Showing 13736 items
matching students
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Fashion Design Students, 1988
... Fashion Design Students...students ...Paul Lambeth' took photographs of each TAFE Art group. Val D'Angri taught the Fashion Design students Black and white photograph of TAFE Fashion Design Students at the Ballarat School of Mines.In pencil on verso "Fashion Design Student see group photo. cat # 13777 c.1988"students, fashion design, paul lambeth, val d'angri -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Students of Iramoo Primary School, Dyeerrm : the story of Dyeerrm the thirsty frog : as told by the Indigenous students of Iramoo Primary School, 2007
... by the Indigenous students of Iramoo Primary School...Students of Iramoo Primary School ...The story of Dyeerrm is adapted from the original tale of Tiddalik, a well-known Dreamtime story told throughout Australia by many Indigenous peoples. Iramoo Primary School has worked with the Wathaurong People of the Geelong and Werribee districts to produce a piece of work which reflects the lives of these people, the food they ate, the plants they lived amongst and the stories that make up their culture. "The school has endeavoured to ensure all information in the retelling of this version is accurate. We apologise for any inconsistencies".DVDwathaurong, geelong, werribee, dyeerrm, tiddalik, dreamtime, storytelling, animation -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Journal series, Res judicatae : the magazine of the Law Students' Society of Victoria [became Melbourne University Law Review], 1940
... Res judicatae : the magazine of the Law Students' Society...The Law Students' Society of Victoria ...Previous owners: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smith, Victorian Law FoundationNo. of volumes: 20 Volume range: Res Judicatae: Vol. 1 (1935-38) - Vol. 7 (1955-57) NB: Vol. 4&5 are bound in same book Melbourne University law review: Vol. 1 part 1 (1957) [p. i-xii only], Vol. 1 parts 3 & 4, Vol. 2 parts 1-4, Vol. 3 parts 1-4, Vol. 4 parts 2-3 (1964) Missing volumes: Vols. 1 parts 1&2, 4 part 1 ISBN: 00258938law -- australia -- periodicals, law reviews -- australia -- victoria -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students Working in the Gardens, 1913
... Students Working in the Gardens...students ...Black and white photograph of 4 male students working with tools in the gardens.On reverse, "Student work in the gardens 1913."students, gardens, 1913, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Students Pruning Fruit Trees, 1940
... Students Pruning Fruit Trees ...2. Note by J H Kneen 26.02.1991 "Student is J. M. (Pixie) Scott."Black and white photographs. 2 copies of each photograph, 1 set had been mounted on cardboard. 1. Students pruning fruit trees in the Orchard. 2. Female student ploughing with a draught horse in the Orchard.Front: "Students at Burnley Neg 132 Section State Farm Burnley, Publicity Branch Department Of Agriculture. (1) On reverse, "Students pruning fruit trees at School of Horticulture, Burnley. June 1940." (2) On reverse, "A girl student ploughing in the Orchard School of Horticulture, Burnley, (June 1940.)" state farm burnley, pruning, fruit tree, 1940, female students, ploughing, orchard, students working outside, draught horse, publicity, pixie scott, j. m. scott -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Keepsake Cookbook celebrating 120 years of Surrey Hills Primary School 1886-2006, 2006
... Students and Parents of Surrey Hills Primary ...A community cookbook compiled by students and parents of Surrey Hills Primary School. It records the names of students and their families alongside recipes. Includes some class photos, past and contemporary.A community cookbook compiled by students and parents of Surrey Hills Primary School. It records the names of students and their families alongside recipes. Includes some class photos, past and contemporary. A5 spiral bound.surrey hills primary school, (ms) trudy opray, (ms) trudy schuringa, (mr) william greenwood, (ms) michelle wilson, (ms) sue wearne, (mr) isaac guorgi, (mr) zachary rogers, storm bell, (mr) sean drennan, (mr) james stewart-lambert, (ms) margaret staley, teachers, (ms) amy wise, (mr) maximillian robson, (mr) brandon soussa, (ms) amy ritchie, (ms) ky reiter, (mr) caen minett, (miss) laura hartin, (ms) callum dickinson, (ms) parker fox, (ms) melissa ritchie, (ms) annabelle guillon, (mr) luke ritchie, (mr) xander simpson, (ms) nicki