Showing 88 items
matching cotma
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Certificate, COTMA, COTMA membership certificate for 1999/2000, c9/1999
A4 size certificate on mottled grey paper with dark blue board with the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia (COTMA) logo in background, then printed to certify that the Ballarat Tramway Museum is a member of COTMA for the year 1999/2000. Has been signed by Lindsay Richardson as Chairman and Craig Tooke at Executive Officer. Presented to the BTM at the Museum's 1999 AGM - see photo in November 1999 issue of Fares Please!Signed in black ink by Lindsay Richardson and Craig Tooketramways, trams, cotma, certificates, btm -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia (COTMA), COTMA Bicentennial Tram Tour - 8/8/88 (1988), 1988
Ticket - for the COTMA Bicentennial Tram Tour - 8/8/88 (1988), traversing routes 8 and 88, with SW6 888, with a facsimile 1950's MMTB 8d ticket on the rear. Has the initials PJC in the bottom right hand corner. Tour organised by Bill Kingsley?trams, tramways, mmtb, tickets, tours, cotma -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, Bill Kingsley et al, "COTMA Its Origins, Aims and Operation", 1990's
Photocopy of a paper titled "COTMA Its Origins, Aims and Operation", by Keith Kings, Executive Officer, presented to the Meeting of the Historical Engineering Relics Committee of the Institute of Engineers Annual Conference, 7 April 1978. Looks at the structure of COTMA, preservation movement in Australia, and formation of COTMA and past conference and that all work is voluntary.trams, tramways, cotma -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Programme, Launceston Tramway Museum, 'COTMA Conference 2008 - Launceston - Conference Program', Aug. 2008
Eight page - two folded A4 sheets, printed on sand colour paper in red ink, providing the program for the 2008 COTMA Conference in Launceston, 22/8 to 26/8, titled 'COTMA Conference 2008 - Launceston - Conference Program'. Features a photo of Launceston 29 on the front cover.trams, tramways, cotma, launceston -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Sign, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), COTMA Conference Ballarat 2000, Nov. 2000
Strongly associated with the COTMA Ballarat conference in November 2000 which was hosted by the Museum.Printed, dark blue vinyl sign on white plastic sheet for the COTMA Ballarat 2000 Conference, features the COTMA logo surrounded by the name and the words "Ballarat Conference 2000" on the underside. Made by John Phillips? Hi res scan added 13-3-2016.trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, sign, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Memorabilia - Event Materials, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), COTMA Conference Ballarat 2000, 1/05/2006 12:00:00 AM
Booking and Registration form for the 2000 COTMA Conference at Ballarat from 17/11/2000 to 23/11/2000. Four pages printed on two sheets of purple paper with the COTMA and BTM logos. Gives cost of conference, where forms to be sent, travel arrangements. Images of document added 27-08-12.vtrams, tramways, cotma, conferences, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), COTMA Conference Ballarat 2000, Nov. 2000
Replica tram ticket - large size - made available, but not actually distributed?, for the November 2000 COTMA Conference Ballarat. Has a common number, A221100, large scale replica of BTM's 10c ticket, with some printing in green ink. Printed by Andrew Cox?trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, tickets, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 27 mm sq slide/s, Andrew Howlett, No. 27 and 40 at the Carlton St terminus during the COTMA Conference tram tour, 25/04/1975
Yields information about BTPS Tram operations during the 1975 COTMA Conference.Set of two Colour slides, Kodak white cardboard mount, April 1975 of No. 27 and 40 at the Carlton St terminus during the COTMA Conference tram tour, 25/4/1975. No. 40 has a Eureka Roofing tiles advert.ballarat, tramways, trams, btps, cotma, carlton st, tram 27, tram 40 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Perth Electric Tramway Society, "Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of COTMA", 1994
