Showing 17 items
matching tram 204
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide, Ron Scholten, Feb. 2002
... tram 204...Colour slide - Kodachrome plastic mount - of Z3 204 running... tram 204 Colour slide - Kodachrome plastic mount - of Z3 204 ...Colour slide - Kodachrome plastic mount - of Z3 204 running into No. 2 shed at Malvern Depot. Note the Coin only sign on the front of the tram. Has a Vodaphone all over advertising scheme - Feb 2002 - see (accessed 17/6/2021)trams, tramways, z3 class, malvern depot, advertising trams, tram 204 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Transit Australia Publishing, "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class – sheets A1 to A29", 1950's to 1990's
... tram 204... tram 202 tram 204 tram 205 tram 206 tram 84 tram 456 tram 180 ...Photo Album - titled "TAP - Part A - Pre MMTB or W class – sheets A1 to A29 ", from Transit Australia Publishing. Photos used in the Destination City and other publications series. For a detailed list of photographs see htd4600i.pdf. For individual photo images see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\photo collections\htd4600-TAP-PartA, images TAP1 to TAP65. TAP01_Malvern Depot-assembling-trams.jpg TAP02_M1_Union Rd. Ascot Vale.jpg TAP03_Myer-Santa-tram_WilliamSt_MMTB.jpg TAP03_Myer-Santa-tram_William St_MMTB-obverse.jpg TAP04_8_Preston WS_Norm Cross.jpg TAP05_22-5_High St-Prahran_1910_CRC Field.jpg TAP06_31-36_High St-Armadale Rose Postcard.jpg TAP07_36_Dandenong Rd_c1917_Duckett Collection.jpg TAP08_Glenferrie Rd. Rose Postcard.jpg TAP09_52_Glenferrie Rd. Rose Postcard.jpg TAP10_53_Glenhuntly Rd_13Nov1913_Duckett Collection.jpg TAP11_93_Balwyn.jpg TAP12_163_Barkly St.jpg TAP13_177_Footscray_25Sep1953_W John Webster.jpg TAP14_177_Radiax Truck_Footscray_25Sep1953_W John Webster.jpg TAP15_181_Footscray_25Sep1953_WJ ohn Webster.jpg TAP16_185_Newmarket.jpg TAP17_197_SouthMelb_RJNowell.jpg TAP18_202_WilliamSt-late1920s.jpg TAP19_204_WilliamSt-late1920s.jpg TAP20_205_BowCollector.jpg TAP21_206_Preston_Mar1948_JackRichardson.jpg TAP22_ZooHorseTRam_TMSV-Postcard.jpg TAP22_ZooHorseTRam_TMSV-Postcard-obverse.jpg TAP23_16_Bendigo.jpg TAP24_456-others_Preston_Jul1947_JackStranger.jpg TAP25_180_WilliamstownRd.jpg TAP26_U_RacecourseRd.jpg TAP27_BoxHill-saloon.jpg TAP28_NMET-9-trailer_MtAlexanderRd.jpg TAP29_16_NicholsonSt-Coburgt_MMTB.jpg TAP30_26_CamberwellDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP32_47_MalvernDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP33_44-18_Bendigo.jpg TAP34_50_.jpg TAP35_60_KewDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP36_83_MalvernDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP37_275-6-93_Preston_RayPearson.jpg TAP38_99_KewDepot_Jan1937_RayPearson.jpg TAP39-122_McCraeSt_NormCross.jpg TAP40_137_HawthornDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP41_138_BourkeSt_20Oct1991_RayMarsh.jpg TAP42_140_PointOrmond.jpg TAP43_141_MalvernDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP44_150_PointOrmond.jpg TAP45B_159_SwanstonSt_KSKings_14Mar1948.jpg TAP45C_159_SwanstonSt_KSKings_14Mar1948.jpg TAP46_171_SouthMelbourneDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP47_174_StGeorgesRd_JohnBeckett_1949.jpg TAP48_177_FootscrayDepot.jpg TAP49_177_FootscrayDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP50_178_PointOrmond.jpg TAP51_178_ElsternwickRS_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP52A_179_LeedsSt-Footscray.jpg TAP52A_179_LeedsSt-Footscray_LCrow.jpg TAP52B_179_LeedsSt-Footscray_LCrow.jpg TAP53_187_SouthMelbourneDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP54_190_CamberwellDepot_GeoffGrant_7May1955.jpg TAP55_191_ElizabethSt-terminus_JohnBeckett.jpg TAP56_192_StKildaSA.jpg TAP57_200_MillerSt.jpg TAP58_205_LygonSt-into-BrunswickRd.jpg TAP59_208_EssendonDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP60_V214_MillerSt_1978_MMTB.jpg TAP61_15_EssendonDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP62_PrinceofWales-decoration_1920.jpg TAP63_EssendonDepot-PowerHouse.jpg