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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal (Series) - Visitor Books from 'Fairyland', 1949-1965
Grace Tabulo > Dorothy Rogers > Kew Historical SocietyVisitor booksPrimary Values; Provenance Order'Fairyland', the home and garden of Jim and Grace Tabulo was a major local, state and international tourist attraction located at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew. A series of visitor books record the messages of child and adult visitors to the house from the 1940s to the 1960s. These manuscripts are historically significant primary sources relating to Fairyland. They record the values and beliefs of child and adult visitors during the period of its operation as a tourist destination.jim tabulo, grace tabulo, fairyland, tourism - kew - 1945-1965, gardens - kew (vic), 57 malsbury street -- kew (vic.), houses -- kew (vic.)jim tabulo, grace tabulo, fairyland, tourism - kew - 1945-1965, gardens - kew (vic), 57 malsbury street -- kew (vic.), houses -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1992
Mountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMountain bikes for Kew Police / p1. Kew Junction Commercial Area Urban Design Options Precincts 1&2 / p1. Responsible dog ownership / p1. Waste Management Strategy / Cr Daryl Oldaker, Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Home care for Kew residents / p3. Diary Dates for June/July / p4. Community tree planting day / p5. Friends of Kew Library / p5. Sharps disposal containers/ p5. In Brief [Recycling garden pots; Recycling kerbside collection; Outdated phone books recycled; Kew Pre-school Association; Australian Orthodoxy; Adult literacy classes; Football news; Women at midlife] / p6.Passive smoking - How much does it affect you? / p7. Don't Litter [and fines] / p7. Pictures of Kew [winner of decorated hat exhibition]; Flying start holiday camp [at Carey]; Kew High school teacher and student; James W Waters Award] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1992
Kew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Youth Arts Festival: 1992 [Two weeks of culture & entertainment; Photo competition; writing competition] / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Proposal for old library area below Municipal Offices to be leased to Australia Post as a distribution centre] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment [Kew's Old Post Office] / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Kew Citizen of the Year Award Australia Day 1992 [Graeme Lindsay] / p3. Diary Dates for February/March [1992] / p4. Community Directory / p4. Free sausage sizzle breakfast at the Kew Recreation Centre / p5. Spare Time? [volunteering at Kew Cottages] / p5. Kew Garden Club [photo Yvonne Knight, Alex McKay] / p5. Urban design guidelines for Lower Yarra River / p6. Nursing Mothers' Association / p6. Kew Community House - 6 Derby Street / p6. New parking signs / p7. Adult literacy [Swinburne College of TAFE Access Education Department] / p7. National Trust's Guide to Renovating Inter-War houses /p8. Row boat for disabled [Rotary Club of Kew] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1991
Upgrading of Harp Junction [VicRoads, Kew Council] / p1. Proposed roundabout at Valerie Street, Asquith Road [and] Belford Road / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Rates and charges for 1991/92] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Croquet - New season starts / p2. Kew Band / p2. Mayor's Comment [Council's Budget for 1991/92] / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Diary Dates for October / p4. Diary dates for November / p5. Family Day Care [Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care Scheme seminars] / p5. St George's [Midwifery School] / p5. Kew Youth Card / p6. Breastfeeding right from the start / p6. The future of Kew Junction / p7. 111 years of Kew bowling [Kew Bowling Club] / p7. The Adult Video-cassette collection [Kew Library] / p8. Invitation to 'Traffic in Melbourne' Community Workshop / p8. Community Planting Day / p8. Float a boat [Rotary Club of Kew fundraising to support disability access] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionUpgrading of Harp Junction [VicRoads, Kew Council] / p1. Proposed roundabout at Valerie Street, Asquith Road [and] Belford Road / p1. Chief Executive's Comment [Rates and charges for 1991/92] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Croquet - New season starts / p2. Kew Band / p2. Mayor's Comment [Council's Budget for 1991/92] / Cr Daryl Oldaker / p3. Diary Dates for October / p4. Diary dates for November / p5. Family Day Care [Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care Scheme seminars] / p5. St George's [Midwifery School] / p5. Kew Youth Card / p6. Breastfeeding right from the start / p6. The future of Kew Junction / p7. 111 years of Kew bowling [Kew Bowling Club] / p7. The Adult Video-cassette collection [Kew Library] / p8. Invitation to 'Traffic in Melbourne' Community Workshop / p8. Community Planting Day / p8. Float a boat [Rotary Club of Kew fundraising to support disability access] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1990
