Showing 12 items
matching tram 923
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Transit Australia Publishing, "TAP - Part C - W5 to W7 – VR & 980 – sheets C1 to C41 ", 1950's to 1990's
... tram 923... tram 700 tram 736 tram 820 tram 796 tram 899 tram 910 tram 923 ...Photo Album - titled " TAP - Part C - W5 to W7 – VR & 980 – sheets C1 to C41 ", from Transit Australia Publishing. Photos used in the Destination City and other publications series. For a detailed list of photographs see htd4602i.pdf. For individual photo images see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\photo collections\htd4602-TAP-PartC, images TAP164 to TAP243. TAP164_52_RiverSt_KeithKings_2Apr1960.jpg TAP165_52_RiverSt.jpg TAP166_700_MooneePonds.jpg TAP167_736_HughWaldron.jpg TAP168_820_MooneePondsJunct_2Feb1972_AndrewFoy.jpg TAP169_821_VictoriaPde_Jan1993_RayMarsh.jpg TAP170_796_MaribyrnongRvrBridge_DuckettColln.jpg TAP171_899_VictoriaPde-at-GisborneSt_DuckettColln.jpg TAP172_910_QueensBridge.jpg TAP173_923_RAAF_SwanstonSt_NoellReed_19Jan1953.jpg TAP174_980_VictoriaPde.jpg TAP175_980_RoyalVisit_MalvernDepot_5Mar1954-KeithKings.jpg TAP176_980_VictoriaPde_3Feb1951.jpg TAP177_980_VictoriaPde_3Feb1951.jpg TAP178_980_BourkeSt_26Dec1969_GregKing.jpg TAP179_980_RoyalTram-MMTB.jpg TAP180_980_RoyalTram-StGeorgesRd_KeithKings_1Mar1954.jpg TAP181_980_Preston_HughBallment.jpg T AP182_980_AETA-tour.jpg TAP183_1003_HawthornRd_12April1955_KeithKings_1Mar1954.jpg TAP184_1031-1032_GlenferrieRd_NoelReed_17Feb1956.jpg TAP185_AETA_pre-opening tour_BourkeSt_25Jun1955.jpg TAP186_53_Footscray_18Jan1969_PaulNicholson.jpg TAP187_53_Preston_Feb1973_MMTB.jpg TAP188_684_Caulfield_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP189_685_Esplanade_RayPearson.jpg TAP190_721_Elsternwick_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP191_736_MMTB.jpg TAP192_740_WilliamSt_AndrewFoy_7Feb1972.jpg TAP194_736_VicMarket_RayPearson_13Apr1936.jpg TAP195_760_VicMarket_1986_MichaelMcLeod.jpg TAP196_787_FlemingtonRd_RogerPywell_16May1960.jpg TAP197_801_StKildaRd-trackwork_KSKings_18Mar1951.jpg TAP198_808_Esplanade_RayPearson.jpg TAP199_810_TruganiniRd_NoelReed.jpg TAP200_812_StKildaJunction.jpg TAP201_816_MalvernDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP201_847_BatmanAve_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP202_816_FlindersSt_1986_MichaelMcLeod.jpg TAP203_844_MalvernDepot_AndrewFoy6Jan1973.jpg TAP205_856_BatmanAve_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP206_885_Carnegie_IanCooper.jpg TAP207_836_ElizabethSt_HughBallment.jpg TAP208_887_MalvernDepot_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP209_914_BatmanAve_GeoffGrant.jpg TAP210_914_BatmanAve_LindsayCrowe.jpg TAP211_923_RAAF_VictoriaSt_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP212_915_50thAnnivFederation_Preston_21May1951_KeithKings.jpg TAP213_958_Glenhuntly_AndrewFoy_9Jan1986.jpg TAP214_965_ChapelSt_AndrewFoy_9Jan1986.jpg TAP215_979_HighSt_MMTB.jpg TAP216_988-1003_TestRuns_NicholsonSt_GeoffGrant_19Jun1955.jpg TAP217_988_Nicholson-intoVictoria_GeoffGrant_19Jun1955.jpg TAP218_991_BourkeStOpening_GeoffGrant_24Jun1955.jpg TAP219_993_EastBrighton_DaleBudd_1989.jpg TAP220_993_NicholsonSt_PaulNicholson_10Sep1968.jpg TAP221_994_SmithSt_AndrewFoy_20May1976.jpg TAP222_999_SwanSt_AndrewFoy_19Jan1977.jpg TAP223_980_GlenferrieRd_NoelReed_.jpg TAP224_980_GlenferrieRd_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP225_980_VictoriaPde_AETAtour_KeithKings_3Feb1951.jpg TAP226_980_DandenongRd_MMTB.jpg TAP227_980_Preston_HughBallment.jpg TAP228_1002_SwanstonSt_AndrewFoy_3Jan1989.jpg TAP229_1003_EastPrestonDepot_MMTB.jpg TAP230_1010_HighSt_MMTB.jpg TAP231_1032_MMTB.jpg TAP232_1033_AETAtour_7Apr1956_GeoffGrant.jpg TAP233_1033_EastBrunswick_AETAtour_7Apr1956_GeoffGrant.jpg TAP234_52_DroopSt_JimSeletto.jpg TAP235a_761-961_DomainInterchenge_FrizVanDam_24Oct1988.jpg TAP235_750-759_VictoriaStShunt_FrizVanDam_31Oct1988.jpg TAP236_833-974_CarlisleSt_FrizVanDam_24Oct1988.jpg TAP237_888-999_DandenongRd-at-LansdowneSt_FrizVanDam_22Oct1988.jpg TAP238_940_EastPreston_marker-lights_Jun1970_MMTB.jpg TAP239_891-Kew_pantographtest_RayMarsh_21Nov1989.jpg TAP240_1032-917_VictoriaPde_FrizVanDam_28Oct1988.jpg TAP241_1024_EastBrighton_JimSeletto_1963.jpg