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Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, Ingles Street, Dec 2013
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken in Dec 2013.Series 1 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield as he walked around the perimeter of the J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd factory site during the early demolition of most of the buildings. .16-.30- from Munro St along Ingles Street to Woodruff Streetindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, business and traders - soaps/candles, demolitions, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, symex holdings ltd, north port oval, port melbourne cricket and football oval -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, Woodruff Street, Dec 2013
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken in Dec 2013.Series 1 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield as he walked around the perimeter of the J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd factory site during the early demolition of most of the buildings. .31-.36 - looking into the factory site from Woodruff Streetindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, business and traders - soaps/candles, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, symex holdings ltd, north port oval, port melbourne cricket and football oval -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, Boundary Street, Dec 2013
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken in Dec 2013.Series 1 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield as he walked around the perimeter of the J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd factory site during the early demolition of most of the buildings. .37-.45 - along Boundary Street past White Street to Normanby Roadindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, business and traders - soaps/candles, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, symex holdings ltd, north port oval, port melbourne cricket and football oval -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, north corner Ingles and Woodruff Streets, Dec 2013
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken in Dec 2013.Series 1 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield as he walked around the perimeter of the J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd factory site during the early demolition of most of the buildings. .46-.54- warehouse on North corner of Ingles and Woodruff streetsindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, business and traders - soaps/candles, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, symex holdings ltd, north port oval, port melbourne cricket and football oval -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, from North Port Oval, Dec 2013
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken in Dec 2013.Series 1 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield as he walked around the perimeter of the J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd factory site during the early demolition of most of the buildings. .55-.60 - panorama looking towards Kitchens (city views behind) from Port Melbourne football groundindustry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, business and traders - soaps/candles, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, symex holdings ltd, north port oval, port melbourne cricket and football oval -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Demolition, J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, Jul 2014
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken July 2014.Series 3 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield again walking around the perimeter of J Kitchen and Sons during demolition (later than series 2) . In particular the photographs show the weighbridge, as it was still functioning for the demolition trucks. Details of the interior refer to the weighbridge scales, security and customs associated functions.industry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, transport - motor vehicles, j kitchen & sons pty ltd -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Demolition, J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, Jul 2014
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken July 2014.Series 4 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield again walking around the perimeter of J Kitchen and Sons during demolition (later than series 3) .industry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, demolitions, j kitchen & sons pty ltd -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Cr D Lane 1911-12,17-18, 29-30
