Showing 2252 items
matching shafts
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1923
A Spalding 'Lakeside no.5' model tennis racquet, featuring concave throat & fine-grooved octagonal wooden handle. Has string whipping and plastic reinforcements around shoulders. Plastic reinforcement around shaft too. Also has a leather end wrap and leather butt cloth. Model name printed on throat on obverse, and manufacturer logo printed on throat on reverse. Logo also printed on butt cloth. Materials: Wood, Metal, Lacquer, Glue, Gut, Ink, String, Leather, Plastictennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1945
A Spalding 'Olympic' tennis racquet, with an open throat, plastic whipping around shoulders and plastic molded collar, and a plain leather handle grip. Manufacturer's name features across base of head, and on cloth butt cover. Model name features across collar. Spalding wreathed ball trademark (i.e. MARCA REGISTRADA/SPALDING), features on shaft, on obverse. Materials: Wood, Glue, Metal, Lacquer, Nylon, Leather, Ink, Enamel, String, Plastic, Cloth, Adhesive tapetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1958
A Spalding 'Davis Cup' tennis racquet, with whipping around shoulders, fibre shoulder supports, leather handle grip with X-formation perforations, and plastic butt cap. Manufacturer's name features across base of head. Model name, with Davis Cup trophy image, features on throat. Spalding 'Wreathed S' trademark features on lower shaft and butt cap. Materials: Wood, Glue, Metal, Lacquer, Nylon, Leather, Ink, Enamel, String, Adhesive tape, Plastic, Fibretennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1926
A Wright & Ditson 'Columbia' tennis racquet, with: concave throat; bevelled crown; whipping around shoulders; transparent red plastic collar; and, mid-grooved handle. Model name features across throat on obverse. Manufacturer details feature along right side of shaft. Wright & Ditson Championship 'tennis player on ball' trademark features across throat on reverse, and on butt cover. Materials: Wood, Metal, Lacquer, Glue, Ink, Leather, Gut, String, Paint, Plastictennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1973
A Wilson Stan Smith Autograph tennis racquet. Base of head features Wilson logo, flanked by two pairs of brown diamond devices. Throat features model name, with a black and red silhouette of Smith in action. Lower shaft and butt cap feature 'W' trademark. Racquet features Wilson brand leather handle grip. Autograph by Smith across throat on reverse. Materials: Wood, Nylon, Leather, Glue, Metal, Lacquer, Paint, Adhesive tape, Ribbon, Plastic, Fibreglasstennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1932
A wooden tennis racquet with hide supports, blue and gold string whipping, and a leather handle grip with patterned perforations. Inscription along throat and shaft on obverse: SUPER/WINNER/BANCROFT. Inscription across throat, on reverse (now removed): F.J. BANCROFT/.../PAWTUCKET/R.I. U.S.A./... Original decal trademark comprises of an eagle grasping a tennis racquet, in front of the Globe, with motto: USED/THE WORLD OVER. Materials: Wood, Gut, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, String, Cloth, Hidetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
An unstrung Bancroft Executive tennis racquet, with bamboo and fibreglass laminates, ribbon whipping around shoulders, and leather handle grip with X-formation perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name within a wreath device. Wreathed black 'B' trademark features on lower shaft, and red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Ribbon, Adhesive tape, Bamboo, Fibreglass, Hidetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
A Bancroft Executive tennis racquet, with bamboo and fibreglass laminates, ribbon whipping around shoulders, and leather handle grip with X-formation perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name within a wreath device. Wreathed black 'B' trademark features on lower shaft, and red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Ribbon, Adhesive tape, Bamboo, Fibreglass, Nylon, Hidetennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
A Bancroft Tear Drop tennis racquet, with egg-shaped, elliptical head, bamboo and fibreglass lamination, and leather handle grip with patterned perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name with teardrop emblem. Wreathed golden 'B' trademark features on lower shaft, and red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Gut, Adhesive tape, Fibreglass, Nylon, Bambootennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
