys. surely this two-fold object is sufficient to warrant a large number of subscribers, and yet we regret to say we find it increasingly difficult to finance the society, and our association, in one to the greatest provincial cities in australia. frank grose, general secretary. -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph - Photograph: Company's Dam and Flour Mill, Tarnagulla, c. 1880 - 1920
Williams Family Collection. On the 20th December 1873 it was reported in the Tarnagulla Courier that arrangements were being made for the erection of a steam flour mill at Tarnagulla. Mr Bristol had purchased the necessary plant which would be erected with as little delay as possible. The site chosen was the premises occupied previously by Mr John Pierce, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, at the corner of King and Commercial Road. These premises were incorporated in the mill building. Suitable buildings for receiving and storing grain and flour had been erected already. On 10th January, 1874 an advertisement in the Courier called for tenders from masons, bricklayers and carpenters for the erection of a flour mill at Tarnagulla for H. C. Bristol, Esq. with all enquiries to be made from G. Minto, Engineer. In December 1881 the proprietors made a request to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay pipes to the Municipal Dam, which was generally known as the Company's Dam, and to obtain water from the dam for milling purposes. This was granted. Steam was got up for the first time on 30th of March, 1882. A large quantity of wheat was stored ready for milling. Just prior to 29th of April 1882 the boiler at the mill burst, as the result of which two men, J. H. Smith and W. Hargreaves died and H. Joyce Bousfield, senior and junior, were seriously injured. The mill commenced operations on 13th June, 1882 with Mr W Fitzgerald as manager. The price offered for wheat was thirty-seven pence per bushell. It operated with grinding stones until considerable renovations were done in the early part of 1899 when new rollers and more up to date equipment installed. The mill was then known as the Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., with Thos. Comrie as proprietor, Mr Fitzgerald was still manager, and Mr T. Leonard was the traveller. Much new equipment was put in and each of the three floors had different processes. The rollers were on the ground floor, the purifiers and elevators reel were on the second floor, plus the clean wheat bin directly over the Ganz rollers. On the top floor was the chop reel, bran reel, inter-elevator reels, brush machine cyclone sack hoist, dirty wheat shaker, clean wheat bin, dust rooms and also double damping rooms. A plant was also erected for the making of an improved quality of wheaten meal, for which purpose special machinery was procured and a pair of stones was left for grinding the meal. A complete plant for the crushing of oats etc was also erected. The driving power of the mill was supplied by a new engine complete with 16 inch cylinder, manufactured and erected by Bousfield & Co. of Eaglehawk. It was fitted with Pickering governors, connected with the cylinder was a super heater. The boiler was tested and all connections etc. overhauled, with much of it being completely renewed. There was a complete network of belts, spouts, elevators etc. all over the building, all conveniently placed. The plans etc for the new plant were drawn up by Mr J. Kilborn, manager of the firm of Bodington & Co., engineers and millwrights of Carlton, which supplied the whole of the machinery, excepting the engine. The work of erection was carried out by Mr Kilborn and his assistants to the entire satisfaction of Mr Comrie, who had gone to considerable expense to bring the mill to a completely up-todate machine, fitted with all of the most modern appliances available. An advertisement on May 6th, 1899 read: "Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., Patent Roller Flour. Also their Digestive Wheaten Meal specially prepared for Porridge or Bread." In January 1901, 6000 bags of wheat were received weekly at the mill and it was a common sight to see the streets lined with wagons. In May 1902 the mill was lighted by gas and in July 1906 an application was made to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay a tram track from the mill to the Railways Station. Council was agreeable to this provided suitable plans were submitted. In 1913, 15,000 bags of wheat were bought at three shillings and four pence per bushell. In January 1914 the mill was renovated. At this time 1500 bags of wheat were coming in daily, with 20,000 bags in storage. On 15th December, 1917 the mill was advertised for sale, to be sold on Friday, 21st December,.1917, on behalf of the Estate of the Late Thomas Comrie, who had died on 4th August, 1910. The Courier at that time recorded him as being responsible for the building of the mill and with being the sole proprietor. The mill was closed, apparently, for a short period. The Courier reported on 13th of September, 1918 that the mill had been sold to Mr O. Albert of Talbot and that it would re-open. An advertisement read: ALBERT. O. & SON, MILLERS. During 1920 the mill was closed and pulled down. It was later re-erected at Mildura where it operated for many years. (by Donald Clark)Monochrome photograph depicting view of Company's Dam and the flour mill in Tarnagulla. Handwritten on reverse: 'J. Caldwell and photographer's stamp 'C. Bock Photo Tarnagulla'.tarnagulla -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Postcard - Photographic postcard: Company's Dam and Flour Mill, Tarnagulla, c. 1880 - 1920
Williams Family Collection. On the 20th December 1873 it was reported in the Tarnagulla Courier that arrangements were being made for the erection of a steam flour mill at Tarnagulla. Mr Bristol had purchased the necessary plant which would be erected with as little delay as possible. The site chosen was the premises occupied previously by Mr John Pierce, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, at the corner of King and Commercial Road. These premises were incorporated in the mill building. Suitable buildings for receiving and storing grain and flour had been erected already. On 10th January, 1874 an advertisement in the Courier called for tenders from masons, bricklayers and carpenters for the erection of a flour mill at Tarnagulla for H. C. Bristol, Esq. with all enquiries to be made from G. Minto, Engineer. In December 1881 the proprietors made a request to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay pipes to the Municipal Dam, which was generally known as the Company's Dam, and to obtain water from the dam for milling purposes. This was granted. Steam was got up for the first time on 30th of March, 1882. A large quantity of wheat was stored ready for milling. Just prior to 29th of April 1882 the boiler at the mill burst, as the result of which two men, J. H. Smith and W. Hargreaves died and H. Joyce Bousfield, senior and junior, were seriously injured. The mill commenced operations on 13th June, 1882 with Mr W Fitzgerald as manager. The price offered for wheat was thirty-seven pence per bushell. It operated with grinding stones until considerable renovations were done in the early part of 1899 when new rollers and more up to date equipment installed. The mill was then known as the Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., with Thos. Comrie as proprietor, Mr Fitzgerald was still manager, and Mr T. Leonard was the traveller. Much new equipment was put in and each of the three floors had different processes. The rollers were on the ground floor, the purifiers and elevators reel were on the second floor, plus the clean wheat bin directly over the Ganz rollers. On the top floor was the chop reel, bran reel, inter-elevator reels, brush machine cyclone sack hoist, dirty wheat shaker, clean wheat bin, dust rooms and also double damping rooms. A plant was also erected for the making of an improved quality of wheaten meal, for which purpose special machinery was procured and a pair of stones was left for grinding the meal. A complete plant for the crushing of oats etc was also erected. The driving power of the mill was supplied by a new engine complete with 16 inch cylinder, manufactured and erected by Bousfield & Co. of Eaglehawk. It was fitted with Pickering governors, connected with the