Councillor Lane carried on agricultural farming activities at Killarney on part of the Special Survey. His last term as president was during the Great Depression of the late 1920’s when there was a considerable amount of unemployment in the district Black and white portraitCr D Lane 1911-12,17-18, 29-30government, belfast, president, portrait, shire, council, municipal, local-government, d.lane -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Victoria Archaeological Survey, The Plenty Valley Corridor: the archaeological survey of Aboriginal sites / by Isabel Ellender 1989, 1989_
This archaeological survey of th Plenty Valley was conducted by Isabel Ellender in 1989 for the Ministry of Planning and Environment. The area studied is north of Greensborough to Whittlesea. A number of Aboriginal sites were identified and recommendations made for the future.103 p., illus., maps. Plastic spiral binding.plenty river, aboriginal heritage sites -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Award - Certificate of Service, F. W. Strahle, James Patten, 23-08-1907
This certificate acknowledges 21 years of service given by James Patten, one of the original 1859 Lifeboat Warrnambool as a boatman and bowman. At the time, all retiring Volunteer lifeboatmen were honoured with this award. It was made as a lithograph that was created by F. W. Strahle at the request of the Department of Lands & Survey, Melbourne, Victoria. During his time of service, James Patten was awarded a medal and certificate by the Royal Humane Society of Australasia for his bravery. Patten and his friend Joseph Lowe, who couldn't swim, were with their friend James Ferrier in a boat on the Hopkins River, Warrnambool, when their boat capsized. Ferrier made it to shore, and Patten tried unsuccessfully to hold onto Lowe and bring him to shore. The event occurred on 18th April 1890. The images on the Certificate show a collage of rescue events performed by the lifesavers; a shipwreck rescue in progress, lifeboat conveying five boatmen using two oars each, and a bowman standing at the bow, a linesman wearing a life jacket and holding a rescue line, a lifesaver ring with images of three sailing ships inside it, a shipwreck near shore, a woman and girl in shallow water, a rescue using a breeches buoy on the lifeline, two rescuers walking towards the survivor, rescue crew wearing waterproof clothing, a rocket machine with a pulley to bring the survivor in a breaches buoy to shore, and a rescue crew member holding a flare. Volunteers at the time received a small payment, or 'retainer'', for their practices and a payment of gratitude for the rescues they attended. Across the years between 1856 to 1979 the combined service in Victoria saved 260 lives. Amazingly, some of the volunteers could not even swim.This certificate shows the State and Local Government's appreciation for the years of service spent by in the endeavour to save lives in peril in and on the local waters in the early 20th Century. The lithographed design depicts the many skills and services performed by the lifesavers of the era.Certificate of Service, unframed, awarded to James Patten on 23rd August 1907, recognising his 21 years of service with the original Warrnambool Life Boat Service as a Boatman and Bowman. Certificate is on rectangular, cream paper, lithographed design, printed and handwritten. Letterhead with the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom and a French motto. Images depict lifesaving crew, lifeboat, rescue equipment and a rescue in progress. The border is waves inside of frame of looped rope. Signatures of Commissioner of Public Works, Secretary of Public Works, and Engineer in charge of Ports and Harbours, Melbourne. Printed from a lithograph produced by F.W. Strahle on 23rd June 1907.MOTTO: "Dieu Droit Et Mon, Ni Soit Qui Mal y" TREXT: "Certificate granted to James Patten as a mark of appreciation of his esteemed services of 21 years as Boatman and Bowman connected with the Departmental Life-Boat service at Warrnambool - dated the 23rd day of August 1907." SIGNATURES: [Commissioner of Public Works], [Secretary of Public Works], [Engineer in charge of Ports and Harbours Melbourne] "Lithographed at the Dept of Lands & Survey - Melb/ by F.W. Strahle, 23.6.07"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, james patten, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue, bravery, drowning, joseph lowe, james ferrier, hopkins river, boat accident, certificate of service, 1890, 1907, bowman, boatman, departmental life-boat service, life-boat service, lifeboat service, august 1907, commissioner of public works, public works, ports and harbours melbourne, lands & survey melbourne, f w strahle, lithograph, 1856-1979, 260 lives saved, victorian volunteers, lifeboatmen, retired lifeboatmen -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Report, 8 pages, on the geology of Bendigo district and Victoria Hill, produced by the Geological Survey Dept., Victorian Government. G.J. Medwell, Geologist. 