86 page A4 sized bound document - Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of Australasian Tramway Museums, Whiteman Park, Perth W.A. 29 May to 4 June 1992. Has heavy card covers, wire bound with printed title details in blue on the front cover. Has ISSN number. Prepared by the Perth Electric Tramway Society. See item 1254 for photo of conference delegates. - notes should be on page 3. Arrived loose. See also the COTMA website for a full pdf copy of this document. Contents: Acknowledgements Participants Conference Programme keynote Address - Urban Transport: What does the past tell use about the future? Papers W class Status Report - L. Jean The place of Tram Museums in the International and Australian Tram Movement Our Cultural Heritage Management of Rolling Stock Driver Training at Bendigo Tramways "Trolley Wire" Collection Policies Occupational Health & Safety Relationships with Local Government Corrosion - Electrolysis Promotion Accreditation and Its effect on Tramway Museums in NSW Workshops COTMA - what is Needed? Membership for the Young Archives Conservation Management Review COTMA Electrical Operations Rules Visits and Tours Reports Museum Directory.Inside front cover has BTPS stamp and Mail received - 14/11/1994 and item no. "5154" in blue ink.trams, tramways, cotma, perth, proceedings, conferences -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association (MTPA), "Nomination of the Preservation and Restoration of Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board L class Tram No. 103 for COTMA Achievement Award", Jun. 2008
Report - 9A4 colour photocopied or printed, stapled in the top left hand corner titled "Nomination of the Preservation and Restoration of Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board L class Tram No. 103 for COTMA Achievement Award", dated June 2008 by the Melbourne Tramcar Preservation Association MTPA. Outlines the history of the L class tram, the work done to the tram and those involved. Has many photos of the restoration work.Has "K.S 26-8-08" in top left hand corner.trams, tramways, l class, mtpa, cotma, awards, tram 103 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), "Proceedings of the 15th COTMA Conference", Jul. 2002
82 page A4 size book with black comb binders, glossy card printed front cover, clear plastic front cover and glossy white heavy paper rear cover. Details the Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Australasian Tramway Museums (COTMA), 25th Anniversary conference, Ballarat Vic, 17 - 23 November 2000. Produced by the Ballarat Tramway Museum Inc. Includes a list of contents -page 4, photograph of delegates on page 5 and list of delegates - page 8 - 10. 2nd copy added 1/7/2012trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, btm -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Les Stewart, "Proceedings of the joint Conference of the COTMA", 1993
110 page A4 sized bound document - Proceedings of the joint Conference of the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia and the National Federation of Rail Societies Inc. 1st - 8th June 1990. Has laminated plastic white covers front and back. Front cover has the title details. Edited by Les Stewart of the Wellington Tramway Museum. (10th Conference) Contents: 1. Participants and programme 2. Workshops Development of the Volunteer Worker NZ Railway and Tramway Safety Regime Code of Electrical Practice for COTMA Groups Archives Photography as an aid in the Museum Tram and Railway Carriage roof coverings Handy hints and new ideas for Restoration and Maintenance Trolley Buses Is Your Museum Dying? Brill 21E and other tram truck bogie/requirements Overhead Construction and maintenance MMTB instructions in Overhead Construction Facts and Data on Overhead Trolley Wire Construction Trolley Wire Renewal Wellington Tramway Museum 1990 Projects 3. Field and Social Activities 4. AGM of COTMA 5. AGM of the NZFRS. See item 1255 for a group photo of delegates.trams, tramways, cotma, wellington, proceedings, conferences -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "January 1980 Box 2 - COTMA 1982"
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT315 Fitzroy St St Kilda 27-1-80 - tram 900 - "City" - route 16 RT316 Mont Albert Terminus 27-1-80 - tram 937 - "City" - route 42 RT317 Footscray Terminus 26-1-80 - tram 700 - route 82? RT318 Hawthorn Depot 27-1-80 - tram V214 & tram 56 - "Wattle Park - Elgar Rd" - route 70 RT319 Hawthorn Depot 27-1-80 - tram V214 RT320 Swan St Burnley 27-1-80 - tram V214 RT321 Batman Avenue 27-1-80 - tram V214 RT322 Sth Melbourne Beach Terminus 27-1-80 - tram 757 - "East Coburg Moreland" - route 1 RT323 Mitcham Station 24-1-80 - bus 794 -"Doncaster Jun" - route 281 RT324 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot RT325 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - tram 8W - "Special" RT326 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - tram 587 RT327 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - tram 587 RT328 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - Tramways Emergency Truck RT329 