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Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, George Leslie Rayment of Surrey Hills, AIF serviceman in WW1
George's grandfather was James Rayment Snr (1817-1890). He was born in Essex, England. He arrived in Melbourne aboard the “Bengal” in 1840. He married Jane McKnight on 12 March 1861. She died in 1871. James lived in South Melbourne until he married Elizabeth Brown in 1873. He moved to “Spenceycroft” at 654 Canterbury Road in 1880 - the property had a dairy. He moved to 85 Croydon Road, Surrey Hills (the house still stands) in 1886 but still ran the dairy. He moved back to South Melbourne and died there in 1890. His son James Rayment Jnr (1862-1916) was born in Emerald Hill. He married Harriet Ratten in 1882 and lived at 85-87 Croydon Rd Surrey Hills until 1914. He also owned properties at 70,72,81 and 83 Croydon Road. Harriet died in 1897. He married Victoria Benbow in 1898. In 1912 his occupation was fishmonger. In 1914 he moved to “The Wattles” at 95 Middlesex Road, Surrey Hills. In 1919 his wife Victoria owned lots 45,47,49,51,53,55 Durham Road. Surrey Hills. He died 1916 and Victoria died in 1939. James, the third, lived in Middlesex Road, Surrey Hills where he and his wife had a flower and vegetable farm. His brother was George Leslie Rayment (1894-1976), known as Les, the subject of this photo. He was born in Boroondarra. He lived at 85 Croydon Road, Surrey Hills. In 1914 he enlisted and served in the HQ staff 3rd Light Horse Brigade and was promoted to Staff Sergeant. In 1916 he was discharged for family reasons, those being that his father had died and there was no-one at home to support the family in Middlesex Road. In 1918 he married Grace Lewis at the Highfield Methodist Church. In 1919 they moved into “Clovelly”, 94 Durham Road, Surrey Hills. In 1927 his wife Grace died and in 1933 he married Celia Lewis. In 1936, with the help of his brother James, they built their new house at 14 Benwerrin Road, Surrey Hills. Celia died in 1967 and Les in 1976. Les had 2 children Dr Dulcie Grace Rayment and Norma Lesley Rayment. (Information courtesy of Mel Constable; Mel's wife is a Rayment descendant). Les' brother, James Arthur Rayment, was born in Balwyn in 1889. His A.I.F. record states - he joined on the 14 July 1915 to the 5th Field Company Engineers. His father was living in Middlesex Road, Surrey Hills at the time of his enlistment. He returned to Australia and was discharged on 22/7/1919. His occupation was carpenter; his religion, Methodist. He was 26 years and 2 months at enlistment and left Australia on 23/11/1915. James Arthur Rayment married Lilian Sarah Smith in 1920 (Ref: Victoria 1920/6780). REF: Mrs Dorothy Legg - James Rayment and his wife Elizabeth lived and farmed in Russell Street in the 1860s. The land was a dairy property and may have included some of the land later owned by the Presbyterian Church. Their sons James and Alex walked to the Balwyn State School. James married and lived at 'The Wattles' in Middlesex Road.Black and white photo of George Leslie Rayment in AIF uniform, standing with his hands behind his back. armed forces, world war, 1914 - 1918, clothing and dress, (mr) george leslie rayment, les rayment -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Object, Lorna Lodge, 2004
