Showing 48565 items
matching coat-of-arms
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Report, Bambrook, Anne, Report on the status of Victorian Aboriginal communities in enterprise and economic development, 1993
... Report on the status of Victorian Aboriginal communities in...Northern Metropolitan College of TAFE, Preston ...The Committee commissioned the research and reportas part of a process leading to a statewide economic development conference and the development of a draft strategy plan for action.p.127; glossary; appendices; figs.; 30 cm.The Committee commissioned the research and reportas part of a process leading to a statewide economic development conference and the development of a draft strategy plan for action.aboriginal communites - retail management; tourism; business development. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Booklet, Baker, George, The role of Australites in Aboriginal customs, 1957
... The role of Australites in Aboriginal customs....National Museum of Victoria, (Trustees), Melbourne ...Australites formerly called obsidianites have been found in considerable numbers over vast areas of the southern portion of Australia. Many of them were treasured by certain aboriginal tribes as medicine-stones, death-pointers, punishment stones, hunting stones, sacred stones; magic stones; amulets etc.P.26; map; illus.; figs. references; 24 cm.Australites formerly called obsidianites have been found in considerable numbers over vast areas of the southern portion of Australia. Many of them were treasured by certain aboriginal tribes as medicine-stones, death-pointers, punishment stones, hunting stones, sacred stones; magic stones; amulets etc. australites-victoria-aboriginal useage, aborigines-magic-australites -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bennett, Richard, Richard Bennetts early days of Port Fairy, 1984
... Richard Bennetts early days of Port Fairy....Warrnambool : W.I.A.E. (Warrnambool Institute of Advanced ...Contents: Richard Bennett's Early Days of Port Fairy - ...; Three Articles by 'Bruni' - The Yangery Estate; Tower-hill Park; Koorongah.viii, 92 p. : ill. ; plates; maps; 25 cm.Contents: Richard Bennett's Early Days of Port Fairy - ...; Three Articles by 'Bruni' - The Yangery Estate; Tower-hill Park; Koorongah.port fairy-history, aborigines of port fairy district. im cain; -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brady, Maggie, Giving away the grog : Aboriginal accounts of drinking and not drinking, 1995
... Giving away the grog : Aboriginal accounts of drinking and...Canberra : Commonwealth Department of Human Services and ...Aboriginal accounts of drinking and not drinking,xx, 174 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.Aboriginal accounts of drinking and not drinking,aboriginal australians -- alcohol use. | alcohol -- physiological effect. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bonwick, James, A Sketch of Boroondara, 1968
... A Sketch of Boroondara...Book Collectors' Society of Australia ...boroondara-history -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Literary Work - Catalogue, National Gallery et al, Primitive Art Exhibition. Melbourne, 1943 National Gallery & National Museum of Victoria, 1943
... & National Museum of Victoria....National Museum of Victoria. ...iii-vi; 26 P.; ports; ill.; 21 cm.indigenous art-exhibition -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brown, Tasman, Morphology of the Australian skull studied by multivariate analysis, 1973
... Morphology of the Australian skull studied by multivariate...Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies ...A study with in-depth notes and statistics on the Australian Aboriginal skull.v-viii; 140 P.; tables; figs.; bib.; appendices; refs.; 26 cm.A study with in-depth notes and statistics on the Australian Aboriginal skull.aborigines. skulls. craniofacial growth studies. use of multivariate analysis. australia | aboriginal australians -- craniology. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brooke, Brian (Brian J.) et al, A story of Horsham : a municipal century, 1982
... A story of Horsham : a municipal century ....City of Horsham ...Copy signed by both authors.278 p. : ill., facsims., plan, ports. ; 21 x 29 cm. Copy signed by both authors.1. horsham (vic.) -- history. i. finch, alan, 1934-, 2. aboriginal inhabitants. p.2-4, 3."mulga fred" -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Aboriginal Education Services, So you want to teach Aboriginal kids : a guide for teachers of Aboriginal children in Victorian primary schools, 1984
... of Aboriginal children in Victorian primary schools...Materials Production, Curriculum Branch, Education Dept. of ...30 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. aboriginal australians -- education (primary) -- victoria. | teachers of children with social disabilities -- training of -- victoria. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Blake, Barry J, Wathawurrung and the Colac language of southern Victoria, 1998