An unstrung Bancroft Aussie tennis racquet, with hide reinforced shouders, ribbon whipping around shoulders, and leather handle grip with patterned perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name with wreathed black 'B' trademark. Lower shaft features red and gold diamond '1882' trademark. Red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Adhesive tape, Hide, Ribbontennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
An unstrung Bancroft Aussie tennis racquet, with hide reinforced shouders, ribbon whipping around shoulders, and leather handle grip with patterned perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name with wreathed black 'B' trademark. Lower shaft features red and gold diamond '1882' trademark. Red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Adhesive tape, Hide, Ribbontennis -
Tennis Australia
Racquet, Circa 1976
A Bancroft Aussie tennis racquet, with hide reinforced shouders, ribbon whipping around shoulders, and leather handle grip with patterned perforations. Bancroft logo features across base of head. Throat features model name with wreathed black 'B' trademark. Lower shaft features red and gold diamond '1882' trademark. Red 'B' trademark on butt cap. Materials: Wood, Leather, Glue, Lacquer, Metal, Ink, Plastic, Paint, Adhesive tape, Hide, Ribbon, Nylontennis -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Various Port Melbourne locations, Jack Bolt, 2011
Photographed Jan/Feb 2011 by Jack BOLTFrom a series of colour photos taken by Jack Bolt in January/February 2011 .01 - Hibernian Hotel 30.01.2011 after the second fire on 28 November 2010 .02 to .09 - Eight photos of route109 tram tracks being replaced between 29.01.2011 to 2.02.2011 (Graham St stop) .10 - view from upper floor of Woodruff Terrace .11 - air shaft Farrer & Ross Sts. Latter two photos are of work on the Melbourne Main Sewer, Ross and Bridge Streetstransport - tramways, engineering - canals and drainage, fire and fire services, hibernian hotel, jack bolt, business and traders - hotels -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten notes on the South New Moon Mine. Notes include depth of shaft, years, Calls, Dividends, Ounces of Gold, Authority and Remarks. Names mentioned:- Beavis (Beavis & Co), Paul & Co (Pahl), Bassett's Claim, J. P. Graham, South New Moon Co, South New Moon Trib West Line, Hart's Moon Reef Trib, Ashman's Trib East Line, South New Moon and Protectin Co. Notes prepared by Albert Richardson.document, gold, south new moon mine, south new moon mine, beavis (beavis & co), paul & co (pahl), bassett's claim, j p graham, south new moon co, south new moon trib west line, hart's moon reef trib, ashman's trib east line, south new moon, protection co, garden gully -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten carbon copy, and later typed copy, of a list of further signs for Victoria Hill. Signs include Quartz Veins, Prospecting Shaft, 1929, Concrete Dam, Anticlinal Arch New Chum Line, Engine Beds for Gt Central Victoria (Midway Mine), Prospecting Tunnels, Primitive Tunnel. Notes at the end: Given to Geo & Max Ellis on 31/3/1971 and Prospecting tunnels driven from small Open Cut in 1860's. Notes prepared by Albert Richardson.document, memo, victoria hill, victoria hill, further signs victoria hill, new chum line, gt central victoria (midway mine), victoria quartz, davis, geo ellis, max ellis -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper article titled 'Last Years of Mine captured in Postcard Form' from the Bendigo Miner, Thursday, December 15, 2011 by Ian Fenselau. Article mentions some history of the mine, how it got it's name, depth of the mine and it's comparison with the Victoria Reef Quartz. It also mentions the death of James Nolan when he fell down the shaft and studies of ventilation released by Dr Walter Summons. The machinery foundations are still visible in Golden Square.newspaper, bendigo, the bendigo miner, new chum railway mine, last years of mine captured in postcard form, ian fenselau, victoria reef quartz mine, james nolan, dr walter summons -
Arapiles Historical Society
Tool - Branding Iron
