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matching edward charles landers
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Edward Charles Landers..., Mrs Margaret Cecily Kennedy, Edward Charles Landers, Mrs... Warren Mrs Margaret Cecily Kennedy Edward Charles Landers Mrs ...Letter to Mr D Egan from C Duggan for Manager - Public Relations - Australia Post, dated 23 February 1983. Letter mentions the history of the Long Gully Post Office. There are many gaps in the history. Mentioned are the number of letters, newspapers, Money Orders, telegrams, mail articles, postal notes and expenditure. Values of money orders, telegrams and postal notes are mentioned. Postmasters/mistresses were P Pentreath, A Pentreath, Amelia Daniel, Mrs S A Wilcock, Mark H Webb, William J H Read, Mrs Elsie Anderson, Sydney Gordon Dawson, John Henry Bennett, Miss Margaret Mulvey, John Henry Bennett, Henry William Purchase, Mr R F Warren, Mrs Margaret Cecily Kennedy, Edward Charles Landers, Mrs Margaret Landers, Shirley Egan, Brian Matthew Egan and Shirley and Max Volk.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - postal history of long gully, australia post, mr d egan, p pentreath, a pentreath, amelia daniel, mrs s a wilcock, mark h webb, william j h read, mrs elsie anderson, sydney gordon dawson, john henry bennett, miss margaret mulvey, henry william purchase, mr r f warren, mrs margaret cecily kennedy, edward charles landers, mrs margaret landers, shirley egan, brian matthew egan, shirley and max volk, c duggan -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Willis Vale [3], 1878c
Ellen and Charles Partington at Willis Vale: House built by Edward Maygar, Robert Whatmough lived there mid 19th century and later sold to Partington family. It was located on the Plenty River at Partington's Flat Greensborough. Land use included farming and orchards. The derelict Willis Vale house was destroyed in 1964 when a fire originating from North Plenty Gorge - Kurrak Road - was lit by two teenage boys and made its way several kilometres down to Partington's Flat Greensborough.Home of the Partington familyDigital copy of black and white photograph.charles partington, willis vale, ellen partington -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Zelda Martin, Central Victorian Goldmining towns - Boom Towns or Ghost Towns?, c1996
Zelda Martin was a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne.[.1] 4th item in light blue display book titled Research Approach/Overview of Chapters/Confirmation of Canditure/Chapters1,2,3&4 of proposed thesis. *Twenty-seven page article on Victorian goldfields towns titled: Central Victorian Goldmining Towns - Boom Towns or Ghost Towns. The article was written during the author's PhD study. It outlines the context methodology, and resources and the chapters of the proposed thesis: (1) Central Victorian Goldmining Towns - The Context (2) Contemporary Views of the Factors Necessary for Town Growth (3) Outward Manifestations of Town Growth (4) The Trappings of Government (5-9) The Main Towns and Their Hinterland. [.2] 5th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 1 of proposed thesis titled 'Pick, Shovel and Tin Dish Mining.' Covers in Section A: Central Victoria - Pre 1851: Aborigines in Central Victoria, Squatters, and Government. Section B: The years 1851-1854: The Early Gold Rushes, Government Reaction, Township Surveys, Legislation, Town Development, Local Government and Early Settlement. [.3] 6th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *2A of proposed thesis titled 'Contemporary Views of the Factors Necessary for Town Growth'. Similar information to Chapter 1 plus extra re towns and maps. Sections: Introduction, Context of Place - Geographical Towns Listed, The Context of Time - Pre1851 Aborigines, Governance of Port Phillip, The Squatters, The Villages of Central Victorian Highlands, Conclusion, Condensed Version of Chapter2B. [.4] 7th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter2B of proposed thesis. Sections: Area of Research, Schools, Banks, Newspapers, Progress Association, Town Development - Sandhurst (Bendigo), Ballarat, Castlemaine,, Maryborough, Ararat and Stawell. [.5] 8th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 3 of proposed thesis titled 'Outward Manifestations of Town Growth'. Sections: Introduction, Contemporary Writing, Educationalists, The Bankers, The Townsfolk, Current Theory, General Theories of Urban Development, and Conclusion. [.6] 9th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 4 of proposed thesis titled 'Trappings of Government' Sections: Introduction, Early Government Attitudes to Mining and Town Development, Law and Order, Township Surveys, Legislation, Local Government, Transport and Communication, The People and Lobbyists. [.7] 10th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *'The Rise and Fall of Central Victorian Goldmining Towns'. Includes a map showing main Goldfields, a table showing towns and villages at two points in time - 1857 and 1871; a Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. [.8] Resource No1. Black display book titled Local Towns 1 : Alma: *Brief history *Directory *Maps Amphitheatre / Mountain Hut: *Brief History Post Office Directory Ararat: *Brief History *Post Office Directory 1869 - Alphabetical Listing by Occupation *Ararat - Prominent Citizens of 1858 *Langi-Morgala Museum Avoca: *Brief History *Excerpts from 'Avoca The Early Years', Margery and Betty Beavis; pg1 - Beginnings; pg11 - The Midas Touch; pg25 - Local Gold Escorts; pg27 - A Town is Born; pg51- The Administration of Justice; pg53 - The Ways of the Law; pg61 - News of the Day; pg65 - A Time to Play; pg72 - Land Ownership *Post Office Directory (Bailliere's) 1869 *Tourism Map and Information of area *Historic Avoca - A 5.5km Tour *Avoca & the Pyrenees Region - information pamphlet Ballarat: *Early History of Ballarat - Ballarat Historical Society, Publication No.1: origin of the name; Ballaarat - the Beginning; Fabulous Yields from the Ballaarat Goldfield; *Streetscape Lydiard Street. *Hand drawn map showing Leigh River, Old Portland Bay Road, plaque on road to Colac; etc. *Newspaper article re 'The Theatre Royal' ( which stood in the vicinity of the current Owen Williams store) - 'The News'15/04/1998 *Article - 'Ballarat's Mechanics' Institute Lives On' Ballarat Courier, 14/09/1985 *Article - Standing the Test of Time' The News 17/11/1993 re The Mechanics Institute & picture of the Reading Room *'Ballarat a Study of a City, Phyllis Reichl, pub. Nelson, 1968; no.3 place, time and people field studies series *Investigator Vol.33 No.2, 1998 Geelong Historical Society. Article on pg75 describes Ballarat in 1861 *Folded poster - 'Ballarat 100' a history of telegraph communication, pub. Telecom. Beaufort (Fiery Creek): *Brief history *Post Office Directory [.9] Resource No.2 Black Folder Titled Towns cont.No2 Bendigo (Sandhurst): *'Family & Local History at the Bendigo Library - 1851-2001 150 years of gold'. *Bendigo Government Camp in 1853 illustration; key to sketch and names of Government officers stationed there *Excerpts from 'Bendigo and Vicinity' Adolph Haman *The Bendigo Goldfield Registry - pgs 1-7 Introduction *Excerpt: 'Breaking the Grip' *Excerpt: The Most Go-Ahead Place *Excerpts from 'History of Bendigo' - anti license agitation; laying