Showing 41 items
matching new franklin
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... New Franklin... Catherine, Catherine United, Murchison, New Franklin, Catherine... Catherine Central Catherine Catherine United Murchison New Franklin ...Six pages titled New Chum Reef. No number on the first page, the others are 109 to 113. Mentions location of the reef and some of the rich mines. The mines are mentioned in a table with the Name of Mine; Depth; Production; Dates; Plant, Machinery, Comments and Position. Ballerstedt, Ashley and Noy, and Grant were three of the successful miners. Mines mentioned are: South Goldfields, New Chum Goldfields, South New Chum, Lansell's 616, South Bellevue, Eureka, Eureka Extended, New Chum Bellevue, New chum Railway, Shenandoah, North Shenandoah, Shamrock, Old Chum, Little Chum, Young Chum, Craven, Garibaldi, Ellesmere, South Old Chum, New Chum Consolidated, North Ellesmere, New Chum United, Lansell's 222, Lansell's Fortuna, Lazarus, West End, Pioneer, Old Chum, New Chum Victoria, North Old Chum, Lansell's Big 180, Sterry, Victoria Quartz, South Adventure, Great Central Victoria, Ballerstedt No 3, Adventure, Humbold, British and American, Midway, Victoria Consuls, Victoria absorbed by Ironbark, Hercules and Energetic, Victoria Pilot, North Hercules and Energetic, Great Extended Hercules, Pearl, Southern Victoria, Great Extended Victoria, Young Victoria, New Catherine Victoria, Weatern Victoria, New Victoria St Mungo, Surprise, Mystery, Duke of Edinburgh, New St Mungo, Duchess Tribute, South Devonshire, Duchess of Edinburgh, West United Devonshire, Albert, United Devonshire, Saxon and Celt, Hopewell, Prince of Wales, Phoenix, Unicorn, South St Mungo, Princess Alice, Lady Barkly, North Devonshire, Ranzeau, St Mungo, Dublin and Cornwall, Sadowa, Eastwood, Ellenborough, Belmont and Saxeby, Snobs Hill, York and Durham, La bElle, Old Williams United, Arcadia, Williams United, South Catherine, Central Catherine, Catherine United, Murchison, New Franklin, Catherine Extended, Pony Club Oval, Housing Commission, Mt Alvernia Hospital, Fortuna, Lunt, Army Survey Unit, Wybrandt, John Brown Factory, Canterbury, Hercules and Energetic and the North Red White and Blue.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - new chum reef, ballerstedt, ashley and noy, grant, south goldfields, new chum goldfields, south new chum, lansell's 616, south bellevue, eureka, eureka extended, new chum bellevue, new chum railway, shenandoah, north shenandoah, shamrock, old chum, little chum, young chum, craven, garibaldi, ellesmere, south old chum, new chum consolidated, north ellesmere, new chum united, lansell's 222, lansell's fortuna, lazarus, west end, pioneer, old chum, new chum victoria, north old chum, lansell's big 180, sterry, victoria quartz, south adventure, great central victoria, ballerstedt no 3, adventure, humbold, british and american, midway, victoria consuls, victoria absorbed by ironbark, hercules and energetic, victoria pilot, north hercules and energetic, great extended hercules, pearl, southern victoria, great extended victoria, young victoria, new catherine victoria, weatern victoria, new victoria st mungo, surprise, mystery, duke of edinburgh, new st mungo, duchess tribute, south devonshire, duchess of edinburgh, west united devonshire, albert, united devonshire, saxon and celt, hopewell, prince of wales, phoenix, unicorn, south st mungo, princess alice, lady barkly, north devonshire, ranzeau, st mungo, dublin and cornwall, sadowa, eastwood, ellenborough, belmont and saxeby, snobs hill, york and durham, la belle, old williams united, arcadia, williams united, south catherine, central catherine, catherine united, murchison, new franklin, catherine extended, pony club oval, housing commission, mt alvernia hospital, fortuna, lunt, army survey unit, wybrandt, john brown factory, canterbury, hercules and energetic, north red white and blue -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... New Franklin... & Saxby, Ellenborough, Catherine Reef Extended, New Franklin... Belmont & Saxby Ellenborough Catherine Reef Extended New Franklin ...Ten pages and one smaller page of notes showing depth of shaft, sill, size of shaft, relation to line of reef, depth bottom plat, depth to bottom of well, number of compartments, reference and remarks. Mines mentioned are: Young Chum, Old Chum (Old South), Shamrock, Shenandoah, New Chum Railway, Eureka Ext'd, South Belle Vue United, Lansell's 222, Denis Shaft, New Chum United, Ellesmere (North Shaft), New Chum Consolidated, Ellesmere No 1 or (South Shaft) also known as New Chum Coy, Garibaldi, Craven's, Lansell's Bit 180, North Old Chum, New Chum & Victoria, Old Chum, Lazarus New Chum Main, Lazarus New Chum (Old), Victoria Reef Gold (Ironbark), Victoria Consols, Adventure & Advance, Gt Central Victoria, Ballerstedt, Humbold, Victoria (Reef) Quartz, Pearl (later Hercules New Chum), Hercules Extended (Pearl (South) later, North Hercules, Hercules and Energetic, Hercules (Old),South Devonshire, Duchess Tribute, New St Mungo, Duke of Edinburgh, New Victoria Catherine (later Hercules Consols), Dixon's Tribute, Great Victoria Extended, Hopewell, Saxon & Celt Extended, St Mungo, Princess Alexander,West United Devonshire, United Devonshire, Duchess of Edinburgh, Sadowa, (Old) St Mungo, Lady Barkly, Princess Alice (South St Mungo) previously Gov. Barkly, Unicorn (Trib), Phoenix, Williams (New), Acadia Catherine, William United (Old Shaft), Snob's Hill Shaft, York & Durham, Belmont & Saxby, Ellenborough, Catherine Reef Extended, New Franklin, Murchison, Catherine Reef United Main Shaft, Catherine Reef United South Shaft. Small page has notes on the York and Durham: Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 3/7/1893. This paragraph: Quote - 'Also measured main shaft from surface 1,430 and found it to be 1,416 feet and from Brace - 1,428 feet. Poppet legs 12 feet. Reference - Matthew Mann - Mine Manager's Report 15/7/1893 'Received cheque from La Belle Co. for 2 pound 13 shillings - which I payed into credit of Company'. Note: Report shows this to happen on several occasions. Note initialled AR.document, gold, new chum line of reef, new chum line of reef, notes on shaft details on the new chum line of reef, young chum, old chum (old south), shamrock, shenandoah, new chum railway, eureka ext'd, south belle vue united, lansell's 222, denis shaft, new chum united, ellesmere (north shaft), new chum consolidated, ellesmere no 1 or (south shaft) also known as new chum coy, garibaldi, craven's, lansell's bit 180, north old chum, new chum & victoria, old chum, lazarus new chum main, lazarus new chum (old), victoria reef gold (ironbark), victoria consols, adventure & advance, gt central victoria, ballerstedt, humbold, victoria (reef) quartz, pearl (later hercules new chum), hercules extended (pearl (south) later, north hercules, hercules and energetic, hercules (old), south devonshire, duchess tribute, new st mungo, duke of edinburgh, new victoria catherine (later hercules consols), dixon's tribute, great victoria extended, hopewell, saxon & celt extended, st mungo, princess alexander, west united devonshire, united devonshire, duchess of edinburgh, sadowa, (old) st mungo, lady barkly, princess alice (south st mungo) previously gov. barkly, unicorn (trib), phoenix, williams (new), acadia catherine, william united (old shaft), snob's hill shaft, york & durham, belmont & saxby, ellenborough, catherine reef extended, new franklin, murchison, catherine reef united main shaft, catherine reef united south shaft -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... New Franklin... Plans Catherine Reef Extd. New Franklin Murchison Catherine Reef ...Five pages of reference numbers used on Caleb Thomas plans. Has the mine's name, size of shaft and on other pages, the height of the sill. One mine on the Sheepshead Line, the New St Mungo is mentioned. Many mines along the reef are mentioned.document, gold, mines, new chum line of reef, reference to caleb thomas plans, catherine reef extd., new franklin, murchison, catherine reef united, catherine reef (south), williams (new), acadia catherine, william's united, york & durham, belmont & saxby, ellenborough, sadowa, (old) st mungo, lady barkly, princess alice (sth st mungo), unicorn trib, pheonix, hopewell, united devonshire (princess alex), west united devonshire, east united devonshire, duchess of edinburgh, south devonshire, duchess tribute, new st mungo, new st mungo, new vict catherine, gt extd vict, herc new chum (late pearl), pearl south, north herc & energetic, herc & energetic, ironbark, vict consols, south new chum, lansell's 616, south belle vue, eureka extd, new chum rly, south old chum, new chum consolidated, ellesmere (south shaft), garibaldi, cravens, young chum, ellesmere nth shaft, new chum united, new chum vic, old chum, lazarus, cent new chum, lansell's 222, north old chum, lansell's big 180, advents advance, gt cent vict, hamboldt, ballerstedt, victoria quartz, herc & energetic, herc (old), shenandoah, victoria reef gold, victoria consols -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Franklin Watts, The Changing World of Australia, 1963