Looking locally for leisure / p1. Your junk Rotary's jewels / p1. Dates for October / p2. Dates to remember / p2. October fetes / p2. Take tea in a monastery garden / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Road closure [Kew Boulevard] / p3. Hard rubbish collection to start / p3. Notices / p4. Rec Centre seeks info from older adults [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. Council calls for submissions on skateboard / p4. Kids in Space [musical] / p4. Library corner / p4. Recycling trial / p5. The Play's the Thing [Track Players] / p5. St George's to meet aged care needs / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Kew Info Youth / p6. Hawthorn History / p6. [Kew Primary] School celebrates with song and dance / p6. Connecting community with disability / p7. Bold as brass [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p7.Community clean up / p7. Jelly bean drama / p7. [Kew] Bowling Club honours modern bowls inventor [Ray Hensell] / p8. Hawthorn Centre open day / p8. Letters to the editor / p8. Community leisure / p8. 'The Boyfriend' [Phoenix Music Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionLooking locally for leisure / p1. Your junk Rotary's jewels / p1. Dates for October / p2. Dates to remember / p2. October fetes / p2. Take tea in a monastery garden / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Road closure [Kew Boulevard] / p3. Hard rubbish collection to start / p3. Notices / p4. Rec Centre seeks info from older adults [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. Council calls for submissions on skateboard / p4. Kids in Space [musical] / p4. Library corner / p4. Recycling trial / p5. The Play's the Thing [Track Players] / p5. St George's to meet aged care needs / p5. Kew Community House / p6. Kew Info Youth / p6. Hawthorn History / p6. [Kew Primary] School celebrates with song and dance / p6. Connecting community with disability / p7. Bold as brass [Kew Band, Kew Youth Band] / p7.Community clean up / p7. Jelly bean drama / p7. [Kew] Bowling Club honours modern bowls inventor [Ray Hensell] / p8. Hawthorn Centre open day / p8. Letters to the editor / p8. Community leisure / p8. 'The Boyfriend' [Phoenix Music Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1990
Committee changes give new powers / p1/2. City's success seen in strategic planning / p1. Dates for September / p2. Sharing responsibility for literacy / p2. Bush dance / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Mayoral team profile / p3. Information day on women's health / p4. Beaumont soiree / p4. St George's supports World Vision / p4. Lone ride for cancer research [Steven Duthie] / p4. Fax link for cabs / p5. Parking permit fees / p5. Anzac legend / p5. "Sharps' scheme for Kew / p5. Council supports call for TV translator / p5. Kinder enrolments up / p6. Older adults meed leisure opportunities, report finds / p6. Images on Kew [Richard Birmingham at Gretz Gallery] / p6. Birthing alternative [St George's Hospital] / p6. Health strategy for young people / p7. Seniors podiatry sessions / p7. Did you attend Kew Primary School? / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. In the twinkling twilight [Kew Festival] / p8. Traffic management update / p8. Cricket recruiting drive / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCommittee changes give new powers / p1/2. City's success seen in strategic planning / p1. Dates for September / p2. Sharing responsibility for literacy / p2. Bush dance / p2. Commentary / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Mayoral team profile / p3. Information day on women's health / p4. Beaumont soiree / p4. St George's supports World Vision / p4. Lone ride for cancer research [Steven Duthie] / p4. Fax link for cabs / p5. Parking permit fees / p5. Anzac legend / p5. "Sharps' scheme for Kew / p5. Council supports call for TV translator / p5. Kinder enrolments up / p6. Older adults meed leisure opportunities, report finds / p6. Images on Kew [Richard Birmingham at Gretz Gallery] / p6. Birthing alternative [St George's Hospital] / p6. Health strategy for young people / p7. Seniors podiatry sessions / p7. Did you attend Kew Primary School? / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. In the twinkling twilight [Kew Festival] / p8. Traffic management update / p8. Cricket recruiting drive / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1990
Hayes Paddock - or bussed [Threes and Fours Kindergarten - Holy Trinity Church] / p1. Rooms with a view [Willsmere] / p1. Barkers Road silenced [drains] / p1. Dates for July / p2. Local theatre company presents [Spectrum Theatre Company] / p2. Tour of Williamstown / p2. Holy Trinity Evensong / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Council to form Willsmere Liaison Committee / p3. Participation = rich rewards [role of councillors] / p3. Healthy faces [Council health surveyor profiles] / p4. Committee examines recycling / p4. Tuesday freedom for mum [Occasional Care Centre] / p5. Burning issues / p5. Plans to computerise [Kew] Library / p5. Compost bins for sale / p5. Traffic management update / p6. Your say on [Kew] Junction / p6. Cyclists and pedestrians - together or apart? [Outer Circle Reserve] / p7. Council rejects Met safety zone plan / p6. Packing tonnes of cars in / p7. She's won Tatts / p7. Attempt to counter elm diseases / p8. Rotaract donation / p8. [Kew] Band players win / p8. Asthma Foundation stretches legs / p8. Music initiative / p8. Our Glad's play [Viola Musical Theatre] / p8. Adult literacy award / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHayes Paddock - or bussed [Threes and Fours Kindergarten - Holy Trinity Church] / p1. Rooms with a view [Willsmere] / p1. Barkers Road silenced [drains] / p1. Dates for July / p2. Local theatre company presents [Spectrum Theatre Company] / p2. Tour of Williamstown / p2. Holy Trinity Evensong / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Council to form Willsmere Liaison Committee / p3. Participation = rich rewards [role of councillors] / p3. Healthy faces [Council health surveyor profiles] / p4. Committee examines recycling / p4. Tuesday freedom for mum [Occasional Care Centre] / p5. Burning issues / p5. Plans to computerise [Kew] Library / p5. Compost bins for sale / p5. Traffic management update / p6. Your say on [Kew] Junction / p6. Cyclists and pedestrians - together or apart? [Outer Circle Reserve] / p7. Council rejects Met safety zone plan / p6. Packing tonnes of cars in / p7. She's won Tatts / p7. Attempt to counter elm diseases / p8. Rotaract donation / p8. [Kew] Band players win / p8. Asthma Foundation stretches legs / p8. Music initiative / p8. Our Glad's play [Viola Musical Theatre] / p8. Adult literacy award / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1989
