Showing 308 items
matching sale of crown land
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Land Sale, n.d
Extract from Memorial Book 377 No 963 recording conveyance of land bounded by Whitehorse Road and Metropolitan Avenue,Photocopy from extract from Memorial Book 377 No 963 recording conveyance of land bounded by Whitehorse Road and Metropolitan Avenue, part Crown Portion 79, Parish of Nunawading from William Logan to William Horan.Extract from Memorial Book 377 No 963 recording conveyance of land bounded by Whitehorse Road and Metropolitan Avenue,metropolitan avenue, nunawading, whitehorse road, logan, william, horan, land sales -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Legal record - Land Title, Spall Orchard, 1916-1982
Certificates of Title relating to the Spall Orchard, Wattle Valley Road Mitcham and surrounding parts of Crown Portion 128, Parish of Nunawading.Certificates of Title relating to the Spall Orchard, Wattle Valley Road Mitcham and surrounding parts of Crown Portion 128, Parish of Nunawading. Principal landowners: Louis Schwerkolt (Vol.3955 Fol.825), Francis Arnold Vaughan and James George & Sybil Margaret Spall (Vol.8249 Fol. 849). With historical summary, agent's sale notice 1984 and letter from Shirley Mill.Certificates of Title relating to the Spall Orchard, Wattle Valley Road Mitcham and surrounding parts of Crown Portion 128, Parish of Nunawading.wattle valley road, mitcham, highland avenue mitcham, trenham court mitcham, spall, james george, spall, sybil margaret, vaughan, francis arnold, schwerkolt, louis, mill, shirley, land titles -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Forest Hill, 1/06/1937
Photocopy of contract of sale between Julius Draeger, vendor and John Ernest Kleinert, 19 June 1937, for 15 acres of land being part of Crown Portion 94, Certificate of Title, Vol 3715 Fol 742908 (Certificate of Title ND576)land sales, draeger, carl julius otto, kleinert, john ernest, glebe street, forest hill -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Legal record - Document, Forest Hill, 12/08/1913
Photocopy of Certificate of Title. Vol 3715 Fol. 742903 to Julius Draeger, 12 August 1913, for fifteen acres of land being part of Crown Portion 94, including plan of subdivision (P72294) cancelling title. [Contract of Sale ND567]Photocopy of Certificate of Title. Vol 3715 Fol. 742903 to Julius Draeger, 12 August 1913, for fifteen acres of land being part of Crown Portion 94, including plan of subdivision (P72294) cancelling title. [Contract of Sale ND567]Photocopy of Certificate of Title. Vol 3715 Fol. 742903 to Julius Draeger, 12 August 1913, for fifteen acres of land being part of Crown Portion 94, including plan of subdivision (P72294) cancelling title. [Contract of Sale ND567]glebe street, forest hill, land subdivision, draeger, carl julius otto, vicki street, bindy street, lee-ann street -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Map - photocopy
A photocopy taken from the original land sale map provided to the society through Karel Coxell of Stockdale & Leggo. The original maps are stored in large bound account books and were originally the propert of McNally Real Estate. The books are held (in 2A3 photocopy of plan of survey of part of Crown Allotments 20 & 21, section C, parish of Narre Worran, County of Mornington. Clements Ave and environs in Belgrave Heights"Villette Estate" in top LH corner, "Locality Plan" in bottom LH corner, "Not in sale" written on one block and crossed out. All handwritten in pencil on original. "Colby Drive " and "Verona Street" added in pencil to sales, advertisements, subdivision -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Reports of sales by auction
Blue book with brown corners and spine, red label on spine with the title in gold letters "Reports of sales by auction". Letter "C" on spine. C'Maine on front cover. The book contains official Crown land sales documents, the papers are glued into the book. The book contains the purchasers' names, land section, allotments and price. Cover the period from 1893 to 1905.11/1/1893 to 12/03/06 written on the spine. Land sale reports 1880 written on inside cover. land sales, crown land, auctions -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Application for allotments for sale 1908-1974
