Physical description
Cardboard expandable file with alphabetical sections inside and a plastic clip to close it. Contains garden-related material that Andrew Smith kept in his office:
Perennial Border weed control 2001.
1.Boulevard Entrance plants/colour scheme 2005.
3.Restoration Ellis Stones Garden Final Draft Replanting Plan, "Bodies Catalogue," other notes by Phil Tulk 2000.
Camellias 37 thumbnail photographs.
Several handwritten lists of bulbs, one named "Glen Collection", planting plan, planting chart (see B23.0007 slides). Plastic folder containing numbered and named actual bulbs and some colour photographs C. 1998.
2.Cactus Bed handwritten list and plan.
"Clematis the Genus," by Christopher Grey-Wilson, 9pp, photocopy 2000.
Burnley Horticultural College Orchard Development Plan prepared by R. Hall, December 1981 - G. Olive copy.
Concept Plan Pruning Garden Field Station VCAH Burnley Drawn by JK (Jill Kellow) 25.03.98.
VCAH Burnley Field Station Draft Development Plan, G. Olive copy. Memo from James Hitchmough April 1992.
Field Nursery Plan 10 April, 1990.
Notes on Student Gardens & Pruning Garden 2002-2004.
4.Grey Border Proposed Redevelopment Concept 20.04.1998. Drawn by Phil Tulk.
University of Melbourne - Burnley Turfgrass Museum Planting 2003 works program 11th July, 2003.
University of Melbourne (Burnley Campus) - Grassy Woodland Plant List - Chris Findlay and Phil Tulk. Photocopy plan - Drive y: Grasslands, 2011 redevelop.
Herbaceous Border plantings - old car park 5pp with plans.
Notes on plants for Native Garden. Society for Growing Australian Plants brochures. Notes on Restoration of Native Garden - June 1986. John Rayner, James Hitchmough, Geoff Olive.
Hilda Kirkhope Rockery Restoration 2003-04.
Rough Herb Garden design.
Rainforest Garden Redevelopment Plan, plants - see B10.0392.
Miscellaneous plant lists and purchasing orders.
The Shady Walk - Plant ID 2 Assignment. Recommended plants, plan.
Salvia List 2001Private Collection - Meg Bentley.
Notes and lists of trees at Burnley.
Tree logic elm leaf beetle control 2007-2011.
List of trees by section and date planted, typed.
Dept. of Agriculture - trees and plants with planting date, typed.
Ch 5 "Garden Cherries" - "Tai-haku" 1999, photocopy.
Burnley Tree Management System, 525 entries.
Lists of trees and plants, typed.
Lists of trees - handwritten.
Outstanding trees at Burnley - handwritten.
Trees of the Historic Burnley Gardens, Melbourne, Australia by David Aldous, 1990.
- cactus,
- cacti,
- clematis,
- orchard redevelopment,
- r. hall,
- geoff olive,
- pruning garden,
- field station,
- vcah,
- university of melbourne,
- burnley,
- jill kellow,
- field station redevelopment,
- field nursery,
- student gardens,
- turfgrass,
- grassy woodland,
- chris findlay,
- phil tulk,
- grasslands,
- herbaceous border,
- car park,
- native garden,
- restoration native garden,
- john rayner,
- hilda kirkhope rockery,
- herb garden,
- rainforest garden redevelopment,
- plant lists,
- shady walk,
- salvia,
- trees,
- tai-haku cherry,
- tree management,
- tree lists,
- david aldous,
- grey border