Branding irons were essential tools in livestock management, particularly in cattle and sheep farming, to identify ownership and prevent theft. This manual iron would have been heated in an open flame and then applied to the animal’s hide, leaving a permanent mark. The presence of rust and wear suggests this branding iron was used extensively on a working farm. These tools have been used for centuries, especially in Australia, the United States, and Europe, where cattle ranching played a major role in agricultural economies.This is a long-handled metal branding iron, traditionally used for marking livestock with a permanent identification symbol. The iron consists of a straight, sturdy metal shaft with a looped handle at one end, designed for gripping or hanging. The opposite end features a flat, engraved or raised branding head with a distinct shape or pattern, which would have been heated and pressed against the animal's hide to leave a lasting impression. The entire tool shows signs of age, rust, and wear, indicating extensive past use.Mc & Cobranding iron, farm equipment, sheep, cattle, livestock -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Whale Killing Hand Lance, Mid to late 19th century
A hand lance with a long iron shaft and a small oval or leaf-shaped tip was also known as a killing iron. It was designed to dispatch a whale quickly and efficiently, once the mammal came to the water surface for the last time. The hand lance was stabbed repeatedly into a whale’s thick neck arteries. The sharp leaf-shaped tip allowed easy removal for another thrust. Cutting these arteries prevented the whale from deep dives and hastened its bleeding to death. Normally, multiple hand lances were carried aboard a whaleboat, so that if one was lost it could be easily replaced without returning to the mother ship for a spare one. By the late 19th century, guns had replaced most hand-thrown harpoons and lances. They were more efficient, more accurate, and safer, for a whaler could shoot a dart at a greater distance from the dangerous whale than a harpoon could be thrown.An item that gives an insight into 19th century whaling practices that were carried out all along the southern coasts of Australia.Hand Lance or Killing Iron Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, whaling equipment, whaling, killing lance, whaling lance, harpoon -
Mont De Lancey
Decorative object - Cobb and Co Coach Model, Chas W Davis
The collection of thirteen model horse drawn vehicles were carefully handmade by Mr Chas W Davis 1925 - 2002. He was a talented artist and saw doctor. This model of a horse drawn Cobb and Co coach replicates the vehicle that enjoyed respect from the public during the 1880's. There were four horse drawn models as well.A model of a red Cobb and Co enclosed coach which is a four wheeled passenger horse drawn vehicle where the driver sits at the front behind the two light brown and grey horses. The name ROYAL MAIL COBB.CO is painted in white lettering on both sides. It has four gold painted spoked wheels with black rims, two gold painted coach lamps, black padded seating and four open windows with blinds that are rolled up. There are 2 doors with a drop-down step for easy access into the coach. A long brown wooden shaft separates the horses which also have black leather shaft style straps on both sides as well as the necessary horse tack for carriage use to help the driver communicate with the horses. There is a black wooden slotted luggage rack at the back held on by gold chains. On top of the coach is a decorative gold painted luggage rack. Freeman Cobb established Cobb and Co in Australia in 1853 to operate horse drawn mail and passengers between Melbourne and the Victorian Goldfields. It expanded to Queensland in 1865. ROYAL MAIL COBB.COreplicas, models, scale models, vehicles, carriages, horse drawn vehicles, toy horses, postal services, road transport, goldfields, coaches -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Handwritten notes on the Princess Alexandra Mine. 24/11/1900 Shaft sunk 7 feet & timbered 15 feet total from plat 26 feet and from surface 2,311 feet. 8/12/1900 Finished sinking shaft, removed penthouse and cistern, fixed skids, ladders etc & are now enlarging 2225 ft plat. 16/2/1901 West x cut at 2285 ft. driven 17 feet, total 41 ft passed through 3 lavas and in the end have a back underlying west and carrying stone. Winze below 2225 feet, sunk 13 feet, total 18 feet - - at 15 ft saw a couple of colours of gold. Last Report 21/12/1901 Xcut east from 2165 ft in 13 ft in hard sandstone spurs - - Expect to get more stone near the black leader which is about 20 ft up. Next report as 'United Devonshire' on 4/1/1902. Notes prepared by Albert Richardson.document, gold, princess alexandra coy & tributors, princess alexandra coy & tributors, extracts on princess alexandra mine, united devonshire, mm reports -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Carbon copy notes, with typed copies of same, which have been cut in half, listing Miners' Wages at the Deborah Mines, 1953. Wages are for a 5 day, 40 hour week and in present day currency. Miners received $27.20 or $35.25 if a Leader in a wet shaft. Braceman $25.80, Platman $25.80 or $27.05 if he worked in a wet shaft. A