Showing 20 items
matching tram 436
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 3 Black & White Photograph/s, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), 1950's
... tram 436...Set of three black and white photographs of tram SW2 436... Trams Preston Workshops Paint SW2 class tram 436 Tramways Each ...Set of three black and white photographs of tram SW2 436 being made ready for painting and then by spray painting at an outside area at Preston Workshops, during the 1950's.Each photo has the MMTB photo stamp and reference No. P25/1/105 in ink on the rear.trams, preston workshops, paint, sw2 class, tram 436, tramways -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Transit Australia Publishing, "TAP - Part B - W to W4, L, X and Y class trams – sheets B1 to B36", 1950's to 1990's
... tram 436... 334 tram 336 tram 349 tram 380 tram 426 tram 436 tram 441 tram ...Photo Album - titled "TAP - Part B - W to W4, L, X and Y class trams – sheets B1 to B36", from Transit Australia Publishing. Photos used in the Destination City and other publications series. For a detailed list of photographs see htd4601i.pdf. For individual photo images see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\photo collections\htd4601-TAP-ParB, images TAP67 to TAP160. TAP67_106_ElsternwickPO_WalJack.jpg TAP68_102_GlenhuntlyRd_ALBebeek.jpg TAP69_105_StKildaRd_Jun1979_RayMarsh.jpg TAP70_218-610_PointOrmond_JohnBeckett.jpg TAP71_218_ElsternwickStation_25Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP72_219_Dec1923_JohnStevenson_KSKcollection.jpg TAP73_249_Esplanade_decorations-gone_1939_PWDuckett.jpg TAP74_275_ElginSt_24Mar1956_KeithKings.jpg TAP75_297_EastBrighton_14May1961_KeithKings.jpg TAP76_305_SouthMelbourne_14May1961_KeithKings.jpg TAP77_306_StKildaRd_25Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP78_310_PrincesBridge_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP79_329_GlenhuntlyDepot_Jul1929.jpg TAP80_334_EastPrestonDepot_7April1969_KeithKings.jpg TAP81_3326_ColinsSt_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP82_348_BalaclavaJunction_13Jan1962_KeithKings.jpg TAP83_380-dropcentreSeats_RYoul.jpg TAP84_426_BatmanAve_23Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP85_436_HighSt-at-BennettsRd_16Feb1957_KeithKings.jpg TAP86_441_Victoria150_NorthBalwyn.jpg TAP87_No7-truck_449_KIngsway_KeithKings_9Sep1961n.jpg TAP88_478_BatmanAve_23Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP89_534_VictoriaSt_RayPearson.jpg TAP90_536_HighSt_Kew_KeithKings_28Sep1961.jpg TAP91_536_HighSt_Kew_KeithKings_28Sep1961.jpg TAP92_No7-truck_544_WJohnWebster_29Sep1953.jpg TAP93_548_StLouis.EIB64.Trucks_BrunswickDepot_JohnAlfred_28Jan1957.jpg TAP94_548_StLouis.EIB64.Trucks_StKildaRd_KeithKings_19Mar1955.jpg TAP95_573_PointOrmond_LindsayCrow.jpg TAP96_574_CollinsSt_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP97_646-113_1987_Bundoora.jpg TAP98_654_RoyalPde_BobLilburn_1949.jpg TAP99_658_ElizabethSt_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP100_665_CollinsSt_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP101_665_MacarthurSt_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP102_459_BallaratRd_Footscray_ALBebee.jpg TAP103_459_BallaratRd_Footscray_ALBebee.jpg TAP104_460_NicholsonSt-into-BuckleySt_Footscray_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP105_467_GordonSt.jpg TAP106_X1_WilliamstownRd.jpg T AP107_X1_interior.jpg TAP108_678_WilliamstownRd_KeithKings_13Jan1962.jpg TAP109_679_BuckleySt-depot.jpg TAP110_680_FootscrayStation_RayPearson.jpg TAP111_469_BatmanAve_25Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP112_469_CamberwellDepot_KeithKings_25April1950.jpg TAP113_469_RiversdaleRd_NedMackintosh_1972.jpg TAP114_610_PointOrmond_JohnBeckett.jpg TAP115_611_CamberwellDepot_BobLilburn.jpg TAP116_613_BatmanAve_WJohnWebster_23Sep1953.jpg TAP117_104_JohnBeckett.jpg TAP118_105_MMTB.jpg TAP119_103-1024_StKildaRd_6Jan1973_AndrewFoy.jpg TAP120_106_GlenhuntlyRd.jpg TAP121_217_MalvernDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP122_217_MalvernDepot_DaveMacartney_12Sep1971.jpg TAP123_218_PointOrmond_LCrow.jpg