Showing 8348 items
matching tramways ballarat
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Unique horse-drawn tower platform", 9/06/1977 12:00:00 AM
... of the recovery and planned resurrection of Ballarat tramways' horse drawn...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Newspaper clipping from the Ballarat Courier of 9/6/1977 of the recovery and planned resurrection of Ballarat tramways' horse drawn overhead platform wagon by the Junior Group of the Ballarat National Trust. Has two photos of the recovery of the vehicle at Sovereign Hill lookout the previous Saturday. Quotes the President of the group, Mr. Geoff Hendy about their plans, including donation to the BTPS at a later date.trams, tramways, overhead, horse drawn vehicle, national trust, tower wagon -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Bromide of a b/w photograph, Carolyn Dean, 26/09/1992 12:00:00 AM
... of the Ballarat tramways on 26/9/1992. Photo appeared in the Sept. 1992...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the BTPS 21st Anniversary celebrations which involved running a "all day" service and a cavalcade of trams.Bromide of a black and white photograph of the cavalcade of trams as part of the 21st celebrations of the closure of the Ballarat tramways on 26/9/1992. Photo appeared in the Sept. 1992 issue of Fares Please! Caption was "Tram No. 28 with the anniversary banner leads the cavalcade by the Ferry Rides stop." Tram has a Peters Ice Cream advertisement. Photo Carolyn Dean. See September 1992 Fares Please!trams, tramways, btps, 21st anniversary, wendouree parade, ferry ride stop, cavalcade, tram 28 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Poster, Andrew Cox, BTM tram 40 in Wendouree Parade, Sep. 2001
... the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" on the top of the poster...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...A3 size poster featuring BTM tram 40 in Wendouree Parade, southbound near Depot Junction, with destination of Carlton St. Has the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" on the top of the poster and "30th Anniversary Dinner" on the bottom. Prepared by Andrew Cox for use in the trams on that evening. Two surplus copies donated to the Archives, 22/9/2001. Printed using a colour laser printer.trams, tramways, btm, dinner, 30th anniversary, wendouree parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, ESCo Transfer Ticket 3d, early to mid 1920's to 1930's
... - Ballarat Tramways Adult Transfer Check Tickets (Va1389) Light...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Ticket contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 31, ESCo- Ballarat Tramways Adult Transfer Check Tickets (Va1389) Light brown card with black print and red over printed price of 3d. Has conditions of use on the ticket. Has been punched. Note Item Not formally Numbered. Image btm2494i2 shows position on page relative to items 2494 to 2504.Some inscriptions about the ticket in pencil.trams, tramways, tickets, transfer tickets, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Form/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Application for Permission to Exchange Duties", late 1960's
... or Gestetner process on duplicating paper. Headed SEC, Ballarat...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the method for formalising the swapping of shifts between crews, in order for management purposes. Required signatures of both parties and approval by the Traffic Clerk.Duplicated SEC form titled "Application for Permission to Exchange Duties", form number S.115. Printed by a typed stencil or Gestetner process on duplicating paper. Headed SEC, Ballarat Tramways. Used for crews to formally seek approval for an exchange of shift or an exchange of days off with another crew, for a specific change of shift of with another shift. 2nd copy added 11/1/2007.trams, tramways, sec, rosters, crews, personnel -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Australian Railway Historical Society (ARHS), ARHS Tramway Tour to Ballarat and Haddon o, Nov. 2006
... ARHS Tramway Tour to Ballarat and Haddon o... ticket, produced on about 100gsm paper, for the ARHS Tramway Tour...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Facsimile of a dual currency or decimal conversion tram ticket, produced on about 100gsm paper, for the ARHS Tramway Tour to Ballarat and Haddon on 2/12/2006. Has an reproduction of an 8c/10d tram ticket in green ink with number A502222. Printed on the rear of the ticket are details of the tour, date and that it is a facsimile of a 1966/67 dual currency ticket. Has initial "PJC" on rear as well.trams, tramways, tickets, arhs, tours, haddon, decimal conversion -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Rubber Stamp, Max Lober, "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Limited", c1990
... "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Limited"... with "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Limited ACN 005 021 312...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Demonstrates aspects of Ballarat's Tramway Preservation Society's Secretary's materials to govern the BTPS.Rubber stamp with plastic see through base and red handle with "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Limited ACN 005 021 312" visible through top of stamp showing the stamp layout and its use. Has Max Lober 229 Swan St Richmond and telephone and fax numbers on the top of the stamp handle. Used by the BTPS until the change of organisation name in 1995.trams, tramways, btps, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, William. F. Scott, 11/03/1996 12:00:00 AM