Mining Blacksmith $28.55, a Fireman, from $26.10 to $26.60, Winding Engine Driver $30.05 a week. Batteryman $25.10, battery Feeder $24.80. Engine Driver's wages varied from $27.10 to $28.90 if in charge of a dynamo and plant. The Basic Wage was then $23.20 a week. In 1895, employees worked a 6 day, 48 hour week and most men received less than $5 per week. The price of gold in 1949 was $30.98 compared with an average of $8.00 an ounce in 1895. When the Deborah group of mines closed in 1954 the price of gold was $31.25 an ounce. Signed by A Richardson 20/8/1971. Written in the margin: Copy, Compiled for Jim Sullivan 20/8/1971. Albert Richardson Collection. document, gold, north deborah gold mining co n. l., north deborah gold mining co n. l., miners' wages at the deborah mines 1953, miners' wages, price of gold, jim sullivan -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, Spokeshave steel ornate, c1900
A spokeshave is a tool used to shape and smooth wooden rods and shafts - often for use as wheel spokes, chair legs . Spokeshaves can be made from flat-bottom, concave, or convex soles, depending on the type of job to be performed. Spokeshaves can include one or more sharpened notches along which the wooden shaft is pulled in order to shave it down to the proper diameter. Historically, spokeshave blades were made of metal, whilst the body and handles were wood. An early design consisted of a metal blade with a pair of tangs to which the wooden handles were attached. Like a plane, spokeshaves typically have a sole plate that fixes the angle of the blade relative to the surface being worked. By the twentieth century metal handles and detachable blades had become the most common. Preston Tools was an English tool making company also known as E.P. Tools and Edward Preston Tools. Edward Preston Sr. (1805-1883) was first listed as a plane maker at 77 Lichfield Street in the 1833 Birmingham Directory but it is believed he may have started business there as early as 1825. Around 1850 his son, Edward Preston Jr. (1835-1908) left school to join his father's business and he later started up his own "wood and brass spirit level manufactory" at 97-1/2 Lichfield Street by 1864. By 1866 Edward Jr. had added planes, routers, joiners, coach, gun, cabinet and carpenters tools to his line, and the following year he moved his shop from his father's address and relocated to 26 Newton Street, before moving again to a much larger premises at 22-24 Whittall Street. This later became the office and factory of Edward Preston and Sons, who were forced to liquidate in 1934, due mainly to the Great Depression and mismanagement of the company. The plane making concern was sold to the Sheffield firm of C. & J. Hampton, who had subsequently merged in 1932 with Record Ridgeway Ltd.An ornate steel spokeshave wood plane with an adjustable screw.PRESTONS PATENTwoodwork, tools, spokeshave, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, woodplanes, craftwork, bicycle wheels, furniture, cabinetmaking, cartwheels, wagons, drays, preston edward, preston tools ltd -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Spoon, c.1878
This tea spoon is from the wreck of the LOCH ARD, a Loch Line ship of 1,693 tons which sailed from Gravesend, London, on 2 March 1878 with 17 passengers and a crew of 36 under Captain George Gibbs. “The intention was to discharge cargo in Melbourne, before returning to London via the Horn with wool and wheat”. Instead, on 1 June 1878, after 90 days at sea, she struck the sandstone cliffs of Mutton Bird Island on the south west coast of Victoria, and sank with the loss of 52 lives and all her cargo. The manifest of the LOCH ARD listed an array of manufactured goods and bulk metals being exported to the Colony of Victoria, with a declared value of £53,700. (202 bills of lading show an actual invoice value of £68, 456, with insurance underwriting to £30,000 of all cargo). Included in the manifest is the item of “Tin hardware & cutlery £7,530”. This teaspoon is one of 482 similar items of electro-plated cutlery from the LOCH ARD site, comprising spoons and forks of various sizes but all sharing the same general shape or design and metallic composition. 