out of town; proposed railway; gold calls and dividends; the Sandhurst Municipality; journalism *Bibliography Blackwood: *Excerpts from 'Aspects of Early Blackwood - The Goldfield, the Landmarks, the Pioneers' Alan J Buckingham and Margaret F Hitchcock, JG Publishing,1980 Buninyong: *A Brief History *Investigator Vol1 No.2 Feb 1966 Geelong Historical Society. Pg3 - Article re gold escort route - Mt Alexander to Adelaide - (see a simple monument on the Western Highway a few miles out of Horsham. Pg 15 - Ballarat Excursion - re the finding of gold. *Three articles published by Buninyong and District Historical Society Inc: (Magpie Exploration; Finding Gold In The Green Hills; Magpie Exploration; Burnt Bridge to Cargarie to Mt Mercer) *Copies of newspaper articles/items *Buninyong Street Directory Carisbrook: *In the Beginning There Was Carisbrook *The History of the Carisbrook Racecourse Carngham / Snake Valley: *Brief History *Directory Castlemaine: *Directory 1865-1866 - Alphabetical and Street *Poster - Castlemaine A Contemporary Guide "The Great Centre" 1866 - A Contemporary Guide to the Fascinating Past *Pamphlet - Castlemaine District Community Hospital *Map - Castlemaine, Maldon & Surrounding Districts *Map and Information - The Dry Diggings Track - a 55kl walk among historic goldfields relics ( Castlemaine Fryerstown Vaughan Mt Franklin Hepburn Daylesford) *Postcard - Former Court House *Directory 1867 - Alphabetical, Trade [.10] Resource No.3 Grey folder Titled Towns 3 Creswick to Maryborough Creswick: *Brief History *Booklet - "Creswick Cemetery Walk" *Booklet - The Buried Rivers of Gold Heritage Trail Creswick *Creswick Historical Museum Information Sheet *Chronological History of Creswick *Alphabetical Directory of the Borough of Creswick *Creswick's Creek Directory 1856 *Historic Creswick Walking Tour *A Brief Account of the Schools of Creswick - Past and Present *100 Years of Railway Travel in Creswick *The Berry Deep Leads *The Spence Home at Jackass Gully in the Creswick State Forest ( William Guthrie Spence - Pioneer) *The New Australian Mine and the 1882 Disaster *Creswick District News, Issue 7, July August 1999 *The Creswick Miners Walk - Information and Map *Maps Chewton: *Brief History *Directory Clunes: *Brief History *Clunes Street Directory Daylesford: *Brief History *Notable Bushfires in Daylesford District Over More Than a Century - "Black Thursday" 1851; 1862; 1899; the Disastrous Hepburn Fire of 1906; 1939; 1944; 1969. *Post Office Directory -Daylesford and Hepburn Dunolly / Inkerman: *Brief History *Directory *Pamphlet - Goldfields Historical Museum *Pamphlet - Historic Dunolly - Victoria's Best Kept Secret *Map of Gold Workings at Dunolly Area - showing where the main gold rushes occurred *Brief History - Inglewood *Directory - Inglewood - Name Occupation, Dwelling Kingower: *Brief History *Directory - Name / Ocupation / Dwelling Linton / Happy Valley / Piggoreet: *Brief History *Directory - Lintons McIvor: *"A History of the Shire and the Township of Heathcote" by J.O. Randell Majorca: *Brief History *Official Post Office Directory 1869 - Name / Occupation/ Address Maldon (Tarrangower): *Brief History Part 1 *Brief History Part 2 *Post Office Directory *List - Alphabetical Order by Names plus Business and Trade (Tarrangower Times Oct/1858) *List - Alphabetical Order by Trade plus Name and Business *Directory - Name / Occupation / Dwelling Maryborough: *Worsley Cottage - built by Arthur Worsley, a contractor in stonework in 1894 [.11] Resource No. 4 Blue Display Book titled Towns 4 Moliagul to Stawell Moliagul: *Brief History *Moligul Legislative Assembly (Voting?) List - Names and Occupations *Moliagul Victorian Post Office Directory 1868 - Name / Ocupation / Address / Comments *"The Welcome Stranger" gold nugget *The Sunday School *The Welcome Stranger Discovery Walk - information and map Moonambel (Mountain Creek) Redbank *Brief History *List of names extracted from advertisments of the Pioneer and Mountain Creek Advertiser 16/02/1861. *Bailliere's Directory 1869 - Alphabetical List of Name / Occupation / Place St Arnaud: *Brief History Sebastapol: *Brief History *Directory 1869 - Alphabetical by Name; plus occupation and address. Browns and Scarsdale: *Brief History *Browns Street Directory - Name and Occupation Smythesdale: *Brief Description *Smythesdale Street Directory -Name and Occupation Stawell (Pleasant Creek) *Brief History *Victorian Official Post Office Directory - Name /Occupation / Dwelling *Chronology - 1841-1920 *Production of gold statistics - 1879 - 1900 *Big Hill *Extracts from "The Golden Years of Stawell". Chapt 1 - Stawell's Coming Out. Capt. 2 - The Gold Rush. Caapt.3 - Cradle of Democracy. Chapt.4 - The Reefs Becomes Stawell. Chapt. 5 - Rushing In. Chapt.6 - The Pioneers. Chapt 7 - The Decade of Optimism. [.12] Resource No. 5: Blue Display Book titled 'Towns Steiglitz to the The Golden Triangle. Steiglitz: Brief History Victorian Post Office Directory 1869 *Map of Steiglitz *List of maps relevant to Steiglitz history *Information 6 tables of data from "Reports of Mining Surveyors Talbot (Back Creek) Brief History Taradale: Post office Directory 1869 - Name/Occupation/Street. Also list in alphabetical order by Occupation Taradale *Chronological Reference to Taradale Mines *Water - The Coliban System of Waterworks *Joseph Brady *The Syphon Tarnagulla (Sandy Creek) *Brief History *Tarnagulla Businessmen Cameos to give depth to advertisments in 'The Tarnagulla Courier' various issues 1864-1871 *Directory - Name/Occupation /Address *List - Name/Business/Trade Wedderburn (Koorong) *Brief History *List - Name/Occupation The Golden Triangle: *The Early Rushes - Wedderburn / Moliagul / Sandy Creek - Tarnagulla / Jones Creek - Waanyarra / Kingower / Dunolly - Goldsborough / Inglweood *Census of 1857 - Population / Occupations *1858-1871 - A Time of Consolidation- Wedderburn / Moliagul / Sandy Creek- Tarnagulla / Arnold *Census 1871 - Population *Information gleaned from the census data - Demographics / Population / Occupations / marital / Birthplace / Religion / Literacy/ Occupation and Housing Cameos *Graphs - Birthplace of settlers /Male-Female Ratio / Married males / Children under 15 as Percentage of Population / Religion *Census 1857 - Statistical data *Maps *Bibliography [.13] Resource No. 6 - Black Display Book Information and Research in Central Victoria including: *Banking - Research from ANZ Bank Archives *Institutions - also includes articles listed from the Ballarat Times Newspaper *Australian mining History Association - A.M.H.A. Bibliography *Australia's Mining History * Bibliography - Land Surveys Victoria - *1853 Administration (Statistics and Other) includes: schools / ministers of religion / police / military / local administration / licences for sale of spirits / distances between various Victorian gold fields. * Victoria Government Gazette (Copy) - N0. 