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matching midwifery
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, c.1978
Sister Watt is an RDNS Liaison Sister and has arrived at the Community Care Centre at Southern Memorial Hospital where she works. She attends discharge meetings and visits patients who will need nursing care from RDNS when they go home. Sr. Watt is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style dress made of herringbone winter material. The RDNS logo on the car is a royal blue edged circle with the words "Royal District Nursing Service" written in white capital letters around it. The centre of the circle is divided in three with the upper and lower sections white, and the centre section royal blue with white capital letters "RDNS".Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, co-ordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital.On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) Helen Watt, who has short dark wavy hair; is smiling and is looking towards the camera. She is standing with her left hand on the bottom edge of a large white sign with a black border and capital letters. It reads, in four lines, "Community Care Centre/, Southern Memorial Hospital/, 240 Kooyong Road/, Caulfield/." Sr. Watt is wearing a light grey skivvie and a darker grey V neck tunic style frock. Her right hand is holding the solid horseshoe style handle on top of a black leather bag with the light colored letters "RDNS" in the upper centre. The sign is held up with white round poles either side. These are placed in a garden bed with low foliage and a rock border. Directly behind Sr. Watt is a grey Torana car with the RDNS logo on the upper section of the door. In the left background, behind the car, is a wooden fence and behind that a brick building with a tiled roof and a large window. In the right background, behind the sign, Is part of a brick building with part of a doorway. It has a flat roof.Barry Sutton LO 28royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns liaison, rdns uniform, sister helen watt -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 12.07.1973
Sister Watt is an RDNS Liaison Officer and has assisted a hospital employee to transfer a patient into a car. The lady will be attended by RDNS District Sisters when she returns to her home.Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, co-ordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital.On the left of this black and white photograph is the side-on view of a lady who has short curled hair and is wearing a white hospital coat over a dark skivvie and dark slacks. She is standing against the inside of the open passenger door of a grey car and is holding the removed arm of a wheelchair in her hands. She is looking down at a lady who is sitting in the passenger seat of the car. The lady, who has short curly dark hair, has her head turned to her left and is smiling. She is wearing a grey and black patterned frock. A wheelchair is in front of the opening of the door with the seat, which has a sheepskin on it, close to the car seat and the back of the chair to its right. Sister Helen Watt of the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) is standing side-on behind the chair and is holding its handles; her legs are placed between its large wheels. Sr. Watt has curled dark hair and is wearing a light grey skivvie over a darker grey V neck tunic style frock. Only a small section of her face can be seen; she is smiling and looking down at the lady. In the background, part of a brick building with a white framed, open curtained window can be seen. Barry Sutton LO 34royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns liaison, sister helen watt -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 12.07.1973
This group and RDNS Sisters are at a meeting at Fawkner Park Community Centre and are listening to the lady on the left who is pointing out information to them.. Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals and Community Centres would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients of RDNS and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from Hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, co-ordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital. District Sisters also liaised with personnel attached to Community Centres.This black and white photograph is of a group of two men and five ladies, three of whom are Royal District Nursing (RDNS), Sisters, sitting at a large dark wooden table which has an open folder and papers with diagrams or information on them, Notepads and pens sit in front of several. L-R is a partly hidden man who has short dark hair; wears glasses, a dark suit over a white shirt and dark tie. His left hand is up to his face. Next is another man with short dark hair who wears glasses; has a grey suit, white shirt and patterned tie. His right hand is up to his face. Next is a lady with short curled hair who is wearing a dark patterned and white edged vest over a round neck grey jumper. She is looking at, and holding a pen in her right hand poised over, a sheet of paper with columns and writing on it. Next is an RDNS Sister with collar length dark curled hair, who has her left hand up to the side of her face. Then an RDNS Sister with short straight hair. Next is a lady with her dark hair drawn back and wearing a white jumper; she has her hands up to her chin. Next, and far right, is an RDNS Sister, who has short straight blonde hair and has a pen in her right hand. Her left hand, with a dark watch at the wrist, is up to the side of her face. The group are all looking at the columned information sheet which the lady on the left is pointing out with her pen. The RDNS Sisters are wearing light grey skivvies under dark grey V neck tunic style frocks.Barry Sutton LO 40royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns liaison, rdns uniform -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 02.08.1973