cylinder was a super heater. The boiler was tested and all connections etc. overhauled, with much of it being completely renewed. There was a complete network of belts, spouts, elevators etc. all over the building, all conveniently placed. The plans etc for the new plant were drawn up by Mr J. Kilborn, manager of the firm of Bodington & Co., engineers and millwrights of Carlton, which supplied the whole of the machinery, excepting the engine. The work of erection was carried out by Mr Kilborn and his assistants to the entire satisfaction of Mr Comrie, who had gone to considerable expense to bring the mill to a completely up-todate machine, fitted with all of the most modern appliances available. An advertisement on May 6th, 1899 read: "Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., Patent Roller Flour. Also their Digestive Wheaten Meal specially prepared for Porridge or Bread." In January 1901, 6000 bags of wheat were received weekly at the mill and it was a common sight to see the streets lined with wagons. In May 1902 the mill was lighted by gas and in July 1906 an application was made to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay a tram track from the mill to the Railways Station. Council was agreeable to this provided suitable plans were submitted. In 1913, 15,000 bags of wheat were bought at three shillings and four pence per bushell. In January 1914 the mill was renovated. At this time 1500 bags of wheat were coming in daily, with 20,000 bags in storage. On 15th December, 1917 the mill was advertised for sale, to be sold on Friday, 21st December,.1917, on behalf of the Estate of the Late Thomas Comrie, who had died on 4th August, 1910. The Courier at that time recorded him as being responsible for the building of the mill and with being the sole proprietor. The mill was closed, apparently, for a short period. The Courier reported on 13th of September, 1918 that the mill had been sold to Mr O. Albert of Talbot and that it would re-open. An advertisement read: ALBERT. O. & SON, MILLERS. During 1920 the mill was closed and pulled down. It was later re-erected at Mildura where it operated for many years. (by Donald Clark)Photographic postcard, front image depicting view of Company's Dam and the flour mill in Tarnagulla. Handwritten on reverse: 'A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, E. Bool' and photographer's stamp 'C. Bock Photo Tarnagulla'.tarnagulla -
Woodend RSL
Wound Dressing, 10.07.1997
Sterile field wound dressing as issued to Australian military forces in the latter part of the 20th century.Sterile wound dressing in sealed, rectangular, olive drab fabric pouch, containing a pad with confroming badage. Small triangular shape cut from face side left to aide tearing open. Manufacturing details are printed in black text on the front and directions for use on the back. Irregular shaped black-brown stain on back.Front text - all capitalised: (Arrow symbol) To open tear here Sterile field wound dressings (Compressed for field use) (Three-pronged symbol) 6510-66-108-410 CAPO 7870026AC Multigate reorder: 30-338 Radiation sterilized (American spelling) in Sydney Australia Mulitgate (stylised logo) (symbol of Commonwealth star, a kangaroo and the southern cross) Multigate medical products pty ltd (Text printed sideways) D O M 10/07/1997 (Symbol of B in a circle) 270701 Back text - all capitalised (Printed in a rectangle outline) Directions for use 1. Retain outer bag 2. Remove dressing frm inner bag 3. Grasp bandage & pull pad open 4. Place face of pad onto wound 5. Place outer bag on the other face of pad & bandage 6. Tie or pin bandage * Do not handle wound or pad*wound dressing, medical, heraldry, personal equipment -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Lyric Theatre, Myer's Patriotic Workers' Society. Grand Concert, Thursday, September 20th, 1917, 8pm. Admission 2/- (Entitling to Reserve) and 1/-. Musical Director: Mr E H Collett. Leader of Orchestra: Mr O Flight. Accompanist: Miss MacGillivray. Home Made Confectionery will be sold by Ladies. Programme: God Save the King. Part I: 'Trumpet of the Fort' 'Angles Guard Thee' 'Where my Caravan has rested' 'Villanell' 'Le Babillard' 'Hark to the Mandolin' 'Come Back, One Day'. Part II: 'Sunshine and Showers' unnamed song, 'Prologue', 'Spirit of the Wood' 'They Sang God Save The King' 'Hullamzo Balaton' 'The Two Grenadiers' 'Farwell to Summer'. Overtures: Lyric Orchestra. Songs: Mr EH Collett, Miss Elsie Code, Miss Winnie Mayberry, Mr J Warren, Mr F Monaghan, Mr H S Barkell. Duets: Misses c Ronan and J Sherlock, Misses J Pearson and L Bain, Miss E Code and Mr H S Barkell, Miss W Mayberry and Mr E H Collett. Flute Solo: Mr A E Sayer. Violin Solo: Miss Myrtle Knight. God Bless Our Splendid Men. Back Cover- Myer's Patriotic Workers' Society was formed by the Employees of Myer's' Bendigo, with the object of forwarding comforts to the soldiers from the Bendigo district who have joined the Australian Imperial Forces. Names were invited from the public, when no less than twelve hundred names were recorded, and the Society is making every effort to despatch the parcels as quickly as possible. So far six hundred and fifty parcels have been sent at a cost of 10/- (plus postage, 2/-) each The proceeds of this Concert go towards augmenting the funds of the Society to carry out this obligation.Bolton Bros. Printers, Bendigoprogram, theatre, lyric theatre -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Merle Hall Collection - Arts Bendigo AGMs: Notice of Mtg, President's Reports, Minutes of Mtg. a. Informal report of the AGM held on 19/10/1982 (and brief Committee discussion which followed); b. Minutes of fourth AGM 29/10/1985; c. Minutes of AGM 27/10/1988; d. President's Report 13/10/198; e. President's Report 30/10/1990; f. Minutes of AGM 15/10/1991; g. President's Report 22/10/1993; h. Minutes of AGM 22/10/1993; i. Minutes of AGM 22/10/1993 with pencilled annotations to list of office bearers; j. Notice of Meeting 1994 AGM 27/10/1994; k. 'invitation' sheet for 1994 AGM; l. 'promo' sheet for 1994 AGM; m. 'promo' sheet for 1994 AGM; n. President's report 1994; o. President's Report 1999; 'invitation' to 2000 AGM; q. Notice of Meeting 2000 AGM 20/10/2000; r. Minutes of 2000 AGM; s. president's Report 2000 AGM; t. Notice of meeting 2001 AGM; u. ' invitation' (''Please take time to read this'') sheet re 2001 AGM; v. Agenda for 2001 AGM; w. President's Report 2001 AGM; x. Handwritten notes for the Minutes of the 2001 AGM; President's Report 21/10/1998; z Copy of Annual Report as presented by President for Annual General Meeting 16/10/1984 (John F Hogan, President) - with appended half-page ''Explanation'' - M D Hall (Secretary); aa. Notice of Meeting for the Fourth Annual General Meeting (29/10/1985; ab agenda for AGM 1994 (with Social Evening) - guest speaker Derk Guille and entertainment by Youth String Trio -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Various documents of The Victorian Arts Council - a. re availability to 10 branches of Piano Fund Encouragement Grant (Guidelines Proposal); b. Branch Information Bulletin re ''Some Great Fools from History'' (Nola Rae) for tour 1979; c. Information to Branch Secretaries re National Gallery Touring Exhibition '' Tribal and Traditional Textiles''1979; d. Branch Briefing Bulletin - the First Ever Arts Council Subscription Series with General Promotional Timetable (undated); e. issue of ''Arts Council News'' (re Subscription Series), 1979; f. Template for News Release for new subscription series: Release 1 ''Exciting Year's Theatre Going for Bendigo'' (re 1979); g. Poster (coloured/two-sided) for the ''First Ever Subscription Series'' - promotion of four shows (details) and Subscription Details; h. Annual Report 1997; i. Memo dated 5/8/1986 re ''Going Bananas''; j. Memo dated 8/1/1988 re publicity for ''Europe'';k. Press Release for ''The Sentimental Bloke'' (for Feb 15 '86?) J B Osborne theatre); l. Memo to Branch Secretaries re the ''1984 Programme''; m. Press Release re Anne Phelan with play ''Away''; n. Notes from the Presentation on applying marketing techniques for the recruitment of members/committee;members Regional Conferences 1996; o. 3 paged Information Sheet re Touring Unit, Presenter Services Information re guarantee against loss; p. B&W photograph - inscribed on back: Helen Morse & Paul English 'Europe' 1988; q. Application for Guarantee Against Loss (by AB in relation to ''Don't shoot me - I'm just the messenger'' 1997 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop - Accounts - Estate of Esther Isabelle Canning. 