Showing 2570 items
matching 1871-1872
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Grimme, Natalis & Co, Brunsviga adding machine, circa 1900
A 'Brunsviga' adding Machine used to educate people who were blind or vision impaired in arithmetic during in the early 1900s. The firm Grimme, Natalis & Co (GNC) was established in 1871 to build sewing machines and domestic appliances at Braunschweig (Brunswick) in Germany. In 1892 engineer Franz Trinks was instrumental in securing the manufacturing rights to the Odhner calculator patents. The first machines were built according to W.T. Odhner's 1890 design, and were distributed under the brand name "Brunsviga". Trinks continued to develop and refine the Brunsviga calculator over a period of almost 30 years. The brass rotor disks are 71mm in diameter, with the nine setting levers spaced on 9mm centres. The moving carriage has 10 places in the counter register and 18 in the accumulator, but the tens-carry mechanism only covers 10 of the 18 places. The carriage is positioned manually by releasing a latch and moving the assembly by hand to the required position. The registers are cleared by a full turn of the large wing nuts on either end. The mechanism is very basic, with no safety interlocks and no added features.Metal machine on wooden base.Brunsviga Patent Braunschweigoffice equipment and supplies, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book (item) - Scrapbook, W.H.C. Darvall, Victorian Seamen's Mission Scrapbook No 1, c.1896
This scrapbook holds numerous newspaper clippings recording events, functions and visits to the Seamen's Mission starting in 1896 through to 1902, although a few documents date from 1895. These dates coincide with the commencement of Mr WHC Darvall's various terms of office with the Mission from the mid 1890s. Mr Darvall's involvement with the Mission possibly stems from his arrival in Victoria in 1853 part working his passage from England as a purser on the migrant ship Asia. He first encountered Captain Pascoe on arrival at Williamstown who was also on the Mission executive when Darvall returned to Melbourne from Beechworth in 1871. 1898: Death of Captain Crawford Pasco with a photographic portrait. 1899: Small ink sketch by artist Charles Georges Darvall, WHC Darvall's cousin. 1900 Foundation of Geelong mission 1901: Queen Victoria's death (22 January) Australian Federation (1st January) Boer War (189-1902) Death of chaplain Ebenezer James Nautical exhibition On the inside of the rear cover of the book a plan of Williamstown has been pasted with no date provided. This scrapbook outlines the many events, concerts, important visits and social occasions held at and by the Mission during this time frame. It includes the names and activities of many prominent Melburnians (politicians, supporters, artists) and shows the vivacity of the work at the Mission.Sticker on the front cover: "Victorian Seamen's/Mission/Scrap-book/No. 1/Commencing/ January 1896 Ending - victoria-missions-to-seamen, w h c darvall, mission to seamen, seamen's mission, maritime exhibition, queen victoria, royal merchant seaman orphanage, charles g. darvall, william henry charles darvall (1830-1906), queen victoria (1819-1901), boer war, charles georges darvall (1831-1924), sunbeam, lord brassey, crawford atchison denman pasco (1818-1898), concerts, library association, merchant seamen orphans asylum, snaresbrook, frederica mitchell, kitty grindlay, syllabus, amateur concerts, port melbourne standard, cole's book arcade, the port gazette, the port melbourne standard, hereward, maitland -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