This photograph shows an RDNS Sister doing Liaison work at a Hospital. She will pass the information given about the babe to the RDNS Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC) Sister who will be visiting the baby and her family in their home. Sr. Schofield is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style frock made of herringbone winter material.Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, co-ordinated discharge, and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital. In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who was trained in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose before or after birth the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth, the Midwife gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe commencing with visits twice a day. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and a pioneering Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal service with General and Midwifery trained MDNS Sisters working from a room on the ground floor in the Footscray Hospital Nurses quarters, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Later, as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended and renamed as Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give Post-natal care to the mother and babe. Many of the RDNS Sisters who worked in DIMC also had their triple Infant Welfare Certificate, though double certificate Midwifery trained Sisters also visited. On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Margaret Schofield, who has her long dark hair drawn back, and is smiling as she looks down at a baby being held in the arms of a Hospital Sister. Sr. Schofield is wearing a light grey skivvie under a V neck dark tunic style frock. She has a pen in the V of her tunic, and has a watch hanging under the RDNS logo on its left hand side. Her left hand is resting on a white table which has baby scales with a wicker basket on it. To the right, is the Hospital Sister, who is side-on and facing Sr. Schofield. She is wearing dark rimmed glasses; has her long dark hair drawn back and is wearing a dark cardigan over her white uniform. She has her right arm under the baby with her hand on babe's right leg; her left hand is holding the baby's feet. The baby has sparse dark hair and is wearing a white patterned jacket. Part of a dark filing cabinet is on the right of the photograph and behind the Sisters is a large window, then grass, small shrubs and part of a corrugated clad building can be seen beyond.Barry Sutton LP 43royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns dimc, rdns uniform, sister margaret schofield -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 17.10.1973
Sister Snyders is based at RDNS Essendon Centre. She is a trained midwife working in the RDNS Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC), section and is attending a recently born baby in her home to give Post-Natal care. Often mothers and babes came home early from hospital, many after 24 hours of birth, and RDNS Sisters attended for several days to check babies progress, including - colour, feeding regime, weight, take a PKU test and give any advise needed to the mother. They also gave Post-Natal care to the mother. In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who was trained in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose before or after birth the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth, the Midwife gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe commencing with visits twice a day. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and a pioneering Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. MDNS established Melbourne's first Family Planning Clinic in 1934. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal service with General and Midwifery trained MDNS Sisters working from a room on the ground floor at the Footscray Hospital Nurses quarters, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Later, as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended and renamed as Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give Post-natal care to the mother and babe. Many of the RDNS Sisters who carried out DIMC visits also had their Triple i.e. Infant and Child Welfare Certificate, though Midwifery trained nurses also made visits. This black and white photograph shows a close up view of Sister (Sr.) Mary-Ann Snyders from Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), who is standing and cradling a recently born baby in the crook of her left arm; her supporting arm extends along the babe and her right arm is under babe. Sr. Snyders has short dark hair and is wearing a white gown over her uniform. She is smiling down at the babe, who has dark hair and is wearing a check bib over a white nightdress. To the left, voile curtains are seen over a window and in the background, part of an open patterned curtain is seen.Barry Sutton LW 4royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns dimc, sister mary-ann snyders -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [2004-2008?]
Distributed to Australian Nursing Federation members during bargaining for public sector nurse to patient ratios. During this period ratios were secured as part of bargaining negotiations between unions and employer groups. After decades of campaigning from the ANF, ratios were legislated for the public sector in Victoria with the passing of the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient) Bill in 2015.Circular red, white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'nurse patient ratios: HERE TO STAY!' and the Australian Nursing Federation logo.nursing, ratios, workforce, staffing, nurses, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, trade unions, labour history, safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios) act 2015 -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right).Circular white and blue plastic button. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Button printed with 'KEEP NURSES NURSING - Improve Nurses' Conditions' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, industrial action, strike action, unionism, badges, nurses, buttons, pins, campaigning, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation/Western Hospital delegate/member badge, [1990s-2000s?]
