Showing 3258 items
matching staple
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Administrative record, Government of Victoria, "Motor Omnibus Act 1928", "Motor Omnibus Act 1929", 1929
2260.1 - 32 page document, Victorian Act No. 3742, titled "Motor Omnibus Act 1928". Printed on white paper, edge stapled, dated 12/2/1929. Provides the law and licencing provisions relating to the use of buses, omnibuses in Victoria, including Melbourne, Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. See also Reg. Item No. 1976 for the regulations regarding this Act. 2260.2 - 8 page document, Victorian Act No. 3851, titled "Motor Omnibus Act 1929". Printed on white paper, saddle stapled, dated 30/12/1929. Provides amendments to the 1928 Act in particular for light motor omnibuses or motor cars. The full Acts can be downloaded from the Parliamentary Web site.2260.1 - has ESCo date stamp of 8 Feb. 1929. 2260.1 - has ESCo date stamp of 16 Jan. 1929, the nine has been altered to a "3" in pencil. Probably should have read 1930. Also has a red "3" within a circle in the top right hand corner.museums omnibuses, ballarat, bendigo, buses, competition -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), BTPS 5c over stamped 80c, 1974
Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.Block of 200 tickets - light red ink on off white paper, original denomination 5c, lettered A 125000 to A 125199, headed Ballarat Tourist Tramway and over stamped "80c" in black ink. The 200 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple. The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets. Tickets originally printed for general use on the trams 1974. Later over stamped to act as 80c tickets to save printing new tickets. Tickets used as Adults and Children (return). See btm Fare Schedule.doc Collected a the time of first issue - 26/10/1985 Fare structure of BTM/BTPStrams, tramways, btm, tickets -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), BTPS - 5c, Oct. 1975
Demonstrates the Museum's ticketing systems and ongoing production of tickets.Block of 200 tickets - red ink on off white paper, denomination 5c, lettered A 199800 to A 199999, headed Ballarat Tourist Tramway. The 200 tickets have been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple. The tickets are in the style of the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria tramway tickets. Tickets in use as Museum entry tickets from mid 1972 at the depot, then as child single tickets in 1974 to 1975. See BTM Fare Chart. Also used as tickets for other purposes such as check tickets and 50c tickets over stamped, cash received checks as donations for many years. Printed 1971? See Fare structure of BTM/BTPStrams, tramways, btm, tickets -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), SEC 4d, 1940's?
Two blocks of tickets each - red ink on buff 60 gsm paper, denomination 4d (printed in blue), headed State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Provincial Tramways. Originally a block of 50 tickets been stapled onto a heavy cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a small cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket. The ticket number is in black ink while the "E" prefix is in red, the ticket number is in black. Ticket used as a Transfer, had day of issue to be punched on the left hand side and the validated destination in number on the right hand side. 2117.1 - H037151 - 99 2117.2 - H037009 - 49 Thought to be used prior to 1950's around the second world war.trams, tramways, secv, tickets, parcels -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Editor William H. Rees, "Official Programme and History of Ballarat for its Centenary Celebrations 1938 / One Hundred Years", 1938
Book with 124 pages, missing original covers, titled "Official Programme and History of Ballarat for its Centenary Celebrations 1938 / One Hundred Years", comprising 8 signatures and side and stapled with three staples along the left hand side. Price 1/- Features photographs of the city (images 2 and 3), Editor's Foreword, message from the Mayor J.H. Trekardo, a listing of daily events for each month in the history of the Ballarat and the year of the event, eg on page 20, August 18, "Electric Trams service commenced, 1905". Has many advertisements from local businesses, including the SEC (image 4) on page 25, the history of Ballarat gold mining, water, supply and other services."Edward Crimmins" on the top right hand corner of page 1 in ink. See Reg Item No. 2488 for a signature on the Membership receipt for H.P. James 1939 - Treasurer? of the Ballarat Historical Society.trams, tramways, ballarat, centenaries, civic history -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), SEC 2d City Section, 1958 - 1963?