116, 12/12/1854 includes: Gold Felds Commission of Enquiry & No. 85, 15/09/1854 - Addresses presented to the Lieutenant Governor (Sir Charles Hotham) during his tour through the Gold Fields of Victoria,1854. Addresses on behalf of : the people of Bendigo; Members of the Church of England, Bendigo; Members of the Wesleyan Church on the Bendigo Gold Fields; Bendigo Gold District General Hospital; the Bendigo Prospecting Association; Committee of the Bendigo Local Exhibition; Bendigo District Medical Association; Coloured Americans Resident at Bendigo; German Inhabitants of Bendigo; Landowners, Inhabitants, and Miners of Castlemaine; Inhabitants of Forest Creek; Inhabitants of Heathcote and Gold Miners of McIvor; Residents and landholders of the District of Bacchus Marsh; Inhabitants of Kilmore and Vicinity. *Gold Fields Correspondence 1853: letter from Lieutenant Colonel Valiant, (Officer commanding the Troops in Victoria) to the Lieutenant Governor re threatened disturbance at Sandhurst (Bendigo) regarding the Gold License Fee. * Extracts from a book "Victoria" re Gold Fields Commission of Enquiry involving mainly Ballarat and Castlemaine and a chapter titled 'A Tour to the Victorian Gold-Fields' *Lists of central Victorian newspapers - listed by date published 1851to 1874; by first date available to State Library. *A list of cities and towns showing County, population in 1861 &1871, and municipal status. [.14] Resource no.7. Black display book. *Reference: Papers presented to Parliament Victoria - 1859-1860 4 volumes - relevant sections copied. Contains information on Branches of Government. General / Finance / Gold / Gazette / Commission and Warrant / Statistic. *Gold Fields Act. In accordance with the Act the gold fields are divided into six districts - Ballaarat, Castlemaine , Sandhurst, Avoca, Ararat, and Beechworth.. Official staff in each gold district consists of a Resident Warden, Wardens, Wardens' Clerks, Bailiffs, Chinese Protectors, Chinese Interpreters, and Mining Surveyors. *Gold Receiver *Gaols *Police magistrates and Clerks of Petty Sessions, etc. *Field Branch *Immigration and Emigration Overland - Chinese - 1859 *Population on the Goldfields *The Geological Survey - The Government Geologist is assisited by staff from four branches - the office Branch; the Publishing Branch; the Field Branch and the Museum Branch. *Commission to Enquire Into Sludge dated 10/02/1859 (Some sections copied) - Report to the Honorable Chief Commissioner of Public Works, Melbourne re the mode of carrying the sludge from the puddling mills in Sandhurst without interfering with the drainage of the town and the roads in the neighbourhood. [.15] Resource No.8: Camel display book titled Resource No. 8. Aborigines *Lists of book titles - +"Readings in Victorian prehistory" +"The Aborigines of Port Phillip" +Aboriginal languages and clans" +"A History of the Port Phillip District" +"Langi Ghiran 1: Aboriginal Rock...." +"Koorie History: sources for aboriginal studies in the State Library of Victoria", ed. Tom Griffiths, Melb. Friends of the State Library, 1989 +"The Public Lands of Australia Felix"; settlement and land appraisal in Victoria1834-91 with special reference to the Western Plains", J.M.Powell, Melb. Oxford University Press 1970 +*Bibliography of the Victorian Aborigines' from the earliest manuscripts to 31st December 1970, Massoa, Aldo, Melb. Hawthorn Press, 1971 +"Aborigines in Colonial Victoria, 1836-1886", M.F. Christie, Sydney University Press, 1979 +"Urban and Industrial Australia: readings in Human Geography" ed J.M. Powell, Melb. Sorrett Pub. 1974 *Extracts: -Processes of Pioneer Settlement - The Squatting Occupation of Victoria, 1834-60. J.M. Powell -Areal Variations in the Class Structure of the Central-Place Hierarchy. P. Scott - Volume1 and Volume 2: Notes Relating to the Habits of the Natives of Other Parts of Australia and Tasmania. Compiled from various sources for the Government of Victoria by R Brough Smyth. John Curry, O'Neil, Melb. 1st pub. Melb. 1876. p31-45 - Numbers and Distribution of the Aborigines in Victoria -Victorian Aborigines 1835-1901 - A Resource Guide to the Holdings of the Public Record Office, Victoria; published by the Government Information Centre 1984. *History of the Aboriginal Artefacts Displayed in the Daylesford Museum. F. G. Powell (4 page pamphlet) *Letter to Zelda Martin from Peter Lovett, Cultural Officer, Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co- Operative, 05/02/1997 *Map: Ian Clarke Victorian Tribunal Boundary Map - Clans of Central Victoria. *Victorian Rock Art and Mythology - Article about Mount Langhi Ghiran and myths of the Tjapwarong people. *Two Aboriginal myths relating to the Grampians - 'The Monster Emu' / 'The Aquisition of Fire', by the Aborigines in the Grampians Areas *Article titled (chapter 8) Ballarat - information re camping sites in the region. Lake Wendouree / Lake Burrumbeet (includes a myth) / Mt Bunninyong / Lal Lal / Pitfield / Mount Elephant / Mount Egerton / Meredith / Lake Goldsmith / Lake Learmonth / Ercildoune *Notes on the Aborigines of the Wider Ballarat Region plus European names=Aboriginal names. John Morris 26/07/1995 *Role of Aborigines in Town Development in Central Victoria. Mentions Native Police Force est. in Port Phillip 1842 and Central Board for Aborigines est. 1860 *The Grave of King Billy. (Frank Wilson) Pamphlet. *Camping Places in Central and Northern Victoria. Article re Lake Burrumbeet site. *Programme for the Unveiling of Memorial Cairn for Edward Stone Parker 1802-1865. Note portrait not accurate. Accurate portrait is available in the book "A Successful Failure A Trilogy The Aborigines and Early Settlers", Edgar Morrison, Graffiti Publications, 2002. * Large envelope addressed to Mr G Netherway containing newspaper cuttings regarding the life of Edward Stone Parker, the unveiling of the Memorial Cairn as mentioned above, articles titled 'Episodes from Our Early Days' (Edgar Morrison, Yandoit)- The Black's School, A School At Last and The Final years. Also a typed page titled 'Historical Background to E.S.Parker's Career. Includes an interesting tale titled 'When the cat lay doggo' re laying power leads for the unveiling ceremony at the memorial site. [.16] green display folder titled 'Research Aids' *List of references to Commissioners' & W'ardens' Reports (formerly held at La Trobe Library Archives, now at Public Records Office [PRO]). Indicates town referred to / date of report / name of camp if different to town. * Archive information re Anglican Records *Movement around the Goldfields - Miners and Storekeepers - usefulness of newspapers in providing information - areas covered - Castlemaine, Maldon, Ararat, Stawell, Tarnagulla, Dunolly. *Port Phillip /Victoria Directories 1839/1867 - Chronological list of Directories included in this series. *"Notes on the History of Local Government in Victoria" A.W. Greig Melb. University Press 1925 - Photo-copied extract p5-p40. (Source - Deakin University Library) - Introduction by W.Harrison Moore. Section 1 - Development in New South Wales Before Separation. Section 2 - Development in Victoria After Its Separation from New South Wales. Hand written notations: 'roads, markets, and local government 1855 on' ;'opportunity of squatters in parliament' and 'opportunities of matters in parliament p33' * Notes on the Establishment of Surveyor General's Department 1851and Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey. * Newspaper articles from The Argus, 1849, re the discovery of gold in the Pyrenees region. * Excerpt - a report on schools - A.B.Orlebar, Inspector; re the need for permanent school buildings rather than tents. *Excerpt from - 'Approaches to Urban History', Sean Glynn: The Case for Caution * Except from - 'The Urban Sprinkle', Weston