Button distributed to and worn amongst Australian Nursing Federation members employed at Western Hospital (now Footscray Hospital). Possibly worn only by delegates/union representatives at this workplace, and/or celebrating 45 years of the Western Hospital (this occurred in 1998). The Western Hospital changed its name to Footscray Hospital in July 2014 and is located at 160 Gordon St, Footscray, Victoria, Australia.Circular orange/red badge with blue writing and logo. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'ANF at the Western Hospital' the number '45' and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo.nursing, nurses, badges, buttons, pins, western hospital, western health, footscray hospital, melbourne, victoria -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Customised Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right). (Unknown) former owner of badge has written a 'DE' and 'd' with black permanent marker on the badge to spell 'Don't ask me, I'm a degraded nurse'.Circular white and blue plastic badge, customised with black permanent marker. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Don't ask me, I'm a Grade 1 nurse' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.Former owner of badge has written a 'DE' and 'd' with black permanent marker on the badge to spell 'Don't ask me, I'm a degraded nurse'.nursing, industrial action, nurses, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The title for a 'Grade 1' nurse is now a 'Division 1' or (more commonly) 'Registered Nurse'. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right).Circular blue and white plastic button. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Button printed with 'Don't ask me, I'm a Grade 1 nurse' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, industrial action, nurses, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation keyring, [1989-1995?]
Merchandise from the Australian Nursing Federation, given/sold to union members and staff. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation became the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) in 1989, and phone numbers in Melbourne changed from the 7 digit format to an 8 digit format in May 1995, suggesting this keyring is from the early 1990s.Square plastic keyring. Keyring is printed on both sides, with the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo on one side and 'ANF ... Maximising the influence of nurses.' on the other, as well as phone and fax numbers for the Victorian Branch.Plastic and paper are both discoloured. Text is slightly faded.nursing, australian nursing federation, lobbying, nurses, victoria, unions, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1980s?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s.Circular black and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with an illustration of patients, a triangle design and with the words 'PROFESSIONAL', 'PRACTICE', 'STANDARDS', 'CARE' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation]'.nursing, nurses, unionism, royal australian nursing federation, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, lobbying, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The title for a 'Grade 1' nurse is now a 'Division 1' or (more commonly) 'Registered Nurse'. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right).Circular white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Don't ask me, I'm a Grade 1 nurse' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, trade unions, labour history, royal australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, probably during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. Irene Bolger was elected Secretary of the Victorian Branch of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation from May 1986 to 1989. Renowned for her leadership during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike, she later became a barrister, primarily representing underprivileged clients. This badge was likely worn by members supporting Bolger's militant and divisive position on the strike.Round white and red plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Irene Bolger's Nurses Liberation Front'.nurse, nursing, nurses, industrial action, irene bolger, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigns, campaigning, trade unions, labour history, 1986 victorian nurses strike, royal australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The text on the button, 'I SUPPORT R.A.N.F.' suggests that this badge was also distributed to members of the union movement and broader public to build community support for industrial action taken by nurses. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s.Circular red and white plastic button. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Button printed with 'I SUPPORT R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation]' and 'R.A.N.F. Vic. [Victoria]'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, community, unionism, trade unions, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, labour history, royal australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, probably during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. The 'White' in 'WHITE LIES' refers to David Ronald White, who was a state M.P. and the Victorian Minister for Health from 1985-1989. David White regularly featured in Branch newsletters around the time of the strike, and was regularly portrayed as a magician, skilled in 'white magic' that made 'nurses wages disappear'. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s.Circular blue and white plastic button. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Button printed with 'WHITE LIES = WAGE CASUALTIES' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victoria]'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, david white, health minister, badges, victoria, buttons, pins, campaigning, protest, trade unions, labour history -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1980s?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved workloads and wages in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. During the 1970s and 1980s, the state of Victoria had an acute nursing shortage, and patient workloads were unsafe. Throughout the 1980s, Victorian nurses took drastic industrial action to improve wages and conditions, culminating in the historic 50-day strike in 1986. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s.Circular white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation]' and 'Vic. [Victorian] Branch', as well as the text 'Overworked Nurses = Undercared Patients'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, trade unions, labour history, royal australian nursing federation, victoria, 1980s -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, 1995
