Showing 33 items
matching 25 mary street
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Heritage Review, Residential Places Graded B, Volume 1, 1999, 1999
... 25 mary street... milfay avenue 4 merrion grove 25 mary street 24 lister avenue 2 ...Graeme Butler & AssociatesProject FilesProvenance OrderBlack 4-Ring binder that includes research about, and an assessment of buildings previously graded B in the City of Kew Urban Conservation Study 1988 by Pru Sanderson Design Pty Ltd. The files were created by the heritage architect Graeme Butler and the paper files include maps, correspondence, title searches, readings, reviews of prior classifications, newspaper and journal articles, directories etc for each property assessed.graeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 20 yarra street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 25 wellington street, 11 wellington street, 118 walpole street, 84 walpole street, 83 walpole street, 63 walpole street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 12 tara avenue, 89 studley park road, 75 studley park road, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 21 stoke avenue, 71 stevenson street, 34 stevenson street, 12 stevenson street, 36 stawell street, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 2 second avenue, 34 rowland street, 21 redmond street, 11 redmond street, 16 queen street, 27 princess street, 82 molesworth street, 28 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 24 miller grove, 24 milfay avenue, 8 milfay avenue, 4 merrion grove, 25 mary street, 24 lister avenue, 2 john street, 9 hume street, 7 hume street, 24 howard street, 20 howard street, 19 howard street, 10 howard street, 2 howard street, 26 holroyd street, 12 holroyd street, 73 high street, 69 high street, 35 high street, 6 high street, 53 harp road, 6 gellibrand street, 48 foley street, 9 eglinton street, 25-27 edgecombe street, 21-23 edgecombe street, 5-7 edgecombe street, 23 dunlop avenue, 167 derby street, 8 denmark street, 1 denmark street, 2 daracomb avenue, 2 danielle place, 340 cotham road, 294 cotham road, 241 cotham road, 221-229 cotham road, 208 cotham road, 193 cotham road, 180 cotham road, 171 cotham road, 167 cotham road, 161 cotham road, 135-137 cotham road, 46 clyde street, 4 cameron court, 1291 burke road, 1223 burke road, 1205 burke road, 5 bowen street, 35-37 belford road, 389 barkers road, 387 barkers road, 311 barkers road, 231 barkers road, 83-85 barkers road, 15 adeney avenue, 6 a'beckett streetgraeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 20 yarra street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 25 wellington street, 11 wellington street, 118 walpole street, 84 walpole street, 83 walpole street, 63 walpole street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 12 tara avenue, 89 studley park road, 75 studley park road, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 21 stoke avenue, 71 stevenson street, 34 stevenson street, 12 stevenson street, 36 stawell street, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 2 second avenue, 34 rowland street, 21 redmond street, 11 redmond street, 16 queen street, 27 princess street, 82 molesworth street, 28 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 24 miller grove, 24 milfay avenue, 8 milfay avenue, 4 merrion grove, 25 mary street, 24 lister avenue, 2 john street, 9 hume street, 7 hume street, 24 howard street, 20 howard street, 19 howard street, 10 howard street, 2 howard street, 26 holroyd street, 12 holroyd street, 73 high street, 69 high street, 35 high street, 6 high street, 53 harp road, 6 gellibrand street, 48 foley street, 9 eglinton street, 25-27 edgecombe street, 21-23 edgecombe street, 5-7 edgecombe street, 23 dunlop avenue, 167 derby street, 8 denmark street, 1 denmark street, 2 daracomb avenue, 2 danielle place, 340 cotham road, 294 cotham road, 241 cotham road, 221-229 cotham road, 208 cotham road, 193 cotham road, 180 cotham road, 171 cotham road, 167 cotham road, 161 cotham road, 135-137 cotham road, 46 clyde street, 4 cameron court, 1291 burke road, 1223 burke road, 1205 burke road, 5 bowen street, 35-37 belford road, 389 barkers road, 387 barkers road, 311 barkers road, 231 barkers road, 83-85 barkers road, 15 adeney avenue, 6 a'beckett street -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Heritage Review, Residential Places Graded B, Volume 2, 1999, 1999
... 25 mary street..., heritage reviews - kew 25 mary street 4 merrion grove 24 milfay ...Graeme Butler & AssociatesProject FilesProvenance OrderBlack 4-Ring binder that includes research about, and an assessment of buildings previously graded B in the City of Kew Urban Conservation Study 1988 by Pru Sanderson Design Pty Ltd. The files were created by the heritage architect Graeme Butler and the paper files include maps, correspondence, title searches, readings, reviews of prior classifications, newspaper and journal articles, directories etc for each property assessed. graeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 25 mary street, 4 merrion grove, 24 milfay avenue, 24 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 28 miller grove, 82 molesworth street, 27 princess street, 16 queen street, 20 yarra street, 84 walpole street, 118 walpole street, 11 wellington street, 83 walpole street, 25 wellington street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 63 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 89 studley park road, 12 tara avenue, 75 studley park road, 21 redmond street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 71 stevenson street, 34 rowland street, 21 stoke avenue, 34 stevenson street, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 2 second avenue, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 36 stawell street, 12 stevenson streetgraeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 25 mary street, 4 merrion grove, 24 milfay avenue, 