Showing 1960 items
matching portland victoria
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Functional object - Telephones
Each of the five telephones is attached to a timber, wall‐mounted box. They are original to the precinct buildings and date from the early twentieth century. Located in the lighthouse lantern room, the former head keeper’s quarters, the former assistants’ quarters, and the buildings known today as the generator shed and the café, they formed an intercom system that facilitated communication between the lightstation buildings.Wall‐mounted Bakelite telephones with crank handles can be found at all six light stations, however Gabo Island has the only other example of a timber‐mounted phone. Its design is slightly different for incorporating an inclined surface for jotting down notes. As fixtures, the telephones are considered to be part of the building fabric and included in the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the Cape Nelson Lightstation (H1773; 18 February 1999). They are historically significant for their historical and technical values as part of the early communications system used at the lightstation.Five similar intercom system telephones. All are wall mounted timber boxes with Bakelite black hand sets and black cords. The five phones each have two bells at the top of the box and a crank handle at the side. Three phones have brass bells, two have black metal bells. All phones have instructions on the front either in a frame or glued to the timber."C of A" and "PMG" Written instructions on how to use the phones are printed on paper fixed to the front of the telephones. "TO CALL ....../ TO ANSWER...../ WHEN FINISHED....." -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Functional object - Flag set, navigational
The flags were used for communicating messages to passing ships. Knowledge of visual signaling was mandatory for all lightkeepers and all stations maintained a set of these flags. Although used for centuries, visual flag signaling formally developed in the nineteenth century and was published internationally as a system in 1857. By the early twentieth century it had developed into an effective means of conveying all kinds of short range visual messages.The Cape Nelson Lightstation is architecturally and scientifically (technologically) important as the most intact complex of lightstation buildings in Victoria. The octagonal signal station is a unique feature which is all the more important for its complete set of signal flags’. Cape Nelson Lightstation’s complete set of 41 alphabetic and numeric visual signaling flags (including substitute and answering pennants) are made of bunting, a coarse fabric of worsted (open yarn wool) in various colour combinations, and some of the fabric is hand sewn and bears inscriptions. Attachments include handmade wooden toggles, brass clips and hemp rope. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Instrument - Watch, stop
The date of manufacture and age are unknown. It is believed to be original to the lightstation. Of six Victorian lightstation collections surveyed, Cape Nelson is the only one with a stop‐watch. The watch is significant as an intact and relatively uncommon object remaining at a Victorian lightstation and has first level contributory importance for its historical values.The circular, top‐winding metal stop‐watch has an associated blue velvet‐lined, square case. The watch bears an inscription but the date of manufacture and age are unknown. It is believed to be original to the lightstation. The watch bears an inscription etched into the back." C. of A. / C.L.S. /^ / No 101" and on a sticker "C of A / D.O.T. ....." -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Instrument - Morse Code Key Set
The battery powered set, which dates from the second half of the twentieth century, comprises two main components, the electronic keyer with a single lever for tapping, and a transmitter (?), both connected by a keying cable. Morse code was invented in the 1830s by American, Samuel Finely Breese by using electrical signals to quickly transmit information over a long range. In the early 1890s Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi improved the technology to the point where it became an essential device used for commercial and government purposes. The first practical applications were demonstrated with maritime messaging, where this simple mode of communication was seen as a timely replacement for the historic practice of signaling by flags, lights and foghorns. Cape Schanck has an earlier Morse code key, which is original to the lightstation (CSLS 0035), and Cape Otway has another early example although its provenance to the lightstation has not been formally verified (COLS 0074). The Morse code set has first level contributory significance for its historical value as an earlier communications device that has since been made redundant by more sophisticated technologies.Morse code key set. Comprised of the tapping component and a metal box part with a white electrical cord.Yes -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Functional object - Flags, semaphore