sommerville, (mr) matthew gibney, jarrah marsh, (mr) alistair fitzgerald, (ms) jessica oakley, (mr) ethan o'neill, yuyu li, (mr) nathan ridd, (mr) finn evans, (ms) emily waters, (ms) maeve lun, cook book, (mr) matthew seddon, (ms) eleanor lau, (mr) bridget perry, (mr) kent mohr, (ms) sophie leigh, (mr) angus watt, (mr) adam paterson, (mr) oscar savage, (mr) cameron miller, (mr) taylor lamb, (mr) luke smith, (mr) weldon xu, (mr) darcy lewis, (mr) patrick cassidy, (ms) georgia betson, (mr) thomas wilson, (mr) david adetunji, (ms) tilly lang, (ms) ella davis, (mr) brendan doidge, (ms) nikita taltavull, (mr) lachlan assauw, (ms) nicola penny, (ms) lily gooding, (mr) anthony tchakerian, (ms) angelique alexandrou, (mr) sam castricum, luna vasquez, (ms) maggie chen, (mr) nickolas kronenburg, (ms) lillian liberg, (ms) eliza o'farrell, (ms) emily montagu, (mr) rory o'neil, (ms) georgia opray, (ms) hope beale, (ms) zara wearne, alex jennings, (ms) bridget hough, (mr) isaac williams, (ms) chloe eberbach, (mr) jack stewart, (mr) charlie stewart, (ms) rebecca doherty, (mr) harrison veitch, (ms) lucy pollock, (ms) madeline jackson, (mr) ben sommerville, (ms) claire simpson, (ms) georgia gale, (mr) thomas gilmore, (mr) lucas barnett, (ms) alexandra morris, shengning meng, (mr) ashleigh ohlsen, (mr) benjamin proe, (ms) sarah douce, (mr) callum wearne, (ms) hannah murphy, eun bee hwang, (mr) john stanley, (ms) claire smart, (mr) mathew grinsted, (ms) talia dickson, (ms) julia foster, (ms) emma pearce, (ms) kate gibney, (mr) matthew clements, (mr) riley reynolds, (ms) imogen fitzgerald, (mr) spencer harvey, (ms) emilie wickie, (mr) arran roxburgh, (mr) riley bolton, georgie ellis, (mr) mitchell coles, (mr) lachlan hogan, (mr) thomas hawkins, (ms) lina monaco, (ms) isabel maruskanic, pat leigh, (mr) riley bennett, (mr) tim cassidy, (mr) ruben schuringa, (mr) stuart raftery, (mr) harrison pike, (mr) miguel lourenco-keene, (ms) molly patrerson, (ms) bridie o'dare, (mr) matt beard, (mr) nick betson, (mr) kieran port, (mr) joshua benton, (mr) ben wheeler, (mr) edward vienet, (mr) joel assauw, (mr) liam jackson, (ms) alexis liberg, (mr) darryl mohr, (ms) tess walters, (mr) thomas maruskanic, (ms) laura seddon, (mr) jamie reiter, (mr) darcy bolton, (mr) harry murphy, reay o'dare, (mr) sam douce, (ms) ellen holley, (mr) john walters, (ms) shauni tonge, (mr) charlie ellis, (mr) tom o'farrell, (ms) georgia cook, (ms) gabrielle opray, (mr) ewan roxburgh, (ms) stephanie smart, shuai li, (mr) alec binns, (mr) ben oldland, (mr) max tutty, ameika brecko, (mr) matthew hogan, (ms) samantha stacey, (ms) amy aston, (ms) eleanor merriel, (ms) olivia grierson, (ms) allison cran, (ms) hayley pollock, (mr) ryan loo, (ms) alexis polidoras, (ms) ashleigh doherty, (ms) olivia betson, (ms) caroline morrison, (mr) jackson morris, (ms) kate grinsted, (mr) ben williams, (ms) eleanor dart, (ms) lucy butler, (ms) kirstie janetzki, (ms) kirsty mcintosh, (ms) brigitte gilmore, (mr) cameron crabb, (ms) laura donaldson, (mr) james hawkins, (ms) madelaine coles, (mr) jack stacey, (ms) gemma o'farrell, (mr) dylan jones, (ms) jasmyn gilliland, (ms) madelyn mohr, (ms) sophie hodges, (mr) aidan dowel, (mr) jack strozycki, (mr) robert vienet, (ms) laura tune, (mr) reuben williams, (ms) hannah simms, (mr) nick dart, (mr) alex hansen, (ms) tamara webb, (mr) nick allchin, (mr) timothy raftery, (ms) jenny mcfarland, (ms) mary bates, (mr) jackson haar, (ms) katherine dartnell, (mr) mitchell cheong, (mr) ethan maddy, (ms) andrea walter, (ms) virginia bartlett, (ms) neroli mitchell, (ms) robyn mccluskey, (ms) sue vero, (ms) jan anderson, (ms) deb cramer, (ms) shirley geraghty, (ms) anne strasser, (ms) jacqueline stanley, (mr) oliver gale, (mr) sebastean baker, opray family -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students at Burnley Gardens, 1940-1941
... Students at Burnley Gardens...students ...Black and white photograph. A male and female student pruning a fruit tree in the Orchard. Male standing on wooden ladder.Inscribed, "Students at Burnley Gardens B19-1224."students, female students, pruning, fruit tree, orchard, ladder -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students Pruning Peach Trees, 1940
... Students Pruning Peach Trees ...Note by T.H. Kneen 26 February 1992, "Student at extreme right is possibly J.M. (Pixie) Scott."Black and white photograph. Group of students pruning peach trees in the OrchardOn reverse, "Students pruning peach trees at Burnley School of Horticulture June 1940."pruning, peach tree, students working outside, j.m. scott, pixie scott, orchard -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Indonesian students visiting QBIC, 1997
