Physical description
110 page A4 sized bound document - "Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference of the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the National Federation of Rail Societies Inc. 29 May to 4 June 1998." Has plastic cover, green inside cover with title and white back cover. Is wire bound. Front page has the title details. Edited by Douglas Johns. Front page gives title of conference logo and theme "Conference '98 The Way Ahead", details of the Conference Hosts, (Tramway Historical Society Inc.), venue, convenor and conference management. Page 3 has colour photograph of the delegates assembled in front of Kitson Steam No. 7 and double decker trailers Nos. 10 and 74 at Ferrymead.
(14th Conference)
1. Papers
Opening address by Clive Peter, Chief Executive of Christchurch Transport Ltd.
Key Note address - Phil A'vard
Recording and preserving today for tomorrow
Steam Engine Driver's Report
Adding value to your product
Internet help for the voluntary society
What to do until the Coroner comes
Computer cataloguing your collection
The role of the regulator in rail transport safety
Victorian electric train preservation
History is more than rolling stock - remember the infrastructure
Heritage fundraising in the public sector
The Christchurch Tramway - 3 1/2 years on
Museum trams on commercial tramways
Remember the Society in your will
The future of Tramway topics
How to increase revenue for your museum
Transport deregulation - a personal view
Acquiring tram parts from Calcutta
Model tramway clinic.
2. Annual Reports
3. Trip Reports
4. programme, attendees, NRFS Reports.
Photograph of participants added 22/3/2021.
For a scan of the actual proceedings see the
Inscriptions & markings
Page 1 has BTM Received stamp, date (17 Oct. 2000) and item No. 9639.