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - track stockpile RT330 COTMA 1982 Sth Melb Depot - emergency trucks and lifts RT331 1982 West Coburg Dawson St Relay - tram 764 - "Domain Rd" - route 56 RT332 1982 Hawthorn Depot - tram 610 - "Special" & tram 469 - "Special" RT333 1982 Preston Workshops - tram 201 RT334 1982 Preston Workshops - tram 202 and tram 46 - note this car repainted into the Z3 Deep Yellow livery. RT335 1982 Victoria Pde - tram 729 -"Mont Albert" - route 42 Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 21 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, z3 class, z1 class, v class, w5 class, w2 class, y1 class, y class, south melbourne depot, vr class, tram 700, tram 214, tram 900, route 16, sw6 class, fitzroy st, mont albert, route 42, tram 937, footscray, hawthorn depot, z1, tram 46, route 70, swan st, batman avenue, south melbourne beach, tram 757, mitcham station, aec, mkv1 class, bus 794, route 281, tram 8w, tram 587, tram 56, international, route 56, tram 764, dawson st, tram 610, tram 469, preston workshops, tram 201, tram 202, tram 729, victoria parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Colin Seymour, "Proceedings of the Eighth COTMA", 1988
121 page A4 sized bound document - Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of Australasian Tramway Museums, Adelaide Sept. 26-29 1986. Has a clear plastic cover, heavy white rear cover, bound with the Gestetner Velobind binder - black. Edited by Colin Seymour, produced by the Australian Electric Traction Museum, Adelaide. Contents: Conference Participants, Programme, COTMA - a brief history, AETM - the Host Museum Papers: 1. Getting Mileage from a display - G. Spiers 2. Legal responsibilities to Members and the General Public - M. Mitchell 3. Opportunities for and within Membership -V. O'Neill 4. What Makes a Tramway Museum - W. Kingsley 5. What Brings Senior Citizens to Visit - A.E.Taylor 6. Adding Reality to a Social Studies Programme - M. Schneider 7. Why Promote a Museum - N. S. Smith 8. What have we at our Museums to bring in the People? - B. Smith. Forums: 1. How would these ideas work for our Museum? 2. What our Museum has done 3. What you asked for ... Open Discussion. Visits Reports. On Page 3 has a photo of Conference delegates assembled in front of tram F1 264 at the St. Kilda Museum.'B.T.P.S." on front cover, top left hand corner in penciltrams, tramways, cotma, adelaide, proceedings, conferences -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, COTMA, 1/06/1990 12:00:00 AM
Colour photograph of the delegates to the 1990 Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia held in Wellington from 1st to 8 June. Printed on Kodak Professional Paper.cotma, wellington, conferences -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Douglas Johns, "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference of the COTMA", 2000
110 page A4 sized bound document - "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference of the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the National Federation of Rail Societies Inc. 29 May to 4 June 1998." Has plastic cover, green inside cover with title and white back cover. Is wire bound. Front page has the title details. Edited by Douglas Johns. Front page gives title of conference logo and theme "Conference '98 The Way Ahead", details of the Conference Hosts, (Tramway Historical Society Inc.), venue, convenor and conference management. Page 3 has colour photograph of the delegates assembled in front of Kitson Steam No. 7 and double decker trailers Nos. 10 and 74 at Ferrymead. (14th Conference) Contents: 1. Papers Opening address by Clive Peter, Chief Executive of Christchurch Transport Ltd. Key Note address - Phil A'vard Recording and preserving today for tomorrow Steam Engine Driver's Report Adding value to your product Internet help for the voluntary society What to do until the Coroner comes Computer cataloguing your collection The role of the regulator in rail transport safety Victorian electric train preservation History is more than rolling stock - remember the infrastructure Heritage fundraising in the public sector The Christchurch Tramway - 3 1/2 years on Museum trams on commercial tramways Remember the Society in your will The future of Tramway topics How to increase revenue for your museum Transport deregulation - a personal view Acquiring tram parts from Calcutta Model tramway clinic. 2. Annual Reports 3. Trip Reports 4. programme, attendees, NRFS Reports. Photograph of participants added 22/3/2021. For a scan of the actual proceedings see the 1 has BTM Received stamp, date (17 Oct. 2000) and item No. 9639.trams, tramways, cotma, christchurch, proceedings, conferences -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, COTMA, 1/06/1992 12:00:00 AM