... Indonesian students visiting QBIC ...Exchanging information has always been a necessary component in improving the types of services offered to people with disabilities. In December 1997, a group of Indonesian students visited QBIC to understand and improve their knowledge of how Australian services are provided.2 col. photographs of Indonesian studentsVisitors to QBIC. Party of students studying disability services from Indonesia Dec 97.qbic industries, indonesia -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, Burnley Students Wilson's Prom 1947, 1947
... Burnley Students Wilson's Prom 1947 ...Identification by E.B. Littlejohn, T.H. Kneen 17 June 1992 and F.Ted Tyrrell, April 1994: J.W. Newell seated with pipe, R.A. Grant seated 2nd from left, (both Staff), students 2nd from right Erica Ball (1949) (1946), bottom right-hand corner Mervyn Davis.Copy of b/w photograph, laminated. Group of Burnley students and staff on an excursion in Wilson's Prom 1947.On reverse, "Burnley Students Wilson's Prom 1947."excursion, wilsons promontory, 1947, jim newell, t.h. kneen, f.ted tyrrell, j.w. newell, r.a. grant, erica ball, mervyn davis, group staff and studdents -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students Watching Pruning Demonstration, c. 1943
... Students Watching Pruning Demonstration...students ...Note by T.H. Kneen 18 December 1991, "Students in photos are of the 1944 graduating year."Black and white photograph. Students seated on an upturned ladder watching an instructor pruning tree in the Orchard. Garden Staff member standing behind.On reverse," Burnley Horticultural College 1936 L to R Tom Trahair-Garden Labourer, Dennis Greiger-Student. Students: Bob Grant, Ian Ball, Grace Douglas (Mrs Tom Walker), Beth Nutting (Mrs Coutts), Gwen Watson (Mrs McCarthy). Lecturer Perc Trevaskis-F.A.I.P.R."burnley horticultural college, 1936, tom trahair, garden labourer, dennis greiger, students, bob grant, ian ball, grace douglas, mrs tom walker, beth nutting (mrs coutts), gwen watson (mrs mccarthy), lecturer, perc trevaskis, f.a.i.p.r., 1944, student outside class, pruning demonstration -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, C.R.T.S. Students Budding Apples Mornington Peninsula 1947, 1947
... C.R.T.S. Students Budding Apples Mornington Peninsula 1947 ...T.H. Kneen identified students 17.6.1992 as, L-R: possibly Rita Brown, Roy Cottrell, Ted Hawkesworth, ?. Laminated copy of black and white photograph. CRTS (Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme) students working with apple trees.On reverse, "C.R.T.S. Students. Budding apples Mornington Peninsular (sic) 1947."crts, apples, mornington peninsula, 1947, jim newell, rita brown, roy cottrell, ted hawkesworth, commonwealth reconstruction training scheme, excursion, student outside class, budding -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, C.R.T.S. Students Budding Apples Mornington Peninsula 1947, 1947
... C.R.T.S. Students Budding Apples Mornington Peninsula 1947 ...Students identified by T.H. Kneen 17.6.1992, L-R Darkie? Stewart, Roy Cottrell, Ted Hawkesworth, Casilda Webster, others unclear.Laminated copy of black and white photograph. CRTS (Commonwealth Reconstruction Scheme students working with apple trees.On reverse, "C.R.T.S. Students budding apples Mornington Peninsular (sic) 1947."crts, 1947, jim newell, darkie stewart, roy cottrell, ted hawkesworth, casilda webster, commonwealth reconstruction training scheme, excursion, student outside class, budding, apples -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Group of Staff and Students, 1917-1918
... Group of Staff and Students...students ...One of several photographs submitted by Miss Isobel McLennan (see B91.73). Black and white photograph. 2 copies. (a) A postcard. Group of female students standing and male students seated on the ground. Staff standing behind the female students. Principal, Mr. McLennan standing on the right. Taken whilst on an excursion to Ripponlea.On reverse, "Students Dec 1917." (b) On reverse, "School of Primary Agric & Hortic staff and students c.1918 Staff includes George Russ, Hudson (Stockman), Richmond, Miss Grassick. school of primary agriculture and horticulture, staff, students, george russ, hudson, stockman, richmond, miss grassick, isobel mclennan, principal, mclennan, ripponlea, excursion -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students at Burnley, C.1930's