... Wathawurrung and the Colac language of southern Victoria...Pacific Linguistics Research School of Pacific and Asian ...The papers in this volume represent an activity that is becoming increasingly common: putting together scattered sources, mainly from the nineteenth century, on various Australian languages, particularly languages of south-eastern Australia. These languages are no longer spoken in anything like their full, original form and in many communities only a few words are remembered.v-x; 177P.; maps; tables; 25 cm.The papers in this volume represent an activity that is becoming increasingly common: putting together scattered sources, mainly from the nineteenth century, on various Australian languages, particularly languages of south-eastern Australia. These languages are no longer spoken in anything like their full, original form and in many communities only a few words are remembered. aboriginal australians -- victoria -- geelong region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- ballarat region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- colac region -- languages. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- languages. | wathawurrung dialect. | gulidjan language. | -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bird, Greta, The 'civilizing mission' : race and the construction of crime, 1987
... The 'civilizing mission' : race and the construction of...Faculty of Law, Monash University ...Analysis of dispossession and marginalization as a socio-political construction of Aboriginal crime, particularly summary offences; Relations with police and role of ALS; alcohol and crime; role of customary law. "The object of my research was to discover whether Australian Aborigines were being arrested, convicted and imprisoned at a rate, vis a vis whites, that was statistically significant, and if so, whether there were any discernable causes for this involvement in the criminal system." A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.[ii], 67 p. ; bib.; notes; 30 cm.Analysis of dispossession and marginalization as a socio-political construction of Aboriginal crime, particularly summary offences; Relations with police and role of ALS; alcohol and crime; role of customary law. "The object of my research was to discover whether Australian Aborigines were being arrested, convicted and imprisoned at a rate, vis a vis whites, that was statistically significant, and if so, whether there were any discernable causes for this involvement in the criminal system." A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.aboriginal australians -- crime. | criminal justice, administration of -- australia. | race discrimination -- australia. | discrimination in criminal justice administration -- australia. | aboriginal australians -- south australia -- criminal justice system. | aboriginal australians -- western australia -- criminal justice system. | criminal justice, administration of -- south australia. | criminal justice, administration of -- western australia. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Article - Thesis, Bird, Greta, The 'Civilising Mission': Race and the Construction of Aboriginal Crime in Australia, 1984
... The 'Civilising Mission': Race and the Construction of...University of Cambridge ...Analysis of dispossession and marginalization as a socio-political construction of Aboriginal crime, particularly summary offences; Relations with police and role of ALS; alcohol and crime; role of customary law. "The object of my research was to discover whether Australian Aborigines were being arrested, convicted and imprisoned at a rate, vis a vis whites, that was statistically significant, and if so, whether there were any discernable causes for this involvement in the criminal system." A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.[ii], 67 p. ; bib.; notes; 30 cm.Analysis of dispossession and marginalization as a socio-political construction of Aboriginal crime, particularly summary offences; Relations with police and role of ALS; alcohol and crime; role of customary law. "The object of my research was to discover whether Australian Aborigines were being arrested, convicted and imprisoned at a rate, vis a vis whites, that was statistically significant, and if so, whether there were any discernable causes for this involvement in the criminal system." A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge.aboriginal australians -- crime. | criminal justice, administration of -- australia. | race discrimination -- australia. | discrimination in criminal justice administration -- australia. | aboriginal australians -- south australia -- criminal justice system. | aboriginal australians -- western australia -- criminal justice system. | criminal justice, administration of -- south australia. | criminal justice, administration of -- western australia. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Berzins, Baiba, The coming of the strangers : life in Australia 1788-1822, 1988
... The coming of the strangers : life in Australia 1788-1822...Collins Australia/State Library of New South Wales ...Contents: The coming of The Strangers; The environment & its shapers; The Governors & Their Circle; Staying & leaving ; The Lot of Women; Australia & the World; Australia in 1822.Blurb: The Coming of The Strangers challenges our ideas about the European settlement of Australia. Through a selection of the many document, painting and engravings held in the Mitchell and Dixon collections of the State Library of New South Wales, a picture of life in Australia is reconstructed - spanning the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 to 1822 when the first generation of white Australians had accepted the continent as their home.Those who left no written records: the Aboriginal people; white women and convicts, have been brought to the foreground to give a balanced perspective of history during the earliest decades of European habitation in Australia.The Coming of The Strangers accompanies a major exhibition being held at the State Library of New South Wales