1 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning Thos Snr dated Jun 3 1895. 2 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning John dated Jul 1 1895. 3 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning Thos dated Aug 1 1895. 4 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning J dated Aug 27 1895. 5 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning Thos dated Sep 24 1895. 6 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning Thos dated Oct 21 1895. 7 - 1895 - Receipt from Connelly, Tatchell & Dunlop for allowance to Canning Thomas dated Nov 19 1895. 8 - 1893 - Account to Canning Mrs concerning particulars of Will. 9 - 1894 - Rate notice for property situated in High & Elm Streets to Executors of the late Mrs Esther Canning dated Jan 16 1894. 10 - 1894 - Account from Hopper O, Rate Collector, City of Bendigo, Town Hall to Estate of the late Mrs Esther Canning, for property rates. 11 - 1894 - Receipt from Secretary of Water Supply, Bendigo for water rates for property in High St. Received from Gourlay? 12 - 1894 - Acc from Jones T R, Chemist and Druggist, Hargreaves St Sandhurst to Executors of the late Mrs Canning dated Apr 3 1894. 13 - 1894 - Acc from Pritchard Geo, Aerated Water and Cordial Manufacturers, Arnold St, Bendigo to the late Mrs Canning dated Jun 7 1894.cottage, miners, connelly, tatchell & dunlop, canning thos snr, canning john, canning thos, canning esther mrs, hopper o, city of bendigo, water supply, jones t r, pritchard geo. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Capital Theatre, Bendigo. Tuesday 16th August, 8pm. The Australian Broadcasting Commission presents Sir Bernard Heinze. These concerts are arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Rogramme: Fifteen Cents. Articles with photos of on Sir Bernard Heinze and Wayne Rapier. Annotations. Geelong A.B.C. Subscribers' Committee Members 1966. President: Mr J A Brockman. Secretary: Mr J E McClellend. Committee: Miss A France, Miss E Sheridan, Mrs G Brook, Mrs W G L Cartwright, Mrs HC Fallaw, Mrs R H Hoe, Mrs H G Marfell, Mrs G Pennan, Mr & Mrs D O Davey, Mr C P S Billot, Mr Mervyn Callaghan, Mr E A Goding, Mr J L Grant, Mr R Heagney, Mr P H Larsen, Mr F Loxley, Mr N G Schultz, Mr J Phemister, Miss J Cullen. Australian Broadcasting Commission Constituted under the Broadcasting and Television Act, 1942-1965. Commissioners: J R Darling, E R Dawes, A G Lowndes, H B Halvorsen, J T Reid, Mrs. Dorothy Edwards, General Manager: T S Duckmanton. Manager for Victoria: E A Whiteley. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Season of 1966). Leader of Orchestra: Leonard Dommett. First Violins: Bertha Jorgenson, Paul McDermott, Leon La Gruta, Milton Holden, Brian Beatty, Ronald Layton, Rudolf Osadnik. Second Violins: William Glassford, Alex Burlakov, Chrles Reither, Ivan Pietruschka, Robert Pattison, Percy Pledger. Violas: Marston Bate, Henry Wenig, -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Correspondence, Letter to Lillie from Howard, 29 August 1925
The "letters to Lillie" show the international nature of the Mission to Seafarers. They are an important display of the handwriting style of the time, revealing courting attempts and give us an insight into life in 1925. Page 1 S/S City of Norwich Port Said My Dear Old Lillie, Well, I never got so much of a shock in my life, when your postcard turned up 2 days before my birthday, wishing me many happy returns, for which I thank you sincerely, and am sorry to say I had forgotten yours, or being very quiet about your various qualities, you would not tell me. Well to get on with the news, the next day I had a telegram to report at the Line head office, on the 15th Aug. early, imagine how I swore, as a little do was to [be] held at night, they immediately shored me on this ship S/S City of Norwich to go to Port Said, then join the City of Corinth bound for Boston & New-York so I may come out to “little Aussie” again from there with a little luck, any way we ought to be in New-York about the 19th Sept to stay a month, I will write you more in detail from there, if you feel inclined and have forgiven me for being so long about answering your last letter, could you write to S/S City of Corinth, C/o Norton Lilly & Co, New-York. U.S.A. I would jump like L”l Page 2 how is the cow milking going on, but still that joke is as unfair as the small joke about my age now, both afflictions being cured by now I hope. Well really I am no letter writer and can find very little to interest you on paper Lillie, and my photo, I hate being taken as much as you, but will do my best, if you can wait a little please, hoping you are getting one that awfully exciting week with the mission as you call it. You must be A.1 actresses to amuse such a motley crew. Hoping you are all well at home, give Mr & Mrs Duncan my kind regards, sending my best love to you dear. Hoping you will recognize me if I can come along. with tons of love, Howard. P.S. I hope to be a little more sophisticated when I come next time [-] you may be able to tell me. Lillie Duncan was a member of the Harbour Lights Guild and this letter forms part of a collection of letters sent to her by different seafarers.Letter addressed to Miss L Duncan, 11 Paxton St, East Malvern, Melbourne, Australia from Howard in three parts: Part 1.1 (0007.1) Envelope Part 1.2 (0007.2) First page of letter Part 1.3 (0007.3) Second page of letter The pages, as is the envelope, are a creamy yellow colour with black cursive writing on one side of the page. Page 1 of the letter begins with the salutation "My Dear Old Lillie...". Page 2 of the letter concludes with " may be able to tell me".The envelope is torn across the top for access to its contents. It has two stamps on the top right hand corner both with the text "Port Said 23AU25.4.5P".lillie duncan, howard, port said, lhlg, ss city of norwich -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Sutherland Home for Children, Diamond Creek, 27 September 2007
The Sutherland Homes for Children on Yan Yean Road, Diamond Creek cared for thousands of children from when it was opened in 1912. The site closed for this purpose in 1991 and was sold and later developed for commercial and office purposes. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p107 The Sutherland Homes for Children at 14 Yan Yean Road, Diamond Creek, cared for thousands of children since they opened in 1912, after beginning at La Trobe Street, Melbourne in 1908. In 1994 Sutherland Homes (then called Sutherland Child, Youth and Family Services) amalgamated with Berry Street Child and Family Welfare. Together as Berry Street Victoria, they formed Victoria’s largest independent provider of support and accommodation services for children, young people and families in crisis.1 However with the move from institutional to community care, the Diamond Creek site had not been used since 1991 and was sold to private purchasers in 1999. More than 2000 former residents, staff, neighbours and friends attended a farewell in February, 2000.2 The Sutherland Homes red-brick and stuccoed building in Diamond Creek (a rare design in the Eltham Shire), was opened in 1929 by Lord Somers, the Governor of Victoria. Destitute children lived in dormitories bathed in natural light through large windows. However in 1958 as the cottage–parent system replaced the dormitory system, the first of eight residential cottages accommodating ten to 12 children was built. The site also included Special School 3660 and a farm, and the children were able to form relationships with people outside Sutherland, by staying with holiday hosts. Children were originally placed at Sutherland because of extreme poverty, or because single parents could not cope. However later, most placements occurred due to family violence, abuse or neglect. The property was originally bought from the Crown in 1869 by Timothy Mahony. Later owner, Augusta Meglin, ran a 40-acre (16ha) farm there. In 1909 she bequeathed this, including the house, orchards, vegetable gardens, vineyards and the balance of her income to The Sutherland Homes for Neglected Children. Sutherland Homes’ founder, Selina Sutherland, was known as ‘New Zealand’s Florence Nightingale’. In 1888 she became