This board was constructed to provide information about the history of Lorna Lodge and to display some photographs and a newspaper cutting relating to this. The photographs are (clockwise): Photograph of Lorna Lodge on December 26, 1969 with a man standing outside and three children on the ramp leading to the front door. Photograph of Miss Elizabeth Skene, oldest member, at the 60th anniversary of the Barwon Heads auxiliary. Newspaper cutting: Ocean Grove News. Luncheon to help the blind. Ocean Grove has its fair share of fundraising groups. And the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Ocean Grove Auxiliary is up there with the most hardworking. Pictured at the auxiliary's recent meeting are president Lorna Walker, secretary Vera Montgomery and treasurer Grace Brown. Talking of fundraising, the auxiliary will hold a casserole luncheon at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club on Monday, June 6 at noon. Tickets are available at the door at $5. Photograph of 60th anniversary in 2002 of RVIB Barwon Heads Mrs Grace Brown President and Yvonne Conners of Geelong West with a cake marking the occasion. Photograph of Bonnie Cameron and Vera Montgomery, RVIB Members holding a picture of the boat shed at Barwon Heads. Photograph of RVIB Life Members Achievement Award, awarded in recognition of support from Barwon Heads Auxiliary. Presented by Governor of Victoria John Landy at Government House on March 26th, 2003. L-R: Lorraine Gleeson, Jill Smith, Bonnie Cameron, Alice Donally, Wyn O'Brian, Una Harding and Dawn White. Photograph of Mrs Lorna Walker. In 1979 a 7.2 sq holiday home on exhibition at the Melbourne Home Show was donated to the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind by Eureka Budget Homes Pty Ltd. The Ocean Grove - Barwon Heads Lions Club transported this home from Melbourne to it's present site in Barwon Heads, where since 1980, it was planned to be made available as a holiday home for the blind and visually impaired clients. Mr Keith Rikards the then president of Ocean Grove - Barwon Heads Lions Club and another member Mr John Van Den Eykel volunteered to carry out all maintenance. In 1942 Mrs Eric Russell formed an auxiliary for the blind in Barwon Heads and amongst these foundation members was Mrs Lorna Walker. Mrs Walker was married to the local butcher who also had trotting stables on their property. Of their two children, Nola and Barry, Nola had developed an eye problem, noted by Mrs Walker's friend Mrs Alberta Tutton, the then Victorian President of RVIB, with whom she met to play tennis with each week. Through this friendship Lorna became a valuable member of the RVIB and enjoyed 48 years with Barwon Heads, 18 of those years as President. Tragically killed in a car accident in 1990, the local auxiliary made the decision to name the holiday home 'Lorna Lodge', in memory of their hardworking member Mrs Lorna Walker. Today December 2004, The Barwon Heads RVIB Ladies give of their time to maintain this home and garden for the benefit of all visually impaired people.Image of board with photographs, text and newspaper cuttinglorna lodge, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A light green document titled "Bendigo Teachers' College Graduation Ceremony 1961". The front page also contains a list of the staff working at the college. They are Mr. S. H. Walters (Principal), Miss J. C. Burnett, Mrs. N. F. Fawdry, Mrs. F. M. Petri, Miss R. E. Manlein, Mrs. D.J. Andrew, Mrs. B. F. Hughes, Miss K. Alexander, Mrs. D. M. Philpott, Miss B. H. Cowling, Mrs. A. J. Coleman, Mr. W. D. Kolle, Mr. F. M. Courtis, Mr. D. A. Newbury, Mr. J. H. Masterton, Mr. C. L. Barker, Mr. T. J. McCabe, Mr. F. G. East, Mr. P. F. Fitzpatrick, Mr. D. O'Brien, Mr. W. J. F. Bernoth, Mr. R. L. Strauch, Mr. M. A. James, Mr. R. E. Wittman, Mr. C. F. Houston, Mr. J. R. R. McLeod, Mr. G. G. Woodfield and Mr. K. C. Coles. The inside cover contains the "Significance of the Ceremony" and "Order of the Ceremony". Mr. F. M. Courtis welcomed the visitors and the Principal read the College Charge. The 'Graduation Book' was presented to Mr. A. L. Harris, Inspector of Schools, by Miss J. C. Burnett. Mr. C. L. Barker presented the 1960-1961 T.P.T.C. graduates to the Principal and Mrs. N. F. Fawdry presented the 1959-1961 T.I.T.C. graduates. Congratulations were offered by the Mayor of Bendigo Cr. F. W. Clayton, J.P. the