New Mayoral team looks to the future [Cr Michael Montalto, Cr Daryl Oldaker] / p1. Maternal and Child Health review / p1. Dates for September / p2. Head Lice Infection hits local Schools / p2. Commentary [Council Mission Statement] / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Meet the Mayoral team [Cr Montalto & Cr Oldaker profiles] / p3. Kew Hawthorn Tenancy Week / p3. Notices / p4. Kew Neighbourhood Watch [meetings] / p4. Area 6 Traffic [Management Committee] / p4. Learning for leisure [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. School holiday programs / p4. Tutors in training [Adult literacy] / p4. Kew Band report / p4. Children's Week / p5. Crackdown on dogs / p5. Aqua friends / p5. Kew's young concerned about health / p5. Rowing Four wins gold / p5. Hard of hearing seminar / p6. Government funding for Community Environment Groups / p6. Keep Kew Green [1990 Kew Festival] / p6. Open days for Kew's kindergartens / p6. Garden dedicated in ex-Principal's honour [Bicentennial Garden, Kew East Primary School, Graeme Lindsay] / p7. Deliverers wanted / p7. Awards for Kew Lions [and Lionesses] / p7. Bus volunteers [Kew Community Bus] / p7. Council taking a look at Kew's open spaces / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers [pollution, Yarra Bend Park] / p8. [Deepdene Uniting] Cricket Club recruiting new players / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Consumer Affairs Kit] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionNew Mayoral team looks to the future [Cr Michael Montalto, Cr Daryl Oldaker] / p1. Maternal and Child Health review / p1. Dates for September / p2. Head Lice Infection hits local Schools / p2. Commentary [Council Mission Statement] / Cr Michael Montalto / p3. Meet the Mayoral team [Cr Montalto & Cr Oldaker profiles] / p3. Kew Hawthorn Tenancy Week / p3. Notices / p4. Kew Neighbourhood Watch [meetings] / p4. Area 6 Traffic [Management Committee] / p4. Learning for leisure [Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. School holiday programs / p4. Tutors in training [Adult literacy] / p4. Kew Band report / p4. Children's Week / p5. Crackdown on dogs / p5. Aqua friends / p5. Kew's young concerned about health / p5. Rowing Four wins gold / p5. Hard of hearing seminar / p6. Government funding for Community Environment Groups / p6. Keep Kew Green [1990 Kew Festival] / p6. Open days for Kew's kindergartens / p6. Garden dedicated in ex-Principal's honour [Bicentennial Garden, Kew East Primary School, Graeme Lindsay] / p7. Deliverers wanted / p7. Awards for Kew Lions [and Lionesses] / p7. Bus volunteers [Kew Community Bus] / p7. Council taking a look at Kew's open spaces / p7. Letters to the editor / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers [pollution, Yarra Bend Park] / p8. [Deepdene Uniting] Cricket Club recruiting new players / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Consumer Affairs Kit] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1989
Canadian visitors to Wallenberg Garden / p1. Bringing up kids in the nineties / p1. Dates for May / p2. Useful advice on Property Numbering / p2. Kew Living 1988 / p2. Commentary [Kew Conservation Study] / Cr Allen Marshall p3. Kew Conservation Study / p3. Heritage advice for local homeowners / p3. Why we should think again [Kew Conservation Study] / Keith Lodge p4. Books for sale [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. 1629 on the AM Band / p4. [Kew] Festival meeting / p5. Community health visit to Kew / p5. Craig will keep the wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p5. New Co-ordinator for People with Disabilities [Jan Bottcher] / p5. Canterbury move for Care-Force [Care-Force Inner East] / p5. CWA not just for country women / p5. Notices / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. A welcome haven [Kew Community House] / p6. Second chance at reading and writing [adult literacy] / p6. A place where young people can feel at home [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p7. Music for children / p7. CALM speaker for Kew [Citizens’ Against Lawlessness Movement] / p7. New courses focus on business skills / p7. A letter to the editor / Charles Ng p7. Small group support for family caregivers / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew's "Eagles" need caretaker [Kew Eagles Soccer Club] / p8. Not just for the boys [Hays Paddock Junior Football Clinic] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCanadian visitors to Wallenberg Garden / p1. Bringing up kids in the nineties / p1. Dates for May / p2. Useful advice on Property Numbering / p2. Kew Living 1988 / p2. Commentary [Kew Conservation Study] / Cr Allen Marshall p3. Kew Conservation Study / p3. Heritage advice for local homeowners / p3. Why we should think again [Kew Conservation Study] / Keith Lodge p4. Books for sale [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. 