Showing 45 items
matching d. r. newman
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... D. R. Newman... Young Farmers' Club Project by D. R. Newman and Train up a Child.... Brown E. Elliott Carl Petterson Albert J. Phillips D. R. Newman ...A blue magazine titled ' The Educational Magazine.' Volume 12 No. 9, 1955. Published by The Education Department of Victoria. This magazine covers a wide variety of educational articles for teachers for general reading. The contents are listed as - The United Nations: tenth birthday; The Disappearance of zoological species by Jean-Paul Harroy; The Brontes and the Yorkshire Moors by Frank Madigan; An Australian looks at America's Schools by Donald McLean; Schools help in battle against poliomyelitis by Hollis A. Moore; Gunpowder, Treason and Plot by D.J.S.; End of a Decade. Ten years at a Provincial Teachers' College by Jessie C. Burnett; Four o'clock and After by various contributors; Mother and Child by anonymous; Clock Watching for a Purpose by K. Norman; Essayist at Work by E.T. Brown, Concerning the Time-Book by E. Elliott; Subtraction in Arithmetic by Carl Petterson; Here's What a Good Teacher Does by Albert J. Phillips; A disabled Children's Young Farmers' Club Project by D. R. Newman and Train up a Child by Alice Downward. 432 pgs. photographsbendigo, education, magazine, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo, education, tertiary education, teachers, teaching, reading, magazine, magazine, united nations, literature, brontes, schools, poliomyelitis, disease, diseases, guy fawkes, history, bendigo teachers' college, parenting, female, mother, mothering, women, children, clocks, mathematics, subtraction, disability, young farmers' club, farming, pre-school education, kindergartens, frank madigan, donald mclean, hollis a. moore, d.j.s., jessie c. burnett, k. norman, e.t. brown, e. elliott, carl petterson, albert j. phillips, d. r. newman, alice downward -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Ship's Wheel, 1871 or earlier
The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built many ships that had wheels with the same decorative, starburst pattern on them as this particular wheel segment, including the Eric the Red. The wheel was manufactured by their local Bath foundry, Geo. Moulton & Co. and sold to the Sewall yard for $100, according to the construction accounts of the vessel. Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Segment of a ship's wheel, or helm, from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red. The wheel part is an arc shape from the outer rim of the wheel and is made up of three layers of timber. The centre layer is a dark, dense timber and is wider than the two outer layers, which are less dense and lighter in colour. The wheel segment has a vertically symmetrical, decorative copper plate inlaid on the front. The plate has a starburst pattern; six stars decorate it, each at a point where there is a metal fitting going through the three layers of timber to the rear side of the wheel. On the rear each of the six fittings has an individual copper star around it. The edges of the helm are rounded and bevelled, polished to a shine in a dark stain. Around each of the stars, front and back, the wood is a lighter colour, as though the metal in that area being polished frequently. The length of the segment suggests that it has probably come from a wheel or helm that had ten spokes. (Ref: F.H.M.M. 16th March 1994, 239.6.610.3.7. Artefact Reg No ER/1.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's-wheel, eric-the-red, helm, shei's wheel, ship's steering wheel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Decorative object - Sword, 1871 or earlier
This wooden sword is said to “possibly be the only remaining part of the figurehead from the sailing ship Eric the Red.” It was previously part of the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and the entry in its inventory says “Wooden sword, portion of the figurehead, held by “Eric the Red” at the bow.” A large part of the ship’s hull was found on the rocks and a figurehead may have been attached or washed up on the shore. The shipping records for E. & A. Sewall, the builders, owners and managers of Eric the Red, are now preserved in the Maine Maritime Museum. There is no photograph on record of Eric the Red but photographs of other ships built around that time by the same company show that these did not have figureheads, and there is no record found of a figurehead for Eric the Red being ordered or paid for. Further research is being carried out. The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built Eric the Red, a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse. (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)This carved wooden sword, recovered from the Eric the Red, is possibly the only portion of the figurehead recovered after the wreck. There are spirals carved from the base of the handle to the top of the sword. The hilt of the sword is a lion’s head holding its tail in its mouth, the tail forming the handle. The blade of the sword has engraved patterns on it. Tiny particles of gold leaf and dark blue paint fragments can be seen between the carving marks. There are remnants of yellowish-orange and crimson paint on the handle. At some time after the sword was salvaged the name of the ship was hand painted on the blade in black paint. The tip of the sword has broken or split and the remaining part is charcoal in appearance. On both the tip and the base of the handle are parts made where the sword could have been joined onto the figurehead There is a white coating over some areas of the sword, similar to white lead putty used in traditional shipbuilding. The words “ERIC the RED” have been hand painted on the blade of the sword in black paint sometime after it was salvaged.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sword, wooden sword, eric the red, carved sword, figurehead, snake head on sword -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Primary School 1996 Class Photo Grade Prep /1G, 1996
Prep/IG 1996 Top Row: (L to R) Anthony Sok, Amanda Lewin, Sothea Tin, Jesse Byers, Linda Ouk, Yen-Lung Chau, Luke Harrison. 3rd Row: Mahmood Hossain, Mrs. G. Winchester, Damian Groome, Moska Naderi, Chandy Eang, Justyn Dimery, Mrs. D. Gordon, Jane Whitehead, Glenn Leigh. 2nd Row:Matthew Mesley, Melinda Pham, Melissa McLean, Steven Newman, Andrew Chambers, Melissa Spain, Kirsty Hughes. 1st Row: Eric Phan, Gage Gibson, Zachariah Price, Gregory Gorring, John Crocker. Teacher: Mrs. D. Gordon. Principal: Mr. Geoff Buzaglo. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Extra Muros, 1950, 1950