Green cover book with brown leather spine. The book lists the applications for allotments of land for sale. The headings in the book are: number of application, date of registry, date of application, surname, Christian name and address, parish, allotment, section, area, local land board schedule, classification, crown grant, references and remarks. It covers the years 1908 -1974.Spine has a red label with gold letters. On the cover the remnants of a label, under in ink Sec.173, 1011-3420. At top left of the cover Sec.171 SHland sales, govrnment -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Legal record - The Indenture, Crown Portion 86, otherwise known as 'The Morgan Deed', 1852 (and later)
This indenture once formed part of the City of Kew's Municipal Collection. Cr. W.D. Vaughan in his history 'Kew's Civic Century' (1960) records on page 194 that: "The original deed of conveyance of the land being all of Crown Portion 86, Kew, purchased by John Quick, James Venn Morgan, Samuel Derrick and William Derrick was presented by the Historical Society of Victoria on behalf of Mrs Fryer, a daughter of the later J.V. Morgan, to the [Kew] Council on August 5, 1941. Crown Portion 86, comprised all the land between Cotham Road and High Street to an alignment opposite the east boundary of Glenferrie Road. On it the first residential house was built by Mr. J.V. Morgan in 1852." Following the donation, the Indenture was surrounded by other original related text and explanatory notes and framed. The resulting framed documents are the largest framed objects in the collection.The Indenture and the accompanying contextual documents are some of the most historically significant manuscripts to have survived since the settlement of Kew in the 1850s. They provide a link to Kew's most famous pioneering families.Framed 1952 Indenture recording the sale of land in Kew to pioneering Kew families.james venn morgan, john quick, william derrick, samuel derrick, kew (vic) - history, kew (vic) - pioneers, samuel watts, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, FENWICK, Nicholas A, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Small subject file with a single copy of ‘Despatches to the Governor of New South Wales A1278’, notifying that Nicholas Fenwick is being sent to New South Wales to fill the role of Police Magistrate. The other item is a typed version of the advertisement for the Crown Lands Sale in Kew in 1851.kew (vic) - history, kew (vic) - crown land sales, nicholas a fenwick, early landowners - kew (vic.)kew (vic) - history, kew (vic) - crown land sales, nicholas a fenwick, early landowners - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, St Helliers Estate, Kew, circa 1910, c.1910
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.In the subdivision of part of Crown Portion 82, bordered by John and Sackville Streets and Cotham and Burke Roads, over 100 lots were offered for sale. In addition to the designated lots, a number of key locations are also identified. These include the Genazzano Convent to the north of Cotham Road, the Reservoir, St Hilary’s and the land holding of Colonel Parnell on the corner of John Street and Cotham Road. On the Plan, No. 5064, is the handwritten name ‘St. Hellier’s Estate’. St. Helliers, the home of the Dumaresq family is shown beside St. Hilary’s.subdivision plans - kew, st helliers estate -
Melton City Libraries
Pamphlet, Dry Stone Wall Driving Trail, Unknown
"The dry stone walls provide a tangible link to the area’s white settlement, and they remain a symbol of the profound change in land usage from the original Kulin custodians to the European arrivals of the nineteenth century. The bulk of dry stone wall construction in Victoria occurred between the 1850s and 1880s. The gold rush of the early 1850s in particular inspired a flurry of construction. At this time, labour previously available for shepherding livestock dried up, as men gravitated to the goldfields to seek their fortunes. This necessitated the building of fencing to contain the district’s growing number of sheep, cattle and horses. An explosion in surveying, subdivision and the sale of Crown lands also contributed to a boost in construction. Government regulations that punished pastoralists for allowing their livestock to stray provided further incentive to fence-off previously open expanses of land. The major benefit of this type of fencing was that it utilised the materials at hand; the plentiful grey basalt that scattered the landscape. In the case of the dry stone walls built around Melton, the characteristic round or oval shape of the volcanic fieldstones on the western plains inspired some distinctive designs.54 Another advantage of dry stone walls was their ability to withstand the ravages of flood, fire and drought often experienced in the district. This durability accounts for the fact that many of these fences still exist today". Dry Stone Wall trail brochure/pamphlet for visitors provided by Melton Visitor Information Centrecouncil, landscapes of significance -