... New York : Franklin Watts, 1963 vii, 253 p. ; 25 cm. .... New York : Franklin Watts, 1963 vii, 253 p. ; 25 cm ...General history with very brief mention of Aborigines.New York : Franklin Watts, 1963 vii, 253 p. ; 25 cm. non-fictionGeneral history with very brief mention of Aborigines.settlement and contacts - colonisation., settlement and contacts - ancient and early historical., politics and government - sovereignty, economic sectors - agriculture and horticulture - pastoral industry., settlement and contacts - government settlements, history - political. | settlement and contacts - settlers., australia -- history. -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Basalt (igneous-volcanic) containing Olivine, unknown
This particular geological specimen was found in Mount Franklin or Lalgambook in Djadjawurrung, located between Daylesford and Newstead, approximately ninety minutes drive from Melbourne. The mountain is an example of a breached scoria cone (a steep conical hill of loose pyroclastic fragments) which was created by a volcanic eruption about 470,000 years ago, a date which may indicate the age of this geological specimen. The volcanic eruptions of Mount Franklin were most likely witnessed by members of the Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal tribe, who referred to this country as the 'smoking grounds'. Mount Franklin and the surrounding area appears to have been a place of considerable religious significance to Aboriginal people, there is evidence which indicates that frequent large ceremonial gatherings took place in the area. Basalt is the most common rock on Earth’s surface, more than 90% of all volcanic rock on Earth is basalt. Basalt is an aphanitic extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of low-viscosity lava exposed at or very near the surface of a rocky planet or moon. Specimens are black in colour and weather to dark green or brown. Basalt is rich in iron and magnesium and is mainly composed of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. Olivine is the name of a group of rock-forming silicate minerals with compositions ranging between Mg2SiO4 and Fe2SiO4. Unlike other minerals, Olivine has a very high crystallisation temperature which makes it the first of the minerals to crystallise from magma. As magma cools, the crystals begin to form and settle on the bottom of the lava and form basalts that are abnormally enriched in olivine in the lower part of lava flows. According to H. M. King (on "Olivine is thought to be an important mineral in Earth's mantle. Its presence as a mantle mineral has been inferred by a change in the behaviour of seismic waves as they cross the boundary between Earth's crust and mantle". Lava from Mount Franklin and other volcanoes in the area filled valleys and buried the gold bearing streams that became the renowned ‘deep leads’ of the gold mining era. In 1852, as part of the Victorian gold rush, gold was discovered in the immediate area, this gold was created by lava flows during the Newer Volcanic period, which were mined intensively during the nineteenth century. Around 1865 the presence of a deep lead in Mount Franklin was established. Deep lead mining was initially unsuccessful, and it was not until the late 1870s that the Franklinford Gold Mining Company mined at Mount Franklin on a significant scale. A few years later the Mount Franklin Estate Gold Mining Company also struck gold, followed by the Shakespeare and Great Western companies in the mid-1880s. By the late 1880s, however, deep lead mining had ceased in the area. Soon after gold was discovered in 1851, Victoria’s Governor La Trobe wrote to the Colonial Office in London, urging ‘the propriety of selecting and appointing as Mineral Surveyor for this Colony a gentleman possessed of the requisite qualifications and acquaintance with geological science and phenomena’. Alfred Selwyn was appointed geological surveyor in Australia in 1852 which began the Geological Survey of Victoria. In 1853-69 the Geological Survey issued under Selwyn's direction sixty-one geological maps and numerous reports; they were of such high standard that a writer in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London bracketed the survey with that of the United States of America as the best in the world. During his years spent in Australia, Selwyn collected numerous significant geological specimens, examples of which are held in collections such as the Burke Museum.This geological specimen is an example of basalt and olivine which shows the volcanic lava activity and geographical specific nature of Mt Franklin as a significant volcanic site. According to Agriculture Victoria 'The crater is one of the deepest in the Central Highlands area. It is a major megacryst site with some of the largest known Victorian examples of megacrysts of augite and an orthoclase. The small parasitic mound of Lady Franklin on the western flanks adds to the geological interest of the site'. This specimen also highlights the locality as a significant place for both indigenous activity and Victorian gold rush era mining practices. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study.An angular, solid hand-sized piece of grey volcanic Basalt with green/brown Olivine phenocrysts along one flat edge.Olivine in basalt / - label is probably / correct. / C. Willman / 15/4/21burke museum, beechworth, indigo shire, beechworth museum, geological, geological specimen, mineralogy, basalt, igneous rock, igneous-volcanic, volcanic geology, volcanic, olivine, olivine specimen, basaltoid -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Ship's Wheel, 1871 or earlier
The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built many ships that had wheels with the same decorative, starburst pattern on them as this particular wheel segment, including the Eric the Red. The wheel was manufactured by their local Bath foundry, Geo. Moulton & Co. and sold to the Sewall yard for $100, according to the construction accounts of the vessel. Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Segment of a ship's wheel, or helm, from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red. The wheel part is an arc shape from the outer rim of the wheel and is made up of three layers of timber. The centre layer is a dark, dense timber and is wider than the two outer layers, which are less dense and lighter in colour. The wheel segment has a vertically symmetrical, decorative copper plate inlaid on the front. The plate has a starburst pattern; six stars decorate it, each at a point where there is a metal fitting going through the three layers of timber to the rear side of the wheel. On the rear each of the six fittings has an individual copper star around it. The edges of the helm are rounded and bevelled, polished to a shine in a dark stain. Around each of the stars, front and back, the wood is a lighter colour, as though the metal in that area being polished frequently. The length of the segment suggests that it has probably come from a wheel or helm that had ten spokes. (Ref: F.H.M.M. 16th March 1994, 239.6.610.3.7. Artefact Reg No ER/1.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's-wheel, eric-the-red, helm, shei's wheel, ship's steering wheel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Decorative object - Sword, 1871 or earlier
This wooden sword is said to “possibly be the only remaining part of the figurehead from the sailing ship Eric the Red.” It was previously part of the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and the entry in its inventory says “Wooden sword, portion of the figurehead, held by “Eric the Red” at the bow.” A large part of the ship’s hull was found on the rocks and a figurehead may have been attached or washed up on the shore. The shipping records for E. & A. Sewall, the builders, owners and managers of Eric the Red, are now preserved in the Maine Maritime Museum. There is no photograph on record of Eric the Red but photographs of other ships built around that time by the same company show that these did not have figureheads, and there is no record found of a figurehead for Eric the Red being ordered or paid for. Further research is being carried out. The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built Eric the Red, a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse. (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)This carved wooden sword, recovered from the Eric the Red, is possibly the only portion of the figurehead recovered after the wreck. There are spirals carved from the base of the handle to the top of the sword. The hilt of the sword is a lion’s head holding its tail in its mouth, the tail forming the handle. The blade of the sword has engraved patterns on it. Tiny particles of gold leaf and dark blue paint fragments can be seen between the carving marks. There are remnants of yellowish-orange and crimson paint on the handle. At some time after the sword was salvaged the name of the ship was hand painted on the blade in black paint. The tip of the sword has broken or split and the remaining part is charcoal in appearance. On both the tip and the base of the handle are parts made where the sword could have been joined onto the figurehead There is a white coating over some areas of the sword, similar to white lead putty used in traditional shipbuilding. The words “ERIC the RED” have been hand painted on the blade of the sword in black paint sometime after it was salvaged.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sword, wooden sword, eric the red, carved sword, figurehead, snake head on sword -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Newspaper article, Eltham's growth has been rapid in recent years, c.1960