TAP64_DoncasterTram_IllustratedAustrlianNews_9Nov1889.jpg TAP65_180_BourkeSt-at-SpencerSt.jpg Transit Australia Photos - Pre W class - sheets A1 to A29 -trams, tramways, transit australia, destination city, tramcars, depots, pmtt, htt, mbctt, nmetl, doncaster, bendigo, tram 1, tram 13, tram 9, 16, tram 8, tram 22, tram 5, tram 31, tram 36, tram 50, tram 63, tram 53, tram 93, tram 163, tram 177, tram 181, tram 185, tram 197, tram 202, tram 204, tram 205, tram 206, tram 84, tram 456, tram 180, tram 9, tram 26, tram 31, tram 36, tram 47, tram 44, tram 60, tram 83, tram 275, tram 93, tram 99, tram 122, tram 137, tram 138, tram 140, tram 141, tram 150, tram 159, tram 171, tram 174, tram 177, tram 178, tram 179, tram 187, tram 190, tram 191, tram 200, tram 205, tram 214, tram 15, tram 180 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 11, Colin Rough, 28/04/2003 12:00:00 AM
... tram 204... 116 tram 190 tram 3508 tram 3501 tram 157 tram 204 tram 131 ...Set of 11, 35mm Tecnodia white plastic mount slides by Colin Rough of trams in St Kilda Road, near the Arts Centre on 28/4/2003. All in M>Tram livery unless noted otherwise. .1 - Z3 175, Route 22, Arts Centre. .2 - Z3 116, Melbourne University, route 72 in all over advertising for Vodaphone. .3 - Z3 190, Camberwell, Route 72 .4 - D1 3508, University, route 5, in in all over advertising for Cold Shot Beer .5 - D1 3501, University, route 6 .6 - Z3 157, University, route 3, in all over advertising for "Make Out" .7 - Z3 204, Toorak Route 8, in all over advertising for Qantas to Broome .8 - Z3 131, University Route 6 .9 - Z3 164, St Kilda Beach, route 16 .10 - D1 3508, University, route 5, in all over advertising for Cold Shot Beer .11 - Z3 175, Route 22, MorelandOn front written on a label "M>Tram, St Kilda Road, Melbourne 28/4/03" and the tram number.trams, tramways, st kilda rd, m>tram, route 22, arts centre, route 72, route 5, route 6, route 3, route 8, route 16, z3 class, tram 175, tram 116, tram 190, tram 3508, tram 3501, tram 157, tram 204, tram 131, tram 164, d1 class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Negative, Wal Jack collection, mid 1920's
... tram 204... tram 204 Black and White copy Photograph of U 204 in William St ...Black and White copy Photograph of U 204 in William St, at Collins St mid 1920's, with the destination of "M Br River". Has the Australian Mutual Prudential Bank? in the background. Photo is in the PRO H collection and the TAP collection.trams, tramways, u class, william st, maribyrnong river, collins st, tram 204 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Letter and Envelope, Tramway Museum Society of Victoria (TMSV), 1971
Envelope - preprinted in dark green ink - titled "Last Trammail Cover" - with a purple stamp in top left hand corner - "Carried by Tram between Eaglehawk and Bendigo / Sponsored by the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria Ltd.", in top right hand corner - 6c Australia stamp, featuring Sturt's Desert Rose and a Post Office Cancellation stamp "Ballarat 15 April 1972". Env7lope made by Tudor Presseal. Contains a Preprinted card - green ink titled "Last Trammail Cover", headed by TMSV's name, address and details of the TMSV, with the names of the Organisers John Fitzsimons and Bob Prentice along the lower edge. Two copies held - both addressed to Mr. G,. Breydon, 204 Carlisle St, Balaclava Vic 3183. One copy was opened to check the content, the other remains sealed. See Reg Item 2942 for the Ballarat version.trams, tramways, tmsv, bendigo, sec, tramcars -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), "Electric Tramways of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria By-Law No. 1", 1955
