Photograph - Black and white print, Publicity Branch, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Students at Burnley Neg: 132 Section State Farms Burnley, Publicity Branch Department Of Agriculture, 1940-1941

Historical information

Note by E.B. Littlejohn 11 December 1991, "Jessie M. Scott (Pixie) ploughing in orchard, winter 1941. 'Pixie' Scott scarifiying orchard, winter 1941."

Physical description

2 black and white photographs: (1) female student using horse drawn plough in the Orchard (2) 2 copies: female student using horse drawn scarifier in the Orchard. Pixie Scott is the student in both photographs

Inscriptions & markings

(1): "Ploughing in Orchard," (2): "A student using a scarifier in the apple block, School of Horticulture Burnley June 1940."

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