24 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 28 miller grove, 82 molesworth street, 27 princess street, 16 queen street, 20 yarra street, 84 walpole street, 118 walpole street, 11 wellington street, 83 walpole street, 25 wellington street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 63 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 89 studley park road, 12 tara avenue, 75 studley park road, 21 redmond street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 71 stevenson street, 34 rowland street, 21 stoke avenue, 34 stevenson street, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 2 second avenue, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 36 stawell street, 12 stevenson street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Graves of Mary Josephine Swallow, John Swallow (unmarked) and Patricia Catherine Hill, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
On the 29th of May 1954, a local Eltham carpenter by the name of John Swallow, committed a double murder at his home on New Street. This happened on the same day as the federal election of that year. John 48, his wife Mary 47, and stepdaughter Patricia 25, all went to the Eltham Courthouse on Main Road to cast their vote in the election that Saturday. After voting they returned home to their New Street house around midday. Patricia would later recall to ambulance officers, that she was feeling unwell, and so went to lay down when she heard an argument erupt over voting between her mother Mary and stepfather John. A concerned neighbour heard loud thudding noises and yelling coming from John and Mary’s house, he went to investigate. When he arrived at the house he was met by John at the front door. He would later describe John as “having a frantic look upon his face, and manic eyes”. John must have been a sight, bleeding and clutching a cut throat razor by his side. He then announced to the neighbour, “they voted commie!” before turning and going back inside. The distressed neighbour immediately raced home to call the Police. When the police arrived, they found Mary dead on the kitchen floor from catastrophic head injuries; her daughter, Patricia, clinging to life, slumped on her bed. Both women had been attacked by the same weapon, a large hammer, or sledge hammer as reported by the newspapers. John was also discovered in the house, bleeding from self-inflicted wounds from the razor, and had attempted to ingest caustic soda. Patricia was taken to St Vincent’s hospital, but died the following day, the 30th of May. John was also taken to St Vincent’s, where he remained under constant police guard for several months while he recovered from his injuries, at least the physical. He was eventually well enough to be taken to the City Watch House and then Pentridge Prison before his trial in October of the same year. When it came time for John to face the courts, the Judge called a mistrial, the Crown would not prosecute on the grounds of insanity. John was led away from the dock of The Magistrates Court and taken directly to Willsmere, the Kew Mental Asylum. On the 9th of August 1962, John Mervyn Swallow died of heart failure, he was 57. He had been a resident of Kew for four years. John’s body was returned to Eltham Cemetery and buried in the same grave as Mary. There is no mention of his name on the head stone. Patricia’s grave is next to Mary and John. A sad irony has an angel upon her grave, “its head missing”, possibly vandals or just an accident of time and events. What became of the home where all of this took place on New Street shall remain a mystery but within six months of this horrific event, the street had been re-named to Lavender Park Road after the original property near the end of the road, Lavender Park. In Memory Of Mary Josephine Swallow Died 29th May 1954 aged 47 Also Patricia Cathryn Hill Dearly beloved wife of Kel Called home 30th May 1954 Aged 25 yearsBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, mary josephine swallow, patricia catherine hill, john swallow -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, North, Edley
Joseph Benjamin North was a well-known professional musician in Melbourne in late 1800 to mid 1900s, teaching music and playing in what became the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. He married Lucinda Matilda and their children were Tralford E and Camille D. With friend Leon Lambert, North purchased 60 acres of land around Karingal Drive and Sherbourne Road and built two houses; they paid for a wooden bridge for access. North eventually sold his house to a family named Green but later the land was sold to the Shire of Eltham, and it is now known as Meruka Park, and the house, Meruka House; Alan Gardner named the park. After Lambert's death, his property was bought by Fred Warne. Edley North was born in 1835, and died 26 March 1923; he married Caroline North, born 1835, died 23 July 1922. Edley's family migrated from England in 1859, settling in Adelaide. He was granted an allotment of 221 acres on Phillip Island 1868-1870. on 7 April 1874 he travelled to Pine Lodge and later moved his wife and five children. He and Caroline later moved to a small farm, Willow Grove in Eltham, purchased between 1905 and 1910 (first mentioned in the rate book in 1908 as being a house and 10 acres on Susan Street, and would also have had frontage on Brougham Street); Their daughter Violet Alice inherited it; she married Walter J Dobson around 1921; he died on 25 March 1948 aged 77 and Violet on 4 January 1947. Willow Grove was later purchased by A George and P Audrey Hester April/May 1947. Edley, Caroline and Violet are all buried in Eltham Cemetery. Marjorie Mary North was born in 1909 ; the family travelled in a horse-drawn waggon from Fitzroy to spend weekends in their little holiday house in Sherbourne Road on 10 acres of land. In 1933, she married Tralford Norman whose parents owned 62 acres