19.10.1967. On front 'Geological Survey of Victoria. Mines Department Victoria. Report on Geology of Bendigo and of Victoria Hill Area' Letter attached inside front cover to J.C.Balfour, Minister of Mines to G.A. Lambert, Liberal Party, Sunshine, Victoria, sent with book for his information. Report contains: Cobaw batholith and North Harcourt Bendigo goldfield generally Trought, reefs, saddles and spurs Victoria Hill mines; Victoria Consols, Great Central Victoria, Victoria Quartz, Lansells 180, North Old Chum. Maps attached show part of New Chum line of reef and a handdrawn map of Rae's Cutting.bendigo, mining, victoria hill, bendigo goldfield -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Longitudinal Section of the Great Extended Hustler's Mine on the Hustler's Line of Reefs. Bulletin No 33, Plate No XIII. Map shows the Hustler's Tribute, 2 Old Shafts, Great Extended Hustler's Shaft, Latham & Watson's Shaft and Ironbark Gully. Datum Line 750 feet above Sea Level. Poppet Legs on the surface and Sill of Shaft 788.99 feet above Sea Level. Levels and their depths are shown and some geographical features. Some amounts of gold mined mentioned. Geological Survey of Victoria emblem and signed by H A Whitelaw, Underground Survey Office Bendigo, September 1913. Note - Plates 4, 8, 13,20, 26 & 31 form a Longitudinal Section from Fortuna Hustlers to Hustler's Consols Mine. This item has not been scanned or photographed.mining, parish map, great extended hustler's mine, longitudinal section of the great extended hustler's mine, geological survey of victoria, underground survey office bendigo, h a whitelaw, hustler's tribute, old shaft, great extended hustler's shaft, latham & watson's shaft, ironbark gully -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Plan of the Hustler's Royal Reserve No 2 Mine Bulletin No 33, Plate No V. Plan shows the Hustler's Royal Reserve No 2 (Main Shaft), Hustler's Royal Reserve No 2 (Park Shaft.), the Royal Hustler's, the Imperial Hustler's and the Extended Hustler's Freehold on the Hustler's Line of Reefs. Also mentioned is the Lightning Hill Line of Reefs. Map shows some of the levels, approximate boundary of lease and the boundary of Lease No 8892 and 8897. There are also street names and the locations of jail, lagoons, Post Office, Rosalind Park and the State School, High School and Continuation School. Geological Survey of Victoria emblem. H. Herman Director, W. Dickson, Secretary of Mines and The Hon. J. Drysdale Brown MLC, Minister of Mines. Signed by zh Whitdan, Underground Survey Office, Bendigo, September 1913.mining, parish map, hustler's royal reserve no 2 mine, plan of the hustler's royal reserve no 2 mine, hustler's royal reserve no 2 (main shaft), hustler's royal reserve no 2 (park shaft), royal hustler's, imperial hustler's, extended hustler's freehold, geological survey of victoria, h herman, w dickson, the hon j drysdale brown, h whitdan, hustler's line of reefs, lightning hill line of reefs -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Plan of the United Hustler's & Redan & K. K. Mines Bulletin No 33 Plate No XXXI. Shows depth of levels, Probable positions of reefs and natural surface with the poppet legs at the two shafts. Sill of shaft of the K. K. Mine 773.56 ft above Sea Level and sill of shaft of the United Hustler's & Redan Mine 745.62 above Sea Level. Also mentioned is the average amount of gold obtained per ton. Note on the top of page - Plates 4, 8, 13, 20, 26 & 31 form a Longitudinal Section from Fortuna Hustler's to Hustler's Consols Mine. Geological Survey of Victoria emblem and signed by H S Whitelaw, Underground Survey Office, Bendigo, September 1913. This item has not been scanned or photographed.mining, parish map, united hustler's & redan & k. k. mines, plan of the united hustler's & redan & k. k. mines, geological survey of victoria, h s whitelaw, underground survey office bendigo -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works : Borough of Kew : Detail Plan No.1561, 1905
The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) plans were produced from the 1890s to the 1950s. They were crucial to the design and development of Melbourne's sewerage and drainage system. The plans, at a scale of 40 feet to 1 inch (1:480), provide a detailed historical record of Melbourne streetscapes and environmental features. Each plan covers one or two street blocks (roughly six streets), showing details of buildings, including garden layouts and ownership boundaries, and features such as laneways, drains, bridges, parks, municipal boundaries and other prominent landmarks as they existed at the time each plan was produced. (Source: State Library of Victoria). This plan forms part of a large group of MMBW plans and maps that was donated to the Society by Mr Poulter, City Engineer of the City of Kew in 1989. Within this collection, thirty-five hand-coloured plans, backed with linen, are of statewide significance as they include annotations that