TAP242_FrontEntranceSW6-drawing_MMTB_22Aug1955.jpg TAP243_FrontEntranceSW6-drawing_altered-as-1016.jpg Transit Australia Photos - W5 to W7 + VR + 980 sheets C1 to C41.pdf - this item stored in box 01-0 - as Reg Item 4620 foolscap size - larger than folder.trams, tramways, transit australia, destination city, tramcars, depots, w5 class, sw5 class, sw6 class, w7 class, w6 class, vr, tram 52, tram 700, tram 736, tram 820, tram 796, tram 899, tram 910, tram 923, tram 980, tram 1003, tram 1031, tram 1032, tram 53, tram 684, tram 685, tram 721, tram 736, tram 740, tram 746, tram 760, tram 787, tram 801, tram 808, tram 810, tram 812, tram 816, tram 844, tram 847, tram 856, tram 885, tram 836, tram 887, tram 914, tram 923, tram 915, tram 958, tram 965, tram 979, tram 988, tram 1003, tram 991, tram 993, tram 994, tram 999, tram 1002, tram 1003, tram 1010, tram 1032, tram 1033, tram 750, tram 759, tram 761, tram 961, tram 833, tram 974, tram 888, tram 940, tram 891, tram 917, tram 1016 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Postcard, Kangaroo Gifts, three images of Melbourne Trams, c1990
... tram 923... St Advertising trams tram 682 tram 923 tram 8 Colour postcard ...Colour postcard divided back, featuring three images of Melbourne Trams, produced by Kangaroo Gifts of Melbourne with Photography by Wayne Zerbe Collectors Range. Has space for name and address, stamp and a message. features: 1 - decorated tram St Kilda Road, tram 682, see Reg item 671 - by Merrin Eirth. 2 - W6 923 in Swanston St 3 - Z8 Elizabeth St in the "Libraries are for everyone" all over advertising livery - 1/12/1989 - accessed from Vicsig site - 15/12/17 - 2nd copy added 15/9/2020.trams, tramways, postcards, transporting art, swanston st, elizabeth st, advertising trams, tram 682, tram 923, tram 8 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Michael Schrader, General tramway photos, 1995 - 1997
... tram 923... tram 200 tram 69 tram 981 tram 954 tram 923 tram 1005 tram 843 ...Album - comprising 23 plastic photo holders in a interleaved pack glued to a heavy plastic sheet covered folder. Matching image and sheet numbers .1 - overhead issue at intersection of Riversdale and Glenferrie Road with parked trams. .2 - University terminus under construction (Dec. 1995) showing track layout and Bendigo tram 808 on City Circle outside Spencer St station and Bourke St. - 1995. .3 - New Exhibition Centre (Jeff's Shed) and trams 852 and A292 in Clarendon St. - Feb. 1996 .3a - Y469 on Zoo Tourist tram - 2/1995 and at the zoo. .4 - Y469 and Z3 200 at the zoo cross over and 469 using the cross over. .5 - Y469 crew photo and overhead work following trackwork in Domain Road at Domain Junction. .6 - Short shunts and bus replacements for Domain Junction works - Z69 and buses. .7 - Volvo bus 89 in Swanston St (replacement) an a view of the Burke Road overpass of the Freeway at Gardiner nearing completion. .8 - ditto showing the new widened level crossing at Gardiner and trams in the distance. Opened Dec. 1995. .9 - Photos showing widening of the freeway at Gardiner and relocation of the creek. .10 - Photos showing the construction of the turnout into the new Southbank Depot - cFeb. 1997. .11 - Photos of four trams and others at South Melbourne depot (closed 8/2/1997) including 981, 954, 923 and 1005 prior to fan trip to move the trams to Malvern Depot. .12 - Photo of one of the trams leaving the depot and two on Queensway Prahran. .13 - Trams 843 and 920 at South Melbourne and 843 and others at Whiteman St shunt. .14 - Tram 843 at Southbank depot entrance on the Port Melbourne Line. .15 - Restaurant trams 442, 937 and 939 at Southbank and tram 114 in Swanston St at Batman Ave. .16 - Z8 leads a fleet of Z class trams in Swanston St and Batman Ave and a large number of buses lined up in Spencer St - Grand Prix tram strike - 1997 .17 - buses buses - Latrobe St and Swanston St. .18 - ditto .19 - Relaying Hawthorn Bridge and relaying Dandenong Road .20 - Track relay Dandenong Road - centre median reserved track with rail wagons .22 - ditto .23 - lifting track into place. Two loose photos - Bundoora terminus, Grand Prix services and Grand Prix information booth.trams, tramways, mmtb, overhead, riversdale rd, glenferrie rd, university, spencer st, city circle, clarendon st, y class, z3 class, a class, trackwork, domain junction, swanston st, burke rd, gardiner, southbank, south melbourne depot, queensway, restaurant tram, dandenong rd, grand prix, bundoora, tram 808, tram 892, tram 292, tram 920, tram 200, tram 69, tram 981, tram 954, tram 923, tram 1005, tram 843, tram 442, tram 937, tram 939, tram 114 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 2, Keith Kings, 20/09/1994 12:00:00 AM