Property - Ford Street Beechworth - Section 1, Town Allotment 14 & 15 - 100' x 250' each Ownership details and history - 28 Oct 1853 - C. Williams - 11 Nov 1855 - H. Wyse 1-15&14 - 1861 - Fisher, John Duncan - publican, same. Land 66'x165' + 25'x130' (rear) Hotel 45'x21' 2 stories, deal front WB. sh. rf. Do 18'x12' 2 stories WB & Do. Kitchen 38'x13' slab + ir rf. Stable & Hayloft 54'x25' WB & sh. Store 50'x18' bark. Billiard room 35'x25' WB + sh. Oddfellows Lodge 26'x29' deal front WB + sh. rf. Open shed. 56'x17' sh. rf. Laundry 54'x12'. 1861 - Jecks A.G. barber, J.D. Fisher barbers shop 9'x8' 1-14 - 1861 - Melrose, John, unlisted J.D. Fisher shop 13'x25' WB + sh. 1-14 - 1861 - Ramsay, Peter Donald, unlisted, same, land 41'x165' store 18'x60' sawn slab boards sh. rf. store 32'x 16'6"deal WB Front Shed 38'6"x 22' ir rf. 1-15+14 - 1863/4 J.D. Fisher, Hotel as 1861 except store 50'x18' is detached and a shop above De Jecks & Kaliton of a 2 storey residence. 1863/4 - Jecks as above 1-14 - 1863/4 Ramsay - as 1866 1-14 - 1866 - Fisher J.D. - publican, same, "Commercial Hotel" 45'x21' 2 stories deal fr. WB+ corr. Iron roof..... store 50'x18' slabs + bark .... laundry 54'x12' WB + sh. rf. ..... prem. in yard 24'x15' 2 stories WB = sh. (after Oddfellows entry) 0/wise as 1861. £330 1-14 - Jecks A.G. barber, J.D. Fisher, barbers shop 9'x8' £28 1-14 - 1866 - Muirhead, George, Tailor, J.D.Fisher prem 13'x12' WB + Sh. £26 1-14 - 1866 - Ramsay P.D. Spirit dealer, same land 41'x165' front prem 23'x54' bk & ir. rf. Do in rear 32'x16'6" deal fr. WB + sh. rf. Do 8'x8' do---do. Stables + shed 51'x40' slabs, sh+ir. rf. (as1861) £35 1-15+14 1871 - Tanwell, Thomas, publican, same - Hotel as above except. Kitchen 40'x15' bk+iron roof as 1863/4 1861 1-14 - 1871 - Jecks, A.G., T. Tanswell, shop 11'x9' £15 1-14 - 1871 - Goodwin, George, watchmaker, T. Tanswell, sh. 12'x11' £19 [these two were actually entered before 1-14+15] 1-14 - 1871 - Scott, Robert, Wine & Spirit Merchant, P.D. Ramsay land 41'x165' deal fr. WB + sh. rf. Stable & shed 51'x40' slabs + iron roof. 1-15+14 - Tanswell, Thomas, publican, same, land 66'x135' + 25'x130' Hotel front buildings. 65'x35' brick, Back do. 42'x30' brick 2 stories iron roof. Kitchen 40'x15' bk. iron roof. Club room 26'x29' WB. sh. rf. Billiard room 35'x25' WB ir. rf. Prem in yard 24'x15' 2 stories WB sh. rf. Laundry 54'x12' WB sh. rf. Store 50'x18' slabs bark rf. Stables 54'x25' WB sh. rf. Shed 56'x17' £250 1-14 - 1876 - Jecks, A.G. barber T. Tanswell shop £15 1-14 - 1876 - Tanswell, T. publican, same, shop & room in rear £20 1-14 - 1876 - Crawford, Hiram Allen, Connelly, Michael, coach proprietors, Beechworth U.S. Council. Weighbridge £10 1-14 - 1876 - Crawford & Connolly, as above, T. Tanswell. prem as 1871. "23'x55'" & no deal fr. ou prem in rear £52 1-15+14 - 1884 - Tanswell E. Tanswell T. Hotel as above, hotel, billiard clubrooms etc. 1-14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. - Jackson P.W. - McCurdy W. coach props., B.U.S.C., Weighbridge 1-15+14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. coach props, T. Tanswell, Commercial stable (at rear) 1-14 - 1884 - Crawford H.A. coach prop, same, office, store, cellar & prem. 1-15+14 - 1889 - Tanswell, Edward. Hotel keeper, T. Tanswell, Comm Hotel Billiard Club + sample rooms, prem + land £175 1-15+14 - 1889 - Crawford, H.A. - Connolly, Thomas - McCurdy, William, coach props, same, Stables, Coach sheds, prems + land £80 1-14 - 1889 - Crawford & Co Ltd., coach props, T. Tanswell, office, store, prem + land £50 1-14 - 1889 - As above. B.U.S.C. Weighbridge £10 1-15+14 - 1900 - Crawford & Co ltd. coach proprietors, excecutors of Tanswell's, stables, offices, coach sheds, factory, land £130 1-15+14 - 1906 - Tanswell, Jane, hotelkeeper, same, hotel, prem + land £150 1-15+14 - 1906 - Tanswell, Jane, Clubrooms, Comm. Hotel £20 1-15+14 - 1906 - Crawford & Co LTD. coach props, Jane Tanswell, stables offices, coach sheds, factory + land £85 Architectural Index Card - Brian Pump and Tony Dugan - Photographers beechworth, george tibbits -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