The two semaphore flags were used as a pair for visual signaling by hand. The semaphore system is an alphabet signaling system based on the waving of a pair of handheld flags in a particular pattern to compose words to be communicated to passing ships. The system was introduced by the Royal Navy in 1880 and was later adopted in Australia, with the first School of Signaling opening in Williamstown in 1890. The system was superseded in the 1970s by more sophisticated methods of communication. Information on the Cape Nelson flags indicates that they were made by Evan Evans P/L, Flag makers, 690 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Evan Evans (d.1927) started a tent‐making business in 1877 and by 1920 Evan Evans P/L maker of canvas goods, was located at 680 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. In 1924 it acquired land at 632 Bourke Street and built a new factory. His son Ivor continued the business after 1927 and in 1938 opened a bulk store in Carlton.271 In 2016 the firm was located at 673 Spencer Street, Melbourne. Another pair of white semaphore flags made by Evan & Evans is held at Gabo Island, and Wilsons Promontory also has a pair. Cape Nelson’s white semaphore flags have second level contributory significance. They have historical importance as flags formerly used at the lightstation for visual signaling, a system that is now rarely used in navigation, and contribute to the importance of the lightstation’s large collection of flags.A pair of white flags made of white canvas/heavy cotton, the square flags are attached to dowel poles with staples. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Equipment - Rescue Harness
The ‘Resumatic’ brand, British made, lightweight device comprises a red pulley with attached length of white rope and harness. Information on the item indicates that it was the property of the Department of Transport, Australia. The Commonwealth Lighthouse Service was associated with the Department of Shipping and Transport in 1951 and the Navigational Aids Branch of the Department of Transport in 1972 so the harness may date to this period. The easily operated descent device was used for automatic, controlled descents from overhead structures, such as towers and other buildings and did not require a power source or tools. The user needed to make sure the unit is secured to an anchor point so that the cable could be dropped to the ground. As soon as it was secured the user could put on the support harness, step off the edge and travel down to safety. The device complements a number of other items of rescue equipment held in the wider Parks Victoria lightstation collection which attest to the dangers inherent in lightstation work and necessity for first aid kits, resuscitators, life buoys, life jackets and other devices such as harnesses and pulleys used for moving people. These include a bosun’s chair and harness with pulley, Royal Flying Doctor first aid cabinet, resuscitator kit and case, first aid kit, lifebuoy and cork fragments x 4 all in the Gabo Island collection; a rescue basket, resuscitation kit and case, and pulleys and ropes at Cape Otway; rescue stretcher made of bamboo at Wilsons Promontory; and a rescue anchor at Cape Schanck. The Cape Nelson rescue harness, although unique in the broader lightstation collection, is a relatively common device that is still manufactured more or less the same in England. It has second level contributory significance for offering insights into the various methods used in rescue operations by Victoria’s lightstations.Length of white rope attached to a harness and a red pully device.yes -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Instrument - Lamp, Aldis
This portable, hand held visual signaling lamp, with trigger mechanism and inner reflective disk, was used for optical communication via Morse code, with the concave mirror tilted to focus the light into pulse signals. Larger versions of these lamps are fixed on ships or pedestals and have shutters in front of the light that are opened and closed to transmit signals. Smaller hand held versions like the Cape Nelson example have a concave mirror that is tilted to focus the light into pulse signals, and despite their size the lamps were renowned for their brilliant light. Invented by Arthur C W Aldis (1878‐1953) and pioneered by the British navy in the late nineteenth century, they continue to be used to the present day. Details on the Cape Nelson lamp include a serial number, a date of 1960 and the initials of the Department of Transport, which at that time incorporated the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service. Another lamp of the same date which is held at Wilsons Promontory was provided to the lighthouse by the Department of Shipping for signaling ships but was also used for communicating with Cliffy Island, 18 nautical miles away. Point Hicks also has an Aldis lamp and an associated case, which is painted an army green colour. A fourth lamp and case formerly at Cape Schanck disappeared from the collection sometime between 1995 and 2003. These types of lamps are not rare in museum collections.These types of lamps are not rare in museum collections however the Cape Nelson example has a reliable provenance to the lightstation and has first level contributory significance as a fine example of the Aldis lamps that were distributed to lightstations throughout Victoria and Australia.This object is comprised of a black metal encased Aldis lamp with electrical cord and associated wooden carrying case with metal clasp and red leather hand grip. yes -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Cabinet