Victoria’s first licensed ‘child rescuer’3 and was to rescue around 3000 waifs from Victoria’s streets and slums.4 Born in Scotland in 1839, Sutherland joined her sister, who had emigrated with her husband to New Zealand. Sutherland trained as a nurse and led the establishment of a public hospital at Masterton. In 1881, while holidaying in Melbourne, Sutherland was so touched by seeing young people living under Princes Bridge, that this determined her future work. Meanwhile Sutherland instigated the Melbourne District Nursing Society, (now Royal District Nursing Service). She also led the founding of The Victorian Neglected Children’s Aid Society (now Oz Child) and the Presbyterian Neglected Children’s Aid Society (now Kildonan). From 1894 Miss Sutherland was Melbourne’s best known woman and cut a distinctive figure, wearing an alpine hat with a prominent feather. In 1906 Prime Minister Alfred Deakin named her Melbourne’s most successful philanthropic worker. However she was to face some difficult times. That year she suffered severely from an injured shoulder and dizzy turns and was pressured to resign as Superintendent of The Victorian Neglected Children’s Aid Society. In 1908 the committee of management offered her 12 months leave with pay. Sutherland declined – but soon after, was dismissed. However she continued her work from Latrobe Street, Melbourne, with the help of Sister Ellen Sanderson and several committee members. Sutherland attempted to register her new organisation but the Victorian Neglected Children’s Aid Society objected to the government, alleging that Sutherland, because of increasing infirmity, was unable to satisfactorily carry out such duties. They accused her of cruelty and of intoxication. However the charges were not proven, so The Sutherland Homes for Neglected Children was registered.5 Sadly, in 1909 Sutherland died, the day she was to move the children to the ‘country property’ at Diamond Creek. At her death she owned less than £10. Today Berry Street recognises Sutherland’s enormous contribution to child welfare with a memorial and an annual Selina Sutherland Award, presented to an outstanding volunteer.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, diamond creek, sutherland home for children -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Reproduction, Jay Miller, 6 June 2019
This photograph was published in the Geelong Advertiser on Friday 23 November 1906, page 4 with this article: "Owing to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the Victorian Missions to Seamen has been supplied with a long felt want in the shape of a modern motor launch to facilitate and render more efficient the work among the vessels in the Yarra and Hobson's Bay. The order for the construction of the boat, was placed with Mr. Chas. Blunt, of the Eastern Beach, and complimentary references were made to her graceful line- as she rode in light .trim after the launching on Wednesday afternoon. She is 31ft. long. Oft. beam, and has a depth of 3ft. The frame is of jarrah and ben* blackwood. and inch kauri planking has been used in building Iter. A neat deck-house with Oft. headroom is situat ed-umidsliip*. and a short mast is pro vided to carry the well-known blue flag of the -.fission. The launch motors will develop a speed of between nine and ten miles an hour: The finishing touches have yet to be given her. and she will afterwards be row«l to have her engines fitted in. -The launch will he ready for service for the busy wheat season com mencing at- the end of the year. The launching ceremony took place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at the builder's yards, in the .presence of njarge gather ing of spectators. The Archdeacon of Geelong. the Rev. O. P. C'ros-.ley. ecu ducted a short dedication service, and the other clergymen who took part in the service were the Primate of Aus tralia. the Right Rev. Dr. Sauiuarcz Smith: the Rev. A. Giirney Goldsmith, the Missions chaplain: and the Rev. H. Kelly. The Bishop of Newcastle, Dr. Stretch, and the chaplain of the New castle Mission, the Rev. AYnddy. and Canon Nash were also present. The Primpte. addressing the gar boring as "My good friends of Geelong." said be had never been in sight of the hay before. bill had'gladly accepted the in vitation to say a few words in connec tion with the dedication of tiro launch. He had always been interested in mis sions of all sorts, as they ali as Christian men and women 110 doubt- were, and lie was particularly interested in Missions to Seamen, because in the Society at' borne, with which this Society was con nected, he had a son-in-law who was mission chaplain in the Medway. He therefore know something about a launch for the purpose of a mission like this, and also knew 'something about missions to seamen. In Sydney for some time past it had been doing good work—work which he was sure they would all feel was of the widest possible value. This year he was at the annual meeting of the Missions to Seamen in London presided over by the Bishop o-f Stcphney. -He (the Primate) at that meeting remarked that the Mission in it, value was personal, local and Im perial. It was of personal value to thee who came under the ministra tions of the church, and in the social as pect : it was local because where the Mission existed the feelings of the lo cality were thrown out. in sympathy with j tlie -Mission, and the people themselves thus benefited. It was also a matter of Imperial interest because it- was really i a world-wide Mission, inasmuch as the | sailors as they" went from one part of the world to another were in themselves j missionaries either for evil or for good, i Thev might he missionaries with a mcs i sago which might degrade and "work ail I evil influence amongst, men, and with i conduct which might reflect a reproach !' upon Christian profession. On the other hand, they might be Chrisian men endeavoring more and more to show the .example of the Christian life in the J midst of very big difficulties and tempta tions. • -Ho came to show liis sympathy with tlio appropriately-named '"'Southern Cross," and from what lie had boon told he believed she was a good boat, a good gift, and launched for a good purpose. They should be thankful that it was a good boat and .thankful because it was a good gift by an anonymous donor, whom he congratulated on doing such a useful thing." The idea of the launch ing ceremony was to ask the blessing of God because ".Except the Lord hless'the house their labor is hut lost'that build it." The Archdeacon expressed thanks to the Primate for attending the cere mony, and regretted that the Arch bishop was unable to attend. They dc- | sired that the boat- should always be as sociated with the.Church Congress 1906. I The opening hymn was "For those in j peril on the sea," followed hv Psalm I 107, "'They'that, go down to the sea in 1 Ships." Tlio prayers included an ap peal foiUDirine blessing on .the launch, and for tho preservation of those who may travel in her. ' Xlio Benediction was pronounced by the Primate, and the christening cere mony performed by Hiss Connibere. From the bow there was suspended a bottle of pure water covered with red, white and blue streamers and roses. Dashing the bottle in,fragments against the launch's bow. Miss Connibere named her the "Southern Cross." Cheers were given for the launch/and as she travell ed down the slip further cheers were given. She carried the Mission flag at tho masthead, and between Union Jacks at tho bow and stern, a long string of flags fluttered gaily* in the breeze. The collection was in aid of the Mis sions to Seamen and the Geelong Sailors' Rest.Reproduction of a photograph from a newspaper.Fujifilm / Quality Dry Photo papersouthern cross, motor boat, mission to seamen, seamen's mission, charles blunt, blunt boatbuilders, geelong -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colonel (RTD) Sydney Patterson, M.C., M.I.D, c. 1950
