Showing 61 items
matching 4 fd svy sqn
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Closure Ceremony 25 Nov 1995, 4 Fd Svy Sqn, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide, 25.11.1995
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Closure Ceremony 25 Nov 1995...4 Fd Svy Sqn Closure Ceremony 25 Nov 1995...4 Fd Svy Sqn... was redesignated 4 Fd Svy Sqn and engaged in operations conducted in PNG...4 Fd Svy Sqn, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide... was redesignated 4 Fd Svy Sqn and engaged in operations conducted in PNG ...Between 1915 and 1951, military topographical mapping in SA was conducted by Royal Australian Survey Corps (RASvy) units based outside the state. In February 1952, Army HQ Field Survey Section (Central Command Detachment) was established in Adelaide in a drill hall at Largs Bay. It was tasked with providing map coverage in the Woomera and Southern areas of the state. The section was subsequently reorganised as Central Command Field Survey Section moving firstly to Hampstead Barracks, Hampstead in 1953 and then into accommodation at Keswick Barracks in 1954. In 1957 the Section commenced mapping operations in the NT. The Unit was relocated to the old cavalry stables in 1961 and was redesignated Central Command Survey Unit and remained there till 1973. In 1970 the Unit was redesignated 4 Fd Svy Sqn and engaged in operations conducted in PNG from 1972 to 1974 inclusive. In 1973 the Squadron moved into a brand new two-storey specially designed and purpose built building adjacent to the old building. The old building then became the Squadron Q and Map store with an interconnecting lobby to the new building. Since 1975 the Unit was involved in the 1:50,000 Mapping Programme in WA, NT, QLD, SA and conducted many other operations within Australia and overseas. Post disbandment of the Corps the old Squadron building (cavalry stables) now houses the Army Museum of South Australia (AMOSA). The Royal Australian Survey Corps was amalgimated into the Royal Australian Engineer Corps in July 1996. In the lead up to this amalgamation, 4 Field Survey Squadron Keswick Barracks, Adelaide, South Australia was disbanded in 1995. A closing Ceremony was held on 25 November 1995 at 4 Fd Svy Sqn Keswick Barracks attended by about 208 former members of the Unit. A photo was taken of attendees at that event on the day and a list was prepared of attendees. All attendees were sent a copy of the photograph and the list of names as a momento of the Unit and the ceremony..1P A4 Print of an original photo of attendees at the 4 Fd Survey Sqn Closure Ceremony at Keswick Barracks 25 Nov 1995. .2P A4 Print of the names of the attendees at the 4 Fd Survey Sqn Closure Ceremony at Keswick Barracks 25 Nov 1995. Approx 208 attendees.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan, Feb and May 1980, 31 May 1980
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan, Feb and May 1980...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan, Feb and May 1980...4 Fd Svy Sqn... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan, Feb ...Monthly reports were mandatory for all RASvy unitsA plastic bound, A4 cardboard covered report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Flag - Royal Australian Survey Corps Flag - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Signed, Directorate of Military Survey, Canberra, Mid to late 1970's
... Royal Australian Survey Corps Flag - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Signed ...Royal Australian Survey Corps Flag - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Signed ...4 Fd Svy Sqn... was issued to 4 Fd Svy Sqn and flew during daylight hours on the Unit... was issued to 4 Fd Svy Sqn and flew during daylight hours on the Unit ...Survey Corps Flags of this type were produced mid to late 1970's and distributed to all Survey Corps Units. This flag was issued to 4 Fd Svy Sqn and flew during daylight hours on the Unit flag pole at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide from issue until 1995. The flag was signed by about 160 of the 208 attendees at the Ceremonial closing of the Unit on 25 November 1995. A photograph of attendees at the Closing Ceremony is at item 6542.1P and the list of names at 6542.2P and they are stored in Box 278. The Survey Corps Flag that was issued to the Army Survey Regiment is at item 6177 and is stored in Box 218.A full size Corps Flag, purple with 18cm horizontal white stripe. Multi-coloured Survey Corps Badge (less scroll) in the centre of the flag. White header with grommets top and bottom. The Flag has about 160 signatures of past unit members. The Flag is badly faded and the end is fraying.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Nov 1978, Nov 1978
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Nov 1978...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Nov 1978... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Nov ...Monthly Reports were mandatory for all RASvy units.A plastic bound, A4 carboard covered report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1979, Dec 1979
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1979...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1979... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec ...Monthly Reports were mandatory for all RASvy units.A plastic bound, A4 Cardboard covered report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1980, Dec 1980
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1980...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec 1980... that includes text and diagrams. 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jul - Dec ...Monthly Reports were mandatory for all RASvy unitsA plastic bound, A4 cardboard covered report that includes text and diagrams.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan - Jul 1981, Jul 1981
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan - Jul 1981...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan - Jul 1981... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Jan - Jul ...Monthly reports were mandatory for all RASvy unitsA Plastic bound, A4 cardboard covered report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1981, Dec 1981
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1981...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1981... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec ...Monthly Reports were mandatory for all RASvy Units.A Plastic bound, A4 cardboard covered Report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Feb - Jul 1982, Jul 1982
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Feb - Jul 1982...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Feb - Jul 1982... that includes text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Feb - Jul ...Monthly Reprts were mandatory for all RASvy UnitsA plastic bound, A4 cardboard covered report that includes text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1982, Dec 1982
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1982...4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec 1982... that contains text and diagrams 4 Fd Svy Sqn Monthly Report: Aug - Dec ...Monthly Reports were mandatory for all RASvy UnitsA plastic bound, A4 carboard covered report that contains text and diagramsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Instrument - SLIDE RULE, 12inch, AW Faber Castell, Circa 1954
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... in the field. This slide rule was used by members of 4 Fd Svy Sqn circa... in the field. This slide rule was used by members of 4 Fd Svy Sqn circa ...The slide rule was used for less accurate quick mathematical calculations. It was light weight and easy to use in the field. This slide rule was used by members of 4 Fd Svy Sqn circa 1960 for quick Survey calculations..1 12 Inch Slide Rule, multi-function Calculator .2 Protective box and carry case for Slide Rule. Green cardboard box.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – Operation NERVOSE 85 Reconnaissance, Northern Territory, 1985