... Students at Burnley ...Note by T.H. Kneen 4 December 1991, "The gentleman in the group is probably Mr. Alex Jessep, Principal, 1926-41. Mrs Jessep recalls that the dress worn by women students was established by the time she went to Burnley in 1926." 2 copies black and white photograph. 6 students working in the Gardens near the Long Border with the Principal, Alex Jessep, supervising.Inscription on one copy, "Title: Students at Burnley Neg: 162." a.w jessep, principal, female students, uniform, students working outside, long border -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron with DCP Students, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1985
... Lithographic Squadron with DCP Students, Army Survey ...This is a set of six photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel with Defence Cooperation Program (DCP) students at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, 1985. These informal and formal group photos were taken on the day of a CO’s Parade. Litho Squadron provided printing and photographic reproduction to the two DCP students. RA Svy also provided technical training to DCP students in map production skills such as, cartography and photogrammetry at the Army Survey Regiment and the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla. The Australian Defence Force over several years sponsored international students from counties such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. It is not known which South Pacific country these DCP students came from.This is a set of six photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel with Defence Cooperation Program (DCP) students at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, 1985. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Per Andersen, Trevor Osborne, Roy Hicks, Lance Strudwick, Steve Burke, Dale Hudson, Paul Baker, Ralph Chant, Peter Breukel, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Chad Hardwick, Peter Imeson, DCP student John or Henry, unidentified, Greg Rowe, John South, unidentified, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, Terry King, Daryl South, DCP student John or Henry, Bronwyn Jones, John Bateman, Kerron South, unidentified officer, Peter Dillon, Kim Reynolds, Rob Jones, unidentified, Jeff Lynch, Garry Hudson, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Jim Ash, Gavin Neilson, Jeff Willey, unidentified, Graham Johnston, Steve Egan, Peter Barrett, George Austen, Dave Miles. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Per Andersen, Trevor Osborne, Roy Hicks, Lance Strudwick, Steve Burke, Dale Hudson, Paul Baker, Ralph Chant, Peter Breukel, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Chad Hardwick, Peter Imeson, DCP student John or Henry, unidentified, Greg Rowe, John South, unidentified, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, Terry King, Daryl South, DCP student John or Henry, John Bateman, Kerron South, unidentified officer, Peter Dillon, Kim Reynolds, Rob Jones, unidentified, Jeff Lynch, Garry Hudson, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Jim Ash, Gavin Neilson, Jeff Willey, unidentified, Graham Johnston, Steve Egan, Peter Barrett, Dave Miles, George Austen. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Photo Troop L to R: Steve Burke, Garry Hudson, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Ralph Chant, Gavin Neilson, DCP student John or Henry, Paul Baker, Trevor Osborne, Peter Imeson, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, unidentified, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, DCP student John or Henry, Chad Hardwick, Terry King, Dave Miles, Graham Johnston, Kerron South, Bronwyn Jones, Rob Jones, unidentified. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: WO1 Jeff Lynch, DCP student John or Henry, CAPT John South, unidentified officer, DCP student John or Henry, WO2 Dave Miles. .5) & .6) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Print Troop L to R: Per Andersen, Daryl South, Lance Strudwick, Peter Dillon, DCP student John or Henry, Jeff Willey, John Bateman, Roy Hicks, Paul Davis, Dale Hudson, Kim Reynolds, Greg Rowe, Jim Ash, DCP student John or Henry, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Peter Breukel, Peter Barrett, unidentified, unidentified officer, Steve Egan, George Austen.No personnel are identified. Date and DCP students noted on film negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn, litho -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell High School Students 1964