ELTHAM’S GROWTH HAS BEEN RAPID IN RECENT YEARS Unknown local paper c.1960s Recent years have seen a rapid change in the appearance of Eltham’s business centre - so rapid, in fact, that the growth of premises has been almost 300%. For more than thirty-five years Eltham had little more than a dozen traders - the town's business area spreading from Pryor Street in the north, to Pitt Street in the south. The greatest density of businesses - no more than a handful of shops - were situated in the present shopping centre but other essential services such as the Post Office, were located half a mile away. As the town's population grew and the need for more shops became apparent, the growth was centralised around the railway station and Shire hall. Few of the old premises are used for their original form of business today, though many are still in existence. One of the oldest (seen clearly in the illustration) still in use is now Ferrari's Greengrocery. This shop was Eltham's butchery in early days, conducted by Jim Ryan. Up to twenty years ago, Mr. Ryan ran his business from the shop. whilst his son toured Eltham in his horse and cart, cutting his customers' orders as he went from door to door. Another business - one of the few still trading in the same goods-was Burgoyne's Hardware. This is now owned by Mr. R. Clinton, a new shop has recently been added and shortly the old premises will disappear completely. The Burgoyne family were well known to Eltham's population. The Post Office and Store (then in Main Road, near Bridge Street) was run by Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne. The Post Office was later moved, and attached to the hardware store. OLD HOTEL In this same area was the old Eltham Hotel, almost opposite the present hotel. The building still stands, but has been converted into a house. The hitching rail can still be seen by the roadside. Back in the township was Barber's Blue Gum store, later conducted by Mrs. Burges (mother of Garnet Burges) and claimed to be Eltham's oldest shop. Further down the road, just past the hardware store, was the barber shop and billiard saloon. Next door was E. J. Andrew's news agency, library and State Savings Bank. Eltham's original chemist's shop, or dispensary as it was called, is now an electrical repair shop. On this side of the street too, was Mrs. Monteith - Draper. Mr Monteith was the owner of Eltham' s bus service. This bus service had no regular route, but deposited passengers at the point nearest their homes - a. door to door taxi service. Next to Mrs. Monteith stood another grocery - and general store, and next again, the local blacksmith. Another of Butcher Ryan's sons was Eltham's blacksmith and obviously an enterprising man he conducted a timber business next door to his smithy's shop. These two premises are still run by one man - Garnet Burges. BOOM STARTS Twenty years ago, when Thompson's took over Eltham's pharmacy they occupied the old shop adjoining the Shire hall. The building of Thompson's new premises, from which· they operate today, was the beginning of Eltham's recent growth and development. With another grocery store and a bakery at the corner of York Street, a butcher near Franklin Street, a cobbler's shop opposite the State School (did you ever wonder what that-little building attached to one of Eltham's oldest houses had been?), and an estate agency conducted by Mr. Clark, now Eltham Real Estate - only one trader remained - and today, still carries on, the only original owner of one of Eltham's .oldest established businesses - Mr. Dave Lyon, of Lyon Bros. Garage, which was formerly located in what was later used as Chenowyth's Foundry in Main Road. From the early twenties until little more than six or seven years ago that was the picture of Eltham. Some businesses had changed hands - many years before Mr. C. Rains had acquired Andrew's news agency, Mrs. Monteith's drapery had become Mrs. R. Smith's home-made cake shop, to change again and again to many other types of business. But generally, Eltham was unchanged, for nearly thirty years. Then suddenly new shops mushroomed. The new news agency and drapery, the chemist and adjoining shops, a new butcher, a green grocer and several more. POPULATION DOUBLED In the space of a few years, fifteen new shops, two banks, a restaurant and a post office were built at Eltham. New types of businesses found a ready market in an area which was quickly almost doubling its population. A little over twelve months ago, another wave of progress hit Eltham. Since then eight more shops have been built - a cake shop and fish shop in Dalton [sic – Dudley] Street - for building areas are unprocurable in the Main Street shopping centre now – have been built by Mr. D. Kimball; a new ladies’ and children’s wear shop has been opened by Rains; Eltham Dry Cleaners have another of these new shops, and Mr. R. Clinton has built elaborate new premises. Further down the road, Mr. C. Campbell has built a new butcher's shop, and next door, at present under construction, are a self service store and a shop which Mr. J. Hodges will open on completion. In addition to these new shops, Mr. J. Millett has extended his grocery to almost twice its original size. FLOURISHING Outside the central area, other businesses are flourishing. Latimer's felt factory is being developed in a picturesque rustic setting; P. J. Timber and Trading Company have recently completed a large showroom and timber yard, and in the town itself Nicholson and Merritt are now completing the extension of their foot wear factory to double its former area. This is Eltham today. Progress is moving rapidly in this rural area on the fringe of the metropolis. Less than a decade has seen vast development. The years to complete that span of time will see even greater changes and greater prosperity in this heart: of the Diamond Valley. OLD LANDMARK GOES Perhaps the most famous landmark in Eltham's' business section disappeared last Wednesday when the towering blue gum in Pryor Street at the rear of Main Road shops was felled. The tree, stated to be more than 80 feet high, was the one for which the adjoining café was named, when that business was Eltham’s only provision store, long before the turn of the century. Mr. J. Millett, who now owns the property on which the tree stood, deeply regretted its removal, but was mindful of the need for expansion in the business area. The "Old Blue Gum" was removed by Mr. A. Wilson, expert tree feller, from Heidelberg. Its proportions might be assessed by these facts – it took a gang of experienced men two days to completely fell and clear the tree, and, falling sections being brought down by cable tipped electricity wires on the opposite side of Pryor Street.andrew's news agency, bakery, barber shop, barber's blue gum store, billiard saloon, blacksmith, blue gum, burgoyne's hardware, butcher, cake shop, chemist's shop, chenowyth's foundry, cobbler's shop, dave lyon, dispensary, draper shop. mr monteith, dudley street, e. j. andrew's news agency, electrical repair shop, eltham bus service, eltham butchery, eltham dry cleaners, eltham hotel, eltham railway station, eltham real estate, eltham shire hall, eltham shopping centre, eltham shops, eltham town centre, estate agency, expert tree feller, ferrari's greengrocery, fish shop, foot wear factory, franklin street, garnet burges, general store, grocery, heidelberg, horace clark, jim ryan, ladies’ and children’s wear shop, latimer's felt factory, library, lyon bros. garage, main road, mr. a. wilson, mr. c. campbell, mr. c. rains, mr. d. kimball, mr. j. hodges, mr. j. millett, mr. r. clinton, mrs. burges, mrs. monteith, mrs. monteith's drapery, mrs. r. smith's home-made cake shop, nicholson and merritt, p. j. timber and trading company, pitt street, post office, pryor street, self service store, shopping centre, state savings bank, taxi service, thompson's pharmacy, york street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide - Photograph, View looking down Luck Street towards Main Road, Eltham, c.Dec. 1987