Bate: Country Towns and Australian Regional History *Reference- 'The History of Land Tenure in the Colony of Victoria', John Quick. References the Haines Land Bill, land tenure and Land Leagues. [.17] Light blue envelope folder titled 'Birtchnell's Ballarat, etc. Directory 1862 *Contains various directories for Smythesdale, Buninyong, Clunes, Brown's and Creswick. [.18] Red envelope folder no.2 titled Victorian Gazetteer *Selected pages from 1869 Victorian Gazetteer on A4 paper (with a handwritten note questioning if some pages are from 1868 Victorian Gazetteer as appears to be different sizes - A3 pages.) Information includes locations and descriptions of towns, hotels, banks, communications and populations. (Does not include names, residences and occupations) [.19] Red Envelope folder titled Bailliere's Official Post Office Directory 1868 (or1869 or a mixture of both?) *Preface *Contains a selection of pages of towns highlighted in yellow in the the index *Work on this directory was commenced in 1867. *Information includes: Municipalities - mayors and councilors; lists of towns naming male inhabitants and their occupations. [.20]Yellow manila folder titled Post Grad Seminar Presentation 1996 *Gives some background to Zelda Martin's proposed thesis and why she chose the topic Gold Mining Towns Boom or Bust [.21] A3 display book - No. 1A * A list of 'Relevant Newspapers collected: The Tarrangower Times and Maldon Advertiser (first published 1858) Includes dates 1858-1867. The Mount Alexander Mail. Includes dates 1854-1866 The Tarnagulla Courier. Includes dates from1864-1871 Dunolly and Burnt Creek Express. Includes dates from 1862-1871 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Mount Alexander Mail 1854 to 1856, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.22] A3 display book - No. 1B * Selection of newspaper pages from The Mount Alexander Mail 1857 to 1866, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.23] A3 display book -No. 2 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Tarnagulla Courier 1864 to 1871, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.24] A3 display book - No. 3 *Selection of newspaper pages from The Tarrangower Times (and Maldon and Newstead) Advertiser 1858 to1867, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.25] A3 display book - No.4 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Dunolly and Burnt Creek Express; and The Dunolly and Betbetshire Express 1862 to 1871, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided for that community. [.26] A3 display book - No.5 Includes: * Bryce Ross's Diggings Directory. Includes instructions for using this directory. This directory was used by "all persons having connexion or desiring to communicate with 'working parties, private friends, or Stores at the Diggings." As a directory for each area wwas completed it was published in each month's issue of Bonwick's "Digger's Magazine." Years c1852/1853. This Directory commences first at the head of Forest Creek. Includes a directory for Bendigo and Ballarat. Of interest at the end of the Bendigo and Ballarat directory is a list of the number of storekeepers, butchers, doctors, smiths, eating houses, lemonade sellers and chapels. * The Castlemaine Directory and Book of General Information Comprehending Glass's Model Calendar for the Two Years 1862 and1863. "zelda martin, victorian goldfield towns, bendigo, castlemaine, ballarat, maldon, stawell, ararat, maryborough, creswick, avoca, heathcote, banks, bank of australasia, union bank of australia, government camp, sandhurst, water supply, tarnagulla, talbot, back creek, mountain creek, police court, carisbrook, dunolly, thompson's foundry, charles clacy, anthony trollope, robert cecil, mount alexander, urbanisation, national schools, education, govenrment, industry, railway, transport, settlement, land settlement in central victoria, steiglitz, joseph brady, the new australian mine, berry deep leads, william guthrie spence, creswick state forest, arthur worsley, worsley cottage, the welcome stranger, moliagul, moonambel, redbank, st arnaud, sebastapol, brown's, scarsdale, clunes, chewton, daylesford, bushfires, inkerman, inglewood, kingower, lintons, happy valley, piggoreet, mcivor, majorca, tarrangower, taradale, the coliban system, the syphon, sandy creek, wedderburn, koorong, arnold, jones creek, waanyarra, the golden triangle, census 1857, blackwood, buninyong, durham lead, magpie, carngham, snake valley, alma, amherst, daisy hill, amphitheatre, mountain hut, beaufort, fiery creek, counties, population, gold fields commission of enquiry1854, william westgarth, gold license fee, lieutenant colonel valiant, administration of the victorian gold fields, commission to enquire into sludge 1859, e.s. parker, edward stone parker, edgar morrison, mount franklin protectorate, dja dja wurrung, memorial cairn, franklinford, mt franklin memorial cairn, jajowurrong, dja dja wurung, tjaowarong, wothowurong, assistant protectors, daylesford museum, buluk, rock art - grampians, aboriginal mythology - grampians, aborigines, first nations people, mount franklin, aboriginal artifacts, lake burrumbeet, native police force, central board of aborigines, yandoit, commissioners' reports, wardens' reports, port phillip/victoria directories 1839-1867, local government - victoria 1853/1854, surveyor general's department - 1850's, victorian schools 1850's, a.b.orlebar, haines land bill, william charles haines, wilson gray, land tenure, land leagues, victorian gazetteer, the tarrangower times and maldon advertiser - 1858-1867, the mount alexander mail 1854-1866, the tarnagulla courier 1864, dunolly and burnt creek express 1862-1871, bryce rose's diggings directory, the castlemaine directory 1862-1863 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph (black & White), General Sir Charles Warren - South Africa
General Sir Charles Warren was an officer in the British Royal Engineers. He was one of the earliest European archaeologists ofthe Holy Land. Much of his military service was spene in British South Africa. Previously he was police chief, the Head of the London Metropolitan Police during the Jack the Ripper murders. In 1876, the Colonial Office appointed him special commissioner to survey the boundary between Griqualand West and the Orange Free State. For this work he was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in 1877. He was appointed special commissioner to investigate "native questions" in Bechuanaland and commanded the Northern Border Expedition troops in quelling the rebellion there. In 1879 he became Administrator of Griqualand West. The town Warranton in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa is named after him. In 1882 the Admiralty sent him to Sinai to discover what had happened to Professor Edward Palmer's archaeological expedition. He discovered the members had been robbed and murdered, located their remains and brought their killers to justice. For this he was created a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George in 1883 , also Knight of Justice of the Order of St John of Jerusalem and in 1884 elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1884 Warren was sent as HM Special Commissioner to command a military expedition to Bechuanaland, to assert British sovereignty in the face of encroachments