On display in History House.Black and white photograph of man in military uniform, with peaked hat. Badges are pinned to hat and left lapel. ¾ turn to right. Below image is text stating man's identity and positions.Front: Colonel (RTD) Sydney Patterson M.C., M.I.D., War Service World War 1. Served from 1914-1919 New Guinea (Naval Force) 1914. Egypt, France, Belgium 1915-1919, 20th Batalion A.I.F.M.I.D. 1916, M.C. 1917. Commissioned on the Field. Twice wounded. World War 2. Served from 1939-1945 Australia (Darwin) New Guinea, New Britain, etc. Captain 1939, Adj. No. 7 Aust Int. Training Centre, 1941. G.S.O. 3 (O) G. Branch A.H.Q. 1942. Major R.A.E. (Docks) 1942. L.L. Colonel R.A.E. C.R.E 3rd Aust. Dock Group. CIVIC SERVICE Councillor, Portland 1931-1940 (Resigned for War Service) 1945-1957. Mayor of Portland 1935, 1938, 1939-40, 1949-50, 1953-54. Harbour Trust Commissioner, appointed March 1950 (1950-1957). Back: Mr. Stevenson (pencil, centre) -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plaque - Certificate, WWI, In Memoriam, BEA Henderson
Private Bertie Ernest Alfred Henderson served in the 5th Pioneer Battalion, 5th Division of the AIF. He died of wounds In France on 29/5/1918 or 1/6/1918. His burial place is Crouy British Cemetery, Crouy-sur-Somme. The framed 'In Memoriam' has been in the custody of family members until presented to W&DHS in 2013 by Mrs Beris Porter. Pte BEA Henderson, 1866, 3 Pioneer Battalion(2 Reinforcement Group) was a farmer and single. His father was Mr HH Henderson of Naringal. He enlisted on 27/5/1916 then sailed on the Themistocles on 28/7/1916 and transferred to the 5 Pioneer Battalion. His name is recorded on the War Memorial, Artillery Crescent, Warrnambool as having made the supreme sacrifice.Mass produced Memorial page with a sepia original half portrait photograph of a soldier surrounded with two mounts,narrow white and dark/grey brown, and a thin gold gilt surround next to an inward angled plain, wooden frame with clear glass. Hand white painted name, rank, number, battalion, division with decorative flourishes. A. tarnished plaque is on the mid lower frame Front- White hand painted dedication: 1866/PRIVATE B.E.A. HENDERSON/5th Pioneer Batt 5Division/A.I.F. The mass produced decorative mount has battle place names and a bird's eye view of battlefields in France. In sepia 'Glory' stand atop a rock and cross with a laurel wreath in her right hand and a scroll with ANZACS falling from her left hand. A verse is written Anzacs, you've graved your name upon Immortal Scroll/Naught can compare with what the World a claims/Zenith of a fighting patriotic soul./A host of heroes, you have but echoed back with Clarion tongue/the Spartan Sires from who you fitly sprung Coo-ee! Comrades, 'Kia-Ora' you didn't ant couch will ever be./Sacred to all Eternity. An oval cut-out holds a half portrait of the soldier in uniform. Plaque on lower wooden frame FRANCE/29.5.18 Reverse- in pencil handwriting: ? o/c/... ... A. Henderson/of ...T/Yar..galin memoriam, wwi, 5th pioneer battalion, 5th division, aif, private bea henderson, warrnambool, anzac -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, St Patrick's College Annual Magazine, 1914, 1914
St Patrick's College is a Catholic bous secondary school in Ballarat in the Christian Brothers tradition,School Magazine of St Patrick's College, Ballarat. Includes a boarders' Roll Call. Articles include: Ireland's Freedom, The Catholic Federation, Dr Daniel Mannix Images: Physics Laboratory, Sloyd and Manual Art Room. Senior Public Class, Commercial Class, Intercollegiate Athletics, Orchestra, Rev. Dr Higgins, Br Keniry, J. Guinane of the Irish National Forresters, Gerald O'Day, P. Ryan, Frank Keys, L. Bartels, G. Hickey, T. Keys, O. Daly, J. Wolf, A. McKean, T.H. Jenkins, Football Team, Dr Devine, J. Sowersby, Chemistry Laboratory, Gerard Little, Rev. J. McHugh, Andrew Mulquiney, Bernard Heinz Advertisements: Ballarat Trustees, Heinz Brothers Butchers, Middleton and Morris, National Trustees, F. Cannon Hairdresser, G. Werner & Co, Clegg, Miller and Morrow, Rowlands, Gordon Brothers, Loreto Convent, St Alysius Junior Boys' School Portland, Coghlan Boase and Co, Briant's Red Shop Tea Rooms, Ballarat Supply Stores, Stephen Wellington furnishing undertaker, W. Cornell, Eden Photographs, W.E. Longhurst Bread, Sacred Heart Boarding School, St Anes' Ladies' College Geelong, Ballarat Brewing Company, J.S. Young Suit Builders, George Smithm, Kearns Brothers Fish and Oyster Saloon, T.G. Skewes Pharmacy, J.A. Reynolds Wal paper Wahehouse, Walter Gude Music Teacher, Snows, Auldana Wines, J. Ewins Book Store, Cowdell, Tonner and Ellis, Richards and Co, Kruse's Fluid Magnesia, Jago's Ballarat Boot Palace, R.J. Miller Undertaker, W.C. Thomas and Sons Flour Millers, Broadbent Bros, W.E. Thomas American Dentist, Harry Davies and Co., Permewan Wright, William P. Linehan, Tyler's Clothing Arcadem C. Marks and Co, Coad and Hewitson Chaff patrick's college ballarat, daniel mannix, rev. dr higgins, br keniry, j. guinane, irish national forresters, gerald o'day, p. ryan, frank keys, l. bartels, g. hickey, t. keys, o. daly, j. wolf, a. mckean, t.h. jenkins, dr devine, j. sowersby, gerard little, rev. j. mchugh, andrew mulquiney, bernard heinz, ballarat trustees, heinz brothers butchers, middleton and morris, national trustees, f. cannon hairdresser, g. werner & co, clegg, miller and morrow, gordon brothers, loreto convent, st alysius junior boys' school portland, coghlan boase and co, briant's red shop tea rooms, ballarat supply stores, stephen wellington furnishing undertaker, w. cornell, eden photographs, w.e. longhurst bread, sacred heart boarding school, st anes' ladies' college geelong, ballarat brewing company, j.s. young suit builders, george smith, kearns brothers fish and oyster saloon, t.g. skewes pharmacy, j.a. reynolds wal paper warehouse, walter gude music teacher, snows, auldana wines, j. ewins book store, cowdell, tonner and ellis, richards and co, kruse's fluid magnesia, jago's ballarat boot palace, r.j. miller undertaker, w.c. thomas and sons flour millers, broadbent bros, w.e. thomas american dentist, harry davies and co., permewan wright, william p. linehan, tyler's clothing arcade, c. marks and co, coad and hewitson chaff cutters, loret oconvent portland -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera from Original Box 313; This is not a catalogued description of the contents but a broad-brush overall description. a. Book with 'Ledger' on cover; has newspaper cuttings re stage and screen on 8 of 94 pages (remaining, mostly blank); b. Gordon & Gotch - Sample Calendar No. 3 1935.( 61 cm x 50 cm) x2; c. Gordon & Gotch - Sample Calendar No. 2 (61 cm x 50 cm) x 2; d. Victorian Act of Parliament No 3041 (amending the Law relating to Public Health, 1919, 176 pages; e. Victorian Act of Parliament -(amending the Sewerage District Acts No 3437, 1925, 5 pages ; f. Scrapbook with cuttings from papers relating to Australia's history, scenery, flora and fauna, Farming, Industry, Rodeo, Horse Racing, Rural, Surf Life Saving, Religion, Federation, Explorers, Gold, Birds, - some loose cuttings in back; g. Land Tax Act, Schedule L 1910 (blank sheet); h. Commission of Public Health - three day tour of Western District (Warrnambool, port Fairy, Colac) from Melbourne; i. Collection of cuttings, envelopes; j. Newspapers - Argus, Advertiser pages late 1930s; (not scanned) k. Collection of newspaper cuttings; l. Collection of Public Health Regulations, 7 parts; m. Act of Parliament, Victoria No. 2632 - Law relating to Amendment of the Constitution; n. Folder containing issues of The Bendigo Church News, 25 parts 1930s-1950s; o. Collection of book lists/catalogues; p. AA (Automobile Association) Members Handbook 1963; q. Collection of varied sheets and pamphlets; r. Articles of Association - Ocean Salt Company; s.. Sydney Symphony Orchestra program 1953; t. Queen Mary's Message to the people, Jan 1936; u. various notices for display of historical items (BHS Collection)ephemera, mementoes -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Off White coloured glossy card. Pink writing. ST. Clement's Anglican Debutante Ball Huntly Friday, July 13th 1984. Programme Debutantes Partners Michelle Grant, Jamie Creely, Robyn Wells, Norman Sheahan, Erica Wilkinson, Damien Tangey, Debbie Clarke, Greg Pocock, Natalie Gundry, Grant Andrea, Lynne Edwards, Rod Mills, Sally James, Darren Thompson, Kathy Creely, Peter Matthews, Lisa Tehan, Mark Yates, Amanda Clayton, Peter Morgan, Paula Ingham, Craig Clayton, Rosalyn Varker, Darren Cartner. Presented to The Bishop of Bendigo Rt. Rev. O. Heyward & Mrs Heyward 9.15p.m. Flower girl Kasie Watson, Page boy Andrew Swatton, Flower girl Emily Stevens, Page boy Bradley Clay, Chaperone Mrs. Bev. Read Trainers: Mr. Peter Ellis & Mrs. Mary Smith Pianist Mrs J.Grotto, Announcer Mrs. M. Pitson, MC Mr. Colin Silk, 1 Foxtrot Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 2 Charmaine Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 3 Parma Waltz Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 4 Gypsy Tap Lex (Handwritten in Pencil), 5 Foxtrot Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 6 Pride of Erin Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 7 Progressive Barn Dance Lisa (Handwritten in Pencil), 8 Modern Waltz Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), 9 Maxina Esma (Handwritten in Pencil), 10 Evening Three Step Lois (Handwritten in Pencil), 11 Foxtrot 12 Alberts Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 13 Tangoette Ila (Handwritten in Pencil), 14 Foxtrot Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 15 Valetta Waltz/ St. Bernard Waltz Lex (Handwritten in Pencil), 16 Gay Gordons Jane (Handwritten in Pencil), 17 Swing Waltz Mary (Handwritten in Pencil), 18 Foxtrot Muriel (Handwritten in Pencil), Presentation Dance Metropolitan Quadrille. Autographs.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - ANZAC MEMORIAL SERVICE, 25 April, 1922
