Showing 202 items
matching australian coin history
Vision Australia
Container - Object, Donation tin - round RVIB circa 1980's, 1980s
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the RVIB tin could be used gathering coins at events such as Carols by Candlelight, White Cane day or other special marketing days.1 metal coin collection tin with handle and paper wrapYour Donation Supports the Work of The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind RVIB lighthouse logo 557 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Telephone 9529 3544royal victorian institute for the blind, equipment -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - round Radio 3RPH circa 1990's, 1980-1990s
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the 3RPH tin could be used gathering coins at events such as outside broadcasts or other special marketing days.1 metal coin collection tin with handle and paper wrap1170 Radio 3RPH For the print handicapped A service of the Association for the Blindassociation for the blind, 3rph radio station -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - rectangular tin RVIB wrapper around Blind Babies tin, circa 1945
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the older Blind Babies tin has been wrapped with a modern RVIB wrapper, which could be used at Carols by Candlelight, White Cane day or other special marketing days.1 metal coin collection tin with paper wrapWrapper: Your Donation Supports the Work of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind RVIB lighthouse logo 557 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Telephone 9577 3341 Old label Front: For the Blind Babies Children and Adults of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind 557 St Kilda Road, Prahran Side: As a thanksgiving for sight! (Drawing of a man holding his hand to his eyes as a blast occurs in front of him, pushing small objects towards his body) It might hit You or Me! Side: As a thanksgiving for sight! (Elaine Leahy facing towards the RVIB gates). The gates of the Institute are always open to welcome all eligible blind babies, children and adults who seek, and never fail to receive, its aid.royal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - rectangular tin Blind Babies wrapper, circa 1945
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the Blind Babies tin could have be used at Carols by Candlelight, White Cane day or other special marketing days.3 metal coin collection tin with paper wrapFront: For the Blind Babies Children and Adults of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind 557 St Kilda Road, Prahran Side: As a thanksgiving for sight! (Drawing of a man holding his hand to his eyes as a blast occurs in front of him, pushing small objects towards his body) It might hit You or Me! Side: As a thanksgiving for sight! (Elaine Leahy facing towards the RVIB gates). The gates of the Institute are always open to welcome all eligible blind babies, children and adults who seek, and never fail to receive, its aid.royal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - round Vision Australia, 2005-2018
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the Vision Australia tin could be used gathering coins at events such as Carols by Candlelight or other special marketing days.1 metal coin collection tin with paper wrapPaper wrapper around tin: Help me to break down the barriers and achieve greater heights Vision Australia blindness and low vision services Paper on top of tin: Thank you for your support Vision Australia blindness and low vision servicesvision australia, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Donation tin - rectangular RVIB tin, 1936
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. These boxes were designed to be reused, with a pop out section in the base.2 x metal coin collection tins with printed sidesFront: The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind St Kilda Road The only Institute in Victoria for teaching blind adults trades & professions educating & maintaining blind children & babies (Lighthouse with words radiating out from light) Modern cottage homes Pensions - after care & sick fund Prevention of blindness lectures, etc. Free wireless radio for needy cases Boat shed & club house Professions & trades Blind babies nursery Wireless sets Social club Happiness for the blind every day & night Musical education Higher education Domestic science classes for blind women & girls A free education Maintenance of blind children The Lighthouse! As a thanksgiving for sight Please place a coin in this box and help to keep the Beacon Light flashing for the Institute's Blind Adults, Babies and Children Side: (Picture of two girls playing with dolls house) Our blind babies and pupils will probably spend 70 years in our Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind St Kilda Road As a thanksgiving for sight please help make their years very happy ones by placing a coin in this box! Reverse front: (Drawing of a man holding his hand to his eyes as a blast occurs in front of him, pushing small objects towards his body.) It might hit You or Me! Please! Will You? As a thanksgiving for the sight you and your dear ones possess, please place a coin in this box to assist the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, St Kilda Road, and its Blind Adults, Children and Babies! Reverse side: (picture of workshop at RVIB) One of our many spacious workshops provided by public subscription! The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind is faced with the problem of employing and otherwise assisting its blind workers. It gives them charitable allowances in addition to their earnings, amounting to approximately 15,000 (pounds) every year, to enable them to support their wives and families! No profits can therefore be made! This 15,000 (pounds) is distributed because the great handicap of blindness prevents blind persons from earning as much as their more fortunate sighted fellows. Please! Ask Storekeepers for our Baskets, Mats, Brooms, etc. And as a thanksgiving for Your Sight place a coin in this box for our blind adults, children and babies! Embossed on the top of the box is Royal Victorian Institute for the Blindfundraising, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Wooden donation boxes, 1970-1990