from Germany and the Transvaal and to suppress the Boer freebooter states of Stellaland and Goshen, which were backed by the Transvaal and were stealing land and cattle from the local Tswana tribes. This became known as the Warren Expedition and achieved its aims without bloodshed. Warren was recalled and in 1885 was made Knight Grand Cross ofthe Order of St Michael and St George. In 1885 Warren stood for election for Parliament but lost the vote. In 1886 he was appointed Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis following Sir Edmund Henderson's resignation. Criticised continually for his decisions and actions he resigned in November 1888. Prior to this time he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, January 1888. On the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899 he returned to service and commanded the 5th Division of the South African Field Force. In January 1990, Warren bungled the second attempted relief of Ladysmith at Tugela River. At the Battle of Spion Kop, January 1990 he had operational command and his failure of judgement, delay and indecision despite his superior forces culminated in the disaster. It has been said that Warren was "perhaps the worst" of the British generals in the Boer War and certainly the most "preposterous". Redvers Buller in a letter to his wife described him as "a duffer", responsible for him losing him "a great chance". Warren was recalled to Britain in August 1900 and never again commanded troops in the field. Individual image from photographed poster of tobacco and cigarette cards.holy land, sir charles warren, british royal engineers, archaeologist, british south africa, london metropolitan police, jack the ripper, colonial office, commissioner, griqualand west, orange free state, companion of the order of st michael and st george, bechuanaland, northern border expedition, warrenton, sinai, professor edward palmer, knight commander of the order of st michael and st george, knight of justice of the order of st johnof jerusalem, fellow of the royal society, knight grand cross of the order of st michael and st george, boer war, redvers buller, knight commander of the order of the bath -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Indenture document number 10878, Vol 317 Folio 35044. Foolscap 4 pages including a map, dated 2nd September, 1936, between King Edward VIII (Crown land) and Monument Hill Consolidated (Bendigo) No Liability 'carrying on operations in the Parish of Sandhurst, to occupy and use the land demised as a site for machinery buildings and offices to be used in connexion with 'mining purposes' ' Document signed by Right Hon William Charles Arcedeckne, (Baron Huntingfield) and J. Stanistreet, Manager, affixed with the Common Seal of Monument Hill Consolidated (Bendigo) No Liability. Map drawn on dark buff paper, and fixed to document. Map shows lease 10878 in the Mining District of Bendigo, Parish of Sandhurst, County of Bendigo. N.Area 2.2.24 ( 2 acres, 2 roods, 24 perches ) Lease site on Rowan Street, bordered by Ophir Street. Coloured in purple on plan with small red area. On bottom: ' Note Red Areas Excised. Scale 4 chains to 1 inch, M.M. Var. 8 degrees 32' E. On lease site, New Chum Gully marked, W.B. House, and Permanent Occy. marked on red area. On last page ownership of lease details from 1937 to 1942.bendigo, mining, monument hill consolidated, common seal of monument hill consolidated, nell gwynne mine, south nell gwynne gold mining company, bendigo mine, ophir street, rowan street, mackenzie street.indenture vol 317 fol. 35044. j stanistreet. -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Certificate of Title, Subdivisions, 1879 and 1930
Title Deeds for property in Tatura2 certificates of title showing subdivisions made over several years. Vol. 5655:Folio 1130935 dated 16/5/1930 and Vol.1182: Folio 236330 dated 23/12/1869. Lease between Thomas Hogan and W F Bazeley dated 7th July 1911 for land in Hogan Street known as Slaughter Yard Paddock .Also lease dated 1911. In buff coloured legal envelope with number "2678" and "Hogan - Thomas" written in red on outside.tatura, relationship folders, certificate of title, lease, thomas hogan, john hogan, john james hanlon, edward glover, arthur burke, james brady, andrew collie, jean hunter, sydney embling, john maher, arthur goyen, patrick o'toole, philipe dove, george wildon, edwin harden, cuthbert corke, lee chung, hugh barnes, george manning, francis williams, john fawkner, michael walshe, alexander ferguson, rose gullett, john gibb, william taylor, richard casey, anthony grover, arthur grover, charles brady, elizabeth davey, frank williams, honora culkin, alexander park, stephen reville, richard carr, charles grover, henry mccarthy, james bruce, edward hanley, chew yen, ah poy, loo way, ah dick, charles mitchell, lionel martin, douglas forsyth, catherine wilson, mabel heath, patrick mcnamara, micheal cussen, james wilson, bazeley, documents, legal -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Deep Creek Road, 13/04/1929
Photocopy of Certificate of Title Vol 5525 Fol. 1104883, land fronting on Deep Creek Road, Mitcham being lot 136 on Plan of Subdivision No 8022, part of Crown Portion 128A, Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke, in the name of Francisco Schwerkolt, 13 April 1929, on her death in 1946, probate granted to Charles Victor Schwerkolt.Passed to Frances Dora Hogan in 1947, Alice Maud Everitt in 1950, Charles Edward Everitt and Muriel Eileen Priscilla Edwards in 1953, Stanley Ernest Edward Dawson and Iris Rae Dawson in 1973, Glenn Joseph Benham and Judith Rae Benham in 1975 and Ernest Victor Copling and Barbara Ruth Copling in 1980.deep creek road, mitcham, schwerkolt, francesca, charles clarence victor, schwerkolt cottage, hogan, frances dora, everitt, alice maud, charles edward, edwards, muriel eileen priscilla, dawson, stanley ernest edward, iris rae, benham, glenn joseph, judith rae, copling, ernest victor, barbara ruth -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Letter - Correspondence, C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land and fares from the city to Tunstall, 1936
A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.A letter from C.E. Husband offering two blocks of land in Walkers Road to the Council, the council refusal and a letter in the Age referring to train fares.walkers road, nunawading, husband, charles edward, shire of blackburn and mitcham, bishop, herbert thomas, trains -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Crown Grant Register, 10/05/1999
Crown Grant Register - General Law - Parish of Nunawading, 1854 - 1858. Lands Department plan of Parish, settlement, victoria. lands department, blood, robert, blood, thomas, burrell, charles, clisby, william, cook, charles, cousens, james, dickensen, william, harding, william, hedding, william, holland, john, jones, william, kefford, richard, lobb, john, morgan, robert rowland, morton, william, o'conner, patrick, orr, joseph, polak, nelson, riley, patrick, smith, l l dr, tranter, william, whitman, francis, williams, william, wilks, joseph, wilson, william, wilton, edward -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, First Land Sales in Nunawading, 1855