The cabinet has a curved back and would have been custom‐built to fit the dimensions of the lantern room interior. It is likely to date from when the lighthouse was built in 1884 and may have been among the items delivered by the government steamer dispatch early in March which included ‘the lantern and other fittings for the Cape Nelson Lighthouse’. The Public Works Department provided a range of lightstation furnishings including office desks and cabinets, and domestic settings for keepers’ quarters, with nineteenth century items often stamped with a crown motif and the PWD monogram however the curved cupboards installed in Victoria’s lighthouse lantern rooms do not appear to display this small feature. Further research may reveal more about their manufacture and it is tempting to think that they were perhaps even supplied by Chance Bros as part of the entire lantern room installation. The company usually provided the timber battens for the lantern room paneling, and a cabinet may have been included in the assemblage. Another possibility is that the specially designed cabinet was made on site by carpenters along with other fittings. It is not known whether it is attached to the wall or movable; if attached it is considered to be a fixture and included in the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the lightstation (VHR H1773). Its location, when identified in the CMP of April 1995, was on the ‘lower lantern level’, where there was also a ‘timber step ladder’ (Argus, 6 March 1884, p6. nineteenth or early twentieth century), ‘timber framed lighthouse specification’, ‘timber framed chart’ and telephone .Residue on the furnishing indicates that it was formerly painted green, the colour of some of the other fixtures in the room, such as the original cast iron ladder. It is now partially varnished and the corner to the top’s edging on the right side has been cut off. The lighthouse also has a large curved back, two‐door cupboard. Other similar cabinets with curved backs survive at Cape Schanck, varnished wood cabinet with brass door knob, no drawers; Point Hicks, painted green with silver doors, no drawers and Gabo Island, bench top, 2‐door, no drawers, green paint removed to reveal cedar timber). Cape Nelson’s curved cabinet is unique among these examples for having drawers. The cabinet is a unique, original feature of the lantern room and has first level contributory significance for its historic values and provenance.The bench top cupboard has two drawers, each above a door, and each door is framed and beveled around a central panel. The cabinet has a curved back. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Cabinet
The tall, two‐door cupboard with curved shelves is without a back and is taller than the bench cupboard on the lower lantern room of the lighthouse . The curved shelving suggests that this practical storage cupboard was custom‐built or adapted to serve in this location on the landing level below the lantern room. It is not known when it was provided to the lightstation. It shares the structural features of this furnishing as well as other nineteenth century utilitarian cabinets that were made for Victoria’s lightstations, such as those fitted beside fireplaces in the keepers’ quarters (for example CNLS 0016) or serving as lantern room cupboards. They have doors simply framed and bevelled around central panels. This particular cupboard, which is painted grey with four white panels, is unusual both for its height and the four doors, with the twin top panels taller than those underneath. This panel arrangement repeats the design of the lightstation’s door cases. Further research may reveal more about its manufacture. It is not known whether it is attached to the wall or movable; if attached it is considered to be a fixture and included in the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the lightstation (VHR H1773). Other similar cabinets which have been constructed to fit the curved wall of a lighthouse survive at Cape Schanck, varnished wood benchtop, 2‐door cabinet with brass door knob, no drawers); Point Hicks, benchtop, 2‐door, painted green with silver doors, no drawers) and Gabo Island bench top, 2‐door, no drawers, green paint removed to reveal cedar timber), and Cape Nelson, benchtop, 2‐door, 2‐drawer, partially varnished). Cape Nelson’s tall cupboard with curved shelves and back profile is unusual among the lighthouse furnishings. The cabinet is a unique, original feature of the lighthouse and has first level contributory significance for its historic values and provenance.The tall, two‐door cupboard with curved shelves is without a back and has curved shelving. Painted grey with four white panels, on the four doors, with the twin top panels taller than those underneath. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Cabinet