... cover of Ballarat Tramway Museum's Annual report for 1995-96..., 1996. Photo used on rear cover of Ballarat Tramway Museum's ...Colour Photograph, postcard size of tram 33 at Depot Junction on 11 March 1996. Trolley pole being turned by Peter Winspur, Gavin Young (in shorts) standing by front of tram. Shuttle service for Begonia Festival, 1996. Photo used on rear cover of Ballarat Tramway Museum's Annual report for 1995-96. On rear, remains of a paper label for Trolley Wire use.On rear, in a green label sticker, '3' and on bottom left corner, 'William F. Scott/11.3.1996 24' on a white sticky label.btm, depot junction, 33, begonia festival, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newsletter, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), "Information for Members and Interested Parties", 1971
... of the organisation to preserve the Ballarat Tramways. All printed...Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS)...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the formation of the BTPS in 1971 and has a strong association with those involved., Yields information about the formation of the BTPS in 1971 and has a strong association with those involved.Set of 12 documents printed for distribution to BTPS members, either before or after the formal formation of the organisation to preserve the Ballarat Tramways. All printed by the Gestetner duplication process except for 5920.9 printed by Jeffrey Zilles Ballarat. Consolidated from other items or holdings from donations into a single year set of newsletters. All produced during 1971. .1 - Invitation to Join the Ballaarat Tramway Preservation Society - for a full copy see Reg Item 4252. .2 - Information sheet No. 1 .3 - Progress report from the Publicity Officer (19th August 1971). .4 - Progress report from the Publicity Officer (September 1971) - image only from Reg Item 4251 .5 - Information to Members and Interested Parties - October 1971 - image only from Reg Item 4252 .6 - Information to Members and Interested Parties - November 1971 .7 - Information to Members and Interested Parties - December 1971 .8 - Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society - invitation to join and information. .9 - Information sheet with tram sketch in top left hand corner - printed by Jeffrey Zilles Ballarat. (2nd copy added 6/12/2019 from Donation of David Wright) 10 - Sales List .11 - Joint Statement by the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria Limited and the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society .12 - Lake Wendouree Tramway Museum Committee - minutes of formation 18th April 1971. museums btps, closure, tmsv, publicity -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Badge - SEC pass - set of 12, AMOR, c1940?
... Ballarat" or "Electric Tramways Bendigo" or "Electric Tramways... employees pass for either all Provincial tramways, Geelong, Ballarat ...Set of 12 Stamped enamelled round brass pieces with a hole stamped at the top and ring placed through. Used as a SEC tramways employees pass for either all Provincial tramways, Geelong, Ballarat or Bendigo only. All badges have the SEC logo in the centre, organisational name (State Electricity Commission of Victoria) in white enamel and outer ring the words "Electricity Supply Department, Provincial Tramways", or "Electric Tramways Ballarat" or "Electric Tramways Bendigo" or "Electric Tramways Geelong". This is in blue enamel. On the rear are stamped numbers and manufacturers name - "AMOR MELB" or "STOKES & SONS MELBOURNE" in the bottom portion of the pass, except .9 which is "STOKES" only. Items .1 -> .12 individually tagged. 1941.1 - Geelong - No. 46 - Stokes - silver background, has been used - see image file btm1942i1 and for back btm1942i2. .2 - Bendigo - No. 51 - Stokes - has been used - partially worn, silver background. .3 - Ballarat - No. 49 - Stokes - may have been used, silver background, silver background. .4 - Ballarat - No. 100 - Stokes - has been used, red in shield very faded, silver background. .5 - Ballarat - No. 102 - Stokes - has been used, worn and chipped on blue enamel near top gold centre, brass back. .6 - Bendigo - No. 105 - Stokes - gold/brass back, may have been used, some wear on right side. .7 - Ballarat - No. 106 - Stokes - appears to have been used - dirt marks on rear and front of badge, brass/gold background. .8 - Bendigo - No. 106 - Stokes - appears not to have been used, brass/gold quite bright. .9 - Geelong - No. 111 - Stokes - appears to have been used, silver back - see image file btm1942i3. .10 - Bendigo - No. 123 - Stokes - may have been used - silver background. .11 - Provincial - No. 570 - AMOR MELB - has not been used brass/gold background. .12 - Provincial - No. 657 - AMOR MELB- has not been used, brass gold background.tramways, trams, employees pass, tickets, provincial tramways, badges -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - ESCo, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "Rules for Conductors"