TAP124_218_Elsternwick_WJohnWebster_c1953.jpg TAP125_218_GlenhuntlyRd_Broadway.jpg TAP126_W-body_MMTB.jpg TAP127_275_MalvernDepot.jpg TAP128_275_SwanstonSt.jpg TAP129_280_StKilda_WJohnWebster_c1953.jpg TAP130_308_KewDepot_c1925_MMTBAnnualReport.jpg TAP131_310-681_BatmanAve_RayPearson_1930s.jpg TAP132_317_Traverser_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP133_340_HighSt_MMTB.jpg TAP134_364_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP135_390_WellingtonPde.jpg TAP136_422_SwanstonSt_WJohnWebster_c1953.jpg TAP137_426_BatmanAve_LCrow.jpg TAP138_426_BatmanAve_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP139_426_CamberwellDepot_GeoffGrant_7May1955.jpg TAP140_436_SpencerSt_BobLilburn_1948.jpg TAP141_511_CamberwellDepot_GeoffGrant_7May1955.jpg TAP142_514_StKildaRd_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP143_544_StKilda_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP144_568_Decorated_RayPearson.jpg TAP145_660_GlenhuntlyDepot_LCrow.jpg TAP146_658_SwanstonSt_PaulNicholson_23Dec1967.jpg TAP145 - copy of TAP 145 TAP148_665_MacarthurSt_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP149_671_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP150_673_decorated_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP151_674_PeelSt_DaleBudd_1965.jpg TAP152_674_WJohnWebster_c1953.jpg TAP153_456_PointOrmond_WJohnWebster_c1953.jpg TAP154_679_BuckleySt_LCrow_mid1950s.jpg TAP155_610_MorelandRd_PaulNicholson_22Sep1968.jpg TAP156_610_Preston_MMTB_1930.jpg TAP157_611_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP158_613_BatmanAve_25Sep1953_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP159_419_Preston_MMTB.jpg TAP160_510_WellingtonPde_PTC_1989.jpgtrams, tramways, transit australia, destination city, tramcars, depots, w class, w1 class, w2 class, w3 class, w4 class, l class, x class, y class, tram 106, tram 102, tram 105, tram 218, tram 610, tram 219, tram 249, tram 275, tram 297, tram 305, tram 306, tram 210, tram 334, tram 336, tram 349, tram 380, tram 426, tram 436, tram 441, tram 449, tram 478, tram 534, tram 536, tram 544, tram 548, tram 573, tram 574, tram 646, tram 658, tram 665, tram 459, tram 460, tram 467, tram 678, tram 679, tram 680, tram 469, tram 610, tram 611, tram 613, tram 104, tram 1024, tram 217, tram 218, tram 280, tram 308, tram 210, tram 681, tram 317, tram 340, tram 364, tram 390, tram 422, tram 426, tram 436, tram 511, tram 514, tram 544, tram 568, tram 660, tram 658, tram 660, tram 665, tram 671, tram 673, tram 674, tram 459, tram 679, tram 610, tram 611, tram 613, tram 419, tram 510 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 7, Noel Simons, 23/10/1965 12:00:00 AM
... tram 436... tram 436 tram 648 tram 566 tram 572 tram 378 All have date ...Set of 7 Kodachrome transparencies taken on 23/10/1965 in Melbourne. 1179.1 - W2 488 (route 42, Mont Albert) at the corner of High St. and Cotham Road Kew. Taken from Kew Post Office, has Bank of New South Wales in the background, CBC bank and the Greyhound Hotel. Tram has ads for Kolotex stockings and Ryco oil filters. 1179.2 - SW2 436, in bound (route 45, City) leaving Cotham Road, about to join High St, Kew. Buildings on the south side of Cotham Road in photo. Tram has an ad along with others for Vincent's powders. 1179.3 - W2 545 (route 48, North Balwyn) in High St. Kew. Has Commercial bank in background along with other shops. 1179.4 - W2 648 (route 42, Mont Albert) turning from High St. South into High St at Kew Junction, with Clifton Hotel in background. Tram has an ad for Kenric clothes. Note an MFBB street fire alarm by the tram stop. 1179.5 - W2 566 (inbound route 42, City) at same location as 1179.5. Tram has a Jex and a Remy Martin Brandy ads. on front dash panel. 1179.6 - W2 572 entering Victoria Parade from Brunswick St. Fitzroy. Tram has a Jex and a Remy Martin Brandy ads. on front dash panel. Eastern Hill Fire Station and ICI building in background. 1179.7 - W2 378 (inbound, route 45, City) and W2 572, inbound, in Victoria Parade between Brunswick St and Gismo St. East Melbourne. Otherwise as for 1179.6.All have date stamp of "23 Oct 1965" in purple ink. All black ink unless otherwise noted. 