during 1988. In co-ordinating both this book and the exhibition, the Mitchell Librarian, Baiba Berzins brings to public view many letters, journals and works of art that have not been published or displayed for over a century.144 p. : ill. (some col.), facsims., ports. ; 27 cm.Contents: The coming of The Strangers; The environment & its shapers; The Governors & Their Circle; Staying & leaving ; The Lot of Women; Australia & the World; Australia in 1822.Blurb: The Coming of The Strangers challenges our ideas about the European settlement of Australia. Through a selection of the many document, painting and engravings held in the Mitchell and Dixon collections of the State Library of New South Wales, a picture of life in Australia is reconstructed - spanning the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 to 1822 when the first generation of white Australians had accepted the continent as their home.Those who left no written records: the Aboriginal people; white women and convicts, have been brought to the foreground to give a balanced perspective of history during the earliest decades of European habitation in Australia.The Coming of The Strangers accompanies a major exhibition being held at the State Library of New South Wales during 1988. In co-ordinating both this book and the exhibition, the Mitchell Librarian, Baiba Berzins brings to public view many letters, journals and works of art that have not been published or displayed for over a century.australia -- history -- 1788-1851 -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brown, Rik, The upper Yarra River corridor : sites of conservation significance, 1993
... The upper Yarra River corridor : sites of conservation...Dandenong, Vic. : Dept. of Conservation and Natural ...179 p.; maps; appendices; 30 cm.environmental protection -- victoria -- yarra river region. floodplain management -- victoria -- yarra river region. ecology -- victoria -- yarra river region. biodiversity conservation -- victoria -- yarra river region. yarra river region (vic.) -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Notice of Death, Commonwealth of Australia, Telegram of William Schwerkolt's Death, 9 Dec 2016
... Telegram of William Schwerkolt's Death...Commonwealth of Australia ...Commonwealth of Australia telegram Gunner William Schwerkolts death.Photocopy, A4, 1 pgnon-fictionCommonwealth of Australia telegram Gunner William Schwerkolts death.schwerkolt william l, schwerkolt charles clarence victor, world war1, 1914-1918, battle of somme -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Map - Civic maps, City of Nunawading, City of Nunawading Maps
... City of Nunawading Maps...City of Nunawading ...A collection of maps of the City of Nunawading from Diana Coles, City of Whitehorse Community Chest.8 printed maps of various sizes covering city of Nunawading. Scale 1:2500non-fictionA collection of maps of the City of Nunawading from Diana Coles, City of Whitehorse Community Chest. coles diana, civic maps, city of nunawading, whitehorse road, blackburn road -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Map, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Feb 1982
... Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works...Survey Division, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works ...Map area: North - Laburnum and Blackburn Stations East - Blackburn Lake South - bordering Canterbury Road West - Middleborough Roadnon-fictionMap area: North - Laburnum and Blackburn Stations East - Blackburn Lake South - bordering Canterbury Road West - Middleborough Roadmaps, melbourne and metropolitan board of works, parish of nunawading -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book - City of Whitehorse Heritage Review, Allom Lovell & Associates, April 1999
... City of Whitehorse Heritage Review...Publisher, City of Whitehorse ...Heritage Review of the City of Whitehorse April 1999 by Allom Lovell & AssociatesCity of Whitehorse Heritage Review; prepared by Allom Lovell & Associates for City of Whitehorse, April 1999 Volume 1: Thematic History Volume 2: pt 1: Datasheets A - K Volume 2: pt 2: Datasheets L - Z Volume 3: Heritage Overlay Precincts Volume 4: Heritage Overlay Schedulecity of whitehorse, commercial buildings, buildings, historic buildings and sites, churches, resential development -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Book, Business and Professional Women's Club of Wangaratta, Through Women's Eyes at Pioneering Days : Some women of Wangaratta and District / Compiled by Brenda Leitch, 1985
... Through Women's Eyes at Pioneering Days : Some women of...Business and Professional Women's Club of Wangaratta ...104 page paper covered book. Through women's eyes at pioneering days / compiled by B. Leitch for the B.P.W. Club Wangaratta. ISBN 0958970416Written at top of title page: "Jeanette D Jasper"pioneer women, north east victoria, wangaratta -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Framed Image, C(City of London fusions) Company, Photo of the London Regiment Colours Picture frame
... Photo of the London Regiment Colours Picture frame...C(City of London fusions) Company ...Picture framed Photo of The London Regiment Presentation if Colours.Presented to. The Returned and Services League By. Joe Seychell in fond memory January. 1998. -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Booklet - Pocket book, Headquarters, United States Army Services of Supply, A Pocket Vocabulary of MALAY PIDGIN ENGLISH and JAPANESE PHRASES, 15 September 1942
