Historical information
Set of fourty colour prints by Brendon Carter
1 - W2 444, Elgin St Carlton - Transporting Art - 15-10-1986
2 - W2 607. Grantham St West Brunswick - 17-10-1986
3 - W2 453 and W6 976 - Swanston St - 17-10-1986
4 - W2 453 ditto
5 - ditto, turning into Victoria St
6 - SW5 619 and W2 453 - Victoria and Swanston Sts
7 - W2 471 Swanston St
8 - W2 478 Swanston St
9 - W2 478 Swanston St
10 - W2 431 in Collins at Swanston St
11 - ditto
12 - W7s 1033, 1030, W2 243 and W6 972 Gisborne and Victoria Streets
13 - W2 436 - ditto
14 - SW2 432 and SW5 782 St Kilda Road
15 - W2 605 ditto
16 - W2 629 La Trobe St
17 - W2 629 and 644 La Trobe St
18 - W2 647 La Trobe St
19 - W2 547 Swanston St
20 - W2 441 - William and La Trobe Sts
21 - W2 1275 - corner of Park St and Domain Road
22 - W2 478 and SW5 730 - Swanston St at Flinders St.
23 - SW5 730 and W2 644 - ditto - 31-10-1986
24 - W2 547 at Flinders St Station - 31-10-1986
25 - W2 456 Swanston St - 14-11-1986
26 - W2 456 Domain & Park - 14-11-1986
27 - W2 456 ditto
28 - W2 458 and SW5 783 - William St - 14-11-1986
29 - W2 650 - West Preston terminus - 21-11-1986
30 - ditto - Gilbert Road
31 - ditto
32 - W2 431 - St Georges Road
33 - W2 431 - Miller St by Preston workshops
34 - ditto
35 - Miller St - the hump
36 - W2 646 at Preston Depot
37 - W2 646 at Dundas St at the start of the hump
38 - ditto on top with bridge works underway.
39 - W2 426 Hawthorn Bridge
40 - SW2 478 and SW5 833 - Camberwell terminus.
Yields information about Melbourne Trams in 1986 when many W2s were still running.
Physical description
Album - 10 heavy card sheets with plastic sheets over each, white plastic ring bound, covered with a large photograph of Alf Twentyman's cable cars at Northcote. (see item 3086 for original unused version), with 40 colour prints, two per page and a listing or index of each print.
Inscriptions & markings
Each print separately listed.
- swanston st,
- elgin st,
- grantham st,
- collins st,
- st kilda road,
- latrobe st,
- william st,
- gisborne,
- victoria st,
- domain road,
- st georges road,
- gilbert road,
- west preston,
- miller st,
- dundas st,
- hawthorn bridge,
- camberwell,
- w2 class,
- tram 444,
- tram 607,
- tram 453,
- tram 976,
- tram 619,
- tram 471,
- tram 478,
- tram 431,
- tram 1033,
- tram 1030,
- tram 243,
- tram 972,
- tram 436,
- tram 432,
- tram 782,
- tram 605,
- tram 629,
- tram 644,
- tram 647,
- tram 547,
- tram 441,
- tram 1275,
- tram 730,
- tram 456,
- tram 783,
- tram 650,
- tram 646,
- tram 426,
- tram 833