Demonstrates aspects of the SEC governance system in issuing By-laws for the travelling public, as part of their Act. Yields information about fares charged for tram services in Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. Issued to crews.Twenty page booklet, plus medium weight card blue colour covers centre stapled. Book cover has title "Electric Tramways of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria By-Law No. 1". Along the bottom edge is the printing number "TYE 1-27" and date, "November 1955" Pages are numbered pages 1 to 20, amending By Laws dated 9/3/1937 (See Reg. Item 3108) and with a list of subsequent dates in the first paragraph. Dated by the SEC 20/10/1955. Gives definitions, fares and charges, regulations re passengers, behaviour, smoking, dangerous goods, luggage and behaviour of crews. Gives schedule of fares and charges for Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. Fares applied from 1949 to 1951 - see Reference. Details names of SEC Commissioners, Minister in Charge of Electrical Undertakings on rear page. Five copies held. See also Reg Item 3508 for other copies. No printer details. Full pdf copy added 28/5/2019 - scanned from a spare copy. See Fares in Ballarat – from Alan Bradley 11/4/2005 – appendix for BookCopy 1 & 2 - has "1955" in black ink on top of front cover. Copy 2 - has "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society No. 204" written in black ink on top of cover. Copy 3 & 4 - has "Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society No. 204" written in black ink on top of cover . Copy 4 - has marks and an "X" alongside rule 34(ii), page 11. Copy 5 - has "Carter. R" in blue ink along top edge of covertrams, tramways, secv rules, by laws, tickets, fares, ballarat, bendigo, geelong -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetables - MMTB Buses, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB)
Timetables - provide information on ticketing, fares, timing points, with a description of the route and a map. Not all services had been allocated a route number at the time. 1 - Deer Park West - Sunshine - Footscray - City - Jan 1975, including a separate weekend timetable' 2 - Box Hill - Shoppingtown - Templestowe - May 1975 3 - Bulleen - North Kew City - Routes 203, 204, 205, 206, 208 and 209 - August 1972 4 - North Altona - City - route 232 - June 1979 5 - Clifton Hill - Elsternwick route - route 246, Point Ormond - route 247 and 248 - June 1974 6 - La Trobe University - Northland - West Heidelberg - City - routes 256, 251, 253, 254, 252, 255 - August 1974 7 - Warrandyte - Park Orchards - Ringwood - routes 273, 274, 275 - Feb. 1974 8 - Warrandyte - Donvale - Templestowe - Shoppingtown - City - routes 276, 277, 278, 294, 278, 280, 299, 268 - April 1975 9 - East Kew, Box Hill Doncaster, Shoppingtown - routes 284, 285, 270 - May 1974 10 - Box Hill - Mitcham, East Doncaster, Ringwood - routes 287, 286, 288, 282, 283, 272 - March 1974' 11 - Box Hill - North Blackburn - route 290 - March 1974 12 - Fishermans Bend - City - routes 233, 235, 237 - Feb 1979.Yields information about MMTB Bus services during the 1970s.Set of twelve MMTB Bus timetables - multifolded printed on yellow paper, except for Deer Park timetables for Saturdays and Sundays printed on green paper.timetable, the met, buses, box hill, doncaster, templestowe, warrandyte, elsternwick, fishermans bend, deer park, altona, sunshine, footscray, shoppingtown -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Ron Scholten Slide Collection, Ron Scholten
... RSC83 Z3 204 as advertising tram for Vodaphone Grand Prix... RSC83 Z3 204 as advertising tram for Vodaphone Grand Prix ...Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RSC1 PCC 1041 at the gates of Preston Workshops on a test run without it’s trolley retriever RSC2 PCC 1041 in Glenhuntly Road on Route 67 en route to Carnegie crossing the Railway Gates at Glenhuntly Station RSC3 W2 482 stored at Malvern Depot with Olympic Park on the Destination RSC4 Cable Car Set 64 in Swanston St outside Princess Bridge Station in Bound with open top Double Deck Bus, Trak Motors ? Departing from Flinders St Station RSC5 W3 669 in St George Rd at Sumner St en route to Preston Workshops for scrapping RSC6 Cable Car in Lygon St en route to Carlton RSC7 PCC 1041 turning from St Georges Rd into Miller St to enter Preston Workshops