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Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, The Red Baron (Manfred Von Richtofen), Post WW1
... german ...Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen (2 May 1892 – 21 April 1918), also known as the "Red Baron", was a fighter pilot with the German Air Force during World War I. He is considered the ace-of-aces of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories. The evidence indicates that he was shot down by ground fire from Australian troops. This picture was taken after Manfred von Richtofen had been killed B & W photo from a glass plate of German Ace Richthofen in death.photographs, german, red baron -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment - Regimental Training First Aid, 1985
This is a set of 14 photographs of Army Survey Regiment personnel undertaking the First Aid phase of regimental training held at Fortuna, Bendigo c1985. This was one of six objectives outlined in the administrative instruction – Exercise “City Soldier” accompanying these photos. The other objectives were weapons skills revision for SLR Rifle and M30 Grenade at Fortuna; RATEL and navigation at Wellsford Forest; and rifle shooting at Wellsford Rifle Range. Personnel from Air Survey, Cartographic, Lithographic and Headquarters Squadrons were reallocated to four training platoons for one week from 7th to 11th October 1985.This is a set of 14 photographs of the Army Survey Regiment undertaking first aid training, part of Regimental Training at Fortuna Villa, Bendigo. 1985. .1P to .8P are printed on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. Photos .9P to .14P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: WO1 Dick Manley – instructor, CPL Paul Davis. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: CPL Paul Davis, WO1 Dick Manley – instructor. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: WO2 Bill Kemp, – instructor, unidentified personnel. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1985, WO2 Bill Kemp, – instructor. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: CPL Dave Murphy, LT Carol Dunstan – instructor. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: SPR Wally Twidale, unidentified personnel. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: LT Carol Dunstan – instructor, SPR Viv (Hawkins) Doherty. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1985, unidentified WO2. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: WO1 Dick Manley – instructor, unidentified, LT Carol Dunstan – instructor. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1985, L to R: CPL Ken Peters, unidentified, SPR Viv (Hawkins) Doherty, unidentified (x3), LT Carol Dunstan – instructor in foreground, CPL Mick Minchin. .11) & .12) - Photo, black & white, 1985, WO2 Dave Miles with fake injured leg. .13) & .14) - Photo, black & white, 1985, unidentified officer– instructor, SPR Lorraine (Daly) Talbot-Smith..1P to .14P No personnel are identifiedroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
China souvenir plate of Bendigo, off white fluted with holes around edge showing a sepia scene of miners panning for gold Bendigo 1800's.Norwood Ceramics Bendigo 1985 RWdomestic equipment, table setting, plate -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL SHOW STALL, Possibly late 1970's
Bendigo RSL Sub Branch Show Stall fund raiser. .1) Photo, the man on the left is Jack Plant, centre is unknown, man on the right is believed to be Norm Smart. .2) Photo, On the left Norm Smart, unknown, Jack Barnes, unknown. .4) Photo, the man is unknown. Refer Cat No 8129P for Jack Plant. Refer Cat No 8040 for Jack Barnes Refer Cat No 8120.2P for Norm Smart.Four photographs colour square shape re the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) Shows the RSL sign, numbers and Lucky envelopes being "10 Cents" .2) Shows 3 men behind the counter and one outside with white waist bag on. .3) Shows the prizes in racks. .4) Shows one man behind the counter."Bendigo RSL Sub Branch", "Lucky Envelope 10c"brsl, smirsl, show stall -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Hanro company was established in Switzerland in 1884. In 1926 a site in Hargreaves Street Bendigo, behind the