1629 on the AM Band / p4. [Kew] Festival meeting / p5. Community health visit to Kew / p5. Craig will keep the wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p5. New Co-ordinator for People with Disabilities [Jan Bottcher] / p5. Canterbury move for Care-Force [Care-Force Inner East] / p5. CWA not just for country women / p5. Notices / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. A welcome haven [Kew Community House] / p6. Second chance at reading and writing [adult literacy] / p6. A place where young people can feel at home [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p7. Music for children / p7. CALM speaker for Kew [Citizens’ Against Lawlessness Movement] / p7. New courses focus on business skills / p7. A letter to the editor / Charles Ng p7. Small group support for family caregivers / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew's "Eagles" need caretaker [Kew Eagles Soccer Club] / p8. Not just for the boys [Hays Paddock Junior Football Clinic] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1989
It's almost ready [Kew Recreation Centre] / p1. Dates for February / p2. Kew 'Friends' [of Kew Library] report / p2. YMCA at Kew [Recreation Centre] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Playgrounds Committee recruitment drive / p3. Council unhappy about [Kew] Junction signs [Clifton Hotel] / p3. Early planning for retirement [Kew Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p4. Speaking with Confidence for Women / p4. Wanted: storage space [Kew Emergency Housing Committee] / p4. Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care video / p5. Alternative cinema [Camberwell Film Society] / p5. Are you a tenant? [The Inner East Tenants’ Information Service] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Traffic Management update / p6. Rehearsals start for Kew Music Society [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p6. Used clothing bin at MLC / p6. Adult Literacy Program / p6. Neighbourhood Watch / p7. [Kew Senior] Citizens' Week Exhibition / p7. German Saturday School / p7. Occasional Child Care / p7. Good gardening / Bruce Schroder p8. Want to play cricket [Kew Willsmere Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIt's almost ready [Kew Recreation Centre] / p1. Dates for February / p2. Kew 'Friends' [of Kew Library] report / p2. YMCA at Kew [Recreation Centre] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Playgrounds Committee recruitment drive / p3. Council unhappy about [Kew] Junction signs [Clifton Hotel] / p3. Early planning for retirement [Kew Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p4. Speaking with Confidence for Women / p4. Wanted: storage space [Kew Emergency Housing Committee] / p4. Kew/Hawthorn Family Day Care video / p5. Alternative cinema [Camberwell Film Society] / p5. Are you a tenant? [The Inner East Tenants’ Information Service] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Traffic Management update / p6. Rehearsals start for Kew Music Society [Kew Philharmonic Society] / p6. Used clothing bin at MLC / p6. Adult Literacy Program / p6. Neighbourhood Watch / p7. [Kew Senior] Citizens' Week Exhibition / p7. German Saturday School / p7. Occasional Child Care / p7. Good gardening / Bruce Schroder p8. Want to play cricket [Kew Willsmere Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1988
Govt Plans for Willsmere vital to Kew / p1. Kew Festival nears / p1. Rates due / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Kew] Garden Club award [John Pascoe Fawkner Bronze Medal] / p2. Back to basics [adult literacy] / p2. Commentary [St George's Hospital; Powerlines] / Cr Jim Tutt p3. An urban forest for Kew [Stradbroke Park, Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Kew friends [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. Play Scrabble? [Kew Scrabble Club] / p4. Traffic / p4. [Community Recreation Plan] / p4. Images of Kew [photographic competition] / p4. Nursing mothers / p5. Litter bugs beware / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update / p6. Belford Oaks / p6. All get equal hearing at MLC / p7. 'Kew Living 1988' [Australia's Bicentennial] / p7. Footy fever's on again [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew footy history [memorabilia] / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Citizens' Advice Bureau / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionGovt Plans for Willsmere vital to Kew / p1. Kew Festival nears / p1. Rates due / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Kew] Garden Club award [John Pascoe Fawkner Bronze Medal] / p2. Back to basics [adult literacy] / p2. Commentary [St George's Hospital; Powerlines] / Cr Jim Tutt p3. An urban forest for Kew [Stradbroke Park, Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Kew friends [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. Play Scrabble? [Kew Scrabble Club] / p4. Traffic / p4. [Community Recreation Plan] / p4. Images of Kew [photographic competition] / p4. Nursing mothers / p5. Litter bugs beware / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update / p6. Belford Oaks / p6. All get equal hearing at MLC / p7. 'Kew Living 1988' [Australia's Bicentennial] / p7. Footy fever's on again [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew footy history [memorabilia] / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Citizens' Advice Bureau / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1987
