Showing 2317 items
matching school of design
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Evelyn Hunt, The Federal Exercise Book by Evelyn Hunt, 1909
A School Book belonging to Evelene Hunt. S.S. 502 Registor Number 10431 Evelene G.A. Hunt. Born 7-1-1901. Admitted January 1906 - Infant Class. Daughter of George Hunt, Kofoed Street. Carpenter. Sept 1913 Grade 6Faded Red/Brown cover with black Print design and title. Hand written name and SchoolEvelyn Hunt State Schoolstawell education, primary school, 502 -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, G H Hallam, The Victorian School Arithmetic, Fourth Class by A H Hallam, 1906
Used in Government SchoolsSoft red covered Line Text BookVictorian Series 20th Thousand The Victoria School Arithmetic approved by the Department Oral and Written Exercises Forth Class Expressly designed to meet the requirements of the new Victorian Programme by G.H. HALLAM (Victorian Education Department) Price ......Sixpence Answers Seperate .. Sixpence Melbourne Jas. Ingram & Son, Publishers 987 Little Collins Street Copyright. Inside: Hand Written Chrissie (Struck Through) Harry (written underneath) Cummingstawell education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, Federal Mathematics for Grade VIII edited by J McRae MA, 1910
Mathematic book used in Victorian programme of instuction.Grey card cover with black border and print diamond shaped design two thirds of the way down the coverFederal Mathematics for Grade VIII. Edited by J. McRae, M.A. Inspector of Schools, Victoria Specially written to meet the requirements of the New Victorian Programme of Instruction. Melbourne: Christchurch: Wellington: Dunedin N.Z. & London Whitcombe & Tombs Limited 1/6 Inside: Theresa Euphemia Cummingstawell education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Stawell & District State Schools, The Reef - State School Magazines – October 1921 Vol 1 No 1, 1921
The First Edition of the "The Reef" a Magazine for Local State Schools, Stawell, Black Range, Green's Creek, Illawarra, Pomonal, Glenorchy, Deep Lead, Morrl Morrl, Joel Joel, Concongella, Salt Creek, Great Western, Wallaloo East, Campbell's Bridge, Callawadda, Warngar, Frechman's, Landsborough West and Landsborough.733: Grey Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside 733A: Purple Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside 733B: Fawn Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside Badly Torn 733C: Brown Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside 733D: Brown Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside Cover torn Bottom Right Missing 733E: Brown Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside Cover torn Bottom Right Missing 733F:Brown Card Cover with black Design Balck Text Inside Cover torn top Right MissingOctober 1921 Vol 1 ...... No.1 The Reef 733A; No. 5 October 1927 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling 733B: No. 2 October 1924 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling 733C: No. 1 September 1923 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling 733D: No. 3 October 1925 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling 733E: No. 4 October 1926 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling (Cynthia Bodey Top Right Hand Written) 733F: No. 6 October 1928 The Pinnacle Stawell Inspectorate School Magazine. Not Failure But Low Aim Is crime R.L. Henerson Price One Shilling stawell education -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
ink drawing, Marcela Bole - ink drawing 1925, 1925
Marcela Gec was attending Italian convent school, because the territory of Slovenia was under the Italian rule. It had to be her own design to be able to create the embroideryInk drawing on cartridge paper of the hazel nut bush blossoms in late winter.Marcela Gec, 1925marcela bole, drawing, ink, hazel nut bush, slovenian association melbourne, slovenian embroidery -
Canterbury Primary School
Photograph, Gymnasium
Gymnasium built to a design brought back to Canterbury from the USA. No longer there.2 Photographs and 1 plan of a gymnasium located on the north side of school. -
National Wool Museum
Textile - Blanket, Eagley Mill, 1955-59