President of Strathfieldsaye Shire, Cr. G.T. Gleeson and Mr. C. Campbell Head Teacher and Golden Square State School. The Occasional address was presented by Mr. E.C. Kreiger the Assistant Chief Inspector of Primary Schools. The following page contains a list of "Students of 1959-1961 Trained Infant Teacher's Certificate" - Bronwyn Mary Anthony, Helen Rose Argall, Betty Gay Ashby, Edna Rose Attewell, Barbara Christine Bailey, Barbara Isabelle Banfield, Cathleen Mary Banko, Kathleen Margaret Beard, Barbara Anne Beck, Mavis Lynette Brock, Cecily Joan Callister, Kathleen Mary Comer, Alison Jane Currie, Nola Curtis, Margaret Ellen Dowd, Jenifer Lorraine Every, Margaret Jane Ewing, Marie Therese Farrell, Linsey Jean Ferguson, Margaret Esther Fisher, Jean Margaret Fraser, Margaret Ruth Hallett, Elsie Frances Hamilton, Janice Ann Hutchinson, Judith Anne Knopp, Jennifer Mary Ruth Layton, Evelyn Jeanette McKean, Pamela Margaret McMahon, Astrid Norma Magnusson, Jennifer Ann Major, Elaine Joy Maple, Margaret Mary Morrow, Maureen Agnes O'Brien, Geraldine Anne O'Connor, Wendy Nanette O'Neill, Pamela Elsie Parker, Margaret Parslow, Lynette Margaret Pearce, Diane Olive Pell, Gladys Pope, Denise Helen Margaret Potter, Yvonne Joy Puckey, Georgina Mary Rodda, Margaret Agnes Schmidt, Barbara Marion Dorothy Stanton, Rosemary-ann Tipple, Penelope Ann Wallace and Nola Vivienne Williamson. A copy of "Goethe's Nine Essentials for Contented Living" followed this list of students. The back page has a list of the "Students of 1960-1961 Trained Primary Teacher's Certificate" - Ian Roy Aitken, Laurence James Aitken, Daryl Lewis Allemand, Raymond Thomas Arthur, Allan John Attwood, Peter Donald Bavinton, Graham John Bayles, Barry John Cameron, Margaret Suesan Chapman, Elizabeth Rae Clark, Kenneth Clarence Collins, Gavin Ernest Collinson, Terrance Richard Cook, Alan James Daniel, Peter Charles Derrick, Retford John Reuben Dettmann, John William Dicker, Judith Margaret Edwards, Donald Bertram Elshaug, David Forrester, Rodney Robert Foy, Clare Denise Frigerio, Colin David Gaylard, Barry Alexander Gemmell, Anne Isobel Godward, Peter Rodney Goode, John Jefferson Goold, John James Goonan, Ann Merilyn Hamilton, Thelma Grace Hartland, Jennifer Iris Hartvigsen, Bernice Joy Holland, Christopher John Hunt, Marjorie Catherine Iddles, Colin James Jenkins, Darryl Allan Jobling, Marcia Lillette Johnson, Albert Jordon, Janet Laurel Kennedy, John Joseph Kennedy, Malcolm James Kennedy, Frances Marjorie Leach, John Edward Lewis, Ivan James McCarrey, Kerry Francis McCartney, Graeme John McKean, Ian Hamilton McLean, David George Martin, John Russell Meers, Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, Ian Malcolm Morley, Campbell Frederick Muller, Noni Clare Murphy, Patricia Marie Murphy, Anne Mustey, Pauline Elizabeth Norman, Janice Anne North, Joan Margaret O'Callaghan, Margaret Mary O'Connor, William James Ovenden, Gordon Richard Patterson, Lawrence George Pattinson, Marcia Nancy Penrose, Judith Elaine Plant, Peter Alwyn Neville Aloysius Pritchard, Janice Yvonne Reid, David Barry Richards, William Clifford Richards, Geoffrey Roy Rodwell, Glenese Theresa Shanahan, Elizabeth Mary Shaw, Ian Russell Stapleton, Beverley Adeline Stevenson, Ronald John Stone, Nicholas Henry Sulinski, Daryl John Tatt, Brendan Joseph Tinkler, Roy Hamilton Trimble, Kenneth Graham Utber, Beverley June Vickers, Melva Elaine Vinnicombe, John Cornforth Waldron, Bruce Henry Walker, Frederick Robert Weight, Norman James West, Geoffrey Arthur Wigg, Lynette Patricia Wilkinson, Valiant Roy Wojtkiw, Janice Rae Woodcock, Peter Joseph Woods, Aleathea Nola Wootton and Susanne Katherine Yeamanbendigo, education, bendigo teachers' college graduatio, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo teachers' college, bendigo, education, teaching, teachers, students, bendigo