... tram 923... Camberwell Junction Route 7A RAAF tram 923 In ink on the rear ...Colour slide, 35mm of SW6 class No. 923 painted for the RAAF recruiting campaign, Camberwell Depot 6/12/53. Tram has the destination of Camberwell Junction, route 7A. .1 - Duplicate cardboard slide by Keith with his notes. .2 - duplicate plastic mount slide duplicated by Dr Wilfred Brook of Glen Waverley. Both slides located within a small envelope with Wilfred's card and an apology for the delay. This item stored with Reg Item Document No. 4644. See Reg Item 5180 for another photo.In ink on the rear: "Copy of K(b)(12), MMTB SW6 class tramcar No. 923 painted for RAAF recruiting campaign Camberwell Depot 6/12/53" Has other reproduction notes as well.trams, tramways, camberwell depot, decorated trams, sw6 class, camberwell junction, route 7a, raaf, tram 923 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, c1975
... tram 923...Melbourne Tram Museum 8 Wallen Road Hawthorn melbourne ...Black and White photograph of SW6 923 towing a Z class truck into Miller St tracks alongside Preston Depot - c1975. The truck has a cover over it and has been fitted with two red flags, one of which is bent. The tow bar itself also has a severe bend in it. The tram has adverts for Gauloises cigarettes and T& G Life insurance.trams, tramways, preston workshops, sw6 class, z class, testing, tram 923 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Negative, Wal Jack, 1953
... tram 923... RAAF Route 7 tram 923 Black and white negative, by Wal Jack ...Black and white negative, by Wal Jack, of SW6 923 (Camberwell Route 7) decorated as the RAAF tram during late 1953 at the Victoria St shunt, in Swanston St alongside the signal box and waiting room. Has W2 361 coming into the view. In the background is the City Baths and the works of Greer & Ashburner wire works See also Reg Item 4655 for a coloured photo of the tram.trams, tramways, sw6 class, victoria st, swanston st, decorated trams, raaf, route 7, tram 923 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection - box 15
... tram 923... tram 2009 tram 111 tram 839 Albert Road tram 923 Dandenong Road ...Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Date Brief Description RT341 14-4-1974 PCC1041 at Wattle Park RT342 17-4-1974 St Kilda Road Extension – was High St and Brighton Road RT343 31-3-1975 PCC 1041 at Moonee Ponds Junction RT344 1989 SW6 914 Truganini Road, single line RT345 Jan 90 Z59 westbound in La Trobe St route 89 RT346 Apr 89 W 380 Albert Road with A283 on St Kilda line over bridge (Tours database provides a date of 25-6-1989 for an ARHS tour) RT347 1989 Truganini Rd duplication work RT348 1989 Truganini Rd duplication work RT349 1989 Truganini Rd duplication work’ RT350 Jan 90 SW5 763 Balaclava Junction RT351 Apr 1989 W2 533 Overhead test car Victoria Parade and B class RT352 Apr 1989 W2 533 overhead test car Port Melbourne line RT353 Apr 1989 ditto at Port Melbourne station RT354 Jan 1990 11W scrubber in William St RT355 1986 Transport Art tram SW5 731 - Painted by Lesley Dumbrell RT356 Apr 89 SW6 869 leaving Malvern depot RT357 Apr 89 W1 431 on tour – Truganini Road RT358 Apr 89 W1 431 at East Brighton terminus RT359 Apr 89 W380 and W1 431 on tour Albert Road South Melbourne RT360 Apr 89 W1 431 East Malvern Darling Road RT361 c1989 L 104 William St and Z95 at La Trobe St RT362 c1989 L 104 Peel St RT363 Jan 1990 SW6 921 Balaclava Junction RT364 Apr 1989 B2 2007 Victoria Parade RT365 Apr 1989 B2 2007 Mont Albert terminus RT366 Apr 1989 B2 2007 Bundoora line Plenty Road RT367 Apr 1989? Z3 209 and B2 200) at Bundoora terminus RT368 Apr 1989? B2 2009 and Z2 111 at Bundoora terminus RT369 Apr 1989 W5 839 and W1 431 Truganini Road RT370 Apr 1989 W1 380 Albert Road and B2 on over bridge RT371 Apr 1989 SW6 923 Dandenong Road Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 30 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, tram 1041, wattle park, st kilda road, tram 914, tram 59, truganini road, tram 380, st kilda light rail, tram 283, tram 763, balaclava junction, tram 533, port melbourne, tram 11w, william st, transporting art, tram 869, tram 431, tram 104, east malvern, east brighton, peel st, victoria parade, mont albert, bundoora, tram 2007, tram 209, tram 2009, tram 111, tram 839, albert road, tram 923, dandenong road -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "Melbourne 1968"