Property - Ford Street, Beechworth - Section 2, Town Allotments 4 - 100' x 250' - Note: (see also Town Allotment 5, 2-4/5-1, 2-4/5-2, 2-4/5-3 and 2-4/5-4) Ownership details and history - 28 Oct 1853 - W.H. Neuber 2-4+5 - 1861 - Wallace, Peter, unlisted, J.A. Wallace, I. 105'x165' Hotel 86'x21', 2 Stories WB. sh. rf. Dp. 84'x18' do----do. Theatre 75'x26' do. Office 18'x20' do, Billiard room 35'x22' sl. & sh. rf. Kitchen 45'x25' slabs, Back Bldg. 22'x15' do. Stables 60'6"x 20'6" do. 2-4 - 1861 - Hearn, William, unlisted, J. Gray, land 13'6"x25' shop 13'6"x25' plate glass fr. WB. + sh. rf. 2-4+5 - 1863/4 - Clark, J.S. Publican, same, land 105'x165' Hotel & bedrooms 105'x18', 2 stories WB. + sh. rf. Store at back 10'x24' Stables, slabs, battenwork, + sh. 113'x26' Kitchen 45'x25' slabs + bark rf. Store 14'x9' WB + bark, Ldry 11'x10' WB + sh. Theatre 75'x26' WB + sh. 2-4 - 1863/4 - Richter, A. Mrs Gray, bld 13'6"x25' shop as above 2-5 - 1866 - Brown, John, barber, J.S. Clark, shop + back rooms, 18'x16' part "Star Hotel Bldgs" £55 2-4 + 5 - 1866 - Clark, John Sitch, publican, same. land 105'x165' "Star Hotel" 61'x41' 2 stories bk bldg + sh. rf. Bedrooms from front along "Star Lane" 105'x18' 2 stories WB + sh. rf. In rear store 24'x10' slabs + sh. rf. Kitchen 45'x25' slabs + bark rf. Ldry 11'x10' WB + sh. Store 14'x9' W.B. + bark rf. £330 2-4 - 1866 Clark, J.S. Publican, same, 'Theatre" 75'x26' WB + sh. roof £70 2-4 + 5 - 1866 Crawford, Hiram Allen - also 16-17, Connolly, Michael, coach owners, J.S. Clark "Star" stables 120'x26' slabs trellis work & sh. rf. £30 2-4 - 1866 - Richter, Augustus, Watchmaker, William Telford, land + Prem as 1861 £52 no entry - 1871 - Isaacs, Alfred, Clothier, J.S. Clark, shop 18'x18'. part of Star Hotel Buildings 2-4 + 5 - 1871 - Clark, J.S. Publican, same hotel as 1866 £300 no entry - 1871 - Clark, J.S. Publican, same, coach office 14'x12' part of old Star Theatre £20 no entry - 1871 - Brasch, Morris, Clothier, J.S. Clark, shop 14'6'x50' part of old Star Theatre, £65 2-4 + 5 - 1871 - Clark, J.S. Publican, same, Stables 120'x26' slabs + sh. roof. £26 2-4 - Richter, A. Watchmaker, Wm. Telford, land + prem as 1861 £45 no entry - 1876 - Issacs, Alfred, tailor, F.K. Allen, shop and dwelling, part of Star Hotel Bldgs, £40 2-4 + 5 - 1876 - Allen, Frederick K. Hotelkeeper, same. land + hotel as 1866 + coach office part of old Theatre £160 2-5 - 1876 - Crawford, H.A. - Connolly, M. Coach Proprietors, F.K. Allen stables, 120'x26' slabs + sh. roof £78 no entry - 1876 - Galbraith, Andrew L. Confectioner, F.K. Allen, double shop 15'x50' part of old Star Theatre £65 no entry - 1876 - Richter, Augustus, Watchmaker, W. Telford, J.G. Orr. land + prem as 1861 £40 no entry - 1884 - O'Connor, David M. Hairdresser, shop + prem, portion of Hotel Bldg 2-4 + 5 - 1884 - Allen, F.K. Publican, same "Star Hotel" 2-4 - 1884 - William, Robert, Bootmaker, F.K. Allen - double shop 2-4 - 1889 - Crawford, Connolly & McCurdy, Coach Proprietors, F.K. Allen, Star Stables, Sheds + Land £60 2-4 - 1889 - Dunn, Fred, Bootmaker, F. Allen, shop, prem + land £15 2-4 + 5 - 1889 - Carroll, Wm. Hotelkeeper, F. Allen, Star Hotel. prem + land £135 2-4 - 1889 - Williams, Robert, Bootmaker, F. Allen, double shop + prem + land £40 2-4 - 1900 - Philips, William R. Blacksmith, Wm. Carroll, Star Stables and land £25 2-4 - 1900 - _unoccupied) , William Carroll, land £5 2-4 + 5 - 1900 - Lowe, John, Hotelkeeper, Wm. Carroll, Star Hotel premises £130 2-4 - 1900 - Vandenberg, George, Dentist, H. Vandenberg, surgery + land £10 2-4 - 1906 - Lod, Wm. G. Star Lane, Blacksmith, execs. W. Carroll, Star Stables and land £20 2-4 - 1906 - Dumbrell, Starr & Jarvis, Watchmakers, execs. W. Carroll, shop + land £40 2-4 + 5 - 1906 - Lowe, John. Hotelkeeper, W. Carroll execs. of Star Hotel and land £130 2-4 - 1906 - Vandenberg, Henry, not tenant issued, land £10 Note: execs. = executors 2-4 and 5 - 1976 2-4/5-1 - R. Rosen - Men's Hairdresser 2-4/5-2 - Star Youth Hostel 2-4/5-3 - G. Fendyk, Butcher 2-4/5-4 - Vacant Store Architectural Index Card - Brian Pump and Tony Dugan - Photographers beechworth, george tibbits -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Joan O'Shea Collection. Buff Coloured Booklet City of Bendigo. 150th anniversary of Bendigo 1850s to 1950s. Image on cover coat of arms for City of Bendigo underneath word progress, left hand side horse, right hand side bullock. History of Bendigo: From Sheep Run to Provincial City in 100 years. Map of Bendigo and Surrounds Railways, Water Courses & Storage, Power, Municipal Boundaries & Land Available for Industry. Municipal District Creation 1855, Borough Proclamation 1863, Proclaimed City 1871, Area: 7992 Acres Population as of last census City of Bendigo 28,722, City of Bendigo and adjacent Urban Areas 36,909. City of Bendigo Map, The Past Prior to 1850. Icons of Bendigo The Bendigo base Hospital,Law Courts & Post Office, Primary Schools, Housing, Industry including Butter Production, Poultry Farming, Livestock Sales & Tomato Growing, Slaughter House & ordnance factory. The Present Recreation Photos: Bendigo Bowling Club, Queen Elizabeth Oval, Municipal Lawn Tennis Courts The Future of Bendigo, Bendigo Photographs From The 1950s,Cambridge Press Bendigobendigo, history, progress of bendigo 1850s on. -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Melton City Libraries