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the boxes were placed in a semi-permanent location, such as a shop counter or bar, for people to donate money. Periodically it would be emptied by a collector, who either unlocked the padlock that was usually attached or replaced it with a new box.2 wooden boxes with paper label, perspex or glass,metal hinges and locking mechanism.Blind Babies, Children & Adults Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Phone 51 1381 All services provided by the RVIB are free - thanks to your helproyal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, RVIB Wooden donation boxes, 1970-1990
Coin collections have a long and varied history. Coins were often collected in churches in a box located near the entrance/exit, and later via a collection plate that was passed amongst the congregation Funds were used to repair the church or feed the poorest of the parish. The donation of coins is and was considered part of religious life and mentioned in Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts. With the need and expansion of charitable works occurring outside religious life, charity boxes began to spread into hospitals, orphanages and asylums. The need for non-fixed boxes grew with the rise in charities and their activities outside a fixed building. Collection boxes could be large (and therefore hard to move) or could be held by individuals acting as collection agents, working at a specific location, moving between dwellings or at events. In this example, the boxes were placed in a semi-permanent location, such as a shop counter or bar, for people to donate money. Periodically it would be emptied by a collector, who either unlocked the padlock that was usually attached or replaced it with a new box.2 wooden boxes with paper label, perspex or glass,metal hinges and locking mechanism.Blind Babies, Children & Adults Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Phone 51 1381 All services provided by the RVIB are free - thanks to your helproyal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Federation University Art Collection
Bookplate, 'John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( The title is depicted in white on a grey blue background within an eight sided borderbookplate, printmaking, australian bookplate design award, keith wingrove memorial trust -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( Book plate depicts a series of coinsVery small signature bottom right cornerbookplate, printmaking, australian bookplate design award, keith wingrove memorial trust -
Federation University Art Collection
Bookplate, 'Ex Libris John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( The solid shapes of printmaking materials fan out in a pattern around the centrally placed intials J GPencil signature bottom rightprintmaking, bookplate, australian bookplate design award, keith wingrove memorial trust -
Wonga Park Community Cottage History Group
Coins, 6 Australian pre decimal, ie pre 1966
1946 Two shillings, 1952 One shilling, 1946 sixpence, 1951 threepence, 1961 penny and 1961 halfpenny, mounted on a card and labelled -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Leisure object - Haeusler Collection Child's Chad Valley Money Tin c. 1930s-1950s, Chad Valley, c. 1930s - 1950s
The Wodonga Historical Society Haeusler Collection provides invaluable insight into life in late nineteenth and early twentieth century north east Victoria. The collection comprises manuscripts, personal artefacts used by the Haeusler family on their farm in Wodonga, and a set of glass negatives which offer a unique visual snapshot of the domestic and social lives of the Haeusler family and local Wodonga community. The Haeusler family migrated from Prussia (Germany) to South Australia in the 1840s and 1850s, before purchasing 100 acres of Crown Land made available under the Victorian Lands Act 1862 (also known as ‘Duffy’s Land Act’) in 1866 in what is now Wodonga West. The Haeusler family were one of several German families to migrate from South Australia to Wodonga in the 1860s. This child's money box was manufactured by British toy company Chad Valley, owned by the supermarket chain Sanisbury's. It is one of many items in the Wodonga Historical Society's Haeusler Collection that reflects domestic life and childhood in rural Australia in the early to mid twentieth century.This item has well documented provenance and a known owner. It forms part of a significant and representative historical collection which reflects the local history of Wodonga. It contributes to our understanding of domestic and family life in early twentieth century Wodonga, as well as providing interpretative capacity for themes including local history, social history, and the history of childhood. A black, gold and red money tin with a coin slot on a hinged lid. On back of tin on hinge of lid ""CHAD VALLEY"/'ENGLAND/10167"toy, child, children, money, money box -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Coin - Token, Bateman token, 1855
