Showing 1945 items
matching h white
Bendigo Military Museum
The cards revolve around "Hannah FIRTH". See also Cat. No. 4048.10P for more cards. .1) Addressed to "Hannah" from "Clarry (Peanuts)". .2) To "Dear Hannah, April 13th 7.30pm". Not signed off but from same person as .1) & .3). .3) Addressed "Dear" from "Dillon (Clarry)". .4) To "Dear Hannah" from "Yours ERIC". .5) There is no to or from but mentions "ERIC". .6) - .9) all are written on rear in large purple writing with the following: "Love to Hannah x x" "To Hannah with Love x x x" "With the Australian Contingent in Eygpt" "Love to Hannah x x" .10) Addressed to "Mrs H. FIRTH 18 Brunswick St Morley Leeds Yorkshire". The date on card is unclear. .11) On rear in red "No 33 - some of the nurses in their quarters at an Australian Casualty Clearing Station". .12) On rear in fine print "Patriotic Series No. 22" Across both 4048.10P & 4049.12P there is two other addresses for "MISS H. FIRTH". 1. 28 Young St Fitzroy, Melbourne. 2. 2 Turner St Abbotsford, Melbourne.Twelve photograph postcards of different scenes revolving around “Hannah”.1) & .2) Postcards, colour, centre has oval shape with British flag and all around are 11 smaller flags with country name on. In gold speckled writing top & bottom "From A. 10th Field Coy Engineers. On rear in black pen extensive letters. .3) Postcard, colour, centre has horse shoe with Australian & British flags. In same speckled gold writing as .1) & .2). On horseshoe in black pen "Good luck to Hannah & Clarence". .4) Postcard, black & white, showing a ship, at the bottom printed "TROOPSHIP HORORATA". On rear short letter in purple. .5) Postcard, sepia, showing soldier on horseback at the Pyramids & Sphinx. On rear brief letter in pencil. .6) Postcard, sepia, showing a street scene which appears to be a place called "Muski" in Eygpt. Brief note on rear in purple. .7) Postcard, sepia, showing domed building, re the "Blue Mosque". Brief note on back in purple. .8) Postcard, sepia, scene over buildings being "View from the Citadel". Brief note on the back in purple. .9) Postcard, sepia, showing a sailing craft on a river being "Felluca on the Nile". .10) Postcard, colour, hand drawn, shown a flag flower arrangement, centre in an arrow through a heart. Address on rear in black. .11) Postcard, black & white, showing a group of nurses. Card was put out by the "Aust Comforts Fund". .12) Postcard, colour, drawn showing six different nations soldiers carrying flags.photographs, postcards, hannah -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH 38TH BN 1938, H M Walker, C. 1938
38th BNBlack / white photo of part of the 38th Battalion taken at Seymour in 1938. Members are in uniform with Officers front & centre. Lamp pole in background LHS, Below photo on white label in black ink: "SEYMOUR CAMP 1938, Part of the 38th Battalion" On white sticker on front bottom RHS of mounting & LHS of backing: "No 22: Stamp on back: "Passchendaele Barracks Trust Collection"38th bn, seymour, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH 38TH BN, H M Walker, C.1937
Black / white photo of battalion members in uniform. Band members with instruments at L & R ends of front row. Photo is mounted on fawn cardboard.Printed in black on white label at bottom: "LARA CAMP GEELONG 1937 Part of 38th Battalion" On white sticker centre bottom L & R sides of backing: "No 21" Stamp on back: "PASSCHENDAELE BARRACKS TRUST" Written in ink on back: "To Dear Wilma from Albert 27.2.1934 (Date ?)38th bn, passchendaele barracks trust, -
Bendigo Military Museum
Both brothers were KIA on the same day but in different battalions. Refer Reg No. 52.6 for their service details. A third brother KIA also Reg No 51..1) Sympathy card, off white cardboard with purple script, purple insert coloured photo of R G SMITH, script on both sides. .2) As above for H E SMITH.sympathy cards, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photo, black / white, 6 soldiers in uniform without head gear. 3 standing at rear, 2 seated in centre, 1 lower in front. Photo is in brown wooden frame with glass front & fawn paper backing. Photo is mounted with brown / gold border & features NCO's who survived the Messines Armentiers Battle. D Coy 38th Battalion AIF.Information on cardboard marker at bottom of photo identifies 2 members: 1. Centre front: R H LUXON (Cpr) 2. Seated RHS: Harry W SHELTON (CQMS) In black texta & black ink on backing: Trust 31 On stickers front / back: No 56soldiers, framed photographs, group portraits -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document - DOCUMENT, EVACUATION, Possibly WW2