Document, 'Schutt and Barrie Flour Mill envelope, Unknown
SUMMARY - Schutt & Barrie Chaff Mills Partnership West Footscray, Parwan and Diggers Rest. Mary nee Barrie Robinson (1907 –1999) writes c1980 about her father Charles Ernest Barrie of Darlingsford Melton (1871 – 1931) Extract copied from her handwritten story - My father was born in Ballarat in 1871. … commenced his working life with a team of bullocks and a chaffcutter in the St Arnaud district, a work the he became most success at and would continue in to the end of his life. He eventually became the owner of a chaff mill at Melton station with an access line to the railway. [1900] The Schutt & Barrie partnership ….Dad later became involved in a Chaff mill at West Footscray run by John Ralph Schutt who when he met Dad was a very sick man and had begged Dad to come into the business and help him. That began a very happy association, the business was put on its feet. An empty quarry across Geelong Road opposite the mill was purchased, the chaffcutters were set up in the quarry and that was the start of a very busy and prosperous period. A branch line was run into the mill. Dad spent some afternoons at the mill going by train, and spending some hours there at night, at the same time running the farm with full time help. Two full 8 horse teams were used to work the land, which meant early rising for the horses to be fed and harnessed ready for the men to commence the days work. Charlie Lowe and Murdock Davey were two of the men who worked for Dad in those years. The firm purchased a mill at Parwan and Dad spent a lot of time and energy getting it running to their satisfaction. Monday was the day he spent time there also round the district of Parwan and Balliang. He came to know many of the their names were well known in our household for many years. [1920] Later a flour mill was built beside the Chaff mill at West Footscray but it never thrived like the mill. The chaff mill had many loyal and good men employed there and there was never any trouble between men and management. Willie Walters and Miss Renyolds were some I remember, other names me, Joyce would be able to name them. [Sister of Mary born 1920] Sample envelope from the businesslocal identities -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Geoff Biddington, Views of Ballarat, 1967
These images were taken by Geoff Biddington who was highly active in the Ballarat Branch of the National Trust. Twenty two black and white photographic views of Ballarat by Geoff Biddington. 1. Ballarat Mechanics' Institute 2. 18-20 Lyons Street south, Ballarat 3. Licensed grocer (Corner Eyre and Lyons Street South) featuring Ballarat Bertie Sign 4. Cast Iron Gasometer Frames 5. Former Ballarat Supreme Court (Ballarat School of Mines Electrical Engineering 6. Telegraph Station (Castlemaine?) 7. Ballarat Fine Art Gallery (later Art Gallery of Ballarat) 8. Former Ballarat Police Station, Camp Street 9. Former Baptist Church, Dawson Street 10. Craig's Hotel Lamp 11-13. Goller's, Camp Street 14. Old Post Box- Crown on Top 15. Former Ballarat Gaol Gates 16. Golden Point Football Club Rooms, Main Road 17. Ballarat Fire Station, Ballarat East 18. Ballarat Town Hall Tower 19. Ballan Hotel 20. Building on Inglis street, Ballan 21. Ballan News Building (Est 1872) 22. Adam Lindsay Gordon Cottagebiddington, ballarat mechanics' institute, ballaarat mechanics' institute, mechanics institute, gasometer, ballarat police station, police, baptist church, craig's hotel, goller, post box, crown, golden point, ballarat town hall, ballan hotel, adam lindsay gordon cottage, ballarat