Yields information about the style and printing of tickets used in Ballarat and Bendigo tramways and how they were presented.Block with one remaining ticket - red ink on off white paper, denomination 2d, over stamped in black "Concession" numbered 685999A, headed State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Provincial Tramways. Originally a block of 200 tickets been stapled onto a plain cardboard back with a heavy metal staple and a off white coloured cardboard retaining strip at the top of the ticket. The ticket price is in red ink while the ticket number itself is in black ink. On rear in red ink is a diagonal criss cross or tartan pattern. See also Reg Item 3999 for another 2d Concession - but note difference check points on side of ticket. See Alan Bradley's notes "Fares in Ballarat" trams, tramways, secv, tickets -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Instruction Book, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Standard Procedure covering the Duties and Responsibilities of the Uniformed and Plain Clothes Traffic Officers", Dec. 1962
Instruction Book or Procedure Manual, 69 Foolscap page, Gestetner printed, contained within heavy card covers, top stapled (three staples), top sheet printed with title "Standard Procedure covering the Duties and Responsibilities of the Uniformed and Plain Clothes Traffic Officers". Compiled by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, first adopted 1957, revised December 1962. Has cover sheet signed by Traffic Manager, R. C. Drummond with six sections of procedures: 1. General 2. District Traffic Inspector's 3. Traffic Inspector's 4. Revenue Inspector's 5. Ticket Examiner - Depot Starters 6. Staff Signalmen (Batman Ave and Swanston/Victoria St.) On top of first sheet in black ink "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society Catalogue No 314."trams, tramways, mmtb, instructions, rules, traffic control -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Instruction, Safety Car Devices Co. St Louis, "Instruction Pamphlet S-100, Air Brake and Safety Car Control Equipment", Jul. 1924
Instruction - 108 pages + 9 fold out drawings glued and stapled in at the rear + card covers with red cloth binding, rounded right hand edges, centre stapled. Titled "Instruction Pamphlet S-100, Air Brake and Safety Car Control Equipment", published July 1924 by the Safety Car Devices Co. St Louis. Includes the M28 Brake valve. Describes in detail the rules for operation, parts, description, M28 Brake Valves, Maintenance, Practical car tests, hints, defects. The 9 drawings at the rear of the document give detail arrangements of the piping and control equipment. Book scanned into three sections. See also Reg Item 3513 for another similar document.on top of first page "C. Hodgson"trams, tramways, electrical engineering, electrical equipment, air compressors, brakes, instructions, maintenance, controllers -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "Short Trip Ticket Information", Feb. 2003
Booklet - 16 pages, center stapled with route tabs, printed in colour on gloss paper, titled "Short Trip Ticket Information", effective Feb. 2003. Outlines the use of Yarra Tram's short trip tickets on the tramway system, and gives details of 7 routes and section details with a map at the time. Second copy added 23-10-15 from Yarra Trams donation. .1 - 12 pages, centre stapled, printed on white paper, titled "Short Trip Tickets", giving information for routes 11, 12, 48, 70, 75, 86, 96, and 109. Has a map for each route and trip information, Metcards. C2001, prior the amalgamation of Yarra and M>Tram.trams, tramways, the met, short trip tickets, tickets, instructions, yarra trams, route 12, route 11, route 48, route 70, route 75, route 86, route 96, route 109 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, British Army: Directions for the Use of Aartillery Instruments : Pamphlet No. 9: Distance Measuring Equipment MRA 2 (Tellurometer), 1961 (Copy 1), 1961
A blue coloured cardboard cover. the information is written in black ink. Top right hand corner is the number four which has been written in black texta. Une this is W.O. Code No. 9726. The top half of the cover is faded. There are three punch holes and two metal staples down the left hand side. Also contains Amendments No. 1 which is held together by a metal staple and is inside of the booklet. Top right hand corner reads 7610-66-013-9800/1. Under this reads W Code No 9726-2 (Aust) and this amendment is done by Army Headquaters, Canberra on the 1 Sep. 68. There are three punch holes down the left hand side of the amendment.australia - armed forces - service manuals, british army, artillery instruments, distance measuring equipment, tellurometer -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, British Army: Directions for the Use of Aartillery Instruments : Pamphlet No. 9: Distance Measuring Equipment MRA 2 (Tellurometer), 1961 (Copy 2), 1961