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... that year, Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn... that year, Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 13 photographs taken in 1985* during reconnaissance of locations in regions of the Northern Territory. Later that year, Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS areas of the Northern Territory from 26 May to 18 Sep 85. The aim of Operation NERVOSE 85 was to finalise the horizontal and vertical control for mapping at a scale of 1:50,000, to field check 40x 1:50,000 preliminary maps and to obtain mapping photography in support of the RAAF TINDAL redevelopment project. *Note –These photos were most likely taken in 1985, contrary to the ‘1987’ date annotated on the negative sleeves. The Op NERVOSE 85 Project Report available on RASVY’s web site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn taken in 1985 and 1987 provide names of posted personnel. Several personnel identified in these photos were posted to 4 Fd Svy Sqn in 1985, not in 1987.This is a set of 13 photographs taken during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s reconnaissance of Operation NERVOSE 85 locations in the Northern Territory in 1985. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .4) - Photo, colour, 1985. Unknown location in the Northern Territory. .5) - Photo, colour, 1985. Unidentified personnel in the back of a police vehicle. .6P to .12) - Photo, colour, 1985. Unknown location in the Northern Territory. .13) - Photo, colour, 1985. L to R: Possibly MAJ A. Vickers RE - UK Exchange Officer from Army Svy Regt, unidentified officer. .1P to .13P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 OP NERVOSE – RECON PHOTOG.’ annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op nervose 85 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – Operation NERVOSE Driver Training and Pre-Pack, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1985
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... NERVOSE. Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn... NERVOSE. Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 28 photographs taken in 1985* during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s driver training preparation and packing at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, in preparation for Operation NERVOSE. Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS areas of the Northern Territory from 26 May to 18 Sep 85. The aim of Operation NERVOSE 85 was to finalise the horizontal and vertical control for mapping at a scale of 1:50,000, to field check 40x 1:50,000 preliminary maps and to obtain mapping photography in support of the RAAF TINDAL redevelopment project. *Note –These photos were most likely taken in 1985, contrary to the ‘1987’ date annotated on the negative sleeves. The Op NERVOSE 85 Project Report available on RASVY’s web site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn taken in 1985 and 1987 provide names of posted personnel. Several personnel identified in these photos were posted to 4 Fd Svy Sqn in 1985, not in 1987. See items 6504.13P, 6506.16P and 6507.20P for more photos taken prior to and during Operation NERVOSE 85. This is a set of 28 photographs taken in 1985 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s driver training preparation and packing at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, in preparation for Operation NERVOSE. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .9) - Photo, colour, 1985. Driver training. Unidentified personnel. .10) - Photo, colour, 1985. Driver training. Bent trailer hitch shaft. .11) - Photo, colour, 1985. Theodolite set-up. L to R: CPL Kevin Whitty, CPL Alan ‘Hawkeye’ Hawkins. .12) to .14) - Photo, colour, 1985. Theodolite practice. L to R: CPL Alan ‘Hawkeye’ Hawkins, CPL Kevin Whitty. .15) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. .16) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: SGT Roger Rees, CPL P. Kennedy, unidentified. .17) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: unidentified (x6), CPL Pat Drury. .18) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. CPL Bill Choy. .19) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. Unidentified personnel. .20) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: LCPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown, WO2 Stevo Hinic, CPL Andy Lucas, SSGT George Timmins, unidentified (x3). .21) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: MAJ Peter Bion – OC, unidentified officer, CPL Andy Lucas, SSGT George Timmins, WO2 Stevo Hinic, unidentified. .22) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: MAJ Peter Bion – OC, unidentified officer, unidentified, SSGT George Timmins, WO2 Stevo Hinic, unidentified. .23) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: unidentified, CPL Andy Lucas, MAJ Peter Bion – OC, unidentified officer, SSGT George Timmins, WO2 Stevo Hinic. .24) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: SSGT George Timmins, CPL Bill Choy. .23) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: Stevo Hinic, CPL Andy Lucas. .26) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: CPL Kevin Whitty, SPR Dave Lambdon-Young. .27) & .28) - Photo, colour, 1985. Pre-packing and preparation. L to R: CPL Andy Lucas, Stevo Hinic..1P to .28P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 OP NERVOSE PRE-PACK.’ annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op nervose 85 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – Operation NERVOSE 85 Field Phase, Northern Territory, 1985
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn... site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 16 photographs taken in 1985* during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation NERVOSE 85 in the Northern Territory. Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS areas from 26 May to 18 Sep 85. The aim of Operation NERVOSE 85 was to finalise the horizontal and vertical control for mapping at a scale of 1:50,000, to field check 40x 1:50,000 preliminary maps and to obtain mapping photography in support of the RAAF TINDAL redevelopment project. *Note –These photos were most likely taken in 1985, contrary to the ‘1987’ date annotated on the negative sleeves. The Op NERVOSE 85 Project Report available on RASVY’s web site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn taken in 1985 and 1987 provide names of posted personnel. Several personnel identified in these photos were posted to 4 Fd Svy Sqn in 1985, not in 1987. See items 6504.13P, 6505.28P and 6507.20P for more photos taken prior to and during Operation NERVOSE 1985. This is a set of 16 photographs taken in 1985 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation Nervose in the Northern Territory. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. ..1) & .2) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Q-store and OPS Room. .3) & .4) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Base Camp at unknown location. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Personnel spectate during a social cricket match. L to R on left: CPL Andy Lucas, unidentified (x3). L to R on right: unidentified (x4), LTCOL Kevin Murphy – SO1 Svy HQ FF Comd, unidentified, SSGT Barry Lutwyche OAM (closest to camera). .6) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Personnel spectate during a social cricket match. L to R on left: unidentified (x2). L to R on right: unidentified (x3), LCPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown (standing up), SSGT Barry Lutwyche OAM (closest to camera), LTCOL Kevin Murphy – SO1 Svy HQ FF Comd. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1985. CPL Andy Lucas plans an exit strategy from the latrine. .8) to .10) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Social cricket match action. .11) to .14) - Photo, black & white, 1985. LCPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown operates a second-generation Transit Doppler satellite Magnavox MX-1502 Satellite Surveyor Geoceiver. .15) to .16) - Photo, black & white, 1985. LCPL Steve McGuiness sets up a Geoceiver antenna..1P to .16P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 OP NERVOSE VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS.’ annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op nervose 85 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – Operation NERVOSE 85 Field Phase Oblique Photos, NT, 1985