Badge used during Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) campaigning in 1994-1995. The September 1994 ANF Victorian Branch newsletter, On The Record (OTR), includes an article reporting on the Branch's pursuit of a 8% wage increase for members. In this article, Belinda Morieson, Vic. Branch Secretary stated “this claim is fair and responsible. We are not asking for any more than to have our national professional pay rates respected”. The campaign continued into 1995. The April 1995 issue of OTR had an article titled, “[then Victorian Premier Jeff] Kennett Must Act on Nurses 8% Pay Claim”. It states, “the claim for an eight per cent wage increase is moving forward following the success of the industrial action taken by ANF members across the state”. A picture of this badge is included in the article. The ‘Nurses: Worth Every Cent of 8%’ campaign appeared to draw to a close between July 1995 and the end of 1995. An article from the August 1995 OTR entitled “Your 8%: Slow, But Moving” details the proceedings of the ANF’s claim. This historical information places the date of the badge's production and circulation as 1995.Circular red, white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'PROTECT NATION RATES' and 'NURSES WORTH EVERY CENT OF 8%'.nursing, wages, nurses, unionism, trade unions, campaigning, labour history, 1990s, australian nursing federation, buttons, badges, pins -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation ratios campaign badge, 2003
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members and staff as part of a 2003-2004 campaign to secure minimum nurse staffing in the public healthcare sector. The '5-4-20' denotes a minimum of five nurses for twenty patients in a general medical or surgical ward. During this period, staffing ratios were secured as part of bargaining negotiations between unions and employer groups. After decades of campaigning from the ANF/ANMF, ratios were legislated for the public sector in Victoria with the passing of the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient) Bill in 2015. This campaign was featured in ANF Victorian Branch newsletters from late 2003 to early 2004. Entitled the '5-4-20 campaign', it was officially launched on 19 November 2003. Advertisements and shirts from the time featured the slogan, '5 nurses for 20 patients. Nothing less!' along with the ANF logo and illustrations by The Age cartoonist Ron Tandberg. The campaign was to promote the role of minimum nurse to patient ratios in ensuring patient safety and encouraging nurse recruitment and retention.Circular yellow, blue and red badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with '5-4-20' and a blue and red triangle design.nursing, ratios, workforce, staffing, nurses, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, trade unions, labour history, safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios) act 2015, australian nursing federation, victoria, enterprise bargaining -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. 'Charge Nurse' refers to a Nurse Manager, and is less commonly used in Australia presently (it is still widely used in North America). The badge's message aims to inform the public that highly experienced and skilled nurses are leaving the profession due to inadequate wages and poor working conditions. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right).Circular white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'I used to be a Charge Nurse' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, trade unions, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, labour history, royal australian nursing federation, victoria, australia -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation strike remembrance badge, [1986-1989]
Distributed to nurses who took part in campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, particularly those involved in the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. In October 1986, Victorian nurses began their longest strike after the failure of repeated talks with the health minister David White who was committed to reducing the classification and pay of almost half of Victoria’s nurses. Skeleton staff were left in the wards while picket lines, tents and caravans were set up outside hospitals in both metropolitan and regional Victoria. After 50 days of industrial action, Victorian nurses voted to return to work on 20 December 1986. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, and the strike concluded in December 1986, suggesting this badge was produced sometime between 1987 and 1989.Circular red and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'I FOUGHT NURSES STRIKE 1986' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, trade unions, labour history, royal australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1986?]
Distributed to nurses during campaigning for improved wages and working conditions in the 1980s, possibly during the historic 1986 Victorian 50-day nurses strike. In October 1986, Victorian nurses began their longest strike after the failure of repeated talks with the health minister David White who was committed to reducing the classification and pay of almost half of Victoria’s nurses. Skeleton staff were left in the wards while picket lines, tents and caravans were set up outside hospitals in both metropolitan and regional Victoria. After 50 days of industrial action, Victorian nurses voted to return to work on 20 December 1986. The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the late 1980s. Similar to the badges worn in this photo [] from 1986 (see individual on the far right).This badge is of historic significance as it represents nurses' struggle for industrial and professional status. This struggle was made particularly visible through the 1986 Victorian nurses' strike, which had great impact on the way Australian society viewed nurses and working women (Bessant, 1992).Circular white and red plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Nurses DO dare to Struggle' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.nursing, nurses, industrial action, strike action, unionism, trade unions, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, 1986 victorian nurses strike, labour history, royal australian nursing federation, victoria, australia -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation 'Proud to be a nurse' badge, [2006?]