This blanket was owned by the Rosenberg family from the late 1950s onwards. It was the donor Denise’s blanket. Born May 1958, her late mother Elfie kept it safe for many decades after Denise had outgrown it. Elfie returned the blanket to Denise 20 years ago, in its current near new condition. Jacques Rosenberg and Elfie née Naparstek, Denise’s parents, met in Melbourne in the Summer of 1950. They both survived being young and Jewish in Europe during the Second World War. Jacques grew up in France and Elfie in Germany, she was a child of the Kindertransport. They married in 1952 and by 1958 had a son and two daughters. Denise, the youngest daughter, donated the blanket on behalf of the Rosenberg family to the National Wool Museum in 2021. The Kindertransport was a program designed to facilitate the immigration of Jewish children from Nazi Germany before the outbreak of the Second World War. The United Kingdom took in nearly 10,000 predominantly Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. The children were placed in British foster homes, hostels, schools and farms. Tragically, these children were often the only members of their families to survive the tragedies that were to unfold in Europe. Fortunately, Elfie’s parents did survive World War Two by sneaking out of Germany and into the south of France. After Elfie and her sister Serry were Kindertransported, they met up with Salma and Risla Naparstek in Paris in 1947 before migrating to Australia. This blanket originates from the Eagley Mill. They manufactured woollen, worsted and knitwear products from their mill located in Collingwood. Part of Foy & Gibson, the mill had frontages measuring almost two miles within the area bounded by Little Oxford, Wellington, Stanley and Peel Streets in Collingwood. This was the largest manufacturing plant for wool in the Southern Hemisphere at the time. It was also one of the oldest. The first machines for knitting men’s socks were installed in 1896. The site ultimately went into receivership while under new ownership in 1968 and is now high-end real estate. More information about the Mill can be read via Unimelb digitised collection. 38”x45” (965 x 1145mm) cream wool blanket. The blanket has white stitching around its edge. Embroidered in the centre of the blanket is a koala eating leaves with accompanying flowers on either side of the marsupial. In the bottom right corner of the blanket a small square label from the Eagley Mills is stitched. This label includes the images of a Sphinx head, a pyramid and a baby’s crib.Eagley / ALL / WOOL / 38”x45” / AWARDED THE CERTIFICATE OF / THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF / PUBLIC HEALTH & HYGIENE LONDONkindertransport, eagley mill, blanket -
National Wool Museum
Tool - Spinning Wheel, c.1980
This spinning wheel originates from New Zealand; however, it has no distinguishing features relating to its creator such as an inscription, so its exact maker is not known. Gill Stange remembers buying the wheel on Bridge Road in Richmond, approximately 30 years ago. Gill had joined her local Spinners and Weavers Guild after the Ash Wednesday bushfires of 1983. She was a then resident of Mount Macedon and lost everything in the fires. Moving to Melbourne to get away from the scene of much pain, Gill was also in need of a new hobby to help occupy her mind. That is when spinning and weaving entered her life. The local Spinners and Weavers Guild was a great support network for her and with their recommendation, she purchased her own spinning wheel. Her passion was started, and the wheel was to become a treasured item in Gill’s home. She had several spinning wheels within her possession over the years, however, this wheel was her first and always her favourite. When the time came for Gill to downsize, there was simply no longer room for her spinning wheel. This is when she decided to donate the wheel to the National Wool Museum. Gill remembers one highlight was weaving a tablecloth from a traditional German design. It took her two years to complete, with Gill spinning all the wool herself on this wheel. The tablecloth won the first prize in the Melbourne Show in 1987. Gill also used the wheel to teach programs to school children on how to spin and knit wool. She would take the easily transported little wheel, and its accompanying seat, with her to schools. Its small size enabled her to teach children to knit and spin, bringing others the joy that spinning had brought her. Not just limited to