The former Franklins and McEwans building is on the left. It then became Bunnings before they built a new store in Bridge Street and is presently a Dan Murphy and Aldi store and other smaller stores. The focus for Eltham Shire Council officers in this image is the significant littering concern.35mm colour positive transparency (1 of 7) Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcess Date JUN 86Mroads, infrastructure, litter, luck street, mcewans, franklins, franklins supermarket -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Pocketbook, National Bible Press, New Testament & Psalms, US Armed Forces, 25/1/1941 (estimated); Date from introductory letter from "The White House, Washington"
Pocket size book of New Testament & Psalms issued to U S Armed Forces from "The Gideons" International. With introduction page from The White House, Washington & Franklin D Roosevelt dated January 25, 1941. A title page headed "A Sacred Token" gives name of Private A.(Arthur) D.(Dean) Campbell. He was born at Melbourne on 31 March, 1917. it also provides his unit, being 2/55 Aust L.A.D. (Light Aid Detachment), AIF Australia and dated 3/6/1945A title page headed "A Sacred Token" gives name of Private A.(Arthur) D.(Dean) Campbell. He was born at melbourne on 31 March, 1917. it also provides his unit, being 2/55 Aust L.A.D. (Light Aid Detachment), army, ww2, new, testament, us, issue -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Bolt Cutter, 1878
Cyrus Chambers was a self-described mechanic who started out winding bobbins in his father's woollen mill and went on to invent machines that changed their industries. Cyrus Chambers came from Quaker parents the ninth of thirteen siblings, he once said a year before his death. “I believe I have succeeded because, first, I was industrious; second, because I made a study of the subject that was before me.” At age 7, Chambers went to work in his father’s mill. His job was to monitor bobbins—wooden spindles around which thread was wound and to remove and replace them as they became full. "There was no child labour law at that time," he later recalled. Chambers loved machinery and always regarded himself as a mechanic rather than an inventor. At age 16, Chambers was sent to learn dentistry with an older brother, (Edwin) who was already in the field and willing to take him on as an apprentice. Chambers was talented at working with small parts. He used his brother's dental instruments to build a miniature high-pressure steam engine of silver. It ran at 3,000 revolutions per minute and weighed less than a half-ounce. At that time it was the smallest engine that had ever been constructed. The engine was displayed at the 1876 Centennial and is now in a permanent collection at the Franklin Institute USA. Chambers major invention was the paper folding machine and came from reading that school teachers made less than the young girls who were employed to fold book pages as they came off the press. He told friends that his first efforts were to make the machine that would fold newspapers after demonstrating his device he met with Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune who advised Chambers would never invent the machine that would be able to fold his newspaper or books. In less than a year Chambers had built a full-size machine capable of folding large newspapers and books and was installed at J B Lippincott & Co folding pages for the "Comly Speller" this machine ran successfully for twenty-five years until the printing works burnt down. Chambers then went into partnership with a brother and they established the firm "Chambers, Brother & Co" at a plant in Philadelphia. It was also observed in 1910 and a fact that there was not a periodical or newspaper printed or recently published book that had not gone through one of Chambers inventions. Chambers went on to produce many mechanical inventions and improvements to existing tools and machinery most notable was his invention for the machine that would make clay bricks. This machine made forty bricks per hour and by the end of Chambers life after many improvements, it could make more than four hundred. Although there were a large number of bold cutters made of this patent at Cyrus Chamber’s foundry in Philadelphia, the item is associated with a notable American inventor of the nineteenth century. This particular patent for a bolt and rivet cutter won Chambers the prestigious Elliott Cresson Medal. This cutter is just one of the many inventions and mechanical improvements that Cyrus Chambers made during his lifetime, contributing to the ongoing development of mechanical improvements that were occurring in American industry of the time and therefore a notable addition to the Flagstaff collection.Cast iron bolt cutter with removable tempered steel cutter. Chambers New No. 2.Raised embossed lettering on cast body of cutter "New No 2" on one side, "Chambers Bros & Co" on the other sideflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, cyrus chambers, bolt cutter, paper folding machine, brick making machine, elliot cresson, elliot cresson medal, franklin institute, gold medal, rivet cutter -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Administrative record - Hire Purchase Agreement, c. 1939
From Aussie Velos: Alfred George Healing was born in 1868 in the suburb of Richmond, Melbourne (VIC). Starting in the cycle industry as a cycle builder and repairer in 1898, he obtained the Victorian agency for the English “Haddon” bicycle located on Bridge Road, Richmond. With many years behind him in the bicycle industry in 1907 he opened a small shop from borrowing £50 from his sister and began operating as A.G Healing. Importing bicycle parts Healing was quickly gaining a reputation for his quality and service among the cycling community, with steady business growth, Healing stumbled across an error that had been made in a recent order which resulted in twice the number of bicycle parts received. With no finances to pay for them, Healing decided to cycle around Victoria selling these parts to make the money he needed to fix up the order. As Healing travelled across Victoria he found that there was such a large market place for cycling gear that the order was soon fixed. It became apparent that Healing needed to open cycle shops in various locations. By 1912 Healing decided to open up his own proprietary company in Niagara Lane, Melbourne (VIC), the company was surging with enthusiastic cyclists and commuters and other branches began to spread all over state of Victoria. In 1921 Healing’s son Keith joined the firm and became an apprentice bicycle maker and Healing cycles grew more popular and at peak production 25,000 bicycles were made per year. Shops under the name of Healing were now operating across Australia. The business was now transferred to another location of Melbourne House, Post-office place (MELB). In 1926 Duncan and Co. wholesale and retail distributors of automotive parts was absorbed and was occupied in a larger building in Franklin Street (MELB) to maintain the warehouse operations. A.G Healing was now a public company. By 1933 the firm also began to specialize in importing radios and later began to make their own. One of the many Champions who rode on a Healing cycle was W.K “Bill” Moritz. His achievements included winning all major events in Australia and New Zealand during the years of 1936-37 path racing season. In 1936 Healing released a lightweight cycle that would rule in their supreme line-up, built from the lightest possible materials, the frame and forks were chrome plated, stripped for racing weighed exactly 16 1/2 lbs. It was fitted with special “Osgear” three-speed gear and built specially built for D. Byrant. By 1937, Healing cycles were being ridden by many, at the exhibition board track Jack Molloy won the Victorian ten-mile amateur championship, Bill Moritz captured the five mile professional, and Tassle Johnson the five-mile amateur scratch race. These wins brought up the total championships won in one week by Healing cycles to six.A hire agreement (hire purchase) between H.L. Vivian and R&G Finances Pty Ltd, for a Healing 'A' bicycle, with Eadie Coaster Hub brake. -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Bassett-Smith, Preparing the site for the new Safeway Supermarket, Arthur Street, Eltham, 28 July 2000, 28/07/2000
Three colour photographsconstruction, shopping centre, carparks, safeway store, franklins supermarket -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper - Newspaper cutting, The story of the Ringwood Memorial Clock Tower erected 1928 incl list of Roll of Honour names, 4-Aug-28