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS... was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS ...This is a set of 20 oblique aerial photographs taken during the field phase of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s Operation NERVOSE 85 project in the Northern Territory in 1985. Operation NERVOSE 85 was mounted by 4 Fd Svy Sqn in the EAST ARNHEM, VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS areas of the Northern Territory from 26 May to 18 Sep 85. The aim of Operation NERVOSE 85 was to finalise the horizontal and vertical control for mapping at a scale of 1:50,000, to field check 40x 1:50,000 preliminary maps and to obtain mapping photography in support of the RAAF TINDAL redevelopment project. *Note –These photos were most likely taken in 1985, contrary to the ‘1987’ date annotated on the negative sleeves. The Op NERVOSE 85 Project Report available on RASVY’s web site lists a nominal roll of personnel. Photos of 4 Fd Svy Sqn taken in 1985 and 1987 provide names of posted personnel. Several personnel identified in these photos were posted to 4 Fd Svy Sqn in 1985, not in 1987. See items 6504.13P, 6505.28P and 6506.16P for more photos taken prior to and during Operation NERVOSE 1985. This is a set of 20 oblique aerial photographs taken during the field phase of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s Operation NERVOSE 85 project in the Northern Territory in 1985. The colour photographs on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .20) - Photo, colour, 1985. Unknown locations..1P to .20P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 OP NERVOSE VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS AND DALY WATERS.’ annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op nervose 85 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Royal Australian Survey Corps - Operation Tropic Shores, 1 Field Survey Squadron 1978, 31 Aug 1978
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... was undertaken by 2, 4 and 5 Fd Svy Sqns with 1Fd Svy Sqn undertaking.... Plotting was undertaken by 2, 4 and 5 Fd Svy Sqns with 1Fd Svy Sqn ...Operation Tropic Shores was conducted in 2 phases, Sep 1977 and May / Jun 78. The Operation was the field completion of Cape York 1;50,000 Mapping North of latitude 15 degrees S. Plotting was undertaken by 2, 4 and 5 Fd Svy Sqns with 1Fd Svy Sqn undertaking the mounting and Management of the field completion phase. Re-visiting and targeting of existing trig stations was also carried out as an opportunity task.Booklet, A4 cream cardboard cover, stapled Left Hand side, containing a report and plotted maps. Cover has Title and the Badges of the Australian Army Corps who participated in the Operation. 2 fd svy sqn, 4 fd svy sqn, 5 fd svy sqn, royal australian survey corps, 1 field survey squadron, 1fd svy sqn, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Unknown Location, SA, 1994
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn.... .28) - Photo, colour, 1994. Returning to 4 Fd Svy Sqn. L to R... this training activity. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 28 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training held at unknown locations in South Australia, in 1994. It is also possible the training was in the Grampians region of Victoria. Off-road driver training and abseiling were key activities of this adventurous training as well as teamwork, leadership, and field craft. Elements from units of the Army Reserve may have participated in the training. See items 6561.31P, 6562.33P and 6563.33P for more photos taken during this training activity.This is a set of 28 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron personnel undergoing adventurous training held at unknown locations in South Australia in 1994. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1994. Abseiling. Unidentified personnel. .2) - Photo, colour, 1994. Abseiling. L to R: Unidentified (x2), WO2 Ken Talbot-Smith, unidentified, SGT Mark Donnelly, unidentified. .3) to .10) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. .11) to .12) - Photo, colour, 1994. Abseiling. Unidentified personnel. .13) to .14) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. .15) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. L to R: SSGT Brian ‘BC’ Collings, unidentified (x6). .16) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. .17) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. Unidentified personnel. .18) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. L to R: SSGT Brian ‘BC’ Collings, SGT Steve McGuiness. .19) - Photo, colour, 1994. Training area terrain. .20) to .27) - Photo, colour, 1994. Abseiling. Unidentified soldiers. .28) - Photo, colour, 1994. Returning to 4 Fd Svy Sqn. L to R: SPR Fran Calvert, unidentified, SPR Gordon Santo, SPR Matt Arnold, SGT Dave Cook..1P to .28P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1994 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s Parades and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1988
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn..., unidentified. .8) - Photo, colour, 1988. 4 Fd Svy Sqn OC’s Parade.... Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .8P ...This is a set of eight photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1988. The Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment) of the Survey Corps - COL Clem Sargent (retired) presented the Defence Force Service Medal to personnel in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service, or the Clasp for 5 years of additional service. This is a set of eight photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade and the presentation of the Defence Force Service Medal, at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1987. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1988. L to R: COL Clem Sargent (retired), SSM WO1 Bill Griggs & OC MAJ Peter Cates (obscured), SGT Stu Symonds, SPR Wally Twidale, CPL Jamie McRae, SPR Owen Jones, SPR Steve Ellis, CPL Michelle Griffith. .2) - Photo, colour, 1988. L to R: CPL Peter Tuddenham, COL Clem Sargent (retired), CPL Peter Hardy, SGT Wally Chilcott, CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker (foreground), SPR Steve Nokes, SSGT R. Marsh. .3) - Photo, colour, 1988. L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs (obscured), COL Clem Sargent (retired), CPL Jim Humphrey, unidentified, CPL John Ratcliffe, SGT Wally Chilcott, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, SSGT R. Marsh, unidentified. .4) - Photo, colour, 1988. L to R: CAPT Danny Galbraith, COL Clem Sargent (retired), OC MAJ Peter Cates. .5) - Photo, colour, 1988. L to R: SGT Derek Stanmore, COL Clem Sargent (retired), OC MAJ Peter Cates. .6) - Photo, colour, 1988. COL Clem Sargent (retired) at the flagpole. L to R: SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, CPL Ken Peters, SPR Steve Ellis, SSGT R. Marsh, 2IC CAPT Terry Lord, CPL Michelle Griffith, SPR Steve Nokes, SSGT Dennis Learmonth, SGT Gill Park, unidentified. .7) - Photo, colour, 1988. COL Clem Sargent (retired) at the flagpole. L to R: SPR Owen Jones, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, CPL Ken Peters, SPR Steve Ellis, 2IC CAPT Terry Lord, CPL Michelle Griffith, SPR Steve Nokes, WO2 Bob Rogister, SGT Gill Park, unidentified. .8) - Photo, colour, 1988. 4 Fd Svy Sqn OC’s Parade ‘standing at ease’..1P to .8P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1988 Presentations’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s Parades and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1986