First land sales and prices in Nunawading.First land sales and prices in Nunawading.First land sales and prices in sales, land subdivision, middleborough road, nunawading, koonung creek, canterbury road, whitehorse road, holland john, burrell charles, riley james, wilks joseph, springvale road, o'connor patrick, williams william, heading william, blood thomas, cook james, whitman fred, cook charles, kefford r, wilton edward, cousens james, riley patrick, lobb john, orr joseph, woods john, morton william, clisby william, polak nelson, tranter william -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Rent Day (as it is under coercion) - No Rent, c1864, c1864
Protection of Person and Property Act 1881 The ''Protection of Person and Property Act 1881'' was one of more than 100 Coercion Acts passed by the Parliament of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland between 1801 and 1922, in an attempt to establish law and order in Ireland. The 1881 Act was passed by parliament and introduced by Gladstone. It allowed for persons to be imprisoned without trial. On 13 October 1881, the Act was used to arrest Charles Parnell after his newspaper, the ''United Ireland'', had attacked the Land Act. On Gladstone's return to office in 1880, William Edward Forster was made Chief Secretary for Ireland. He carried the Compensation for Disturbance Bill through the Commons, only to see it thrown out in the Lords. On 24 January 1881, he introduced a new Coercion Bill in the House of Commons, to deal with the growth of the Irish National Land League. Despite a 41-hour long fillibuster in the House by the Irish Parliamentary Party, the bill passed, among its provisions being one enabling the British government in Ireland to arrest without trial persons "reasonably suspected" of crime and conspiracy. However those arrested were often not always suspect, only supportive of the Irish National Land League's movements. Over 100 such acts were passed, some of the more notable of which were "An Act for the more effectual Suppression of Local Disturbances and Dangerous Associations in Ireland", "The Protection of Life and Property in Certain Parts of Ireland Act", and the "Protection of Person and Property Act 1881". An Irish Coercion Bill was proposed by Sir Robert Peel to calm the increasing difficult situation in Ireland as a result of the Great Famine 1844–47. The Bill was blocked and this led, in part, to Peel's retirement as Prime Minister. Later attempts to introduce Irish coercion acts were blocked by the filibustering of Joseph Biggar. As a response to the Plan of Campaign of the mid-1880s the new Chief Secretary for Ireland Arthur Balfour secured a tough Perpetual Crimes Act (1887) (or Coercion Act) aimed at the prevention of boycotting, intimidation, unlawful assembly and the organisation of conspiracies against the payment of agreed rents. The Act resulted in the imprisonment of hundreds of people including over twenty MPs. The so-called ''Crimes Act'' (or "Coercion" Act) was condemned by the Catholic hierarchy since it was to become a permanent part of the law and did not have to be renewed annually by parliament, but the Papacy issued the bull Link: "Saepe Nos" in 1888 which was uncritical of the Acts. Trial by jury was abolished. An influential analysis of the pros and cons of the Act was published in 1888 by W. H. Hurlbert, a Catholic Irish-American author. Many hundreds were imprisoned at times under the Acts, including many prominent politicians and agrarian agitators, Joseph Biggar, Alexander Blane, Michael Davitt, John Dillon, James Gilhooly, Patrick Guiney, Matthew Harris, John Hayden, J. E. Kenny, Andrew Kettle, Denis Kilbride, Pat O'Brien, William O'Brien, James O'Kelly, Charles Stewart Parnell, Douglas Pyne, Willie Redmond, Timothy Sullivan. [, accessed 13/12/2013]A many sits on a table holding the lapels of his Jacket. ballarat irish, cabin, rent, tenants, quill, biggar, davitt -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Edward John Price 1973
John Lundy-Clarke grew up in the Kalorama/Mt Dandenong area and later in life (1972-74) began to write a comprehensive history of the district working from an original settlement map in an effort to cover all areas. Edward John Price (Ted)(1899-1974) was the third child of Edward Joseph and Annie Price. He lived a very industrious life in the area. When the new CRB road cut through the family land Edward John established a Corn and Produce store on a level area adjoining the new road . Along with his brother Charlie, Ted took up road contracting and formed Grange Road in 1923. They also took up contracts to metal the CRB road between The Gap and Olinda. Edward John married Myra Wilson in 1930. They lived in the first brick home built in the district. They had two sons, Edward Joseph 2nd and Alan.Black and white photograph showing an old man dressed in a jacket holding the reins of a horse. Reverse of photograph has handwritten description by John Lundy-Clarke.Edward John Price 1973. Son of Edward Joseph & Annie Ada nee Ross. Born 1899 died 1974. Farmer, Carrier, Sawmiller, Contractor, Quarry Owner, Shop Proprietor (Kew Junction 1935). Father of Alan & Edward J.edward john price, myra wilson, edward joseph price, annie price, alan price, charles price, grange road, crb road -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mrs Florence Margaret Tacey (nee Edwards)
Mrs Florence Margaret Tacey (nee Edwards) was the mother of Albert Arthur Tacey. She was born in 1863; died in 1943 in Camberwell. Her husband was William Tacey born in the Buckland Valley near Bright in 1857. There were many members of the Tacey family who were butchers. Various members of the family were associated with Tacey's Butchers at 629 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills. According to a Context P/L heritage assessment of the property the land on which the business was built "was purchased by Edward Tacey on 16 September 1889. Edward Tacey was a butcher and the Sands & MacDougall street directory indicates that a butcher’s shop had been constructed on the site and was operating by 1890. It seems that the family lived for some time at a house located next door to the shop at 627 Canterbury Road (visible on the 1909 MMBW plan, but since demolished). On 15 June 1920 Edward Tacey transferred all three blocks of land to Joseph Tacey, most likely his son * and also a butcher, who carried on business from the same premises. Joseph Tacey died on 20 February 1933, after which administration of his estate (which included the three blocks of land) passed to his widow, Mary Dorothy Tacey." Edward Tacey (1863 - 1952) was the brother of William Tacey (1857 - 1920). The property passed to Joseph Charles Tacey (1887 - 1933), his nephew and son of William, not his son. His wife was Mary Dorothy Coates. Albert Arthur Tacey was a brother of Joseph Charles Tacey. The SHNCHC has a large framed photo collage of the Tacey butcher's shop at 629 Canterbury Road. It hung in various Tacey family-owned butcher's shops around Victoria before coming back to Surrey Hills. The donor was the daughter of Albert Arthur Tacey (1902-1959). A black and white photograph of an older lady. She has greying hair, is wearing rimless glasses, pearls and a jacket over her dress.surrey hills, butchers, mrs florence margaret tacey, miss florence margaret edwards, william tacey, joseph charles tacey, albert arthur tacey -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mr and Mrs William Tacey