Melton City Libraries
Document, Minns Family Reunion, 2004
... on the land prior to the Crown sale. When CM Williams purchased... on the land prior to the Crown sale. When CM Williams purchased ..."A perpetual spring in the adjacent creek provided a steady supply of fresh water to the site on which the homestead is built. Although we can not be certain of the identity of the builder, the first stage of ‘The Willows’ homestead appears to have been constructed in the mid 1850s. The house is situated on Crown Allotment No.1 (No Section), Parish of Kororoit, an allotment of 5 acres 3 roods 4 perches. Although it had surveyed the land, the Crown did not offer it for sale until 22nd November 1861, at which time it was purchased by Charles March Williams. (Although the property is directly opposite and immediately adjacent to the Township of Melton, and was sold as ‘Suburban Allotment 33’, it was situated within the Shire of Braybrook rather than the Shire of Melton until 1917.) Considerable improvements had taken place on the land prior to the Crown sale. When CM Williams purchased the allotment in November 1861 he paid £23.5.0 for the land itself, and valued the improvements at £400. Even allowing for some exaggeration by Williams, this is an extremely high valuation for improvements, and must have included a house. Some local research has claimed that in 1858 Williams had taken over the interest of a Mr Parkinson in the property, and that Parkinson built the house upon taking possession of the land c.1855. It was definitely built by 1861, when a map shows a square building on the site marked as ‘House’. The property is important in the district for its association with the establishment of the pound. The district pound had been established in 1854, when George Scarborough of Mount Cottrell (Mt Cottrell Road, south of Greigs Road) was appointed pound-keeper. Scarborough resigned in 1857. The pound was moved to Melton following agitation from local farmers and Charles March Williams appointed pound-keeper on 26th April 1858. Williams, the son of a doctor, had been born in London. Reminiscences of local residents of the time, as recorded in the Express newspaper, note Williams’ success in breeding horses on the property. Sales of up to 60 guineas were noted. Whether this was from Williams’s own stock or from unclaimed pound stock is not made clear. Williams appeared before a government inquiry in 1860 and advocated registration of all stock brands in the State. Williams died in 1862 leaving a widow, Catherine, and five living children aged 15 years to five months. At the time of his death Williams had entered negotiations with one Matthew Devenish and had a mortgage of £100 on allotments 1 and 2, Parish of Kororoit. Catherine Williams was appointed pound-keeper on 2 September 1863, with her eldest son Charles as her assistant. Her tenure was short for on 22nd March 1864 George Minns senior paid Matthew Devenish £135 for allotments 1 and 2 Parish of Kororoit (considerably less than Williams had claimed the property was worth in 1861) and on the same day paid William Tullidge £45 for the adjoining allotments 3 and 4. In April 1867, James Ebden Minns, the newly married son of George senior became the owner of The Willows property having entered into a mortgage arrangement with his father to the extent of £200. At the time George Minns was residing in Kaarimba having left Melton in 1867 for a short trip to England and upon his return having taken up a selection in the Kaarimba district with his son Frederick who had a hotel licence there. James paid out the mortgage on 2-1-1873. James Minns was appointed pound-keeper in 1872; in 1885 the pound was moved elsewhere and Minns purchased the old pound site and added it to his farm. The Willows residence underwent a major change about this time. A two room extension, similar in style but with a lower elevation was added to the original rear of the house with a chimney matching the distinctive originals. Window arrangements did not match the original but became a feature of the façade when the new addition became