Around 1940-42 the clockwork mechanism was wound by hand for payment of 2/6 (25 cents) per week, payable half yearly. The clock tower was removed and re-erected in 2000 at the intersection of Maroondah Highway and Wantirna Road, with a new electric winding mechanism.The story of the Ringwood Memorial Clock Tower erected 1928 at a cost of approx $1700 and unveiled 4-Aug-1928 at the intersection of Maroondah Highway and Warrandyte Road. It commemorates those who served and those who lost their lives in WW1.ROLL OF HONOUR; Addison, W.J.; Allan, A.; Bailey, A.F.; Bolton, E.; Brain, W.; Brown, A.G.; Brown, W.; Brown, C.H.; Browning, D.; Brocksop, P.; Bruce, R.T.; Butler, W.J.; Cairnduff, J.B.; Castles, D.; Chivers, S.R.; Chivers, A.; Clemson, J.K.; Cutts, C.W.G.; Cutts, N.F.L.; Cooper, J.; Dehne, P.C.; Dawes, L.F.; Dawes, F.A.; Dawes, C.A.R.; Foster, A.; Franks, C.V.W.; Ford, T.; Franklin, E.; Fitts, E.; Goodall, R.; Goodall, J.H.; Grant, T.W.; Guy, W.H.; Hannah, J.; Harris, D.B.; Hardidge, B.; Hains, C.L.; Hefferson, R.H.; Hodgetts, L.F.; Hodgetts, W.C.; Homewood, L.; Howship, M.L.; Howship, F.R.; Howship, S.P.; Hubbard, H.; Johnston, W.J.; Johnston, R.A.; Johnston, C.H.; Justice, Rev. T.H.; Kennedy, G.; Kraefft, H.G.; Lang, A.C.; Larkwing, A.H.; Lawlor, J.; Lothian, J.C.; Maggs, C.B.; Martin, E.; McCann, R.; McGillvray, M.; McKinnon, J.; Miles, Sister A.F.; Miles, T.A.; Miles, R.F.; Miles, K.L.; Miles, L.E.; Milner, T.; Miller, S.; Moss, L.S.; Moss, C.B.; Muller, G.W.; Muller, J.H.; Neal, A.G.; Nield, F.N.; Parker, A.; Parker, R.; Parker, F.V.; Parker, T.S.; Paris, C.C.; Peake, A.; Pearson, H.F.; Pollard, J.L.; Ratten, C.J.; Ratten, W.G.; Read, I.; Sanders, J.; Shanks, R.J.; Smith, S.; Smith, P.C.; Smith, C.; Stephenson, R.H.; Stowell, H.A.; Taylor, J.; Thomas, H.O.; Thomas, I.; Thompson, A.R.; Thorpe, J.G.; Tomholt, S.J.; Toogood, E.G.; Venables, W.E.; Walker, J.; Wedge, C.H.; Wedge, J.W.K.; Whitchurch, A.; Wilson, L.J.; Williams, J.A.; Williams, W.G.; Wright, S.; Wright, J.W.C.; DIED ON SERVICE; Johnston, C.H.; McCann, H.J.; Mackinlay, H.W.; Mitchell, L.; Morris, J.; Pollard, H.L.; Palmer, E.R.; Parker, J.J.; Rooney, E.; Schonfelder, A.W.; Thurrowgood, W.; Todd, J.; Thomas, R. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Clock, late 1900s early 20th Century
In 1850 the Ansonia Clock Company was formed as a subsidiary of the Ansonia Brass Company by Phelps and two Bristol Connecticut clock makers, Theodore Terry and Franklin C. Andrews. Terry & Andrews were the largest clock manufacturers in Bristol at the time with more than 50 employees using 58 tons of brass in the production of about 25,000 clocks in 1849. Phelps decided to get into the clock making business to expand the market for his brass, while Terry and Andrews got access to better quality brass at better prices. They had then sold 50% of their business to Phelps and moved the business to Ansonia, Connecticut. In 1877 the clock company purchased a factory in New York and moved most of its production thereafter being spun off from the brass company. Henry J. Davies of Brooklyn, himself a clock maker, inventor and case designer, joined the newly reconstituted company as one of its founders. As President, he is thought to have been largely responsible for the figurine clocks, swing clocks and other unusual and desirable novelties for which the Ansonia firm became known. By 1879, a second factory was opened in Brooklyn, New York and by June 1880 employed 360 workers, while the Connecticut factory continued producing clocks as well with a workforce of 100 men and 25 women. Hence, clocks marked "Connecticut" were generally produced before 1879, while those marked "New York" were all produced after 1880 After the New York factory burnt down in 1880 the company rebuilt the factory on the same site, and reopened the expanded factory in 1881, with a capacity to exceed that of the Connecticut factory which by 1883 had closed. By 1886, the company had sales offices in New York, Chicago and London, with more than 225 different clock models being manufactured. In 1899, Phelps' grandson William Earle Dodge Stokes commissioned architect Duboy to build the "greatest and grandest hotel in Manhattan, New York” which became the city's first air-conditioned building. In 1929 the majority of the timekeeping machinery and tooling was sold to the Soviet government's US trading company Amtorg, just before the stock market crash. The parts, machinery and key skilled workers were shipped out of the USA to form the basis, along with the remains of a watch company purchased a year later, of the clock and watch industry in Moscow such as Poljot and Sekonda. In 1969, the rights to the use of the name, trademarks, and goodwill were transferred to Ansonia Clock Co., Inc., Lynnwood, Washington. The item marks the beginning of mass produced clocks in the United States, cheaply priced and available to all. The company had many innervation's during it’s life regards clock and later wrist watch making that led the way for other companies in many different countries to emulate.Clock, pendulum mantle model. Carved scallop "Ginger bread house" cottage clock. Oak case, white enamel face, floral etched glass door. Clock has an hour bell chime. Glass front opens to allow rewinding. Made by Ansonia Clock Co, New York. Marked "Manufactured by Ansonia Clock Co. New York, USA"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, mantle clock, clock, pendulum clock, time keeper, horology, ansonia, ansonia clock co, america -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Stove, Cox and Rizzetti Stove Works, ca. 1918-1930s
Cast iron stoves burn solid fuel such as wood or coal, and are used for cooking and warmth. The stoves have a firebox with a grate where the fuel is burned. The hot air flows through flues and baffles that heat the stove top and the oven. Before cast iron stoves were invented, cooking and heating were carried out in outdoor open fires, and later, in fireplaces inside the home. In 1642 the first cast iron stove was manufactured in Lynn, Massachusetts, where molten cast iron was poured into a sand mould to make rectangular plates that were then joined together to make a box. Benjamin Franklin invented the more efficient Pennsylvania stove in 1744, and this efficient design is still used today. After the mid-19th century cast iron stoves were produced with burners in different positions, giving varied temperatures, so a wide variety of foods could be cooked at the same time at the most suitable heat, from slow cooking to baking scones. In contemporary times people the new wood-burning stoves had to meet the anti-pollution standards now in place to protect our environment. By the 1920s gas cookers were being introduced for domestic use, and by the 1930s electric home cookers were being offered to householders. PLANET STOVES In August 1925 the firm Cox and Rizzetti, Stove Works, and also Sydney Road, South Melbourne, advertised in the Brunswick and Coburg Leader of November 11, 1925 as "formerly with Harnwell and Sons" and as "specialists in solid cast iron Planet stoves ... which merit an inspection from builders and householders". The firm continued in business and was mentioned as sponsors in the King Island News in 1971. Harnwell and Sons was listed in the Victorian Government Gazette of 1894. It is curious that the firm was mentioned in an article in the Sunrasia Daily of June 14, 1934 titled 'Planet Stoves' as a manufacturer of Planet Stoves. This Planet No 3 stove is an uncommon example of cooking equipment used in kitchens in the early 20th century, as the firebox is above the oven rather than beside it. The cast iron combustion stove is significant as part of the evolution of domestic cooking. Previously cooking was mostly carried out in outdoors in open fires, and later in fireplaces indoors. Cast iron stoves are still used today and have additional features such as thermostats to monitor and maintain temperature, water heating pipes connected, and environmentally approved anti-pollution fittings. Stove; a compact, blackened cast iron combustion cooker, installed within a fireplace and enclosed by bricks on both sides. The upright rectangular stove has a flat top with three round, removable cook plates and a flue connected at the back. The front has three doors with round knob handles; a swing-down firebox door above a sliding ashtray, and two side-hinged oven doors above a sliding opening. Inside on the side walls are two pairs of runners. Behind the pair of doors is an oven with two pairs of rails and two removable metal shelves. The stove has cast inscriptions on the chimney flue and on the front of the right hand side stove door. The model of the stove is The Planet No 3, made in Melbourne.Chimney flue, "[within rectangle] THE / PLANET" Stove door, "(within oval) PLANET / No 3"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, stove, cast iron stove, combustion stove, wood-burning stove, wood stove, wood oven, solid fuel stove, cooker, the planet, planet, planet no. 3, kitchen equipment, baking, domestic cooking, cooking equipment, food preparation, planet stove, planet cooker, cooking range, slow combustion stove, antique, range cooker, cox and rizzetti, harnwell and sons, melbourne manufacturer -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, about 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Triangular shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, About 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Oblong shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Rod, Approx. 1871