Colour photograph of the delegates to the 1992 Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia held in Perth from 29 May to 4 June. Group is standing in front of Freemantle Tram No. 29. Printed on Kodak Paper.cotma, perth, conferences, tram 29 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Domestic object - Coaster set, Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia (COTMA), 2006
Set of two drink Coasters, featuring a tramcar image printed onto a foam rubber backing. Tramcars featured are VR St Kilda Brighton tramcar VR41 and NMETL No. 13 at the Saltwater River terminus. Made by the Council of Tramway Museums of Australia for the Melbourne 2006 Conference.trams, tramways, cotma, vr trams, nmetl, souvenirs, tram 41, tram 13 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Film - Digital Movie, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), "BTM Brag 2008", for the Launceston COTMA Conference, 2008
Yields information about the activities of the BTM in the period 2006 - to 2008, and has a strong association with various BTM individuals. Made for the 2008 COTMA Conference.Digital Movie "BTM Brag 2008", prepared by Richard Gilbert for the Launceston COTMA Conference in 2008. Transferred to the Hard Drive - AV Files - dB text/AV Files/Reg Item 5458/ in DVD format. Synopsis: based on time - 0.00 - 0.20 - titles etc. 0.21 - 1.40 - Begonia Festival with 671, 27, 466 1.41 - 2.35 - vehicle into the rear of the depot 2.36 - 3.16 - New shelving in depot and restoration of 12 3.17 - 4.30 - horse tram operation, Neville Hesketh, Neil Lardner, Carolyn Cleak, Richard Gilbert, Peter Winspur, Len Millar and Alastair Reither. 4.31 - 5.26 - track repairs Wendouree Parade 5.27 - 6.15 - work on 38, transfer to workshop and No. 28 6.16 - 6.26 - fitting of clear plastic blinds to 661 6.27 - 6.43 - No. 8 scrubber at work etc. 6.44 - 7.03 - On going work of volunteers, 661, Roger Salen, Neville Hesketh 7.04 - 7.14 - Credits etc. trams, tramways, btm, horse tram, depot, wendouree parade, begonia festival, scrubber tram -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Pamphlet - flyer, Ballarat Tramway Museum (BTM), "25th Anniversary Conference Ballarat Year 2000", 1998
Produced to promote the COTMA 2000 conference.Pamphlet or form advertising the BTM's COTMA Conference for 2000 - "25th Anniversary Conference Ballarat Year 2000", consisting of a folded A4 blue photocopied sheet and a single sheet of paper as a survey form with 11 questions. Has tram 33 as the logo on the front cover and map of the Ballarat tramways in 1971. Distributed at the 1998 Christchurch Conference. Two copies held.trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, btm, 25th anniversary -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Keith Kings, 26/04/1975 12:00:00 AM
Black and white photograph of the first Council of Tramways Museums of Australasia ( COTMA ) delegates leaving buses at Carlton St. to board waiting trams (27 & 40) from Davis Bus Lines No. 6. on 26/4/1975. Photo by Keith Kings.On rear in stamped blue ink and hand written number "K.S.Kings, 140-15, Copyright reserved and in blue ink "COTMA"/ Delegates arriving at Gardens South by Davis Bus Lines No. 6 HOB 464, with trams 27 (passenger service) and 40 (COTMA special). First A&NZ Conference, Ballarat, 26/4/75"trams, tramways, cotma, btps, btm, davis bus lines, wendouree parade , tram 27, 40 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, COTMA, "Report of Sub-Committee on Fares and Sections appointed at Australasian Tramways Conference 1929", 1929
Demonstrates a report into tram fares and tickets around Australasia.Report - 13 foolscap duplicated pages, stapled along the left hand edge, titled "Report of Sub-Committee on Fares and Sections appointed at Australasian Tramways Conference 1929" Reports on a questionnaire to 14 different systems - Bendigo considered the same as Ballarat for the purposes of the report. Looks at the Section and their average length, Overlapping sections, fares, children fares, Sunday and holiday rates, workmen's concession tickets, scholars', swimming tickets, blind passes, police officers, civil servants, municipal bodies, concessions to charitable institutions, defence force, boy scouts, state members and officials, employee's passes, periodical or prepaid tickets, specials charges, passenger luggage. Compares to the USA, flat fares, one man trams.Has "Mr Mawby" in ink on front cover and "Copy sent to Mr Old 22.7.30"trams, tramways, tickets, fares, sections, australasian tramway conference, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Tasmania Transport Museum, "Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Australasian Tramway Museums, Hobart - Tasmania August September 1996", 2000