schools, Gill also taught programs with the wheel here at the National Wool Museum. It is a fitting home for the wheel, which Gill donated to the National Wool Museum in 2021.Dark varnished wood in a Castle style spinning wheel. The wheel has 8 small spokes which meet a thick outside rim. The outside rim has four golden disc weights on the bottom edge, to aid in the turning of the wheel. The spinning wheel has four legs of turned wood giving a sculptural form, a design pattern which is continued throughout. The wheel has a single medium sized foot pedal. This pedal is well worn with varnish missing from years of use. The wheel is completed with its accompanying chair. Made of the same dark varnished wood, its legs are also of turned wood, continuing the design pattern and uniting the two objects. The chair is very simple outside of the legs, with a medium size base and a thin backrest ending in a rounded head. The chair’s varnish is also starting to fade from years of use. The chair is small, designed to keep the spinning wheel operator at the appropriate height when spinning on the equally small and compact Castle style spinning wheel. Additional parts were donated with the Spinning Wheel. - 3 x Lazy Kates - Spare Maiden. - 450mm Niddy Noddy - Steel teeth brushspinning wool, spinning wheel, ash wednesday, mount macedon, textile production -
National Wool Museum
Photographic Display, Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945
Photos depict the staff members of Denny Lascelles Ltd. who were on active service in World War II (a '+' denotes those who were killed in action). Those depicted are: Sgt. J.A. GANLY, 159 AUST. L.A.A. BTY., A.I.F., +Driver R.H.B. COLLETT, C.A.M.T.C., A.I.F., L.S.A. E.R. McKINNON, R.A.N.R., S/Sgt. K.O. DAVIS, 2/2 A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/O W.E.S. HOLTHAM, 7 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Tpr. J. Mc. K. MOODIE, 2/1 AUST. ARMD. RECCE. SQN., A.I.F., W.O.I. G.R. MATHISON, H.Q. 1 AUST. CORPS, A.I.F., Cpl. K.J. DOODRELL, 3 WATER TRANSPORT GP., A.I.F., W/O J.R.M. McWILLIAM, 463 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., A/B R.A. HOBSON, R.A.N.R., W.O.II A.J. WILKS, 4 AUST. RECOVERY SECT., A.I.F., F/O D.N. McKENZIE (R.A.A.F.), 34 SQUADRON, R.A.F., +Cpl. A. BEATTIE, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., Pte. A.R. YOULDEN, 4 AUST. INF. BDE., A.I.F., Cpl. A.J.E. GOSBELL, H.Q. 2 AUST. ARMD. BDE., A.I.F., Sgt. J. DENTON, 2 CON. DEPOT, A.I.F., Sgt. D. CLERY, B.C.A.F. H.Q., R.A.A.F., Lieut. D.C.P. URQUHART, 2/23 BTN., A.I.F., S/Sgt. R.C. SEARGEANT, 2 FIELD TRAINING REG., C.M.F., L/Cpl. K.P. LANYON, INF. TRG. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. A.J. TONKIN, N.T. PRESS UNIT, A.I.F., A/B D.M. CHALMERS, R.A.N.R. ["H.M.A.S. LONSDALE" on hat], Lieut. L.H. BATTEN, 2/2 AUST. A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/Sgt. B.J. McINTYRE, H.Q. WESTERN AREA, R.A.A.F., Sapper P.R. PIPER, 41 LANDING CRAFT COY., A.I.F., LAC. E.A. STEVENS, 2 R.I.M.U., R.A.A.F., +F/Lieut. J.S. AUSTIN, D.F.C., 490 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Sgt. T.E. DENDLE, 13 SURVEY & DESIGN, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.C. BONE, 4 AIR OBSERVERS SCHOOL, R.A.A.F., Cpl. R.H. REEVES, 4 AUST. INF. REIN. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. N.J. COUPER, A.A.P.C., A.I.F., +F/Lieut. J.D.R.B. CARRUTHERS, (R.A.A.F.), 18 SQUADRON, R.A.F., LAC. J.R. NEWLAND, 481 MAINTENANCE SQDN., R.A.A.F., Lieut. R.G. CRITTEN, 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., F/O. D.J. ASTBURY, 83 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.J. ROBINSON, 21 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Gnr. G.G. STANBROOK, 2/3 FLASH SPOTTING BTY., A.I.F., Cpl. P.B. WILKINSON, 67 AUST. MOB. SEARCHLIGHT BTY., A.I.F., +P/O D.V. HIGGINS, 73 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Lieut.-Col. W.R. DEXTER, D.S.O., 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., C.O. 61 AUST. INF. BTN., A.M.F., F/Sgt. E.T. ORCHARD, 1 OP. TRAINING UNIT (CANADA), R.A.A.F., +L/Sgt. H.T. LEWIS, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., LAC. D.N. PESCOTT, 21 WIRELESS TEL. UNIT, R.A.A.F., Bdr. L.G. COMMONS, 2/14 AUST. FIELD REGT., A.I.F., Sig. C.K. MORRIS, "B" AUST. CORPS SIGS., A.I.F., F/Lieut. P.N.M. FISHER, 30 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F. The photographs have been taken by several different photographers, namely: The Lockwood Studios, Geelong (Lewis & Austin), Boxmount, Nhill (Morris & Moodie), Robert Pockley, Geelong (Ganly, Collett, Mathison, Wilks, Seargeant, Tonkin, Dendle, Reeves, Wilkinson, Orchard, Pescott, Critten), and Watt Telfer, Geelong (Higgins).Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 portraits. Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 war ii, dennys, lascelles limited -