1946 Ballarat Teachers’ College reopened at Dana Street State School (no. 33) offering a one year course. The principal was W.F. Lord, and the staff consisted of Miss E.B. Hughes, Mr C.B. Bryan, Miss Monica H. Millar (music), Miss G. Kentish (physical education) Charcoal blue cover with gold titles. Magazine of the Ballarat Teachers' College. The magazine includes the events of the year and advertisements, Principa Frank Lord's Foreword " A good way to relieve the monotony of any job is to think of ways of improving it"; Sport; The Australian Soldier; Hockey Team, Basketball Team; Football Team The magazine included many photographs, including a whole College photograph; Student Representative Council and Group Leaders; Sport Committee Names reading from right to left. Back Row: J.R. Stuchberry, M.F. Ross, L.H.T. Melgaard, G.J.A. Walker, R.J. Lane, T.P. Newton, J.I. Fielding, I.T. Bicknell, R.W. Bayly, J.W. Allan, J.D.J. Rochford, D.A. Farquhar, M.J. Binder, J.G. Segrave, A.T.G. Jennings. David van Leeuwen, E.J. Campbell, J. Woods, N.J. Walker. Second row: V.G. Telushkin, Noel G. Tresize, A.V. Ainge, K.R.B. Skeen, R.G. Hucker, W.A> Poole, M.I. McKenzie, M.M. Molan, P.A. Davey, M.D. Oppy, B.F. Collins, Y.M. Mittchell, A.W. Frith, M.T. O'Brien, P.M. Hanrahan, B.J. Dunsmore, C. Judd, Val G. Pyers, B.L. Shirley. Third row: G.M. Wise, E.M. Rowe, M.M. Napier, A.C. Swanton, B.J. Young, F.M. Stacpoole, P.M. Kelly, S.F. Gardenr, G.M. McCarthy, D. Flanagan, M.J. [Joyce] Murphy, P.M. McIntyre, M.M. green, N.Y. Chappell, J. Kemp, N.B. Forrest, L.J. Scholfield, M.M. Cross, M.J. Burchell, M.A. Leask, A.P. Cunningham, R. Hodgens Fourth Row: S.T. Downs, E.R. Quick, M.J. Krick, D.F. Nicholson, L.O. Quick, C.E. Douglass, F.E. Miller, G. McKenzie, J.N. Lindsay, J.J. Powling, M.V. Langdon, S.R. Wimdmill, G.M. Walton, J.A. Walker, P. Jaensch, G.M. Hoare, B.M. Sweeney, G.J. Monk, D. Keiller, D.M. Ross, B.S. Alderson, O.M. Ball, B.K. Macdonald. Fifth Row: E.W. Munn, H.E. Oxley, M.T. Ryan, M.M. Magee, V.O. Dick, F.K. Curtain, E.A. O'Brien, M.D. MacDonald, M.R. Rafferty, E.V. Bowles, W.D. Batten, E.M. Lawlor, A.Y. Callaway, L.B. Flanders, D.M. McLean, M.J. Whitelock, C.A. Tonzing, B. Nolan. Sixth Row: N.M. Young, W.E. Ramsey, A.P. Maloney, R.E. Botsman, B.M. Barr, Mr McEwin, Miss Aldred, Mr Turner, Miss Hughes, Mr Lord, Monica Miller, Mr Bryan, Miss Hayes, Mr Cumming, Alan Sonsee, V.D. Trainor, M.P. Dwyer, M.D. Chisholm, E. Hodge. Seated: B.S. Murphy, N.G. Schulz, A.W. Gunn, A.W. Thompson, K.J. Tobin, R.W. Chalmers, D.C. Halladay, C.J. R Fellows, J.L. Sheehan, G.E. Mann, L.A. Erdman, G.F. Brown, H.D. Graham. Absent: Y. McLeod, T.G. Philpottbtc, ballarat teachers college, g walker, n walker, e hughes, l erdman, l melgaard, b young, s winmill, v pyers, f stacpoole, r botsman, r fellows, b macdonald, b thompson, i bicknell, j sheehan, r hodgens, m cross, b sweeny, p jaensch, d keiller, s windmill, d flanagan, van leeuwed, joyce murphy, monica miller, v. pyers, val pyers, frank lord, graham turner, norman schulz, richard bayly, mardi chisholm, ron lane, george telushkin, betty roberts, bob newman, jack hickson, nancy lees -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Quadrangle: Magazine of the Junior Technical School Ballarat, 1960, 1960
The 1960 Quadrangle magazine committee were Kelvin Whitford, Bill Heywood, Ken Delayney, Daryl Burt, John Cornish, John McDonald, Ross Gray, and Messrs I. Chisholm and N. Watkins.Salmon coloured soft covered magazine of 46 pages. Contents include: Villiers Internal Combustion Engine, Geelong, School Song, Death of W.J. Paterson, Old Boys Newsletter (Keith Rash), Pine plantation. Robert Champneys, Air Training Corps, Mothers' Club Images include: R. Watson (headmaster), staff, prefects, tennis court, Peter Trezise, Doug Rash, Wong Chik Min, John Gilbert, John McDonald, Ray Bilney, Denis Moy, John Crawley, Roberto Venier, Reijo Karvinen, Cheetham Salt Works; Graeme Cummins, Gerald Kessel, James Colligan, Alan Everett, David Newman, Air Training Corps, Ken Wach, Athletics team, Tunnel Ball Team, Cross Country Team, Basketball Team, Softball Team, Football Team, Swimming team, Cycling Team, Cricket Team, ballarat junior technica school, ballarat school of mines, whitford, watson, paterson, w.j. paterson, george cornell, franklin, tresize, prefects, tennis court, peter trezise, doug rash, wong chik min, john gilbert, john mcdonald, ray bilney, denis moy, john crawley, roberto venier, reijo karvinen, cheetham salt works, graeme cummins, gerald kessel, james colligan, alan everett, david newman, air training corps, ken wach, athletics team, tunnel ball team, cross country team, basketball team, softball team, football team, swimming team, cycling team, cricket team, r. watson, kelvin whitford, bill heywood, ken delayney, daryl burt, john cornish, ross gray, william paterson obituary, ron kirner, keith rash, air training cadets, i. pym, c. antonio, k. woodyatt, b. middleton, a. everett, b. clarke, d. riddiford, i. trembath, j. myers, l. goldsmith, p. chanler, p. edge, s. riddiford, r. cook, j. holt, k. fellows, d. coldicott, douglas rash, g. angow, n. jones, john dellaca, j. angwin, w. scanlon, m. chung, g. holt, r. bilney, w. carey, r. carmichael, b. mckinnon, n. bedggood, r. robinson, c. cunninham, r. grubb, l. skevington, g. cole, w. whiting, ronaldson-tippett, palmer bros, h. dubberley & son, m.b. john and hatersley limited, h.a. davis motor service, alexandria tea rooms -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, about 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Triangular shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, About 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Oblong shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Pioneers of Ballarat