William (1857 - 1920) was a butcher. William was born 7 Nov 1857 on the Buckland (River) near Bright, son of John Joseph Tacey and wife Elizabeth Cooper. This was just a few months after the Buckland River anti-Chinese riots. He had siblings Thomas (1856-1929), Mary Ann (1860-1920), Edward (1863-1952) and Arthur Edward (1870-1896). William died 30 March 1920, Camberwell. He married Florence Margaret Edwards in 1884. Both are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (CE-0162). They had 7 surviving children; 2 died in infancy. William was a butcher in Thornbury but moved to Camberwell with his brothers seeing the opportunity in the new suburbs. They set up shops in Canterbury Road, opposite Highfield Road, Surrey Hills; Burwood; corner of Elgar & Whitehorse Roads, opposite the Whitehorse Hotel and Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills just east of Surrey Hotel. The first directory entries are in 1888 & 1889 for the Surrey Hills shop & Elgar Road. In Surrey Hills a substantial property was developed on land which "was purchased by Edward Tacey on 16 September 1889. Edward Tacey was a butcher and the Sands & MacDougall street directory indicates that a butcher’s shop had been constructed on the site and was operating by 1890. It seems that the family lived for some time at a house located next door to the shop at 627 Canterbury Road (visible on the 1909 MMBW plan, but since demolished). On 15 June 1920 Edward Tacey transferred all three blocks of land to Joseph Tacey, most likely his son * and also a butcher, who carried on business from the same premises. Joseph Tacey died on 20 February 1933, after which administration of his estate (which included the three blocks of land) passed to his widow, Mary Dorothy Tacey." (Context P/L Heritage Assessment) Correction: *Edward Tacey (1863 - 1952) was the brother of William Tacey (1857 - 1920). The property passed to Joseph Charles Tacey (1887 - 1933), his nephew and son of William, not his son. His wife was Mary Dorothy Coates. Albert Arthur Tacey was a brother of Joseph Charles Tacey. Edward later moved from the area and continued in the business in a number of regional Victorian centres. In Surrey Hills the business was continued by other members of the family including Albert Arthur Tacey (1902-1959) who lived at 7 Sunbury Crescent, and daughter Stella Florence Tacey and her husband Roy Morris and their son Harry Tacey Morris. The donor of the Tacey collection of photos was Elaine Merle Tacey (1925-2003), daughter of Albert Arthur Tacey. She married Donald McKenzie. A black and white photograph of a couple in the garden. The man is standing and wearing a 3 piece suit whilst the lady is seated and holding a posy of flowers in her lap.(mr) william tacey, butchers, (mr) edward tacey, (mr) thomas tacey, (mr) joseph tacey, (mrs) stella morris, (mr) roy morris, (miss) florence margaret edwards, (mrs) florence margaret tacey, (mr) albert arthur tacey, (miss) stella tacey, (mr) harry tacey morris -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Camp Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Camp Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document, Declaration of Trust as to The Eltham Hall, Lot 20 Henry Street, Eltham, 5 Aug 1922
William James Capewell, Ernest James Andrew and George Harrison all of Eltham collected the sum of £150 towards the purchase of Lot 20 Henry Street and whereby a Contract of Sale dated 30 December 1921 agreed to purchase (as Trustees of The Eltham Hall to be used in perpetuity for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Eltham District) the land, furniture, fittings and chattels from Jack Alfred Harrison, George Hugh Bird and Edward Samuel McColl for £750. The first President was declared to be Ernest James Andrew, Honorary Secretary, A.J. Morse, Honorary Treasurer, Charles Robert Nicholls and the first elective committee to be Thomas Nunn Jewell, William John Pasco, George Burchall, William James Burgess, John William Cox, Ernest James Andrew, John Michael Ryan, Frederick William Gillespie Didfield, Charles Harold Williams, Joseph Banks, Laurence Bourke, Charles Robert Nicholls, William James Capewell and James Pascal. This committee was appointed until the Annual meeting of subscribers held in January 1923 at which point all could stand for re-election (held annually). The Trust Deed was signed by Ernest James Andrew, William James Capewell and George Harrison in the presence of John Michael Ryan, Builder of Eltham, 5 August 1922. Originally purchased in 1856 from Thomas Roberts, Yeoman of Little Eltham, for £10 for use by the Wesleyan Chapel, represented by indentured Trustees, Rev. Barnabas Shaw Walker, Minister of the Pentridge Circuit, Francis Thomas, Farmer of Keelbundora, William Harriman, Blacksmith of Nillumbik, Nicholas Rodda, Farmer of Nillumbik, Aaron Grimshaw, Farmer of Greensborough, Joseph Cooper, Gardener of Keelbundora, Peter Dredge, Scholmaster of Jika Jika and Samuel Jeffrey, Farmer of Jika Jika. Lot 20 of Subdivision of Portion 13, Section 4 of the Parish of Nillumbik in the County of Evelyn was located on the southern side of Henry street in Little Eltham North, where the current Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church is situated. It became the location of the Eltham Rechabite Hall. In 1893 a new hall was built and further enlarged in 1919. At the commencement of 1922, the property was purchased from the Independent Order of Rechabites with publicly subscribed funds and a new hall built at a cost of £750 and improved road access constructed to reduce the grade, running from Dudley Street to Henry Street. This hall was eventually replaced with the new Shire Offices and Hall built on the corner of Arthur Street and Main Road, which was opened in 1941. Traces the earliest history of the Eltham Public Hall in Henry Street and the various names, occupations and abodes of the Trustees associated with the propertya.j. morse, charles harold williams, charles robert nicholls, edward samuel mccoll, eltham public hall, eltham rechabite hall, eltham wesleyan chapel, ernest james andrew, frederick william gillespie didfield, george burchall, george harrison, george hugh bird, henry street, jack alfred harrison, james pascal, john michael ryan, john william cox, joseph banks, laurence bourke, thomas nunn jewell, trustee, william james burgess, william james capewell, william john pasco -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Document (item) - Research Document, Judith Vimpani, Mary Ann Rolfe, Johnes, Chester, Wreden, 2020