Coloured document, red / white / blue. Document folds out 4 times. Front shows a group of children with hand luggage. Details the evacuation procedure for all school children from aged between 6 - 15 years & mother or guardian. The document is for householders who may be implicated in this procedure during the war.“GOVERNMENT OF VICTORIA STATE EVACUATION COMMITTEE” “An Appeal and An Explanation”document, evacuation, families -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, The Empire Press, Jerrold and Sons LTD, Shell - Shocks
The story covers the typical life at the front near a Northern French town in WW1 of members of the New Zealand Division and NZ expeditionary Force. An original copy given to May Penno (nee Allen) by her brother Sgt H Allen who served at Gallipoli and the Western front.Shell - Shocks, the cover consists of heavier paper in colour showing a soldier mouth agape watching a shell fly past, inside 68 white pages, black print with illustrations in brown - shocks, new zealand division -
Bendigo Military Museum
It is not ascertained if this relates to the First or Second World War.Banner, rectangular shape, white background, decorative green edging, top L H corner is an Australian Red Ensign, top R H corner is the Union Jack, central is main lettering.In red and blue printed, “WELCOME HOME”.banners, welcome home -
Bendigo Military Museum
These signs were used on vehicles. Note that .2) has a key hole in it..1) Steel TAC sign: Side A - Blue, yellow & red bands. No. 10 painted overall. Side B - Drab olive colour, black No 10 painted overall. .2) Steel TAC sign: Side A - Plain blue, with No. 6 over 296 painted in white. Side B - No. 6 296 painted in white. .3) Steel TAC sign: Side A - Drab olive with No. 1 over MSU, painted in black. Side B - Not painted..1) On olive side: “H U Coy 1 Boe Test. ASM S/Sgt L R Magnussen” .2) Side A: “DSU Broadmeadows L/CP Nisbet”military history-army, vehicles -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED WW1, Post 1916
The photo has H. R. ROACH when it is actually R. H. ROACH. Robert Hartley ROACH enlisted on 28.1.1916 in the AIF in 17th reinforcements to the 6th Batt age 24 years 9 months. Embarked for Egypt 4.4.1916, embarked for England 31.5.1916, embarked for France 16.9.1916.hospitalised 4.12.1916 with Influenza, WIA Belgium 16.9.1917 GSW, to buttocks which penetrated through to the abdomen. Admitted to No 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station same day but DOW’s same day. His name is on the Honour Roll at the Soldiers Memorial Institute Bendigo. ‘Sepia photo on white background, mounted on grey cardboard fawn backing. Head & shoulders portrait of a solder without head gear, two Rising Sun badges on jacket collar. On backing LHS: "6TH BATT" On backing bottom centre: "PTE H R ROACH"photography-photographs/mounting accessories, 6th -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOKS WW2, The War Illustrated, Post WW2
Hard cover, cardboard with dark blue buckram, gold print on spine. Cut, red speckled effect to edges of beige paper. Illustrated black & white, photos & maps. .1) Vol 1 - 640 pages. Title page: A permanent picture record of the Second Great War No.1. .2) Vol 2 - 732 pages. Title page: A permanent picture record of the Second Great War No.21. .3) Vol 3 - 728 pages. Title page: A permanent picture record of the Second Great War No.45. .1) Handwritten in dark blue ink on top of title page: “J H Skidmore 20 Richmond St Rockdale”books, ww2, pictorial -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, AIR FORCE, A Very Unusual Air War, From Dunkirk to the AFDU, 2013
From front cover: The Diary and Log Book of Test Pilot H Leonard Thorne 1940-45..1) Hard cardboard cover, blue coloured paper, gold print on spine. .2) Dust cover is blue, brown, white, black print on front, spine, back. Colour photo of an aircraft & pilot on front, back cover has colour photo of a Log Book. Pages - 254, cut, plain, white. Illustrated black & white photos & documents. Inscription front fly leaf handwritten in blue ink: “To a good friend & brother, Kevin Hogan Gill & Barry” To the Bendigo District RSL & Passchendaele Barracks Memorial Military Museum. Thank you for keeping the memory of our war heroes alive”book, test pilot, dunkirk -