The Pioneers of Ballarat may have been created to the Ballarat Old Colonists' Association and the reunions held by the early Ballarat pioneers. The dates given after the pioneers time is their date of arrival into the colony.Photograph showing numerous portraits of men who were considered Pioneers of Ballarat as complied by R. Walker and produced by Chuck Vice Regal Photo. The men depicted are: J. Smith; W. Gay; W. Downie; G. Goddard; B. Varcoe; A.F. Seidal; Loius Balhausen; J. McKenzie; William irwin; M. Box; Thomas Bath; James Oddie; William Tulloch; J.W. Graham; J. Ward; W. Curnow; R.J. Binder; F.J.L. Turner; W. Eyres; C.A. Welch; B. Welch; G. Welch; J. Lake; H. Smith; J. King; R.T. Wreford; Ernest Balhausen; J. Ward; T. Trengrove; J. Truswell; J. Taylor; W. Seeley; J.P. Murray; Hon. David Ham; Andrew Anderson; E. McCartney; J.H. Smith; Joseph Edward Cowley; A. Jones; W.H. Furness; F.N. Martin; James Anderson; G. Becher; James Meek; T. Hawkins; P. Drummond; C. Barker; J. Malcolm; R. Brown; G. Tupper; A. Rose; W. Pinkerton; A. Clinton; A. Sheppard, F.C. Downes; J.A. Blight; J. Blight; T. Blight; J. Richardson; C.W. Toy; W.C. Elder; E. Towl; S. Walker; W.P. Martin; J.T Langley; J.A. Abramowitch; R, Allan; S.W. Woodward; G. Hunt; J. Bishop; F.L. Graham; R. Graham; W. A.G. Fraser; J. Davies; J. Paterson; B.G. Tucker; E. McElroy; W.H. Burton, T.C. Coates; J. Williams; J.P. Roberts; J. Ritchie; T.W. White; J. F. Harvey; Natale D'Angri; D. McCallum; W. Chisholm; P. Kohl; J. Moncrief; J.P. Marshall; R.U. Nicholls; G.L. Holthouse; C. Gray; W. Gale; James Long; Theo Williams; J.R. Ellsworth; W. Scott; Henry Josephs; D. Cooke; William Little; T.H. Thompson; E. Morey; J.G. McDonald; C.C. Shoppee; G. Douglas; W. H. Ellis; W. Hicks; J. Cameron; W. B. Koppers; F. Marendez; G. Herrmann; J. Kelly; E. Jermyn; P. Murray; P. Gay; D. McNaught; T.D. Wanliss; G. Lord; H. Glenny; J. Trethowan; J. Blandford; J. Goujon; W. Coad; A. Colliver; J. Nunn; J. Munro; W.C. Burbidge; J. Jarvie; C. Ferguson; C. Morris; J. Russell; J. Phillips; J. Coghlan; R. Clark; Thomas Stoddart; M. Wasley; B. Retallack; John Reid; M.C. Carey; P. Maloney; E. Newman; J. Lamb; J,. Pryor; J. Gibson; James Mitchell; J. Rowe; James Vallins; A. Roxburgh; A. Cant; O. Thomas; J.Y. McDonald; W.M. Acheson; A. Jack; R. Gibbings; E.W. Chamberlain; J.H. Ellsworth; J. Falconer; G.G. Lorimer; James M. Bickett; T. Sayle; Andrew McIntyre; W. Hambley; K. Coutts; T. Muir; R. Scott; G. Leach; E. Richards; R. Hearn; J. Hughan; D. Miliani; E. Parr; J. T. Irving; W.G. Williams; J. Marks; J. Darby; T. Ray; D. McKenzie; James Robson; J. Robson; J. Moore; J. Murphy; Robert M. Serjeant; C. Ford; E.E. Campbell; P. Folland; P.J. Rickard; A. McVitty; B. Angwin; J.T. Sleep; M.P. Whiteside; W. Curtis; H. Crisp; E. Major; R. Pearce; J. Waller; G. Waller; G. Abrams; J. McIntyre; J. Johnston; W. Johnston; W. Taylor; J. Knoth; J. Davey; G. Smith; N. Kent; E.O. Witherden; J.B. Cathcart; W.H. Harrow; G. Evans; L. Ure; W.T. Glen; T. Dickinson; D. Hughes; J. Strickland; J. Hillman; E. Jackson; R.J. Walker; D. Gunn; R.J. Gullan; T. McManamy; A. Gray; James trembath; W. Porter; J. Showman; C. Walker; J. Bowman; W.B. McDonald; P. Jago; J. Stout pioneers, ballarat, chuck, chuck vice regal photo, r. walker, ballarat pioneers, pioneers of ballarat, j. smith, w. gay, w. downie, g. goddard, b. varcoe, a.f. seidal, loius balhausen, j. mckenzie, william irwin, m. box, thomas bath, james oddie, william tulloch, j.w. graham, j. ward, w. curnow, r.j. binder, f.j.l. turner, w. eyres, c.a. welch, b. welch, g. welch, j. lake, h. smith, j. king, r.t. wreford, ernest balhausen, t. trengrove, j. truswell, j. taylor, w. seeley, j.p. murray, hon. david ham, andrew anderson, e. mccartney, j.h. smith, joseph edward cowley, a. jones, w.h. furness, f.n. martin, james anderson, g. becher, james meek, t. hawkins, p. drummond, c. barker, j. malcolm, r. brown, g. tupper, a. rose, w. pinkerton, a. clinton, a. sheppard, f.c. downes, j.a. blight, j. blight, t. blight, j. richardson, c.w. toy, w.c. elder, e. towl, s. walker, w.p. martin, j.t langley, j.a. abramowitch, r, allan, s.w. woodward, g. hunt, j. bishop, f.l. graham, r. graham, w. a.g. fraser, j. davies, j. paterson, b.g. tucker, e. mcelroy, w.h. burton, t.c. coates, j. williams, j.p. roberts, j. ritchie, t.w. white, j. f. harvey, natale d'angri, d. mccallum, w. chisholm, p. kohl, j. moncrief, j.p. marshall, r.u. nicholls, g.l. holthouse, c. gray, w. gale, james long, theo williams, j.r. ellsworth, w. scott, henry josephs, d. cooke, william little, t.h. thompson, e. morey, j.g. mcdonald, c.c. shoppee, g. douglas, w. h. ellis, w. hicks, j. cameron, w. b. koppers, f. marendez, g. herrmann, j. kelly, e. jermyn, p. murray, p. gay, d. mcnaught, t.d. wanliss, g. lord, h. glenny, j. trethowan, j. blandford, j. goujon, w. coad, a. colliver, j. nunn, j. munro, w.c. burbidge, j. jarvie, c. ferguson, c. morris, j. russell, j. phillips, j. coghlan, r. clark, thomas stoddart, m. wasley, b. retallack, john reid, m.c. carey, p. maloney, e. newman, j. lamb, j, . pryor, j. gibson, james mitchell, j. rowe, james vallins, a. roxburgh, a. cant, o. thomas, j.y. mcdonald, w.m. acheson, a. jack, r. gibbings, e.w. chamberlain, j.h. ellsworth, j. falconer, g.g. lorimer, james m. bickett, t. sayle, andrew mcintyre, w. hambley, k. coutts, t. muir, r. scott, g. leach, e. richards, r. hearn, j. hughan, d. miliani, e. parr, j. t. irving, w.g. williams, j. marks, j. darby, t. ray, d. mckenzie, james robson, j. robson, j. moore, j. murphy, robert m. serjeant, c. ford, e.e. campbell, p. folland, p.j. rickard, a. mcvitty, b. angwin, j.t. sleep, m.p. whiteside, w. curtis, h. crisp, e. major, r. pearce, j. waller, g. waller, g. abrams, j. mcintyre, j. johnston, w. johnston, w. taylor, j. knoth, j. davey, g. smith, n. kent, e.o. witherden, j.b. cathcart, w.h. harrow, g. evans, l. ure, w.t. glen, t. dickinson, d. hughes, j. strickland, j. hillman, e. jackson, r.j. walker, d. gunn, r.j. gullan, t. mcmanamy, a. gray, james trembath, w. porter, j. showman, c. walker, j. bowman, w.b. mcdonald, p. jago, j. stout, john smith -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Annual Report 1874, The School of Mines Ballaarat Annual Report, 23 December, 1874, 1874
The School of Mines Annual Report, 23 December, 1874, Balance Sheet, List of Subscriptions and Donations, Fees. The Ballarat School of Mines was a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia.White booklet of 20 pages, Annual Report 1874the school of mines, annual report, life governers, somerville l. learmonth, r. smythe, joseph flude, r. w. newman, j. g. reeves, h. r. caselli, mathilde meglin, philip russell, judge rogers, william bailey, martin loughlin, j. warrington rogers, duncan gillies, d. gillies, n. elder, egerton company limited, r. ford, w. hy. barnard, william henry barnard, william barnard, somerville learmonth -
Federation University Historical Collection
Award - Trophy, Six Metre Henk Miller Line Special, 1981