provide details of construction materials used in buildings in the first decade of the 20th century as well as additional information about land ownership and usage. The copies in the Public Record Office Victoria and the State Library of Victoria are monochrome versions which do not denote building materials so that the maps in this collection are invaluable and unique tools for researchers and heritage consultants. A number of the plans are not held in the collection of the State Library of Victoria so they have the additional attribute of rarity.Original survey plan, issued by the MMBW to a contractor with responsibility for constructing sewers in the area identified on the plan within the Borough of Kew. The plan was at some stage hand-coloured, possibly by the contractor, but more likely by officers working in the Engineering Department of the Borough and later Town, then City of Kew. The hand-coloured sections of buildings on the plan were used to denote masonry or brick constructions (pink), weatherboard constructions (yellow), and public buildings (grey). MMBW Detail Plan 1561 outlines those residences in the area bordered by Burke Road, Loxton Street, Mount Street and Barkers Road that had been constructed by 1905 when the land was surveyed. At this time, the area nearest Burke Road had been subdivided and developed whereas the lands to the west were as yet undeveloped. The houses represented are not named on the and metropolitan board of works, detail plans, mmbw 1561, cartography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Bones Day - Army Survey Regiment Versus RAAF School of Radio. Fortuna, Bendigo, c1982
These four photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo c1982. The two units took turns each year to host the event. The day competition usually comprised basketball, cross country, golf, sailing, squash, softball, tennis, touch football, rifle shooting, tug-of-war and volleyball. The two sports featuring in these photos are touch football and tug-of-war. The “big bone” trophy comprising a large bone from a beast housed inside a wooden framed glass case, was awarded to the winner of the day competition. The evening competition often included darts, carpet bowls, hookey, quoits and billiards/snooker. The “little bone” (a mounted chicken bone) was the consolation trophy awarded to the winner of the evening competition. The 3-hour bus trip for the visiting unit on their return was typically very raucous. The history of the Bones Day competition is best described in the booklet titled - Bones of Contention Souvenir Program. 1965. Refer to Item 6267.These four photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo c1982. The photographs are on 35mm negative film. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographic negatives were scanned at 96 dpi. There are additional photos in this set that have not been scanned due to poor quality or low historical value. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Touch Football Team Back Row L to R: Brian Fauth, Bruce Bowers, Bob Mason, Paul Baker, Danny Galbraith, John Hook, Scott Payne. Front Row L to R: Roy Hicks, Peter Imeson, Alan Glanville, John Gilbert, Wally Chilcott. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team Back Row L to R: Cliff Webb, Peter Treble, John Lane, Andy Wilson, Rick Warren, Rusty Williams, Brian Paul. Front Row L to R: Brian Fauth, Rick Downie, unidentified, Ken Slater, Rhys De Laine, John Smith, unidentified. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team L to R: Peter Treble, Brian Paul, Rusty Williams, Rhys De Laine, unidentified (2), John Smith. Army personnel in background standing L to R: Rick van der Bom, Paul Hopes, Ian Nelson, Mick Dempster, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Geoff Havelberg, John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, Bruce Gordon, Dan Cirsky, Neil Jones, Gerry Gates, Peter Main, Bob Thrower, Barry Miller, Gill Park. Army personnel in background seated L to R: Roger Pearson, Mick Gillham, Penny Knott, Leanne Shirley. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team L to R: Rick Warren, Cliff Webb, Andy Wilson, Peter Treble, Brian Paul, Rusty Williams, Rhys De Laine, unidentified. Army personnel in background standing L to R: Rick van der Bom, Ian Nelson, Mick Dempster. .1P to .4P – No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, raaf school of radio, bones day -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Group Photos, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1990