1179.1 - "W2 488 Entering Cotham Rd. from High St. Kew" 1179.2 - "SW2 436 in Cotham Rd., Kew, about to enter High St." 1179.3 - "W2 545 in High Street Kew, nearly opposite Cotham Road" 1179.4 - "W2 648 entering High Street from High Street South, Kew". 1179.5 - "W2 566 entering High St. South from High St. Kew" 1179.6 - "W2 572 entering Victoria Pde from Brunswick St. East Melbourne" 1179.7 - "W2 378 and 572 in Victoria Pde between Brunswick and Gisborne Sts. East Melbourne."tramways, trams, kew, high st kew, cotham road, victoria parade, melbourne, tram 545, tram 488, tram 436, tram 648, tram 566, tram 572, tram 378 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Our Trams Keep Rolling Along", 9/08/1991 12:00:00 AM
... tram 436... 646, Bylands, V214, 436 and Elton John tram 520 being exported... tram 214 tram 436 tram 36 Newspaper clipping from the Herald ...Newspaper clipping from the Herald Sun Friday 9 August 1991, centre pages, titled "Our Trams Keep Rolling Along", written by Michael Epis. Reports on the withdrawal of W class trams from service and the National Trust involvement. Gives a brief story of the history of Melbourne's trams. Has photos of cable trams, W7 1019, Fairfield Tramway, First tram Elsternwick, Hawthorn Cable Tram, W2 646, Bylands, V214, 436 and Elton John tram 520 being exported. Two copies held.trams, tramways, melbourne, fairfield, w2 class, cable trams, w class, horse trams, elsternwick, tram 520, tram 646, tram 1019, tram 636, tram 214, tram 436, tram 36 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Christmas Card - Twentyman cable trams
... tram 436... Northcote tram 436 tram 290 Christmas card Colour photo used ...The card shows the three Melbourne cable cars that were owned by Alf Twentyman at his Northcote property - grip car 436 and cable trailers 290 and 586. Yields information about the Alf Twentyman cable car collection.Colour photo used as Christmas Cardtrams, alf twentyman, tram 586, northcote, tram 436, tram 290, christmas card -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide, Keith Kings, 9/03/1969 12:00:00 AM
... tram 436... 436 tram 586 Keith Kings stamp and number "47-2", with details ...35mm Kodak white cardboard colour slide by Keith Kings of Alf Twentyman's preserved cable tram set at his Northcote home, grip 436 and trailer 586 9/3/69.Keith Kings stamp and number "47-2", with details of exposure. "MMTB cable grip car 436 and Trailer 586 Alf Twentyman's Northcote. 9/3/1969.trams, tramways, cable trams, preserved trams, northcote, tram 436, tram 586 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 2 Black & White Photograph/s, c1980
... tram 436...Trams tramways Cable Trams TMSV Northcote tram 436 tram 290 ...Set of 2 Black and white photographs of cable trams (trailer 290 and 586) and dummy 436 at the home of Alf Twentyman in Northcote. No details as to date or photographer.trams, tramways, cable trams, tmsv, northcote, tram 436, tram 290, tram 586 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, North and West Melbourne News, "115 years on and engine house faces...what?, "By the Bylands - in search of cable car history", Dec. 2004
... tram 436... Houses TMSV Bylands tram 436 Newspaper clipping from the North ...Newspaper clipping from the North and West Melbourne News December 2004, titled: 1 - "115 years on and engine house faces...what? - Article with photo on the forthcoming sale of the former Abbotsford St North Melbourne Engine House. Gives a brief history of the cable trams, the engine house. Notes the future of the building was uncertain, conversion into apartments, was passed in at $2.5mil. Article written by Jullian Ball and Geoff Gaff. 2 - "By the Bylands - in search of cable car history" - article on the TMSV at Bylands and its cable tram collection, the opening hours and historical sources. Has a photo of a lady sitting on Grip car 436 and Russell Jones and Graham Jordan undertaking track work. Article written by Jullian Ball.trams, tramways, cable trams, abbotsford st, north melbourne, engine houses, tmsv, bylands, tram 436 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 7 Black & White Photograph/s, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), 1966