Silver cup with handles relating to the Gippsland Advanced Institute EducationSix metre Henk Miller Line Special The GAIE Annual Raft Perpetual Trophy Hazelwood Pondage 1981 F Golly, S Corlett, G Honeychurch, M Jongerius, P Llewellyn, D Patching, D Wagner 1982 S Corlett, G Honeychurch, P Llewellyn, D Wagner, M Jongerius, D Patching, 1983 C Blowers, A Casser, P Coultox, I Namiltox, A Hassak, S Kallbacka, R Lestin, R Shellcot, T Stevens 1984 D Patching, P Llewellyn, G Honeychurch, N Bates, R Dathan 1985 G Honeychurch, P Llewellyn, G Martin, A Lonneveid, P newman 1986 James (Pas) Bennet Lindsay Fawell 1975 Meredith Annand, Ken Jeanes Tim Gallacher, Jeff Goodchild 1976 Ken Ken Jason, Chris Westaway, Karen Pearce, Charlie Wheelan 1977 Jeff Leamon, Chris Hobson 1978 Jeff Leamon, Ken Jeanes, Greg Vines, Vicki Whitesidef golly, s corlett, g honeychurch, m jongerius, p llewellyn, d patching, d wagner, s corlett, g honeychurch, p llewellyn, d wagner, m jongerius, d patching,, c blowers, a casser, p coultox, i namiltox, a hassak, s kallbacka, r lestin, r shellcot, t stevens, d patching, p llewellyn, g honeychurch, n bates, r dathan, g honeychurch, p llewellyn, g martin, a lonneveid, p newman, james (pas) bennet, lindsay fawell, meredith annand, ken jeanes, tim gallacher, jeff goodchild, ken jason, chris westaway, karen pearce, charlie wheelan, jeff leamon, chris hobson, jeff leamon, ken jeanes, greg vines, vicki whiteside, giae, gippsland institute of advanced education, churchill campus -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous twenty two page report for Sale No. 87 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 28/11/95. Report issued on the 28/11/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Woolworths, Australian Meat Hildi, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Bennets Wholesale Meats, Boydies Butchers, KJ Carruthers, Clifford Quality Meats, Dalgety Farmers Ltd 210160, Dalgety Farmers Pty 210171, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Friswell K, Garfield, R J Gilbertson 210263, R J Gilbertson 640, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, ICM1, ICM4, ICM5, Mackenzie & Mackenzie, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McCasheney & Co, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Nevins FP & Co, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 546, Newman Livestock Sales N 257, Newman Livestock Sales 3 269, Newman Livestock Sale No 271, Newman Livestock Sale No 282, Oakey C/- T Newman, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, RH Woodward & Co 442, RH Woodward & Co 454, RH Woodward & Co 466, Woodhead B, RH Woodward & Co 571, RH Woodward & Co 405, RH Woodward & Co 417, Woolworths, Anderson, R Truscott, C Mulvihill, I Sinclair, J Dalrymple, Vincent and McKenzie & McKenzie.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 28/11/95, ron laird, woolworths, australian meat holdi, bennetts meats pty ltd, bennetts wholesale meats, boydies butchers, kj carruthers, clifford quality meats, dalgety farmers ltd, dalgety farmers pty, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, garfield, rj gilbertson, r j gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, icm1, icm4, icm5, mackenzie & mackenzie, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mccasheney & co, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, nevins fp & company, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales 546, newman livestock sales 257, newman livestock sales 3 269, newman livestock sale no 271, newman livestock sale no 282, oakey c/- t newman, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, rh woodward & co 442, rh woodward & co 454, rh woodward & co 466, woodhead b, rh woodward & co 571, rh woodward & co 405, rh woodward & co 417, woolworths, anderson, r truscott, c mulvihill, i sinclair, j dalrymple, vincent, mckenzie & mckenzie -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous nineteen page report for Sale No. 86 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 21/11/95. Report issued on the 21/11/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, KJ Carruthers, Clifford Quality Meats, Dalgety Farmers Pty, Arthur Dark, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Co, Friswell K, R J Gilbertson,Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, G Harper, Highland, ICM1, ICM4, ICM5, Maher L, Masons Meats Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McCashney & Co, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, Midfield Meat Sholesa, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 546, Newman Livestock Sales N 257, Newman Livestock Sales 3 269, O'Connor G & Kpty Ltd, Penney & Lang Pty Otd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, RH Woodward & Co 442, RH Woodward & Co 466, Woodhead B, RH Woodward & Co 571, RH Woodward & Co 405, RH Woodward & Co 417,NLS12, Rod Mellier, Robertson and G Cook.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 21/11/95, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, kj carruthers, clifford quality meats, dalgety farmers pty, arthur dark, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, r j gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, g harper, highland, icm1, icm4, icm5, maher l, masons meats pty ltd, jj mcallister, mccashney & co, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, midfield meat sholesa, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales n 546, newman livestock sales n 257, newman livestock sales 3 269, o'connor g & kpty ltd, penney & lang pty otd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, victorian producers c, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, rh woodward & co 442, rh woodward & co 466, woodhead b, rh woodward & co 571, rh woodward & co 405, rh woodward & co 417, nls12, rod mellier, robertson, g cook -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous twenty page report for Sale No. 85 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 14/11/95. Report issued on the 14/11/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: R H Woodward Pty Limited, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Dalgety Farmers Ltd 210160, Dalgety Farmers Pty 210171, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Co, Friswell K, Garfield, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, S Huddle, ICM1, ICM4, ICM5, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ MCAllister, McCasheney & Co, McGillivary GK & GY, McGregor RH & Co, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, Penney & Lang Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, R H Woodward & Co 442, R H Woodward & Co 454, R H Woodward & Co 466, Woodhead B, R H Woodward & Co 571, R H Woodward & Co 405, RH Woodward & Co 417, Charles L King & Co, N Rutland, Peter Crawford, H Eagle, Sheldon, I Sylvester, J Truscott and G Pontell.