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn...) - Photo, colour, 1986. 4 Fd Svy Sqn at ease. Centre rank L to R... Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .27P – There are no personnel ...This is a set of 27 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1986. The OC - MAJ Don Taylor presented the Defence Force Service Medal to personnel in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service, or the Clasp for 5 years of additional service. Photos .22P to .27P were taken on a separate OC’s Parade. OC MAJ Don Taylor is seen in photo .27P congratulating WO2 Russell ‘Rusty Williams, probably on his promotion to WO1. This is a set of 27 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade and the presentation of the Defence Force Service Medal, at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1986. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: WO2 Gary Warnest in background, SPR Steve Ellis, CPL John Ratcliffe, SPR John Keely. .2) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: CPL Jeff Prince, SPR Bruce Graham, SGT Stuart Symonds, CPL John Ratcliffe, SGT Peter Imeson. .3) - Photo, colour, 1986. 4 Fd Svy Sqn at ease. Centre rank L to R: SPR Steve Wainwright, CPL Jeff Prince, CPL Peter Hardy. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, SPR Steve Ellis, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Richard Cocker, SPR Damien Killeen, remainder unidentified. .4) to .6) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper. .7) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .8) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper. .9) - Photo, colour, 1986. Inspection L to R: CPL Jeff Prince, CPL John Ratcliffe, CPL Peter Hardy, OC MAJ Don Taylor, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .10) - Photo, colour, 1986. Inspection L to R: WO2 Gary Warnest, WO2 Bob Rogister, WO2 Russell ‘Rusty' Williams, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SGT Wally Chilcott. .11) - Photo, colour, 1986. Inspection L to R: WO2 P. Symmans, WO2 Gary Warnest, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Wally Chilcott. .12) & .13 - Presentations L to R: SPR Simon Reynolds, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .14) & .15) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .16) & .17) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: WO2 Russell ‘Rusty' Williams, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SPR Simon Reynolds. .18) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: WO2 Russell ‘Rusty' Williams. .19) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: unidentified (x2), CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker. .20) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SPR Simon Reynolds, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper. .21) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, OC MAJ Don Taylor. 22) & .23) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade right dress. Centre rank L to R: SPR Steve Wainwright, SPR Peter Tuddenham, CPL Jeff Prince, remainder unidentified. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown, SPR Richard Cocker, unidentified, SPR Steve Nokes, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Steve Ellis remainder unidentified. .24) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: SPR Simon Reynolds, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor, CPL Dave Longbottom. .25) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: CPL John Ratcliffe. .26) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: CPL John Ratcliffe, WO2 Russell ‘Rusty' Williams. .27) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: SPR Steve Ellis, unidentified, WO2 Russell ‘Rusty' Williams, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor..1P to .27P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1986 Presentations’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – MAJ Don Taylor Farewell, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1986
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn.... 4 Fd Svy Sqn Farewell 1986. .20) - L to R: unidentified, CPL... 1960 to 1987. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 21 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron function held in 1986 to farewell its OC MAJ Don Taylor. MAJ Taylor served 27 years in the Australian Regular Army from 1960 to 1987.This is a set of 21 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron function to farewell its OC MAJ Don Taylor, at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1986. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor, unidentified. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1986. Back row L to R: SGT Wally Chilcott, unidentified (x2), CPL Peter McCurdy, unidentified. Front row L to R: LT Greg Oaten CSC, LT Malcolm Hentschel, SPR Steve Nokes. At front L to R: CPL John Ratcliffe, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, CPL John Ratcliffe, OC MAJ Don Taylor, George Ricketts, unidentified (x2). .4) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: LT Malcolm Hentschel, unidentified (x2), CPL John Ratcliffe, CPL Peter Hardy, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: LT Greg Oaten CSC, LT Malcolm Hentschel, unidentified (x2), CPL John Ratcliffe, CPL Peter Hardy, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: SGT Bill Tewson, SGT Bob Croxton, CPL Dave Irving, WO2 Bob Rogister, unidentified (x3), SSGT Cam Chapman, Chris Hills, CPL Roger Graf. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, LT Malcolm Hentschel, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Mick Hogan. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, LT Malcolm Hentschel, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, Mick Hogan’s daughter? OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Mick Hogan. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, unidentified, SGT Bill Tewson, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, SGT Bill Tewson, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Mick Hogan and his wife. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: CAPT Steve Cooper, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, CAPT Steve Cooper, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Mick Hogan. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, CPL Peter McCurdy, SGT Bill Tewson, CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, unidentified (x5), CPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown, unidentified (seated), SPR Damian Killeen, remainder unidentified. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, LT Malcolm Hentschel, SPR Steve Ellis, unidentified (x5), CPL Roger Graf. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1986. Unidentified personnel. SPR Richard Cocker takes aim at the dart board. 4 Fd Svy Sqn Farewell 1986. .20) - L to R: unidentified, CPL Peter Hardy, CPL Tracey (Beckwith) Phillips, unidentified (x4), CAPT Steve Cooper, Ken Jeffery, remainder unidentified. .21) - L to R: CPL C. Rimmington, SGT H. Young. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: SPR Steve Nokes, LT Greg Oaten CSC, SPR Simon Reynolds, Chris Hills, LT Malcolm Hentschel, SGT Wally Chilcott. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, SPR Richard Cocker, CPL Peter McCurdy, LT Greg Oaten CSC, SPR Simon Reynolds, SGT Bob Croxton. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: CPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown, Mrs Kath Rogister, WO2 Bob Rogister, SSGT Cam Chapman, CAPT Terry Lord, unidentified. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: unidentified, CPL Peter Hardy, CPL Tracey (Beckwith) Phillips, unidentified (x4), CAPT Steve Cooper, Ken Jeffery, remainder unidentified. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1986. L to R: CPL C. Rimmington, SGT H. ’Jock’ Young..1P to .21P – There are no personnel identified. ‘MAJ Don Taylor’s SQN Farewell. 1986’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron – CPL John Ratcliffe World Record, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1986