... tram 436... Zone Hawthorn tram 317 tram 436 Series of 7 black and white ...Series of 7 black and white photographs of the traffic congestion in the CBD during 1951. .1 - Flinders St from Flinders St Station office looking northwest with a W2 317 Richmond route 28 and many cars. Has "32" on rear in pencil. Has Snows and the SEC building in the view. .2 - Spencer St bridge, looking north with Fish Market/Cool Stores and the VR Head Office in the view. Has Taylor and ? General Carriers and Nestle's truck in the view. .3 - William St? with passengers waiting at a safety zone - has the Dennys Lascelles building in the background. .4 - Flinders St looking north east with Snows, the SEC, a Hotel and Hearnes sign showing. Has a W2 436? route 27 Hawthorn eastbound. Typed on rear "Enlargement of No. 76, Sheet No. 28 (report P25/1/8), "Spare" written in pencil and "For Testing Engrs 1/11/51" in ink. .5 - looking north with a horse drawn cart and a SW6 (East Kew) with dash canopy lighting. .6 - looking north - with Hearnes Provisions, Olympia Inn and Coffee Lounge and Young & Jacksons Hotel. Has a W2 partly in the photo about to enter the Safety Zone. ..7 - similar to .1 - with Snows, W2 route 48 North Balwyn and a Pattons Dry Cleaning van. See also Reg 4519 for another 7 photos of the same series.trams, tramways, traffic control, congestion, flinders st, spencer st, route 27, route 28, east kew, richmond, route 48, william st, safety zone, hawthorn, tram 317, tram 436 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide, Keith Kings, 25/04/1969 12:00:00 AM
... tram 436... Trams tramways SW2 class Overhauls Preston Workshops tram 436 ...35mm Kodak white cardboard colour slide by Keith Kings of SW2 436 at Preston Workshops. Has adverts for Sylvania and White Crow sauce.Keith Kings stamp and number "54-22", with details of exposure. "MMTB SW2 436 at Preston W/s 25/4/1969"trams, tramways, sw2 class, overhauls, preston workshops, tram 436 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Keith Kings, 16/02/1957 12:00:00 AM
... tram 436... Trams tramways East Kew SW2 class Route 40 tram 436 On rear ...Black and White Photograph of SW2 436, High St cnr Bennett's Pde, East Kew 16/2/1957, by Keith Kings. Tram has destination of Spencer St, route 40.On rear in ink "M&MTB SW2 436, High St cnr Bennetts Pde, East Kew 16/2/1957" and KSK number "V(k)(6)".trams, tramways, east kew, sw2 class, route 40, tram 436 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 4 - Alf Twentyman cable cars
... tram 436... Northcote tram 436 Set of four black and white photos with plain ...The set shows the cable cars, grip car 436 and trailer 586 collected by Alf Twentyman at his Northcote home. The first shows the garden setting while the others show the cable cars themselves. Photographer and date unknown.Yields information about the Alf Twentyman cable car collection.Set of four black and white photos with plain backs.trams, alf twentyman, tram 586, northcote, tram 436 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, c1980
... cable tram dummy No 436. Appears to be from a calendar as has...Trams tramways Cable Trams TMSV Calendar Colour photograph ...Colour photograph of cable tram set. The photo is titled: "Melbourne Cable Tram Set 1885 - 1940". "Courtesy of A.E. Twentyman Esq and the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria Ltd." MTOC cable tram dummy No 436. Appears to be from a calendar as has a hole punched in top and is cardboard.trams, tramways, cable trams, tmsv, calendar -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - List, Keith Kings, "Preserved cable trams", undated
... sides, listing preserved cable trams and locations. Includes...Melbourne Tram Museum 8 Wallen Road Hawthorn melbourne ...List - four small sheets of paper, one written on both sides, listing preserved cable trams and locations. Includes: 436, 290, 586 - Les Twentyman 593 with parts from 28 - Newton Williams 299 256 336 to Bylands 410 433 462 178 180 192 190 485 487 256 Grip cars 28 258 594 593trams, tramways, cable trams, grip tram, trailers, tmsv, hawthorn tram depot, mtm, portland -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "Our Trams Keep Rolling Along", 9/08/1991 12:00:00 AM