National Wool Museum
Book, I.C.S. Reference Library no. 92
"I.C.S. Reference Library no. 92: glossary of weaves, elementary textile designing, analysis of cotton fabrics, analysis of woolen and worsted fabrics, twill weaves and derivatives, satin and other weaves, combination weaves, construction of spot weaves, weaves for backed cotton fabrics, woolen and worsted ply weaves, leno weaves, pile weaves, color in textile designing, designing in general" International Correspondence Schools Ltd, 1921. There is a fine ex libris plate (designed by W.L. Trigg) on the inside of the front cover depicting the Anzac statue from the RSS Mill. This book is from the library of V.J. Schofield, son of Albert Schofield, the first managing director of the RSS Mill.EX LIBRIS / V.J. SCHOFIELD / W.L. TRIGGweaving textile design cotton textile mills, international correspondence schools ltd returned soldiers and sailors mill, cloth - woollen, cloth - worsted, twill, trigg, w. l., weaving, textile design, cotton, textile mills -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, 'Twin' Teaching at New School, 9/06/1976 12:00:00 AM
The new Primary School proposed at Livingstone Road, Vermont SouthThe new Primary School proposed at Livingstone Road, Vermont South, would be designed for 'closed' and 'open' teaching methods. With map.The new Primary School proposed at Livingstone Road, Vermont Southprimary schools, vermont south primary school, walton, trevor, binaisse, v., cocking, b., knight, b., newsome, m., wickenden, l., head, p. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Preserving the story, c1967
... of the municipality designed for school children.... of the municipality designed for school children. In the two years since ...In the two years since it was formed Nunawading and District Historical Society has commenced a basic history of the municipality designed for school children.In the two years since it was formed Nunawading and District Historical Society has commenced a basic history of the municipality designed for school children.In the two years since it was formed Nunawading and District Historical Society has commenced a basic history of the municipality designed for school children.caldwell, l, roczniok, joan, nunawading historical society -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Ceramic Tile Project, 1995
The Golden Jubilee of the former City of Nunawading on 30 May 1995.The Golden Jubilee of the former City of Nunawading on 30 May 1995 was commemorated by the laying of 14,500 pavers in the floor area of the amphitheatre at the Nunawading Civic Centre, to the design of 6,000 children from 19 schools in the City of Nunawading.The Golden Jubilee of the former City of Nunawading on 30 May 1995. nunawading civic centre, pavers -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, c1900
School exercise book with stiff boardcovers. Centre stitched. Pale and dark green Edwardian graphic design, with hand written inscription on front and inside cover. Ink on front and pencil inside cover - all work in black ink.Front: Lizzie Pilkington, State No. 888 {school}|Inside cover in pencil: Lizzie got her bangle for getting excellent all through the book. 1902.books, school/educational -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Hillside. Rock and Dale: Birdlife pictured with pen and camera, 1902
Kate Wilcox, mother - in law to Francis Warren. Kate Migrated to Australia from Dorset , England.Green cloth bound covers. Hardback with gilt embossed cover design: bird in nest. Photographic illustrations (110). Coloured frontspiece of tawny owl. 250 pages, Hand written inscription.Kate Willcox A... as prize for collecting wildflowers from: John Saunders Dec 1904.books, school/educational -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Nunawading Arts Centre, 1986