Bendigo Military Museum
Map - MAP WW1,FRAMED, Post WW1
Brown wooden frame with glass front & fawn paper backing. Mounted is a coloured map of the war zone in Europe. A thin white line represents the approximate line of contact between the opposing forces at the end of the 1st year of war in 1915.Printed top left: “Map of The War Zone in Europe by H E C Robinson Sydney - Copyright” On back: “Bethany Gallery, 116 Bridge Street, Bendigo”map, framed, war zone, european -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOKS WW1, Official History of Australia in the War 1914-18, 1), .3), .4), .5), .8), .9), .10), .11), .12) 1940; .2) 1938; .6) 1942; .7) 1939
12 x Volumes. Hard cardboard covers, red buckram, gold print on spines. Cut, plain, off white pages. Black / white photos, maps & illustrations. .1) Vol 1 The Story of ANZAC (Tenth Edition), 662 pages. .2) Vol 11 The Story of ANZAC (Sixth Edition), 975 pages. .3) Vol III The AIF in France 1916 (Tenth Edition), 1036 pages. .4) Vol IV The AIF in France 1917 (Tenth Edition), 1030 pages. .5) Vol V The AIF in France 1918 (Seventh Edition), 825 pages. .6) Vol VI The AIF in France 1918, 1096 pages. .7) Vol VII Sinai and Palestine (Eighth Edition), 844 pages. .8) Vol VIII Australian Flying Coirpr (Ninth Edition), 493 pages. .9) Vol IX The Royal Australian Navy (Eighth Edition), 649 pages. .10) Vol X The Australians At Rabaul (Eighth Edition), 412 pages. .11) Vol XI Australia During the War (Sixth Edition), 922 pages. .12) Vol XII Photographic Record of The War (Fourteenth Edition), 753 pages, glossy white, official history ww1, bean -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, FRAMED, Framed certificate presented to Robert Badon
Item in the collection re Robert H Baron No 3596, refer Cat No 1981P for his service history. Framed Coloured Certificate from the " Shire of East Loddon/ For Liberty Anzacs Justice" to Robert Baron, dated November 13, 1917. Certificate - red print and handwritten detail in red ink. Illustrated background in colour - flags, flora and ship; and silhouette of Australia. Frame - timber, light brown stain, decorative edge with gold painted inner edge, glass front. Mount - white cardboard with gold coloured inner mount.Handwritten in red ink on certificate "Robert Baron" - remainder of writing illegible.certificate, history, ww1, cooper collection -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - FOLDER & PHOTOGRAPHS WW1, Post WW1
This folder is labeled as “Where the Australians Lie”. James Patterson McCall “MM” No 6401, refer Cat No 2925 for his service history..1) Folder, grey cardboard, purple printing of a Rising Sun badge with words: The Folder is in Memory of MCCALL JAMES PATERSON, 6401 CPL, 22 BN, Bellicourt, France. .2) Photo, black & white, depicting temporary grave of a WWI Soldier. .3) As above. .4) As above. The rear of the photos have been printed as a postcard.Handwritten on inside of card: “MCCALL JAMES PATERSON, 6401 CPL, 22 BN, reinterred Bellicourt British Cemetery, Plot 7, Row H, Grave 8, Bellicourt, France”. Rear: “(Mother) M MCCALL, Aust”photography-photographs, documents - postcards, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, 3RD PIONEERS, c.1916
Herbert Edgar Hewston No 40 AIF. Refer Cat No 2759.2 for his service history. Part of the HEWSTON collection WW1 & WW2.Photo, black & white showing 37 Band Members with their instruments re 3rd Pioneer Battalion and a dog. Photo is on cardboard placed on a white cardboard sheet with plastic cover over the photo stapled holding it onto the rear cover. Back row 2nd from left: H E HEWSTON No 40.On rear cardboard in green printing: “Band. Third Pioneers Regiment 1st AIF” On photo bottom R corner:” X1385”photography-photographs, military history - army, 3rd pioneers -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, DIARY, George H Johnson, New Guinea Diary 1943, 1943
Text is in diary form covering the Author's time spent as a war correspondent in the South West Pacific area during WWII. Diary dates from 23.1.1942 - 23.1.1943.Book, hard cover with yellow buckram. Title & Author's name in black lettering. Title page has been removed from book & glued to front cover. Book is covered in clear plastic. Black & white photographic illustrations, 260 pages with cut edges.On 1st page in pencil: “3/6”books, new guinea, 1943 -