This rod was salvaged from the American three-masted wooden clipper ship, Eric the Red, named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red. The ship first traded in coal between America and Britain and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 its hull was re-metalled and the vessel was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 Eric the Red departed New York under the command of Captain Z Allen, with 24 crew plus two passengers. It was heading for Melbourne and then Sydney. The ship was commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 American exhibits for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The items included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, and samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Also on board was general merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The ship had been at sea for 85 days when, on 4th September 1880, it hit the Otway Reef on the southwest coast of Victoria and was quickly wrecked. Captain and crew ended up on floating parts, or in the long boat or the sea. He was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued by the steamer Dawn and later taken to Warrnambool, where they received great hospitality and care. Four men lost their lives; three crew and one passenger. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne and then returned to America. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. The salvaging ship Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally, those on board the Pharos had found the name of the wrecked vessel. The government steamer Victoria and a steamer S.S. Otway picked up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated onto Point Franklin. Some of the vessel's yards and portions of its masts were on shore with pieces of canvas attached, confirming that the vessel had been under sail. On shore were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. There were sewing machines, some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”, and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire, some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”, and kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts. Other cargo remains included croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a flywheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs, wooden clothes pegs and a ladder. There were three cases of goods meant for the Exhibition Other items salvaged from amongst the debris floating in the sea were chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and flycatchers. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with a chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. A life belt was once on the veranda of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has several artefacts from the wreck. There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)Iron rod with flat lugged washer. The rod is made of a heavy metal with encrustations and signs of rusting on the surface. It is stepped down in diameter mid-shaft and is slightly bowed on the narrower end. The narrow end flares out slightly in the last few centimetres with a burred foot and has a circular head on the wider end. The washer on the narrower end cannot move past the centre or the narrow end of the rod. The washer is a different metal from the rod and has a small lug jutting out along the circumference in one position. The rod was recovered from the wreck of the ship the Eric the Red.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, rod, iron-rod, eric the red, steamer dawn, cape otway reef, 1880, captain allen, usa pavillion, melbourne exhibition, melbourne international exhibition, captain jones, medal, united states government, pharos, a. james, flag board, steamer victoria, steamer otway, diamond oil, r w cameron and company, long and co., t s and co melbourne, a. field and son, taunton, massachusetts, ketch apollo, ship nail -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Portfolio, Newcraft Pulicity, The Line of Sail; Magnificent Clipper Ships, 1969
These prints include large sailing ships that were also referred to as Clippers and Tall Ships. These ships were used to transport cargo and passengers across the world in the 19th century. They were powered purely by harnessing the wind. It could take three to four months to sail in this manner from England to Australia. On many occasions the ships were wrecked, often close to their destination, through errors of navigation. The method of production of the original images is over a century old. The Melbourne publisher of this portfolio book, Newcraft Publicity, describes the contents as follows-' Magnificent Clipper Ships: Clipper ships in the line of sail make the most romantic and spectacular pictorial chapter of marine history. This collection depicting early clippers and other types of sailing ships were originally fine engravings on wooden printing blocks used in newspapers a century ago. They were taken directly from the original newspaper prints, and reproduced in enamel inks to provide a choice of fine line prints suitable for framing. LIST OF PRINTS- The New Australian Clipper "BLUE JACKET" The Clipper Ship “CHRYSOLIER” The “GAUNTLET” Clipper Ship The New American Clipper “GREAT REPUBLIC” The Clipper Ship “GUIDING STAR” New Emigrant Ship “HESPERIDES” for the South Australian Line Capt. Beatson’s Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin – the “ISABEL” The Black Ball Line Clipper Ship “JAMES BAINES” The “MERCHANT PRINCE” – Australian Clipper The White Star Line Clipper Ship “MORNING LIGHT” The Aberdeen Clipper Built Barque “PHOENICIAN” New Australian Clipper Ship the “ROYAL FAMILY” The “SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS” American Clipper The New Iron Clipper Built Ship “TAYLEUR” for Australia H.M. New Frigate “THETIS” The American Clipper Ship “WITCH OF THE WAVE” ABOUT THE PUBLISHER- The Newcraft Publicity was a Melbourne business that operated in the 1960s at 243 Collins Street, Melbourne.This portfolio book of clipper ship prints is historically significant as it shows an important part of Australia's history, It includes some of the shipping lines famous in the 19th century for transporting passengers and goods to Australia. The prints are also significant for their origin in the carved wooden blocks used a century ago for creating images for the newspapers of the time. Book is also significant from being one of a limited edition of books produced. There are copes in both the Victorian State Library and the National Library of Australia.The Line of Sail is a portfolio of sixteen fine line, black and white prints on paper. The subject is clipper ships. The covers are paper-covered card, coloured a strong blue with white line images and text. The image side of the pages has a sheen, the back is matt. Each print has a caption. The top of the book is stapled and bound with grey tape. Produced by Newcraft Publicity, Melbourne. Limited Edition - Copy Number 086. Stamped on front cover "086"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lithographs, newscraft publicity, book, the line of sail, dlipper ships, tall shipos, sailing ships, wood block print, newspaper drawings, newcraft productions, newcraft melbourne, portfolio of clipper ships, limited edition, wooden engravings, magnificent clipper ships -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Clocks, small 'Ansonia' c1887, c1887
Ansonia Clocks were made by a clock manufacturing business which started in Ansonia, Connecticut, in 1851 and which moved to Brooklyn, New York, in 1878. An enormously successful business, it turned out thousands of clocks in a large number of styles.This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family of Miss Carol Green in Moorabbin Shire c 1887This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family of Miss Carol Green in Moorabbin Shire c 1887A small ANSONIA clock. c1887 with a winding key and pendulum and a hinged front glass door This Ansonia clock was restored by Mr Frank M. Gowan.c 1960damaged label on back : AWARD PARIS..... / SMALL SHAR..... / ANSONIA CLOCK / none genuine without ' ( symbol) ' / factories at ANSONIA Conn. Brook / Salesroom .....19 Cliff Street ....../ansonia clock company, connecticut, america, phelps anson, terry theodore, andrews franklin, brighton, moorabbin, furniture, pioneers, clocks, market gardeners, early settlers, green carol, gowan frank -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Clocks, ANSONIA large c1900, c1900