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 14/11/95, ron laird, r h woodward pty ltd, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, dalgety farmers ltd 210160, dalgety farmers pty 210171, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, garfield, rj gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, s huddle, icm1, icm4, icm5, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mccasheney & co, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcgregor rh & co, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, o'connor g & k pty ltd, penney & lang pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, victorian producers c, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, r h woodward & co 442, r h woodward & co 454, r h woodward & co 466, woodhead b, r h woodward & co 571, r h woodward & co 405, rh woodward & co 417, charles l king & co, n rutland, peter crawford, h eagle, sheldon, i sylvester, j truscott, g pontell -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous sixteen page report for Sale No. 84 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 31/10/95. Report issued on the 31/10/95 by Kerrie Crowley. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Australian Meat Holdi, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Castricum Brothers Pt, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Co, Don Evendon, Friswell K, R J Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, ICM1, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, McKean & Co, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Starr A, Tehan Tp & MW, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, RH Woodward & Co 442, R H Woodward & Co 466, Woodhead B, R H Woodward & Co 571, R H Woodward & Co 405, R H Woodward & Co 417, ?CM5, ? Truscott and ? Malone.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 31/10/95, kerrie crowley, australian meat holdi, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, castricum brothers pt, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, don evendon, friswell k, r j gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, icm1, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean & co, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, victorian producers c, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, rh woodward & co 442, r h woodward & co 466, woodhead b, r h woodward & co 571, r h woodward & co 405, r h woodward & co 417, ?cm5, ? truscott, ? malone -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fourteen page report for Sale No. 83 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 24/10/95. Report issued on the 24/10/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: NLS9, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Earl Chislett, Clifford Quality Meats, Elders Ltd, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McGregor & Co, McIvor Meats, Midfield Meat Wholesa, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 546, Newman Livestock N 257, Newman Livestock Sales 3 269, Newman Livestock Sale No 271, Newman Livestock Sales N 478, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Vains EM & Co Pty Ltd, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, RH Woodward & Co 454, Woodhead B, R H Woodward & Co 571, R H Woodward & Co 417, NLS9, No Name, F Truscott and McLean Bros.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 24/10/95, ron laird, nls9, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, earl chislett, clifford quality meats, elders ltd, friswell k, rj gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcgregor & co, mcivor meats, midfield meat wholesa, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales n 546, newman livestock n 257, newman livestock sales 3 269, newman livestock sale no 271, newman livestock sales n 478, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, vains em & co pty ltd, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, rh woodward & co 454, woodhead b, r h woodward & co 571, r h woodward & co 417, nls9, no name, f truscott, mclean bros -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fourteen page Sale No. 81 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 10/10/95. Report issued on the 10/10/95 by Ben. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: NLS10, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Dalgety Farmers Ltd, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, G Harper, Highland, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, No Commercial Value, Nevins FP & Company, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sale N, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, R H Woodward & Co, NLS10, BT Meats, Joe Panetta, Garfield and Garfield.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 10/10/95, ben, nls10, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, dalgety farmers ltd, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & compa, friswell k, rj gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, g harper, highland, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, no commercial value, nevins fp & company, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale n, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, victorian producers c, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, r h woodward & co, nls10, bt meats, joe panetta, garfield, garfield -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fifteen page Sale No. 76 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 3/10/95. Report issued on the 3/10/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: NLS10, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Elders Ltd, Friswell K, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McGillivary GK & Gy, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, No Commercial Value, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & Mw, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, D & K Webb, Welsh, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co, R H Woodward & Co, W Churchill, J Dalrymple, K Mickavick and Reg Freemantle.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 3/10/95, ron laird, nls10, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, elders ltd, friswell k, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, masons meat pty ltd, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, no commercial value, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, victorian producers c, d & k webb, welsh, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, r h woodward & co, w churchill, j dalrymple, k mickavick, reg freemantle -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fourteen page Sale No. 75 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 26/9/95. Report issued on the 26/9/95 by Ben. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: R H Woodward Pty Limited, Bennetts meats, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Friswell K, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, G Harper, Highland, Masons Meats Pty Ltd, McGillivary GK & GY, McGregor RH & Co, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sale No, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, Top Meats, Vains EM & Co Pty Ltd, Victorian Producers C, D & K Webb, Welsh, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co, R H Woodward & Co, Nls4, Rod Marsh, W Churchill, J Blake, J Fitzpatrick N Rutland and Greenacres.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 26/9/95, ben, r h woodward pty limited, bennetts meats, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & compa, friswell k, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, g harper, highland, masons meats pty ltd, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcgregor rh & co, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale no, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, vains em & co pty ltd, victorian producers c, d & k webb, welsh, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, r h woodward & co, nls4, rod marsh, w churchill, j blake, j fitzpatrick n rutland, greenacres -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous seventeen page Sale No. 74 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 19/9/95. Report issued on the 20/9/95 by Ben. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: W Mitchell, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Co, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, S Huddle, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, Midfield Meat Sholesa, No Commercial Value, Nicholas & Sons, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N (478), Newman Livestock Sales N (480), Newman Livestock Sale No (282), Oakey C/- T newman, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Saville, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & NW, Top Meats, Vains EM & Co PtyLtd, D & K Webb, M/S K & J Wignall, R H Woodward & Co, B Woodhead, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co (405), R H Woodward & Co (417), ?Pay Esse, ?Nls4, Greenacres, Garfield, Jasper, K & R, J Truscott and J Fitzpatrick,bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 19/9/95, ben, w mitchell, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, rj gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, s huddle, masons meat pty ltd, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, midfield meat sholesa, no commercial value, nicholas & sons, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n (478), newman livestock sales n (480), newman livestock sale no (282), oakey c/- t newman, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, saville, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & nw, top meats, vains em & co ptyltd, d & k webb, m/s k & j wignall, r h woodward & co, b woodhead, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co (405), r h woodward & co (417), ?pay esse, ?nls4, greenacres, garfield, jasper, k & r, j truscott, j fitzpatrick -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fifteen page Sale No. 73 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 12/9/95. Report issued on the 12/9/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, hardwick GF & VC, G Harper, Highland, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McGillivary GK & GY, McGregor RH & Co, McIvor Meats, McKean & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, No Commercial Value, Newman Livestock Sales (153), Newman Livestock Sales N (257), Newman Livestock Sales 3 (269), Newman Livestock Sale No (271), Newman Livestock Sales N (478), Newman Livestock Sale No (282), O'Connor G & K pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Saville, andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Victorian Producers C, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, R H Woodward & Co (466), Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty (210693), RH Woodward & Co (405), R H Woodward & Co (417), ?Wea, Greenacres and ?Mungsbendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 12/9/95, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, b j gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, g harper, highland, masons meat pty ltd, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcgregor rh & co, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, no commercial value, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale no, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, saville, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, victorian producers c, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, r h woodward & co, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, r h woodward & co, ?wea, greenacres, ?mungs -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous twelve page Sale No. 72 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 5/9/95. Report issued on the 5/9/95 by Kerrie Crowley. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Smith, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Elders Ltd, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Gregory J, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, G Harper, Highland, Masons Meats Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McGregor RH & Co, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, No Commercial Value, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sale No, O'Connor G & K pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & NW, Top Meats, Wagstaff Cranbournew P, D & K Webb, Welsh, R H Woodward & Co, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co, CA & HF Batters, Anderson, Ray Collins and Boris.