A blue coloured cardboard cover. the information is written in black ink. Top right hand corner is the number five which has been written in black texta. Une this is W.O. Code No. 9726. Part of the top half of the cover is faded. There are three punch holes and two metal staples down the left hand side. Also contains Amendments No. 1 which is held together by a metal staple and is inside of the booklet. Top right hand corner reads 7610-66-013-9800/1. Under this reads W Code No 9726-2 (Aust) and this amendment is done by Army Headquaters, Canberra on the 1 Sep. 68. There are three punch holes down the left hand side of the amendment.australia - armed forces - service manuals, british army, artillery instruments, distance measuring equipment, tellurometer -
Bendigo Military Museum
Booklet was relating to the voyage home by ship of soldiers and other military support personnel who had been on active duty in the Middle East in 1943. New task was to fight the Japanese. Item in collection relating to David Patterson,24 page booklet on yellow paper with black writing and black and white pictures. Contains series of articles on action in the Middle East. Poems and stories and descriptions of activities aboard the ship taking troops back to Australia. In centre was series of pictures of life on board. Booklet bound be cardboard cover and stapled together.return to australia, homeward bound, middle east, ww2 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Warrnambool Standard Almanac 1929, 1929
This booklet was given to subscribers to the Warrnambool Standard newspaper as an almanac for the year 1929. Warrnambool Standard Almanacs were produced annually from 1875 to 1930. They contain much local information on Warrnambool and district about the businesses, government officials, banks, churches, schools, harbour management, societies and organizations etc. The Warrnambool Standard newspaper was established in 1872 and continues to this day. This booklet is of high significance as it contains much valuable information on Warrnambool and district for the year 1929. It is an important resource tool for those studying and writing the history of Warrnambool and district. This is a booklet of 100 pages. The cover and several pages at the back and the front of the booklet are missing. The booklet is bound with metal staples. The booklet has a fold-out map of Warrnambool printed in green, several photographs printed in black and white and others in brown and blue tonings and other illustrations. The booklet is splotched and stained throughout. warrnambool standard newspaper, standard almanac 1929 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Program, Into the woods, 1997
This is a programme for the 1997 Warrnambool Theatre Company production of ‘Into the Woods’. Warrnambool has had many drama and theatrical groups throughout its history, with the present day Warrnambool Theatre Company evolving from the Warrnambool Theatre Group which was founded in 1948. Plays and musicals have been produced each year since, with most productions being staged at the Warrnambool Town Hall/Performing Arts Centre/Lighthouse Theatre. This programme is of interest as an example of the productions staged by the Warrnambool Theatre Company. This is a booklet of 16 pages with a white cover. On the front cover is an illustration of a wooded forest in black and white tonings with the lettering in black and white. The back cover has an advertisement in black and white. The booklet contains advertisements, information on the play and the theatrical performers and producers and black and white photographs. The booklet is bound with metal staples. warrnambool theatre company, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - Note Book with Newspaper Cuttings, 1920s
This notebook contains cuttings from the Warrnambool Standard pasted over handwriting which appears to be orders for a business. The cuttings concern the activities of the Warrnambool Rifle Club from 1924 to 1926. Rifle shooting in Warrnambool dates from 1860 when it was part of the activities of the Volunteer Rifle Corps and other later local militia groups. As a separate organization the Warrnambool Rifle Club, still operating today, dates from 1886 with the North Warrnambool Rifle Club founded in 1928. This notebook is of minor interest as it contains a summary of the Warrnambool Rifle Club activities in the 1920s and is useful for researchThis is a note book of 100 pages with a hard board cover, red binding over staples and black printing on the front cover. The pages contain handwritten entries of items to be ordered for a business. Newspaper cuttings have been pasted over the original writing. Some cuttings are loose. The book is stained and torn at the edges.warrnambool rifle club -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book - World War 11 Cartoons by Armstrong, Harold Armstrong, Argus cartoonist, War Without Tears - 100 of the War's Wittiest Whimsies, late 1940s