RSC8 Flinders St Station with cable cars RSC9 PCC 1041 in strife on it’s maiden day in service. Trams on route 88 delayed in Queens Parade Clifton Hill RSC10 Flinders St at William St with Cable Cars RSC11 L 104 on the fan of the new shed at Malvern Depot on a TMSV tour RSC12 Cable Set 1 after it’s restoration at Preston Workshops on the fan near the front gate RSC13 X1 466 at a suburban terminus of the Footscray System RSC14 X2 680 at Point Ormond Terminus RSC15 An ex Launceston Tram at the outside terminus of the Penny Royal Complex Tramway in Launceston RSC16 Q 148 at Preston Workshops awaiting disposal RSC17 Elizabeth St with Cable Cars RSC18 Elizabeth and Bourke St corner outside the GPO with cable cars RSC19 Collins St with Cable Cars RSC20 A photo taken from the observation deck of the ICI building showing a view of Parliament house with a w class tram in Nicholson St RSC21 Auburn Horse car with a posed photo of all the tramwaymen employed RSC22 Cheltenham Double Deck Horsecar with a full load of passengers RSC23 City of Northcote cable trailer 3 at a terminus RSC24 City of Northcote Cable cars passing in High St Northcote RSC25 St Kilda Rd at Princes Bridge with Cable Cars RSC26 Flinders St with Cable Cars RSC27 Cable Cars RSC28 Bourke St looking towards Elizabeth St from Queen St RSC29 Cable cars in Bourke St at Elizabeth St looking East RSC30 Cable cars in Elizabeth St at the terminus at Flinders St RSC31 Cable cars in Bourke St at Swanston St looking west RSC32 Cable cars in Swanston St at Flinders St looking North RSC33 Cable cars in Collins St near Russell St RSC34 Cable cars in Elizabeth St at Bourke St RSC35 Cable cars in Collins St at Elizabeth St RSC36 Cable Cars in Swanston St at Flinders St RSC37 Cable cars in Collins St RSC38 Cable Cars RSC39 Cable cars in St Kilda Rd near Princes Bridge RSC40 Cable cars in Collins St East of Swanston St RSC41 Cable cars in Spring St outside Parliament house RSC42 K 92 in M&MTB Chocolate and cream livery but with a P&MTT Destination box on Route 14 RSC43 Thornbury depot viewed from Miller St and St Georges rd. Two W2 class cars are laying over between the peaks RSC44 Z3 201 in Met Livery passes D1 3510 in new M Tram livery. A Staff member in uniform stands in the doorway. Dandenong Rd RSC45 D1 3530 advertising Heinekin Super Golf on Route 55 in Royal Park RSC46 D1 3504 in M Tram livery on the reserved track in Matthews Ave near Essendon Airport showing Route 81 Travancore . I suspect it is a private enthusiasts charter due to the Malvern W class run number in the rear windscreen RSC47 D1 3504 on Route 64 in Dandenong Rd in M Tram Livery RSC48 D1 3504 in M Tram Livery at Airport West Terminus RSC49 D1 3504 in M Tram Livery in Union Rd outside the Showgrounds RSC50 D1 3504 at West Maribyrnong Terminus in M Tram Livery RSC51 D1 3503 in M Tram Livery in Malvern Depot RSC52 SW6 960 and VR 53 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC53 Hawthorn Tramways Trust 32 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC54 VR 53 & B 2042 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC55 VR 53 & C 3016 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC56 NMEL&T Co 13 usually V214 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC57 NMEL&T Co 13 usually V214 at Preston Workshops for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC58 Hawthorn Tramways Trust Lettering on HTT 32 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC59 Hawthorn Tramways Trust 32 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC60 Hawthorn Tramways Trust 32in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC61 Hawthorn Tramways Trust 32 in Harbour Esplanade for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC62 NMEL&T Co 13 usually V214 at Preston Workshops for the NMEL&T Co Centenary RSC63 W2 516 and another on route 59 wait to shunt at Essendon Airdrome Terminus as W2 571 on route 49 departs. This was the last day of operation. RSC64 Australia’s First Electric Tram at Box Hill with Tramwaymen including H J