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 5/9/95, kerrie crowley, smith, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, elders ltd, friswell k, rj gilbertson, gregory j, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, g harper, highland, masons meats pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcgregor rh & co, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, no commercial value, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sale no, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & nw, top meats, wagstaff cranbournew p, d & k webb, welsh, r h woodward & co, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, ca & hf batters, abderson, ray collins, boris -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two copies of continuous seventeen page Sale No. 71 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 29/8/95. Report issued on the 29/8/95 by Kerrie Crowley. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: ?lam, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Earl Chislett, Elders Ltd, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, S Huddle, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, Midfield Meat Wholesa, No Commercial Value, Nicholas & Sons, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, Penney & Lang Pty Ltd, JH Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, R H Woodward & Co, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co, RH Woodward & Co, ?mboni, ?tchell, ?iplett, ?rper, and ?llins.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 29/8/95, kerry crowley, ?lam, bennetts mets pty ltd, boydies butchers, earl chislett, elders ltd, friswell k, rj gilbertson, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, s huddle, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, midfield meat wholesa, no commercial value, nicholas & sons, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, o'connor g & k pty ltd, penney & lang pty ltd, jh ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, m/s k & j wignall, r h woodward & co, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, rh woodward & co, ?mboni, ?tchell, ?iplett, ?rper, ?llins -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fifteen page Sale No. 70 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 22/8/95. Report issued on the 22/8/95 by Kerrie Crowley. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: R H Woodward, Pty Ltd, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Earl Chislett, Elders Ltd, Friswell K, R J Gilbertson, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McCasheney & Co, McIvor Meats, Midfield Meat Wholesa, No Commercial Value, Nicholas & Sons, Newman Livestock Sales, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sale No, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, Safeway No 188, Saville, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Vains EM & Co Pty Ltd, Victorian Producers C, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, RH Woodward & Co, R H Woodward & Co, NLS6, R Plant, T Hocking, R Collins, RH Woodward & Co No 5, R H Woodward & Co No 4, and NF O'Brien. Front page stamped: Greater City of Bendigo Cattle Weighed:, Date:, Weighperson: Signed B. ?bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 22/8/95, kerry crowley, greater city of bendigo, r h woodward, pty ltd, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, earl chislett, elders ltd, friswell k, r j gilbertson, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mccasheney & co, mcivor meats, midfield meat wholesa, no commercial value, nicholas & sons, newman livestock sales, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sale no, o'connor g & k pty ltd, safeway no 188, saville, andrew schenk, starr a, vains em & co pty ltd, victorian producers c, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, rh woodward & co, r h woodward & co, nls6, r plant, t hocking, r collins, rh woodward & co no 5, r h woodward & co no 4, nf o'brien -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous nine page Sale No. 62 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 8/8/95. Report issued on the 8/8/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Earl Chislett, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, Masons Meats Pty ltd, JJ McAllister, McIvor Meats, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sale No, Newman Livestock Sale No, Sfeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, D & K Webb, Welsh, M/S K & J Wignall, Boodhead B and Woodward RH & Co Pty.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 8/8/95, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, earl chislett, friswell k, r j gilbertson, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, masons meats pty ltd, jj mcallister, mcivor meats, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sale no, newman livestock sale no, sfeway no 188, andrew schenk, d & k webb, welsh, m?s k & j wignall, boodhead b, woodward rh & co pty -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous ten page Sale No. 56 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 25/7/95. Report issued on the 25/7/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Co, Friswell K, R J Gilbertson, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, S Huddle, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McIvor Meats, Midfield Meat Wholesa, Newman Livestock Sales N, Newman Livestock Sales 3, Newman Livestock Sales No, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Saville, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, D & K Webb, Welsh, Woodhead B, Woodward RH & Co Pty, ?icmi, ?earl Chislett and ?hordirs. (names haven't printed on the paper properly).bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 25/7/95, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & co, friswell k, r j gilbertson, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, s huddle, masons meat pty ltd, mcivor meats, midfield meat wholesa, newman livestock sales n, newman livestock sales 3, newman livestock sales no, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, saville, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, d & k webb, welsh, woodhead b, woodward rh & co pty, ?icmi, earl chislett, ?hordirs -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Four pages of Default Responsibility - Saleyards with the name and address. Date 22/3/90. Sheets are typed.