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... in the set of negatives. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy ...This is a set of 12 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s CPL John Ratcliffe setting a world record for an exercise routine comprising push-ups, sit-ups and double back-arches at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide in November 1986. A newspaper article of unknown origin titled “John sets world’s best time in routine” was published reporting the achievement. The article reported: “Corporal John Ratcliffe has smashed his personal best time, his greatest expectations and the 16-year-old Australian record for a push-up, sit-up and double back-arch routine. Corporal Ratcliffe, 37, set a world record by doing 1232 push-ups (clapping his chest with his hands between each one), 1936 back-arches and 440 sit-ups in one hour, 16 minutes and 29 seconds yesterday. Officials representing the Guinness Book of Records were present and passed his effort. The record was achieved by repeating a set of 14 push-ups, 22 double back-arches and 5 sit-ups, 88 times. The Australian record for the same routine was set in 1970 in the time of 1 hour 41 minutes. CPL Ratcliffe beat his personal best time by 13 minutes. “I could not do it without them” CPL Ratcliffe said of the crowd. Nearing the end of the routine when he was tiring, the crowd of more than 100 clapped and chanted encouragement. CPL Ratcliffe, who works in the Army’s surveying department, said the most important aspect of the exercise was raising money for Legacy, not getting his name in the record books.” This achievement was also reported in the Army Newspaper dated 11th Dec 1986. There are eight more photos that have not been published in the set of negatives.This is a set of 12 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron’s CPL John Ratcliffe setting a exercise routine world record at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide in November 1986. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .9) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe during his exercise routine. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe celebrates the new world record. L to R: Bob Rogister, Wally Chilcott. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe celebrates the new world record. L to R: Peter Imeson, Bob Rogister, Wally Chilcott. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1986. CPL John Ratcliffe interviewed by media after setting the new world record. .1P to .12P – There are no other personnel identified. ‘CPL RATCLIFFE “WORLD RECORD”. NOV 1986’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Wilpena pound, Flinders Ranges, SA, 1989
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... exercise. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P ...This is a set of 43 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron adventurous training held at Wilpena pound, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia in 1989. It is evident the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, abseiling, rock climbing, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve also participated in the training. In this photo set, one of 4th Field Survey’s sections participated in abseiling and trekked to the highest mountain in the Flinders Ranges – St. Mary’s Peak. Refer to items 6553.56P for additional colour photographs taken during the adventurous training exercise.This is a set of 43 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron personnel undergoing adventurous training held at Wilpena pound, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia in 1989. The black & white photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Stu Symonds. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: SGT Stu Symonds, CPL Roger Graf, SSGT Max Coletti, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, SPR Andrew Quin. .3) & .4) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SGT Stu Symonds. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Abseiling ropes and equipment. .7) to .16) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Abseiling activities, unidentified soldier. .17) to .18) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Abseiling activities, CPL Michelle Griffith. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: unidentified (x5), SGT Mick Hogan, unidentified (x3). .20) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: CPL Roger Graf, CPL Michelle Griffith, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, SGT Laurie Justin, SSGT Max Coletti, SPR Andrew Quin. SGT Stu Symonds. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: unidentified (x2), SGT Stu Symonds. .22) & .23) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .24) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SSGT Max Coletti. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SSGT Max Coletti, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, SGT Stu Symonds. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SGT Stu Symonds. .27) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: CPL Michelle Griffith, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Laurie Justin, SPR Andrew Quin, CPL Roger Graf, SGT Stu Symonds. .28) &.29) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SGT Stu Symonds. .31) - Photo, black & white, 1989. CPL Michelle Griffith. .32) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Stu Symonds, SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Laurie Justin. .33) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Stu Symonds, CPL Roger Graf (standing), SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Laurie Justin. .34) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: SGT Stu Symonds, CPL Michelle Griffith, CPL Roger Graf (standing), SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Laurie Justin. .35) to .37) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .38) - Photo, black & white, 1989. SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo. .39) - Photo, black & white, 1989. L to R: CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Stu Symonds, SPR Andrew Quin, SGT Laurie Justin. .40) &.41) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .1P to .43P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1989 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Wilpena pound, Flinders Ranges, SA, 1989