The two‐door cabinet with a bench top is a simply made nineteenth century utilitarian cupboard. It is similar in style to cupboards that were built into spaces either side of fireplaces in keepers’ quarters. All have two doors simply framed around recessed central panels, which are sometimes bevelled. They are opened with a key, or by a basic knob made of metal or turned wood. Most also are made from a light‐coloured wood, which in this case is possibly Huon pine. Some are painted, others show evidence of paint which has since been removed in an effort to restore the surface, and a few retain their original wood finish. This cabinet, which has plain recessed unbevelled panels, has one internal shelf and stands on the floor without a plinth base. The bench top has basic squared edges, and a low backing with curved ends extends around one side. These features suggest the cabinet was fixed and originally built into a corner. The Cape Nelson CMP identified a similar but slightly different cabinet in one of the assistant keepers’ quarters which is shown with shelves added to the top. Other similar two‐door, benchtop cupboards that were probably built‐in include those at Cape Otway and Cape Schanck , which have since been moved out of the residences. Built‐in cabinets were standard fittings in lightkeeper quarters as illustrated by the Point Hicks Lightstation CMP, which shows a built cupboard beside a fireplace. The Cape Nelson cabinet, an original domestic furnishing provided by the Public Works Department, has first level contributory significance for its historic values and provenance to the lightstation.Two‐door cabinet with a bench top. The doors are simply framed around recessed central panels.Light coloured wood. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Chair, Douglas
The chair’s turned legs and bowed, spindle back are typical characteristics of the popular ‘Douglas’ chair, which descends from the long evolutionary line of ‘Windsor’ style cottage chairs. Also known as ‘Captains’ chairs, they were made on a large scale in England, America and Australia from around the 1860s in various timbers, with seats ranging from heavy pine to cane and in later models, plywood. Australiana expert, Peter Cuffley writes that they were just as much a part of Australia’s frontier experience as they were America’s; Holtermans’ 1872 photographs of the New South Wales gold towns show Douglas chairs, and they appear in illustrations of the exploits of the Kelly gang drawn in the late 1870s. Many Australians now are more likely to associate them with public offices and governments departments’. The chairs met the need for a degree of comfort and tough resilience under rough handling on hard floors. The Cape Nelson chair is known to have been used as a visitor’s chair, presumably in the head keeper’s office. No other examples of nineteenth century style chairs survive among the reliably provenanced furnishings in the five other lightstation collections. The chair complements the lightstation’s nineteenth century office desk and small number of other nineteenth century furnishings in the wider Parks Victoria lightstation collection, the majority of which are domestic items. The Douglas chair has first level contributory significance for its historical value and relative rarity as a lightstation office furnishing.The chair has turned legs and bowed, spindle back . -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Sideboard
The cedar sideboard has two cupboard doors below two corresponding drawers. The style is in keeping with the completion date of the lightstation in 1884, when furniture in the late nineteenth century had squarer, more defined lines and angles, and ornamental features. This sideboard is a modest version of this trend combining a pediment‐shaped back board with turned side columns and finials, rectangular mirror, decorative drawer pulls and door handle, as well as cupboards and drawers with bevelled, raised panels. The initials ‘PWD’along with a crown motif and letters are inscribed on the side indicating that the furnishing was the property of the government and made in its workshops. The Public Works Department, which operated in Victoria from 1855 to 1987, was responsible for the design of Victoria’s major public buildings and provision of furnishings to its offices as well as residences where the need was required.301 The keepers’ quarters at Cape Otway Lightstation were supplied with two of the same sideboards, which remain there today; on is intact (COLS 0001), the other missing the backboard (COLS 0015). Two similar but plainer examples, which are probably earlier in date, also remain at Cape Schanck (CSLS 0007.3; CSLS 0009.3). The Cape Nelson sideboard has first level contributory significance as a fine example of the good quality domestic furnishings made by the Victorian Government and provided to lighthouse keepers and their families in the late nineteenth century. It is also significant for its provenance to the lightstationThe cedar sideboard has two cupboard doors below two corresponding drawers with pediments‐shaped back board with turned side columns and finials, a rectangular mirror, decorative drawer pulls and door handle, as well as cupboards and drawers with bevelled, raised panels. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Bookcase