School of Mines, was purchased to establish the Bendigo Knitting Mills, a subsidiary of Hanro. The managing director was Charles Handerchin who came from Switzerland. The company was delisted from the Australian Stock Exchange in 1963 when it was taken over by John Brown Industries.Hanro Spring-Summer Catalogue 1962: The cover is of card with a white background and black, green and mauve print. Printed on the cover in black is *Hanro* Spring-Summer Catalogue 1962* To the left is green leaves with mauve wild flowers on two stems and to the right side corner is also green leaves and two stems of mauve wild flowers. Underneath in mauve print is *lovely lingerie featuring Australia's beautiful wildflowers. Inside the cover is advertising the line. Inside the catalogue on white gloss paper are sketches of ladies wearing matching Negligee/Night set, night wear, Pyjamas, Petticoats, Vests Briefs, scanties', Panties, Bed Jackets, half slips, house coats and spencers. Each item has a number, description, size and colour. The back page has advertising. A green paper sheet has been inserted with the retail selling price list with item number size range and price. Over the page has the trade price, item number size etc. On the back cover on a white background is a box with a back border and *Hanro* printed inside along with the Sales Office, address and phone number in each State. Box 116ACambridge Press, Bendigobook, magazine, catalogue, hanro. catalogue. cambridge press, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Hanro company was established in Switzerland in 1884. In 1926 a site in Hargreaves Street Bendigo, behind the School of Mines, was purchased to establish the Bendigo Knitting Mills, a subsidiary of Hanro. The managing director was Charles Handerchin who came from Switzerland. The company was delisted from the Australian Stock Exchange in 1963 when it was taken over by John Brown Industries.Hanro Autumn-Winter Catalogue 1963: On card with a lime green background and in black ink is white autumn leaves scattered across the page. Off to the left is a sketch of a lady in a dressing gown that has long sleeves with ruffled edges, draw in the waist with a ribbon decorative bodice with flowers and a collar. On the left in a star shaped banner printed in white on a black back ground is *Hanro*. On the right is *1963 Autumn-Winter Catalogue. Swiss Inspired Lingerie. The catalogue is of gloss paper with advertising inside the first page. Each page has sketches of ladies in nightgowns, night dressers, Pyjamas, Vests, Panties, Spencers and Children's wear. Each item has an item number, description, size and colour. On the back cover of lime green back ground is white autumn leaves scattered around. In a white star shaped banner is *Hanro in black print and to the side (Aust) Knitting Mills Ltd. Underneath is the sales offices addressed and phone numbers in each state.. At the bottom is *The Quality is a Proud Tradition*. Box 116ACambridge Press, Bendigobook, magazine, catalogue, hanro. catalogue. cambridge press, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper. Harry Biggs Collection. 1. A small newspaper cutting from the Bendigo Advertiser titled 'Benevolent Asylum A Strenuous Year Debt Balance Reduced.' It is a comment on the financial statement. 2. A small newspaper cutting from the Bendigo Advertiser in the year 1930. It is a report of the monthly meeting of the Benevolent Asylum.Bendigo Advertiserorganization, institution, bendigo benevolent asylum, harry biggs collection, bendigo benevolent asylum -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Scribing at the Army Survey Regiment, c1950s to 1979