World War 11 War Cartoons by ArmstrongThis is a book of war cartoons. The cover has two cartoons in colour and black and white and red and black printing. The spine is slightly torn.The pages contain comic sketches in colour, black and white and brown and white and sepia tones. Some pages at the front are of a shorter width than the other pages. The pages are stapled.fictionWorld War 11 War Cartoons by Armstrongworld war two, world war two cartoonist armstrong -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Artefact, Flag, 1997
This small flag has been made by Brauer College in Warrnambool to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of Warrnambool and to mark the 84 years of Brauer College’s existence. Warrnambool was founded in 1847 as a planned town to provide port facilities for the export of produce of the local pastoralists and squatters. Brauer College began as the Warrnambool Technical School in 1913 with John King as the Principal and the original school buildings in Timor Street. In 1958 the school became the Warrnambool Technical College and today this site is occupied by the South West TAFE facility. The secondary school section of Warrnambool Technical College relocated to Caramut Road in Warrnambool and since 1990 has been known as Brauer College. It was named after a local prominent doctor and supporter of State Education – Dr Alfred Brauer. This flag is of some interest as a memento of Warrnambool’s 150th anniversary and of Brauer College’s part in this. This is a rectangular-shaped plastic flag attached with three metal staples to a circular-shaped wooden stick. The flag is green with white printing on both sides and contains the images of the Warrnambool City Council seal and the sea-horse emblem of Brauer College. The flag is partly torn away from the stick at the lower end. ‘Warrnambool -150 years 1847-1997’ ‘Brauer – 84 years 1913-1997’ brauer college, warrnambool, warrnambool’s 150th anniversary -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, Blood, Sweat and Tears
Diary outlining History of Service in WW2 of Ron Morrell No.4985826 1/5 Sherwood Foresters, 18th Division. Joined in England and posted to Singapore where captured as POW and was at Changi. Diary was written in 1986. He later migrated to Australia. Refer Cat No. 316, 305P for details.Home made book of the Diary of Ron Morrell, from enlistment through being a Prisoner of War to discharge. Yellow cardboard cover with title sheet glued on front. Four staples and 45 pages inside contain maps and history of service, all handwritten with some maps and sketches all in black and white.Title on front "Blood, Sweat and Tears by Ron Morrell". Contents are all handwritten.diary, changi, ww2, pow -
Bendigo Military Museum
See Cat No. 5820. "The National War Memorial of Victoria". An interpretative Appreciation of/ The Shrine/of/ Remembrance/with 50 Illustrations.SOFT COVER BOOK Cover - Light weight cardboard, black print on front cover, with one illustration depicting buttress group, lions and women with wings. 40 pages - cut, plain, paper - print sections - heavy paper, black and white photographs - glossy off white paper. Spine stapled.books, military history, war memorials -
Bendigo Military Museum
"TROOPING THE REGIMENTAL COLOUR/ by the/ 1ST BATTALION/ THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN REGIMENT/ on the occasion of / THE 25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTALION BIRTHDY/ 12th OCTOBER 1945"Programme - cover - cardboard, off white colour, dark blue print on front cover with Royal Australian Regiment Coat of Arms at top. 10 pages - cut, plain, glossy white paper. Illustrated in colour - two flags in centrefold. Stapled - metal, small purple ribbon decoration on front cover.souvenir, programme, military history, ceremonial, regimental colour -
Bendigo Military Museum
This is a pocket sized booklet cover (LIGHT BROWN) Black printing, Commonwealth of Australia crest is at top. Bottom are dotted lines for stating local HQ. Army book C.E.A -O. Rev. July 1967. Fourth Edition July 1967. There are 24 pages of regulations and explanations. The booklet is fastened with two staples.Stamped in blue ink inside cover is the phrase "TRG - LIBRARY RACT CENTRE" drivers and attendants rules, explosives, passchendaele barracks trust -