the front of the building. Six buttresses were attached to the east and west walls of the old building, two to the south wall and the whole rendered with mortar to give the appearance of dressed stonework around the windows. Galvanized iron was placed over the shingles and a verandah added on three sides. By 1876 The Willows was the homestead for a thriving mixed farm of 340 acres of which 156 was rented from a H. Ruck. In October of that year the Australasian travelling reporter visited and reported on the property. In common with the nearly every other property in the district the farm had ‘recently’ (generally within the last two years) abandoned cultivation of crops, and turned over completely to cattle pasture. Butter making was the principal occupation of the farm, which had about 50 head of cattle, a large proportion of which were milking cows. The reporter also noted that a ‘large number of pigs are kept upon this farm and are found to be very profitable stock’. Their manure was used in an orchard and garden in which ‘large quantities of lucerne and prairie grass are grown for the use of stock when ordinary feed is scarce’. Two bores attached to deep brick lined wells supplied water for the house in addition to the farm. A commodious timber barn and necessary sheds had also been constructed. Access to the property was improved following the construction of the bluestone ford across the creek c.1887, when the recreation ground came into use. Prior to this date it may have been that the crossing referred to as ‘Mr Minns bridge’ was used. This appears to have been a flimsy structure and has but two references in Council reports in the Melton Express in the 1880’s. It is believed that in the late 1890’s a timber building was added near the rear of the building to house a kitchen, ablutions and laundry rooms and rooms for seasonal workers. This was attached to the house by means of a trellised walkway using the original front entry to the house (long since the back door). A photograph of this building appears in a local history of Melton. This was demolished in recent decades during the period when the house was tenanted (after the Minns family had left). James Minns son, George, took over the property following his marriage to Alice Walsh in 1903. James and Caroline moved into a house on the former JH Games property at the eastern end of Henry Street. George held the position of Shire Secretary for Melton for 40 years. He was a most prominent member of the community being Secretary to, among others, the Melton Coursing Club, the Shooting Club and the Cemetery Trust. He also rode with the hunting parties who sported across the Plains and were entertained at Mount Kororoit. George and Alice had one son, Norman who followed his father into local government and became Secretary of the Shire of Werribee completing a record term in this position. George retired to Werribee in 1951, where he died in 1965. The National Trust records note that James Ebden Minns and his sons were ‘leading men of the district, Justices of the Peace, and Shire Councillors’. It claims that Sir Thomas Bent was a frequent visitor. The Willows passed into the hands of George’s grandson, Bruce Minns and the property was let for a number of years. In the 1960s it became vacant and was subject to vandalism. Major structural problems arose with the part demolition of the roof, the loss of windows and doors and holes dug into and under the floorboards. The outbuildings were particularly targeted. Following widespread public support, the Shire of Melton purchased the house, with 3.75 acres of land, in 1972. In 1975 the Shire of Melton and the Melton and District Historical Society were successful in nominating the building for National Trust classification, and then the Australian Heritage Commission’s Register of the National Estate. The AHC particularly noted its ‘townscape importance’. It was envisaged that the farmhouse would form ‘a picturesque centrepiece to Melton’s planned … historical park, along with Dunvegan bluestone cottage … and similar structures as they become available.’ In a time of great Melton’s ‘satellite city’ development the Council spelt out its broader vision in its submission to the AHC: ‘Melton is destined to become, by the end of the present century, a city of between 75,000 and 100,000 people. Significant relics of the past, such as ‘The Willows’, regrettably will be rare in that situation. It is essential that sufficient tangible links with Melton’s pioneering days remain to promote in the new community a sense of history and continuity’. Under the direction of ‘The Willows’ Restoration Committee and consultant architect John Hitch, all outbuildings, with the exception of the garage and toilet, were demolished and the dwelling house restored. Finances were provided by the Shire of Melton and the National Estate Grants Program, and considerable amount of voluntary labour was provided by the local community. The orchard was removed, and remaining wooden buildings were relocated to provide an open vista for visitors to the Park. The property was furnished with donations from district families keen to preserve this example of pioneer life in the area. The Willows became the headquarters of the Melton and District Historical Society". Invitation to the family reunion at the Willowslocal identities, pioneer families -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, 'Melton South Chaff Mill employees, Unknown
Charles E “Ernie” Barrie started constructing a Chaff mill on the corner of Brooklyn and Station road in 1900. It soon became a thriving business and was ideally located close to the railway line. Ernie and his father William and other Barrie brothers had been operated travelling chaff cutters in the district of Melton and Werribee. Within a short time the mill expanded into two big sheds in partnership with his brother James E known as “Ted”. The eldest brother William was in the Manager living in Melton South. In 1906 Ernie applied for a railway crossing on Brooklyn Road to have direct access for railway trucks to be shunted to the mill to be loaded. The Mill was also had the first phone to be connected, No 1, and No’s 2, 3 were the Golden Fleece and Macs Hotels. In 1906 Ernie married Jessie Lang daughter of the Head Teacher at Melton State School No 430 (1896 –1917). The Barrie house on the north side of the mill was completed in August 1906. It survived for almost 60 years until demolition. Chaff mills were very susceptible to fires and often burnt down and would be rebuilt again ready for the peak of the harvesting season. The final demise of the Mill occurred in a spectacular blaze on the night of Friday 2nd December 1977, just before the earth tremor as reported in the local paper. Brian Dobson the local photographer lived close by and captured the night blaze. A video was also taken of the action by the fire brigade. My parents Bon and Edna Barrie were living at 19 First Avenue, and took colour slides of the smouldering ruins in the half -light. Ironically Bon had spent the first year of his life (born in April 1909 and sister Mary born October 1907) at the house beside the mill. Trethowan’s Chaff mill in Brooklyn road was also destroyed by fire, which stated in the evening on Tuesday April 28th 1987. It was established in 1910 by Dixon Brothers, followed by, Ebbot & Kebby, Robinson, Trethowan and Butler and was with the Trethowan family when it burnt down. Melton South was small a community referred to as Melton Railway Station. Member of the community raised the idea to have a public hall. In 1909 Cr Barrie, Mr Nesbitt and Delany formed a committee to build a community hall. Cr Barrie donated the land and The Exford Hall was completed in September 1910 later to be named Victoria Hall. It was demolished in 1992. Colour slide in Barrie archive. In April 1910 the Ernie sold the Mill to Glover Onians (HSK Ward) family moved away to a property in Trundle NSW. Ernie had acquired 640 acres (a square mile) and leased a further 1920 acres of adjoining land. It was the practise of the farmers in the area at the time to buy up or lease the surrounding land from the 640 acre crown land blocks to make up acerage for a viable wheat farm. His wife Jessie found the climate to be very hot and when the Darlingsford property at Melton was put up for sale in the latter part of 1910 and was passed in at the auction. My grandfather saw this an opportunity to return to Melton. The negotiations to Darlingsford were finalised on May 11th 1911. Barrie bothers with connections to Chaff mills and farming in Melton from the 1900s William Henry, Charles Ernest, James Edwin, Samuel John, Robert, Arthur Roger, Albert Walter. Three grandsons and a great-grandson are in business earthmoving and farming in Melton today. (2013) Memoirs by Wendy BarrieEmployees at Chaff Mill, it was located on the corner of Brooklyn and Station Road, Melton South. local identities, agriculture -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Journal: black hard cover journal with buff spine and corners. Front cover badly damaged Written on spine ' S.I. Sales 1855 - 1869' '05' written in red ink on top of spine. On front cover 'G.W. Groves' written in blue ink under torn cover. Blue lined pages contain details of crown lands surveyed in district of Sandhurst, town, suburban and country. Details of parish, area, date of sale, price and name of purchaser. Indexed by parish on first page.Lands Officeland sales, lands office, land sales, land surveyed, sandhurst, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - LANDS OFFICE - CROWN LANDS SURVEYED AND SOLD SANDHURST - 1857 - 1879, 1857 - 1879
Journal: black hard cover with buff spine and corners. Contains details of crown land surveyed and sold, district of Sandhurst. Double pages numbered on top right, page columns - parish, town lands, particulars, survey fees, date of survey, date of sale, auction, selection price per acre, total amount, purchaser. No index. On spine '08' 'Bendigo A' 26th June 1857 to 1879 (?)Lands Officeplace, land sales, lands office, crown land, land surveys, bendigo, sandhurst -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Journal: LANDS OFFICE - CROWN LANDS SURVEYED AND SOLD SANDHURST green hard cover journal with buff spine and corners. Contains details of crown land surveyed and sold in the district of Sandhurst. Indexed in front by parish, alphabetical double pages not numbered. On LH page, parish, town, suburban, country, date of survey. On RH page, date of sale, auction, selection, price, total amount, purchaser. On spine ' index book' 'F' and '09'. Dated from 1860 onwardsLands Officeland sales, bendigo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - LANDS OFFICE - SALE OF CROWN LANDS - 1864 - 1869, 1864- 1869
Journal: LANDS OFFICE - SALE OF CROWN LANDS - 1864 - 1869 Brown hard cover journal. Contains details of sales of crown land, listed in chronological order of sales. Includes lot, allotment, section, county, parish, area, upset price per acre, deposit, amount for which sold, valuation, name of purchaser. On spine 011Lands Officelands office, crown land, crown land sales, land sales, bendigo, sandhurst -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article - The Bulletin newsletter, The Bulletin Jun - Aug 2022, Our Burwood Village, June 2022
... of Nunawading at the time. The sale of Crown Land in Ballyshanassy 02/05 ...An article about the first settlement surveyed in 1858 in the Burwood area known as Ballyshanassy. It later became Norwood and finally Burwood in 1879.An article about the first settlement surveyed in 1858 in the Burwood area known as Ballyshanassy. It later became Norwood and finally Burwood in 1879.An article about the first settlement surveyed in 1858 in the Burwood area known as Ballyshanassy. It later became Norwood and finally Burwood in 1879.ballyshanassy, albers ernest, boundary road burwood east, dempsey -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: buff hard cover journal, embossed on borders. On spine 'Lands and Survey' 'Index Book' and '03'. Contains list of parishes in front cover, indexed to page numbers which describes land surveyed and sold in parishes. Double page entries. 230 pages in book. LH page ' town lands, suburban lands, country lands, total lands surveyed, date of survey. RH page: date of sale, by auction, by selection, price per acre, total amount name of purchaser.Lands Officeland sales, lands office, land surveyed, land sold, bendigo, sandhurst -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Folder, Reaghill Estate Subdivision, Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1958
Bifold land sale brochure glued to brown stationery folder with advertisement including map of original subdivision (circa 1958) and subsequent 1982 re-subdivision of Lot 7 Vista Avenue - LP41463 - Part of Crown Allotment 43, Parish of Ringwood, and 4-page brochure for sale of 4 luxury new homes built by Bovis Homes Aust. P/L as presented by Lyndsay Edmonds Homes. Subdivision includes Bedford Road, Homebush Court, Vista Avenue and Vista Court. Original protective covenant: "One dwelling house only on each of Lots 1-15 for a period of 15 years". Agent - Anderson & Hickling, 239 Collins Street, Melbourne. (Phone) Cent.25. -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Map, Plan of Subdivision of Crown Portion 23 & parts 24-25, Parish of Korkuperrimul [1900s?]