These 10 photographs were taken over two decades from the late 1950s to 1979 at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. The two photos taken in 1961 are annotated with named personnel and the date. The other photos are not annotated with dates, locations and names of personnel, although the technicians in the last three photos taken in 1979 are positively identified. The photos were most likely taken in the Ballroom, Ante Room and Attic, Cartographic Squadron’s main production rooms on the top floor of Fortuna Villa. Scribing was the cartographic process of drafting topographic features such as drainage, relief, vegetation, roads and culture on specially coated map reproduction material. The cartographic technician scribed out the map feature such as a creek to a specified line width on the map sheet, using a tool affixed with a metal or sapphire tipped cutter.This is a set of 10 photographs of technicians scribing topographic features at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1950s. unidentified personnel in Cartographic Squadron .2) - Photo, black & white, c1960s. unidentified personnel in Cartographic Squadron .3) - Photo, black & white, c1960s. unidentified personnel in Cartographic Squadron Attic .4) - Photo, black & white, c1960s. Cartographic Squadron Attic .5) - Photo, black & white, Oct 1961. L to R: PTE P. Carseldine, PTE H.S. Pasley, PTE C.A. Brown, WO2 M.A. McLaren, CPL Jennifer H. Murray. Cartographic Squadron .6) - Photo, black & white, Oct 1961. CPL Jennifer H. Murray. Cartographic Squadron .7) - Photo, black & white, 1979. SPR Mick Ellis in Cartographic Squadron .8) - Photo, black & white, 1979. SPR Mark Casey in Cartographic Squadron .9) - Photo, black & white, 1979. SPR Sharon (Jones) Treble in Cartographic Squadron .10) - Photo, black & white, 1961. PTE BJ Madex. Cartographic Squadron.1 to .4 - annotated “Scribing” .5 – annotated “Scribing PTE P. Carseldine, PTE H.S. Pasley, PTE C.A. Brown, WO2 M.A. McLaren, CPL Jennifer H. Murray. Oct 1961” .6 - annotated “Scribing CPL Jennifer H. Murray. Oct 1961” .7 to .9 - annotated “Scribing” .10 – annotated “PTE Madex Oct 61”royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, carto -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Golden Square State School collection, Bendigo Advertiser Shield for Bendigo Competitions School Choir Contest Section B Grade VIII & Under (Under 14 Years) finally won by Golden Square. Wooden shield with attached metal badges depicting winning schools, a ribbon with Bendigo Advertiser name and a central enamelled Lyre surrounded by a green laurel wreath, small ivory name plate at bottom reading Prescott & Dawe Silversmiths Bendigo.Prescott & Dawe Silversmiths Bendigotrophies & awards, public events, music -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS BEEHIVE, Beehive Stores, 1915- 1925
1. "T. HENDERSON MM" 2. "C.P. FISK" 3. "H. CADWALLADER" 4. "P. BUDDLE" 5. "E. BUDDLE" 6. "W. TREBILCOCK" 7. "N. MEAGHER" 8. "F. MARRIOTT" 9. "N. VEALE" 10 "T. HOLL" . Refer Cat No. 4978P for the restored Beehive Bendigo Honour Roll.Ten (10) original Sepia Portraits - photographs from the original Beehive Honour Roll.ww1, beehive store -
Bendigo Military Museum
This document signed by the Mayor, Councilor's, Citizens and Bendigo Soldiers and Sailors Association on 22 4.1920 outlines the usage of the Soldiers Memorial Institute in Pall Mall Bendigo as a Rest Home for Returned Servicemen. Signed by, J.H. Curnow Mayor - A. Dunstan, W Beebe, Councilors - W Honeybone Town Clerk. Signed by Bendigo R.S.S.A by John Adams - Harold Robert Catford. Witnessed by George. F. Rolling, L. J. Beckerleg. Signed by, George Francis Cole, Alfred Morris Pool. Witnessed by G. Allen, W Beach. The Bendigo RSL/Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch still occupies the building which now is the home of the Bendigo Military Museum. Refer Cat No 800.2 for the opening of the Soldiers Memorial Institute in 1921. Refer Cat No 8048 for Harold Catford Bendigo R.S.S.A, Cat No 8022P for John Adams Bendigo R.S.S.ALegal record, blue paper, 5 pages of text all in black, one page with a sketch on half and the other is the front cover when folded by 3, pages held together by a green thin woven cord on the spine, pages have red lines as a border, there are 32 sub headings covering facets of the use of the building, there a few small notes added in the left hand column of some pages in blue pen.On the front folded cover underlined in some sections, "THE MAYOR COUNCILLORS AND CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF BENDIGO - with - THE TRUSTEES of the BENDIGO Branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers ASSOCIATION and the BENDIGO CITIZENS REST HOME COMMITTEE. (space) AGREEMENT AS TO THE REST HOME AND MEMORIAL INSTITUTE IN ROSILAND PARK At the bottom central, "Hyett and Hyett - Solicitors - Bendigo"brsl, smirsl, indenture 1920, legal -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, Australia in the War of 1939-1945 - Air War Against Germany and Italy 1939-1943. AIR Author John Herington, First published 1954