of land including Meruka Park. Marjorie and Tralford lived in Looker Road, Montmorency; she died 7 February 2003. Contents Newspaper article: "When life centred on a weekender", Diamond Valley News, 25 September 1984, memories of Montmorency of Marjorie North. Newspaper article: "Worse floods seem likely", Diamond Valley News, 25 September 1984, floods in Eltham Handwritten notes: Information by Marjorie North's about her grandmother, September 1989. Handwritten and typed transcript: "J. B. North", by Marjorie North, history of Joseph Benjamin North. Letter: From Monash University to Marjorie North, 15 November 1989, being unable to assist with her enquiry about the meaning of name [unspecified in the letter but possibly Meruka] Letter: June Stanton (nee Hester) to Eltham District Historical Society, 17 February 1993, seeking information on her great grandfather Edley North and wife Caroline. Christmas card [attached to letter from June Stanton]: Line drawing Eltham Primary School 1856, text history of school Letter: Eltham Historical Society to June Hester, 11 June 1993, providing information held by the Society. Letter: Nancy Chandler (nee Williamson) to Jo McCormick 18 March 2001, providing information about Edley and Carline North, her great grandparents. Email: Patsy Moppett to Eltham District Historical Society October 2010: A photograph of Edley and Caroline North found, wish to return it to family. Family tree: North/Dobson family. Death notice: Marjorie May North, died 7 February 2003.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcmarjorie north, tralford norman, sherbourne road montmorency, looker road montmorency, briar hill, montmorency, catholic ladies college, merton hall, melbourne girls grammar school, ivanhoe girls grammar school, wesley college, meruka park, st helena road, st faith's anglican church montmorency, william sapsford, floods in eltham, joseph benjamin north, leon lambert, melbourne symphony orchestra, karingal drive, meruka house, alan gardner, lucinda matilda north, tralford e north, camille d north, montmorency cricket club, diamond creek, eltham railway station, judge book village, fred warne, edley north, caroline north, eltham cemetery., violet alice dobson (nee north), willow farm eltham, edley north family tree, walter john dobson family tree, nancy chandler (nee williamson), pine lodge, elijah north -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
Three copies of a photocopied fold out brochure for the auction of Helenslea mansion and stables on 25/03/1916 in association with the sale of the adjoining allotments of the Helenslea Estate. The brochure includes a map of the Helenslea Estate, a photograph of the view from Helenslea Mansion, an illustration of the exterior of the Mansion and a detailed floor plan of the Mansion and stables.helenslea mansion, helenslea estate plan, glen eira road, hood crescent, merton street, stables, hawthorn road, orrong road, morrice street, helenslea road, st kilda east, auctions, st mary’s church, caulfield north, land subdivision, land brochures, residential development -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph - NETTALIE
Various documents about and photographs of Nettalie or Netley House or The Nest on Balaclava Road Caulfield now part of Melbourne Grammar School: 1/The first is an article undated and unattributed accessed from on 14/07/2006 detailing with bibliography the history of Netley House including the owners especially the Shaw family. 2/There are several separately colour-printed photographs of the front facade of Nettalie most undated and unattributed, and one family portrait of the Shaw family circa 1863. All were also accessed from on 14/07/2006. 3/One black and white photograph is inscribed '73 Balaclava Rd Caulfield 3/9/72 Neg 16A'. 4/Two copies of a plan of Nettalie next to The Curragh and Harleston, also in the article and likely accessed from same source on same date. 5/A copy of Dr Cameron’s letter to Herbert Shaw dated 24/05/1949. 6/One copy of a letter from Herbert Shaw to Dr William Cameron dated 25/05/1949. 7/A plan of Melbourne Grammar School with each building dated to when it was built including Netley House in herbert, shaw alfred henry, shaw arthur, shaw amelia, shaw lavinia, forsyth william, blundell mary, fosbery john, bakewell john, hailes george b, blundell miss, stephen george sir, billings richard, ware martha, desailly alfred, cameron william dr, cameron j mrs, nettalie, the nest, netley house, house names, caulfield north, balaclava road, grimwade house, orrong road, harleston, caulfield road district, st kilda east, the curragh, shelford, helenslea, sylliot hall, labassa, o’loughlin street, ormond, hotham street, melbourne grammar school, caulfield conservation study, mansions, teachers, schools, independent schools, hardware stores, business people, lawyers, businesses, brick houses, outbuildings, architectural styles, classrooms, bunya bunya pine trees, trees, orchards, land subdivisions, land sales, doctors -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph (item), J.H. Clark (poss), View of Eltham across Bridge Street, c.1907
The view is looking southeast from near Eltham Road (present-day Sherbourne Road) across Bolton and Bridge streets towards the village of Little Eltham running down the main road (Maria Street) . On the immediate right is Mrs Mary Jane Smart's family home located on the north side of Bridge Street at the intersection with Bolton Street, facing Bolton Street (now part of present day Brisbane Street and occupied by the Kitchen Design Centre). An original early settler's cottage, it was built by Mary Jane Smart's parents, Edwin Bailey and Jane (nee Matthews). Mary Jane Smart was born in the cottage. She married an Englishman, Alexander Wilson Smart who disappeared to Western Australia in the early 1900s in search of gold. He ultimately married again in W.A., committing bigamy and then committed murder and was hung in 1911. Visible att the top left are Watson's (two-storey) Eltham Hotel at the corner of Pitt Street and Maria Street and the Evelyn Hotel directly opposite. The photo was possibly taken by John Henry Clark of Clark Bros Photographers who operated from 25 Thompson Street, Windsor near Prahan 1894-1914.bridge street, clark bros. photo, early settlers, eltham, evelyn hotel, fountain of friendship hotel, j.h. clark photo, mary jane smart (nee bailey), smart family home, smart home, watsons hotel -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article - Newspaper clipping, Argus newspaper, 24 February 1945