The Parish of Korkuperrimul includes a significant section of the township of Bacchus Marsh and extends in western and northern directions from the township area. The date of the subdivision indicated on this plan has not been established. The engineer's stamp on the drawing shows the firm of Muntz and Muntz who were operating under that name in the early part of the 20th century.A single page paper map showing 20 blocks of land for sale in the Parish of Korkuperrimul. Scale 100 feet to 1 inch. The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network. Stamped: 'Muntz & Muntz Civil Engineers, Architects & Surveyors, Trustees Chambers ?? Cor Collins Street and Bank Placeland sales bacchus marsh, bacchus marsh victoria maps, land sales korkuperrimul parish -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Folder, Land Sale, Parkhaven Estate, Heathmont, Victoria - 1968
Manilla folder containing 2-page foolscap size typewritten summary of Parkhaven Estate Heathmont multiple release allotment prices and two maps headed Plan of Subdivision - Part of Crown Portion 13, Parish of Ringwood. Subdivision includes Cuthbert Street, Waterloo Street, Sunset Drive, Markhill Place, Parkhaven Drive, Bayley Close and Blenheim Street. Agents - Consolidated Home Industries Limited, Lower Dandenong Road, Braeside, Vic., Phone 91-9791. Rep - Bruce Grant.Accompanying handwritten sales note researched in 2024 by Richard Carter - Carter Real Estate - "Generally $2500 to $4000 per lot". -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Eltham Lower Park, 20 April 2008
Originally a race course, the park has brought the community together with a variety of activities. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p45 Once used for horse racing, which attracted visitors from Melbourne, the Eltham Lower Park has brought the community together with a wide range of activities. Horse riding is now enjoyed as a recreation in the park as are other sports. The park also includes the Diamond Valley Railway miniature trains and a sanctuary for the rare and vulnerable Eltham Copper Butterfly. Eltham Lower Park, with other parks, forms an almost continuous green band from Eltham’s centre, along the Diamond Creek to the Yarra River.1 Before European settlement the Wurundjeri people met on this land, particularly at the junction of the Diamond Creek with the Yarra River, which they called Birr-arung. This is commemorated by the sculpture, Not just a Pretty Place by Aleks Danko, winner of the 2000 Nillumbik Art in Public Places Award. The first European to settle here was probably Henry Foley, who in 1841 used it as part of his pastoral run. Foley sold his leasehold to Joseph Wilson in 1845, who soon after sold it to Frederick Falkiner. During the 1840s the future park was part of a government square mile (2.6 sqkm) reserve, north of the Yarra, within the Parish of Nillumbik, later named Eltham. Soon the land was used for horse racing after nearby residents cleared ten acres (4ha) in the early 1850s. A three-quarter of a mile (1.2km) race secured the winner the £10 Publican’s Prize. In response to popular demand, the newly formed Eltham District Road Board petitioned the Surveyor General of the Colony of Victoria, in 1856, for 36 acres (14.6ha) of crown land for a racecourse and recreation. By 1858 the Eltham races had become an institution. ‘Many skirmishes occurred and the way home was paved with temptation, with sly-grog for sale.3 In the early 1870s, two jockeys were sons of the police officer in charge of the Eltham Police Station, Miles S Lyons. Another ten acres (4ha) was added to the area in 1866 and 12 acres (4.8ha) – Hohnes Hill – in 1870. In 1866, two acres (0.8ha) on the creek banks became an animal pound with William Walsh the pound keeper in 1870, but this was later incorporated into the park. By 1877 the area was called a public park but horse racing and training continued into the 1920s. In the mid-1900s trotters were trained on a circuit road. In 1953 the Eltham Pony Club was established and used a cross-country course on Hohnes Hill. From the mid 1950s the club held the Eltham Easter Fair at the park, later to include a procession along Main Road from the town centre to the park. The park also attracted picnic parties and campers from the inner suburbs as did Wingrove Park, and businesses catering for visitors, sprang up on the opposite side of Main Road. Bus-loads of school children visited the park for Gould League bird days in the 1960s. In 1979 the Eltham Shire Council bought Lenister Farm, linking the park with the Yarra River. The Lenister Farm wetland includes a bird hide, viewing platform and interpretive signs.5 Pioneer Henry Stooke, later Road Board chairman, bought the 11 acres (4.5ha) - later to become Lenister Farm - from the Crown in 1862. Stooke never lived on this site and the two houses at Lenister Farm were built in the 20th century. Since its formation in 1871, the Council has controlled this crown land, which it named Eltham Park. But in the 1920s Eltham Council bought land near the town centre for a park, which it named Eltham Central Park. To avoid confusion the Council renamed Eltham Park, Eltham Lower Park. Since 2004 the Yarra footbridge has linked the park with the Yarra Valley Metropolitan Park and the Main Yarra Trail.