This coin is a Warrnambool Bateman penny. It is an example of an Australian token – a coin that had the value of a penny and was produced by businessmen in the 1850s to be used only in the business of the person named on the coin. There were two firms in Warrnambool that produced tokens in the 1850s – William Jamieson, a general storekeeper and William Bateman. The latter had a general store in Banyan Street and became in the early 1850s one of the largest merchant firms in the Warrnambool district. But the firm’s liabilities were financed by overdrafts and insolvency resulted. A disastrous and suspicious fire in 1856 destroyed the Bateman store and caused a great number of insolvencies in the district as so many businessmen and farmers were financed by Bateman who eventually left the district. This token is of supreme importance. It is significant for three reasons: 1. It is an example of an 1850s Australian token, demonstrating an early business practice in our history. 2. It is an example of a Warrnambool token produced by an important Warrnambool business (only two firms in Warrnambool produced tokens) 3. It is a Bateman token and these are comparatively rare because many Bateman tokens were destroyed in the 1856 fire. This is an 1855 metal token with, on one side, an image of a woman holding scales in one hand and a cornucopia in the other (Dea Pecunia?). The obverse side has the name of William Bateman Junior of Warrnambool. It is a business token which could be used only in the Bateman store in Warrnambool in place of a penny.One side: Woman image and the word ‘Australia’ Obverse side: ‘William Bateman Junr. & Co., Importers and General Merchants, Warnambool (sic), Victoria, 1855’ william bateman junior, warrnambool tokens, bateman token, coin tokens -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( and white print on buff paper showing nude woman sitting on a printing press with a globe of the world in the background .1) buff paper .2) buff paper (green)Pencil signature in the bottom right hand cornerkeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Bookplate, 'John Gartner Ex Libris'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland. ( and white Bookplate made with the etching process featuring a nude woman in a spherical frame. The figure 08 appears on the sphere.Signed lower centre [illegible]keith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards, john gartner, printmaking - etching, nude, life drawing -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bookplate for John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( Nude woman wearing sun glasses seated amongst foliage. One leg is raised and rests on the seat.Nonekeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards, printmaking, nude -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bookplate for John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( Etching showing a bearded man with fur-lined hat and jacket. Includes one circle in each corner.Signaturekeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bookplate for John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( Oval design depicting the face of a monk, possibly St Francis, with hands showing stigmata and a dove near his headSignature bottom rightkeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( and white print showing a domed gazebo with boat on a lake in the foreground and trees in the backgroundkeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards, printmaking, johm gartmer -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Artwork - Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bookplate John Gartner'
John Gartner was a fine printer and publisher, an author, a noted philatelist, and also collector of Australian banknotes and coins. He was born on 16 July 1914 and was largely self-educated, leaving school at fourteen for work following the death of his father. Gartner developed a strong interest in the history of typography and printing and was apprenticed at the Advocate where his father had been a linotype operator. Aged 17, Gartner bought a hand press and some fonts of type, and in 1937 acquired a platen press from which he set and printed his private press books, published under the imprint of The Hawthorn Press. Gartner had a strong collection of Australian bookplates. He also looked at the work of artists overseas and commissioned personal plates. He subsequently built an international collection with preference for artists who printed from wood. His initial searches were in Belgium and Holland.( showing a reclining nude woman holding the letter E in the foreground and a printmaker in the background. Signature bottom right hand cornerkeith wingrove memorial trust, bookplate, australian bookplate design awards, printmaking, nude -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Currency - Guinea Coin, The Royal Mint, 1793 George III Spade Guinea, 1793
The coin was discovered by Julie Wilkins, a Victorian scuba diver who had already experienced more than 500 dives in Australia and overseas. She was holidaying in Peterborough, Victoria, and looking forward to discovering more about the famous Loch Ard ship, wrecked in June 1878 at Mutton Bird Island. The fast Glasgow-built clipper ship was only five years old when the tragedy occurred. There were 54 people on board the vessel and only two survived Julie's holiday photograph of Boat Bay reminds her of her most memorable dive. Submerged in the calm, flat sea, she was carefully scanning around the remains of the old wreck when, to her amazement, a gold coin and a small gold cross suddenly came up towards her. She excitedly cupped them in her hands, then stowed the treasures safely in her wetsuit and continued her dive. She soon discovered a group of brass carriage clock parts and some bottles of champagne. It was a day full of surprises. The items were easily recognisable, without any build-up of encrustations or concretion. Julie secretly enjoyed her treasures for twenty-four years then packed them up for the early morning train trip to Warrnambool. After a short walk to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village, her photograph was taken as she handed over her precious find. She told her story to a local newspaper reporter, lunched a café in town then took the late afternoon train home. Her generous donation is now part of a vast collection of Loch Ard shipwreck artefacts, including the gold watch and the Minton Majolica model peacock. The coin