Preschool story time at Kew Library / p1&8. Trade Fair at Villa Alba [Villa Alba Preservation Committee] / p1. Dates for April / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [The latest on the Kew Recreation Centre] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. So what are you waiting for [Theatre Sports] / p3. Willsmere Billabong [Willsmere Park Advisory Committee] / p4. Review - Visiting the tombs [Premier Theatre Company] / p4. What exactly do they do? [The City Engineers Department] / p5. Meet Judy [Price] [Kew Community House] / p6. Second start - basic education for local adults / p6. [Photo - Mark Homden, Assistant Health Surveyor] / p6. Library cuts threaten service [Commonwealth grants] / p7. Ruth [Buckstein] is playing for Australia [Australian Women's Test Team] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed - social services [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Good Friday and Easter Services / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionPreschool story time at Kew Library / p1&8. Trade Fair at Villa Alba [Villa Alba Preservation Committee] / p1. Dates for April / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [The latest on the Kew Recreation Centre] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. So what are you waiting for [Theatre Sports] / p3. Willsmere Billabong [Willsmere Park Advisory Committee] / p4. Review - Visiting the tombs [Premier Theatre Company] / p4. What exactly do they do? [The City Engineers Department] / p5. Meet Judy [Price] [Kew Community House] / p6. Second start - basic education for local adults / p6. [Photo - Mark Homden, Assistant Health Surveyor] / p6. Library cuts threaten service [Commonwealth grants] / p7. Ruth [Buckstein] is playing for Australia [Australian Women's Test Team] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed - social services [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Good Friday and Easter Services / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1987
Kew's Premier Youth Theatre in performance / p1. SEC act threatens [street] trees / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Good gardening / Peter Davies p2. Kew Festival - eat your way through Fun Day / p3. Profile - Cr David Timms / p4. Calling artisans and craft persons [Senior Citizens' Week] / p3. After School program for Kew Primary School / p5. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-Laws [Mini bike riding] / p5. Get your entry in! [Images of Kew competition and exhibition] / p5. Kinder for there year olds [North Kew Municipal Kindergarten, 152 Pakington Street] / p5. Kew Community House [A new year starts; Volunteer tutoring for adult literacy; 1st semester pamphlet; Now open on Wednesdays] / Rhonda McCaw p6. Gymbaroo offers early learning / p6. Hassle free apprenticeship training [Inner Eastern Group Apprenticeship Training Scheme] / p7. Children's Services update [Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / p7. Care-Force needs volunteers [Care-Force Family Support Services] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Babysitting? [Babysitting clubs] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew's Premier Youth Theatre in performance / p1. SEC act threatens [street] trees / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Good gardening / Peter Davies p2. Kew Festival - eat your way through Fun Day / p3. Profile - Cr David Timms / p4. Calling artisans and craft persons [Senior Citizens' Week] / p3. After School program for Kew Primary School / p5. A gentle reminder about Kew's By-Laws [Mini bike riding] / p5. Get your entry in! [Images of Kew competition and exhibition] / p5. Kinder for there year olds [North Kew Municipal Kindergarten, 152 Pakington Street] / p5. Kew Community House [A new year starts; Volunteer tutoring for adult literacy; 1st semester pamphlet; Now open on Wednesdays] / Rhonda McCaw p6. Gymbaroo offers early learning / p6. Hassle free apprenticeship training [Inner Eastern Group Apprenticeship Training Scheme] / p7. Children's Services update [Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / p7. Care-Force needs volunteers [Care-Force Family Support Services] / p7. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Babysitting? [Babysitting clubs] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1986
Meet the Mayor [Cr Joe Ormando] / p1. Municipal election and poll results / p1. Dates for September / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Joe Ormando - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando p3. Kew Integration Project / Stacey DeJean-Apeitos & Judith Sammons p3. Join the celebration! ['Living together' video; Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. Profile: Cr Philip Barnes / p4. Good gardening / Peter Davies p4. [1987] Community Directory update / p4. Kew Community House [Third term at the Community House; Trash and treasure] / Rhonda McCaw p5. Kew Peace Project a success / p5. Keeping our children safe [Safety House Program] / p5. From the Traffic School to big time basketball [Bill Mildenhall; National Basketball League] / p6. Kew [Citizens] Band wins again / p6. Adult Education Programs [Hawthorn Community Education Centre] / p6. Women's Cricket in Kew / p7. Our talented kids [Kids Collection at Q Gallery; Kew East Primary School performance] / p7. Opportunities for helping families [Care-Force] / p7. International Aid only a stone's throw away [PLAN] / p7. Cricket Club invites members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew Lions honoured [AJG (Bert) Stevens; NJ Lyall] / p8. Space wanted - rent free [Kew Christmas Card Shop] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMeet the Mayor [Cr Joe Ormando] / p1. Municipal election and poll results / p1. Dates for September / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Joe Ormando - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando p3. Kew Integration Project / Stacey DeJean-Apeitos & Judith Sammons p3. Join the celebration! ['Living together' video; Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. Profile: Cr Philip Barnes / p4. Good gardening / Peter Davies p4. [1987] Community Directory update / p4. Kew Community House [Third term at the Community House; Trash and treasure] / Rhonda McCaw p5. Kew Peace Project a success / p5. Keeping our children safe [Safety House Program] / p5. From the Traffic School to big time basketball [Bill Mildenhall; National Basketball League] / p6. Kew [Citizens] Band wins again / p6. Adult Education Programs [Hawthorn Community Education Centre] / p6. Women's Cricket in Kew / p7. Our talented kids [Kids Collection at Q Gallery; Kew East Primary School performance] / p7. Opportunities for helping families [Care-Force] / p7. International Aid only a stone's throw away [PLAN] / p7. Cricket Club invites members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew Lions honoured [AJG (Bert) Stevens; NJ Lyall] / p8. Space wanted - rent free [Kew Christmas Card Shop] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1985
The Armistice and our men come home - a personal memory of Kew by Bill Stent / Bill Stent p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - Consultation and the decision making process / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Baby safety bassinet loan scheme / p4. Read this! [incinerators] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Did you know? [Kew Library - Local history, Genealogy] / p4. Kindergarten extended hours / p4. Kew jobs for women [Kew Councillors; Kew Council officers] / p5. The Churches of Kew invite you to celebrate Victoria's 150th anniversary at an Ecumenical Service / p6. Leaves and more leaves [incinerators] / p6. Join the Kew Citizens' Band Supporters Club / p6. Kew Citizens' Band in concert / p6. East Kew Shopping Centre: Good guide to easy shopping [Overview, Map, Advertisements] / p7-10. Youth Page [Youth Theatre Concept; New Youth Centre; The Parsonage - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Football: Kew records two wins / p12. Library News / p12. Flight of fantasy [Kew/Deepdene Artists' Co-operative] / p12. What is the Kew Community Action Group? / p13. Would you like to help? [Kew Community House] / p13. Family Day Care in Kew / p13. Adult literacy in Kew / p13. Kew Community House [Open Day, Garden tools needed, City walks, Committee meetings, Kew kids 'n Kritters] / p14. Interchange needs you! [disability support] / p14. This Kewriosity is being delivered to you by - Kew Primary School / p15. May School Holiday Programs [Playcentre; Kew Traffic School; Mobile new games trailer] / p15.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThe Armistice and our men come home - a personal memory of Kew by Bill Stent / Bill Stent p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - Consultation and the decision making process / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Baby safety bassinet loan scheme / p4. Read this! [incinerators] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Did you know? [Kew Library - Local history, Genealogy] / p4. Kindergarten extended hours / p4. Kew jobs for women [Kew Councillors; Kew Council officers] / p5. The Churches of Kew invite you to celebrate Victoria's 150th anniversary at an Ecumenical Service / p6. Leaves and more leaves [incinerators] / p6. Join the Kew Citizens' Band Supporters Club / p6. Kew Citizens' Band in concert / p6. East Kew Shopping Centre: Good guide to easy shopping [Overview, Map, Advertisements] / p7-10. Youth Page [Youth Theatre Concept; New Youth Centre; The Parsonage - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Football: Kew records two wins / p12. Library News / p12. Flight of fantasy [Kew/Deepdene Artists' Co-operative] / p12. What is the Kew Community Action Group? / p13. Would you like to help? [Kew Community House] / p13. Family Day Care in Kew / p13. Adult literacy in Kew / p13. Kew Community House [Open Day, Garden tools needed, City walks, Committee meetings, Kew kids 'n Kritters] / p14. Interchange needs you! [disability support] / p14. This Kewriosity is being delivered to you by - Kew Primary School / p15. May School Holiday Programs [Playcentre; Kew Traffic School; Mobile new games trailer] / p15. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1984
Mayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders p1. Local Area Traffic Management / p1. Community News / p2. Kew's new mayor [Cr Robin Saunders] / p3. Retiring Councillors [Cr Martin Solomons; Cr Joe Leaman] / p3. 1985 Kew Community Festival / p3. Library News / p3. 'Germs' - a musical [East Kew Primary School] / p4. "Kiss Me Kate" comes to Kew [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship / p4. Dance / p4. Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p4. What is the Rotary Club of Kew doing? / p4. WORCO [Worco Recyclotron Project] / p4. Youth pages - Welcome; Teen Club; St Hilary's Earth Club / p5. So you need help with housing? / p6&11. Community [Classes for older adults; Baby sitting clubs; Kew Historical Society; Children's Services; Probus Club of Kew] / p7. Municipal Depot update / p8. Council wants E6 and park / p8. Have you enrolled your child for kindergarten yet? / p9. Kew Toy Library / p10. Full Day Care Centre / p10. Things to do in Kew / p11. A bit further afield / p11. [Multilingual information about incinerator use] / p13. [Kew] Community House / p13-15. Disability access in Kew / p15. Heidelberg Tip / p16. New Residents Kit / p16. Kew Swimming Club / p16. Little Athletics / p16. Child restraints / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders p1. Local Area Traffic Management / p1. Community News / p2. Kew's new mayor [Cr Robin Saunders] / p3. Retiring Councillors [Cr Martin Solomons; Cr Joe Leaman] / p3. 