... ) Conductors. ESCo was the operator of the Ballarat Tramways from...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...The typed document, most likely from an original document, details the rules for Electric Supply Co of Victoria (ESCo) Conductors. ESCo was the operator of the Ballarat Tramways from 1905 to 1934. Notes issuing of tickets, operational issues, trailers, bell signs, cash handling, parcels, behavior, uniforms, and inspectors. Conductors were primarily youths, under 21 and could be sacked for errors and were generally not employed after they turned 21. Notes the Grenville St shelter/office of ESCo. Not known who retyped the document.Yields information about the rules that ESCo conductors operated under and the operation of trailers.Six page typed document on ruled foolscap paper with four punch holes on left side and stapled in top left hand corner.tramcars, tramways, conductors, tickets, esco, trailers -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional object - Brass coin holder - 3d and 6d
... , including the Ballarat Tramway Museum to count coins, as only so...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Used by tramway revenue clerks, most likely the MMTB, including the Ballarat Tramway Museum to count coins, as only so many 3d or 6d would fit into each container. Each has a hole in the base to enable it to be checked that it was empty prior to use or after being used. One of the 3d containers have a loose "washer" which shows the nature of the construction. Has been secured with a piece of wrapping tape. One of the 6d tubes has a label advising that it would hold "$30 of $2 coins"Demonstrates the methodologies used to count coins and stack them in a revenue office. Provides a sample of each coin that would have been used. Brass coin holder - for use in counting 3d and 6d coins. Made from brass tube with a brass washer rolled or fixed to one end. In storage bag is are 2 x 3d and a 2 x 6d and 1x5c coins. 5 No. x 6d and 6 No. x 3d holders held in the collection.tramways, tickes, cash, cash handling, depots, coins, revenue clerks -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Tramway Pass - R H Prentice, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), 1947
... of Ballarat Tramway Museum Fares Please - (reference links)... 1993 and the April. 2024 (page 9) issues of Ballarat Tramway ...Tramway Pass for a Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldier pass No. 505 made out to R H Prentice of Prahran and signed by R A Spencer MMTB Secretary. Has the availability conditions, and is available until 30/6/1948. Mr Bob Prentice was a tramway enthusiast who collected VR Tramcar No. 20, photographs and items and authored several small books about Victorian Tramways. See January 1993 and the April. 2024 (page 9) issues of Ballarat Tramway Museum Fares Please - (reference links)Has a strong association with a well respected tramway enthusiast and collector.Grey cloth card folded item with two pre-printed pieces of paper glued to the inside, one with details of the holder on the left hand and the right hand side with a photograph of the holder.tramways, trams, soldiers, tickets, mmtb, passes, bob prentice -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Australian Tramway & Motor Omnibus Employees Association (ATMOEA), The Tramway Record", June 1983
... and political news and an article on page 13 about the Ballarat Tramway... and political news and an article on page 13 about the Ballarat Tramway ...The tram union journal "The Tramway Record", published by ATMOEA Vic Branch, June 1983 with a photo of John Cain, Premier of Victoria opening the new tramway to Bolderwoood Parade 18/5/1983. Has a photo on page 7 of W7 1001, when new running in High St Northcote during the construction of the line which was done in two halves. Has news from the various depots, industrial and political news and an article on page 13 about the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society and its operations.Yields information about the Union activities and news in June 1983.Magazine 34 printed pages, side stapled with light green cover sheets.tramways, unions, atmoea, btps, opening, bolderwood parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1935
... of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the condition of the ESCo tram fleet at the time of the SEC takeover of the operations their appearance and in particular tram Sebastopol type car No. 21.Black and White photograph contained within Reg. Item 3000 - Photo Album produced by the SEC in 1935 titled "Photographs of Ballarat Tramways Rolling Stock & Track Reconditioning Works". Photo of Ballarat tram (ESCo or Sebastopol type) No. 21 on the depot fan at Ballarat. Side on photograph with caption "Original Brush truck type rolling stock (1935) Ballarat Electric Tramways". Taken by the SEC to illustrate the type of equipment on site in 1935. The caption has been adhered to the photograph. See also Reg. Item 1354 for copy prints. 3002i1 - digital image of photograph with pencil notes around the edge of the photograph included added 15-7-2014. Photos not to be taken out of the album unless for photographic copying. Use image files. Handwritten notes re tram history under photo in pencil - "Specially built 1913 for Sebastopoltramways, trams, esco, secv, tramcars, ballarat, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Ballarat Orphan Asylum and Victoria St