The $2.7 million Nunawading Arts Centre.The $2.7 million Nunawading Arts Centre, designed by former Nunawading City Mayor, opened on 25 May 1986.The $2.7 million Nunawading Arts Centre. nunawading arts centre, gawler, david, utassy ballet school -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Community Hub, 2017
... school no. 4190 The concept design for the new Nunawading ...The concept design for the new Nunawading Community Hub built on the former Nunawading Primary School site will be on display at an upcoming community information day.nunawading community hub, nunawading primary school no. 4190 -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Container - School Bag, c1940
Belonged to donor's late husband who used it in primary school in c1940.A leather school bag fastened by two leather straps and silver metal buckle, plus a leather shoulder strap adjusted by a buckle. Decorated with rick-rack design as a border. Inside - faint markings of a name 'EMJ FORDE. 291(?) Wellington Street(suburb not readable)' in pen or pencil.13 Solid Hideschool, equipment -
Shelford Girls' Grammar
Tie Pin, Stokes, 1922-1955
This tie pin features the school crest used by Shelford Girls Grammar during the period 1922-1955 when the school was known as a Church of England Girls Grammar School. The school was closely linked to St Mary's Church of England, Glen Eira Rd, Caulfield, Victoria. The badge was designed by Canon Langley and Mr. W.E.L. Wears in 1922 when the school was taken over by the Church of England. The motto means "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God."This tie pin is representative of tie pins worn by all students at Shelford C.E.G.G.S during the period 1922-1955. It forms an official part of the school uniform at that time. Metal tie pin featuring the crest of Shelford Church of England Grammar School. The crest is silver and dark royal blue and features a large silver "S" in the centre of a blue oval. The oval features the words "Querite Primo Regnum Dei. St Mary's C of E". A banner underneath reads "CAULFIELD" .STOKES stamped on reverseshelford, shelford church of england girls grammar school, shelford girls grammar, st. mary's, church of england, canon langley, w. e. l. wears -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Article, Green, Ken, Elmore Houses of Blackburn, 1993
A discussion of the Elmore Houses in Blackburn between 1912-1932.2 pages, A4, photocopied documentnon-fictionA discussion of the Elmore Houses in Blackburn between 1912-1932.elmore houses, elmore algeron, green ken, heidelberg school, morton thomas, open air school, clonmore, freehold investments and banking company of australia ltd, arts and crafts bungalows -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Teaching aid - Doll, Nursing Through the Ages
In 1972 Designed Noeline King designed a new uniform for the Northern District School of Nursing. Yellow and White dress with a yellow jacket. 1st worn by School 80 (31/07/1972) Students nurses wore this distinctive uniform in wards and were affectionately known as "Yellow Canaries"The Uniform was worn to the forced school closure in July 1989 as a result of transfer of nursing education into Colleges of Advanced Education. School 108 (4/8/1986) was the final school. 30cm Miniature Doll - Yellow and white dress with yellow jacket. Worn 1972 - 1986Name Tagnursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Work on paper, Bede TANGUTALUM, Yam, 1991
Bede TANGUTALUM (1952- ) Wurrumiyanga (Nguiu), Bathurst Island Tiwi People Bede Tungutalum works across a range of media, including carved and painted wooden sculpture,printmaking and painting. Tungutalum learned carving from his father, the well-known sculptor Gabriel Tungutalum, and was taught how to cut woodblocks for printing while attending Xavier Boys School at Nguiu. He refined and developed these techniques in the late 1960s and early 1970s. His earliest prints date from the late 1960s. In 1969, with fellow Tiwi artist Giovanni Tipungwuti, Bede Tungutalum established Tiwi Design, an art centre dedicated to the production of hand-printed fabrics featuring traditional Indigenous designs.Framed lithograph depicting yams, printed in colour inks, from multiple stonesbede tangutalum, tiwi, wurrumiyanga, bathurst island, tiwi design, yam, aboriginal -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Toilet at St Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Sandon, 2017, 08/04/2023