1985 Kew Community Festival / p3. Library News / p3. 'Germs' - a musical [East Kew Primary School] / p4. "Kiss Me Kate" comes to Kew [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship / p4. Dance / p4. Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p4. What is the Rotary Club of Kew doing? / p4. WORCO [Worco Recyclotron Project] / p4. Youth pages - Welcome; Teen Club; St Hilary's Earth Club / p5. So you need help with housing? / p6&11. Community [Classes for older adults; Baby sitting clubs; Kew Historical Society; Children's Services; Probus Club of Kew] / p7. Municipal Depot update / p8. Council wants E6 and park / p8. Have you enrolled your child for kindergarten yet? / p9. Kew Toy Library / p10. Full Day Care Centre / p10. Things to do in Kew / p11. A bit further afield / p11. [Multilingual information about incinerator use] / p13. [Kew] Community House / p13-15. Disability access in Kew / p15. Heidelberg Tip / p16. New Residents Kit / p16. Kew Swimming Club / p16. Little Athletics / p16. Child restraints / p16. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.4 No.8 : April 1983
Easter at Kew Library / p1. Easter Services / p1. Hyde Park Fellowship (Hyde Park Uniting Church) / p1. Easing the loneliness of language (Migrant Education; Adult literacy) / p1. The Park Reserve of Boroondara [James Bonwick; Studley Park) / Barbara Giles p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Kew Garden Club / p2. North Kew Playgroup / p2. Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau / p2. East Kew Uniting Church (calendar of events) / p3. Kew Self Help Group / p3. Treasure and Trash sale / p3. Family and Community Services programme (F.A.C.S.) / p3. Exercise: the rhythmic way (Rosemary Smart) / p3. Native Plant Group / p3. Day Centre for elderly people / p3. Building confidence through movement (Rosemary Smart) / p3. Drivers or non-drivers - do you live in this part of Kew? (Meals on Wheels; Volunteering) / p4. Community Aid Abroad / p4. Kew Philharmonic Society / p4. Call for new members - Merlan Voluntary Services / p4. Scrabble / p4. Easter Service (East Kew Inter Church Council) / p4. Anyone for hockey? / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionEaster at Kew Library / p1. Easter Services / p1. Hyde Park Fellowship (Hyde Park Uniting Church) / p1. Easing the loneliness of language (Migrant Education; Adult literacy) / p1. The Park Reserve of Boroondara [James Bonwick; Studley Park) / Barbara Giles p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Kew Garden Club / p2. North Kew Playgroup / p2. Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau / p2. East Kew Uniting Church (calendar of events) / p3. Kew Self Help Group / p3. Treasure and Trash sale / p3. Family and Community Services programme (F.A.C.S.) / p3. Exercise: the rhythmic way (Rosemary Smart) / p3. Native Plant Group / p3. Day Centre for elderly people / p3. Building confidence through movement (Rosemary Smart) / p3. Drivers or non-drivers - do you live in this part of Kew? (Meals on Wheels; Volunteering) / p4. Community Aid Abroad / p4. Kew Philharmonic Society / p4. Call for new members - Merlan Voluntary Services / p4. Scrabble / p4. Easter Service (East Kew Inter Church Council) / p4. Anyone for hockey? / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Expression Australia
Photograph - c. 1900s, [Illegible], Rock of Ages in Statuary and Song, c.1900s
Deaf women dressed in white flowing robes were typically used by the Society at meetings and lectures giving a performance in living statuary. This photograph is a depiction from Rock of Ages in Statuary and Song described in a review by the Spectator - the words of the hymn softly sung by the Cornish Choir to an exquisitely delicate organ accompaniment by Mr E. J. Watkins. The Grouping of Living Statuary with the limelight thrown upon them from either side, motionless as marble figures, but with the life and love and adoration in their eyes and on their faces, formed the most beautiful objects we have ever beheld. The Audience looked and listened in breathless silence and many eyes were glistening with tears.This photo is significant as a studio photograph of Deaf women who performed 'living statuar'y at many of the lectures and meetings held in the early years of the 20th century by the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria ; possibly introduced by Ernest Abraham to add drama to the occasion.A5 black and white photograph on a cardboard frame. The photograph features five women in robes surrounding a cross."City Chambers / 114 Elizabeth Street / Melbourne" Signature of photographer or studio name illegible. -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia October November December 1911
"The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australian Deaf.No. 13 New Series; Size 29Hx14W; 24 pages (2 copies)deaf newsletter,vicdeaf, newsletter, deaf and dumb newsletter, alice butteridge, lone hand, c. a. jeffries, adult deaf and dumb society, lake park, blackburn, victorian deaf and dumb institution, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs abraham, miss a. graham, our monthly letter, victorian deaf school lacrosse club, adult deaf cricket club,f. j. rose, john jennings, matthew robert burns, henry weedon, agar wynne, w.s. keast,r. solly, e. r. peacock, h. sumner martin, harold kent, g. g. mercy, w. a. dickens, hugh munro, m. l. miller, mr mcbride, dr mccallum, young men's club, sol moss, oriana, eustace miles, robert p. macgregor, world's congress of the deaf, b. f. austin -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia July-August-September 1912