... Digital Image of the Ballarat Orphan Asylum and Victoria St...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the corner of the Victoria St terminus at the Orphanage and the relationship to the tramway.Digital Image of the Ballarat Orphan Asylum and Victoria St looking west with a tram at the terminus and the tramway overhead poles. Titled "Ballarat Orphan Asylum and Victoria St" From the Facebook group of old time photographs of yesterday. Probably taken soon after the tramway opened in 1905.trams, tramways, victoria st, orphanage, esco, postcards, tram 1 ? -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "The trams, the shed; what we have left?", 15/09/1970 12:00:00 AM
... Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, titled...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the history of the demise of the Ballarat system and what was left and the future outlook.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, Ballarat, titled "The trams, the shed; what we have left?", Editorial of Tuesday 15/9/1970, about the muted Government proposal to close the tramway system in Ballarat. Notes Mr. H. Bell's trolley bus proposal, state government issues in Parliament, tramway loses, Victorian Government politics, Country Roads Board and the possible sale of the tram shed.closure, city of ballaarat, sec, depot, parliament, trolley buses -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Membership Card/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), 2018
... "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white block printing on the lower edge...Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM)...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Colour photograph printed onto white card as a BTM Membership card for 2018 - 2019. Photo of Cuthberts939 at Depot Junction with Roger Gosney and Arthur Adams. Has the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white block printing on the lower edge of the card. On rear along bottom edge, has words "Roger and Arthur Cuthberts 939. Photo Peter Waugh" Two copies held. No label on rear.trams, tramways, membership cards, depot junction, btm, wendouree parade, cuthberts 939 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Bring back trams bid", 25/01/1996 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat City Tramway... Ballarat Tramway. Reports on the public meeting on the previous...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Item in the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper, 25/1/1996 that the State Government had pledged excess W class trams to a planned Ballarat Tramway. Reports on the public meeting on the previous Tuesday, comments on proposals. Notes comments by Vern Robson, Chief Commissioner City of Ballarat, Public Transport Minister Alan Brown. Written by Claire Heaney. Has the newspaper details and date taped alongside item.trams, tramways, feasibility study, w-class trams, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Jumping gun on tram debate", 26/02/1996 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat City Tramway... for the outcome of the Ballarat Tramway feasibility study before getting...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Letter to the Editor of the Courier, Ballarat, Monday, 26/2/1996 written by Frank Puls (a BTM member) of Humffray St. Ballarat about the tram debate and that people should wait for the outcome of the Ballarat Tramway feasibility study before getting "hysterical", "but until then, the protesters appear to be jumping the gun." Has paper and details glued to right hand top edge of cutting. Collected by Frank Puls on behalf of the Museum.trams, tramways, feasibility study, letter to the editor, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Certificate, COTMA, COTMA membership certificate for 1999/2000, c9/1999
... board with the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia (COTMA...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...A4 size certificate on mottled grey paper with dark blue board with the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia (COTMA) logo in background, then printed to certify that the Ballarat Tramway Museum is a member of COTMA for the year 1999/2000. Has been signed by Lindsay Richardson as Chairman and Craig Tooke at Executive Officer. Presented to the BTM at the Museum's 1999 AGM - see photo in November 1999 issue of Fares Please!Signed in black ink by Lindsay Richardson and Craig Tooketramways, trams, cotma, certificates, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, ESCo Child Transfer Ticket 2d, early to mid 1920's to 1930's
... - Ballarat Tramways Child Transfer Check Tickets (Ab7978) Printed...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Ticket contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 31, ESCo- Ballarat Tramways Child Transfer Check Tickets (Ab7978) Printed on an off white, light weight card with black print and red over printed price of 2d. Has conditions of use on the ticket. Has been punched. Note Item Not formally Numbered. Image btm2494i2 shows position on page relative to items 2494 to 2504.Some inscriptions about the ticket in pencil.trams, tramways, tickets, transfer tickets, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Map, H.P. James, Ballarat tramway system, 1939