... Wallen Rd - tram 923 - "City" - route 70 RT037 Dandenong Rd... 923 - "City" - route 70 RT037 Dandenong Rd - tram 438 ...4182 - Box 2 - Melbourne 1968 (RT033-054) RT033 Dandenong Rd - tram 870 - "St Kilda Bch - Balaclava Rd" - route 69 RT034 St Kilda Rd - tram 262 - "South Melb Beach" - route 2A RT035 Sth Melb Beach Ter - tram 262 - "City" - route 2A RT036 Wallen Rd - tram 923 - "City" - route 70 RT037 Dandenong Rd - tram 438 - "Malvern - Burke Rd" - route 5 RT038 Batman Ave Ter - tram 851 - "Wattle Park Warrigal Rd" - route 70 RT039 Batman Ave - tram 864 - "City" - route 70 RT040 Princes Bridge - tram 874 - "Moreland" - route 15 RT041 E Brunswick Ter - tram 1038 - "City - Spencer St" - route 96 RT042 Victoria Pde - tram 673 - "South Melb & St Kilda Beach" - route 12 RT043 Dandenong Rd at St Kilda Junction? RT044 Dandenong Rd at St Kilda Junction? RT045 St Kilda Jct? RT046 Wellington St - tram 811 - "City" - route 64 RT047 St Kilda Jct RT048 St Kilda Jct? - trams 968 & 902 - "Carnegie" & "City" route 4 RT049 St Kilda Jct? - trams 968 & 902 - "Carnegie" & "City" route 4 RT050 Carnegie Single Line - tram 774 - "City" - route 4 RT051 Nth Fitzroy Depot - buses RT052 Wattle Park Single Line - tram 823 - "Wattle Park Elgar Rd" - route 70 RT053 Wattle Park Single Line - tram 371 - "Wattle Park Elgar Rd" - route 70 RT054 Essendon Reserved Track - tram 449 - "City" - route 59Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 22 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, track construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "Melbourne 1-10th October 1993"
... " - Track Relay Wattletree Road RT016 Collins St - tram 923 - "St..." - Track Relay Wattletree Road RT016 Collins St - tram 923 - "St ...Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT001 South Melbourne depot - tram 861 -"Domain Rd" RT002 Fitzroy St, St Kilda - tram 858 - route 16 RT003 "3" - Z class - tram 210 - "City" - route 05 RT004 Swanston St - tram 989 - "University" - route 8 RT005 Swanston St - tram 992 - "City" - route 6 RT006 Swanston St - tram 867 - "City" - route 8 RT007 "2" - Track Relay Wattletree Road RT008 "1" Track Relay Wattletree Road - tram 214 - route 05 RT009 Swanston St - tram 26 - "City - Swanston St" - route 6 RT010 Balaclava Junction - tram 76 - route 09 RT011 "6" - Track Relay Wattletree Road RT012 Fitzroy St - tram 2042 - "East Brunswick" route 96 RT013 Swanston St - tram 985 - "City" - route 8 RT014 "4" - Track Relay Wattletree Road, Malvern East, looking east to terminus at Burke Rd RT015 "5" - Track Relay Wattletree Road RT016 Collins St - tram 923 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 12 RT017 Victoria Pde Siding - tram 67 - "Special" - route 12 RT018 Nth Fitzroy Depot - trams 2037 & 2021 RT019 Park Street - tram 844 - "West Preston" - route 10 RT020 South Melb Beach Ter - tram 49 RT021 St Kilda Line - tram 67 - "East Brunswick" - route 96 RT022 Port Melb Terminus - tram 67 - "Port Melb'ne" - route 111 RT023 Port Melb Line - tram 2038 - "Exhibition Bldg" - route 111 RT024 Sth Melb Depot - tram 937 – “Restaurant" RT025 Collins St - tram 282 - "City" - route 42 RT026 Spring Street - tram 2100 - "City Spencer St" - route 86 RT027 Spring Street - tram 2093 - "Port Melbourne" - route 111 RT028 "1" New Track Spring St RT029 "2" track construction - Spring St RT030 "3" track construction - Spring St RT031 "4" track construction - Spring St RT032 "5" track construction - Spring St Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 32 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, track construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Charles Craig - part 2 of 2, 1950s to 1970s