teachers' college students, bendigo teachers' college staff, tertiary education, history, graduates, graduands, book, teacher training, graduation ceremony -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships. PS Etona was built in 1898 at Milang, South Australia as a missionary church steamer for the Church of England. The Etona's run was from Mannum, South Australia, where she was based up to Renmark. As churches were built in river tower she was no longer required and in 1912 she was sold to Captain Arch Conner who used her as a fishing steamer at Boundary Bend for many years. She was brought out of retirement during the 1956 floods to do trips up the Murrumbidgee River. She was eventually bought by interest in Echuca and restoration was commenced in 1962. The Etona, now fully restored with her original steam engine can now be seen moored along side the historic wharf at Echuca.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - G. F. Tilley - 5 The "Etona" - H. Vaughan Evans - 6 Editorial - Russell Hemingway - 11 The Old Lady Of The River - Captain J. Gaby - 19 "Takapuna" Interlude On A Moonless Night - E. Harper - 31 Maritime Museum of Tasmania - J. Miller - 34 The Confederate Raiders "Florida" and "Alabama" - A. R. Osmond - 36 "Ease After War . . . Doth Greatly Please" - Captain W. J. Cowling - 44 Mutiny At Sea - P. R. Wilkins - 49 War Service In The Indian Ocean - H. Mossman - 51 Cape Horn - Captain Eino Koivistoinen - 57 "Tragedy of Loss" - Jonathan john - 61 The End of The "Queen Elizabeth" - Bradley J. Newell - 62 London Could Cope With Him - Dr. Stanislaw Bernatt - 68 Three Ships Canals - N. S. Smith - 69 The Loss Of The "Eyoshi Maru" - Captain M. B. Glasier - 77 A Small Consignment But Valuable - J. B. Hodgson - 85 Lowden and The "Candida" - D. R. Rickard - 87 "Lauriston" Sails On - F. W. Rudd - 89 Confusion of Identities, "Young Australian", "Young Australia" and "Carl" - J. M. MacKenzie - 93 Rescue from "Clarissa", 1957 - Captain Leif Asklund - 97 Journey Home - Captain W. E. Eastoe - 100 Disaster At Blanket Bay - J. K. Loney - 104 The End Of The "Antiope" - Captain Bruce Bell - 106 The "Great Britain" - C. E. Bonwick - 108 Search The Coast To Shark Bay - Rear-Admiral Charles Adair U.S.N. - 110 The "Polly Woodside" Family - Rev. H. W. Coffey - 121 Book Reviews - 123sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch, murray river, paddlesteamers, echuca, etona, ps etona -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Newsletter, The Flag, 1995-2001, 1995-2001
Eleven copies of the University of Ballarat Alumni newsletter called The Flag. .1) David James, Gwenda McManus, Kerrie Edwards, Steve Bracks, Cordell Kent, Australian Native Gold, Koori Education Unit, Pat Hope, Rozeena Begum, Lidcha Mul. .2) Gwenda McManus, Wilhelmus, David James, University Mace, Trefor Prest, Steve Moneghetti, Shaun Creighton, Peter Blackburn, David Waite, Sandy Blythe, Kim Ross, Michael Wilson, Betty Gill, Betty Fish, Tom Hill, Bill Pryor . .3) David James. Sandy Blythe, Geoffrey Blainey,Jamie Shaw, Kiran Mazumdar, Stuart Pursell, Tony Singh, Ballarat Teachers' College, Frank Nolan, Carolyn Blackman. .4) David James, Malini Chitaranjan, Chandker Varadhan, Lola Montez, Regina Molloy, Bert Labont'e, Jayne Reynolds, Amanda Sandwith, Roger Short, Stephen Kemmis, Barney Glover, Thomas O'Donnell, Sandy Blythe, Laurier Prosser, John Sharpham, Jack Barker, Xiaoli Jiang, Catherine Pearce, Nepal, Ballarat Teachers' College, John Culvenor, Richards Medal, Karl McCann. .5) Gwenda McManus, David James, Ron Wild, Merger, Wimmera Institute of TAFE, Katherine Birkin. .6) David Caro, Chancellor appointment, David James, Ellen Sellers, Ballarat Teachers' College Reunion, Briana Folkes, Lorri Coburn, Paul O'Donohue, Graeme Kelly, Tracy Plunkett, Julie Kellett, Unisports rehabilitation, Hong Kong