It is historically significant as it marks a royal visit made by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester during the Duke of Gloucester's term as 11th Governor General of Australia (1945 - 1947). Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, GCB, CI, GCVO, GCStJ, GBE (born Lady Alice Christabel Montagu Douglas Scott; 25 December 1901 – 29 October 2004) was the wife of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, the third son of King George V and Queen Mary. Frank Oliver was MTS chaplain during this period. The Gloucesters did not return to Australia on any official visit until 1965. (see ADB entry for Duke of Gloucester) According to the list of engagements from the Argus, on Saturday the Duke and Duchess left Governor House to visit the Central Institute at 11am where they were received by the Governor and Lady Dugan, the chaplain (Padre Oliver) and members of the committee. They left at 11.15am : the legend of the picture "AS THE DUCHESS LEFT THE MISSION TO SEAMEN Central Institute on Saturday morning, Padre Frank Oliver, chaplain, called for three cheers, which were given heartily."This photograph reveals the contemporaneous relationship between Australians and the British Royal family and connection through the International organisation that is the Mission to Seafarers. Current President is HRH the Princess Royal.Newspaper clipping depicting Alice Duchess of Gloucester at middle left with Chaplain Frank Oliver at middle right. The Chaplain is waving and possibly leading a cheer. He is wearing a naval uniform. The Duchess is wearing a black hat and white short-sleeved dress holding a bunch of flowers. In the left of the photograph is a man holding his right arm up hiding his face from view. In the background there is a crowd of onlookers behind a railing.Written in black ink: Feb 25 1945 / Duke's final visit as Governor Generalpadre frank leslie oliver, duchess of gloucester, flandres street, governor general, duke of gloucester, flinders street -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, Argus newspaper, 24 February 1945
Photograph was taken at the Mission to Seafarers Melbourne. It is historically significant as it marks a royal visit made by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester during the Duke of Gloucester's term as 11th Governor General of Australia (1945 - 1947). Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, GCB, CI, GCVO, GCStJ, GBE (born Lady Alice Christabel Montagu Douglas Scott; 25 December 1901 – 29 October 2004) was the wife of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, the third son of King George V and Queen Mary. Frank Oliver was MTS chaplain during this period. The Gloucesters did not return to Australia on any official visit until 1965. (see ADB entry for Duke of Gloucester) According to the list of engagements from the Argus, on Saturday the Duke and Duchess left Governor House to visit the Central Institute at 11am where they were received by the Governor and Lady Dugan, the chaplain (Padre Oliver) and members of the committee. They left at 11.15am : the legend of the picture "AS THE DUCHESS LEFT THE MISSION TO SEAMEN Central Institute on Saturday morning, Padre Frank Oliver, chaplain, called for three cheers, which were given heartily."This photograph reveals the contemporaneous relationship between Australians and the British Royal family and connection through the International organisation that is the Mission to Seafarers. Current President is HRH the Princess Royal.Black and white photograph of Princess Alice the Duchess of Gloucester. The Duchess at middle left with Chaplain Frank Oliver at middle right. The Chaplain is waving and possibly leading a cheer. He is wearing a naval uniform. The Duchess is wearing a black hat and white short-sleeved dress holding a bunch of flowers. In the left of the photograph is a man holding his right arm up hiding his face from view. In the background there is a crowd of onlookers behind a railing.Front: "Duchess of Gloucester 1969" in blue pen in the bottom right corner. (see also notes re this date) There is also what appears to be a watermark on the middle left side. Back: "H.R.H. Duchess of Gloucester visiting Missions to Seamen, Melbourne." in the top left corner on an angle. "Copyright The Argus, Melbourne. Photograph Neg. No. U-646 Ref. No." in purple ink in the middle. The Neg. No. is in pencil.uniform, flowers, chaplain, princess alice, mission to seafarers, mission to seamen, duke of gloucester, duchess of gloucester, governor general, frank leslie oliver, padre oliver, royal visit, flinders street, melbourne -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Furniture - Lectern, 1907