Shepparton RSL Sub Branch
Box, c. 1921
According to the Australian War Memorial, "The Red Cross maintained a policy of ensuring that comfort and entertainment for the wounded in hospital was onging and stated in its Gazette of December 1917 'Wherever they are, our boys will have a reminder on Christmas Day that the thoughts and sympathy of their people in far-off Australia are with them.' The boxes were usually packed in Australia and contained 'a pipe, tobacco, cigarettes, chocolate, playing cards, match-box, handkerchief and an attractive card, Australian in nature, conveying greetings from the Society.' (Gazette no 7, January 1918)." This particular example dates to 1921, after the war had ended. It is apparent that the efforts of the Red Cross extended beyond wartime years, possibly to those still stationed overseas or returned servicemen and women.This box is an example of charitable gift boxes which were delivered to Australian troops during the war by the Australian Red Cross Society.Wood imitation printed card box in two parts, rectangular in shape fashioned from two pieces of card folded and stapled on shorter sides. Larger box (lid) fits on top of smaller box (base). Top of box has adhesive label with printed inscriptions, gold on light coloured label."GREETINGS/from/The/Australian/Red Cross/Society" a map of Australia with the states identified and capital cities "Perth", "Darwin", "Brisbane", "Sydney", "Melbourne", "Hobart", "Adelaide". To right of the map "Xmas/1921"christmas, holiday, gift giving, red cross, red cross society, returned servicemen, veterans, post war, world war i, first world war, the great war -
Bendigo Military Museum
WHERE THE AUSTRALIANS REST - A description of many of the cemeteries overseas in which Australians including those whose names can never be known are buried. Prepared under instructions from the minister of state for defence. (Senator G.F. Pearce)Cover - soft cover, light cardboard, coloured purple. Black print on front cover, small laurel wreath, black print frame around title. Pages - 72 pages, cut, plain, white. Illustrated - black and white line drawings. Spine - stapled "Compliments" - label adhered to front flyleaf.booklet, cemeteries, rest -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, 3RD PIONEERS, c.1916
Herbert Edgar Hewston No 40 AIF. Refer Cat No 2759.2 for his service history. Part of the HEWSTON collection WW1 & WW2.Photo, black & white showing 37 Band Members with their instruments re 3rd Pioneer Battalion and a dog. Photo is on cardboard placed on a white cardboard sheet with plastic cover over the photo stapled holding it onto the rear cover. Back row 2nd from left: H E HEWSTON No 40.On rear cardboard in green printing: “Band. Third Pioneers Regiment 1st AIF” On photo bottom R corner:” X1385”photography-photographs, military history - army, 3rd pioneers -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Continuous Certificate of Discharge, Continuous Certificate of Discharge: Arthur Oswald Dixon, 1913
This important booklet and record of service is first stamped and dated in 1913. It is unlikely to be the first booklet issued as the seafarer Arthur O. Dixon b. 1879 commenced maritime service in 1904 working for the Harrison Line between 1904 and 1914. He enlisted as an RNR officer during WW1. He is recorded as returning to Merchant vessel service with the New Zealand Shipping Co between 1916-1920. He subsequently was employed with Adelaide Steamship Co between 1920 and 1921. All documentation shows him to be regarded as an officer of good character and reliable. On leaving seafaring Mr Dixon eventually took up a smallholding in regional Victoria.Unusually for the early 20th C. era of Mr Dixon's service at sea two images of Mr Dixon survive on ID papers and were included in the gift of papers. Personal objects included an unusual small travel size New Testament (see VC record ) heavily annotated provide further insights into the experience of early 20th C. seafarers.Fabric reinforced and backed heavy card covers and service book with multiple pages pre printed for completion by either handwritten entries or ink stamps. Records service record, dates, status, vessel names, ports, master names, character assessment. A thin pink ribbon is affixed by a staple to Page 26.Various - see images licensing, registration, certificate of discharge, mariner papers, seafarer certification, identity cards, identification, arthur oswald dixon, seamanship, seamen, sailors, officers, seafarers, wwi, merchant navy, ran, rnr -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Booklet - Booklet - Program Tyrendarra Show 1990, 1990