gaol gates, wrought iron, bluestone, ballarat bertie, orlando, penfolds, signwriting, licensed grover, ballarat bitter, craig's royal hotel lamp, craig's hotel -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionArticle titled State School No. 323 - Rae's Hill printed on paper and mounted on orange paper with a card backing and laminated. The school first started as a small building on Mt. Korong Rd and was later transferred to a new site on Ironbark Hill. It was known as Rae's School. When the State System was introduced under the Act of 1872 the school was purchased by the Education Department and Mr. Rae was retained as Head. Later it became part of Violet St. It ceased as a separate school in 1928. The old Rae's Hill School remained empty until it was used as a storage depot for goods of an essential nature when there was a threat of possible Japanese invasion during 1939 - 1945. By 1911 the Department paid £1 per week rent to the trustees of the Hopetoun Bandroom on Mr Korong Rd so renovations could be carried out. Classes were taught under the control of Mr. J C Kilfeder. For the younger pupils an arrangement was made with the Trustees of the Rechabite Hall at the rear of the Temperance Hall in View St. The rental here was £1.10.0 per week. At the top of the article is a sketch of Rae's School and near the bottom is a photo of The Hopetoun Bandroom.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - state school no 323 - rae's hill & the hopetoun bandroom, bunny rae, education epartment, the ironbark school, bendigo high school, the junior technical school, the girls' school, gravel hill school, mr j c kilfeder, rechabite hall -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Three page document. Front page, extracts from F. Chamber's Report on Tambour Major Shaft, includes reference to Allingham and Moore's shaft and Specimen Hill Reservoir. Early workings on the Christmas Reef line, Specimen Hill or Tambour Major, are listed in a table format, example - Great Western Gold Mining and Crushing Coy, 1855 Fajeon and Coy, 1859, tunnel in hillside. Specimen Hill Coy 1861 Indefatigable 1862, 64, 67 - 1881 Agamemnon 1862-1863 - 1881 Invincible Co. 1865 - 1867 Old Bendigo Tribute 140 ft 1870 Great Eastern Co 1870 - 1881 Great Eastern Tribute Co. Bismark Co, No. 1 North 150 ft 1870 - 1881 Bismark No. 2 Tribute 212 ft Allingham and Moore 338 ft 1872 Specimen Hill United 450 ft 1881 Great Western United (amalgamation of Old Bendigo, Invincible, Gt. Eastern and Bismark Coys) 400 ft 1882 Tambour Major 847 feet 1881 - 1890 Christmas Reef Co. 200 ft. 1895 - 1897 Open Cutsbendigo, mining, christmas reef gold mining -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Moulding Plane . J Moseley. maker and R Knight & J Heath also stamped stamped (Owners)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Moulding Plane . Stamped HB on one end and 8 on otherflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Wood Moulding Plane J Moseley & Son maker also stamped (Previous Owners) HIT & E Dunstan, RA Dixon with an N inside a W flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Side Bead Single Box moulding plane J Moseley & Sons maker also stamped Healy 188 High Street Poplar Surrey (retailers) marked (owners A Bowen & J W Gower with a symbol "M"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Side Bead Single Box moulding plane J Moseley & Sons maker also stamped Healy 188 High Street Poplar Surrey (retailers) marked (owners A Bowen & J W Gower Size 9/16"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Smoothing wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A smoothing plane is a wood plane used for making a smooth surface to wood surfaces traditionally, these planes were blocks of wear resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape or size required. The blade, or iron was likewise formed to the intended flat or level profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding and smoothing planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings or smoothing plane surfaces required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other worker to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by