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham lower park, eltham park -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Receipt, Receipt for Payment for a Block of Land near Linton, 1918
Note that the block of land which was traded was not the block in Sussex Street, Linton on which the Sandows had a shop and house, but a block just outside the town boundary, near the Geelong Road (Linton-Naringhil Road). See map of Parish of Argyle for clarification.Photocopy of original handwritten receipt, which was for payment in full for a block of land situated just outside of Linton - Section A, Crown Allotment 1, Parish of Argyle. This land was purchased by Rubina (Ruby) Sandow from George Bolte in 1918. Receipt is for fifteen pounds, it is made out to "Rubinia Norwood Sandow" and is signed by Alf J. Smith, "for Geo. Bolte". Two Victorian Stamp Duty stamps are attached to the original document.rubina (ruby) sandow, george bolte, receipts, sale of land -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - LANDS OFFICE: REPORT OF LAND SALES BY AUCTION 1881 - 1895, 1881 - 1895
Document: LANDS OFFICE: REPORT OF LAND SALES BY AUCTION 1881 - 1895 Green hard cover book with buff spine and corners. Contains reports of sale by public auctions of crown lands in Charlton, St. Arnaud, Avoca, Donald, Wedderburn, Wycheproof.Lands Officeland sales, auctions, lands office, land surveyed, land sold -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: LANDS OFFICE: SANDHURST CROWN LAND SOLD BY AUCTION 1854 booklet - brown paper cover with blue pages. On front cover ' copy of sale books, town lots Sandhurst, April 18,19,20,21, 22 and 24 also suburban lots on the Bendigo Creek sold May 10TH.? 1854' Booklet contains copies of advertisement for auctions, written alongside, name of purchaser and amount paid per acre. White sticker fixed to pocket ' Book 1, Sandhurst Land Sales, 10 May 1854 to 18 May 1854Lands Officelands office, bendigo, sandhurst, land sales -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: booklet, brown paper cover secured by string on spine. Written on front cover ' copy of sale books, January 16, 17. 18, 19, 26 1854. Harcourt, Lockwood, Muckleford' Blue lined pages with copy of advertisement for town lots for auction. LH page columns: price per acre, amount, deposit. RH page balance, purchaser, name, residence. White sticker fixed to pocket: Book 4 Sandhurst Land Sales, including outlying areas 16 January 1854 to 19 January 1854.lands office, bendigo, sandhurst, harcourt, muckleford, lockwood, land sales, auctions -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: booklet, marbled cardboard cover. Written on front ' Sale 1855 - ?7' Inside front cover £50 per acre - 6/3 per rood. £8 do. 1/- do, V1 do. -/1/2 do. 'E' ' from April 30th. 1855 to Jany. 27th. 1857' Contains blue pages with red columns. Copies of Crown Lands Sales listed in book, to right of copy, deposit, name of purchaser and total amount. White sticker on pocket Sandhurst Land Sales 22 January 1855 to 27 January 1857Lands Officebendigo, land sales, lands office, crown land, land sales, auctions, sandhurst -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: blue lined pages listing crown land auctions held in Sandhurst 1857/58. Book contains newspaper cutting listing town lots for sale. LH page: Total, balance, deposit, purchaser. LH page: same. White sticker fixed to front: Book 6 Sandhurst land Sales including outlying areas 30 January 1857 to 29 June 1859bendigo, land sales -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document: booklet, brown heavy paper cover bound secured with white cotton. Blue paper pages. On front cover ' Sale Book 1859, 60, 61. From August 16th. 1859 to Feb. 26 1861' Contains newspaper cuttings of crown land sales held in Sandhurst. Alongside cuttings are columns: price per acre, amount, purchasers. White sticker fixed to pocket: Book 7 Sandhurst Land Sales 16 August 1859 to March 1861Lands Officebendigo, land sales 1859 - 60, lands office, sandhurst, crown land, auctions