'Bower Bird' Musum, HeywoodProgram for Tyrendarra 73rd Annual show, 1990 yellow cardboard cover, with black printing. Photo of horse and rider jumping rail fence. On front cover. Back cover has postal details and 55c stamp. Entry form loose inside program. Admittance ticket stapled inside front cover.Front: Back - 'Mrs Savill Bowerbird Museum Heywood 3304' - Written in blue pen -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
SECV including Annual Reports 1940s - 1970s
SECV built KHES15 thick Booklets mostly Foolscap bound by staples 2 Royal Commission on Electricity Supply Answers to set of questions April 1947 1 SECV black hard cover book 'Acts' 1958 1 'SEC History in the Making - Golden Jubilee Photo feature - thin 8 page booklet.state electricity commission of victoria -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Booklet - Pre-natal, Pre-Natal Booklet - A Practical Guide for every Expectant Mother by Department of Health Victoria
The Maternal, Infant, and Pre-school Welfare division of the Victorian Health Department published this booklet to assist expectant mothers with information regarding their confinement.Pre-natal information was important for expectant mothers especially those living in isolation eg. the farming community in the Kiewa Valley.Cream coloured booklet with 65 pages held by 2 staples. It has 10 chapters on pre-natal and 4 chapters on post natal. It is very comprehensive with a few black & white illustrations. There is an 'Obstetric Table' on page 5 "To calculate the date of confinement." It was produced by the Maternal, Infant, and Pre-School Welfare Division. prenatal, victorian health department -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Manual - Folder, loose leaf, Technical Manual User Handbook for Single Channel Radio System HF Vehicle and Ground Stations, 1990's
Relates to equipment used by the RegimentStapled photocopy of the Technical Manual User Handbook covering the vehicle and ground stations of the RAVEN Radio System HF RT-F100 detailing a general description, operating instructions and operator servicing, including amendment No 1 of Apr 1990. Copy is poor quality in some areas, particularly in areas that are red in originalAustralian Army. Technical Manual. User Handbook for Single Channel Radio System HF Vehicle and Ground Stations 1989radio handbook, raven, hf rt f-100 -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Register School Administration, Absence Register School No. 2539 Mullindolingong, circa 1910
Historical look (early 20th century) at the administrative requirements for the running of a small country school. The level of accountability was limited to a monthly report and a visit from the District Inspector. This was still in the era where paper reporting was utmost and faster electronic reporting had still to be implemented.The significance of this register is that it highlights the need in the early 1900s for travelling time, to and from, the duties required at a small country town to be detailed closely for a bureaucracy that was relatively isolated within the larger cities of Australia. Decentralisation of not only government but also of industry had not as yet entered the Australian environment. This register also shows that the written word was clearly hand scribed and thereby a more personal form of communication. This was still in the age where you " can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting" Lucy Goonan was Leonie Prime's relation and came from Glen Creek to teach at Mullindolingong School for a couple of years. None of the other names are 'known' names from the district.Green coloured cardboard backed book with two large staples holding each page at the left side of the spine Each page of has been folded in half from a 51cm overall length to produce each individual page of the register. This method of production of the book provides 25 double sided pages. Markings on cover " Absence Register, School No........ At ......." Markings on inside cover " ABSENCE REGISTER." Underneath this heading there are six explanatory and conditional usage. Each page is printed with the heading ABSENCE REGISTER and underneath "Roll No. 191(part of initial year reference), Record No. Name of Teacher Position Date of Absence Cause of Absence No. of times absent from beginning of year, total number of days absence and remarks requirements staff /reason/time taken during the period 1923 to 1950. Each page was printed with only three numbers of the calender year 191-.This was so that each year could be manually inserted.teachers absence register small school administration, mullindolingong school 1923 -1950