Australian contribution to air fighting against Germany and Italy with Australia being a small force against the larger, stronger air forces. The smaller Australian Airmen were merged into the Royal Air Force.Historical record of the AIR effort 1939-1943Australia in the War of 1939-1945 - Air War Against Germany and Italy 1939-1943 Illustrations, Maps, Diagrams and Graphs, MapsAustralian War Memorialgermany, italy, the battle of britain, syria, western desert, fighter squadrons in 1941, bomber command 1941, radar bombing, air war, tunisia, pathfinder raids, invasion of sicily, night fighters -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper article, Bendigo Advertiser, April 25 2014, re Kangaroo Flat's RSL participation in Anzac Day services.Bendigo Advertisermilitary, world war 2, kangaroo flat rsl -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy of Bendigo Advertiser, Thursday August 6 1914, detailing the declaration of involvement by Great Britain in World War 1,Bendigo Advertisermilitary, world war 1, declaration of war -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Advertisement by State Electricity Commission of Victoria Bendigo Tramways time table in operation from Monday 27th September 1971Bendigo Advertiser -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Presentation to Theodore Ballerstedt Esq. Bendigo Advertiser May 16, 1871. Handwritten copy of the article evidently printed on that date.Bendigo Advertiserperson, individual, theodore ballerstedt, henry jackson, c.j. brown, geo lansell, ernest mueller, david williamson, d. macdougall, c. ross, c. schlemm, alex bayne, w. c. smith, joseph liddle, john stewart, horwood, richard andrew, cooper, roscow, g. joseph, j.b. loridan, clark magee, w. andrews. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Fred Page collection, Souvenir programme from the Princess Theatre Bendigo for the performance of 'Maritana' presented by the Bendigo Orchestral Society and the Y.M.C.A. Choir. Under glass, in a silver wooden frame. Deframed 2022Reed & Co Printers Bendigoperforming arts, music, princess theatre, bendigo, theatre, music -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Map, Hustler's Line of Reefs, Hustler's Royal Reserve No.2 Mine, Bendigo Plan. Plate No.V1 (6). Bulletin No 33 Signed H.A.Whitelaw Underground survey Office Bendigo September 1913Underground Survey Office,, bendigo, hustler's royal reserve no. 2 mine* -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army’s 3rd Military District Inter-Service Softball Team, Victoria, 1981
This is a photograph of Army’s Inter-Service Softball Team that competed in the 3rd Military District, Victoria against Navy and Air Force taken on the 26th of February 1981. The competition was held from the 23rd to the 27th of February 1981. A note on the back of the photo indicated Army’s team came second. It is not known who the winning team was and where the competition was held.This is a photograph of Army’s Team that competed in the 3rd Military District Inter-Service Softball competition against Navy and Air Force, taken in an unknown location in Victoria on the 26th of February 1981. The black and white photo is on photographic paper and was scanned at 300 dpi. It is part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black and white, 1981. Back row L to R: PTE Karen Ball – DSU Broadmeadows, CPL Kay Melton – DSU Puckapunyal, SPR Scheryl Delforce – Army Survey Regiment Bendigo, WO2 Dizzy Dowsett – CARO, LT Jan McFarlane. Front row L to R: SPR Sharon Jones – Army Survey Regiment Bendigo, CPL Donna Sheldrick, CPL Di Chalmers – Army Survey Regiment Bendigo, PTE Karen ???, PTE Jackie Hubbard.Personnel and dates are identified on the back of the photo as well as on paper. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED WW1, Wayne Eels, C.2008/2009