Ansonia Clocks were made by a clock manufacturing business which started in Ansonia, Connecticut, in 1851 and which moved to Brooklyn, New York, in 1878. An enormously successful business, it turned out thousands of clocks in a large number of styles.This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family in Moorabbin Shire c1900This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family in Moorabbin Shire c1900A large ANSONIA clock. c1900 with a winding key and pendulum and a hinged front glass door with clip lock ANSONIAansonia clock company, connecticut, america, phelps anson, terry theodore, andrews franklin, brighton, moorabbin, furniture, pioneers, clocks, market gardeners, early settlers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Envelope with Oceanic Line Hawaii + South Seas, New Zealand, Australia, America printed in red on the back. Name and address of Lawrence ? ?ertlein written on the front and ? Athorne and Franklin Q. Hershey written on the back.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, lawrence ? ?ertlein, ? athorne, bradford house melbourne, franklin q hershey, oceanic line -
Essendon Football Club
New grandstand
Essendon arrived at the Essendon Recreation Reserve (later known as Windy Hill) in 1922. In August that year the club opened its first grandstand before the round 14 game against Richmond. It was later named the Dick Reynolds Stand.This historic photograph shows supporters crammed into the grandstand that day.Black and white photograph on brown cardboard mount with imprinted border; remains of a white sticker in upper left corner. "E. Franklin Moonee Ponds 37 6794" hand-written in blue biro on reverse."Opening day of new stand, Essendon 19.8.22" -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Alick Jackomos et al, Forgotten heroes : Aborigines at war from the Somme to Vietnam, 1993
The involvement of Victorian and New South Wales Aboriginal people in war; World War One; World War Two; Korea; Vietnam; James Lovett; Hannah Lovett; Reg Rawlings; Henry Thorpe; John Firebrace; Dan Cooper; Jackson Stewart; Reg Saunders; Harry Saunders; George Birkett; Bill Egan; Jack Kennedy; Linda (Lester) Nihill; Marge Tucker; Alice Lovett; Connie Alberts; Stewart Murray; Norman Herbert Franklin; Bill Edwards; Lester Marks Harradine; Clarke family; Merv Bundle; Leo Maxwell Muir; Glen James; Graham Atkinson; Pat Owen; Cummeragunga; Lake Tyers; Framlingham; list of Aboriginal servicemen and women; different treatment of Aboriginal people during the war and after; introduction by Terry Garwood annotated separately.Ill, p.88.The involvement of Victorian and New South Wales Aboriginal people in war; World War One; World War Two; Korea; Vietnam; James Lovett; Hannah Lovett; Reg Rawlings; Henry Thorpe; John Firebrace; Dan Cooper; Jackson Stewart; Reg Saunders; Harry Saunders; George Birkett; Bill Egan; Jack Kennedy; Linda (Lester) Nihill; Marge Tucker; Alice Lovett; Connie Alberts; Stewart Murray; Norman Herbert Franklin; Bill Edwards; Lester Marks Harradine; Clarke family; Merv Bundle; Leo Maxwell Muir; Glen James; Graham Atkinson; Pat Owen; Cummeragunga; Lake Tyers; Framlingham; list of Aboriginal servicemen and women; different treatment of Aboriginal people during the war and after; introduction by Terry Garwood annotated separately.australia - military forces - aboriginal members, australia - aboriginals - personal histories - military -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Picador, Eight days at Yalta : how Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin shaped the post-war world, 2019
In the last winter of the Second World War, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin arrived in the Crimean resort of Yalta. Over eight days of bargaining, bombast and intermittent bonhomie they decided on the conduct of the final stages of the war against Germany, on how a defeated and occupied Germany should be governed, on the constitution of the nascent United Nations and on spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Greece. Only three months later, less than a week after the German surrender, Roosevelt was dead and Churchill was writing to the new President, Harry S. Truman, of 'an iron curtain' that was now 'drawn down upon [the Soviets'] front'. Diana Preston chronicles eight days that created the post-war world, revealing Roosevelt's determination to bring about the dissolution of the British Empire and Churchill’s conviction that he and the dying President would run rings round the Soviet premier. But Stalin monitored everything they said and made only paper concessions, while his territorial ambitions would soon result in the imposition of Communism throughout Eastern Europe.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.398.non-fictionIn the last winter of the Second World War, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin arrived in the Crimean resort of Yalta. Over eight days of bargaining, bombast and intermittent bonhomie they decided on the conduct of the final stages of the war against Germany, on how a defeated and occupied Germany should be governed, on the constitution of the nascent United Nations and on spheres of influence in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Greece. Only three months later, less than a week after the German surrender, Roosevelt was dead and Churchill was writing to the new President, Harry S. Truman, of 'an iron curtain' that was now 'drawn down upon [the Soviets'] front'. Diana Preston chronicles eight days that created the post-war world, revealing Roosevelt's determination to bring about the dissolution of the British Empire and Churchill’s conviction that he and the dying President would run rings round the Soviet premier. But Stalin monitored everything they said and made only paper concessions, while his territorial ambitions would soon result in the imposition of Communism throughout Eastern war 1939-1945 - diplomatic history, yalta conference - crimea- 1945 -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Leanne Hinton, The green book of Language revitalization in practice, 2008
1. Language Revitalization: An Overview /? Leanne Hinton 2. Diversity in Local Language Maintenance and Restoration: A Reason For Optimism /? Anna Ash, Jessie Little Doe Fermino and Ken Hale 3. Federal Language Policy and Indigenous Languages in the United States /? Leanne Hinton 4. "... To Help Assure the Survival and Continuing Vitality of Native American Languages" /? Robert D. Arnold 5. Language Planning /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Pueblo Languages /? Leanne Hinton 6. Native Language Planning: A Pilot Process in the Acoma Pueblo Community /? Christine P. Sims 7. The Key To Cultural Survival: Language Planning and Revitalization in the Pueblo de Cochiti /? Regis Pecos and Rebecca Blum-Martinez The Navajo Language: I /? Ken Hale 8. Navajo Head Start Language Study /? Paul R. Platero 9. Introduction to Revitalization of National Indigenous Languages /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Welsh Language /? Leanne Hinton 10. Welsh: A European Case of Language Maintenance /? Gerald Morgan Introduction to the Maori Language /? Ken Hale 11. Te Kohanga Reo: Maori Language Revitalization /? Jeanette King An Introduction to the Hawaiian Language /? Leanne Hinton 12. The Movement to Revitalize Hawaiian Language and Culture /? Sam L. No'Eau Warner 13. "Mai Loko Mai O Ka 'I'ini: Proceeding from a Dream": The 'Aha Punana Leo Connection in Hawaiian Language Revitalization /? William H. Wilson and Kauanoe Kamana 14. Teaching Methods /? Leanne Hinton The Karuk Language /? Leanne Hinton 15. Teaching Well, Learning Quickly: Communication-Based Language Instruction /? Terry Supahan and Sarah E. Supahan The Navajo Language: II /? Ken Hale 16. Tsehootsooidi Olta'gi Dine Bizaad Bihoo'aah: A Navajo Immersion Program at Fort Defiance, Arizona /? Marie Arviso and Wayne Holm 17. The Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program /? Leanne Hinton 18. Linguistic Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning in Immersion Contexts /? Ken Hale 19. New Writing Systems /? Leanne Hinton An Introduction to Paiute /? Leanne Hinton and Ken Hale 20. Language Revitalization in the San Juan Paiute Community and the Role of a Paiute Constitution /? Pamela Bunte and Robert Franklin 21. Audio-Video Documentation /? Leanne Hinton Australian Languages /? Ken Hale 22. Strict Locality in Local Language Media: An Australian Example /? Ken Hale The Arapaho Language /? Ken Hale 23. Reflections on the Arapaho Language Project, or When Bambi Spoke Arapaho and Other Tales of Arapaho Language Revitalization Efforts /? Stephen Greymorning Irish /? Ken Hale 