... 963 and W5 826 in Collins St near Spencer St CC321 Sw6 923... 963 and W5 826 in Collins St near Spencer St CC321 Sw6 923 ...Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description CC271 Y1 610 and another at Camberwell depot CC272 Ditto CC273 Y1 613 at Batman Ave CC274 Y1 611 Peel St North Melbourne CC275 Y 469 Camberwell depot CC276 Ditto CC277 Postcard – L104 – MMTB CC278 L103, Hawthorn Road CC279 L103, Hawthorn Road CC280 L103 Dandenong Road CC281 L103 and w5 847 Dandenong Road CC282 L104 on Preston Workshops traverser CC283 Flinders St station with Ws CC284 Flinders St looking south along St Kilda Road to Shrine CC285 Postcard – Nu Color vue – Flinders St CC286 Postcard – Valentines – Flinders St No. 13 CC287 Postcard – Rose Series – 13595 – has been trimmed CC288 Postcard – Rose Series – 10660 – Princes Bridge and Flinders St yard CC289 Postcard – Rose but has been trimmed of Flinders St CC290 Postcard – same as CC285 CC291 SW6 914 and another car in Swanston St by Flinders St CC292 SW6 903 and bus 436 with Flinders St Station in background CC293 W5 776 at Flinders St Station CC294 W2 596 at Flinders St Station CC295 L101 and W2 Swanston St by Ian Brady CC296 Postcard - Biscay BG 250 – A 281 - CC297 W5 779 Maribyrnong River CC298 SW5 787 Queensbridge St CC299A Duplicate copy CC299 Ditto CC300 W5 812 St Kilda Junction CC301 W5 721 Carnegie? - CC302 W5 817 Elliot Ave – see also CC150 CC303 CW5 682 CC304 CW5 682 Dandenong Road CC305 SW6 855 Power St Hawthorn CC306 Argus photo same as CC8A CC307 Freight car 19 leaving South Melbourne depot CC308 Freight car 19 at South Melbourne depot CC309 Cleaner 7 CC310 W2 295 and 8 at South Melbourne Depot CC311 Cleaners 5, 8 and 7 and S or T at South Melbourne depot CC312 Freight car 17 with crew member CC313 Cleaners 5, 8 and 7 along with a tower truck and another road motor CC314 Wheel Transport car 16 at Preston CC315 Cleaner 7 CC316 Cleaner 6 Brunswick Depot R Hudson and Bob Prentice CC317 SW6 867 in Swanston at Flinders CC318 SW6 850 at Chapel and Brighton Road CC319 SW6 914 at Batman Ave CC320 SW6 963 and W5 826 in Collins St near Spencer St CC321 Sw6 923 RAAF tram CC322 Same image at 318, but better has initials T McC (Tom McCaw) CC323 Sw6 963 In Collins at Spencer St CC324 SW6 947 in Collins at Spencer St CC325 Ditto with crew CC326 SW6 850 at Preston Workshop – Argus photo CC327 SW5 843 at Swan and church, severely derailed – Herald photo CC328 SW6 886 in Victoria Parade near La Trobe CC329 SW6 948 turning from Union St into Maribyrnong Road – single curve CC330 W5 731 CC331 SW5 on a 4D – Herald WT photo CC332 Sw6 867 Swanston St with driver carrying handles etc CC333 SW6 954 – Truganini Cres CC334 SW6 915 illuminated for Christmas, the CDA father Xmas special CC335 SW6 850 on route 77 side on view CC336 Sydney R class 1845 on trailer in a busy road CC337 Sydney R class 1845 on trailer CC338 Ditto CC339 Ditto – on trailer turning from a local street CC340 MMTB Emergency van CC341 Ditto CC342 Welding truck – Hopkins and Leeds CC343 Welding truck – Hopkins and Leeds CC344 Welding truck in Hopkins St Footscray CC345 Negative – Hobart tram 103 CC346 Launceston tram CC347 Trackwork – East Kew CC348 Trackwork and a W2 East Kews CC349 SW6 892 and trackwork – East Kew CC350 W4 670 – FRONT ON CC351 W3 654 – Brunswick Depot CC352 W3 666 – St Kilda Road and High St Demonstrates the work of Charles Craig in photography and collection of prints.Assembled album in a black presentation folder of 80 photographs from the Charles Craig Collection - 31 sleeves - part 2 of 2. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details where possible has been compiled. Victorian Provincial, Launceston, Hobart and Sydney tram photos have been transferred to other Museums, image files, tramways, tramcars, trams, charles craig -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Sovereign Hill and Gold Museum, For SEC tram 36 in Melbourne 1971, Sep. 1971
Ticket or Pass printed in green ink on light card for travel on Ballarat Tram 36 while in Melbourne during Tourist Development week 1971. Titled "Hawthorn Tramways Trust", and issued by Sovereign Hill Ballarat. See image for layout etc. Not numbered. Filed with item 923 on the back of a church newsletter, with cuts for the corners of the piece of paper to fit into.trams, tramways, sovereign hill, tourism, tickets, melbourne, hawthorn -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Charles Craig - part 1 of 2, 1950s to 1970s