graduation, China, koalas. .7) Hong Kong graduation, David Janes, Argentina, Richard Alder, threatened animals, reconciliation, Leoda Atkinson, mural, Jodie Lowe, indigenous Australians, Sue Turale, nursing, Hong Kong, Geoffrey Richards, Janice Edwards, Laura Chibnall, Franky Christiano, Nessa Jenkins, Kerrie Powell. .8) David James, Graduate Centre, Greenhill Enterprise Centre, Warren Young, Parks Victoria, Maxitrans, netball, John Magrath, maths, Catering for the Olympics, Eddie Turker, Maryanne Coutts, Sonia Colville, Daryl Wisely, Laura Wakeling. .9) Camp Street Redevelopment, Arts Academy, David James, Gwenda McManus, Doug Lloyd, Ian Gordon, University Appeal, Hong Kong, Sue Turale, Edward Wong, Hakodate University, Paris, nursing, Malaysia, Yuri Tanabe, Amanda Mead, Mary Modeen, Barry Judd. .10) Kerry Cox, Gwenda McManus, wildlife, MartinWestbrooke Brian McLennan Art Scholarship. Anne Saunders, Shenzhen, Hong Kong. .11) CFA, Kerry Cox, Wayne Robinson appointment, Terry Lloyd, Empire Rubber, Churchill Fellowship, Russell Rees, bus mural, Janice Croggon, John McDonald, Imogen Schwarz, Andrew Dark, Jacqueline Dark, building, Jeff Goodiesonmcmanus, kent, bracks, vermeend, university games, greenhill, netball, magrath, coutts, turker, colville, wisely, wakeling, moneghetti, alder, atkinson, lowe, tirale, richards, blackburn, pryor, blainey, shaw, pursell, singh, blackman, wild, ballarat school of mines, wimmera, wimmera institute of tafe, merger, birkin, caro, sellers, folkes, coburn, o'donogue, kelly, plunkett, kellett, unisports, hong kong, alumni, koala, muzumdar-shaw, arts academy, camp street precinct, camp street -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - RSM-Army Visit – Technical Tour, Army Survey Regiment Fortuna, Bendigo, 1989
This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, by the Regimental Sergeant-Major of the Australian Army (RSM-A) WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM on the 10th of August 1989. He was taken on a tour through the production areas and messes. RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM was the 2nd RSM to be appointed to the position of RSM-A, the most senior Warrant Officer position in the Australian Army. His appointment was from 1987 to 1990. On this occasion he was escorted by WO1 Neville Stone, who was the RSM of the Army Survey Regiment from 1988 to 1990. Refer to item 6438.15P for photos of the SGT’s Mess function.This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo by the Regimental Sergeant-Major of the Australian Army (RSM-A) WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM on the 10th of August 1989. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .2) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wild B8 plotting on the AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: WO1 Russell ‘Rusty’ Williams, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, SPR Stuart Bowd. .3) to .5) - Photo, black & white, 1989. RAAF Charting, L to R: SSGT Dennis Learmonth, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1989. RAAF Charting, L to R: SSGT Dennis Learmonth, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, unidentified visiting RSM, WO1 Stevo Hinic. .7) to .8) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Map data editing on AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: SPR Charmian McKean, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, WO1 Stevo Hinic. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Map data editing on AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: SGT Paul ‘Hutch’ Hunter, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Photo Troop L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Print Troop L to R: CPL Peter Swandale, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Print Troop L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, unidentified visiting RSM, CPL Peter Swandale. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, PMC CPL Brendon McKinless. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: PMC CPL Brendon McKinless, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert, CPL AM Verley. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: RSM WO1 Neville Stone, PMC CPL Brendon McKinless, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert, CPL AM Verley, CPL Dave Cook..1P to .16P – no annotationsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), "Met Lines", October 1985 - December 1985
Magazine, published by the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria "Met Lines" (Metlines) - A4, printed on white gloss paper, with the MTA logo or symbol. Issued under the name of L. A. Strouse as Chairman. Continues from Reg Item 1058 "Met Lines" - printed in an A3 version, Now a monthly version printed in an A4 size. Major tram and bus items listed. Tramway and bus names only listed, not railway. .1 - Vol 1 No. 5 - August 1985 - 20 pages - announcement of trams for Hong Kong, Minister Tom Roper, tram posters, an article on the work of the TMSV with photos. Retired tramway employees association, Minister visiting Brunswick depot, Melbourne Brighton Bus Lines joins the Met - has photos of staff. .2 - Vol 1 No. 6 - September 1985 - 20 pages - tram emergency crew - derailment of 34 at Russell and Burke and Emergency crew at work and in front of truck, Joe Saccasan foreman at South Melbourne and artist, Doncaster Bus depot, The Met Transporter at the Royal Melbourne show. .3 - Vol 1 No. 7 - October 1985- 20 pages - front page Emery Worldwide courier Elizabeth Sciberra with driver John Edwards, competition to detail a photo of cable tram conductor with very large safety pins (for the bell punch tickets), Hong Kong Kowloon-Canton KCRC inspection tour of Preston Workshops, new tram track construction, Essendon depot Soccer Club premiers winners, Malvern Depot photos and story, Norm Cross and making of Malcolm, Conductor training at Hawthorn depot, photo of enthusiast Paul Jordan, Bus and Coach Society of Victoria article with photos of MMTB Double Decker 244 and a Thornycroft bus No. 14. Article on MMTB uniforms - cable trams, PMTT with photos. .4 - Vol 1 No. 8 - November 1985 - 20 pages - front page cable sketches of cable trams - Met Annual Report, Personnel management, 100 years of Melbourne's tram - many photographs, history timeline for trams, Marketing new posters (See Reg Item 585), tram tours, the Outer Circle Railway - bike path, Essendon depot to be redeveloped, lunch at Hawthorn Training School, tram wheel grinding - James Hajjar. .5 - Vol No. 9 - December 1985 - 20 pages - MTCO Conductor competition - Ray Marsh, Met Posters, Footscray Bus Depot, Scrubber trams, calendar, tram centenary celebrations a success, old Bourke St head office plaque unveiling by Tom Roper and Keith Kings of TMSV, Eric Hobday MMTB Relieving Depot Master remembers the cable trams last day, Alan Jennings retirement, lists personnel movements within The Met. For next year 1986 - see Reg Item 1086trams, tramways, mta, the met, cable trams, conductors, bell punch, hong kong, tram track, malcolm, training, hawthorn, bscv, buses, uniforms, pmtt, mmtb, annual reports, personnel, 100 years of electric trams, posters, outer circle railway, footscray depot, scrubber tram, tmsv, posters, melbourne brighton bus, brunswick depot, r10 vehicle, emergency, derailments, tram 8w, tram 11w, tram 34 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionColour photographshire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 3 stripsKodak Gold 200-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 2 stripsKodak Gold 100-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 2 stripsKodak Gold 100-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 2 stripsKodak Gold 100-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 2 stripsKodak Gold 100-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 2 stripsKodak Gold 100-4shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Upper Yarra Dam, Spring Tour, 22 Oct 1995, 22/10/1995