The Grinton Collection. Jack Grinton on the verandah of his home at Tragowel, he is holding a captured German Luger plus a shot gun. Refer Cat No. 1280 for Jacks service details. Photograph framed. Photograph - black and white photograph on paper depicting an informal full-length portrait of a soldier in uniform displaying three guns. Background timber building. Frame - timber, light varnish finish, Perspex front, cardboard backing."Group 6: Life after 1919". "B. Jack Grinton (with German Guns)".framed accessories, camera on the somme, ww1, 38th bn, grinton -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - GRAND VARIETY CONCERT, J. B. OSBORNE THEATRE, 15 September 1984
Grand Variety Concert, J. B. Osborne Theatre, Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo in support of St. Luke's Family Care. Saturday, 15th September, 1984. KIWANIS Club of Bendigo. Bendigo Premier Town Victoria 1982-1985. Les Roberts, President, Kiwanis Club, Bendigo. Bendigo Theatre Co., Fred Trewarne, Margaret's School of Dancing, Heather Lindhe, Melinda Wilcock, Bryan Roberts, Megan Beckwith, Kennington & Epsom Primary Schools (60 Students Conductor: David Tunley, Piano Accompaniment: Eileen Hetherington), The Niyama Dancers, Family Gospel Singing Group (Wendy, Peter, Andrea, Sally, and Paula. Piano Accompaniment: Peter Somerville), Fred Trewarne, Bendigo Country Talent Club, Patricia Lyon (Piano Accompaniment: Leila Watson), Miss Margaret's School of Dancing. Allan Stewart, Executive Director, St Luke's Family Care. Bendigo Community Theatre & Arts, Piano Accompaniment: Kath Veitch. Acknowledgements: Alan Williams, Sound Systems Specialist., Greg Harris & Danny Mulqueen, Central Victoria Video Productions. A.N.A. Downtown.Bendigo Modern Pressperforming arts, music, kiwanis club of bendigo, grand variety concert, j. b. osborne theatre, kangaroo flat, bendigo st. luke's family care, 1984. kiwanis club of bendigo. bendigo premier town victoria 1982-1985. les roberts, president, kiwanis club, bendigo. bendigo theatre co., fred trewarne, margaret's school of dancing, heather lindhe, melinda wilcock, bryan roberts, megan beckwith, kennington & epsom primary schools (60 students conductor: david tunley, piano accompaniment: eileen hetherington), the niyama dancers, family gospel singing group (wendy, peter, andrea, sally, and paula. piano accompaniment: peter somerville), fred trewarne, bendigo country talent club, patricia lyon (piano accompaniment: leila watson), miss margaret's school of dancing. allan stewart, executive director, st luke's family care. bendigo community theatre & arts, piano accompaniment: kath veitch. acknowledgements: alan williams, sound systems specialist., greg harris & danny mulqueen, central victoria video productions. a.n.a. downtown -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
bendigo Heritage Awards 2013 presented to the Friends of the Bendigo Cemetries Inc, by the City of Greater Bendigo and the National Trust of Australia (Vic) Bendigo Branch; in recognition of their advocacy on behalf of Bendigo Cemetries with the City of Greater BendigoPrimaryClassView ItemType AccessionPrefix AccessionYear AccessionNumber AccessionSeries AccessionParts Accession_Full_ID ItemName txtDescription txtMakersMarks LocationStatus Location AuthorizedBy LocationDate UsualLocation chkAesthetic chkHistoric chkScientific chkSocial chkCondition chkInterpretive chkProvenance chkRarity chkRepresentativeness cbxSignificanceRating txtStatementOfSignificance ItemDates txtEarliestYear txtLatestYear Importance txtHistoricalDetails txtHistoryText1 txtMaterials SizeMass txtDimensions txtBibliographReferences PrimaryClass SecondaryClass TertiaryClass ResearchBy ResearchYesNo txtResearchText1 txtResearchText2 SourceName Method ReceiptNum AmountPaid ConditionOnReceipt LegalTitleYesNo TitleDetails DateReceived CopyrightYesNo CopyrightDetails ReceivedBy Correspondence ReturnedYesNo PhotoNum NegativeNum OtherNum FileNum txtAdminText1 txtAdminText2 Award 2023 8007 30 2023.8007.30 BENDIGO HERITAGE AWARDS 2013 FRIENDS OF THE BRNSIGI CEMETRIES INC bendigo Heritage Awards 2013 presented to the Friends of the Bendigo Cemetries Inc, by the City of Greater Bendigo and the National Trust of Australia (Vic) Bendigp Branch; in recognition of their advocacy on behalf of Bendigo Cemetries with the City of Greater Bendigo Stored Box 859 joh hil 30/05/2023 Box 859 