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members. The ANF has been campaigning for greater professional recognition of nurses since its inception as the Victorian Trained Nurses’ Association in 1901. The front cover of the July 2006 issue of the Victorian Branch newsletter 'On the Record' features a nurse wearing a sticker with a similar design as this badge, suggesting it was manufactured and distributed around this time.Circular blue, green and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Proud to be a NURSE' and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo.nursing, unionism, professional identity, nurses, lobbying, badges, buttons, pins, trade unions, labour history, australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Royal Australian Nursing Federation student nurse pin, [1980s?]
Pin given to, and worn by, student nurse members of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation (R.A.N.F.). This badge is likely from a period when nursing education was moving from hospital-based training to tertiary settings. A 2013 report from the Federal Department of Health provides this following overview of nursing education: "during the mid-1980s, nursing education commenced a period of change from being hospital-based to being conducted in tertiary settings, with practical clinical experience components. By 1993, all registered nursing students in Australia were entering the profession via the university education pathway". The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this button is from the 1980s.Oval-shaped green, red and gold pin. pin printed with 'R.A.N.F.' [Royal Australian Nursing Federation], 'STUDENT NURSE UNIT', and the acronym 'SNU' in the shape of Australia.nursing, nurses, students, education, badges, pins, nursing history, royal australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation ratios campaign badge, 2001
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members and staff as part of a campaign to secure minimum nurse staffing in the public healthcare sector. This badge was accompanied by a booklet 'Nursing the system back to health : Nurse patient ratios 2001', published in April 2002. The booklet describes some of the rationale for minimum staffing ratios and developments in 2000-2001 regarding campaigning for ratios, particular the landmark decision of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in 2000 that saw the ANF securing the world's first mandated minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. After decades of campaigning from the ANF/ANMF, ratios were legislated for the public sector in Victoria with the passing of the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient) Bill in 2015. The web address on the badge was active from 1999 to 2004, and the shortcut '' was active from April 2001, suggesting this badge dates from 2001.Circular yellow, blue and white badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with a blue and white ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo, the text 'Nurses Nursing the system back to health' and the (then) website of the ANF (Victorian Branch), ''.nursing, ratios, workforce, staffing, nurses, unionism, badges, buttons, pins, campaigning, trade unions, labour history, safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios) act 2015, australian nursing federation, victoria, enterprise bargaining -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation aged care campaign badge, 2001
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members. The ANF has been campaigning for more funding and qualified nurses to improve the quality of aged care for the past several decades, and continues to do so. This particular badge is from a 2001 campaign in the lead up to a November 2001 Australian federal election. The campaign called on the government and opposition to make commitments to around aged care staffing and funding. Branch newsletters from late 2001 focused on aged care staff shortages & under-funding, with placards from rallies featuring slogans such as 'Aged care nurses. We care. Do you?' and 'Aged care. Who care? We care'. Therefore, it is believed that this badge was manufactured and distributed from August to December 2001.Circular orange and dark blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'Aged Care. Who Cares? I care.' and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo. 'I Care.' is underlined.nursing, nurses, unionism, aged care, lobbying, 2001 federal election, funding, badges, buttons, pins, trade unions, labour history, staffing, workforce, patient care -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation OH&S campaign badge, [1998-2009]
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members to promote safe movement of patients to reduce workplace injury. The Australian Nursing Federation Victorian Branch implemented the 'No Lifting' (now 'safe patient handling') policy in March 1998. The aim of the policy was to introduce in Victorian healthcare settings an approach to patient handling whereby the manual lifting of patients would be eliminated or minimised wherever possible. This Branch policy and strategies to implement it were a response to high incidence of back pain and workplace injury amongst nurses. The 'No Lifting' policy was accompanied by various conferences and expos to discuss harm minimisation strategies throughout 1998-2009, suggesting this badge is from this period.Circular red, black and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'I am a No Lifting Nurse', 'Caring for you' and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo.nurses, nursing, back injuries, occupational health and safety, patient handling, trade unions, professional bodies, workplace injury, accident prevention, badges, buttons, pins, changing healthcare practice, australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, 2007