is a British 1793 George III Gold Spade Guinea. It was already 83 years old when the Loch Ard had set sail. The loop and ring have been added, perhaps as a pendant, pocket watch accessory or similar purpose. It may have been worn for ‘good luck’ on the long journey to Australia, where ships had to carefully navigate the treacherous Bass’s Strait before arriving at their destination of Melbourne. Sadly, many met their fate on that short stretch of ocean aptly named the Shipwreck Coast. The coin is very recognisable even though it was exposed to the wrecking of the ship, its consequent movement, and the sea's turbulence. Its bent, scratched, buckled, split, dinted and worn condition is part of its story. The red-brown-black discolouration is similar to that found on other gold coins, sometimes called the ‘corrosion phenomena’. Studies suggest the possible cause is contaminants in the minting process reacting to the coins’ environment. The GEORGE III GOLD SPADE GUINEA: - The British Guinea was introduced in 1663 and was circulated until 1814. It was made of 22 carat gold, was 25 to 26 cm in diameter and weighed 8.35 grams. It had a value of 21 British shillings. The guinea coin ceased circulation after 1816 and was replaced by the one-pound note. However, the term ‘guinea’ continued to represent 21 shillings. King George (1738-1820) had six gold guinea designs minted during his reign from 1760 and 1820. Each of the six had different obverse portraits, all facing the right. There were three different reverse sides. The Spade Guinea was the fifth issue of the coin, introduced in 1787 and produced until 1799. The reverse shows a royal crown over a flat-topped shield with the Royal Arms of Great Britain, used in Scotland between 1714 and 1800. The shield images are, from left to right, top to bottom, the Arms of England and Scotland, the Arms of France, the Arms of Ireland, and the Arms of the House of Hanover. The Gold Guinea is also part of Australia’s history. It was the first coin mentioned in the announcement of Governor King of New South Wales his Australian Proclamation of a limited variety and denomination of coins accepted for use in the Australian Colony. The historic and decorative George III Spade Guinea has been reproduced for special collections of coins. However, replicas and imitations have also been made as souvenirs for tourists, as gaming tokens and chips for gamblers, and as ‘fake’ coins for profit. These coins differ in many ways; they may be only half the weight of the genuine coin. Often have a small stamp on the obverse with “COPY” or the manufacturer’s name or initials. Some have scalloped edges, some have dates that are different to the original dates of issue, and some even have text in Latin that translates as something very different to the original coin.The King George III Guinea was only produced from 1663 to 1814 and was the first English coin to be mechanically minted. The coin is the fifth edition of the King George III Guinea, the Spade Guinea, was only produced between 1787 and 1799. It is the only edition with this portrait of King George and the only one with the Royal Coat of Arms of Great Britain in Scotland on the reverse side. This edition was also the last guinea in circulation, because the sixth edition was reserved as the Military guinea. This edition of the Guinea is unique; This coin is the only guinea in our collection. It was minted in 1793, so it is now over 230 years old. The Gold Guinea is part of Australia’s history; it was the first coin in the list of coins for use in the Australian Colonies, mentioned by Governor King of New South Wales in his Australian Proclamation speech of 1800. The George III Spade Guinea was included in the Limited Edition Sherwood 12 Coin Collection of Notable Coinage of Australia. This coin is the only known guinea coin recovered from the wreck of the Loch Ard. It was already 85 years old when the ship was wrecked.Gold coin; British. 1793, King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1760-1820), Spade Guinea. Yellow gold coin with gold metal loop mount and a gold ring through the loop. The design is the fifth issue of the George III Gold Guinea. The obverse relief is a portrait of George III facing right. Reverse relief is a crown above the Coats of Arms (1801-1816) of flat top spade-shaped shield divided into four quadrants that depict crowned lions, fleur de lies, a harp. These images are identified as, from left to right, top to bottom, England and Scotland, France, Ireland and Hanover. Inscriptions are minted around the rims of each side. The coin is dated 1793. Its surface has dark areas on both sides and the reed edge and surfaces are well worn. The loop mount is bent and the ring is buckled. The coin was recovered from the wreck of the ship Loch Ard.Obverse text; 'GEORGIVS III DEI GRATIA' (translates to George the Third, by the Grace of God) Obverse relief; (King George III bust, facing right, laurel wreath on head) Reverse text; 'M.B.E.ET.H.REX.F. D.B.ET.L.D. S.R.I.A.T.ET.E' '1793' (translates to: King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Arch-Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire) Reverse relief; a spade-shaped image i.e. (Crown with fleer de lies, above Shield with crowned lions in different postures, a harp, and other details)flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, royal mint, british coin, currency, guinea, military guinea, australian currency, british guinea, gold coin, spade guinea, king george iii, george iii, fifth portrait, arms of england and scotland, arms of france, arms of ireland, arms of the house of hanover, coins, gold coins, gold medallion, georgian era, 1793, numismatics, contamination phenomena, gold corrosion, good luck, lucky charm, pendant, lucky coin, trade, loch ard, wreck of the loch ard, 1878, mutton bird island, peterborough, scuba diver, 1980s, guinea coin, gold guinea, shipwreck artefact, relic, julie wilkins