The lectern was gifted by Mary Georgina Howard Northcote in December 1907 for the Siddeley Street mission (see Annual Report 1907: list of gifts for the new institute page 8). It was moved to the St Peter Chapel, Flinders Street, and has been in use ever since. Mary nee Reynell in Cheltenham, England, was the wife of Edward Northcote, ex master mariner and general manager of the Adelaide Steamship Company between 1899 and 1926, before his death on 4 November 1926. Edward Northcote was the cousin of Henry Stafford Northcote, Governor General of Australia (1904-1908). Lord Northcote laid the stone of the Siddeley Street Seamen's Institute on Tuesday 5 February 1907. Mary died in December 1932, in her will she made a donation of £25 to the Mission. As it was moved to the St Peter chapel when the Flinders Street Mission opened, it was added to the 1917 list of gifts.The Mission to Seafarers Victoria has been in operation for over 150 years in Victoria although experiencing many name and location changes. Support and patronage by Governors general and State governors was key to official recognition of the work of the Mission.The current site at 717 Flinders Street is the most enduring and many artefacts from previous locations have been relocated to this site. This lectern underscores the relationship between the Mission and notable Victorians.The head of the lectern is supported by three wooden cross sections each engraved with a criss-crossing leaf pattern. The legs of lectern have a similarly carved decorative panel forming an arched shape. Each corner of the panel has gum leafs and nuts carved into it. The foot of the lectern is less ornate although there are three decorated wooden panels mimicking those supporting the head.Brass plaque on lectern: FOR THE GLORY OF GOD/THIS LECTERN/WAS PRESENTED BY/MARY HOWARD NORTHCOTE/DECEMBER 1907religion, lectern, australia-wharf, mary georgina howard northcote nee reynell, edward northcote (1854-1926), adelaide steamship company, henry stafford northcote (1846-1911) g.c.m.g, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, flinders street, yarra river, siddeley street, heritage listed, gifts-1917 -
Ararat & District Historical Society (operating the Langi Morgala Museum)
Currency - coin, Untitled, 1603
This coin was the first shilling minted during the reign of King James I of England (James VI of Scotland), being produced from 1603 to1604. Born on the 19 June 1566, James became King James VI of Scotland at a little over twelve months of age, on the abdication of his mother Mary Queen of Scots. He succeeded to the English Throne as James I on the death of the childless Queen Elizabeth I on 24 March 1603. He was crowned on 25 July 1603, ruling over a united England, Scotland and Wales for 22 years until his death in 1625 at the age of 58.Small, hammered silver coin with a portrait of a male head facing to the right and a value of XII (12) stamped to the left of the portrait. There is an inscription stamped around the perimeter of the coin, which also shows a Thistle mintmark. The reverse side of the coin shows a shield (centred) divided into four sections. A hole has been pierced through the top of the coin between the Thistle mintmark and the King's Crown. "EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI" "IACOBVS DG ANG SCO FRA ET HIB REX" coin, shilling, king james 1, 1600s, british monarchy, ararat, langi morgala museum -
Victoria Police Museum
Photograph (Plain Clothes Branch)
Mary Craig Cox was born in Winton, Queensland, on 23 November 1881. She was 41 when she joined Victoria Police on 25 September 1925. Her Record of Conduct and Service describes her as being 5'4" tall, weighing 8st, 2lb, of thin build with blue eyes and brown hair. She was the third police woman to join the ranks and, like the others, she was attached to the plain clothes branch of Victoria Police. She retired on 23 November 1936, having reached the compulsory retirement age of 55. Victoria Police Plain Clothes Branch, 1927, with Mary Cox on the rightpolice women, cox, mary craig 7710, plain clothes branch, police woman, policewomen -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Clock, c. 1860s
The clock was either made or sold by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. Thomas Gaunt History: Thomas Gaunt established Melbourne's leading watchmaking, optical and jewellery business during the second half of the 19th century. Gaunt arrived in Melbourne in 1852, and by 1858 had established his own business at 14 Little Bourke Street. Around 1869 he moved to new premises in Bourke Street on the corner of Royal Arcade, Gaunt's shop quickly became a Melbourne institution. Gaunt proudly advertised that he was 'The only watch manufacturer in the Australian colonies'. While many watches and clocks may have had Gaunt's name on the dial, few would have been made locally. Gaunt did make some watches for exhibitions, and perhaps a few expensive watches for wealthy individuals. Gaunt's received a telegraph signal from Melbourne Observatory each day to correct his main clock and used this signal to rate and repair ship's chronometers and good quality watches. His main horological manufacturing was directed at turret clocks for town halls, churches and post offices. These tended to be specific commissions requiring individualised design and construction. He made the clock for the Melbourne Post Office lobby, to a design by Government Astronomer Robert Ellery, and won an award at the 1880-81 Melbourne International Exhibition for his turret clock for the Emerald Hill Town Hall. He became well known for his installation of a chronograph at Flemington Racecourse in 1876, which showed the time for the race, accurate to a quarter of a second. The firm also installed the clockwork and figures for Gog and Magog in the Royal Arcade. Thomas Gaunt also developed a department that focused on scientific instrumentation, making thermometers and barometers (from imported glass tubes), telescopes, surveying instruments and microscopes. Another department specialised in electroplating for trophies, awards and silverware, and the firm manufactured large amounts of ecclesiastical gold ware and silverware, for the church including St Patrick's Cathedral. There are no records that disclose the number of employees in the firm, but it was large enough for Gaunt to hold an annual picnic for the watchmakers and apprentices at Mordialloc from 1876; two years previously they had successfully lobbied Gaunt