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn.... Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .55P ...This is a set of 55 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron adventurous training held at Wilpena pound, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia in 1989. It is evident the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, abseiling, rock climbing, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve also participated in the training. In this photo set, one of 4th Field Survey’s sections participated in abseiling and trekked to the highest mountain in the Flinders Ranges – St. Mary’s Peak. Refer to item 6552.43P for black & white photographs taken during the adventurous training exercise.This is a set of 55 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron personnel undergoing adventurous training held at Wilpena pound, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia in 1989. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) & 2)- Photo, colour, 1989. Base camp. WO1 Bill Griggs 2nd from left, remainder unidentified. .3) - Photo, colour, 1989. Old homestead inside Wilpena Pound. SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, 2nd from left, remainder unidentified. .4) - Photo, colour, 1989. Wilpena Pound topography. .5) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities, unidentified personnel. .6) & .7) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography. .8) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Stu Symonds. .9) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities, unidentified personnel. .10) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography. .11) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: unidentified, CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Stu Symonds. .12) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: unidentified, SPR Andrew Quin, SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Stu Symonds. .13) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: SGT Stu Symonds SGT Laurie Justin. .14) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: unidentified, SGT Stu Symonds. .15) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. SGT Laurie Justin. .16) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. SGT Stu Symonds. .17) & .18) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo. .19) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. L to R: SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, unidentified. .20) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. SSGT Max Coletti. .21) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. SPR Andrew Quin. .22) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. CPL Michelle Griffith. .23) - Photo, colour, 1989. Abseiling activities. CPL Michelle Griffith. .24) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography, unidentified personnel. .25) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography, unidentified SGT. .26) to .30) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography. .31) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography, unidentified personnel. .32) & .33) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography. L to R: unidentified, CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Stu Symonds, CPL Roger Graf, SSGT Max Coletti, SGT Laurie Justin. .34) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. L to R: unidentified, CPL Michelle Griffith, CPL Steve Nokes, SGT Stu Symonds. .35) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. SGT Stu Symonds. .36) & .37) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. CPL Steve Nokes. .38) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography. .39) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. SGT Laurie Justin. .40) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo. .41) - Photo, colour, 1989. St. Mary’s Peak. SPR Andrew Quin. .42) - Photo, colour, 1989. Flinders Ranges topography, SGT Stu Symonds. .43) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: unidentified (x6), CPL Perry Langeberg, SGT Laurie Justin. .44) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: CPL Perry Langeberg, SGT John Zuringer, SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Mick Hogan, unidentified, SGT Stu Symonds. .45) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: unidentified (x6), CPL Perry Langeberg, SGT John Zuringer. .46) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: CPL Jamie McRae, SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Mick Hogan, unidentified, SGT Stu Symonds, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, WO1 Bill Griggs. .47) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: SGT Laurie Justin, unidentified, CPL Steve Nokes, SGT Stu Symonds, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, WO1 Bill Griggs, unidentified (x2). .48) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: CPL Steve Nokes, WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo, unidentified (x2), CPL Steve Ellis, CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Gill Park. .49) - Photo, colour, 1989. Social activities. L to R: CPL Perry Langeberg, SGT John Zuringer, CPL Jamie McRae, SGT Laurie Justin, SGT Mick Hogan, unidentified, SGT Stu Symonds. .50) - Photo, colour, 1989. Sheep cooking in fire pit. L to R: WO2 Peter Symmans, unidentified (x5), CPL Steve Ellis. .51) - Photo, colour, 1989. Sheep cooking in fire pit. L to R: WO2 Peter Symmans, unidentified. .52) - Photo, colour, 1989. Sheep cooking in fire pit. Unidentified personnel. .53) - Photo, colour, 1989. Cooked sheep removed from fire pit. L to R: unidentified. WO2 Peter Symmans, unidentified. .54) - Photo, colour, 1989. Cooked sheep removed from fire pit. L to R: CPL Michelle Griffith, SGT Gill Park, unidentified, SSGT Max Coletti, unidentified, SPR Cheryl Deluca-Cardillo. .55) - Photo, colour, 1989. Cooked sheep removed from fire pit. L to R: unidentified, CPL Michelle Griffith, WO2 Peter Symmans..1P to .55P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1989 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron deployed on Operation NERIGHT, Queensland & Northern Territory, 1989
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn OP NERIGHT 89 .1P to .19P ...This is a set of 19 photographs taken in 1989 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation NERIGHT 89 in Queensland and the Northern Territory. It was a two-part operation in 1989 with work conducted in the areas of Camooweal and Weipa. Part 1 was the field completion of topographic maps conducted near Camooweal QLD, along the Barkley Highway on the border between NT and QLD, from the 12th of September to the 20th of October 1989. A Bell Kiowa LOH helicopter from 162 Recce Sqn supported topographic field completion. Operation NERIGHT 89 Part 2 was the acquisition of mapping control by GPS field parties utilising Texas Instruments TI4100 Global Positioning System receivers around Weipa on Cape York Peninsula from the 22nd of September to the 22nd of October 1989. Part 2 Two Bell UH-1H Iroquois helicopters from RAAF’s 35 Squadron were principally used to deploy GPS field parties. Identification photography of control points was taken by air camera operators in AAAvn Pilatus Porter aircraft from 173 Gen Spt Sqn fitted with an RC10 aerial camera. The two parts of the operation were conducted concurrently. This is a set of 19 photographs taken in 1989 during 4th Field Survey Squadron’s deployment on Operation Neright in Queensland & the Northern Territory. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) to .3) - Photo, colour, 1989. En-route to areas of survey operations. .4) to .5) - Photo, colour, 1989. Unidentified personnel relax next to river/waterhole. .6) - Photo, colour, 1989. Two Bell UH-1H Iroquois helicopters from RAAF’s 35 SQN utilised in the movement of GPS parties. .7) to .9) - Photo, colour, 1989. Unidentified soldier practices repelling from a UH1H Iroquois helicopter. .10) - Photo, colour, 1989. Inside the cockpit of a UH1H Iroquois helicopter. .11) - Photo, colour, 1989. Field Party camp with GPS equipment in foreground. Unidentified soldier prepares a meal. .12) - Photo, colour, 1989. GPS antenna plumbed over a survey ground mark. Witness post on left. .13) & .14) - Photo, colour, 1989. Unknown Cape York Peninsula beaches. .15) & .16) - Photo, colour, 1989. Dramatic fire next to base camp. .17) - Photo, colour, 1989. Aboriginal rock art at unknown location. .18) - Photo, colour, 1989. Aboriginal rock art at unknown location. L to R: unidentified, SPR Andrew Quin. .19) - Photo, colour, 1989. Aboriginal rock art at unknown location. LT Chris Topovsek..1P to .19P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1989 OP NERIGHT’ annotated on negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn, op neright 89 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron 75thAnniversary Corps Day Formal Dinner, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1990