EXPLORING THE UPPER YARRA (Newsletter No. 105, November 1995, by Bettina Woodburn) We enjoyed the Spring Excursion, this year "Exploring the Upper Yarra" - in spite of the constant rain and the countryside under the cloud cover, especially in the valleys, being mainly shiny shades of green. The occasional fields of buttercups, clumps of arum lilies and splendid rhododendron and other flowering bushes became very special. The Cobb and Co coach was warm and a cosy retreat as we zig-zagged on the highways and byways to glimpse the Yarra River, upstream and down, its secret places, and particularly the many bridges. Russell excelled as 'Poet Laureate', reading from Dacre Smyth's book. This 1979 publication includes paintings of all the bridges along the river with poems and brief descriptions of each one. Some of the bridges are in out of the way places and are not very well known. We looked forward to hearing the poetry as much as seeing the ' constructions'…Big Pat (was he short or tall, lean or fat? He did win the two hundred pound reward for discovering gold and had the creek named after him), about the 'Eddies'?, and the disliked 'meccano' bridge in Warburton, etc. etc. The hot roast lunch in the old Reefton Hotel was also most welcome. It was easy to imagine it peopled by miners and early settlers. Starting by crossing the new (1974) concrete bridge at Warrandyte we headed through Wonga Park with views to the Christmas Hills and to the escarpment of the Yering Gorge, which causes flood waters to back up through the Yarra Glen plain, so avoiding disasters downstream. At the end of a long driveway we found the wooden, privately owned Henley Bridge (1935 after the 1934 floods). This facilitates access to different parts of Henley Farm and to Lilydale. Everard Park, named after Blanche Shallard's father, a State Member for 17 years, below the Highway Yarra crossing was in need of care. It is 10 miles from Yarra Glen by road but, as "Yarra Marra” canoeists well know, 32 winding miles down by water. After more delightful countryside scenes we joined the Warburton Highway at Woori Yallock. From the old Railway Station at Launching Place the Centennial Trail for walkers, cyclists and ' horse riders has replaced the rails. The line from Lilydale was opened in 1901, and the last diesel freight train ran to Warburton in 1965. It continued to rain as we had morning tea in Warburton in a shelter between footbridges. From here we continued upstream past the Bridge to O'Shannasy Lodge and Reservoir, Starvation Creek, and the Peninsular tunnel (miners dug it as at Pound Bend) which we visited (scrambling down those steps!) on our return after lunch. Our furthermost point was the Upper Yarra Dam Reserve (and vast catchment area). Finished in 1957 after ten years work and 100 years after Yan Yean, it supplies much of Melbourne's water. After crossing the 30m Launching Place Bridge to the Eltham side of the Yarra and Healesville, we saw in the distance the Yarra Glen Timber Trestle Bridge over the river flats "the longest for years in the land it was said!" Harry's dream of "better weather over the Divide" unfortunately didn't come true, but I'm sure we 36 members will retain happy memories of a day that was wet and green and filled with Bridges. Bettina Woodburn - October 1995 Record of the Society's history of activities - Spring 1995 excursionRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 of 5 stripsKodak Gold 400-5shire of eltham historical society, activities, upper yarra dam, henley bridge