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matching plan of burnley campus
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Jacqueline Fraser, The Chivers House 34 Finlayson Street Malvern East, 1991
(1) Jacqueline Fraser - Site Inventory and Analysis dated 5.11.91, Conceptual Design dated 1.11.91, Planting Plan and Section Elevation dated 8.11.91. Scale 1:100. (2) Troy Watchorn - Site Analysis and Inventory, Concept Plan, Planting Plan, Section Elevation, dated 14.11.1991. Scale 1:100. (15 sheets)jacqueline fraser, troy watchorn, landscape design, malvern -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, S. Soerono, Project Xerophytic Garden, 1989
Planting Plan and Coloured Elevation from Pt A to A₁ by S. Soerono, dated 10.11.1989s. soerono, landscape design, xerophytic gardens -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan - Planting plan, 1993
Tracing paper plan by Lisa McKern, dated 11.11.1993. Scale 1:100.lisa mckern, planting plan -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Kirsten Strutt, Design for Mr & Mrs Swan 7 Gascoyne Street Canterbury 3126, c. 1990-2000
Coloured plan by Kirsten Strutt. Scale 1:100.canterbury, kirsten strutt -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Kate Blood, City of Werribee Proposal for a Monument to Mark the Proclamation of Werribee as a City, 1987
Coloured elevation by Kate Blood dated 16.04.1987kate blood, werribee -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Michael Green, Garden of D. Batten and J. Wundersitz Concept Plan Scale 1:50, c.2000
Tracing paper plan by Michael Green.michael green, gardens -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Michael Green, 46 Young Street Kew Garden Concept Plan, 2000
Tracing paper plan by Michael Green dated December 2000. Scale 1:50michael green, gardens, kew -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture Small Residential Landscape, 1980-1990
Tracing paper Concept Drawing by John Doe Number 1/3. Scale 1:250. (2 sheets)landscape design, residential -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, The New VCAH-Burnley Campus Scale 1:100, 1990-2000
... sheets) The New VCAH-Burnley Campus Scale 1:100 Plan ...Master Copy Drawing for setting assignments for Landscape Graphics (5 sheets)landscape design, vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Base Plan Residential Landscape, 1994
2 plans on tracing paper dated 17.03.1994 and 23.03.1994. Same site, different anotation. Scale 1:100. Drawn by J.K.landscape design, residential -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Landscape Construction, 1960-1990
Miscellaneous plans on tracing paper and paper related mainly to Landscape Construction (approx. 40 sheets)landscape construction -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Landscape Construction I Paving on Mortar, 1990-2000
Plan of paving construction. Fall to Grade. Scale 1:20.landscape construction, paving -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Power Tool Practical, 1980-1990
Tracing paper and paper copies of plan of where to put bolts and nails in a piece of construction, construction -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Construction Drawings, 1980-1990
Tracing paper copy of drawings of Plinth Construction, Staking Method, Seat Detail and Brick -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Burnley Theme Gardens, 1988-1989
... Boulevard Richmond melbourne vcah burnley campus Plans for Victorian ...Plans for Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Burnley Campus, Second Year Associate Diploma Students. All Scale 1:50. Tracing paper, paper and laminated copies. (1) Scented Garden, designed by G. Fryer, drawn by S. Mullany. October 1988. (2) Native Garden, designed by L. Garn(e)tt, drawn by S. Mullany, October 1988. (3) Contemporary Garden, designed by Sara Esposito, drawn by Clive Sorrell, May 1989. (4) Grass Garden, designed by E. Youssef, drawn by S. Mullany, October 1988. (5) Victorian Garden, designed by W. Bergin, drawn by S. Mullany, October 1988.vcah, burnley campus -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, V.C.A.H Burnley Location map, c.1991
... Boulevard Richmond melbourne vcah burnley campus Plan of the Campus ...Plan of the Campus with buildings named.vcah, burnley campus -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Landscape Concept Plan Arboriculture & Amenity Building Courtyard and Entrance, 1995
... Boulevard Richmond melbourne vcah burnley campus Photocopy of plan ...Photocopy of plan by ACM Landscape Architecture for VCAH Burnley, Vic. November 1995 Dwg L2.vcah, burnley campus -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan - Plans and photographs, Burnley Low Energy Greenhouse, c. 2008