24. Continuity and Vitality: Expanding Domains through Irish-Language Radio /? Colleen Cotter The Mono Language /? Ken Hale 25. On Using Multimedia in Language Renewal: Observations from Making the CD-ROM Taitaduhaan /? Paul V. Kroskrity and Jennifer F. Reynolds 26. Can the Web Help Save My Language? /? Laura Buszard-Welcher 27. Training People to Teach Their Language /? Leanne Hinton Inuttut and Innu-aimun /? Ken Hale 28. The Role of the University in the Training of Native Language Teachers: Labrador /? Alana Johns and Irene Mazurkewich Languages of Arizona, Southern California, and Oklahoma /? Leanne Hinton 29. Indigenous Educators as Change Agents: Case Studies of Two Language Institutes /? Teresa L. McCarty, Lucille J. Watahomigie and Akira Y. Yamamoto /? [et al.] The Navajo Language: III /? Ken Hale 30. Promoting Advanced Navajo Language Scholarship /? Clay Slate 31. Sleeping Languages: Can They Be Awakened? /? Leanne Hinton 32. The Use of Linguistic Archives in Language Revitalization: The Native California Language Restoration Workshop /? Leanne Hinton The Ohlone Languages /? Leanne Hinton 33. New Life for a Lost Language /? Linda Yamane.Maps, b&w photographs, tables, word listslanguage policy, language planning, language maintenance, language revitalization, language immersion, language literacy, media and technology, language education and training, sleeping languages, navajo, arapaho -
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Regimental Colour - 11th Australian Infantry Regiment (Perth Regiment)
Presented by the Honourable Lord Mayor JT Franklin, CMG, MLC, JP, at a parade held at Karrakatta Camp on 7 April 1929. Consecrated by the Chaplain General COL Riley, OBE, VD, DD. With the re-activation of the Citizen Military Forces (CMF) following the Second World War, the 11th/44th Infantry Battalion (The City of Perth Regiment) was raised in 1948 as a linked battalion to carry on the identity and traditions of the pre-war 11th and 44th Battalions respectively. The King's and Regimental Colours formerly held by these two battalions were passed on to the new battalion who paraded them in rotation on ceremonial occasions. Under major reorganisation of the CMF in 1960, all individual infantry battalions that existed at the time within each State were amalgamated to form State regiments, taking effect from 1 July 1960. Thus from that date the 11/44th, 16th and 28th Infantry Battalions were amalgamated to form The Royal Western Australia Regiment. In September 1960, at a ceremonial parade held at Northam Camp, the Colours carried by all former battalions were handed over for safe keeping by the new regiment These former colours were subsequently laid up in the undercroft at the State War Memorial, King's Park on 29 November 1964. These were transferred to the Army Museum of WA in 1988 as part of the Bicentenary Colours Project. Dark green with gold fringe. In the centre the battalion colour patch of a brown over blue rectangle within a circle inscribed "ELEVENTH INFANTRY - PERTH REGIMENT". Beneath the circle a scroll inscribed with the regimental motto "VIGILANS". The whole surrounded with a wreath of Australian wattle and surmounted by the Crown. In the upper canton the Arabic numeral "11". Battle Honours emblazoned on the colour:- SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902, SOMME 1916-18, POZIERES, BULLECOURT, YPRES 1917, MENIN ROAD, HAZEBROUCK, AMIENS, HINDENBURG LINE, LANDING AT ANZAC, DEFENCE OF ANZAC -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, Housen's Richmond Hotel | Portland
Many of the Henty's of the Western District of Victoria also owned houses in Kew, Victoria. Stephen Henty, referred to on the reverse of the postcard, lived while a member of the Vitoria Parliament at 'Findon' in Kew. Kew Historical Society also holds a nationally significant collection of costumes belonging to three generations of Henty women.Monochrome, blue tinted 'real photo' postcard of Housen's Richmond Hotel, Portland. Two women stand on the steps of the hotel at left, with the rose garden in front of them. Behind them is a church spire. The hotel and its significance is outlined in two columns of blue coloured text on the reverse.Printed reverse: "THE RICHMOND is the most historical building in the State. On the site of today's building Edward Henty, the founder of permanent settlement in Victoria, commenced his first house February 19, 1835, finishing the work in two months. He had landed in Portland on Nov. 19th, 1834, and turned the first plough furrows in Victoria where the Hotel now stands on the 26th of the following month. It was also here that Major Mitchell ended his explorations from Sydney, meeting the Hentys on August 29th, 1836. In December of the same year Mrs S. G. Henty joined her husband, their son Richmond, the first male white child in Portland, being born in the Henty cottage. The present Richmond Hotel was built in 1840, and became the home of Stephen Henty until his departure from Portland in 1869. Though Edward Henty's first house was demolished in 1840, to make room for the new surveyed town streets, part of his wool store remains in the Hotel grounds, and is used as a wood shed. This is about the oldest building in the State : in it was held the first christening service in Portland on September 26th, 1841. On the site of the Richmond Hotel all the early visiting celebrities were entertained - Mitchell, Wedge, La Trobe, Fyans, Sir John Franklin, Capt. Stokes, etc. No other hostelry in Victoria can give you the historical atmosphere of the RICHMOND. / THE ORIGINAL HOME OF THE HENTYS."henty family, richmond hotel -- portland (vic.), stephen henty, edward henty, richmond henty, henty houses -- victoria, portland, postcards -
Brighton Historical Society
Clothing - Dress, Day dress, Circa 1850
A dress believed to have belonged to a family member of Mrs. Jessie Somerville Singer (nee Watson), 1849-1935. As the dress dates from circa 1850, it could have belonged to someone from one generation previous, possibly her mother Elizabeth Watson. Jessie Somerville Singer was the second wife of Mr. Edward Singer (1829 – 1904) of 'Somerville', New Street, Brighton Beach. Edward's first wife, Maria, died in 1861; their son William died approximately 12 months later. In the 1861 census of North Bradley England, Edward was recorded as a carpenter journeyman. After these tragedies Edward, then aged 30, left England to start a new life in Australia. He emigrated as an unassisted passenger on the steamship 'Great Britain', departing from Liverpool and arriving in Melbourne in April 1863. Edward worked as a joiner and overseer for a timber merchant in Franklin Street, Melbourne. In December 1869 he bought a property at 1115 Hoddle Street, East Melbourne, between Hotham and George Streets. At some stage he also acquired 1117 Hoddle Street. He also owned another property in Rushall Crescent, North Fitzroy. On 10 July 1873 Edward married Jessie Somerville Watson, the daughter of William Watson and Elizabeth Martin. They lived at Hoddle Street for some years, later moving to Rushall Crescent, North Fitzroy before in the 1880s settling in what was then the semi-rural suburb of Brighton. Edward is recorded as working there as a joiner. The house 'Somerville' was built by the Singers in circa 1880 at 100 (now 78) New Street, Brighton. The family moved there upon Edward's early retirement and lived there until 1941. 'Somerville' was sold, the house demolished and the land subdivided in the 1930s. Edward and Jessie appear to have lived comfortably. Edward died on 30 July 1909. Jessie died on 11 November 1935. Many members of the Singer family have lived in and around Brighton since Edward and Jessie first made their home there. The donor, Mrs Dorothy Constance Cook, was Jessie's granddaughter.A silver and brown striped silk taffeta dress comprising separate bodice (.1) and skirt (.2). The dress features a high round neckline fastening down the centre front with concealed hook and eye closures with ten (two missing) decorative brown silk velvet buttons. The front and back feature a briown silk velvet ribbon that forms a v shape from the shoulder to the centre front just below the bust and centre back below the shoulder blades. From the ribbon falls a brown and silver silk fringe approx seven cms deep. The bodice is shaped and boned into the waist and finishes in a deep v over the stomach. At the back the bodice is shaped to the body finishing in a smaller curved v over the small of the back. The sleeve attaches to the bodice at the true shoulder and falls in a pagoda sleeve to the mid forearm. The sleeve is also trimmed with brown silk velvet ribbon near the base of the sleeve. The full skirt is pleated at the waist, falling to the floor, longer at the back to accommodate the crinoline.somerville, new street brighton, jessie somerville singer, edward singer, elizabeth martin, brighton, 1850s