Their polished wood finish appears to be original to their date of manufacture during the 1960s‐70s. They were located in the head keeper’s and assistant keepers’ quarters, where their use for office purposes also may have crossed over to a domestic function. In the post‐war years the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service (CLS) introduced modern, low‐cost furnishings to lightstations. Most notably, it commissioned a number of light, compact and functional items in bulk from émigré designer, Steven Kalmar (1909‐ 1989), who played a significant role in popularising modernist design concepts in Australia and drew his ideas from Scandinavian and American design trends. Born in Hungary, he trained as an architect and his contemporary affordable furnishings were especially suitable for the open‐plan houses being built in Australia’s new post‐war suburbs. It is not known whether the bookcases bear the Kalmar label, but the design, particularly the legs and bar bracing, is a signature style that is associated with his Sydney‐based firm, Kalmar Interiors. The CLS supplied the same bookshelves to a number of other lightstations, including Point Hicks, Cape Otway and Gabo Island, as well as other types of furnishings such as tables and cabinets. The bookcases have first level contributory significance as examples of the modernist furnishings that the Sydney‐based firm, Kalmar Interiors supplied to the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service in the post‐war years.The bookcases stand at about bench level and are almost square in dimension. They have two adjustable shelves as well as the base shelf and stand on legs supported by a single stretcher with a polished wood finish. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Desk
The desk was used by the head keeper and supplied by the Public Works Department, and possibly dates to when the lightstation commenced operations in 1884. Closer inspection of the wood may reveal the Crown motif and PWD monogram on the side or underpart of the furnishing. The PWD operated in Victoria from 1855 to 1987 and was responsible for the design of Victoria’s major public buildings and infrastructure as well as the supply of stores, furniture and equipment. The desk is identical to the large example remaining at Point Hicks. A smaller version, which is at Cape Schanck, has two sides stamped with the crown motif and PWD monogram. Another of the smaller desks formerly at Cape Schanck is now missing. Gabo Island has a small cedar desk or table in the same style, but with one drawer. There are also c.mid‐twentieth century desks remaining in the collections at Wilsons Promontory and Gabo Island. The Cape Nelson desk has first level contributory significance for its provenance and historical value as a government issued furnishing that is original to lightstation’s head keeper’s office.The large, late nineteenth century cedar desk has two drawers, leather inset top and sturdy turned legs. The drawers each have a pair of wooden knob pulls. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Equipment - Flag clips
The items include one intact brass clip and sections of others. They were used for hoisting visual signalling flags and relate to the use of the forty‐one flags (CNLS 0004.41), which were used to convey messages to passing ships and which are included in the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the lightstation (VHR H1773) . They have second level contributory significance for their provenance to the lightstation and association with its set of navigational flags (CNLS 0004.41), which were a major part of the communications system formerly used at the lightstation.Twenty one flag clips, some are intact others partial. One intact brass clip. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Uniform - Hat
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph of Commercial Road, Tarnagulla, June 1866
Murray Comrie Collection. Copy of an 1866 photograph by Aimé Marchand. Victoria Hotel and Theatre is the stone building at centre right. On the immediate left is Pierce's Southern Cross Store, later to be incorporated into the flour mill complex. The gentleman in the white hat in the group on the left is George Thomson. In June 1866, Aimé Marchand (1846-1910) made a series of fourteen photographs which were submitted to the 1866-67 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, where they earned a 1st Class Honorable Mention. This is one of those fourteen images. Of French or Belgian origin and possibly formerly an assayer in California, Marchand appears to have begun his practice of photography in Tarnagulla around 1865 as an assistant to A.B. Clay. By the following year he had settled in