This is a set of 15 photographs of personnel posted to Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, on the 1st of October 1990. These informal and formal group photos were taken on the day of a CO’s Parade. It is not known why sunglasses were worn at the Squadron parade outside the Litho huts. Photos of the other three Squadrons, the Officers, and Warrant Officers/Sergeants from this set of negatives are catalogued in item 6440.11P. This is a set of 15 photographs of personnel posted to Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, on the 1st of October 1990. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) &.2) - Photo, black & white, 1990. OC MAJ Bob Coote. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Front rank L to R: SPR Ken Labouchardiere, SPR Doug Whiteside, SPR Mark McCullogh. Centre rank L to R: SPR Andrew Woodman. Rear rank L to R: CPL Geoff Webb, CPL Daryl South. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Front rank L to R: SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT Brian Paul, unidentified, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, SPR Doug Whiteside, Centre rank L to R: SPR Graeme Spong, SPR Andrew Woodman. Rear rank L to R: SGT Steve Burke, CPL Geoff Webb. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1990. WO1 Trevor Osborne. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1990. LCPL Damien Cole. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1990. L to R: WO2 Rhys De Laine, WO2 Steve Egan, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, WO2 Rob Bogumil, WO1 Bill Jones. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1990. L to R: SPR Shane ‘Smily’ Campbell, SPR Andrew Woodman, CPL Daryl South. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1990. LT Greg Tolcher. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1990. SGT Steve Burke. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Lithographic Squadron: Back row L to R: SPR Ross Anza, SGT Brian Fauth, unidentified, SPR Andrew Arman, SGT Gary Kerr, SPR Doug Whiteside, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Roy Hicks, SPR Shane ‘Smily’ Campbell, SPR Graeme Spong. Jones. 3rd row L to R: SSGT Garry Drummond, SGT Kim Reynolds, unidentified, SGT Brian Paul, CPL Gavin Mclean, SPR Mark McCullogh, CPL Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirley, CPL Geoff Webb, SPR Gary Lord, SSGT Di Chalmers, CPL Peter Dillon, LCPL Damien Cole, SGT Steve Burke. 2nd row L to R: SSGT Peter Imeson, SPR Gary Sievers, unidentified, CPL Daryl South, SPR Greg Howell, SPR Janet Murray, SPR Michelle Withers, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, SPR John Bragg, SPR Andrew Morrison-Evans, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, CPL Trevor King. Front row L to R: WO2 Steve Egan, WO1 Trevor Osborne, LT Greg Tolcher, WO2 Rob Bogumil (standing), OC MAJ Bob Coote, LT Marty Lyons, WO2 Rhys De Laine, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, WO2 Jeff Willey. .12) & .13) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Lithographic Squadron: Back row L to R: SPR Ross Anza, SGT Brian Fauth, unidentified, SPR Andrew Arman, SGT Gary Kerr, SPR Doug Whiteside, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, CPL Peter Swandale, CPL Roy Hicks, SPR Shane ‘Smily’ Campbell, SPR Graeme Spong. Jones. 3rd row L to R: SSGT Garry Drummond, SGT Kim Reynolds, unidentified, SGT Brian Paul, CPL Gavin Mclean, SPR Mark McCullogh, CPL Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirley, CPL Geoff Webb, SPR Gary Lord, SSGT Di Chalmers, CPL Peter Dillon, LCPL Damien Cole, SGT Steve Burke. 2nd row L to R: SSGT Peter Imeson, SPR Gary Sievers, unidentified, CPL Daryl South, SPR Greg Howell, SPR Janet Murray, SPR Michelle Withers, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, SPR John Bragg, SPR Andrew Morrison-Evans, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, CPL Trevor King. Front row L to R: WO2 Steve Egan, WO1 Trevor Osborne, LT Greg Tolcher, WO2 Rob Bogumil, OC MAJ Bob Coote, LT Marty Lyons, WO1 Bill Jones, WO2 Rhys De Laine, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, WO2 Jeff Willey. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1990. L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, unidentified, OC MAJ Bob Coote, CPL Daryl South, unidentified (x3), CPL Roy Hicks, SSGT Di Chalmers, WO2 Jeff Willey, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, SPR Ken Labouchardiere, WO2 Rhys De Laine. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1990. L to R: SPR Greg Howell, SPR Gary Sievers, unidentified, SPR Ross Anza, unidentified (x4), SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, SPR Doug Whiteside, SGT Brian Paul, unidentified (x7), WO2 Jeff Willey, unidentified, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, WO2 Rhys De Laine, SPR Shane ‘Smily’ Campbell..1P to .15P – no annotationsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Automatic Level - Cowley