49 of these pieces display a legible makers’ mark — the initials “W” and “P” placed within a raised diamond outline, which is in turn contained within a sunken crown shape — identifying the manufacturer as William Page & Co of Birmingham. An electroplater’s makers’ marks, unlike sterling silver hallmarks, are not consistent identifiers of quality or date and place of manufacture. A similar line of five impressions was usually made to impress the consumer with an implication of industry standards, but what each one actually signified was not regulated and so they varied according to the whim of the individual foundry. In this case, the maker’s marks are often obscured by sedimentary accretion or removed by corrosion after a century of submersion in the ocean. However sufficient detail has survived to indicate that these samples of electro-plated cutlery probably originated from the same consignment in the LOCH ARD’s cargo. The following descriptions of maker’s marks are drawn from 255 tea spoons, 125 dessert spoons, and 99 table forks. These marks are clearly visible in 66 instances, while the same sequence of general outlines, or depression shapes, is discernible in another 166 examples. 1. A recessed Crown containing a raised Diamond outline and the initials “W” and “P” (the recognised trademark of William Page & Co) 2. An impressed Ellipse containing a raised, pivoted, Triangle in its lower part and bearing a Resurrection Cross on its upper section (a possible dissenting church symbol reflecting religious affiliation); OR a rounded Square impression containing a raised, ‘lazy’, letter “B” (possibly mimicking sterling silver hallmark signifying city of manufacture i.e. Birmingham) 3. An impressed rounded Square filled with a raised Maltese Cross (the base metal composite of nickel silver was also known as ‘German silver’ after its Berlin inventors in 1823) 4. A recessed Circle containing a Crab or Scarab Beetle image; OR a recessed Circle containing a rotated ‘fleur de lys’ or ‘fasces’ design 5. A depressed Diamond shape enclosing a large raised letter “R” and a small raised letter “D” (mimicking the U.K. Patent Office stamp which abbreviated the term ‘registered’ to “RD”, but also included date and class of patent) Suggested trade names for William Page & Co’s particular blend of brass plating are ‘roman silver’ or ‘silverite’. This copper alloy polishes to a lustrous gold when new, discolouring to a murky grey with greenish hue when neglected. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only seven in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register. The LOCH ARD shipwreck is of State significance – Victorian Heritage Register S 417. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Unrestored tea spoon from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. The spoon design has a flattened fiddle-back handle, with a thin stem or shank, flared collar, and elongated bowl. The spoons metallic composition is a thin layer of brass alloy which has partially corroded back to a nickel-silver base metal. Approximately 80% of original electroplating survives, with some verdigris. There is sedimentary encrustation on the bowl, and the shaft is bent. Outlines of four makers marks are visible and the details of one are legible (2) Resurrection Cross.flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, electroplated cutlery, loch ard shipwreck, nickel silver, william page & co, birmingham, brass plating, makers marks, william page & co, birmingham, william page & co, birmingham -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Spoon, c.1878
This tea spoon is from the wreck of the LOCH ARD, a Loch Line ship of 1,693 tons which sailed from Gravesend, London, on 2 March 1878 with 17 passengers and a crew of 36 under Captain George Gibbs. “The intention was to discharge cargo in Melbourne, before returning to London via the Horn with wool and wheat”. Instead, on 1 June 1878, after 90 days at sea, she struck the sandstone cliffs of Mutton Bird Island on the south west coast of Victoria, and sank with the loss of 52 lives and all her cargo. The manifest of the LOCH ARD listed an array of manufactured goods and bulk metals being exported to the Colony of Victoria, with a declared value of £53,700. (202 bills of lading show an actual invoice value of £68, 456, with insurance underwriting to £30,000 of all cargo). Included in the manifest is the item of “Tin hardware & cutlery £7,530”. This teaspoon is one of 482 similar items of electro-plated cutlery from the LOCH ARD site, comprising spoons and forks of various sizes but all sharing the same general shape or design and metallic composition. 