An account of the lives of Mary Ann Rolfe, Mary Ann Johns, Mary Ann Chester and Mary Ann Wreden whose descendants are local to Marysville and the district.An account of the lives of Mary Ann Rolfe, Mary Ann Johns, Mary Ann Chester and Mary Ann Wreden whose descendants are local to Marysville and the district.mary ann rolfe, mary ann johnes, mary ann chester, mary ann wreden, william james chester, willam edward chester, golden bower goldmine, marysville district, johns, burchall, wreden, john rolf, johns hayes, ellen hayes, john farrell, ellen farrell, thomas rolf, susannah johnstone, warwickshire, england, eltham, isabel rolfe, david rolfe, warwick assizes, van dieman's land, 'tortoise', hobart, melbourne, ann luskets, harriett thomas smith, louisa thomas mason, 'south carolina', liverpool, george rolfe, joseph rolfe, william rolfe, edwin rolfe, 'medway', keilor valley, yarra flats, yarra glen, st george's church hobart, george johnson, sarah johnson, jeremiah hayes, bridget hayes, 'arabian', lower plenty, john ruff, bridget ruff, charles ruff, narbethong, buxton, catherine maria kirwan, hinrick wreden, henry wreden, wilkin wreden, healesville cemetery, charles wreden, cumberland creek, maria chester, william chester, george ernest locke, annie maria walker, carl wriden, jane wreden, edward leeder, anna rebecca helena wreden, norman jeffries, adelaide jeffries, 'orient' -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Vessel, Sail and Steam Ship, S.S. Warrnambool
This photograph and a matching earlier photograph are the images of a painting of the British steamship SS Warrnambool at Dover Strait in the English Channel. The photographs were donated by the painting’s owner, who acquired the 30” x 56” (76 x 142.5 cm) oil on canvas painting in 1998. Both photographs were accompanied by a letter, one written in 2001, and the other in 2003. The letters confirm that the artist of the painting was Charles Keith Miller, signed with the initials “CKM” and dated “1893”. The painting shown in the photographs was a gift to the Town Council of Warrnambool, presented to Warrnambool folks in Melbourne on December 1, 1892, by the Captain of William Lund’s ship SS Warrnambool. The painting was given by Lund in appreciation of the Ladies of Warrnambool who had presented the ship with a ‘house’ flag bearing the Blue Anchor Line’s symbol of a diagonal blue anchor on a white background; the ladies had made the decision to present the flag only a month earlier. A few days later, December 6th, the SS Warrnambool was on its homeward journey to Britain, sailing via Adelaide. It anchored for a short time off the Port of Warrnambool. A boat was launched from Lady Bay to take a group of friends to the ship with a delivery of gifts. After cheers were roused for both the ship and the Captain, the ship continued on its way. The photograph shows the gifted white flag with a diagonal blue anchor flying from the masthead. The same symbol is painted on the ship’s black funnel. The signal flags on the foremast display ‘M’ ‘R’ ‘V’ ‘B’. These letters are most likely the ship’s call number ‘MRVB’. Although the painting was given as a gift in December 1892, it is post-dated “1893”. Perhaps the painting was given earlier than anticipated; or the date added later, but whatever the reason, the provenance of the painting was confirmed at auctions of this painting and other works by the same artist. CHARLES KEITH MILLER 1836-1907:- Captain Charles Miller left his home in Scotland at the age of 15 years for a life at sea. He earned his Master’s Certificate ten years later. After being the captain of sailing ships he moved over to the steamships because they were faster. In 1866 he married and settled in Glasgow. Over the following eleven years he and his wife had five children, then sadly his wife passed away. Captain Miller returned to the sea for a while but in 1888 he gave up his sea life to spend his time as a marine artist. His understanding of seafaring life and vessels, combined with his artistic skills, gave him the ability to produce fine art and several galleries and museums have collections of his sought-after works. S.S. WARRNAMBOOL 1892-1925:- The steamship SS Warrnambool was built in 1892 by the Sunderland Ship Building Company for the Lund Line of London, founded by William Lund in 1869. It efficiently carried both passengers and cargo across the world to Australia, under the command of her master Captain Joshua Edward Iibery, who had many years of experience with the Blue Anchor Line. The company, referred to as the Blue Anchor Line or BAL, owned a fleet of both sail and steamships. The funnels of all of the steamships were painted black, with a white band around the top bearing a diagonal blue anchor and chain. The company’s house flag was also white with a diagonal blue anchor. The SS Warrnambool carried passengers and cargo in a ‘no frills’ service to and from Europe around the Cape of Good Hope, stopping at some ports in between. The ship was involved in bringing home returned solders in 1895. At one time it carried a doctor from Victoria, Australia, to assist at the war front in South Africa. The ship had a very good reputation for its cargo arriving ‘almost always in excellent condition.’ Exported goods from Australia included iron safes, flour, wool, apples, frozen rabbits, butter, cheese, pork, cattle, poultry and sheep. One remarkable delivery contained Ostriches for Queen Victoria and they survived the journey well. The SS Warrnambool was sold in 1900 to the British and South American Steam Navigation Co. Ltd of Liverpool and was renamed ‘Harmodius’. The company was managed by R.P. Houston & Company of London and its Houston Line funnels were red with a black top. The Harmodius was sold in 1919 to K.S.S. Co. Ltd, managed by Kaye Son & Co. Ltd. of Liverpool, and was renamed ‘Kut’. The line had black funnels with a white ‘K’ in a diamond or between white stripes. In 1926 it was purchased by T.W. Ward Ltd. and broken up. NOTE- other vessels named “Warrnambool” Two other vessels carried the name “Warrnambool” (1)- HMAS Warrnambool J202 (1941-1947), a Bathurst Class corvette vessel owned by the Royal Australian Navy, destroyed by a mine. The photograph is significant for its association with the painting "SS Warrnambool" by well-known early 20th century marine artist Charles Keith Miller, whose paintings are well valued. The painting and the photograph of it are namesakes of Warrnambool and are connected through the gifts exchanged between the ship company owner, the City of Warrnambool and the Ladies of Warrnambool; the House Flag and the painting by C K Miller. The image is a good likeness to original photographs of the late-19th to early-20th century steam and sale vessel. Coloured photograph of a painting, the steamship S.S. Warrnambool. The three-masted ship has lowered sails. It is in calm water, land on one side, and other vessels in the water. The ship has four raised signal flags, a house flag and a blue ensign. The funnel also bears the house flags symbol. Smoke emits from the funnel. Figures are visible onboard. There is a signature and a title on the lower edge of the photograph. (Artist of the painting in the photograph was Charles Keith Miller)House flag symbol, [diagonal blue anchor on white background] Text "CKM" and "1893" Text "S. S. WARRNAMBOOL."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, photograph, steam ship warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwreck coast, ss warrnambool, captain, charles keith miller, ckm, 1893, william lund, warrnambool town council, blue anchor line, lund line, ladies of warrnambool, house flag, diagonal blue anchor, captain miller, sunderland ship building company, migrant ship, 1892 ship, home flag, bal, australian export, s.s.warrnambool, dover strait, english chanel, port of warrnambool, lady bay, mrvb, captain charles miller, captain joshua edward iibery, ostriches, queen victoria, british and south american steam navigation co., harmodius, r.p. houston & company, houston line, k.s.s. co. ltd, kaye son & co. ltd, kut, t.w. ward ltd