Used in the Kiewa Valley to measure the height of distant points relative to a known point used in surveying and construction. The older levels consist of a telescope fitted with a spirit level and, are generally, mounted on a tripod. Modern levels are automatic.This Cowley automatic level was used in the Kiewa Valley by a Mount Beauty resident."The Cowley" Automatic Level. Automatic Level made of metal with black leather carry strap. Metal plaque with black background fixed with four nails "Cowley Automatic Level. Made in Australia". Stamped under the plaque are numbers 80950. A sticker above the plaque in red print "Warning level will not operate unless placed on tripod." A silver sticker on top of the unit "It is unnecessary to see a complete circle when finding level" it includes three diagrams to assist. Comes in the original cardboard box with instruction booklet. cowley tripod; surveying; kiewa valley -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, David Collins, A Gladness Found: A celebration of the Life and Work of those who attended Ballarat Teachers' College in 1949, 1994
Blue soft covered book with an image of the Ballarat Teachers' College class of 1949.The book is 235 pages and includes a biography of each member of the class of 1949, the schools graduates taught at, home towns, families, statisticsnon-fictionballarat teachers' college, margaret bennett, david collins, don evans, peter fryar, wilma gardy, jack gervasoni, isobel mcmahon, mavis miller, margaret reynolds, catherine o'shannessy, wal wall, john hogan gervasoni, family history, genealogy, education, alumni -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Demolition, J Kitchen & Sons perimeter survey, May 2014
As the former j Kitchen & Sons site was being cleared, Lionel Layfield, who had worked at the site for many years undertook several pictorial perimeter surveys. These photos were taken c. May 2014.Series 2 of colour photographs taken by Lionel Layfield again walking around the perimeter of J Kitchen and Sons, but several months later than series 1, and so demolition has progressed. Many photos show bricks, bluestone and other salvage materials. Photos .10 and .11 include the old bomb shelter.industry - manufacturing, built environment - industrial, demolitions, j kitchen & sons pty ltd -
St Kilda Historical Society
Photograph, Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson was President of St Kilda Historical Society 2010-2015. The photograph was taken during a survey of St Kilda Park Primary School Tower, Fitzroy Street, St Kilda on 27/11/2001Colour photograph, unmountedst kilda park primary school, peter johnson, schools, st kilda historical society, skhs -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Newspaper - Clipping, Standard (Warrnambool, Victoria), Walter Burley Griffin, 16.10.1971
This article is about a Survey documentary on ABC-TV coming up on 22 October 1971 on the life and times of Walter Burley Griffin. It includes impressions by architects including Robin Boyd who assesses his work.Robin Boyd's name underlined in pencilwalsh st library -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Plan - Plan for a tide gauge house
An extract from the Board of Land and Works building estimates for 1858 shows an allocation of 500 Pounds for the construction of Tide Gauge Houses at various places. A copy of this plan was obtained from the Hydrographic Survey Office in Queenscliff. of a plan for a tide gauge house at Queenscliff 1858Clerk of works office Geelong 27 July 1858queenscliff, tide gauge house, plan -
Kilmore Historical Society
A survey and classification of the Statute Law, case law, procedure and practice applicable to Police Magistrates, Coroners, Justices of the Peace and special magistrates, and to Courts of Petty Sessions, Courts of general sessions, Coroner's Courts and Children's Courts.Grey-green cloth-bound hardcover book, faded spine and front cover, wear at corners. Minor insect damage inside front & back cover & flyleaves. Foxing back & front flyleaves. Structurally sound condition. 723 pp.Pencil inscription inside front cover, 'Received 16/10/24'.victorian, magistrate, kilmore court house library -
Bendigo Military Museum
Instrument - SLIDE RULE, 12inch, AW Faber Castell, Circa 1954
The slide rule was used for less accurate quick mathematical calculations. It was light weight and easy to use in the field. This slide rule was used by members of 4 Fd Svy Sqn circa 1960 for quick Survey calculations..1 12 Inch Slide Rule, multi-function Calculator .2 Protective box and carry case for Slide Rule. Green cardboard box.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
photograph - Fortuna - 1st Year of Army Occupation in Bendigo, 1942