49 of these pieces display a legible makers’ mark — the initials “W” and “P” placed within a raised diamond outline, which is in turn contained within a sunken crown shape — identifying the manufacturer as William Page & Co of Birmingham. An electroplater’s makers’ marks, unlike sterling silver hallmarks, are not consistent identifiers of quality or date and place of manufacture. A similar line of five impressions was usually made to impress the consumer with an implication of industry standards, but what each one actually signified was not regulated and so they varied according to the whim of the individual foundry. In this case, the maker’s marks are often obscured by sedimentary accretion or removed by corrosion after a century of submersion in the ocean. However sufficient detail has survived to indicate that these samples of electro-plated cutlery probably originated from the same consignment in the LOCH ARD’s cargo. The following descriptions of maker’s marks are drawn from 255 tea spoons, 125 dessert spoons, and 99 table forks. These marks are clearly visible in 66 instances, while the same sequence of general outlines, or depression shapes, is discernible in another 166 examples. 1. A recessed Crown containing a raised Diamond outline and the initials “W” and “P” (the recognised trademark of William Page & Co) 2. An impressed Ellipse containing a raised, pivoted, Triangle in its lower part and bearing a Resurrection Cross on its upper section (a possible dissenting church symbol reflecting religious affiliation); OR a rounded Square impression containing a raised, ‘lazy’, letter “B” (possibly mimicking sterling silver hallmark signifying city of manufacture i.e. Birmingham) 3. An impressed rounded Square filled with a raised Maltese Cross (the base metal composite of nickel silver was also known as ‘German silver’ after its Berlin inventors in 1823) 4. A recessed Circle containing a Crab or Scarab Beetle image; OR a recessed Circle containing a rotated ‘fleur de lys’ or ‘fasces’ design 5. A depressed Diamond shape enclosing a large raised letter “R” and a small raised letter “D” (mimicking the U.K. Patent Office stamp which abbreviated the term ‘registered’ to “RD”, but also included date and class of patent) Suggested trade names for William Page & Co’s particular blend of brass plating are ‘roman silver’ or ‘silverite’. This copper alloy polishes to a lustrous gold when new, discolouring to a murky grey with greenish hue when neglected. HISTORY OF THE LOCH ARD The LOCH ARD belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many ships from England to Australia. Built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curdle and Co. in 1873, the LOCH ARD was a three-masted square rigged iron sailing ship. The ship measured 262ft 7" (79.87m) in length, 38ft (11.58m) in width, 23ft (7m) in depth and had a gross tonnage of 1693 tons. The LOCH ARD's main mast measured a massive 150ft (45.7m) in height. LOCH ARD made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its final voyage. LOCH ARD left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of Captain Gibbs, a newly married, 29 year old. She was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers and a load of cargo. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. On board were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionary, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were items included that intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. At 3am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land and the passengers were becoming excited as they prepared to view their new homeland in the early morning. But LOCH ARD was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4am the fog lifted. A man aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and LOCH ARD's bow swung back. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time LOCH ARD was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind the ship. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves broke over the ship and the top deck was loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of LOCH ARD and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael had raced onto deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached LOCH ARD Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland, this time by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the LOCH ARD disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost all of her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the LOCH ARD tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of LOCH ARD still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some was washed up into what is now known as LOCH ARD Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton porcelain peacock - one of only seven in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today, the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artefact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register. The LOCH ARD shipwreck is of State significance – Victorian Heritage Register S 417. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Unrestored tea spoon from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. The spoon design has a flattened fiddle-back handle, with a thin stem or shank, flared collar, and elongated bowl. The spoons metallic composition is a thin layer of brass alloy which has partially corroded back to a nickel-silver base metal. Approximately 45% of original electroplating remains, with some verdigris. It has a bent bowl and shaft. Outlines of five makers marks are visible on lower rear of handle, and details of one are legible (1) Trade Mark. flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, electroplated cutlery, loch ard shipwreck, nickel silver, william page & co, birmingham brass plating, makers marks, william page & co -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Illuminated address enclosed in a brown leather folder, embossed with gold leaf pattern. Letter on RH page, photo of Mr. Joseph Davies (The hero), photo of Goldfields Consolidated Mine, and diagram of mine shaft showing location of rescue on left hand page of address. Address to Mr. Joseph Davies, resolution moved by Sir John Quick, congratulating him on his heroism in saving the life of his mate, Mr. J. Allan, at the Goldfields Consolidated mine last Friday, Dated 14th October, 1909.person, mining, joseph davies, joseph davies, illuminated address, sir john quick, mining, goldfields consolidated gold mine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
black and white photograph of Great Extended Hustlers Freehold poppet head, now at Wattle Gully, Chewton ( james Lerk 26.22.1999 ) Poppet head in front of mining buildings, stacks of sawn timber tonight. Great Extended Hustlers/locality/Hustlers Hill Nth. Bendigo/ formed 1865/last production 1921. Depth of shaft 3,470 ( 1045 m ) Poppet legs, steel 70 feet high ( 21.08 ) Gold very rich, total yield 300,000 ozs. Dividends 675,000 pounds sterling ( $1,350,000 )organization, business, great extended hustlers mine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - NEW CHUM HILL?
Black and white photograph of mine site. Mullock heap in background with various mine buildings. Chimney stack and corrugated iron buildings on right. Mine shaft holes in foreground. Whims centre back. Hand written on back 'Gold Mines Bendigo. Probably New Chum Hill. Looking North. Phoenix, later Old Chum Mine at summit. JB Lazarus' claims in foreground. RT. 'Johnsons No. 2' on back - Royal Historical Society of Victoria, Bendigo Branch. Circular stamp. History: Prev. ACC. No. MNG 2Batchelderplace, mining site, new chum -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two page typed carbon copy of document, headed 'South New Moon, Garden Gully line of Reef', located one mile north from Eaglehawk post Office. An historical overview of the mine is provided with information regarding its location, depth of shaft, original company, engine house, air compressor, battery and years of operation. The steel poppet legs were approximately 85 ft high and had a greater slope than usual on the front legs. ' Said to be the best poppet legs on the field'.Albert Richardsonbendigo, mining, south new moon mine -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Plan of the Great Extended Hustler's Mine on the Hustler's Line of Reefs, Bendigo. Bulletin No 33, Plate No X. Lease No 7382. Plan has map of streets. Mine was located in the block bounded by Langston and Anderson Streets and was between the Hustler's Anticline at Surface and the Lightning Hill Anticline at Surface. Latham & Watson's Shaft is also mentioned. Levels are numbered and a table shows the Levels and their Depths. Geological Survey of Victoria. Signed by H A Whitelaw, Underground Suyrvey Office, Bendigo, September 1913. This item has not been scanned or photographed.mining, parish map, great extended hustler's mine, hustler's line of reefs, mining lease no 7382, geological survey of victoria, underground survey office bendigo, h a whitelaw, latham & watson's shaft -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Map and plan of the Fortuna Hustler's Mine on the Hustler's Line of Reefs. Bulletin No 33, Plate No 1. Plan gives depth of the different levels. Bendigo Railway Station is on the map and also a number of the streets. Carpenter Street is called Cemetery Road. Also on the Hustler's Line of Reef is the Summer Hill Shaft. Shown is the Hustler's Royal Reserve No 2 Lease. Map has the Geological Survey of Victoria crest. It is signed by H Whit ?an Underground Survey Office Bendigo, September 1913. This item has not been scanned or, fortuna hustler's mine, plan of fortuna hustler's mine, hustler's royal reserve no 2 lease, summer hill shaft, hustler's line of reef