Anzac Memorial Service. Lest We Forget. Upper Reserve, Bendigo. Tuesday, April, 25, 1922.At 3 o'clock. Order of Service April 25, 1922. His Worship the Mayor (Cr. J E Holland) presiding. 1. Invocation and Lord's Prayer, Rev W Bennett. (President of Ministers Association) 2. National Anthem 3. Prayer for the King, Queen, and the Royal Family Rev. L W Lee. O! God who rulest over Thy people in love, we beseech Thee to bless Thy Servant, our King, that under him this nation may be wisely governed, and Thy Church may serve Thee in all godly quietness, Grant that the King, the Prince, and the people, being devoted to these with all their hearts, and preserving in good works to the end, may, by Thy guidance, come to Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4. Hymn- 'All people that on Earth do Dwell' All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without ou aid He did us make; We are His flock; He doth us feed. And for His sheep He doth us take. O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why! The Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5. Prayers Rev W J Holt. Almighty God, who hast tought us in Thy Holy Word to perpetuate the memory of brave men and great deliverance, give to this nation grace not to forget the men who died for their fellow men; keep, we beseech thee, their memory fresh and green in the hearts of Thy people, and make us more worthy of the sacrafices they offered for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O! Merciful and Loving Father Who dost not willinglu afflict the children of men, but chasten tem for their profit, have mercy upon Thy bereaved and sorrowing servants who mourn for those they have lost in battle (especially those for whom our [rayers are asled). And as Thou dost sanctity muman love and felloship here upon earth, so grant them and us a happy re-union with those whom we love in Thy eternal peace and joy; throught Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 6. Scripture Lesson- Rev. S E Doman 7. 1st Address- The Very Rev. The Dean of Bendigo 8. Presentation of Medals 9. Hymn- Kipling's Recessional. God of our fathers, known of old, Lord of the far-flung battle line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine- Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget-lest we forget! Far-called, our navies melt away, On dune and headland sinks the fire; Lo, all our pomp of yesterday. Is one with Nineveh and Tyre Judge of the nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget- - lest we forget. If, drunk with sight of power, we loose Wild tongues, that have not Thee in awe Still boasting, as the Gentiles use, Or lesser breeds, without the Law- Lord God of hosts, lest we forget! For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard, All valiant dust that builds on dust, And guarding, calls not Thee to to guard, For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord! 10. Address Rev. B W Heath. 11. General Thanksgiving Ven. Archdeacon Haynes. Almighty God, Father of all mercies! We, Thine unworthy servants, do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness to us, and to all men. We bless Thee for out creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but, above all, for Thine inestimale love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope and the glory. And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth Thy praise, not onlu with our lips, but with our lives; by giving up purselves to Thy sevice, and by walking before Thee in holiness and righteousness all our days; thriough Jesus Christ our Lord; to Whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit ba all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 12. Nearer My God to Thee. Mearer my God to Thee, Mearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. There let my may way appear Steps unto Heav'n, All that thou sendest me In mercy given. Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Then, with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy Praise, Out of my stony griefs Berhel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer to Thee. Amen. 13. Last Post. Everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. Benediction. The singing will be led by the Children from the State Schools.Cambridge Pres, Print, Bendigoevent, official, anzac memorial service, anzac memorial service. lest we forget. upper reserve, bendigo. tuesday, april, 25, 3 o'clock. order of service april 25, 1922. his worship the mayor (cr. j e holland) presiding. 1. invocation and lord's prayer, rev w bennett. (president of ministers association) 2. national anthem 3. prayer for the king, queen, and the royal family rev. l w lee. 4. hymn- 'all people that on earth do dwell' 5. prayers rev w j holt. 6. scripture lesson- rev. s e doman 7. 1st address- the very rev. the dean of bendigo 8. presentation of medals 9. hymn- kipling's recessional. 10. address rev. b w heath. 11. general thanksgiving ven. archdeacon haynes. 12. nearer my god to thee. 13. last post. everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. benediction. the singing will be led by the children from the state schools. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Twenty page issue December 1941 No. 93, Societe Orientale de Publicite, The A.I.F. News Special Christmas Issue 1941, December 1941
The A.I.F.= The Australian Imperial Force and this newspaper was supplied free to the troops of the Australian Army Canteens Service. This issue is dated Saturday 22nd December 1941. It includes advertisments for businesses in Cairo and Alexandria; Egypt, Palestine and Syria. Page 2 includes a poem titled "This Holy Night" by Pte C.M. Walker; two sonnets by Rupert Brooke; a poem, "Waiting Dreams" by Pilot Officer J.A. Henderson RAAF and a poem by Lieut. David McNicoll AIF Abroad Air Mail - Palestine. Page 3 includes a message from General Sir Thomas Blamey, an article on the part women would increasingly play as a consequence of the emergency war policy; an advertisment for tobacco specially packed for overseas forces. Page 4 includes an article on Australian coastal cities being ready for raids. Page 5 includes an article about the Commonwealth of the Philippines and their defense which until 1946 lay with America. General D Macarthur was the Commander In Chief in the Philippines. Germany's "secret Weapon" legend. Page 6 includes "Dancing Dan's Christmas"; "Bluey and Curley" comic strip. Page 7 includes article "Rommel's Armoured Might Lies Strewn Over Libyan Sands" Page 8 includes an article: "All In Fun" - a revue - has begun a tour of Australian camps in Palestine and Syria. Page 9 includes articles "War Will Revolutionise Air Services In Australia"; a list - Greek Awards To AIF Officers and a cartoon by George Aria titled 'Jonah '. Pages 10&11 "Christmas 1941" - messages from prominent people: Mr Winston Churchill; The Govenor General (Lord Gorrie); The Prime Minister (Mr Curtin); Mininster for the Army (Mr Forde). Also photos of army operations and traditional family Christmas time. Page 12 &13 Articles regarding sport under the heading 'Australian Sporting Digest'. Page 14 A story - "The Gift of the Magi" - an O Henry Christmas Story. Also a greeting from Myer's of Melbourne and Adelaide to all Myer Men in the AIF Page 15 An article where