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FRIENDS OF THE BENDIGO CEMETERIES Unknown $0.00 Excellent No No joh hil 0 Cirty of Greater Bendigo and National Trust of Australia (Vic) Bendigo Branch -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Joseph Davies collection Information re Joseph Davies (Mine Rescue, Bendigo 1909). Printed sheets: a. from the ''Bendigonian'' 20/7/1909) - 'The Rescue'; b. from the ''Bendigo Advertiser 19/7/1909 - 'Congratulatory Telegrams; c. from the ''Bendigonian'' 1/2/1910 - 'The Bendigo Hero - Presented with the King's Medal'; d. photograph: ' The Governor and group on the platform at the Town Hall - Joe is the first on the left'.Bendigo Advertiser, The Bendigonian.person, individual, joseph davies, joseph davies, mine rescue. kings medal. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A light blue programme with dark blue print. On the front cover is a photo of The Conductor Mr. W.C. Frazier and the words, ' 'The Bendigo Choral Society.'' Season 1928. Third Concert. Town Hall, Bendigo. Tuesday, November 27th, 1928. Followed by a list of the artists. E.H. Collett, Hon. Sec. W.F. Mansell, Asst. Hon. Sec. Programme: Price 3d. Boltons Print, Bendigo. 4 pages.Boltons Print, Bendigoprogram, music, bendigo choral society, lydia chancellor, collection, ' the bendigo choral society, ' entertainment, music, singing, choir, amusements, bendigo town hall, programme, buildings, concert -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A large teapot from Bendigo's pottery.Bendigo Pottery Australia logo next to the, retail, material, bendigo pottery's website. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Program, Bendigo Repertory Society presents ''Sailor Beware'' by Phillip King and Falkland Cary, McGillivray Hall, Bendigo Technical College. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July, 6th, 7th 8th at 8pm. Programme 1/-.Sailor, Beware! Was published in 1955.Boltons Print, Bendigo.program, theatre, bendigo repertory society -
Thompson's Foundry Band Inc. (Castlemaine)
Document - Certificate, 5 December 2013
White rectangular paper document with printed black text. On the top corner is the logo of International Volunteer Day in red/green/blue. On the left a golden Congratulations and top left Australia's coat of arms also in golden colour. The document is signed by Lisa ChestersCertificate of Appreciation Presented to Thompson's Foundry Band In recognition of your contribution to strengthening community and supporting the volunteer sector International Volunteer Day 5th December 2013 Lisa Chesters MP Federal Member for Bendigoinernational volunteer day, lisa chesters, thompson's foundry band, mp, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
1929 dated four page brochure advertising that Bendigo was an ideal centre for secondary industry. Interior view of Railway workshops, Law Courts, and a typical barren potential factory site. Hundreds of such sites gravitating towards railway station advertised. Australia wants secondary industry come to Bendigo. Bendigo is geographically situated to become the Manchester of Victoria.Advance Bendigo and the North Leaguebook, bendigo, bendigo, bendigo industry -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A box containing (1) cuttings about nurses and hospitals. Sources include 'Bendigo Advertiser,' 'Women's World' and 'The Age.' (11) A booklet on the opening of 'Kurmala' on June 8th 1935. (111) Bendigo Benevolent Home Annual Report 1962-3.1961-66.Bendigo Advertiser, Womens World, The Age, Bendigo Benevolent Home Annual Report.medicine, nursing, hospitals, lydia chancellor, collection, medical, hospitals, hospital, nursing, bendigo and northern district hospital, 'kurmala, ' bendigo benevolent home -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Story of the Beilharz Family, 1988
The story of a family of Black Forest farmers and trades people, from the 15th to the 20th Century in Germany, Palestine and AustraliaBeige hard cover book. Gold text front cover and along the spine. Yellow dust cover with map of Germany on the front cover and Palestine on the back coverPresented to this Museum by Mr. HW Beilharz, Bellvue Hill, NSW 1989beilharz, sauer p, camp 3, tatura, ww2 camp 3, books, history, local