an unknown maker, that was made commercially for firms and individuals who worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a flat or level finish to timber. These types of planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve the required finish to timber surfaces used in cabinet making. This item is a significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools only. Smoothing Plane Coffin typeMaker J Moseley & Son London and 2¼" also has OS stamped on side (probably an owner)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Wood Plane, Late 19th to early 20th century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers' shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will named his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard's estate when he died in 1856. From John's will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool-making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield.A vintage tool made by a well-known company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could remove large amounts of timber. These jack or dressing planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a flat and even finish to timber surfaces and came in many sizes. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that is still in use today with early models sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other finishes were created on timber by the use of cutting-edged hand tools. Tools that were themselves handmade show the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative or even finish that was needed for the finishing of timber items.Jack Plane metal body with rose wood filler.Mosley & Sons London No 2flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, john moseley & son, jack plane, woodworking tool, carpenders tools, cabinet makers tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Moulding Plane . J Moseley. maker and R Knight & J Heath also stamped stamped (Owners)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Vergil's Aeneid Book X11, Late 19th century
This is a Latin text book for pupils studying for the Matriculation examinations in 1899 and 1900. It was used by Lizzie Stanley at the convent school in Warrnambool This school was established in 1872 and was at first known as the Convent of Mercy, Wyton and, after 1888, St. Ann’s Convent School. In 1991 it merged with the Warrrnambool Christian Brothers’ College to become Emmanuel College. Lizzie Stanley is believed to be Elizabeth Stanley, born in 1883 with her parents John Shaw and Marie Stanley. Her father, a writer, mathematician and chess player, was well-known in Warrnambool as the founder and Head Master of Warrnambool Grammar School (1879-1900). This text book has at some stage been in the collection of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Library. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Subscription Library were established in Warrnambool in 1854 and a Free Library was operating in the Mechanics’ Institute building from the 1870s on. The Mechanics’ Institute building was demolished in 1975 and the library collection was housed in the new library opened in 1976. In 2006 the old Mechanics’ Institute library was re-housed at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, Warrnambool and it is not known exactly when this text book was removed from the collection. This book is of considerable interest as it has connections to Warrnambool student, Lizzie Stanley, the Warrnambool Convent school and the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Library.This is a hard cover book of 162 pages. It has a blue cover with black lettering. There are two library labels pasted in, one at the front and one at the back and a library sticker on the spine. The inscription is handwritten in black ink and there are also some notes written at the back in pencil. The cover is stained and the spine is much faded. ‘Lizzie Stanley Convent Warrnambool’ The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library’ ‘Warrnambool Public Library’ lizzie stanley, warrnambool mechanics’ institute library, warrnambool public library -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Card - Invitation card, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, 1959
