Physical description

The Mayoral Auxiliary. Entertainment arranged by The Mayoral Auxiliary in aid of The Food For Britain Appeal. 25 Sept., 1947. Part 1 - Musical Programme. 1.Piano & Violin: Misses Leggo & McNair. Vocal Solo: Mr Arthur Nicholls. Trio: Mesdames Ennor & Lober & Miss Pianto. Dramatic Scene, Song & Dance: Miss Janice Morgan. Vocal Solo: Mr Beckwith. Specialty Act: Miss Gladys Brown. Vocal Solo: Mrs Ennor. Part 2 - Dramatic Entertainment. Dramatic Personage: Dreamer: Mr Jack Hocking. Grandparents: Mr Mac Walker & Mrs Oliver. Suitors: Messers Beckwith & Harvey. Daughter: Miss Letty White. Dancer: Miss Eileen Clarke. Sports Girl: Miss Mary Stanistreet. Marie & Mary: Misses A Taylor. The Cook & the Lady: Misses Dorothy Farmer & Helen Sargeant. Widow: Miss Beverly Dyer. Sister: Miss Judy Edwards. Bride: Miss Phyllis Farmer. Nanny & the Children: Mrs T O Hunter, Misses Janice Morgan & Gladys Brown. Nurses: Misses D Farmer & Helen Sargeant. Orchestra: Misses Leggo (Piano); McNair (Violin) & Kerr (Viola). Costumieres: Mr & Mrs L V Lansell. Cake Stall: Mesdames Amer, Bryenton & Poulston. Sweets: Mesdames Chellew & Guthery. Sellers: Girls School Students. Doorkeepers: Mesdames Anderson and Streader. Sweets supplied by Girls School, High School, Mr Wilkinson, Mrs Body, Misses Burgess & Weller. Tickets donated by Mr Albert Matthews. Stage Manager: Mrs T O Hunter. Compere: Mess L MacGillivray. Assistant: Mr L M Green. 3 copies of program 4268 a,b,c. 4 pages.