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members during the bargaining process for Victorian nurses' wages and conditions in 2007. Enterprise bargaining is the process of negotiation generally between the employer and employees (often represented by a trade union, professional association or other bargaining representative) with the goal of making an enterprise agreement stipulating the wages and conditions of work. The 2007 public sector campaign entitled 'Fund nursing properly for a better state of health' involved the ANF bargaining for members employed in the public acute and aged care sector, public psychiatric services, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service and the Royal District Nursing Service. The 2007 campaign focused on improved workloads and skill mix and a minimum 18 per cent wage increase to address the wage disparity between Victorian nurses and nurses working in other Australian states.Circular red, white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'FUND NURSING PROPERLY FOR A BETTER STATE OF HEALTH', 'EBA 07' [enterprise bargaining agreement 2007] and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] website address of the time (, nurses, unionism, trade unions, enterprise bargaining, badges, buttons, pins, staffing, wages, workforce, labour history, australian nursing federation, victoria, campaigning -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation Victorian Branch 'Jeff Kennett' protest badge, [1993?]
Badge campaigning against the Victorian Liberal government's widespread privatisation of the public health service (and other public services) in the 1990s, which resulted in job cuts and site closures throughout the state. The Australian Nursing Federation, the union representing nurses in Victoria, was a strong opponent of these cuts and closures, that resulted in pressure applied on an already overstretched and poorly resourced group of workers. "In a context of high unemployment and an ideological commitment to small government, there were widespread job losses and people affixed stickers to their cars saying 'I've been Jeffed', i.e. made redundant. The cuts were not confined to government employees and many staff of private enterprises also lost their jobs. This was the era of the 'consulting poor' as professional staff struggled to make a living as independent consultants, rather than employees. They were well paid for short term contracts, but continuity of work was hard to find." (Sally Wilde, 'The History of Prahran 1990-1994', 2000)Circular blue, red and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'I've been 'Jeffed' and I'm paying the Penalty!' and 'ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] VIC. [Victorian] BRANCH'. 'Jeffed' refers to the then Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett (1992-1999).nursing, nurses, victoria, jeff kennett, 1990s, badges, buttons, pins, trade unions, labour history, protest, rationalisation, australia, politics, privatisation, australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation WorkChoices protest badge, 2006
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members and staff as part of a 2006 campaign protesting the controversial 'WorkChoices' federal industrial relations laws that were introduced by the Liberal John Howard government in 2005-2007. These laws saw the weakening of unfair dismissal laws, giving employers significantly more powers to strip existing rights and wages away. The laws were repealed following the election of an opposition Labor government in 2007 under Kevin Rudd. The 'Howard Target Nurses' campaign was featured in ANF Victorian Branch newsletters around late 2006. During this period, a number of enterprising bargaining agreements were set to soon expire, leaving nurses vulnerable to have rights stripped away under the new IR legislation. A large campaign began, with rallies across the state of Victoria. The August 2006 Branch newsletter featured images of the Tandberg 'Howard targets nurses' design on placards, shirts and badges worn by nurses at these rallies. The illustration by The Age cartoonist Ron Tandberg made reference to John Howard's involvement in wars in the Middle East throughout the early 2000s, and linked this to the 'war' on unions and worker rights.Circular yellow, red and white badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with a blue and white ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo, the black text '[then-Prime Minister John] Howard targets nurses' and a Ron Tandberg cartoon of a nurse with a 'sniper target' overlay.nursing, nurses, protest, campaign, activism, activists, unions, unionism, buttons, badges, pins, campaigning, john howard, ron tandberg, labour history, australian nursing federation, workchoices, workplace relations, industrial relations