A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald.It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work.Invitation card to the dedication of a brass plaque in memory of Ethel Margaret Mustherethel margaret musther, st nicholas' mariners' chapel, nelson place, williamstown, lightkeepers' auxiliary -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Chapel service, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Dedication of Ethel Musther, 1959
A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald. It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work.Folded booklet on creamy colour paper and black inkethel margaret musther, st nicholas' mariners' chapel, nelson place, williamstown, lightkeepers' auxiliary, dr john thompson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial Plaque, Ethel Margaret Musther, 1959
A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald. It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work. Large rectangular with decorative clover corner Engraved: "In affectionnante and grateful memory / of / Ethel Margaret Musther, M.B.E. / Founder of / The Williamstown Lightkeepers Auxiliary / Of the / Victoria Missions to Seamen / Remembered always for this and many other / Philantropic works / Died 17th of September 1956 / Her deeds live after her.1956, ethel margaret musther, m.b.e., medal of the british empire, 1953, lightkeepers' auxiliary, williamstown, seamen's mission -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, Black & White Cheltenham State School No. 84 1908, c1908
Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrolment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) Pupils noted are from the early settler families - Marriott, Whelan, Cochrane1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Beaumaris West (Cheltenham) State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne.Black & White photograph of pupils in "Infants" at Cheltenham State School No.84 in 1908Handwritten ; 1908 B.McGregor, C. Marriott, E. Kilborn, R.Whelan, A. Cochrane, education, schools, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, state schools victoria, marriott c, whelan k, cochrane a, cheltenham primary school -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Cheltenham State School No 84 Woodworking Class c1910, c1910
Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrolment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) The boys wearing round collars are from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham.1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Cheltenham State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne.Faded and cracked Black & White photograph showing pupils and teacher in the wood working class at Cheltenham State School No 84 c1910 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White x 2 Cheltenham State School 1913, 1913
Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrolment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) The boys wearing round collars are from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Cheltenham State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne.Faded, Black & White photograph x 2 of pupils at Cheltenham State School No. 84 1913 1st Group & 2nd GroupFront 1913city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, methodist children's home cheltenham 1892-1953, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, cancel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, baby feeding bottle, c1950