... A Pocket Vocabulary of MALAY PIDGIN ENGLISH and JAPANESE...Headquarters, United States Army Services of Supply ...WWII significance.Square pocket book for the use of united States troops in the Southwest Pacific Area. VX37033 Pte A. Bishop B.coy 2/2/Battalion is written in ink on the front cover. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading Parks & Recreation Dept. 83/84, 1983
... City of Nunawading Parks & Recreation Dept. 83/84...City of Nunawading ...Budget 1983/84 for maintenance of Schwerkolt Cottagenon-fictionBudget 1983/84 for maintenance of Schwerkolt Cottagecity of nunawading, schwerkolt cottage -
Hume City Civic Collection
Directory, Shire of Bulla Directory, 1994 - 1995
... Shire of Bulla Directory...Shire of Bulla ...The Directory was published by the former Shire of Bulla in 1994 - 1995 and was issued to residentsa living withing the Shire. It features details of public services which were available within the area at the time as well as maps of the settlements and some private advewrtisements.A 20 page booklet with an aerial photograph of the Greenvale Dam and surrounding area on the front cover. A green strip is along the spine of the booklet with the words 'Shire of Bulla' printed in white and 'Directory' printed in red. '1994 - 1995' is printed in red across the bottom of the front cover and the Shire of Bulla - 'City Living . Country Style' logo is in the bottom RH corner. The back cover features an advertisement for the Roxburgh housing development.shire of bulla, directory, sunbury, bulla, attwood hill, craigieburn, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Annual Report, Shire of Bulla: Annual Report, 1993 - 1994
... Shire of Bulla: Annual Report...Shire of Bulla ...The 1993 - 1994 Annual Report was published by the Shire of Bulla and distributed to the residents of the shire.A 24 paged publication with a yellow cardboard cover which has an aerial photograph which features the former Sunbury Asylum buildings and surroundings before the area was developed for housing. The former Shire of Bulla logo which featured 'City Living - Country Style' is in the bottom RH corner of the photograph. Details of the administration officxes of the Shire of Bulla are printed on the back cover.shire of bulla, annual reports, councillors, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Book - Reference Book, The Method of Teaching Arithmetic, 1944
... The Method of Teaching Arithmetic...Education Department of Victoria ...A reference book outlining the different methods used to teach arithmetic to primary school students.An orange clothbound book with blue lettering on then front cover and spine. The book has are 197 pages of text. non-fictionA reference book outlining the different methods used to teach arithmetic to primary school students.arithmetic method, primary schools, teachers -
Hume City Civic Collection
Pamphlet, Shire of Bulla: Free Trees for Ratepayers, PlantingHints, 16th May 1992
... Shire of Bulla: Free Trees for Ratepayers, PlantingHints...Shire of Bulla ...These leaflets were distributed free of charge to residents in the former Shire of Bulla. They listed thirty-one Australian native trees that were suitable to plant in gardens in the area as well as planting hintsThe purpose of giving out free trees was to make residents aware of the importance of planting native flora in the area to encourage wild life.A four page printed leaflet containing a list of suitable trees available to ratepayers living in the former Shire of Bulla.bulla shire council, native trees, garden hints -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Letter, Department of Education, Department of Education to Patricia Boyd, 10.08.1973
... Department of Education to Patricia Boyd...Department of Education ...Letter to Patricia regarding the Commonwealth University Scholarship scheme received by Suzy Boyd in 1972.Handwritten notes by Robin Boyd on this photocopied letter -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Certificate, Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 1963
... The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts...Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures ...The Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), founded in 1754 as the Society of the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, incorporated in 1847, is a London-based organisation committed to finding practical solutions to social challenges. It is frequently called the shorter name (The Royal Society of Arts) and the related RSA acronym. This certificate informs Robin Boyd that he has been elected Fellow of this society. In 1963 the RSA president was His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, K.G.A certificate with crest of the Royal Society, signed by The Secretary.11th March 1963. Sir, I have the honour to inform you that you were this day elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant. A certificate with crest of the Royal Society, signed by The Secretary. -
Brimbank City Council
Certificate - Certificate of Appreciation, framed, Certificate of Appreciation - People with disabilities 2002, 2002
... Certificate of Appreciation - People with disabilities 2002...International Day of People with a disability ...golden framecertificate of appreciation, international day of people with disability, idpwd, brimbank city council -
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Book, Lord Russell of Liverpool et al, THE KNIGHTS OF BUSHIDO (Japanese war crimes), 1958
... THE KNIGHTS OF BUSHIDO (Japanese war crimes)...Lord Russell of Liverpool ...