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - default responsibility - saleyards, e t aldridge, arnbrook, associated agents, aus pork, austral meats, mr a bain, belcook, d bennett, t borthwick & sons, castlemaine bacon co, c childers, cobram abattoirs, i cooper, r crimmins, dalgety farmers, dandher meat company, daylesford abbattoirs, department of agriculture, p dinley, dorset meat pty ltd, m dowling, elders pastoral, ellis nuttall & co, p english, ferntree gully abattoirs, l fialli, foster abattoirs, g gathercole, gilbertson-greenham pty ltd, gilbertson group services, r grieve, hardwicks meat works p/l, heinz bros pty ltd, m herd, a j hill, hill & co, d hudson, r keech, n keogh, la franchi transports, r & lee, p llewellyn, r mcgregor & sons, w mckean & co, masons meats, meat exports sydney pty ltd, midfield meat co, miller-turner livestock, g mountjoy, f nevins & co, newman livestock service, oakey holdings, p o'connell. o'sullivans transport, overland meat export co, paynes transports, g pearce, penny & land, r plant, plants transports, plenty meat co, mrs pole, r & r meats, j ralph, g e rankin, riverland abattoirs, b rodwell & co, ross wholesale meat co, s rutland, t ryan, safeway supermarket (sy), i semmens, p siegel, e smith, smorgon consolidated industries, r stroud, talbot transports 244, talbot transports 1471, t tehan, traralgon meats p/l, trentham meats, j truscott, e vains & co, aus pork, victorian producers co-operative lt, n watkins, wagstaff cranbourne pty ltd, webster & company p/l, western district meat co 271, western district meat co 1473, wignalls transport co, r woodward, j wright -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous fifteen page report for Sale No. 92 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 19/12/95. Report issued on the 19/12/95 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Dalgety Farmers Pty, Elders Ltd, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Gregory J, Grenfell N, G Harper, Highland, S Huddle, ICM1, ICM4, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, JJ McAllister, McCasheney & Co, McGillivary GK & GY, McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, No Commercial Value, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 257, Newman Livestock Sale No 271, Newman Livestock Sales N 480, Newman Livestock Sale No 282, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, Penney & Lang Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Brian Rodwell & Co, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, Top Meats, Victorian Producers Co, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, Welsh, RH Woodward & Co 442, R H Woodward & Co 466, Woodhead B, R H Woodward & Co 571, RH Woodward & Co 405, R H Woodward & Co 417, A Dark, J Dalrymple, Paul & Stoddart, B Peace, Dalgety Swan Hill, M Nicholas and Bella.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 19/12/95, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, dalgety farmers pty, elders ltd, ellis nuttall & compa, gregory j, grenfell n, g harper, highland, s huddle, icm1, icm4, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, jj mcallister, mccasheney & co, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, no commercial value, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales n 257, newman livestock sale no 271, newman livestock sales n 480, newman livestock sale no 282, o'connor g & k pty ltd, penney & lang pty ltd, j h ralph & son, brian rodwell & co, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, victorian producers co, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, welsh, rh woodward & co 442, r h woodward & co 466, woodhead b, r h woodward & co 571, rh woodward & co 405, r h woodward & co 417, a dark, j dalrymple, paul & stoddart, b peace, dalgety swan hill, m nicholas, bella -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous eight page report for Sale No. 100 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 6/2/96. Report issued on the 6/2/96 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Friswell K, RJ Gilbertson, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, ICM1, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McCasheney & Co, McIvor Meats, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 257, Newman Livestock Sales 3 269, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Sville, andrew Schenk, Starr A, Tehan TP & MW, top Meats, Vains Em & Co Pty Otd, T Vlaemick, D & K Webb, M/S K & J Wignall, Woodhead B, R H Woodward & Co 417, Boris and Hancock Butchers.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 6/2/96, ron laird, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, friswell k, rj gilbertson, hardwick gf & vc, highland, icm1, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, mccasheney & co, mcivor meats, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales n 257, newman livestock sales 3 269, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, sville, andrew schenk, starr a, tehan tp & mw, top meats, vains em & co pty otd, t vlaemick, d & k webb, m/s k & j wignall, woodhead b, r h woodward & co 417, boris, hancock butchers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Continuous twelve page report for Sale No. 99 Fat Cattle Sale Bendigo dated 30/1/96. Report issued on the 30/1/96 by Ron Laird. Report lists the buyers name and the number of head purchased each time from each agent and the total number purchased. Agents names are abbreviated. Buyers names are: Barker Ken Butchery, Bennetts Meats Pty Ltd, Boydies Butchers, Clifford Quality Meats, Ellis Nuttall & Compa, Friswell K, Grenfell N, Hardwick GF & VC, Highland, ICM1, Mackenzie & Mackenzie, Maher L, Masons Meat Pty Ltd, McGillivary GK & GY,McIvor Meats, McKean W & Co, No Commercial Value, Newman Livestock Sales 153, Newman Livestock Sales N 257, Newman Livestock Sales 3 269, Newman Livestock Sales N 478, O'Connor G & K Pty Ltd, J H Ralph & Son, Safeway No 188, Andrew Schenk, Starr A, Top Meats, Vains EM & Co Pty Ltd, T Vlaemick, Victorian Producers C, Wagstaff Cranbourne P, D & K Webb, M/S K & J Wignall, RH Woodward & Co 442, B Woodhead, RH Woodward & Co 405, R H Woodward & Co 417, Doolan, Boort Butchery, Cash, Lockwood, E McCrum and B Gibson.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - fat cattle sale bendigo 30/1/96, ron laird, barker ken butchery, bennetts meats pty ltd, boydies butchers, clifford quality meats, ellis nuttall & compa, friswell k, grenfell n, hardwick gf & vc, highland, icm1, mackenzie & mackenzie, maher l, masons meat pty ltd, mcgillivary gk & gy, mcivor meats, mckean w & co, no commercial value, newman livestock sales 153, newman livestock sales n 257, newman livestock sales 3 269, newman livestock sales n 478, o'connor g & k pty ltd, j h ralph & son, safeway no 188, andrew schenk, starr a, top meats, vains em & co pty ltd, t vlaemick, victorian producers c, wagstaff cranbourne p, d & k webb, m/s k & j wignall, rh woodward & co 442, b woodhead, rh woodward & co 405, r h woodward & co 417, doolan, boort butchery, cash, lockwood, e mccrum, b gibson