Hilton who is in the centre RSC65 W2 484 en route to St Kilda Junction and another wait for passengers after a race meeting at Caulfield Racecourse RSC66 X1 463 on the Footscray system en route to Russell St RSC67 Geelong 35 on Chilwell Route, Formerly HTT 13, M&MTB 119, then Bendigo 1 and Ballarat 37 RSC68 P&MTT 4 on Opening Day of the system in Glenferrie Rd RSC69 Bendigo 6 in McCrae St near the Depot end route to North Bendigo RSC70 P&MTT 4 in Glenferrie on opening day of the System RSC71 Scrubber 3 stripped and awaiting scrapping at Preston Workshops RSC72 Scrubber 4 at South Melbourne Depot RSC73 Q 191 & 139 at Preston Workshops awaiting scrapping RSC74 Rail Grinder 3 at Preston Workshops as purchased from Sydney RSC75 Y 469 waits to shunt at Wattle Park Terminus as Y1 613 departs on driver training duties RSC76 VR 53 on the outside roads at Essendon Depot RSC77 W5 796 with three doors and square windows running out of Brunswick Depot in Cameron St, with a supplementary destination board showing “City via Swanston St” RSC78 W2 258 on the wheel grinder road at Brunswick depot RSC79 X2 676 on a TMSV tour, W5 817 & 836 & VR 53 on the open roads at Essendon Depot RSC80 PCC 1041 on test, passes W71035 in High St Preston RSC81 D1 class production number 7 as delivered on test in Matthews Ave RSC82 W2 383 on route 5 turning from the reserved track in Dandenong Rd into St Kilda Rd at St Kilda Junction RSC83 Z3 204 as advertising tram for Vodaphone Grand Prix running into Malvern Depot new shed RSC84 Z1 4 on test in St Georges Rd RSC85 PCC 1041 on Route 96 in Burke St near Exhibition St RSC86 Z1 3 without numbers on test turning from Miller St in St Georges Rd RSC87 Track components stored in Coldblo Rd at Malvern Depot with Z class cars adjacent RSC88 D1 3501 in M Tram Livery on Route 55 in Peel St at Franklin St RSC89 C 3001 in Yarra Trams Livery Porto 018 & D13502 in M Tram Livery on Display in Harbourside Esplanade RSC90 D1 class tram production number 7, in as delivered condition on test in Matthews Ave RSC91 D1 3503 inside Malvern Depot RSC92 SW6 955 and W6 974 in St Kilda at City Rd at Dusk RSC93 Freight Car 19 at Preston Workshops in green Livery RSC94 Rail Grinder 3 in green Livery at South Melb Per Way Yard RSC95 A SW6 class car on route 50 shunting at Elizabeth St Terminus at night, taken from Flinders St Station RSC96 W2 588 & 435 in St Kilda Rd at Batman Ave RSC97 Y1 613 in service at Wattle Park Terminus RSC98 W2 588 in Wellington Parade en-route to the City with a Grand Final Load of passengers followed closely by 384 RSC99 W2 558 on a MCG Footy Special entering the Simpson St sidings RSC100 W3 657 & an L Class in the new shed at Malvern Depot RSC101 Y1 613 in St Kilda Rd on an enthusiasts tour in St Kilda Rd south of St Kilda jun RSC102 Y1 613 on an enthusiasts tour in Clarendon St with the two extra tracks on the Viaduct under construction RSC103 W6 976 on the fan of the new shed at Malvern Depot RSC104 W7 1024 as an advertising car for Bank of NSW at the route 1 terminus at South Melb Beach RSC105 PCC 980 on route 96 in Nicholson St near North Fitzroy Depot RSC106 SW6 890 with dash canopy lighting in Market St on the opening day of William St Services RSC107 W2 444 with big numbers heads a line of footy specials in Simpson St Sidings RSC108 Cable Cars in Elizabeth St RSC109 NMEL&T co 2 with a trailer outside the power station in Mount Alexander Rd RSC110 Alf Twentyman’s cable car set in his Northcote backyard RSC111 Cable Cars in Queens Parade Clifton Hill RSC112 Cable cars in Collins St outside the Townhall RSC113 PCC 1041 at Carnegie terminus RSC114 Cable cars in Elizabeth St RSC115 Cable cars in Collins St near Swanston St RSC116 HTT 19 turns from Riversdale Rd into Camberwell Rd at Camberwell Junction RSC117 W1 419 official builders photo of first car of the class RSC118 Cable car with a full load of passengers RSC119 W1 422 illuminated for the visit of T.R.H. The Duke and Duchess of York RSC120 PCC 1041 in strife on it’s maiden day in service. Trams on route 88 