Bendigo Military Museum
The forward in the booklet is by ; Chief of the General Staff was Lt Gen H Wells. His forward is dated Aug 55.Small booklet, white coloured soft cover, 35 pages. Two x green stripes across front, within these stripes is the title. At the bottom centre is a green coloured Rising Sun badge.On cover In green ink: “Welcome To” In black ink below: “Your Army” Bottom centre green coloured Rising Sun badge with words “Australian Military Forces”books-military-history, your army, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WAR GRAVES, Imperial War Graves Commission, The War Graves of the British Empire, Post WW1
Grey cardboard cover with black print on front, 52 white pages with black print. Coloured map of Anzac area inside front cover showing maps of cemeteries with names & plot locations of those buried who fell in the Great War.Inside back cover: “Printed by H M Stationery Office Press - Harrow”books military, memorials - tombstones, war graves -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOKS WW1, Sir John Hammerton, World War 1914-18 Volumes 1 & 2, c.1930's
An illustrated history of WWI x 2 two volumes..1) & .2) A two volume set. Maroon buckram hard cover. Titles imprinted on front covers, title on spine in gold lettering. Leather like cream end papers. Illustrated with black & white photos. .1) Pages 1 - 792 all with cut edges. .2) Pages 793 - 1560, 767 pages with cut edges..1) & .2) Stamped on front cover in faded gold: “W A H”books-military, photography, pictorial -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photographs from 17th Light Horse Regiment collection box. .1) Black print bottom: Two hundred officers & men of the 17th & 19th Light Horse were in training at Bendigo last week. 1. LIEUT A V PALMER 2. Jumping in pairs 3. The camp trumpeter 4. LIEUT COL H K RAWSON CO of camp on right with his staff 5. Watering the horses 6. Machine gun practice 7. Some of the men.1) Laminated photocopy of 7 numbered black & white photographs, Light Horsemen Soldiers in uniform, horses, machine gun, mounted on archival cardboard, from newspaper article, black & white top & bottom. .2) Laminated photocopy of colour photograph, 8 Soldiers in uniform mounted on horses, white print label lower right..1) Black print: "March 18 1933 The Weekly Times Magazine Section, Light Horsemen in Camp in Bendigo" (see notes for bottom details). .2) White print: "The Army, then, now, and for the future. All had a part to play"photography-photographs, military history - army, light horse, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Leisure object - CARDS, PLAYING, C. WW2
Playing cards of Japanese aircraft, black & white, design backing. .1) 9 of Clubs: 97 Dive Bomber like US Douglas A-24. .2) 10 of Club: 96 Mitsubishi H/Bomber - Army. .3) Jack of Clubs: 97 Kawasaki Flying Boat - Navy. .4) Queen of Clubs: Fiat BR-20 H/Bomber - - games, documents - cards, military history - recreation, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
"2123, A G Greenaway 15 Light Horse Enl. 12.8.15, RTA 28.8.19".1) Black & white photo of 2 male soldiers. .2) Paper envelope, cream, addressed. .3) Paper postcard, brown, black print. .4) Paper postcard, brown, black print. All mounted on white cardboard..1) " Pte F Cattion, Pte H G Greenaway" .2) " Ms L B Rogan, Casey St, Maryborough" .3) "Miss L B Rogan, 89 Lennox Street, Richmond" .4) " Miss L B Rogan, 64 Barcley Street, N. Fitzroy"photography-photographs, documents - envelopes, military history, passchendaele barracks trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, FRAMED, 1915
Metal frame dark brown, glass front, cardboard backing. Black & white photo of 10 soldiers in uniform, 6 standing, 4 kneeling in front of them. Forming H Coy of 7th Battalion. Photo taken with camp tents in background. Names & district of each soldier listed in insert under photo.Under photo are names & district of each member in photograph: “7th Battalion H Company (WWI)” Back Row: “909 B N EDWARDS (Bendigo), 925 PTE J HEUSTON (White Hills) 906 PTE M DOYLE (Eaglehawk), 894 PTE W D CLIFFORD (Kangaroo Flat) 974 PTE W L TUCKER (Huntly), 969 PTE P SOMERSET (White Hills)” Front Row: “890 PTE D CURRIE (Huntly), 913 PTE V E LIASON (White Hills) 896 PTE W CRISFIELD (Corowa) KIA 18.5.19, 934 C REED (Tragowel)”photography-photographs, frame accessories, glass technology, metalcraft, passchendaele barracks trust -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and White, School of Mines Ballarat Hockey Team 1940, 1940
Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack and white formal photograph of School of Mines Ballarat Hockey Team 1940. Names L. George, H. Patterson, U. Chisholm, B. Robertson, A. Howard, L. McPherson, J. McCarthy, M. Kerr, L. Stephens, L. Halliday, J. Martin, A. Janetski, J. Daniel, J. Horsey.on back in pencil "1940"ballarat school of mines students' magazine committee, ballarat school of mines hockey team 1940, school of mines hockey team 1940, l. george, h. patterson, u. chisholm, b. robertson, a. howard, l. mcpherson, l. stephens, l. halliday, j. martin, a. janetski, j. daniel, j. horsey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and White, John H. Callaby
... Black and white photograph of John H. Callaby. ... of John H. Callaby. John H. Callaby Photograph - Black and White ...Black and white photograph of John H. Callaby. john h. callaby, ballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Council Minute Book, Ballarat School of Mines Council and Sub Committee Minutes, 1970-71, 01/06/1970
School of Mines was a predecessor of Federation UniversityThese minute books record the meetings of the Council of School of Mines in the 1970's and give us an understanding of the operations of the School of Mines in that era and of the people involved with the institution at that time. It shows projects that were being undertaken at the institution at the time and gives us an historical perspective on project costs and the type of work being done.Large red book with Guard Minute Book No. 902 in gold letters on the front, that contains typed minutes of council meetings minutes, school of mines, council meetings, m.b. john, r.h. hollioake, arthur nicholson, j.v. robertson, a.e. stohr, e.j. tippett, k.c. webb, l.h vernon, j.b vernon, k.h price, l.c. yandell, f.k. white, w.g smith, g.k sutton, g.w. barrell, g.r. fairhall, bruce foley, l.j hillman, g. biddington, p. pittard, h. moritz, a.c miller, d. bowers, centenary committee, staffing committee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Council Minute Book, Ballarat School of Mines Council and Sub Committee Minutes, 1972-75, 1972
School of Mines was a predecessor of Federation UniversityThese minute books record the meetings of the Council of School of Mines in the 1970's and give us an understanding of the operations of the School of Mines in that era and of the people involved with the institution at that time. It shows projects that were being undertaken at the institution at the time and gives us an historical perspective on project costs and the type of work being done.Large red book with Guard Minute Book No. 902 in gold letters on the front, that contains typed minutes of council meetings minutes, school of mines, council meetings, m.b. john, r.h. hollioake, arthur nicholson, j.v. robertson, a.e. stohr, e.j. tippett, k.c. webb, l.h vernon, j.b vernon, k.h price, l.c. yandell, f.k. white, w.g smith, g.k sutton, g.w. barrell, g.r. fairhall, bruce foley, l.j hillman, g. biddington, p. pittard, h. moritz, a.c miller, d. bowers, centenary committee, staffing committee, m.g beanland, j.j smail -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Council Minute Book, Ballarat School of Mines Council and Sub Committee Minutes, 1975-78, 16/7/1975
School of Mines was a predecessor of Federation UniversityThese minute books record the meetings of the Council of School of Mines in the 1970's and give us an understanding of the operations of the School of Mines in that era and of the people involved with the institution at that time. It shows projects that were being undertaken at the institution at the time and gives us an historical perspective on project costs and the type of work being done.Large red book with Guard Minute Book No. 902 in gold letters on the front, that contains typed minutes of council meetings minutes, school of mines, council meetings, m.b. john, r.h. hollioake, arthur nicholson, j.v. robertson, a.e. stohr, e.j. tippett, k.c. webb, l.h vernon, j.b vernon, k.h price, l.c. yandell, f.k. white, w.g smith, g.k sutton, g.w. barrell, g.r. fairhall, bruce foley, l.j hillman, g. biddington, p. pittard, h. moritz, a.c miller, d. bowers, centenary committee, staffing committee, m.g beanland, j.j smail