Portland, where he opened the Royal Photographic Studio in Gawler Street. From his base in Portland he toured surrounding districts, offering portrait and view services. Little else is known about his life. He appears to have left Australia in 1878. A misprint of his name in a local directory as Annie Marchand created the misconception that he was one of only a few named women photographers in the colonies. Monochrome photograph looking south down Commercial Road, Tarnagulla from near the Victoria Hotel and Theatre, at northern end of Commercial Road.tarnagulla, views, victoria hotel and theatre, commercial road, local people, residents, aimé marchand, photographers -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Negative: Copy of Marchand image of Tarnagulla Courthouse, Court House, June 1866 (original image)
Murray Comrie Collection. This photograph is a reasonable copy created from an older original. In June 1866, Aimé Marchand (1846-1910) made a series of fourteen photographs which were submitted to the 1866-67 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, where they earned a 1st Class Honorable Mention. This is one of those fourteen images. Of French or Belgian origin and possibly formerly an assayer in California, Marchand appears to have begun his practice of photography in Tarnagulla around 1865 as an assistant to A.B. Clay. By the following year he had settled in Portland, where he opened the Royal Photographic Studio in Gawler Street. From his base in Portland he toured surrounding districts, offering portrait and view services. Little else is known about his life. He appears to have left Australia in 1878. A misprint of his name in a local directory as Annie Marchand created the misconception that he was one of only a few named women photographers in the colonies.A black and white negative image depicting the Court House in Tarnagulla. Copy of the photogrpah made by Aime Marchand.tarnagulla, courthouse, justice, policing, law, buildings, views, victoria street -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Sheet music, Varsoviana sur L’Etoile Du Nord, 1860s
This piece of music is the varsoviana dance piece from the Giacomo Meyerbeer opera, ‘L’Etoile Du Nord’ arranged by Camille Michel. The varsoviana was a slow graceful dance originating in Poland in 1850 and appearing in Australia in 1856. ‘L’Etoile Du Nord’ was a comic opera in three acts composed by Giacomo Meyerbeer in 1854. Meyerbeer was the most successful stage composer of the 19th century but his works are rarely performed today. Camille Michel was an editor, composer, author and arranger working from the 1840s to the 1880s. The varsoviana music arrangement probably dates from the late 1850s or 1860s. It is not clear who ‘Minnie Henty’ was but it is most likely that she was Minnie Adair who married George Henty, the son of Stephen and Jane Henty, pioneer settlers in Western VictoriaThis sheet music is most important mainly because of the ‘Minnie Henty’ signature. The Henty family members, founders of the first permanent Victorian settlement at Portland, were influential in the history of the Warrnambool area because of their connections with surrounding properties and with coastal shipping. The music also has social significance as an example of music popular in 19th century drawing rooms.This is a two-page piece of sheet music (cover and two pages of music notation) with the material printed in black on cream paper. The back cover is blank and the front cover has the title and names of the composer and the arranger with ornate scrolls around the printing. The edges and fold of the pages are much tattered and torn in some places. There is also a Warrnambool and District Historical Society stamp on the front cover and the signature of Minnie Henty. Front Cover: ‘Minnie Henty’ ‘Varsoviana sur L’Etoile Du Nord de G. Meyerbeer pour le piano par Camille Michel, Ent.Sta.Hall., Price 1s/-, London, Cramer, Beale & Co., 201,Regent Street & 67, Conduit Street and at 167, North Street, Brighton.’ henty family, giacomo meyerbeer, camille michel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Print - Religious Print, Reinthal & Newman, Jesus Chrisus, ca 1906 - 1960s
Print of an original oil painting created in 1874 (these numbers are in the top left corner) by artist Gabriel Max ("Gab Max" is in top right corner) and reproduced by Kodak. The reproduction was likely made for the Mission to Seamen from the early 1906 to the 1960s to hang in its chapel. The publisher Reinthal & Newman, New York, was in business between 1906 and 1928. The company originally published postcards, but from 1920 they published prints of art from original works of famous and not so well-known artists. The published items were distributed by the House of Art, NY, which continued on into the 1950s. The print was part of the original furnishings of St Nicholas Seamen's Church, Williamstown, Victoria. The church was operated by the Missions to Seamen organisation. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the organisation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. The print is significant because of its association with the Mission to Seamen in Williamstown, Victoria. This organisation had strong connections to the colonisation of Victoria by people travelling and arriving by sea. The picture is also significant as a representation of 19th century religious art by Gabriel Cornelius von Max.Print of an oil painting representing Jesus Christ, closed eyes, tear on cheek, with a crown of thorns, titled “Jesus Christus”, produced in 1874 by 19th century artist Gabriel Cornelius von Max (GAB MAX). Print on paper; black and grey drawing on beige canvas-look background with image of fixing pins in each corner, edges look like torn fabric. Published by Reinthal & Newman, New York. Print is behind glass, mounted in heavy wooden frame that is painted dark brown. Reverse has numbers on small white label. Base of reverse has two small holes, each with indentations from something round. Backing board has indentations from nails no longer there. There are remnants of original hanging wire, but this has been replaced. Part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection.FRONT: Top left :1874” Top right “GAB MAX” [Gabriel Cornelius von Max] Handwritten script under picture “Jesus Christus”. Printed bottom left on front “A33 © REINTHAL & NEWMAN PUBS. N.Y.” REVERSE: “162” written in black felt pen on white label. Pencilled on reverse "11 3/8 x 9 1/4" and "Kodak" and other indecipherable markings.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, christian art, picture of jesus christ, jesus christus, photographic print of jesus christ, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angel’s club, religious worship, reinthal & newman new york, jesus christ with crown of thorns, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, harbor lights guild, joy club for fighters, ladies lightkeepers’ auxiliary, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown, print, religious print, jesus christ, 1874, 19th century artist, gabriel cornelius von max, gab max, gabriel max, reinthal & newman, oil painting, st nicholas seamen's church, a33 © reinthal & newman pubs. n.y., kodak, house of art -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Leisure object - Sheet music, First love, 1850s
This piece of music, ‘First Love’, dates from the 1850s and was composed by Henry Farmer (1819-1891). Born in Nottingham, Farmer was an organist and composer and conductor of the Nottingham Harmonic Society from 1866 to 1880. He dedicated this music to Miss Hal Chaworth Musters. It is not known who ‘Miss Hal’ was but the Chaworth name was an ancient one in Nottingham and marriage with a member of the Musters family brought into being the name ‘Chaworth Musters’ and the estates included Annesley, Edwalton and Wiverton. The signatures on the front cover indicate that this music is connected to two early families in the district. Stephen Henty owned Cadnook (Kadnook), near Harrow, in the 1850s and sold it to Mordaunt Smalpage (or Smalpaige) in July 1859. Stephen Henty, who came to Victoria in 1836, was the brother-in-law of Captain Helpman, the Warrnambool Harbour Master from 1861 to 1869. They were co-owners of the ‘Champion’ which plied between Portland and Melbourne until it was wrecked off Cape Otway in 1857 when it collided with the ‘Lady Bird’.This is a most significant item because of the signatures on the front cover. Stephen Henty was important, not only in the history of Victoria, but also in the history of Warrnambool because of his connection with coastal shipping and his relationship with Captain Helpman. As far as we know the Hentys never lived in Warrnambool but it is possible that this music was played on the ‘Henty’ piano that was donated to the old Warrnambool Museum in 1889 and is now in the Warrnambool Art Gallery. The Hentys brought six pianos to Victoria in 1837. The music is also important in social history as an example of the music that was played in mid-Victorian drawing rooms. This is a piece of music of seven pages printed back to back (cover and 11 pages of musical notation) The pages have black printing on white with a multi-coloured front cover. The cover has a stylized portrait of a man and woman in period costume. The woman is holding an urn of flowers. Some of the pages are loose and the page folds and corners are tattered and torn. The name ‘Smalpaige ‘is written in ink and the name ‘Henty’ is written in pencil. Front Cover: ‘Mrs Smalpaige, Cadnook, 8th Aug/59’ ‘S.Henty, 8 August 1859’ ‘First Love’, ‘Valse dedicated to Miss Hal Chaworth Musters by Henry Farmer, London, Published by Joseph Williams, 123, Cheapside, Solo, 4, Duet, 4, Septett, 3/6, Full Orchestra, 5/-, Ent. Sta. Hall.’ stephen henty, mrs smalpaige, warrnambool, first love sheet music, history of warrnambool, henry farmer -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Artwork, other - Shipwreck Board, The Eye of the Needle: Shipwrecks, Stranding's and Collisions, ca 2002