A baby bottle is a bottle with a rubber or latex teat attached so that baby can drink directly from it by sucking on the teat. It is typically used by infants and young children ,when a mother does not breastfeed, to feed infant formula, expressed breast milk or paediatric electrolyte solution. Australian Glass Manufacturers produced glass bottles for pharmacy, brewery, dairy and domestic use 1913 – 1970 . Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co Pty Ltd Registered in Victoria in 1903 amalgamated with the Waterloo Glass Bottle Works Ltd in 1915 to form Australian Glass Manufacturers Company, Limited. .Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Spotswood 1872- 1970 comprising a complex of buildings constructed between 1880 and 1940, (at Booker Street, Douglas Parade, 2-38 Hudson Road, Raleigh Street and Simcock Avenue, Spotswood ) originally made bottles for druggists Felton Grimwade before it was sold to the State Government by US multinational, OI glass manufacturers. . The Baby feeding bottle has graduated markings in 1- 6 ounces which shows that it was made prior to the introduction of Decimal Currency in Australia 14/2/1966. A clear glass feeding bottle. It is 'banana shaped' and open both ends with graduated measurements - 1-6 ouncesAGEE/ THE PERFECT FEEDING BOTTLE / OUNCES 1-6* bottles, feeding bottles, infants, breastfeeding, moorabbin, bentleigh, ormond cheltenham, glass, australian glass manufacturing company ltd, decimal currency, imperial measurements, ounces, milk, dairy, baby formulae, -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Register of Life Governors, 1930s to 1950s
Handwritten list of Life Governorships awarded to various people from the RVIB during the 1930s until the 1950s. Entries include the name and address or township of recipients, and later a date column was included. No information is included on why a Life Governor was granted however this was usually in recognition for the funds donated to the institution. This amount was dependent upon the time of the contribution. In the Constitution and Rules section of the 1872 Asylum and School for the Blind Annual Report: Membership - Every Subscriber of 10s., and upwards per annum shall be a Member of the Institution, and every donor of 20 pounds and upwards, a Life Member. Auxiliary members who were appointed Life Governors were usually involved in helping organise some of the many fundraising activities, such as the Auxiliaries Annual Three Day Fair. A Life Governorship also meant that the person would have a vote when it came to some decisions made by the Committee of Management. RVIB Life Governors are listed cumulatively in the annual report until 1935 when, due to reasons of space, it was altered so that names appeared only in the year that they were granted. This continued until 1999/2000 when these were no longer awarded.Vinyl covered record book with alphabetical listing of some Life GovernorsR.V.I.B. Life Governersroyal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Moorlands, 1947
The photo shows a small girl presenting a bunch of flowers to Lady Lavarack on the steps of Moorlands. The Queensland Governor Sir John Lavarack and his wife were attending the opening of the Legacy childrens' residence, Moorlands, in Brisbane on 20 February 1947. Legatee Stan Savige had travelled to Brisbane for the event, he is at the centre rear. From TROVE: Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tuesday 18 February 1947, page 7 FOR OPENING OF LEGACY HOME Lieutenant-General Stan Savige (left) arrived in Brisbane this afternoon to attend the opening of the new Legacy home, Moorlands, at Coronation Drive. On the right is Mr. F. E. Lascelles, Brisbane president of Legacy. Moorlands will be opened by the Governor (Sir John Lavarack) on Thursday. Moorlands is a heritage-listed villa at 451 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower, Queensland, Australia. It was designed by Richard Gailey and was built c. 1892 by contractor Arthur Smith. It was added to the Queensland Heritage Register on 21 August 1992. In 1947 the building was sold to the Brisbane branch of the Legacy War Widows and Orphans Fund, and accommodated war-orphaned children and widows until 1971.Some Legacy events were attended by dignitaries, such as the State governors' and their wives and the events were covered by press photographers and reported in newspapers.Black and white photo of a girl presenting flowers to the Queensland Governor's wife at Moorlands.Handwritten 'Complements from J D Coots(?)' in pencil. Stamped with copyright of 'The Telegraph Feature Service Brisbane', in purple ink.residences, moorlands -
Clunes Museum
Photograph, 1859