... Stawell High School Students 1964 ...Dianne Henderson, Lynne Puls, Eileen Crote, Kay Borela, Dawn Blachford, Valorie Thomas, Jan Peacock, Irene Potter, Julie Martin, Robyn Warren, Virginia Wallace, Cheryl Marchant, Eileen Hayward, Dianne Holmes, Lorraine Tieman, Meryl Briggs, Miss Alexander, Kath Rutter, Cheryl Blake, Maree Streeter, Janine ????, Sue Neil, Front Row: Helen Raeburn, Jody Reading, Lorraine Hood, Ann Davie, Faye Pickford, Colleen Jackson, Sharyn Hateley Dianne Hemley was away. Group of female Students in front of side wall of high school with teacherStudents Names on backeducation -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell High School Students 1964
... Stawell High School Students 1964 ...Back Row: Elizabeth Lindsay, Pam Grace, Chris Clark, Brian Clough, Keith McRae, Bruce Savage, Robert Pietch,??, Gary Thompson, Sue McLcklen??, Lorraine Bibby Front Row: Frances Banfield, Meryl Briggs, Christine Rudolf, Leslie Holmes, Jenny Odd, Lynette Rashe, Wendy AnyonGroup of male & female Students in front of side wall of high schoolStudents Names on backeducation -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Publicity Branch, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Students at Burnley Neg: 132 Section State Farms Burnley, Publicity Branch Department Of Agriculture, 1940-1941
... Students at Burnley Neg: 132 Section State Farms Burnley...students ...Note by E.B. Littlejohn 11 December 1991, "Jessie M. Scott (Pixie) ploughing in orchard, winter 1941. 'Pixie' Scott scarifiying orchard, winter 1941."2 black and white photographs: (1) female student using horse drawn plough in the Orchard (2) 2 copies: female student using horse drawn scarifier in the Orchard. Pixie Scott is the student in both photographs(1): "Ploughing in Orchard," (2): "A student using a scarifier in the apple block, School of Horticulture Burnley June 1940."students, ploughing, orchard, female students, horse drawn plough, jessie m. scott, pixie scott, apple block, horse drawn scarifier, students working outside, scarifier, plough -
International House, The University of Melbourne
Photograph (Item), Students Felicity Ho and John Howie ironing, and Megan Edwards washing clothes in a Scheps Building laundry, 1972
... Students Felicity Ho and John Howie ironing, and Megan...Students ...This image brings together two major events in International House history in 1972, the opening of the Scheps Wing, and the admittance of women. Female students were initially accommodated on separate floors, and the Council has since attempted to maintain between 25% and 50% female students. The Scheps Wing was opened in May that year, named in honour of donors Theodor and Ida Scheps, its 92 rooms accomodating the growth of IH's diverse student body. John Howie was IH Student Club President from 1971-1972, the first permitted to regularly attend IH Council Meetings after years of petitioning for Council representation by the Student Club. Felicity Ho and John Howie, pictured ironing together here, later married."Photographed for publicity" inscribed in pen on reverse with names of subjects and datelaundry, scheps wing, students -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Defence Co-operation Project Students, School of Military Survey, Bonegilla, VIC, 1990
... Defence Co-operation Project Students, School of Military ...This is a photograph of Defence Co-operation Project (DCP) students from the Pacific region who attended the 1/90 Specialist Carto course held at the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla, Victoria from the 9th of May to the 5th of June 1990.This is a photograph of Defence Co-operation Project (DCP) students attending the 1/90 Specialist Carto course held at the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla, Victoria in 1990. The photograph was printed on photographic paper and is part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photograph was scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1990, DCP Students L to R: SGT Ramos – Philippines, Miss Chukeni – Solomon Islands, SGT Laguador – Philippines, CPL Jais – Malaysia. .1P – Students, course title and date annotated on back of photo.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, school of military survey, fortuna, asr -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Steven Henty, Students on Horse Drawn Cart, 1940
... Students on Horse Drawn Cart ...Note by E.B. Littlejohn 11 December 1991, "L to R: Jane Lorimer, Wilma Roper, Peg Gibson (behind Wilma), J.M. (Pixie) Scott, Hilda Mactier, Dorothy Alexander, Pauline Chauncey."Black and white photograph. Group of 8 female students sitting and standing on a horse drawn cart in the GardensOn reverse, names of students.female students, jane lorimer, wilma roper, peg gibson, j.m. scott, hilda mactier, dorothy alexander, pauline chauncey, pixie scott, horse drawn cart, jean scott, publicity -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme, Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students 1995, 1995
... Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students 1995 ...A circular sent to Victorian schools informing them of the 1995 annual "Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students", held on 5th April 1995. The 6 pages outline the order of service of the ceremony, some background notes on the ANZAC Commemorations, a short history of the Shrine of Remembrance, a story of Legacy and a letter from the President of Melbourne Legacy. They mention the ceremony is telecast on the ABC television channels. They mention is it a 'Circular to Victorian Colleges and Schools' so they were sent to school to publicise the events. There is a letter to the school Principal from the President of Legacy inviting the schools to attend or to listen to the telecast. Each ceremony was attended by the Governor of Victoria, in 1995 it was Sir Richard McGarvie.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine for school students.Printed brochure of the student Anzac ceremony in 1995, single page folded into 3.Circular to All Victorian Colleges and Schools. 64th Annual Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students.anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, Anzac commemoration for students, 198?
... Anzac commemoration for students ...A Legacy ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance. Probably one of the annual "Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students" events, usually held just prior to ANZAC Day. Students from Melbourne High and MacRobertson Girls High School provided the choir. The photos shows the boys and girls choirs on the steps of the Shrine. Date unknown.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine.Colour photo x 4 of a school students ceremony at the Shrine. White paper label.Handwritten in black ink on the back E19, E20, E21 and E22. Label says "Students from Melbourne High and MacRobertson Girls High School provided the Choir.anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony, choirs -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme, Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students 1995, 1995
... Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students 1995 ...A circular sent to Victorian schools informing them of the 1995 annual "Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students", held on 5th April 1995. The ceremony provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain an appreciation of the Anzac spirit, the significance of the Shrine and the meaning of Anzac Day. The 6 pages outline the order of service of the ceremony, some background notes on the ANZAC Commemorations, a short history of the Shrine of Remembrance, a story of Legacy and a letter from the President of Melbourne Legacy. It mentions the ceremony is telecast on the ABC television channels. They mention is it a 'Circular to Victorian Colleges and Schools' so they were sent to school to publicise the events. There is a letter to the school Principal from the President of Legacy inviting the schools to attend or to listen to the telecast. Each ceremony was attended by the Governor of Victoria, in 1995 it was Sir Richard McGarvie. The photo was published in an issue of the Answer in May 1992 and the caption says, 'Junior Legatees Kathleen McGrath and Greg Sallee place a wreath at the eternal flame'.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine for school students in 1995.Printed brochure of the student Anzac ceremony with a photo of two junior Legatees at the Cenotaph, single page folded into 3. Circular to All Victorian Colleges and Schools. 64th Annual Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students.anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph (Black & White), Ballarat School of Mines Students, c1907