The Shipwreck Board is a feature of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village/ its subject is explained briefly in the Museum's handbook, The Flagstaff Hill Navigator, published in 2008: - "Known as the ‘Eye of the Needle’ the treacherous entrance to Bass Strait is littered with the wreckage of large international vessels and smaller sail and steam craft used in coastal trade. The vessels bringing emigrants and cargo to Australia found the western entrance to Bass Strait the most dangerous part of their voyage. They had to thread their way between the southern point of Victoria (Cape Otway) and the northern point of King Island, a stretch of water less than 90 km wide. Many smaller coastal vessels were lost at Portland, Port Fairy, Warrnambool and Apollo Bay which are not safe harbours in certain weather conditions. "The Shipwreck Board shows shipwrecks, strandings and collisions which occurred in this area up to the year 1940. Wrecks are identified by a yellow light and collisions/strandings by a green light. These lights also identify the decade the wreck occurred by lighting up when the relevant decade button is pushed. Interesting happenings of the decades are listed next to the buttons." The Shipwreck Board's demonstration of The Eye of the Needle is an interactive visual display that helps teach the perils and dangers faced by early settlers in Victoria. It tells of the vast number of lives lost. It lists the names of many infamous shipwrecks and significant events.The large stained and lacquered timber board is mounted in a timber, frame. It is painted with a small sketch of Australia, and an enlarged outline of the southern coast of Victoria, King Island and the North West coast of Tasmania. The interactive display highlights the shipwrecks, standings and collisions suffered by many vessels as they navigated the 'Eye of the Needle', a narrow stretch of Bass Strait. The locations of the Lighthouses are pinpointed. Lists of groups of ships are below the coastlines. A painted scroll shows eight major shipwrecks with the number of lives lost for each one. A table shows historical facts associated with the decades from pre-1830 to 1940. A system of coloured lights compares the decades with the vessels that suffered damage. The board was created by artist and signwriter, Alex O'Flynn Computer Signs.flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, eye of the needle, shipwreck locations, bass strait, basses strait, king island, north west tasmania, south coast of victoria, cape otway, victorian lighthouse, king island lighthouse, strandings, coastal tracers, emigrant ships, sea trade, 1930s-1940s, shipwreck board, the eye of the needle, collosions, alex o'flynn, alex o’flynn computer signs, shipwrecks of western victoria -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Newspaper - Newspaper article - Portland Observer, 09/04/1968
Newspaper article from Portland 'Observer', re Mr. H. L. Vivian, saddler. Accompanied by a photo of Mr. Vivian repairing a saddle.portland, saddlery, the portland observer, newspaper -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Banner - Banner - Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1900s
From Heritage Victoria: The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was an international first-wave feminist organisation. The Melbourne branch was formed in 1887 and became the biggest and most influential women's organisation in Victoria. The WCTU introduced large numbers of Victorian women to political activity. The Union linked temperance and women's suffrage to achieve a variety of social reforms to improve women’s lives. Possible belonged to Florence Dellar of Henty Street, PortlandBanner for the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Navy cotton backing. Pale blue cotton front. Hand painted. White cord on edges. White fringe on bottom. Person holding flag and cross in centre. Paint - blue, white, black, gold. Wooden slat on top - nailed. String hanger with white tassels.Front: WCTU. For God, For Home, For Native Land. Portland League of Hope. Tremble King of Alcohol, We Shall Grow Up.wctu, womens christian temperance union, feminism, feminist -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line Drawings - Port of Portland Slipway Bilge Blocks Tug Buccaneer, Victoria, 30/09/1989
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line Drawings - Port of Portland Authority Slipway Tug Buccaneer, Victoria, 30/09/1989
Port of Portland Authority -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line drawings - Port of Portland Authority, Portland Harbour Trust Commissioners Fishermen's breakwater, Victoria, 05/03/1974
PORT OF PORTLAND AUTHORITYFront: '3' black texta, top right corner -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line Drawings - Port of Portland Floor Plan layout and footings Marine Department depot, Victoria, n.d
PORT OF PORTLAND AUTHORITYFront: '6' black texta, top right corner -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line Drawings - Port of Portland Authority, Steel work boat, Victoria, n.d
PORT OF PORTLAND AUTHORITYFront: '7'- black texta, top right corner -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Plan - Plans / Line Drawings - Portland Harbour Trust Commissioners slipway and canal area plan with slipway, Victoria, Jun-80
Front: '4' black texta, top right corner