... Ballarat tramway system... of the Ballarat Tramway system. Note does not show the Drummond St. North...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Hand drawn map contained within Reg. Item 2488, page 61 of the Ballarat Tramway system. Note does not show the Drummond St. North line. Shows the loops, horse tram loops, depots, ESCo bus routes, and notes on horse tram loops. Prepared by H.P. James Scan btm2515i2 and 2515i3 show the hand written notes in light pencil. Note Item Not formally Numbered.trams, tramways, map, depot, esco, horse trams, bus routes, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Membership Card/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), Jun. 2008
... August 1971, with the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white...Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM)...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Colour photograph printed onto white card as a BTM Membership card for 2008 - 2009. Photo of tram 33, in Victoria St August 1971, with the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white block printing on the lower edge of the card. On rear along bottom edge, has words "Tram 33 Victoria Street August 1971. Photo Shane McCarthy." Four copies held. No label on rear. .trams, tramways, btm, membership cards, victoria st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - List, Wal Jack, "Electric Supply Co. of Victoria Ltd - Ballarat Tramway Rollingstock", 1950's
... "Electric Supply Co. of Victoria Ltd - Ballarat Tramway... "Electric Supply Co. of Victoria Ltd - Ballarat Tramway Rollingstock...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the ESCo tram fleet and equipment.Handwritten list of ESCo Ballarat Tramcars, titled "Electric Supply Co. of Victoria Ltd - Ballarat Tramway Rollingstock", providing details of the number, type, builder, truck, motors seating, date in service, notes and when sold or scrapped. Also gives details of colours or livery, and controllers. Contained within Reg Item 5507 - Foolscap binder with green covers, black binding edge and metal clips. esco, tramcars, controllers -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Membership Card/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), 2012
... Drive, 2012. Has the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white...Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM)...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Colour photograph printed onto white card as a BTM Membership card for 2012 - 2013. Photo of trams 38 at St Aidans Drive, 2012. Has the words "Ballarat Tramway Museum" in white block printing on the upper edge of the card. On rear along bottom edge, has words "Tram 38 St Aidans Drive. Photo: P. Bruce" Two copies held. No label on rear.trams, tramways, btm, membership cards, st aidans drive -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, c1913
... advertisement and "Ballarat Tramways" written along the top rail...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information the appearance of the Sebastopol type tram when new and how it was delivered.Digital image from the Wal Jack Ballarat Album of ESCo Sebastopol type No. 23 outside the depot when new. Has a small indicator light above the driver, "Suttons for Gramophones" roof advertisement and "Ballarat Tramways" written along the top rail. Wal's album noted "No. 23 "Sebastopol" type as first built. Photo outside depot." For rear of photo - see image i2 - no details on reartrams, tramways, sebastopol type, depot, suttons, esco, tram 23 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, 1970s
... , prior to the closure of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the City tramway centre, corner of Sturt and Lydiard St and passengers changing or leaving trams.Digital image of two single truckers (31 and another) off loading passengers at the corner of Sturt and Lydiard St, City centre, with the ANZ bank in the background. No. 31 has a SEC roof advertisement and the other tram, an Eureka Roofing Tiles roof Advert. Photo taken by Peter Bruce 1970's and 1971, prior to the closure of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's Title of image: "Change here"trams, tramways, sturt st, city, anz, tram 31 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image Set of 2, 1970s
... to the closure of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's Title of image...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about Sturt St and the intersection with Grenville St.Digital image, black and white, two images of No. 21 at the base of the Sturt St hill before crossing Grenville St, going to Victoria St. Roof advert appears in other photos, but very hard to work out. Photo taken by Peter Bruce 1970's and 1971, prior to the closure of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's Title of image: "No. 21 bottom Sturt St" and "No. 21 Sturt and Grenville".trams, tramways, sturt st, grenville st, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, 1970s
... of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's Title of image: "No. 31...Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Yields information about the Mt Pleasant route and Barkly St.Digital image, black and white, of No. 30 in bound along Barkly St, Mt Pleasant. Tram has a Twin Lakes sign and destination of Gardens via Drummond Nth. Tram picking up passenger at rear door, while a Vanguard motor car waits. Photo taken by Peter Bruce 1970's and 1971, prior to the closure of the Ballarat tramway system. Peter's Title of image: "No. 31 and Vanguard"trams, tramways, barkly st, mt pleasant, tram 31