St Laurence O'Toole church and cemetery is located in a rural setting at 801/821 Creswick-Newstead Rd, Sandon. Originally a small wooden school (22’x14’) was erected in Sandon by Father Patrick Smyth (who was involved in the Eureka Stockade movement) in 1859. It was also used for Mass and became known as a chapel. In June 1882 tenders were called for the construction of a brick Church by the Castlemaine architect, T.F. Kibble, and it was built at a cost of 1000 pounds. The church was blessed by Archbishop Goold on 06 May 1883 and dedicated to St Laurence O'Toole. The brick building demonstrates original design qualities of a Victorian Rudimentary Gothic style, including the steeply pitched, parapet gable roof form, together with a central steeply pitched, gabled porch that projects slightly from the main gable end. Other intact qualities include the exposed brick wall construction, lapped galvanised corrugated iron roof cladding, minor gabled porch at the rear, small ventilation dormers nearby the roof ridgeline, series of stone steps that lead to the central porch with its double pointed door opening and vertical boarded doors, simple rose window in the main gable end, pointed windows, brick buttresses with double lower copings, and the light masonry detailing (the banding marking the floor level within, buttress copings, window and door surrounds and quoins, and the drip moulds).(Shire of Mount Alexander: Heritage Study of the former Shire of Newstead, 2000) The visually connected cemetery demonstrates important visual qualities formed by the regular rows of graves and cemetery architecture, and the grassed and treed rural landscape. It is a rare and substantially intact example of a Victorian Catholic Church with a cemetery in its churchyard. Many headstones and cemetery architecture, date from the 19th century and represent some fine examples of masonry craftsmanship. Some refurbisments occurred during the 1940s and in 2002 a major restoration project was undertaken from roof to footings, by a dedicated band of volunteers and trades people. Work was completed mid 2003 and in November 2003 St Laurence’s was re-dedicated with the celebration of Mass and a picnic tea. Colour photograph of a long drop toliet at the Catholic Church, Sandon, Victoria.sandon, sandon cemetery, st laurence o'toole catholic church, sandon -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Former Kurting Mechanics' Institute, Victoria, 2016, 10/01/2016
Kurting. Mechanics' Hall OFFICIAL OPENING. SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION. Favored by beautiful weather, the official opening ot the new Mechanics' Hall erected at Kurting proved an entire success. There was a large attendance ol local and district residents, and a sports meeting held during the afternoon in aid of Red Cross funds resulted in a substantial amount being netted. The hall, which stands on ground generously donated by Mr J. Hogan, between the school and the creek, is a substantialyvconcrete building of pleasing design, and was erected at a cost of about £330 by Mr J. H. Secombe, who also materially assisted the committee in the matter of finance. It is 48ft. long by 24ft. wide, with 12ft, walls, and should prove equal to the needs of the district for many years to come. It is well ventilated, and has large windows, these opening outwards on hinges. Doors at each side, and the back, as well as in front, give free means of access, while a fireplace in the back allows of provision being made for supper arrangements, water being laid on from a tank. Provi sion has been made for the partitioning off ot portion of the hall at any time this may be considered desirable. To provide a stage eight tables of a uniform size have been constructed to fit across the width of the hall. By these it will be possible, when euchre parties are being held, to use the full length of the hall. ... (Inglewod Advertiser, 19 July 1918) and also to convert tiie "stage" into card tables. The committee still has work ahead in the provision of a ceiling for the building and seating accomodation, but there is no doubt that the public support accorded them will be sufficient to enable these matters to be dealt with in the near future. A fine floor has been put down.Photographs of the former Kurting Hall, Victoria.kurting, kurting hall, john hogan, kurting mechanics' institute -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Nunawading Amphitheatre