delayed in Queens Parade Clifton Hill RSC121 Bendigo birney in Finn St near North Bendigo terminus RSC122 SW6 in St Kilda Rd at Domain Rd at night RSC123 All 3 of Alf Twentyman’s cable cars in his Northcote backyard RSC124 Cable trailer 256 being unloaded into the shed at Bylands RSC125 Cable grip car 1 being removed from the Melbourne Museum RSC126 Alf Twentyman's cable cars in his Northcote Backyard RSC127 Alf Twentyman's cable cars in his Northcote Backyard RSC128 Alf Twentyman's cable cars in his Northcote Backyard RSC129 Alf Twentyman's cable cars in his Northcote Backyard RSC130 W class car in Swanston St at Collins St RSC131 Y1 469, L & W3 on the run out of Glenhuntly Depot on a tour RSC132 W7 1024 as an advertising tram for Bank of NSW at Clifton Hill RSC133 W2 496 on a footy special in Simpson St Sidings RSC134 W2 as originally converted to a test car at Preston Workshops RSC135 W3 667 in Brunswick Depot with Ellen Butland at the controls RSC136 W3 669 on it’s final run at Victoria Prd & Brunswick St RSC137 W2 571 in Wellington Prd at Clarendon St with a Footy Final load of Passengers RSC138 Y1 613 shunts at Spencer St Terminus as X217 waits on Australia Day Pageant RSC139 PCC 1041 on Rt 96 in Burke St outside the Southern Cross Hotel RSC140 890 with accident damage on the outside roads at Preston Workshops c1978 RSC141 535 on Rt 4 at the old St Kilda Jun c1967 RSC142 1041 on Rt 88 turns from Bourke St into Spring St 1973 RSC143 102 on a tour at Albert Park Beach Terminus Feb 1972 RSC144 833, 835 & 834 in the shed at Malvern Depot c1976 RSC145 281 in Wellington Parade on a football very crowded special c1974 RSC146 464 Ballarat Rd 1960 RSC147 181 Explosives Fty - at Footscray Station - July 1960 RSC148 181 Williamstown Road 1960 RSC149 Cable car set at Alf Twentyman’s c1970 RSC150 X 217 at Malvern Depot c1970 RSC151 X1 465 and T181 Footscray Football ground in Barkly St. c1960 RSC152 Scrubber 5 at South Melbourne depot c1960 RSC153 X1 465 Footscray to Russell St, c1960 RSC154 X1 467 Leeds St Footscray 1960 RSC155 PMTT 4 Glenferrie Road, 1910 RSC156 S 164 at Malvern Depot c1970 RSC157 T178 Footscray c1960 RSC158 Cleaner No. 7 at South Melbourne depot c1960 RSC159 Two Y classes at Princes Bridge / Batman Ave mid 1950s RSC160 Swanston St – Nu color vue slide – M142 Demonstrates the work of Ron Scholten in photography, collection and/or production of duplicate slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 160 colour slides, 8 slide sleeves, collected or produced by Ron Scholten. Many are TMSV or Windsor Publications slides. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, cable trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB Underground Tram Routes", c1962
Set of three drawings from a set of 8 showing proposals for undergrounding tramways in the central part of the city - c1970. Models and other drawings have featured in the MMTB Annual Reports of the time. .1 - Figure 6 - Circular tunnel 16ft internal dia with Australian Railways Ultimate Maximum Rolling Stock Outline, 1963. Shows profiles of a Harris Blue Train, Class M, and a class W4 tram. Two copies held. .2 - Figure 7 - as for figure 6 but with a MMTB rear entrance Leyland Double deck bus body shown. .3 - Figure 8 - Underground tram routes - proposed basic arrangement at street intersection, typical cross sections - two copies held, one copy has been trimmed width wise. See also Reg Item 3069 and 409 for other references.In the top right hand corner of each drawing is "Graeme Breydon, 204 Carlisle St, Balaclava 3183 Tel 94 2886"trams, tramways, mmtb, melbourne, swanston st, bourke st, underground tramways, w4 class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ceremonial object - Silver Tray, Whitehill, YARRA TRAMS PRESENTED TO George Elfick, c2000