General Blamey reassures Australia about its capability of defence. Page 16 A description of a battle by Australian sloop "Parramatta" with HMAS "Auckland" against enemy planes whilst they were escorting a merchant ship with a cargo of petrol during the Battle of Tobruk Page 17 & 18 Pages under the title 'ACK-I-FOOFS' (Articles submitted by soldiers: The real Rat of Tobruk - a rat trained by L/Cpl Jack Kneeshaw which he named "Goebbels"; poems and cartoons. Page 19 "Women of War" - photos of women at work filling in for men who have gone to war. Page 20 Xmas Greetings 1942-1942 - a 1942 Calendar signed by 14 members of the AIF, some with messages and including their Army Number. Twenty pages of news supplied free to the troops by the Australian Army Canteens Service.The last page is a calendar for 1942 with personal inscriptions and greetings of servicemen. Some inscriptions have I.D. Numbers ( VX35435 W. Johnston; QX20753 of Carmody ; VX40449 ; VX39637 N. Powell; VX32054 Blue Ernistson?; N?X23234 W.Cummins; VXthe a.i.f. news christmas edition 1941, australian imperial force, world war 2, australian army canteens service, general blamey, world war 2 - pacific war, world war 2 - phillipine islands, general d macarthur, emergency plans ww2 australia, secret weapons ww2, western desert ww2, australian imperial force - western desert ww2, civil aviation post ww2, air services australia, lord gowrie, governor general lord gowrie, prime minister john curtain, minister for the army - mr forde, cartoons 1941, women-in ww2, xmas greetings calendar 1941-1942, cairo 1941, palestine 1941, western desert 1941, advertisements 1941, middle east 1941 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Badge - Epaulette, Harvey's Naval Outfitters, 1920s
The pair of epaulettes once belonged to W.R. Angus, who possibly wore them when he worked his passage to and from the UK in the 1920s. The button on each has an unidentified emblem. They are part of Flagstaff Hill’s comprehensive W.R. Angus Collection, donated by the family of Dr W R Angus (1901-1970), surgeon and oculist. The ties, which look like shoe laces, would secure the epaulettes to the uniform's shoulders. The epaulettes were made by Harvey's Naval Outfitters of 15-16-17 London Street, London, E.C.3, in the East Central area of London. Another of the firm's addresses is Leadenhall Street, London, named the 'centre of commerce'. East India Company and Pacific & Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O) once had their headquarters there. The postcode 'EC3' dates back to 1917 when the postcode system was established in the United Kingdom. William Roy Angus (1901-1970) qualified as a doctor in 1923. He decided he further his studies overseas in the UK in 1927, sailing on the ship SS Banffshire (built in 1912, destroyed in 1937). He studied at London University College Hospital and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and in 1928 he was awarded FRCS (Fellow from the Royal College of Surgeons), Edinburgh, Scotland. He worked his passage back to Australia as a Ship’s Surgeon on the Australian Commonwealth Line T.S.S. Largs Bay, purchased by the White Star Line in 1928. Dr W R Angus was a Surgeon Captain for the Australian Defence Forces, Army Medical Corps, stationed in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W. He completed his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. The W.R. Angus Collection: - The W.R. Angus Collection includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) and Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. It includes historical medical and surgical equipment and instruments from the doctors Edward and Thomas Ryan of Nhill, Victoria. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1927 at Ballarat, the nearest big city to Nhill where he began as a Medical Assistant. He was also Acting House surgeon at the Nhill hospital where their two daughters were born. During World War II He served as a Military Doctor in the Australian Defence Forces. Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool in 1939, where Dr Angus operated his own medical practice. He later added the part-time Port Medical Officer responsibility and was the last person appointed to that position. Dr Angus and his wife were very involved in the local community, including the new Flagstaff Hill's planning stages and the gardens' layout. Dr Angus passed away in March 1970.This pair of epaulettes is connected to the badges in the W.R. Angus Collection. Dr W R Angus (1901-1970), surgeon and oculist, collected a range of badges and military objects including those he personally used during his time as Surgeon Captain in the Australian Defence Forces in World War II. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The Collection includes historical medical objects that date back to the late 1800s.Epaulette (pair of two), dark blue with red and gold horizontal stripes, with a gold-coloured button and woven white web ties. A tall rectangular shape with a point at the top. Made from a card base, covered by dark blue fabric and a hand-stitched lining of cream-coloured leather, stamped with the maker's details. The button has an inscripton and image. Made by Harvey's Outfitters in London. The button has images and text. The epaulettes belonged to Dr W R Angus and are now part of the W. R. Angus Collection.“HARVEYS’ / NAVAL OUTFITTERS / 15-16-17, London St / LONDON E.C.3. / TELEPHONE / ROYAL 3248” Button; Inscription and image [indecipherable] Button is embossed with images (anchor, serpent, flag) and text "B. 'G. "flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, dr w r angus, w.r. angus collection, badge, insignia, badge collection, epaulettes, naval epaulettes, naval insignia, shoulder boards, ss banffshire, t.s.s. largs bay, uniform, harvey's naval outfitters, london street london -
Peterborough History Group
Souvenir - Fred Moore Wooden Spoon Trophy
The Fred Moore trophy is held on Australia Day long weekend. This trophy commemorates the losers, ie the highest score of the day over 12 holes. It began in 1967, and continues. Believed to be donated by Bill Cumming to honour the effort of the players. The event is a non handicap game, so anyone can play, not necessarily golfers. It is still quite a coveted prize. The names on this trophy are not generally found on any other trophies! 1967 L Gatenby G Irvine, 1968 F McIntosh D Morrison, 1969 R Richmond J Wilson, 1970 S Cumming D Urquhart, 1971 S Wilcocks M Koser, 1972 J Murnane D Urquhart, 1973 a. Urquhart P Calvert, 1974 D Mercer A Richmond, 1975 J chirnside D Urquhart, 1976 D McKenzie E Stansfield, 1977 R.A.G Chirnside J Jamison, 1978 T Durham A affleck, 1979 R Grice J.A.S. Chirnside, 1980 WR Jamieson D Calvert, 1981 M Fogarty T Durham, 1982 R Chirnside D Moyle, 1983 T Durham L Cummins, 1984 K Moore P Gray ,1985 I chalingsworth N Kirby, 1986 L Brown C McKenzie, 1987 N Porteous J Gilder, 1988 J Porteous D Morrison, 1989 S Wilkinson T Calvert, 1990 N Gransmaa B Richmond, 1991 K Moore J Pangrazio, 1992 J Fullerton- Healy H McFarlane, 1993 H McCulloch and J Kelly, 1994 A McQueen HW Ryan, 1995 K Reggall J Agar, 1996 Deb Bradshaw D Howe, 1997 J Wilson C Emerson, 1998 N Porteous J Dyson, 1999 G McFeeter K Wallice, 2000 Anthony bell Di Whittaker, 2001 T Smith J Irvine, 2002 Patrick Moore Jill Wilson, 2003 D Howe M Watson, 2004 J Porteous D Fisher, 2005 S Heatherly R Densley, 2006 A Finlay G Burns, 2007 A Campbell M Valmorbida, 2008 S Paton J Austin, 2009 C Ross T Dean, 2010 C McPherson A Cooper, 2011 R Lidgerwood Z Baker, 2012 N Robinson T Custance, 2013 D Hay CW Richmond, 2014 E Chartres A Littlechild, 2015 T Clark M Pithie, 2016 A Campbell J Roxburgh, 2017 P devilee S Borghero, 2018 A Austin H Cumming, 2019 J Brown F Devilee, 2020 R Bell O Wilson, 2021 P Moore S Towell,.The trophy is important because it represents the fact that its a fun, all inclusive day celebrating the Peterborough Golf Club, members and non members, winners and losers!Wooden spoon mounted in a plinth, with metal name plates around the base. the original base was round, with one round base added, and a square base added, to provide more space for the names.Name and dates inscribed on nameplatesgolf, golf tournaments, peterborough golf club, fred moore trophy -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Book of Servicemens names, S. S. & A. F.A. Dandenong. Lest We Forget, Circa 1940s