"The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australian Deaf.No. 16; Pink Cover; Size 29Hx14W; 24 pagesdeaf newsletter, vicdeaf newsletter, australian deaf newsletter, deaf and dumb newsletter, deaf and dumb society of victoria, ernest abraham, h. sumner martin, r. j. oehr, harold kent, adult deaf lacrosse club, our monthly letter, -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia August-November 1906
"The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australian Deaf.No. 7; Pink Cover; Size 29Hx14W; 24 pagesdeaf newsletter, vicdeaf newsletter, australian deaf newsletter, deaf and dumb society of victoria, deaf and dumb newsletter, new zealand school for the deaf, hon r. seddon, ernest j. d. abraham, l. miller, a. c. muir, mr and mrs burke, tasmanian school for the deaf, harold gregory, adult deaf and dumb building, samuel gillott, e. newbigin, h. sumner martin, councillor weedon, ernest r. w. smith, e. a. starcke, thomas bent, -
Expression Australia
Advertising Card, Cut Flowers - Deaf Mutes' Flower Farm, Blackburn
The Australian Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria purchased and developed land at Blackburn Lake as a flower farm, the idea being to provide light occupation for the deaf and dumb unable to follow other regular employment, A home for aged and infirm deaf was also erected on the property.A rare example of advertising produced by the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria for its Flower Farm at BlackburnSize 15.5cmHx21cmWlake park, blackburn, flower farm, deaf -
Expression Australia
Booklet, Souvenir of the Deaf Mutes' Bazaar and Village Fair (Town Hall Melbourne June 1907)
The Deaf Mutes' Bazaar and Village Fair was held in the Town Hall, Melbourne with sixteen suburbs represented by stalls. The aim in holding the Bazaar and Fair was to raise funds in aid of the proposed farm and home for aged, infirm and feeble-minded deaf mutes in Blackburn.This booklet is significant as a souvenir of the Deaf Mutes Bazaar and Village Fair, the major fundraising event for the proposed farm and home for Deaf adults at Blackburn.Size 14cmHx22cmW; 32 pagesdeaf mutes bazaar and village fair, thomas bent, ernest j. d. abraham, m. l. miller, d. s. abraham, h. sumner martin, councillor weedon, blackburn, melbourne town hall, toorak, camberwell, port melbourne, essendon. hawthorn, footscray, collingwood, malvern, richmond, elsternwick, st. kilda, brunswick, fitzroy, -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Australian Deaf Citizen No. 3 Jul-Aug-Sep 1940
The Australian Deaf Citizen was a quarterly magazine owned and edited by John Patrick Bourke dedicated to the interests of the Deaf in Australia.The Australian Deaf Citizen, was a magazine owned and edited by John Patrick Bourke. It is historically significant as it gives an alternative view of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society at that time including the role played by Ernest J. D. Abraham. Brown Cover 26.5cmHx21cmW, 18 pagesOwned and Edited by J. P. Bourke, No. 1 Acre Place, Malvern, S.E. 4 Victoria Australia -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Australian Deaf Citizen No. 5 Jan-Feb-Mar 1941
The Australian Deaf Citizen was a quarterly magazine owned and edited by John Patrick Bourke dedicated to the interests of the Deaf in Australia.The Australian Deaf Citizen, was a magazine owned and edited by John Patrick Bourke. It is historically significant as it gives an alternative view of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society at that time including the role played by Ernest J. D. Abraham.Blue Cover 26.5cmHx21cmW, 18 pagesOwned and Edited by J. P. Bourke, No. 1 Acre Place, Malvern, S.E. 4 Victoria Australia -
Expression Australia
Letter c. 1931, Adult Deaf and Dumb Society Letter in Response to Hostility Towards the Superintendent
This letter was in response to a letter written by J. P. Bourke.The Letter is significant to the Deaf community in Victoria as a reminder of the conflict that existed within the Adult Deaf of the State and the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria.26cmHx21cmW, not dated -
Expression Australia
Report, Adult Deaf Society of Victoria Study Tour Report Number 1
The study was largely, but not solely, linked with a feasibility study of the Society's resources and likely trends in deaf person's Social Welfare Counselling, Interpreting and related needs.Green cover, 26cmHx21cmW, 212 pagesWritten by John W. Flynn, Executive Director, Victorian Deaf Society, March 1979 -
Expression Australia
Video Cassette, Australian Caption Centre Opening 13.9.82 (Open Captions)
Black video cassette cover containing one video cassette; 20.5cmHx14cmWaustralian caption centre, adult deaf society of victoria, open captions -
Expression Australia
Booklet, Adult Deaf Society of Victoria Present and Projected Services of the Society Part 1
A report by the Society on Social Welfare Services offered to the Deaf26cmHx20.5cmW ,12 pages, 2 copiesadult deaf society of victoria, social welfare services -
Expression Australia
Book, Adult Deaf Society of Victoria Bristol 1981
A report on Sign Language and Interpreting Symposia Bristol 1981 by J W FlynnGreen cover, 29.5cmHx21cmW, 52 pagessign language and interpreting symposia bristol 1981, j.w, flynn