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description CC1 S178 at Elsternwick level crossing track works CC2 Building East Preston Depot 1955 CC3 Camberwell depot – post WW2 – lots of trams and a black cat CC4 W2 584 and SW6 958 northbound – Chapel St and Brighton Road CC5 W2 357 – southbound, Chapel St Brighton Road CC6 Pascoe Vale Road, Raceday working – note the signal CC7 The Preston Workshops - The Argus, post WW2, 223, 647 et al CC8 923 or is it 922 being built at Preston – The Argus photo - CC8A 832 being positioned onto trucks at Preston after an overhaul – Argus Photo – see also CC306 CC9 Footscray depot` CC10 W5 797 in St Kilda Road during track works – 1950s CC11 W2 457 at Kew Post Office CC12 Wellington Parade – W2 432, 492 and 337 – special event CC13 Swan St line up of trams – football? Or other special event – Sinclair’s bus on the right side. CC14 W2 630 being washed at a depot – The Argus photo CC15 Royal Park line at Flemington Road – W2 355 and W5 786 CC16 Nicholson St track construction from a tram cab CC17 T181 on tour at Gordon St CC18 T181 on Maribyrnong Bridge CC19 Ditto at River St just off bridge CC20 As for CC18 CC21 At Raleigh Rd CC22 T181 at Footscray depot CC23 Track construction, Nicholson, just north of Gertrude CC24 Commissioning overhead Bourke St tram 988 CC25 Queens Parade – 997 and 994 CC26 Swapping trolley wheel to skid – commissioning CC27 Track construction in Gertrude St CC28 985 in Queens Parade running special CC29 997 in Queens Parade CC30 1033 at North Fitzroy – AETA Special CC31 Bourke St at Elizabeth St – has passengers on board CC32 W6 985, 996 Queens Parade, Mk 3 bus 333 CC33 As above CC34 Showing construction at Nicholson & Gertrude – Bourke St CC35 W2 223 on Burnley temporary bridge – VR track expansion CC36 W5 823 – ditto CC37 Tram on old bridge prior to removal CC38 W2 433 on temporary bridge with new bridge beams and old track CC39 Looking down showing temporary single track – Swan St CC40 Tait train passing under tram bridge CC41 SW6 on single line – off loading CC42 W2 547 at City Road Junction CC43 City Road Jtn – 1969 – 596 and 771 CC44 City Road Jtn – 1969 – 596 and 771 (same as CC45 438 in Flinders St CC46 355 somewhere CC47 552 somewhere CC47A 364 at Preston Workshops? CC48 W2 334 on Traverser – Preston Workshops CC49 Wellington pade – large line up of trams, c1950 925, and 611 CC50 W2 493 Franklin st – advertising for Savings Certificates CC51 Possibly 551 with advertising for fund raising for Blind institute CC52 249 at Hawthorn – Riversdale Junction – with a Tally Ho and Village Fair Aux. board CC53 MMTB Postcard of 511 CC54 Wattle Park terminus with Single line warning sign CC55 Wattle Park Duplication CC56 36 at Domain Junction – 833 CC57 36 at Domain Junction CC58 36 at Domain Junction with 810 and 833 CC59 36 in Swanston by Flinders St Station CC60 36 in Spencer St at A’Beckett CC61 36 crossing Collins St CC62 36 crossing Collins St CC63 36 northbound in St Kilda Road with Shrine in background CC64 36 northbound in Swanston St at Flinders St CC65 Postcard – Ballarat 36 in Domain Road CC66 Postcard - Stampshow – Hawthorn Horse tram CC67 Postcard - Stampshow – Peace cable tram CC68 Postcard - 1041 and cable car set 1 at Preston CC69 Postcard - Colins & Elizabeth – greetings from old Melbourne CC70 Postcard - Cable car set at Preston CC71 Postcard - Twentyman’s cable cars CC72 Postcard - Nu-color-vue – horse tram 256 CC73 Cable car set – Market & Flinders CC74 Cable trams at Twentymans’ in their shed CC75 Cable tram track at Bourke & Spencer prior to removal CC76 Cable tram bogie at Preston Workshops – used as a dolly CC77 Cable trams at Twentymans’ CC78 Postcard - Valentines – Bourke looking west from Swanston CC79 Postcard - Rose 3938 – Bourke at Swanston – the Leviathan building CC80 Postcard - Valentines – Elizabeth St looking south from Collins – No. 19 CC81 Postcard - Rose P4765 – Bourke St Melbourne CC82 Postcard - Rose 4090 – cable tram passing Parliament house CC83 Postcard - Valentines – GPO Elizabeth St CC84 Interior of cable trailer with clothing on a set CC85 Elizabeth St looking north CC86 Cigarette card - Collins St No. 41- WD HO Wills CC87 Postcard - Rialto building with cable set CC88 Postcard - Valentines - Swanston at Flinders looking north CC89 CC90 Q 150 Hanna St – dated on rear CC91 176 turning – photo ex Alan Jungworth CC92 161 on Princes Bridge – minimum fare 4d sign and Inspector CC93 459 at Point Ormond CC94 158 at Gordon St – side on view CC95 X 217 in Swanston St CC96 X 217 in Swanston St with an East Brighton destination CC97 T177 CC98 T177 Peel St – no destination roll – being transferred? CC99 X1 462 in Glenhuntly Road to Point Ormond CC100 X1 462 in Glenhuntly Road to Elsternwick Rly Station CC101 X1 462 in Glenhuntly Road to Point Ormond CC102 Q 150 Hanna St CC103 190 at Camberwell Depot CC104 T182 at Footscray CC105 X1 466 and W2 at Footscray CC106 190 at Camberwell Depot CC107 X1 467 Barkly St Footscray CC108 X2 679 turning into William St from La Trobe St CC109 X2 677 Glenhuntly Road with Point Ormond Destination CC110 Postcard T180 CC111 Postcard format – X1 467 on a truck – see also CC178 CC112 Postcard format – X1 467 at Wantirna South CC113 Q200 and SW6 896 at Thornbury – has labels on rear CC114 T177, Ballarat Road – has labels on rear CC115 T178 at Point Ormond CC116 Postcard X1 465 and 466 CC117 Postcard – X2 676 CC118 Postcard – TMSV X2 217 CC119 810 on temporary bridging – 24-12-67 CC120 W2 575 – Queens Parade junction in, still temporary bridging, substation under construction CC121 Forming Queens Parade Junction base slab CC122 W2 596 prior to tramway works – all tracks still in position CC123 It’s a mass of reinforcing – bridging being formed CC124 Looking north with substation being built CC125 Looking east with some rather tight curves, Wellington St still in use CC126 SW6 958 ex Wellington St with all tracks and signal box and buildings. CC127 Victoria Pde at Gisborne looking east – at least 4 cars CC128 SW6 893? With dash canopy lights and SW6 862 and a man with a newspaper CC129 SW6 894 on the S curves, with tram in Wellington St CC130 Similar photo CC131 W2 564 turning into Wellington St – the concrete tracks are not that old CC132 W2 552 running out of Wellington St CC133 W5 732 from Fitzroy St into St Kilda Road with next iteration in position – very wonky CC134 W5 764 turning into Fitzroy St CC135 SW6 947 turning from Wellington St CC136 W2 586 running out of High St CC137 W2 500 turning into Wellington St CC138 W2 543 in Wellington St inbound CC139 L103 with St Kilda Junction destination, and a tower truck on right CC140 Workmen – new track in Queensway in use CC141 Ditto CC142 L103 in Queensway, and another car in bound CC143 Looking east along Wellington St which has been taken out of use. Also a MMTB Roller CC144 W5 824 and a W2 and all types of wobbly temporary track CC145 W2 354 to High St CC146 Sw6 947 on the S bends CC147 W2 500 looking north – tram on the S bends CC148 SW6 896 leaving the S bend CC149 W2 357 and a MMTB City bus with trees/gardens on the side CC150 W5 817 Elliot Ave – see also CC302 CC151 W2 552 – note the large trolley bridge CC152 W2 550 at depot or workshops CC153 1B truck CC154 SW2 432 CC155 W2 155 at Glenhuntly CC156 SW6 937 on AETA tour? CC157 X2 677 on Footscray service – Ballarat Rd? CC158 W2 641 – High St Kew? CC159 SW6 847 – Power St Hawthorn CC160 Simpson St – big line up CC161 W2 546 truck No. 1? CC162 W2s at Glenhuntly depot CC163 No. 15 truck under 899 CC164 206 and other junk at Preston Workshops CC165 W in Swanston St Melbourne – Rose series card CC166 Y1 613 Batman Ave?? or William St at Collins CC167 Tram plans CC168 X 217 Swanston St – see also 95 and 96 CC169 217 in Swanston St – same as 95 CC169A 192 in St Kilda Road at Princes bridge CC170 192 in St Kilda Road at Princes bridge CC171 Bendigo 3 arriving Malvern depot – being unloaded CC172 Ditto CC173 T180 at a depot CC174 X1 463 wheel set CC175 C30 – dog car side view – close up CC176 C30 dog car CC177 206 and 30 at Preston Workshops CC178 X1 467 on a truck – see CC111 also CC179 42 CC180 42 at a depot, no destination box CC181 W2 556 1A type truck CC182 Flinders St Station – Rose Series CC183 W7 1035 Spring – Nicholson St CC184 