Nineteen local schools participated in the project which was co-ordinated by Hazel Mournay, and the two artists assisting were Michael Chanter and Richard Price. Daniel Robertson Brick Company provided the tiles and the completed amphitheatre was opened by the Member for Koonung, Mr Bruce Atkinson on Sunday 4th June 1995.A series of coloured photographs showing school children designing and decorating tiles to be used to pave the Nunawading Amphitheatre in 1995. Each school was given a year to research, design and paint tiles to fit a given shape. This project was one of the significant events organised to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the former City of Nunawading in 1995. There are also photographs of the erection of the design on site, the finished product, and the opening day.nunawading amphitheatre, amphitheatre, ceramic tile project, artists in school, mourney, hazel, atkinson, bruce, chanter, michael, price, richard, robertson, daniel -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Badge - Mitcham Technical School
Mitcham Technical School became Mullauna College along with Mitcham High and Donvale High. Mitcham Technical School was located on Dunlavin Road and was moved to Mitcham High School in Springfield Road and became Mullauna College in 1929Mitcham Technical Badge, shield shape. burgundy background with " Mitcham Technical School" on top and "with skill and effort" on bottom. A circle with spoke design all in gold. On back is "would finder please phone". A hook on top with a figure 8 hook & then key ring hook.mitcham technical school, mullauna college -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Item), Richard Shiell, 'Filming of IH Sequences for SR Film Don't Send Your Daughter' (2/2), 1960
In 1960, the University's Student Representative Council produced a thirty minute colour film called 'Don't Send Your Daughter', designed to showcase the activities of first year students ("freshers") for high school students and their parents. The film starred Susan Stone and Christopher Carr as "two typical freshers", and some scenes were shot at International House, with the film played for a University audience in September 1960. This photograph comes from an 'Album of Student Activities 1960', compiled and presented to International House by Soedjadi Satrosoegito & Richard, residential college -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Tapestry photographs, 1997 Tapestry unveiling photographs
In 1997, Bialik College students of Grades 4, 5 and 6 co-designed with a weaver, Cresside Collette, a large tapestry depicting Bialik students holding hands and the school motto 'Step forth with courage'. Images of this important message and community moment are held by the Bialik archive. If you have materials or stories about Bialik life and culture that you wish to please contact us at [email protected]. weaving, artwork, bialik college, judaism, jewish school, primary school -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - A chess event at Bialik, c1990s-2000s
Students of Bialik partook in a large chess themed event. There was a range of chess board themed cakes and platters shown, students dressed as various pieces of the board, family and friends from the community are shown seated, watching the children perform. For inquiries or access contact [email protected] photographs have a post-it note on the reverse of the photograph. 'The Food: I loved the kake. It was good. Charlie. Lindsay I loved the cupcakes I made it with my mom.' Another states 'we are handing out the tick's to the gest's [sic].school, jewish school, bialik college, photographs, chess, club -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Puppets in the classroom
... and Design Department School Jewish School Bialik College Photographs ...Bialik children are shown moving large puppets around the classroom, guided by two older women, possibly teachers or helpers. No date is indicated, but clothing indicates late 1990s to early 2010s.For inquiries or access contact [email protected] on one photograph, written in black penart and design department, school, jewish school, bialik college, photographs