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .14P ...This is a set of 14 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants Formal Dinner held at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1990. This formal dinner was held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. It is apparent there were visiting personnel from the Army Survey Regiment and other unidentified units. See item 6556.8P for photos taken at 4th Field Survey Squadron commemorating the 75th anniversary.This is a set of 14 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron Officer, Warrant Officer and Sergeant’s Formal Dinner held at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1990. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SSM WO1 Alan Toogood - Dining President, SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice. .2) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. L to R: unidentified officers (x2), unidentified guests (x2), SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice, unidentified guest. .3) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. L to R: unidentified guest, unidentified SNCO & senior officer, unidentified guests (x3), SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice. .4) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. L to R: unidentified guest, LTCOL George Ricketts (Ret), SSM WO1 Alan Toogood - Dining President, SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice. .5) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. L to R: LTCOL Rene van den Tol - CO Army Svy Regt, unidentified guest, SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice. .6) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. L to R: SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice, probably the RSM of Keswick Barracks. .7) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. SGT Jamie McRae and partner. .8) - Photo, colour, 1990. Guest Arrival. SGT John Zuringer and partner. .9) - Photo, colour, 1990. Head table facing camera L to R: unidentified guest, LTCOL George Ricketts (Ret), unidentified guest, SSM WO1 Alan Toogood - Dining President. Unidentified officer & guests in foreground. .10) - Photo, colour, 1990. Head table facing camera L to R: LTCOL George Ricketts (Ret), unidentified guest, SSM WO1 Alan Toogood - Dining President, OC MAJ Laurie Newton, unidentified officer & guests. Unidentified guests in foreground. .11) - Photo, colour, 1990. Facing camera right of candlesticks L to R: CAPT Danny Galbraith, unidentified guest, SGT Stu Symonds, Tracey Phillips, SGT John Zuringer. .12) - Photo, colour, 1990. Facing camera L to R: WO1 Bill Griggs, unidentified guest, SGT Steve Winner, unidentified guest, SSGT Peter Hammer, unidentified guest, LTCOL Rene van den Tol - CO Army Svy Regt, unidentified guest, SGT John Phillips. Remainder unidentified. .13) - Photo, colour, 1990. Facing camera L to R: unidentified guest, SGT Jamie McRae, unidentified guest, SGT Peter Hardy – Mr Vice. Remainder unidentified. .14) - Photo, colour, 1990. Facing camera L to R: unidentified guests, Mr Darby Munro (behind candlestick), unidentified guest, SGT Eddie Jacobs, unidentified senior officer, unidentified guest, CAPT Tony Stephens. Remainder unidentified. .1P to .14P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1990 CORPS BIRTHDAY’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron 75thAnniversary Corps Day Formal Dinner, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1990
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... anniversary. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P ...This is a set of eight photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron Function held at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1990. This function was held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. See item 6555.14P for photos taken at a Formal Dinner commemorating the 75th anniversary.This is a set of eight photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron 75thAnniversary Corps Day function held at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1990. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1990. Cake commemorating the of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. .2) - Photo, colour, 1990. Cutting the 75th anniversary Cake L to R: SPR Doug Willis, OC MAJ Laurie Newton. .3) - Photo, colour, 1990. Cutting the 75th anniversary Cake L to R: OC MAJ Laurie Newton, SPR Doug Willis. .4) & .5) - Photo, colour, 1990. Cutting the 75th anniversary Cake. OC MAJ Laurie Newton with unidentified guests and children. .6) - Photo, colour, 1990. 75th anniversary celebrations L to R: SGT Mal Paterson, WO1 Stevo Hinic, unidentified children. .7) - Photo, colour, 1990. Unauthorised driver attempting to take a Unimog truck for a spin.. .8) - Photo, colour, 1990. SGT John Ratcliffe working on a map overlay..1P to .8P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1990 CORPS BIRTHDAY’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Unknown Location, SA, 1990
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .7P – There are no personnel ...This is a set of seven photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training held at an unknown location in South Australia, in 1990. It is probable the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve may have participated in the training. This is a set of seven photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron personnel undergoing adventurous training held at an unknown location in South Australia in 1990. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1990. Unidentified personnel. .2) & .3) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: unidentified, SGT John Zuringer, unidentified. .4) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SPR Pat Austine, unidentified. .5) - Photo, colour, 1990. SPR Doug Willis. .6) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: SPR Pat Austine, SPR Doug Willis. .7) - Photo, colour, 1990. L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR Pat Austine, SGT John Zuringer, unidentified (x2)..1P to .7P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1990 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training Mount Remarkable National Park, SA, 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Mount Remarkable National Park, SA, 1987
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .42P ...This is a set of 42 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training at Mount Remarkable National Park, South Australia in May 1987. It is evident the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, abseiling, rock climbing, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve also participated in the training. Refer to items 6547.40P and 6548.14P for additional photographs taken during the adventurous training.This is a set of 42 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training at Mount Remarkable National Park in May 1987. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1987. L to R: unidentified bus drivers, CAPT Danny Galbraith, unidentified, SGT Stu Symonds. .2) - Photo, colour, 1987. L to R: OC MAJ Peter Cates, SSM WO1 Bill Grigg, unidentified exchange officer. .3) - Photo, colour, 1987. Squadron briefing. .4) - Photo, colour, 1987. Endurance march L to R: unidentified (x4), LCPL Peter McCurdy, unidentified (x3), SPR Damien Killeen, unidentified. .5) - Photo, colour, 1987. Unidentified personnel taking a break during or at end Endurance march. SPR John Keely at far right. .6) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. .7) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. SGT Peter Imeson. .8) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. CPL Jeff Prince. .9) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. CPL Dave Irving. .10) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, SPR Perry Langeberg, unidentified (x2), CPL Neale ‘Tex’ Houston, SPR Steve Ellis. .11) to .13) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. .14) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. Unidentified. .15) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: PTE P. Simpson, SPR Steve Ellis. .16) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. Unidentified personnel. .17) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .18) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. Unidentified. .19) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Jamie McRae. .20) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, CPL Neale ‘Tex’ Houston, unidentified. .21) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: CPL Dave Longbottom, WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen. .22) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .23) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. CPL Dave Irving. .24) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. Possibly OC MAJ Peter Cates. .25) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. .26) & .27) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .28) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. CPL Roger Graf. .29) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. Possibly water sterilisation. .30) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp set-up. Unidentified. .31) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie interior. .32) - Photo, colour, 1987. CAPT Danny Galbraith. .33) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: LCPL Peter Tuddenham, SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Dave Longbottom, CPL John Ratcliffe, CPL Dave Irving. .34) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .35) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. CPL Peter Hardy. .36) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified (x2), CPL Peter Hardy, LT Greg Oaten. .37) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: SPR Shaun Hynes, LT Geoff ‘GT’ Ford, SPR Bruce Graham, unidentified (x2). .38) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: SPR Shaun Hynes, LT Geoff ‘GT’ Ford, unidentified, SPR Bruce Graham, in background - CPL Dave Irving. .39) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. Unidentified. .40) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen. .41) & .42) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. Results from foraging the forest for food..1P to .42P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Mount Remarkable National Park, Flinders Ranges, SA, 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Mount Remarkable National Park, SA, 1987
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn .1P to .40P ...This is a set of 40 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training at Mount Remarkable National Park, South Australia in May 1987. It is evident the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, abseiling, rock climbing, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve also participated in the training. Refer to items 6546.42P and 6548.14P for additional photographs taken during the adventurous training.This is a set of 40 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing adventurous training at Mount Remarkable National Park, South Australia in May 1987. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities, unidentified soldier. .2) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities, unidentified personnel. .3) & .4) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .5) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities, unidentified personnel. .6) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .7) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. .8) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up, unidentified officer. .9) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. Results from foraging the forest for food. .10) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp set-up. .11) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. .12) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: CPL Jeff Prince, unidentified (x3). .13) to .16) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. .17) & .18) - Photo, colour, 1987. Mount Remarkable National Park terrain. .19) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. L to R: unidentified, CPL Jeff Prince, SPR Perry Langeberg, unidentified (x3). .20) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. .21) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities, unidentified personnel. .22) & .23) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp set-up. .24) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .25) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up, unidentified personnel. .26) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: CPL Jeff Prince, SPR Steve Ellis, SGT Peter Imeson, CPL Neale ‘Tex’ Houston, SPR Perry Langeberg, unidentified exchange officer, WO2 Russ Larsen. .27) - Photo, colour, 1987. Hootchie set-up. .28) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: SPR Bruce Graham, LT Geoff ‘GT’ Ford, CPL Jamie ‘Fish’ McRae, SGT Wally Chilcott, SPR Shaun Hynes, CPL Kevin Whitty. .29) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, SPR Todd Hayley, unidentified, WO2 Peter Symmans, SSGT Cam Chapman, CPL Dave Irving. .30) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified (x2), LT Greg Oaten, unidentified (x2), CPL Peter Hardy, unidentified. .31) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: CPL Roger Graf, WO2 Bob Rogister, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, unidentified officer, SPR Simon Reynolds, SPR John Keely. .32) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, SPR Steve Nokes, SGT Stu Symonds, WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen, unidentified (x3). .33) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, SGT Derek Stanmore, CAPT Danny Galbraith, unidentified in foreground. .34) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified (x3), SGT Derek Stanmore, CAPT Danny Galbraith. .35) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. .36) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. OC MAJ Peter Cates. .37) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities. L to R: unidentified, CPL Dave Longbottom. .38) - Photo, colour, 1987. Camp activities, unidentified personnel. .39) & .40) - Hootchie set-up..1P to .40P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron Adventurous Training, Wilpena pound, Flinders Ranges, SA, 1987
... 4 Fd Svy Sqn... training exercise. Royal Australian Survey Corps RASvy 4 Fd Svy Sqn ...This is a set of 14 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron undergoing an abseiling activity, as part of adventurous training held at Mount Remarkable National Park, South Australia in May 1987. It is evident the training focussed on teamwork, leadership, abseiling, rock climbing, field craft and living off the land survival skills. Elements from units of the Army Reserve also participated in the training. Refer to items 6546.42P and 6547.40P for additional photographs taken during the adventurous training exercise.This is a set of 14 photographs of 4th Field Survey Squadron personnel undergoing an abseiling activity, as part of 4th Field Survey Squadron adventurous training held at Mount Remarkable National Park of South Australia in May 1987. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1987. Abseiling activities, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .2) to .14) - Photo, colour, 1987. Abseiling activities, unidentified soldier..1P to .14P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1987 ADV TRAINING’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn