Showing 3399 items
matching 2000.522..01
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Invoices, Letterhead and Invoices relating to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1898, 23/01/1898
The City Cycle Shop built bicycles to order.Ten invoices relating to the Ballarat School of Mines. .3) John King and Co., grocers .5) Crocker's Hall of Commerce .9) Printed invoice from F. Mitchell's City Cycle Works of 49 Lydiard cycle works, letterhead, f. mitchell, cycle, bicycle, william gooch, r. collie & co., daily telegraph, john king & co., arnall & jackson, george crocker -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Miss B.E. Jacka, Secretary of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Correspondence on The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Letterhead, 1961, 24/01/1961
Typed letter on The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Letterhead requesting information from the Ballarat School of Mines on the Edwards Pyrites Roaster.australasian institute of mining and metallurgy, harry arblaster, edwards pyrites furnace, b.e. jacka, mining, ausimm -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Pat Trost, Letter on Cowley's Eureka Ironworks Pty Ltd Letterhead, 1961, 01/08/2015
Typed letter on Cowley's Eureka Ironworks Pty Ltd letterhead to Harry Arblaster, Principal of the Ballarat School of Mines. The letter mentions the sale of Cowley's, the departure of Pat Trost and introduces max Beames. The letter is signed by Pat Trostcowley's, eureka ironworks, boilermaker, engineer, pat trost, harry arblaster, foundry, foundries, max beames -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Invoice from Woodwards to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1907, 01/09/1907
Double sided invoice with Woodwards letterhead. Woodwards were at 64 Lydiard Street and were furniture warehousemen, cabinet makers, french polishers and upholsterers. They also stocked Bell and Doherty orgams and Ronisch and Gors & Kallmann pianos. woodwards, u to d, lydiard street, furniture, pianos, organs, keyboards -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Federation University Mt Helen S Building, 11/01/2017
In 206-7 the Science (S) building was being refurbished and repurposed.Two photographs of laboratories in the Mount Helen S Building pre refurbishment.federation university, science building, mount helen s building, labororatory -
Federation University Historical Collection
Memorabilia - Honour Boards, Ballarat Teachers' College Honour Boards, Photo taken 27/01/2017
The E.W. Ellwood Prize Board was presented by the Ballarat Teachers' College Exit Students in1954.Two timber honour boards associated with the Ballarat Teachers' College. ballarat teachers' college, frank lord, w.h.ellswood, w.f. lord, ellwood, honour boards, awards -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Former Ballarat Teachers' College Students with Inge King's Sculpture, 2017, 27/01/2017
This photograph was taken on the Federation University Mount Helen Campus when Michael Boyko and Stephen Bibby were researching in preparation for the 50th anniversary Reunion of the Class of 1967.Former Ballarat Teachers' College Class on 1967 Students Stephen Bibby and Michael Boyko stand beside Inge King's Sculpture 'Organic Form'. The Class of 1967 purchased the sculpture by Inge King. ballarat teachers' college, inge king, sculpture, stephen bibby, michael boyke, anniversary -
Federation University Historical Collection
Correspondence, Letter from the Air Force Association to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1958, 01/09/1958
The Australian Flying Corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association has His Excellency General Sir Dallas Brooks as a patron. Typed quarto letter of Air Force Association letterhead. The letter highlights the Air Force Commemoration Week being observed by the Ballarat Branch Air Force Association.australian flying corps, royal australian air force association, air force association, dallso brooks, e.j. anderson, ballarat school of mines, ballarat, letterhead -
Federation University Historical Collection
Correspondence, Correspondence Confirming Ballarat School of Mines Qualifications, 1971, 25/01/1971
The Hon. Branch Secretary of the Victorian Branch of The Association of Professional Engineers Australia asked the Principal of Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education for confirmation of Mr John William Baldock Diploma qualifications. The Principal MR E. J. Barker replied confirming the qualifications.1) Quarto letterhead requestion information on John William Baldock. .2) Typing paper.1) The Association of Professional Engineers Australia letterhead including logoe.j. barker, jack barker, associaiton of professional engineers, australia, j.a. gilmour, john william baldock -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Perseus, 28/01/2004
Perseus is the work of J. Cranari who was sctive in the 1880s. It was presented to the National Gallery of Victoria by James Chapman in 1885, before being de-accessioned and transferred to Ballarat in 1943. It was Perseus is the work of J. Cranari who was sctive in the 1880s. It was presented to the National Gallery of Victoria by James Chapman in 1885, before being de-accessioned and transferred to Ballarat in 1943. In 2008 it was removed from its Camp Street location and underwent conservation treatment, Pegasus was moved to the Robert Clark Centre at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.Various photographs of a marble sculpture of Perseus when at Camp Street. Perseus was the son of Zeus who was the most supreme Greek god of all.perseus, statue, marble -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Presentation to William Wooldridge, 1862, 10/01/1862
Framed calligraphy presentation to William Wooldridge, late manager of the Koh-i-Nor Gold Mining Companyackroyd, francis, beasley, henry, cazaly,, church, arthur, colvin, robert, cotter, james, cotter, william, doyle, john, elliott, george, ellis, james, empey, william, erickson, e., gaunt, joseph, gay, philip, gilbert, john, gilmour, henry, glasson, edward, higgans, fred, higgans, joseph, james, john, lanyon, james, mcquinn, john, mitchell, john, muir, thomas, o'neill, michael, o'neill, patrick, pearson, david, peters, john, quinn, michael, rankin, alexander, rankin, richard, rowe, john, sirdan, edward, uren, william, varcoe, william, whitehead, william, willey, samuel, wooldridge, william, lamb, james, koh-i-nor gold mining company, illumination, calligraphy, presentation, w. thomson, john james -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Tracing of M.T. No 213 Hard HIlls, 1870, 01/11/1870
Scale: 8 chains to 1 inch (1:6336)Hand drawn plan on waxed white linen."This is a correct copy from my Registration Book. [Rob N. Horay?] Mining registrar 1/11/70hard hills, survey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Albert E. Stohr, Curriculum Vitae of A.E.Stohr, 1970, 19/01/1970
Albert E. Stohr was a member of the Council of the Ballarat School of Mines for 24 years, a member of the Council of the Ballarat grammar School for 24 years, represented all Provincial Sewerage Authorities in Victoria on the Plumbers and gasfitters registration Board of Victoria for 25 years, member of the Institution of Engineers (Australia) for 46 years, member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Australia for 22 years, and chairman of the Ballarat Group of the Association . Member of the Rotary Club of Ballarat for 24 years, and many other organisational.Five foolscap pages relating to the education and career of Albert Edward Stohr. Work places include: Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd; Victorian Railways Construction Branch; Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works; Sewerage and Main Drainage Branch; Water Supply Branch; United States Army Services of Supply; Department of the Australian Army; Ballarat Water Commissioners; Ballarat Sewerage Authority. His projects include the White Swan Reservoir, Gong Gong Reservoir Spillway Channel; Installation of Venturi Meters at Brown Hill; Sewerage treatment Works; Nightsoil Dumping and Pan Washing Depot. stohr, bert stohr, a.e. stohr, white swan reservoir, engineering alumni, engineer, ballarat school of mines. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, 2013, 22/01/2013
Clare Gervasoni was appointed as the Curator: Art & Historical Collections at the University of Ballarat (now federation University Australia. in 2000. A female is photographed in front of a wide landscape. It is Clare Gervasoni in front of Ballarat East.clare gervasoni, portrait, staffmember -
Federation University Historical Collection
Gold License, Gold License made out to William Fittall Junior, 1853, 04/01/1853
This miner's right is a copy from an original held by the Old Colonists' Association of Ballarat. The original was glued onto a page in a large album of photographic images of early Ballarat. Recognising their significance the Council of the Old Colonists’ Association had them removed and restored. The originals are now framed and on display in the Old Colonists’ Hall.Digital copy of an original Gold Lisense made out to William Fittall Junior.Ballarat Victoria Gold License No. 215 Jany 4 1853 The Bearer Wm Fittale [sic] Jr having paid to me the Sum of One Pound Ten Shillings, on account of the territorial revenue, I hereby License him to dig, search for, and remove Gold on and from any such Crown lands within the Dist of Ballarat as I shall assign to him for that purpose during the month of January 1853 not within half-a-mile of any Head Station, This License is not transferable, and to be produced whenever demanded by me or any other person acting under the authority of the Government, and to be returned when another License is issued. Chas Wale Sherard Commissioner. Regulations to be observed by the persons digging for Gold or otherwise employed at the Gold fields. 1. Every licensed person must always have his License with him ready to be produced whenever demanded by a Commissioner, or Person acting under instructions, otherwise he is liable to be proceeded against as an unlicensed person. 2. Every person digging to Gold, or occupying Land, without a License is liable by law to be fined, for a first offence, not exceeding five pounds; for a second offence not exceeding 15 pounds; and for subsequent offence, not exceeding 30 pounds. 3. Digging for Gold is not allowed within ten feet of the edge of any Public Road, nor are the roads to be undermined. 4. Tents or Buildings are not to be erected within twenty feet of each other, or within 20 feet of any Creek 5. It is enjoined that all persons on the Gold Fields maintain a due and proper observance of Sundays. william fittall, sherard, charles sherard, charles wale sherard, mining, fittall, eureka -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Borough of Sebastopol, 1940, 01/07/1940
Sebastopol became a suburb of the City of Ballarat.Plan showing the streets, allotments creeks in the Borough of Sebastopol, Parishes of Ballaarat and Cardigan, County of Grenville, in 1940. sebastopol, t. rider, yarrowee creek, leigh river, st george's reserve, leigh creek, sebastopol public gardens, sebastopol recreation reserve, gravel reserve, night soil depot, sanitary depot, rubbish depot -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document, 12-01-1882
This hand written letter, in black ink script on blue lined paper, is impressed with the official stamp of the Victoria Steam Navigation Board. The left margin has the reference “S82/12" It is transcribed: "Victoria Steam Navigation Board, Melbourne, January 12th 1882 To Frederick Chapman, Master, S.S. "Julia Percy" You are herewith furnished with a copy of the report of the Official Court which assembled to enquire into the circumstances attending the collision between the steamers "Julia Percy" and "Nelson" off Apollo Bay near Cape Otway on the morning of the 25th December 1881, and you are hereby expected to attend at the Board Room, Custom House, Melbourne, at 2pm, on 13th January instant to show cause why you should not be censured accordingly. [Signature] Secretary" This document refers to the matter of a collision between two steamships, the Julia Percy and the Nelson, on 25th December 1881. The Julia Percy was at that time owned by her first owners, the Warrnambool Steam Packet Company, and she sailed under the command of Captain Chapman. She had left Melbourne the evening of 24th December, with about 150 passengers, sailing in fine weather through Port Phillip Heads around 9pm. She was headed for Warrnambool, Belfast (now named Port Fairy) and Portland. The Julia Percy was off Apollo Bay when Captain Chapman was woken by the ship’s whistle after midnight, the steamer Nelson being on a collision course with the Julia Percy.[See Link.] The Nelson struck Julia Percy midship. Boats were lowered from the ship (apart from a damaged lifeboat) and about 30-40 of the passengers boarded the Nelson. The engine room and the forehold were checked and found clear of water. The company manager, Mr Evans, had been on the Nelson, so he boarded and inspected the Julia Percy and the decision was made to continue on to Warrnambool with the passengers as there appeared to be no immediate danger. However, Captain Thomas Smith said the Nelson was taking on water, so Julia Percy followed her for about an hour towards Melbourne on standby in case of need. Then Julia Percy turned around towards Warrnambool again. Shortly afterwards the Nelson turned to follow her, the ships stopped and passengers were returned to Julia Percy, and three from Julia Percy boarded the Nelson. Both ships proceeded on their way. Julia Percy passed Cape Otway light afterwards, signalling that there had been a collision. It was discovered later that one of the passengers was missing, then thought to have boarded the Nelson but later thought to have fallen into the sea and drowned while trying to jump from Julia Percy to Nelson. There had been 3 tickets purchased under the same name of that passenger “Cutler”; a father, son and friend named Wordsworth, which had caused quite some confusion. No further mishap occurred to either ship and both the Julia Percy and the Nelson reached their destinations safely. An enquiry was instigated by the Victoria Steam Navigation Board regarding the cause of the accident between the two steamships, in connection with the death of Cutler who was supposed to have lost his life by the collision. The enquiry resulted in the following decision: "The Victorian Steam Navigation Board having taken into consideration the points urged by Captain Thos [Thomas] Smith and also by his legal advisers, is of opinion that the charge prepared against him has been sustained, but taking into consideration Captain Smith’s previous good conduct and character, the board suspends his master’s certificate No 227 issued by this board for a period of six calendar months from this date – Robert Fullarton, Chairman. “The Victorian Steam Navigation Board having beard the statement of Captain Frederick Chapman urged in his defense to the charge of dereliction of duty as master of the Julia Percy, in having no standing order on board that vessel to be called in the event of any approaching steamer’s lights being seen, find such charge sustained, and censure him accordingly – Robert Fullarton, Chairman.” ABOUT “JULIA PERCY” The S.S. Julia Percy (later named Leeuwin ) was an iron passenger-cargo steam ship built in 1876. At one point in time the Julia Percy would sail from Warrnambool to Melbourne every Friday and return from Melbourne to Warrnambool every Tuesday. The cost of a return ticket for a Saloon Fare was £1.0.0. She would sail “if practical and weather permitting”. Shipping was the cheapest and most practical means of carrying produce and goods during the period 1840-1890. Regular domestic steamer services commenced in the Warrnambool district in the late 1850’s and by 1870 the passenger trade was booming. Produce was loaded from the jetty into ‘lighters’ (small boats), which took it to the ships at anchorage in the bay. Passengers were taken to the ship’s side then climbed aboard up ladders or gangways. The coming of the railway in October 1889 meant the gradual decline and end of the steam shipping era. The Julia Percy was built in Glasgow by Thomas Wingate & Company, Whiteinch, in 1876 for the Warrnambool Steam Packet Company, which commissioned her for trade in Victoria’s western district. She was first registered in Warrnambool, Victoria in 1876. The Julia Percy changed hands several times. Her next owner was the Western Steam Navigation Co (1887), managed by Mr. T.H. Osborne (the company’s office was on the corner of Timor and Liebig Streets, Its north-western wall is now part of the current Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery. ) The Melbourne Steamship Co became the next owners (1890), followed by William Howard Smith and Sons (1901) for use in Queensland coastal trades, then she was bought by George Turnbull in 1903 and used for local mail contract in Western Australia. The Julia Percy was sold to the Melbourne Steamship Company Ltd. (1906) and re-named the “Leeuwin” but continued in her Western Australian coastal run. She was converted into a coal hulk in Melbourne in 1910 as a result of damaged caused when she was driven against the jetty at Dongara during a gale. The ship was eventually dismantled and scuttled in Bass Strait on 28 December 1934. The document is significant for its association with the wreck of the Leeuwin (Julia Percy), which is on the Victorian Heritage Register, VHR S413. . It is historically significant for being a rare artefact that has potential to interpret aspects of Western Victoria’s 19th century steamship trade and Victorian cultural history. The Leeuwin (Julia Percy) is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as being historically significant ‘as one of only four wrecks of steamships in Victorian waters associated with the western district of Victoria’s coastal steamship trade. Reports of Victoria Steam Navigation Board about the collision on 25th December 1881 between the steamers " Julia Percy" and "Nelson". Letter from Victoria Steam Navigation Board, Melbourne to Frederick Chapman, Master, S.S. "Julia Percy", dated January 12th 1882. reference on letter in left margin "S82/12"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill –maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, victoria steam navigation board, captain frederick chapman, captain thomas smith, thomas wingate & company, steamer julia percy, steamer leeuwin, steamer nelson, steam ship, warrnambool steam packet company, t. h. ostorne, western steam navigation co., charles cutler -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Vehicle - Vessel, Lifeboat Warrnambool, 01/09/1910
The construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later, 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by the Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was foreman boat builder when he and his fellow workmen built the boat. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature, along with building dates, is pencilled on a concealed timber 'plaque' in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is probably the company of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in early 1900's. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares, and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990 she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.”The lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL is significant for its half century service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel. She was also used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Lifeboat "Warrnambool", a wooden, clinker hull, 'self-righting, self-draining design, single mast, pivoting centreboard. Complete with sail and yardarm. A 'plaque' was found inside the hull of the lifeboat, made of untreated wood, disc-shaped with one straight edge (Diam 15.5cm), inscribed by one of the boat builders in pencil script "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiers) / Boat Builder)."'Plaque' inside body of boat is inscribed in pencil, script writing "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiels) / Boat Builder)." flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat, life boat, vessel, life saving, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, williamstown, government dockyard, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, meiers, nelson place, non-capsizeable, self-righting, titan crane, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, barge, antares, self righting, crew of twelve, capacity of 30 survivors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Report, Ballarat School of Mines Indenture, 1877, 01/11/1877
Blue legal document with seals relating to the lease of the Former Ballarat Circuit Court House - later the Ballarat School of Minesredmond barry, john warrinfton rogers, rivett henry bland, former ballarat circuit course house, lndenture, ballarat school of mines, legal -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Southern Prince Lyell Orebody 115 Sublevel, 1991, 01/1991
The planes of the orebody at South Prince Lyell, including felsic volcanics, silicified One, shale lenses and owen conglomerate.mount lyell, tasmania, southern prince lyell, orebody, volcanics, hale lenses, owen conglomerate, magnetite alteration -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Matthew Freeman, Federation University Cycling RoadNats Championships, 01/2018
The Federation University RoadNats Championships held in Ballarat from 03-07 January 2018. The event attracts riders from around the world. Colour photographs of cyclists participating in RoadNats in Sturt Street Ballarat riding in front of a Federation University banner. roadnats, cycling, federation university, cycling australia, ballarat, sturt street ballarat, bicycle -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper, Regional News Magazine, 01/11/1985
broadsheet: 20 pages; regional news magazine; car's 100th birthday; gottlieb daimler; karl benz; ford; holden: -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Supplement, The Courier, The Courier, 10 January 1994, 10/01/1994
The edition of the Ballarat Courier announcing Geoffrey Blainey as the first Chancellor of the University of Ballarat (now Federation University Australia). It also includes facts and dates relating to the University of Ballarat from 1869 to 1994. 3 copies of supplement 20 page University of Ballarat supplementSpecial Edition - University City: A glorious future milivoj micich, geoffrey blainey, university of ballaray, mount helen campus, ballarat university college, ken hawkins, pat prevett, koalas, bill pryor, zelman cowen, international students, dennis els, food technology, koori education unit, aboriginal education unit, ziaoli jiang, student enrolment, timeline, ferdinand krause, alfred mica smith, lord casey, john sharpham, human movement, occupational health and safety, e.j. barker library, mount helen library, founders hall, chancellor -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Music Score, Music for a Graduation, 1997, 01/1997
This work was commissioned by the University of Ballarat (later Federation University Australia) at the suggestion of University lecturer Janice Newton.The composers brief was to provide fanfare/processional - type music that reflected both something of the early history of Ballarat and something of the goldfields. 'Look Out Below' and the medieval university tune 'Gaudeamus Igitar' has been incorporated into the body of the music. The discerning ear may pick out these tunes being played independently or together, in snatches or longer segments, throughout the piece. Rosalie Boninghton (9.4.1946 - 21.12.2011) was born in Ballarat. She studied composition under Keith Humble, Ian Bonington, Theodore Dollarhide and Lawrence Whiffen from the University of Melbourne and completed her Master of Arts (Music) at LaTrobe University in composition with a thesis on 'Contemporary Liturgical Music and the Composer. In 1967 Rosalie was awarded the Coutts Memorial Prize for Composition from the University of Melbourne. She has also won the national Song of Jubilee competition (1999), and was co-winner of the national Competition for Liturgical Psalm-Setting (1983). An A3 score of fourteen A3 pages for brass, woodwind and timpani. The pages have been inserted into an A3 display book. An collections of A4 scores for each musical instrument is also located in the A3 display book. The music has been designed for flexi-length options to suit each particular occasion, ranging from approximately 2 minutes and 35 seconds minimum length to approximately 3 minutes and 37 seconds maximum, and including a range of intermediate lengths possible. graduation, music, music score, rosalie bonighton, processional hymn, janice newton, fanfare -
Federation University Historical Collection
Image, William Ewart Lockhart, The Jubilee Celebration in Westminster Abbey, June 21st 1887, 01/09/1890
Queen Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom from 1819-1901.Photogravure of Queen Victoria's 1887 Jubilee Celebrations in Westminster Abbeywilliam ewart lockhart, queen victoria, jubiliee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newsclip, Mary's Mount - 100 Years, 01/03/1975
A page form the Ballarat Courier outling the centenary of Loreto Ballarat.mary's mount, loreto ballarat, mother mary gonzaga barry, centenary, chatham-holmes family collection, chatham family archive -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper - Newsclip, History at Coghill's Creek, 01/03/1950
The Coghill Cairn was erected by William Coghill's nephew Harry E. Holmes.Four pages from the Ballarat Courier with information on Coghill's Creek. coghill's creek, william coghill, harry holmes, holmes family collection, chatham-holmes collection, sauchieburn, pioneed -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Guiness, Dublin, 01/08/1952
This book is part of a collection of books, photos and memorabilia donated from the Chatham-Holmes family collection. The book appears to be promotional.This seventy page, buff coloured, hard covered book has a cloth binding. The front cover has Guiness and Dublin printed and a picture of a harp. There is a picture of Arthur Guiness (1725-1803) on the page facing the contents page. At the back of this history of the St James's Gate Brewery are numerous photos of the place and the process.chatham-holmes family collection, guiness, arthur guiness, st james's gate brewery, guiness, beer, brewing, brewery, st james's gate brewey, cooper, barrell, ireland, dublin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat Railway Employees at the Ballarat School of Mines Student, 1910, 01/07/1910
Ballarat School of Mines invoice to the Secretary of Railways, Victoria relating to a subsidy for teaching railway employees telegraphy.ballarat school of mines, railway, telegraphy, letterhead -
Federation University Historical Collection
Print - Documents, David Miller, Rebels: The Legacy of the Eureka Stockade, 2004, 26/01/2004
This article was reproduced by the Eureka Centre.Two page article first published in The Age on 26 January 2004.eureka stockade, david miller, eureka flag, ballarat reform league charter, chartism, alumni