Laminated plans for greenhouse (1) Burnley Low Energy Greenhouse, (2) Solar Boosted Heat Pump - Greenhouse Bench Heating System. C photographs pasted on cardboard and labelled (3) Loading 20 mm gravel into Rock pile. (4) Reinforcement at Bottom Gravel level. (5) Sealing the Top of the Rock pile. (6) Top of Rock pile Before A-Frame Construction. (7) Corner Detail of Portal Frame. (8) Glazing Frames for Solar Panels. (9) Structure Partially Clad, with Solar Panel Supports at Rear. (10) Back of Solar Panels in Place. Laminated C photographs pasted on cardboard and labelled. (11) Burnley Low Energy Greenhouse. (12) Greenhouse Covering Materials Burnley. Pamphlet (13) Burnley College Institute of Land and Food Resources (slightly damaged)burnley, greenhouse, solar energy, construction, pamphlet -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Classroom Locations Map, 1990-2000
Plan produced by VCAH Burnley with classrooms marked.vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Alexander Metherell Pty. Ltd, Report on Existing Site Conditions at Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture Burnley, 1983
Report in plastic folder by Alexander Metherell Pty. Ltd., Melbourne dated November, 1983. Includes plans of Orchard and Campus. See B11.0716 and B11.0599 for descriptions of plans.alexander metherell, vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Swan St. Entrance, 1988-1989
Found in file labelled, "Swan St. Entrance" Geoff Olive.(1) Correspondence between Mr Ron Hamilton, Manager, Tram Operations, Eastern Section and Steve Mullany, Lecturer. Includes plan of "Entrance to V.C.A.H. Burnley and Plant Research Institute." (2) Handwritten note dated 5 July 89. (3) Handwritten estimate of costs by Ian W(instone). (4) Photocopy of planting plan. Also see B11.0592. ron hamilton, vcah, burnley campus, steve mullany -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan - Photocopies, Orchard Plan, c. 1980
Handdrawn plan of the Orchard with some parts dated 1980-1981. Names and positions of fruit trees in each block. (8 pages stapled together)orchard, fruit trees -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Jordan Hansen, David Aldous Turf Memorial Garden Landscape Concept Plan, 2016
Landscape Concept Plan designed by Jordan Hansen for Andrew Smith LCP-001 David Aldous Turf memorial Garden 2016 - page 18. Scale 1:100andrew smith, jordan hansen, landscape design -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Richmond Private Nursing Home, 1979-1996
Documents relating to Richmond Private Nursing Home. (1) Certificate of Title. (2) Ground Floor Plan. (3) Proposed extensions to existing buildings at 33 Bendigo Street, Richmond (Burgess Associates).nursing home, richmond -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Mary Younger, Proposed Outdoor Eating Area, Student Amenities Block, Vic. College of Agriculture & Horticulture, 1996
Plans numbered Scheme 1 - Scheme 7 for proposed outdoor eating area, Student Amenities Block. Possibly by Mary Younger (see B18.0007).mary younger, amenities, vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Mary Younger, Proposed Outdoor Eating Area, Student Amenities Block, Vic. College of Agriculture & Horticulture, 1999
Plan of proposed outdoor eating area, Student Amenities Block. Accompanying letter from Mary Younger, Architect, refers to this being a revised drawing and is accompanied by copy (X2) of Australian Standard "Design for access and mobility". AS 1428.1-1998 and 1428.2-1992. See also B18.0006.mary younger, amenities, vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Student Amenities Block 1:200, 1990-2000
Student Amenities Block - Ground Floor and First Floor plan and enlargement of SAB 3 Student Lounge (print and tracing). Refer to Fire Detection System.amenities, vcah, burnley -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Student Meeting Room VCAH, 1995
Plans for Student Meeting Room - Options 1-4.amenities, students -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Design Concept for Quadrangle Entrance, 1990-2000
Design concept for quadrangle entrance. "Please pass on any comments to Michael Green." (1) View from Quad looking towards main building. (2) Plan.michael green, quadrangle entrance -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Burnley Horticultural College Students Amenities Building, 1992
First Floor - SRC Office/Furniture. Changes in plan No C2980 02/03/1972. 1:50. All messurements (sic) in cm. and according to original floor plan! 04/03/1992. johnsdorfer.amenities, students, vcah, burnley, john s dorfer