... 646, Bylands, V214, 436 and Elton John tram 520 being exported..., Bylands, V214, 436 and Elton John tram 520 being exported "Our ...Newspaper clipping from the Herald Sun Friday 9 August 1991, centre pages, titled "Our Trams Keep Rolling Along", written by Michael Epis. Reports on the withdrawal of W class trams from service and the National Trust involvement. Gives a brief story of the history of Melbourne's trams. Has photos of cable trams, W7 1019, Fairfield Tramway, First tram Elsternwick, Hawthorn Cable Tram, W2 646, Bylands, V214, 436 and Elton John tram 520 being exportedmelbourne, fairfield, w2 class, cable trams, w class, horse trams, elsternwick -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 4 - Alf Twentyman cable cars
The set shows the cable cars collected by Alf Twentyman at his Northcote home. The first shows Alf, his wife Ethel (Nettie) and visitors sitting in trailer No. 586 with the others showing the grip car No. 436. Photographer and date unknown.Yields information about the Alf Twentyman cable car collection.Set of four colour photos with plain backs.trams, alf twentyman, tram 586, northcote -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Tramcar Data Sheet, Keith Kings, "Data sheet for "W2 Day", special tour, Sunday 19/5/68", May. 1968
Gestener print of a sheet titled "Data sheet for "W2 Day", TMSV special tour, Sunday 19/5/68", listing the tramcars used on the day; car number and depot, motors, controllers, date in service, class, date converted and class, body builder, roof, date of Upholstered seats in saloons, sun shades and notes on the tramcars them selves. Data for 567, 407, 585, 547, 332, 436 and 233. Made by Keith Kings May 1968. See Reg Item 605 for the ticket used on this tour and Reg item 3543 for a photograph of tram W2 332 at Wattlepark Loop."K. S Kings May 1968" in bottom right hand corner in light blue ink.trams, tramways, tramcars, mmtb, lists, tours, w2 class, tmsv -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Series of 3 photographs - grip car 436, The Age Newspaper, Jan 1978
Series of three photos showing the loading and transportation to the 1978 Transport Cavalcade held on Monday 30-1-1978. All from The Age. The donor has written detailed descriptions on the rear. The second photo features Len Millar a tramway historian. the 3rd photographs features Birney tram X 217, Z 1 and Y1 613.Yields information about the preparations and the 1978 Transport Cavalcade.Set of three images of cable grip card 436 and of the 1978 Transport Cavalcade.See images of the rear of each print.tramways, transport, cable trams, alf twentyman, transport cavalcade, spencer street, x class, tram 217, tram 1, z class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black and White SW2 436, Wallen Road, Keith Kings, 1/1/1955
... on the tram. Yields information about tram 436 in 1955 tramways trams ...Photograph shows SW2 436 in Wallen Road Hawthorn, opposite the Hawthorn Tram Depot. Photographer notes the metal fascias on the tram.Yields information about tram 436 in 1955Black and White SW2 436, Wallen Road, photo number L(i)(4)Has details and date written on the rear.tramways, trams, sw2 class, tram 478, wallen road -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s and Printer Photograph Plate Block, c1970
Set of two photographs of the cable tram set collected and conserved by Alf Twentyman at his Northcote property, in Bastings St. .1 - Black and white photograph of the cable car set pushed out in the open with the garden alongside. Grip car 436 and trailer 586 - see accessed 23/6/17 for details. .2 - Printer Photograph Plate Block - wood back with a zinc metal plate used for printing in a magazine or book showing the garden setting at Bastings St with the cable set in the view.On rear of photograph "No. 8 see front" in pencil.trams, tramways, cable trams, grip tram, northcote, gardens