... Ballarat School of Mines Students...students ...This building was built at the Ballarat School of Mines, now a campus of Federation University Australia.A black and white photograph mounted onto dark card showing a group of Ballarat School of Mines students and staff posing around the stairs at the back of the New Classrooms (now known as the Administration Building) . Professor Alfred Mica Smith sits in the second front row Verso: Group of Ball. Sch. Mines Students 25.10.07 ballarat school of mines, students, alumni, alfred mica smith, class, administration building, a building -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Student Records, Index to all Higher Education students 1946-1986 V.C.A.H. Burnley, 1946-1990
... Index to all Higher Education students 1946-1986 V.C.A.H...students ...Index of students with notes. Also handwritten page of comments by T.H. Kneen. (Also see 10.0190 for list up to 1991).Index was compiled by S. Christians in January 1990. With the comments by T.H. Kneen, they were probably used for contacting past students for Centenary celebrations.s. christians, 1990, t.h. kneen, students, centenary celebrations -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme, Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students, 1995
... Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for Students ...A circular sent to Victorian schools informing them about the annual "Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students", held in April each year. The ceremony provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain an appreciation of the Anzac spirit, the significance of the Shrine and the meaning of Anzac Day. The 6 pages outline the order of service of the ceremony, some background notes on the ANZAC Commemorations, a short history of the Shrine of Remembrance, a story of Legacy and a letter from the President of Melbourne Legacy. It mentions the ceremony is telecast on the ABC television channels. The programme is labeled a 'Circular to Victorian Colleges and Schools' so they were sent to school to publicise the events. There is a letter to the school Principal from the President of Legacy inviting the schools to attend or to listen to the telecast. Each ceremony was attended by the Governor of Victoria, in 1995 it was Sir Richard McGarvie.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine for school students.Printed brochure x 3 of the student Anzac ceremony with a photo of the Shrine and a rainbow, single page folded into 3. Years 1992, 1993, 1994.Circular to All Victorian Colleges and Schools. 64th Annual Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students.anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Group of twenty-nine third year Librarianship students 1987, 1987
... Group of twenty-nine third year Librarianship students 1987 ...A group of twenty-nine third year Ballarat College of Advanced Education Librarianship students Terri Boydle Ayse Blackley Lynda Bernard Naomi Lane Heather Marshall Robyn Coldwell Tracey Olive Stephen Bird Pat Westland Arlene Blockley Verica Vasic Alison Roberts Helen Simpson Sally Wood Margaret Howell Cheryl Walker JohnTriposteris John Kariuki Wayne Parry Andrea Sigley Liz Fawcett Lauren Marten Ray Cotsell (Lecturer) Fiona Henshaw Anthea Taylor Lorena Romero Gehan Massood Coral Douglas Sue Steele A formal group of twenty nine persons, five males, indoors location, third year BA Librarianship students 1987Handwritten in pen 3rd Year B A (Lib) 1987. List of all the studentslibrary, librarianship, ballarat college of advanced education, ray cotsell, terri boydle, ayse blackley, lynda bernard, naomi lane, heather marshall, robyn coldwell, tracey olive, stephen bird, pat westland, arlene blockley, verica vasic, alison roberts, helen simpson, sally wood, margaret howell, cheryl walker, johntriposteris, john kariuki, wayne parry, andrea sigley, liz fawcett, lauren marten, ray cotsell (lecturer), fiona henshaw, anthea taylor, lorena romero, gehan massood, coral douglas, sue steele -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, Burnley 1948 C.R.T.S. Students, 1948
... Burnley 1948 C.R.T.S. Students...students ...Laminated copy of b/w photograph of 3 students sitting reading in the grounds with Jim Newell standing behind them.On reverse, "Burnley 1948. Jim Newell, C.R.T.S. Students-Francis (sic) Cross, Rita Brown, Shirley Pittard."students, jim newell, 1948, crts, rita brown, shirley pittard, frances cross, commonwealth reconstruction training scheme