to win the eight hour day. Gaunt's workforce was reportedly very stable, with many workers remaining in the business for 15 to 30 years. Gaunt's wife Jane died on September 1894, aged 64. They had one son and six daughters, but only three daughters survived to adulthood. Two became nuns at the Abbotsford Convent and one daughter, Cecelia Mary Gaunt (died 28 July 1941), married William Stanislaus Spillane on 22 September 1886 and had a large family. Gaunt died at his home in Coburg, Victoria, leaving an estate valued at ₤41,453. The business continued as T. Gaunt & Co. after his death. Post Office and Clock History: Warrnambool’s Post Office has been in existence since 1857, when it was originally situated on the corner of Timor and Gilles Street. In March 1864 the Warrnambool Borough Council purchased this clock from Henry Walsh Jnr. for the sum of £25, “to be put up in front of the Post Office”. Henry Walsh Jnr was the eldest son of Melbourne’s Henry Walsh, maker and retailer of clocks, watches, thermometers and jewellery. In 1854 Henry Walsh Jnr. began business in Warrnambool as a watchmaker and jeweller later becoming a Councillor with now a local street named after him. The Post Office was extensively remodelled in 1875-76. Early photographs of this building show that the clock was installed on the northern outside wall, Timor Street, under the arches and between the 2 centre windows, where it could be seen by passers-by. Although spring loaded clocks date back to the 15th century, and fob and pocket watches evolving from these date to the 17th century, personal pocket watches were only affordable to the very fortunate. Public clocks such as this Post Office clock provided opportunity for all to know the time, and for those in possession of a personal watch to check and set their own timepieces to the correct time. During post office reservations during the 1970s the clock was removed and was eventually donated to the Flagstaff Collection. The Clock’s maker Thomas Gaunt, is historically significant and was an established and well renowned scientific instrument and clock maker in Melbourne during the 1860s. He was at that time the only watchmaker in the Australian colonies. In the 1870’s and 1880’s he won many awards for his clocks and was responsible for sending time signals to other clocks in the city and rural areas, enabling many businesses and organisations to accurate set their clocks each day. Warrnambool Borough Council purchased this clock from Henry Walsh Jnr. for the sum of £25 and the clock used to stand in front of the Warrnambool post office to allow ordinary citizens to set their time pieces as they walked by. The item is not only important because it was made by a significant early colonial clock maker and retailed by a locally known clock maker and jeweler but also that it was installed in the Warrnambool Post Office a significantly historical building in it's own right. Built in 1857 and regarded as one of the oldest postal facilities in Australia, with a listing on the National Heritage Database, (ID 15656). This 1864 hall clock originates from the Warrnambool Post Office. The clock glass is hinged to the top of the clock face and has a catch at the bottom. The metal rim of the glass is painted black. The clock face is metal, painted white, with black Roman numerals and markings for minutes and five minutes. The tip of the small hour hand is shaped like a leaf. "T. GAUNT / MELBOURNE" is printed in black on the clock face. The winding key hole is just below the centre of the clock face. The key winds a fusee chain mechanism, attached to the brass mainspring barrel that powers the pendulum with an 8-day movement. The speed of the clock can be adjusted by changing the position of the weight on the pendulum, lengthening or shortening the swing; raising the pendulum shortens its swing and speeds up the clock. The metal fusee mechanism has an inscription on it. The rectangular wooden casing is with a convex curve at the bottom that has a hinged door with a swivel latch. The original stained surface has been painted over with a matte black. There are two other doors that also allow access to the clock’s workings. The case fits over the pendulum and workings at the rear and attaches to the clock by inserting four wooden pegs into holes in the sides of the case then into the back of the clock. A flat metal plate has been secured by five screws onto the top of the case and a hole has been cut into it for the purpose of hanging up the clock. There is a nail inside the case, possibly used for a place to the key."T. GAUNT MELBOURNE" is printed on the clock face. “6 1 3” embossed on the back of the fusee mechanism behind the clock. warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, clock, warrnambool post office, fusee, henry walsh jnr, thomas gaunt, t gaunt & co, post office clock -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 6 items: 1/Handwritten notes by Peta Darke dated 25/07/2014 listing title details for 16 Elster Avenue from 1909 to 2009 – two pages. 2/Handwritten list of Sands and McDougall entries for the property from 1915 to 1940 dated 25/07/2014 compiled by Peta Darke. 3/A photocopy of a Biggin Scott Real Estate Agents flyer advertising the recent sale of the property in 2009. 4/Print out from ‘The Argus’ of 04/12/1917, Page 6, from the Trove website of a brief article concerning the wounding of S.P.Jones, son of Stephen Jones of ‘Mons’, Elster Avenue in November 1917. 5/A photocopy of colour photograph of exterior of 16 Elster Avenue Circa 1998 taken by R.Darke. 6/Article from ‘Caulfield Glen Eira Leader’ of 25/03/2014, Page 3, concerning Oscar Jones, 14 year old son of present owners, who is an excellent surf life saver. Includes colour photograph of Oscar.elster avenue, college street, bowood, elsternwick, bowden arthur william, mons, hartington street, parnell street, jones stephen alma, kooyong road, kendall ann bell, kendall james william, kendall harold duncan, morrison harold lindsay, morrison rhonda may, cook jean isobel, golding ida curnow, perrett craig stuart, perrett eileen mary, perrett edward, perrett anthea, perrett catherine, lewis kay margaret, swain anthony barry gilles, swain darcy, swain mitchell, jones adrian, jones karine stehman, jones oscar, jones patrick, thomas lloyd, rickman jacob, lee james t, nidschelm harold, regan francis, jones douglas, laughton martin, biggin and scott, ashton daniel, jones stephen percy douglas, architectural styles, edwardian style, timber houses, gardenvale, collinson william morris, thomson william hamilton, lempriere john thompson -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, Receipt 1950, c1950
Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original paper receipt, dated 25/6/1950, for solicitors fees regarding the purchase of the house a 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott. Melbourne 23-6- 1950/ Received from Mr. J. Herron / the Sum of – Sixteen Pounds / nineteen Shillings and three Pence / being costs & fees re Marriott / per letter 10/5/50 / £16.19.3 signed N Boothby Boothby / stamp in left corner dated 23/6/50 / along left side Cook & Heathcote Pty. Ltd., 404 Collins St., Melbournepioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, cook and heathcote pty ltd -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - THE MAYORAL AUXILIARY, 25 Sept. 1947
The Mayoral Auxiliary. Entertainment arranged by The Mayoral Auxiliary in aid of The Food For Britain Appeal. 25 Sept., 1947. Part 1 - Musical Programme. 1.Piano & Violin: Misses Leggo & McNair. Vocal Solo: Mr Arthur Nicholls. Trio: Mesdames Ennor & Lober & Miss Pianto. Dramatic Scene, Song & Dance: Miss Janice Morgan. Vocal Solo: Mr Beckwith. Specialty Act: Miss Gladys Brown. Vocal Solo: Mrs Ennor. Part 2 - Dramatic Entertainment. Dramatic Personage: Dreamer: Mr Jack Hocking. Grandparents: Mr Mac Walker & Mrs Oliver. Suitors: Messers Beckwith & Harvey. Daughter: Miss Letty White. Dancer: Miss Eileen Clarke. Sports Girl: Miss Mary Stanistreet. Marie & Mary: Misses A Taylor. The Cook & the Lady: Misses Dorothy Farmer & Helen Sargeant. Widow: Miss Beverly Dyer. Sister: Miss Judy Edwards. Bride: Miss Phyllis Farmer. Nanny & the Children: Mrs T O Hunter, Misses Janice Morgan & Gladys Brown. Nurses: Misses D Farmer & Helen Sargeant. Orchestra: Misses Leggo (Piano); McNair (Violin) & Kerr (Viola). Costumieres: Mr & Mrs L V Lansell. Cake Stall: Mesdames Amer, Bryenton & Poulston. Sweets: Mesdames Chellew & Guthery. Sellers: Girls School Students. Doorkeepers: Mesdames Anderson and Streader. Sweets supplied by Girls School, High School, Mr Wilkinson, Mrs Body, Misses Burgess & Weller. Tickets donated by Mr Albert Matthews. Stage Manager: Mrs T O Hunter. Compere: Mess L MacGillivray. Assistant: Mr L M Green. 3 copies of program 4268 a,b,c. 4 pages.entertainment, theatre, the mayoral auxiliary, the mayoral auxiliary in aid the food for britain appeal. 25 sept., 1947. piano & violin: misses leggo & mcnair. vocal solo: mr arthur nicholls. trio: mesdames ennor & lober & miss pianto. dramatic scene, song & dance: miss janice morgan. vocal solo: mr beckwith. specialty act: miss gladys brown. vocal solo: mrs ennor. dramatic personage: dreamer: mr jack hocking. grandparents: mr mac walker & mrs oliver. suitors: messers beckwith & harvey. daughter: miss letty white. dancer: miss eileen clarke. sports girl: miss mary stanistreet. marie & mary: misses a taylor. the cook & the lady: misses dorothy farmer & helen sargeant. widow: miss beverly dyer. sister: miss judy edwards. bride: miss phyllis farmer. nanny & the children: mrs t o hunter, misses janice morgan & gladys brown. nurses: misses d farmer & helen sargeant. orchestra: misses leggo (piano); mcnair (violin) & kerr (viola). costumieres: mr & mrs l v lansell. cake stall: mesdames amer, bryenton & poulston. sweets: mesdames chellew & guthery. sellers: girls school students. doorkeepers: mesdames anderson and streader. sweets supplied by girls school, high school, mr wilkinson, mrs body, misses burgess & weller. tickets donated by mr albert matthews. stage manager: mrs t o hunter. compere: mess l macgillivray. assistant: mr l m green. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter addressed to Alan and Joan (no surnames) dated 25 November no year. Signed by Mary describing the opening of the JRV Anderson, bendigo, school of mines and industries -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Captain John Hepburn (7 page document re Hepburn by unknown author titled '' From Sea to Squatting - Smeaton Hill. Unknown date). Born Whitekirk Haddington East Lothean Scotland, 10 December 1803. His mother nee Stewart. Worked for East India Shipping Line. In 1828 at 25 years became the mate on the vessel 'Diaden'. Captain Wilson. As Captain of the 'Alice' in 1830 married Eliza Combes. Alice Elizabeth, 1st child, born the same Year. 1833 a son John Stewart was born and unfortunately died one year later. A third child Thomas was born. He sailed on a steam propelled vessel between Sydney and Newcastle. He later took over the ship 'Ceres' and was expected to run the Board of Directors. Sadly health prevailed. The 'Ceres' struck 'Whale Rock' and sank. Captain Martin was in charge at the time. Mr. J. Gardiner offered and overland to Victoria. Other names are; Mrs Coghill, John Coghill,. Strathallen, Smeaton Hill, Fourth child John Stewart born. Benjamin Hepburn, Eliza 1840, Henry 1842, Mary 1845, Helen 1845 (twins), Jane1847, Anne 1849. John Hepburn appointed a Magistrate. Reghetti.person, individual, captain john hepburn, the settlers act, john sturat hepburn, george hepburn, allison stewart, smeaton homestead, thomas, eliza, henry, mary, helen, jane and anne hepburn. mr j. gardiner, loddon district, mrs coghill, john cohill, strathallen run, george stuart coghill, captain willson, eliza combes -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Program - religious service, Westminster Abbey Australian and New Zealand Army Corps Commemoration Service April 25th, 1916 (Being the First Anniversary of the Landing at Gallipoli), 1916