W7 1022 MMTB Post Card CC185 Adelaide 178 – has on rear – R. Lilburn 4/82 CC186 Adelaide 175 – has on rear – R. Lilburn 4/82 CC187 Y1 610 on AETA tour CC188 Y1 610 on AETA tour with large group – Point Ormond CC189 AETA display – has GH55-32 in pencil on rear CC190 AETA display – has GH55-29 in pencil on rear CC191 Y1 610 on AETA tour with large group – Point Ormond CC192 VR 53 at Footscray CC193 VR cars 40 and 34 at Elwood wash dock CC194 W7 1024 as the 1970 Christmas tram CC195 Geelong – loading a set of 22E trucks CC196 Geelong 10 and 23 running an AETA special CC197 Geelong – AETA special CC198 Geelong 7 at Junction CC199 Geelong 10, in the city CC200 Geelong 33 with Belmont destination CC201 Geelong 15 Eastern Park destination 29-3-1948 CC202 Geelong 23 at Railway Station – 29-3-1948 CC203 Geelong 23 at Railway Station – 29-3-1948 CC204 Geelong – loading a bogie tram CC205 Geelong – loading a bogie tram CC206 Geelong 40 – loaded on truck CC207 Geelong 40 – on jacks CC208 Geelong 40 on jacks – 19 behind CC209 Geelong 38 with two workers on either side CC210 – 214 Australian Historic Tramways stamp folder and set CC215 Bendigo 17 at depot – has dup JBS on rear CC216 Bendigo 20, 29 bogie and straight sill car at Charing Cross CC217 Bendigo one man bogie Pall Mall CC218 Bendigo – Bogie 23, other cars and welding truck at depot CC219 Bendigo 7 with Quarry Hill destination CC220 Bendigo 21 with Lake Weerona destination CC221 ESCo 18 Ballarat CC222 Ballarat bogie 22 on AETA special CC223 Ditto CC224 Ballarat 34 at Stones Corner – R Lilburn CC225 Ballarat 15 in Bridge St – R Lilburn CC226 Ballarat 40 at Gardens – R Lilburn CC227 Ballarat 37 running out of depot – R Lilburn CC228 Postcard – Valentines – Sturt St with loaded horse tram trailer CC229 AETA Geelong tram tour ticket – 29-3-1948 CC230 Postcard – Geelong – Valentine 2114 – T&G building CC231 Postcard – PMTT ! – High St Malvern CC232 Postcard – Empire – Glenferrie Road, Malvern at Wattletree Rd CC233 Postcard Y469, MMTB CC234 Postcard Z2 Spring St CC235 Postcard – Z1 MMTB CC236 Postcard – Stamp Show W1 431 CC237 Postcard – Stamp show B2005 CC238 Postcard – Stamp show W6 982 CC239 Postcard – Valentines 1264 – Johnstone Park with tram in distance CC240 Postcard – Rose 10711 – Swanston and Lonsdale – Hospital and W232 CC241 Postcard – Rose 4827 – Fitzroy St St Kilda W2 362 and 548 CC242 Postcard – Valentines – 939 – St Kilda War Memorial, W and a R? CC243 Postcard – Valentines – 572 – St Kilda War Memorial, W 413 and 140? CC244 Postcard – Valentines – 938 – Uper and Lower Esplanade – L 104 CC245 Postcard – St Kilda Rd at Princes Bridge Y1 and W CC246 Postcard – Biscay BG82 – W5 814 - CC247 Postcard – Biscay 796112 – Bourke St looking west CC248 Postcard – Biscay 796109 – Bourke St looking east CC249 Postcard – Biscay 2AUS58 – Z5 Bourke St CC250 Postcard – Biscay BG 249 – Swanston St CC251 Postcard – National View – St Kilda Rd – shrine and Prince Henrys W2 405 CC252 Postcard – Nu color vue – 11 ML 156 – St Kilda Rd CC253 Postcard – Nu color vue – 11 ML 153 – Swanston St CC254 Postcard – Nu Color vue – Collins St 442 CC255 Postcard – Pitt card – Adelaide – H 364 at Victoria St CC256 Postcard – SPER L/P 154 CC257 Postcard – BTMS – 550 CC258 Postcard – SPER – Brisbane 295 CC259 Adelaide 131 at Burnside – has R Lilburn on card, c1911 CC260 Adelaide 194 CC261 Adelaide 235, with two crew, The News photo CC262 Rockhampton, outside post office – has source of photo details CC263 Sydney – 2086 and 2062 arriving Circular Quay CC264 Sydney – P class – Pitt St? CC265 Sydney – 1610 at Circular Quay CC266 Brisbane 99 and 468 CC267 Sydney with bridge behind CC268 Steam tram Paramatta Park – 103 CC269 Sydney – Museum Station =- Elizabeth St CC270 Sydney – weed burner 137S at a loop Demonstrates the work of Charles Craig in photography and collection of prints.Assembled album in a black presentation folder of 270 photographs from the Charles Craig Collection - 86 sleeves - part 1 of 2. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details where possible has been compiled. Victorian Provincial, Launceston, Hobart and Sydney tram photos have been transferred to other Museums, image files, tramways, tramcars, trams, charles craig, st kilda junction, trackworks