Large hard covered book containing names and photographs of 159 deceased Servicemen. Lest We Forget. Roll of Honor. Dedicated to the gallant Sons and Daughters in the Fighting Services of the Dandenong Branch of the Sailors Soldiers and Airmen,s Fathers Association of Victoria. Let not their Sacrifices be in Vain. Photographs are of the following. 143736 RAAF. Y.D Bending. 128756 RAAF LAC R. J. Berry. VX 66913 AIF Pte. J. M. Bland. VX 67586 AIF Sgt. C. Boote. VX 37378 AIF Pte. H. E. Bould. VX 72867 AIF Pte. C. J. Bould. 59887 RAAF LAC. V. A. Bould. VX 41802 AIF Dvr. J. Bradley. VX 113184 AIF Sgt. R. B. Brooks. VX 109393 AIF Sgt. A. Y. Brooks. 49145 RAAF Corp. R. J. Brooks. VX 64333 AIF Corp. D. L. Brumley. WX 9742 AIF. Pte. T. H. Budgeon. VX 85885 AIF Gunner W. M. Buttler. VX 137411 AIF Pte. A.W Cameron. 400037 RAAF Flt. Lieut. W J Canterbury. VX 85253 AIF Capt. T C Canterbury. 49218 RAAF Lac. S E Cannard. VX 24291 AIF Capt. A L Carthew. VX 132044 AIF Gunner G Chandler. VX 68692 AIF Bdr. A J Chandler. 128776 RAAF Acr. D Chrisfield. VX 90726 AIF Gunner W J Chrisfield. 401631 RAAF Flt. Sgt. S Cooper. W2091 RAN Stoker H J B Cooper. VX52731 AIF Cpl. C B Cooper. VX92695 AIF Pte. J M Cornish. 13774 RAAF Flt. Sgt. G R Coulthard. RAN Stoker H F Cross. RAN Stoker. R O Cross. VX15688 AIF Bmd. E J Curran. 42998 RAAF Sgt. R F Dawson. VX 5835 AIF Pte. R R N Dobson. VX 110898 AIF Gunner R B Dunn. RAN Stoker E W Eades. 401424 RAAF Pilot Off. H L Edgoose. VX 89563 AIF Corp. A R Ewart. 401817 RAF Flg. Off. F P Field. VX 2115 AIF Sgt. J E Ford. VX 53019 AIF Dvr. M G Greyling. VX 100355 AIF LCorp. V F Greyling. VX 137580 AIF Corp.J J Greene. VX 138491 AIF Pte. D M Greene. VX 5828 AIF Corp. G S Hamilton. VX 85863 AIF Gunner. B W Hamilton. VX 80141 AIF Gunner A W Hamilton. VX 51804 AIF Gunner E W Harden. 41632 RAAF Lac. T J Hardy. 121213 RAAF Lac. C W Harvey. VX 29054 AIF Pte. F Howard. VX 11914 AIF Corp.D J Hunter. VX 123189 AIF Signaler A W Hussey. VX 147815 AIF Sapper K B Hussey. VX 42893 AIF Sigr. J Hussey. VX 15925 AIF Pte. D R Irvine. 41389 RAAF A/Crew. M Irvine. VX 52919 AIF Gunner A F Issac. VX 136374 W/Off. M G Jarvis. VX 83137 AIF Sgt. R N Jarvis. VX 6220 AIF Pte. R Johnston. VX 12679 AIF Sigr. A J Johnston. 51831 RAAF Lac. M L Keys. VX 89237 AIF Staff /Adj. C H Llewelyn. 55876 RAAF Corp. J R Llewelyn. VX 139945 Pte. M A Llewelyn. 126096 RAAF Lac. E F Lovie. RAN Sigr. A Luxford. VX 109843 AIF Corp. C Mace. VX 85346 AIF Gunner R Mace. VX 133409 AIF Pte. K J Mackenzie. VX 50667 AIF Pte. K H Macindoe. VX 112854 AIF Corp. L J Marshall. RAN A/B M A McCallum. VX 66713 AIF Trooper J L Mc Calman. AIF Corp. J L Mc Carthy. RAAF A/C K Mc Carthy. VX 144119 AIF C/M A J McConnell. VX 26648 AIF Pte. K L McCoy. VX 63759 Pte. S V McCoy. 128190 RAAF Lac. G E McDonald. VX 101980 AIF W/O A McDonough. VX 83581 AIF Dvr. N P McGrath. VX 64933 AIF Pte. J McLaren. VX 5086 AIF Pte P McLaren. VX 48798 AIF Lieut. R A McPherson. 125723 RAAF Lac. G M McPherson. 52002 RAAF Lac. G W Mussett. VX 80158 AIF Pte. K S G Nankivell. VX 18938 AIF Dvr. W H Norris. VX 41804 AIF Pte. R E Norris. VX 137948 AIF Lieut. E C C Norris. VX 122762 AIF Sgt. G C Norris. VX 902 AIF Bombd. S G Oakley. VX 113395 AIF Sgt. K J Oldmeadow. NX 84580 AIF Gunner L Oldmeadow. 118349 RAAF Lac. M W Oldmeadow. RAAF F/O C J Oldmeadow. 205672 RAAF W/O A R Orr. VX 14383 AIF Dvr. D C Owler. 428562 RAAF Lac W G Pocknee. RAAF F/O F R Pocknee. VX 47310 AIF Sgt. J Pocknee. 142216 RAAF A/C G Palmer. VX130212 AIF Sgt. J A Palmer. VX 5838 AIF Corp. A L Philp. VX 36554 AIF Pte. R H Phillips. VX 121360 AIF Pte. S Phillips. VX 44179 AIF Signr. H Phillips. 418565 RAAF F/Sgt. J Phillipson. VX 65396 AIF Sgt. A L Pike. 408515 RAAF F/O H L Pleydell. VX 56464 AIF Pte G Randall. VX 101729 AIF Sapper J Richards. VX 1393 AIF Corp. A Rice. 252694 RAAF F/O J J Rice. VX 47285 AIF Gunner W J Riddell. VX 29095 AIF Corp. E W Riddell. VX 115375 AIF Bombd. R C T Riddell. VX 55435 AIF Sgt. B C Robert. VX 107273 AIF Bombd. W H Rodd. VX 62248 AIF Trooper A B Rogers. VX 6417 AIF Lieut. A C Russell. VX 79861 AIF Sapper A G Ryland. PM 542 RAN C.P.O E G Saggers. 410734 RAAF P/O. W Schoon. VX 133783 AIF L/Cpl. J Sharkie. VX 118910 AIF Gunner R T Sleeth. RAN Stoker A R Smith. VX 70614 AIF Pte,R S T Smith. VX 29106 AIF Pte. N Smith. VX 108076 AIF Lieut. L B Stuart. RAN Stoker N D StClair. RAAF Flt/Off. D Swann. 252284 RAAF Flt/Lieut. M R Swann. 408537 RAAF Sgt/Pilot R R J Swords. 51502 RAAF Lac. L R Taylor. VX 55365 AIF Tpr. C Tebb. VX 75522 AIF Pte. R J Toogood. VX 102902 AIF Sapper L B Topsell. VX 143983 AIF Pte. G Vines. VX 54677 AIF Sgt. H A Vines. VX 53827 AIF Cpl. A Walker. 410743 RAAF Flt/Sgt. J M Walker. VX 48654 AIF Sapper S R Walters. VX 69063 AIF Sapper C H Walters. 428392 RAAF Sgt. R C Westmoreland. VX 119494 AIF Dvr. W H Wharton. VX 73771 AIF Pte. F G Wharton. VX 23645 AIF Dvr. J W Wharton. VX 52333 AIF Pte. R A Wharton. PM 4551 RAN Abl/Sea. C P Whiteman. VX 60652 AIF Slgr. R B S Whitwell. VX 113345 AIF Sgt. W J Williams. VX 42674 AIF Cpl. T J Williams. VX 143637 AIF Pte. T A Williams. VX 88121 AIF Capt. R E Williams. 41738 RAAF Cpl. A F Wood. 49725 RAAF Lac. K A Wood. 42333 RAAF Cpl. S T Wood. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW2, BENDIGO, c.1940
Black & white photo of a group of 16 Australian Soldiers, taken in Bendigo. Black print identifies company & troops. Mounted on heavy fawn coloured cardboard.In black print above photo: “A COMPANY - NO 4 SECTION 3rd AASC, CAMP, BENDIGO” In black print below photo:BACK ROW L-R: R J Smith, L C Polgaise, H Jobling, L G Gilliam, H C Jones, H H Major, R B Ennis CENTRE ROW L-R: S H Mounsey, H Hore, Cpl F G O'Leary, Sgt O R Hamilton, Cpl P J O'Leary, J Kirby, F L Jeffery FRONT ROW L-R: D J McPherson, W R Larke” On back: Bill LARKE Murphy St Bendigo joined the Army Training Camp at Racecourse Bendigo in June 1940. Started as 3rd Australian Army Supply Service Corp. Changed to 2/32 Training Battalion (a camp was opened at Showgrounds Bendigo but closed down later). 2/32 T Battalion became 2/22 Training Battalion, they marched out of Racecourse Bendigo to Puckapunyal and became 4th Anti Tank, aasc, bendigo -
Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association Inc.
Honour Board, Fryerstown Primary School
1926 Don’d BARRETT 1927 Harold ROWE 1928 W. B. MURLEY 1929 N. I. SAUNDERS 1930 Frank L. SMITH 1931 Paul A. JONES 1932 John F. HARDWICK 1933 James O. SYMES 1934 Kenneth JONES 1935 Dulcie E. McDONALD 1936 Eileen ROBERTS 1937 Gwen’h SCHONFELDER 1938 Fay DOLAN 1939 John ALLEN 1940 Edna THOMAS 1941 Bernard WRIGHT 1942 Hazel GUEST 1943 Charles WRIGHT 1944 Dawn KAYE 1945 Robert GUEST 1946 Allan DALTON 1947 Lance MOUNSEY 1949 Philip RODDA 1950 Marjorie HORNER 1952 James CATTLIN 1953 Milton MILLER 1954 Wendy J. HAMBLIN 1955 Isobel NOKES 1956 John CHRYSTAL 1957 Helen HAMBLIN 1958 Jennifer BARRETT 1959 Betty LANCASTER 1960 Kevin HADDOCK 1961 Patricia COLE 1962 William BARRETT 1963 Glenda HADDOCK 1965 Kaye McLEOD 1967 Gaye SAUNDERS -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company Administrative Officers Head Office c1914, c1914
Photograph of senior and middle ranking administrative staff of the cable tram company (MT&OC), taken in an upper room of the company's head office at 669-675 Bourke Street, Melbourne. When MT&OC closed in June 1916, many of these staff transitioned into the new state government Tramway Board (1916-19) located in the same building. Some of the senior staff names appear on MT&OC and TB documents.Yields information about administration of MT&OC and TB Sepia toned black and white photograph glued to cardboard with staff names on rearMale Staff, Head Office about 1914, MT&O Co. Circa 1910-1918. Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co. Tramway Board, Melbourne. Administrative Officers - Head Office. Back Row L to R: BLANK; M Bradshaw Paying Cashier; F W Harrison Clerk; H J Lee Clerk; J Henry Caretaker; F Whyte Buyer; T Barnes Asst Claims Supt; BLANK; D McNeil; BLANK; Middle Row L to R: BLANK; S Smith Employment Officer; E C Pitman; M J Murray Receiving Cashier; J D Barton Accounts Officer; E C Courtney Clerk; BLANK; BLANK; BLANK; Front Row L to R: G P Smith Ledger Keeper; C W Young Asst Traffic Supt; J Denham Claims Supt; C H Holmes Branch Supt; H A Wilcox General Manager; J G Roberts Accountant; BLANK; D Anderson Chief Clerk; H W Gough Senior Wages tramway and omnibus company, mt&oc, mtoc, cable tram, tramway board, tb