Silver tray or plate - presentation for 25 years service to George Neil Alfick, pressed silver plated metal with etched centre scroll work with details of the presentation in the centre. "YARRA TRAMS PRESENTED TO George Elfick IN RECOGNITION OF 25 YEARS CONTINUOUS SERVICE TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT" Has a small "Made in Indonesia" yellow label on rear. Donated with the presentation box - a light blue fitted box with two openings, the words "Whitehill and Whitehill Resource Design Has a name label on back for person receiving presentation and the model of the tray - "WP147 Tray Gadroon 30cm" See also Reg Item 204 for another example.trams, tramways, personnel, presentations, southbank depot, 25th anniversary, yarra trams, silverware -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetable/s, Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), "MMTB Bus Timetables", 1984
Set of 5 Metropolitan Transit Bus timetables, folded sheets, generally 8 or 10 sections, providing timetables for specific routes, day of week giving information on tram times at specific time points, route map, sections and fares and organisation address - 616 Little Collins St. Melbourne. All printed on yellow paper unless noted otherwise. .1 - Route 203, 204, 205, 206, 208. 209 - Bulleen, North Kew, Belford Road, Kew, Collingwood and Nicholson and Johnson St - City - April 1984 .2 - Route 223 - Williamstown Road, Footscray Railway Station, Ballarat Road and Highpoint West - July 1984 .3 - Route 246, 247, 248 - Clifton Hill, Elsternwick, Point Ormond and St Kilda Junction - July 1984 .4 - Route 256, 251, 253, 254, 252, 255 - Latrobe University, Northland, West Heidelberg - City - Aug./ 1984 .5 - Route 277, 280, 299. 281 and 268 - services via East Doncaster, North Balwyn and Kew - Warrandyte, Donvale, Shoppingtown - August 1984trams, tramways, metropolitan transit, timetables, melbourne, fares, buses, footscray, latrobe university, northland, heidelberg, warrandyte, doncaster, donvale, bulleen, north kew, williamstown rd, highpoint, clifton hill, elsternwick, point ormond, st kilda junction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Form/s, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB Ticket issuing machine – one man operators running journal", Oct. 1981
Printed form on off white paper titled "MMTB Ticket issuing machine – one man operators running journal", listing operators name, number, table, machine number, details of trip, tickets sold, includes value of tricks, and zone travel cards. Form No. 3/204 Oct. 1981trams, tramways, mmtb, passengers, tickets, forms, revenue journal, buses -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetables - MMTB Buses - set of 9, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), 1976 to 1978
Timetables - provide information on ticketing, fares, timing points, with a description of the route and a map. Not all services had been allocated a route number at the time. 1 - Garden City - Port Melbourne - City - routes 201 and 202 - Jan. 1977 2 - Bulleen - North Kew City - Routes 203, 204, 205, 206, 208 and 209 - Feb. 1977 3 - Deer Park West - Sunshine - Footscray - City - routes 215, 216, 217, 219. 218, 220, 231 with a Saturdays and Sundays timetable sheet printed on green paper - Aug. 1977 4 - La Trobe University - Northland - West Heidelberg - City - routes 256, 251, 253, 254, 252, 255 - Sept. 1978 5- Warrandyte - Park Orchards - Ringwood - routes 273, 274, 275 - June 1976 6 - Warrandyte - Donvale - Templestowe - Shoppingtown - City - routes 276, 277, 278, 294, 278, 280, 299, 268 - July 1976 7 - Box Hill - Mitcham, East Doncaster, Ringwood - routes 287, 286, 288, 282, 283, 272 - June 1976 8 - Box Hill - North Blackburn - route 290 - June 1976 9 - Box Hill - Heidelberg, East Doncaster, Shopping town - routes 291, 297, 296, 293, 271 and 269 - Sept. 1976Yields information about MMTB Bus services during the mid 1970s. Set of nine MMTB Bus timetables - multifolded printed on yellow paper, unless noted otherwise. timetable, mmtb, buses, port melbourne, garden city, deer park, fisherman's bend, west heidelberg, box hill, doncaster, shoppingtown, mitcham, ringwood, blackburn, templestowe, lower templestowe -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Timetables - The Met - buses - set of 2, The Met, 1984 and 1985
Timetables - provide information on ticketing, fares, timing points, with a description of the route and a map. 1 - Bulleen - North Kew - City, Belford Rd, Collingwood - routes 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209 - with the first "The Met" logo - April 1984 2 - St Albans - Deer Park North Shopping Centre - circular route - with the smiley face on wheels logo - dated 18/3/1985.Yields information about MMTB Bus services during the mid 1980s. Set of two The Met timetables, one printed on the folded sheet of yellow paper and the other on white paper.timetable, bulleen, north kew, collingwood, the met, deer park, st albans -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album, Gus Weir, My Melbourne Trams - Z1, Z2 & Z3 class trams, 1980 to 2011
Compiled by Gus Weir of the Wellington Tramway Museum, former Wellington tram driver. Comprises some 70 double-sided album sheets for photographs of Melbourne Z1, Z2 and Z3 class trams. Scanned into 6 parts as pdf files. Many photos taken at Domain Interchange, Swanston Walk, Bourke St, St Kilda Road, Elizbeth St and La Trobe St. Photos by Gus himself during Melbourne visits with some by B R Symons, D W Jones, and Michael P Hawkins Part 1 - Introduction - Z1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 19 & 22. Part 2 - Z1, 28, 31, 34, 37, 39, 49, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 71, 70, 73, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 93 & 95. Part 3 - Z1 & Z2 & Z3 - 96, 100, 101, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 199, 136, 137 & 138 Part 4 - Z3 138, 139, 148, 150, 151, 154, 157, 155, 158 (Royal Tram), 160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170 & 173 Part 5 - Z3 175, 176. 178, 179, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 193, 194, 196, 197, 199, 201, 203, & 204 Part 6 - Z3 204, 205, 208, 209, 211, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229 & 230, Yields detailed information about Melbourne trams from 1980 to 2011Set of 70 album sheets most with four photos - some blanks to allow for further photos. Each photo has a label on the rear, with details of the photograph location, photographer and date. An insert label on each page gives tram number, location and date. See last image file - Gus Weir Obituary - Wellington Tramway Museum 2019.tramways, tramcars, albums, z1 class, z2 class, z3 class, melbourne, mmtb, the met, ptc, yarra trams, swanston trams, m>tram, domain junction, swanston st, bourke st -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, David Pollard, 2010
Black and white photograph of a presentation of 25 year plates to crews at Malvern Depot c1994. Left to right - , Ron Winters, Jack Pollard (family of donor), Russell Nathan - PTC, Phillip Guidice, Warren Peart, Ray Namour See Reg Item 204 for the plate. People in photo identified by Ron Scholten Jan. 2011. Copy print of original by David Pollard. See correspondence (pdf files) for further details of Jack.On rear of photo in ink "Jack Pollard (second person from the left), date of presentation would be around 1994. Jack retired in 1998, passed away 27 May 2010.trams, tramways, personnel, presentations, malvern depot, 25th anniversary, ptc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ceremonial object - Silver Tray, Strachan Australia, J. Pollard, c1994
Silver tray or plate - presentation for 25 years service to Jack Pollard, pressed silver plated metal with green rubber base, etched centre scroll work with details of the presentation in the centre. "PUBLIC TRANSPORT CORPORATION PRESENTED TO J. Pollard. IN RECOGNITION OF 25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT". Made by Strachan Australia. See Reg Item 182 for the Photo of the Presentation. Copy print of original by David Pollard. See correspondence (pdf files) for further details of Jack. See also Reg Item 204 for another example.See above.trams, tramways, personnel, presentations, malvern depot, 25th anniversary, ptc, silverware