This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The photos provide an insight into the preparatory work performed on the Fortuna Villa and surrounding buildings, by the Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot, before its occupation by personnel from LHQ Cartographic Company, Royal Australian Survey Corps. The annotation on the back of Photos .9P and .10P is misspelt. The correct spelling is ‘Nell Gwynne’. The poppet head of the Central Nell Gwynne mine is still an iconic landmark in Bendigo, lying just down the road from the poppet head lookout at Victoria Hill. The Central Nell Gwynne was the premier mine of Bendigo's 1930s mining revival and is of high historical value, due to the extensive and relatively intact features which remain at the site. The annotation on the back of Photo .17P is incorrect. The location of HQ 5th Army Troop was ‘Reynard St, Coburg.’ By late 1941 as Japan extended its control throughout Indo-China, resolving the accommodation problem of AHQ Cartographic Company located in Melbourne became more urgent. The steady Japanese advance made the bombing of Melbourne no longer a remote possibility, and in accordance with a general policy of dispersion, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Major General Sidney Rowell instructed Major William Sarll, in the interests of security of plant and to provide against possible damage of air attack, to investigate suitable safer inland accommodation for AHQ Cartographic Company. Major Sarll inspected many properties before finding one that would meet the requirements of the Cartographic Company. In late 1941, he came to inspect Fortuna, a rambling old mansion with about fifteen acres of ground in central Bendigo. Initially there was no intention to occupy the site beyond the end of the war, although Major Sarll's report to the Director of Survey noted many advantages in moving the Company to Bendigo. Major General Rowell quickly approved the selection of Fortuna before other authorities, which were investigating the evacuation of school children, could get in ahead of the Cartographic Company. On 23 March 1942, the Commonwealth of Australia, under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1939, took possession of the house, the old battery buildings and the fifteen acres of grounds. Under Warrant Officer J. Trist’s direction, over fifty Parks and Works tradesmen completed building works necessary to accommodate the Survey Corps’ military, map making and printing requirements. The building program was still under way when the first officer, Lieutenant Ralph Westgarth, arrived in May 1942 with the advance party which received and positioned all equipment as it came up from Melbourne in semi-trailers. Once the equipment was installed the rest of the Cartographic Company completed its shift to Bendigo by 11th June 1942. The first year of the Survey Corps’ occupation of Fortuna is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 17-22 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 17 photographs taken during the first year of Army Occupation at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1942. The black and white photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Bendigo Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna. L to R: Cliff Day, Ernie Arnold, Norm? .2) - Photo, black & white, 1942. “Don” - possibly SGT Don Sutcliffe. Fortuna, Bendigo. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen in garden at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Fred & Ernie. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Benny Jack Williams at Fortuna, Bendigo. Accommodation tents were erected above the lake, which later became the parade ground. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working dress - Giggle suits. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. L to R: Cliff and Harry on big roof. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Parks and Works tradesmen at Fortuna, Bendigo. Ted on big roof. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Gold crusher battery just behind Fortuna. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine from mullock heap at Victoria Hill near Fortuna, Bendigo. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Nell Gwynne Mine and crusher near Fortuna, Bendigo. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo taken from the far side of tennis courts. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo & its reflection from across the lake. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo from the fishpond. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Fortuna, Bendigo. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1942. First Fortuna Football Team at unknown location. L to R: 5th Bob Wright, 11th SGT Don Sutcliffe. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1942. Working Party from 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot at Fortuna, Bendigo.Some personnel are identified. Annotated with date within photos. .1) – Annotated on back ‘Cliff, Ernie, Norm, Dec ‘42. Cliff Day - dairy farmer, plasterers’ labourer. Ernie Arnold – hard plasterer. Norm? - QM Store for tools etc. QM Store was the Stables.’ .2) - Annotated on back ‘Don. Fortuna 1942’ .3) - Annotated on back ‘Fred & Ernie. Dec 1942. Carpenters. Note the state of the gardens.’ .4) - Annotated on back ‘Benny Jack Williams Fortuna Bendigo. Tents were erected where present day parade ground is above the lake.’ .5) - Annotated on back ‘Working dress - Giggle suits. June 42. Cliff and Harry on big roof. This photo was taken as the ventilating ridge was being installed on the building housing the printing machines. The machines were installed later by civilian labour when building was complete.’ .6) - Annotated on back ‘Ted on big roof Fortuna Bendigo.’ .7) - Annotated on back ‘Gold crusher battery – Bendigo for slay heap – 1942. 12 stamp battery. Just behind Fortuna. Was working at night when the “Army” came to Bendigo. Later removed to “Coolgardie - WA. Present site of Southern Cross TV.’ .8) - Annotated on back ‘Scene of Bendigo from Fortuna. June 1942.’ .9) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine from mullock heap (Victoria Hill) Sept 1942.’ .10) - Annotated on back ‘Nell Gwyne Mine and crusher September 1942.’ .11) - Annotated on back ‘Sluicing for gold at Eaglehawk. August 1942.’ .12) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Bendigo 1942. Taken from far side of tennis courts.’ .13) - Annotated on back ‘ “Fortuna” across the lake & reflection.’ .14) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna from fishpond June 1942.’ .15) - Annotated on back ‘Fortuna Dec 1942.’ .16) - Annotated on front ‘X’ x2. Annotated on back First Fortuna Football Team 1942‘Bob Wright’, ‘SGT Don Sutcliffe’. .17) - Annotated ‘Working Party at Fortuna before one of the drafts’, Working Party 5th Army Troop and Ordnance Training Depot Showgrounds, now the Sportsground Bendigo’, ‘HQ of 5th Army Troop was Reynards Rd, Coburg.’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, H. S. McComb, Bourke St to Nicholson St line, Brunswick East line, c1930
... Surveys ...Notes 10 pages, pinned together, giving details, opening dates, terminals, depot entries, sheave pits, curves, for the Bourke St to Nicholson St line, Brunswick East, including the connection into Spencer St. Includes 2 pages pinned together for the Gertrude, Smith St to Queens Parade line. Items 2064 to 2075 within box 72.3 in a brown folder marked "MT&O Co." red pencil on the front cover.trams, tramways, mto co, cable trams, drawings, reports, surveys, bourke st, nicholson st, gertrude st, smith st, queens parade -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, H. S. McComb, High St Dundas St terminal, Nicholson St line, c1930
... Surveys ...Single page sketch for the Wellington St, Fitzroy St, Esplanade to Acland St line, three pages of notes on the High St Dundas St terminal, Nicholson St line, Items 2064 to 2075 within box 72.3 in a brown folder marked "MT&O Co." red pencil on the front cover.trams, tramways, mto co, cable trams, drawings, reports, surveys, st kilda, acland st, the esplanade, wellington st, nicholson st -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, H. S. McComb, development and timing of the "PMTT" - part 5, 1950's
... Surveys ...Set of papers, handwritten concerning the development and timing of the "PMTT", Prahran and Malvern - about 20 sheets. Prepared by H. S. McComb - gives layout of the PMTT system, primarily of Burke Road, sketches of track layout, opening dates, sketches of various junctions, bridges, track miles, junctions, reconciliation of track lengths from various sources includes High St Malvern, extension to Punt Road, Dandenong Road, Wattle Tree Road, including its duplication Items 2041 to 2052 within box 72.3 in a brown folder marked "PMTT" in red pencil.trams, tramways, pmtt, malvern, routes, track, surveys, wattle tree rd, punt rd, dandenong rd, high st, duplications -
Orbost & District Historical Society
map/poster, Victorian Government Printer, 22.4.1926
The Department of Crown Lands and Survey was originally established in 1857 as part of the Board of Land and Works. In 1964 it ceased to be controlled by the Board. The Department functioned for almost twenty more years before being combined with other Ministries to form the Department of Conservation, Forests and Land. It was responsible for the management of the State's Crown land and pastoral estates. This map was used by Don Mehlert after 1928. The VERMIN AND NOXIOUS WEEDS ACT 1928 was an Act to consolidate the Law relating relating to Vermin and Noxious Weeds. E. J. E. G. Pemberton who published this poster was Superintendent of Field Staff, Dept. of Lands and Survey. This map and posters are significant records of early settlement history in Murrangower, between Cabbage Tree and Orbost,A paper map of Murrangower showing settlement subdivisions. This is glued onto the back of four overlapping cloth poster of "Notices of Vermin Destruction". All print is black."DON MEHLERT" in black pen. Pike's block shaded in blue. School site marked in blue pencil. on poster "MURRANGOWAR" along poster-vermin-and-noxious-weeds murrangower-settlement