Commemoration in London of the first anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. On 25 April 1916, around 2,000 Australian and New Zealand soldiers marched through the streets of London to the Abbey. The service was held in the presence of King George V and Queen Mary.Two pages of paper, buff coloured with age, printed both sides, folded and stapled to make an 8 page document. The order of service is set out on pages 3-8.wwi, world war i, anzac, anzac day, gallipoli, aif -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
CD, Leonhard Adam Exhibition Tatura Museum 25 August 2006, 2006
Recording of speeches given at the presentation of Leonhard Adam paintings and books by his daughter, Mary Clare Adam Murvitz at the museum on 26 August coloured CD with green and black text in a clear plastic case.leonhard adam, leonhard adam paintings, mary clare adam murvitz -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Photograph - Image, 1897
Alice Amelia Holloway married Arthur William Brooke in 1897 in Melbourne, Victoria. Alice was 25 years old at the time of her marriage. Alice died in 1959 in St. Kilda, Victoria. Her parents were James Charles Holloway and Mary Martha Bennett. Alice was born at Indigo via Rutherglen in 1872. This is her in her wedding finery. Photograph of Mrs Arthur Brooke (nee Alice Holloway). Confirmed as her wedding photograph.Written on back: "Dec. | Auntie Alice nee Holloway (Mrs Arthur Brookes, 11 Spencer St., St Kilda | Great Grandfather's brother and sister"alice holloway, arthur brooke, alice brooke, brooke family, holloway family -
Unions Ballarat
Photograph: John Baines, Marg Caddy and Graeme Shearer at Trades Hall Dinner, 26/2/2000
Photograph: John Baines, Marg Caddy and Graeme Shearer at Trades Hall Dinner Graeme Shearer was Secretary of Ballarat Trades Hall for 25 years, retiring in 2009.Photographbtlc, ballarat trades and labor council, ballarat trades hall, baines, john, caddy, mary, shearer, graeme -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy of photo on brown board. Image shows Mary Oxnam, her husband and two children. Family are in portrait style setting, leaning on table. Written on bottom in biro: Mary Oxnam a teacher at Golden Square from 1905 - 10 with her husband and children. ** Note: Oxnam descendant sent letter 25 October 2002, stating that they enclosed two photograph albums. These have not been located, primary, golden square laurel st p.s. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 127 Wellington Street, 1991
Arthur Henry Miers played for cricket, football and baseball teams in Kew for a number of decades in the first half of the twentieth century. He was born on 22 November 1901, the son of Rodolph Theophilus Miers (1874-1951) and Margaret Frances (Margaretta) Fry (1875-1958). He had two brothers, Rodolph Cecil Miers (1904-80) and Charles Wilfred Miers (1906-88), and a sister Marjorie Elizabeth Miers (1911-84). Arthur Miers died in Kew on 25 January 1966, and after his body was cremated, his body was interred in the Mausoleum of Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery.Home of Charles & Mary Miers till 1922. House named 'Warsaw Terrace'. Left house could be 127independent order of rechabites, hawthorn tent, charles miers, mary miers, 127 wellington street -- kew (vic.) -
Clunes Museum
Early settlers to Clunes from South Australia in the 1870'sPhotocopy of sepia photograph of John and Grace Beer (nee Mitchell) and their son (probably John Jnr)Copy of sepia photograph of John and Grace Beer (nee Mitchell) and their son (probably John Jnr), arr SA 3.4.1849 aboard "Mary Ann" ex Plymouth. Parents of Caroline Parker (G-Grandparents to Dennis), dep to Vic 1870/71. John died 25/4/1893, Grace died 20/1/1905; they are buried Clunes Vic. Meth section row J2, plot 63, no headstone. Note the missing fingers of John. Plaque placed June 2017 by Dennis Parkerbeer, parker, mitchell -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, 22 Bridge Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, 25 Bridge Road, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Edna and Bon's wedding day, 1941
Bon married Eva Edna MYERS, daughter of Frederick Thomas MYERS and Martha Mary WATSON, on 25 October 1941 in Melton, Victoria, Australia.Bon and Edna on their wedding daylocal identities -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, Queen's Visit 1970
Correspondence dated 24 February 1970 - 6 March 1970 concerning an invitation to a Dinner Dance at Government House on 7th April 1970 in honour of The Prince of Wales and The Princess Anne, hosted by Miss Frances Anne Delacombe. The Governor, via his Private Secretary Lt.Col W.H.A. Becke, asked Melbourne Legacy to nominate two male and two female members between the ages of 18 and 25 who had achieved something in the scholastic, sporting or community service fields. They also had to like dancing and be able to mix. The Junior Legatees selected were Mary W. Lahore, Jacqueline Isles, Ralph E. Norton, and Peter Smith, all of whom were University students.Illustrates Melbourne Legacy's relevance in the wider community at the highest levels.Quarto and foolscap typed sheets x 3 on letterhead stamped 'Copy Only'. Originally black type on white paper, now fading to brown on cream.Handwritten salutation and signature on 01286.1 and 01286.4.junior legatee, royal visit -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards. See 1400. Colour painting of a rural scene of 2 cows beside the Yarra at West Warburton. Addressed to Miss H G Shatford, Black Rock, Via Sandringham, Victoria Sender J G D, Emu Park, W East Dated 25 Oct 1906 postcard, collector, alice mcgregor