122 page A4 size book with white heat bound clear plastic front cover and glossy white heavy paper rear cover. Details the Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Australasian Tramway Museums (COTMA), Hobart Tasmania, 31 August to 7th September 1996. Produced by the Tasmanian Transport Museum Inc. Includes a list of contents -page 3 and list of delegates - page 4. For full pdf file - see COTMA website, conference pages.BTM received Stamp on inside front cover, dated 14 April 2000 and item number 9149.trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, tasmania transport museum -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, David Verrier, ESCo wooden Tower wagon, 26/04/1975
Photo of the first horse drawn tower wagon at Sovereign Hill. This item was offered to the BTPS but declined as it did not have the storage space for it. Understood to have later been dismantled.Yields information about the appearance of the horse drawn tower wagon of ESCo.Agfa colour slide, white blue plastic mount. Photograph Saturday 26/4/1975 at the time of the first COTMA conference. Photo by David Verrier. See also Reg Item 7689 for another photograph by Andrew Howlett.On back of slide in ink' "Saturday 26/4/75 Tower Wagon Sovereign Hill Ballarat"tramways, trams, tower wagon, sovereign hill, cotma -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, Sturt Keenan, 22/11/2000 12:00:00 AM
Colour print of No. 33, showing SPECIAL in the loop, Wendouree Parade, during the COTMA Conference tram day, 22/11/2000. Taken from the tram on the east track. Tram has Twin Lakes sign. Photos taken by Stuart Keenan. Printed on Agfa paper.btm, cotma, wendouree parade, tram 33 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - Set of 2 - COTMA 2000 Visit to Bungaree, David Verrier, 20-11-2000
Set of two slides taken during the 2000 COTMA Conference visit to the Ballarat Tramway Museum Bungaree station site of Sprinter rail cars 7008 & 7022 on Down Ballarat service at the former Bungaree station site on 20-11-2000Demonstrates rail services through the former Bungaree Rail stationSet of two Kodak colour slides - white plastic mountEach slide has details written on it.ballarat, specials, cotma, btm, bungaree, sprinter rail cars -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Tramway Historical Society and Christchurch, "Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Australasian Tramway Museums, Christchurch, New Zealand, April 22-25, 1978", 1978
75 sheet, 150 page A4 size book with green light weight covers, bound with Gestetner Velo Bond binding. Details the Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Australasian Tramway Museums (COTMA), Christchurch, New Zealand, April 22-25, 1978. Produced by the Tramway Historical Society Inc, Christchurch, edited by John Shanks. Includes a list of contents - page 3 and 4, photograph of delegates on page 8 and list of delegates - page 5 & 6. Photographs of Christchurch steam tram on front cover. Digital copy available on the COTMA Web site.trams, tramways, cotma, conferences, ths -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s - set of 2, Sturt Keenan, 22/11/2000 12:00:00 AM
Set of 2 colour prints of the BTM No. 40 at Carlton St. terminus, Wendouree Parade, side on view - 22/11/2000. Taken during the COTMA Conference tram day. Photos taken by Stuart Keenan. Printed on Agfa paper.btm, cotma, carlton st, wendouree parade, tram 40 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - R711 Ballarat Station - COTMA Conference 2000, David Verrier, 17-11-2000
Photo shows West Coast Railway locomotive R711 at Ballarat Station after hauling the special train for passengers for the 2000 COTMA Conference in Ballarat. The locomotive was provided by West Coast Railway who was running the Warnambool service at the time and was a suprise to the conference attendees.Demonstrates the use of a steam locomotive to transport passengers for a COTMA Conference in 2000.Kodak colour slide - plastic mount"Fri 17/11/00 R711 Ballarat"cotma, btm, r 711, steam locomotives, ballarat, west coast railway -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Bendigo Tramways, "Bendigo", Dec. 1994
Folder folded cardboard, yellow cover by the Bendigo Tourism Board with papers for the 1994 COTMA Conference from 2nd to 7th December 1994. Contains a general info sheet, programme, bus schedule, maps, list of delegates and hand written notes on the sessions. Has "KS 9-8-94 and 2/12" in ink.trams, tramways, cotma, bendigo, conferences