Showing 281 items
matching aboriginal schools
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Western Australian College of Advanced Education, Wikaru : journal of the Institute of Applied Aboriginal Studies, Western Australian College of Advanced Education, 1987
... Aboriginal schools... Aboriginal schools in various areas. The authors look... Street Brunswick melbourne Aboriginal schools Worowa Aboriginal ...The articles in this issue give accounts of independent Aboriginal schools in various areas. The authors look at these schools' goals and outcomes in a range of situations.b&w illustrations, mapsaboriginal schools, worowa aboriginal college, yiyili, jitapurru, oombulgurri -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
article, Gary Johns, Aboriginal education : remote schools and the real economy, 2006
... Aboriginal education : remote schools and the real economy...Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Aboriginal children in remote communities have the lowest rates of success in school. The reasons for the lack of success are well known, and mainly lie outside of the schools and their programs. Education authorities have made some poor choices in the past. They have not enforced the necessary discipline on children to attend school, and they have placed cultural sensitivity above the needs of the child to cope in the modern economy. More recently they have begun to concentrate on programs in literacy and numeracy, but success is limited because of the perverse incentives of other government initiatives. These initiatives have been blind to the need to deal with the absence of an economy in remote areas, and the absence of a work ethic among Aborigines who are welfare dependent. The absence of the work ethic and the absence of work have severely constrained the returns on the investment in Aboriginal education. The correct policy response to failure at school will be determined not simply by additional programs at school, but by how various issues of transition to the real economy - work, individual obligation, mobility - are managed. The transition will be better managed if educators and governments understand that education is essentially an instrument in economic integration, and that many remote communities are not viable, and where they are not schools should not be used as pawns to keep them afloat. Moreover, educators and governments should understand that western education cannot and should not preserve Aboriginal culture. Most importantly, parents' behaviour needs to change and where incentives to send children to school fail, compulsion must be programs, education policy, literacy and numeracy, employment outcomes -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Western Australian Ministry of Education, Framework for the teaching of Aboriginal languages in primary schools, 1992
... Framework for the teaching of Aboriginal languages in... Street Brunswick melbourne primary school education Aboriginal ...Goals and strategies for teaching Aboriginal languages to Aboriginal students with differing language knowledge; suggested language activities.b&w illustrationsprimary school education, aboriginal studies, curriculum development -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... of Education including Aboriginal Schools..... Signed Copy. History of Education including Aboriginal Schools ...Pioneer Schools of Australia. Signed Copy. History of Education including Aboriginal Schools.L. J. Blakeschool, early education -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - Methodist Girls' Comradeship, A Thousand Thanks!!
... was to provide a course for Aboriginal Pre-School Assistants. .... The Fellowship was to provide a course for Aboriginal Pre-School ...The Methodist Girls' Comradeship celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1968. The Golden Jubilee Fellowship was a project of the Victoria/Tasmania Province of the MGC. The Fellowship was to provide a course for Aboriginal Pre-School Assistants. Tri-fold pamphlet with a gold coloured front and blue text. There is an image of some Indigenous children and an adult on the back. methodist girls' comradeship golden jubilee fellowship, miss d. nance, methodist girls' comradeship -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, Board of Studies New South Wales, Winangaylanha Dhayn-gu Gaay : understanding Aboriginal languages : working with the Aboriginal languages K-10 syllabus : a guide for Aboriginal community collaboration for school based languages programs, 2004
... guide for Aboriginal community collaboration for school based...A guide for Aboriginal community collaboration for school... for school-based programs. Supporting the Aboriginal languages K-10 ...A guide for Aboriginal community collaboration for school-based programs. Supporting the Aboriginal languages K-10 syllabus, this resource assists Aboriginal community participation in the teaching of Aboriginal languages in schools. Technical Details System requirements (PC): 64 Mb RAM; Windows 98; 800x600 screen; thousands of colours.CD-ROMmulticultural education, multilingualism -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kevin Keeffe, From the centre to the city : Aboriginal education, culture and power, 1992
... to develop an Aboriginal curriculum in schools. Kevin Keeffe... to develop an Aboriginal curriculum in schools. Kevin Keeffe ...This book is about the directions being taken in Australia to develop an Aboriginal curriculum in schools. Kevin Keeffe describes, analyses and criticises the meaning and place of Aboriginal culture in the Australian curriculum.b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, colour illustrationseducation, study and teaching, curriculum development -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Outcasts, Mists & Shadows: a short history of institutional care around Yarra Bend, Melbourne / by Colin Briton, 2017, 2017
... merri creek protectorate station and aboriginal school... and Aboriginal School (1841-51), Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum (1848-1925... merri creek protectorate station and aboriginal school (1841-51 ...Self-published book on institutional care around Yarra Bend, Melbourne, including sections on: Merri Creek Protectorate Station and Aboriginal School (1841-51), Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum (1848-1925), Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital (1904-96), Fairhaven (1927-51), Fairlea Women's Prison (1956-96), Thomas Embling Hospital (2000- ), Abbotsford Convent (1863-1975), Kew Lunatic Asylum / Willsmere Hospital (1872-1988), Kew Cottages (1887-2008), Caritas Christi Hospice (1938- ), Villa Alba / Henry Pride hospital services (1954-98), Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre (at Kew since 1961), National Guide Dog Training Centre / Guide Dogs Victoria (1962- ). ISBN: 978-0-6480223-0-5"Donated by the author March 2017"merri creek protectorate station and aboriginal school (1841-51), yarra bend lunatic asylum (1848-1925), fairfield infectious diseases hospital (1904-96), fairhaven (1927-51), fairlea women's prison (1956-96), thomas embling hospital (2000- ), abbotsford convent (1863-1975), kew lunatic asylum / willsmere hospital (1872-1988), kew cottages (1887-2008), caritas christi hospice (1938- ), villa alba / henry pride hospital services (1954-98), royal talbot rehabilitation centre (at kew since 1961), national guide dog training centre / guide dogs victoria (1962- ) -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
CD-ROM, NSW Aboriginal Languages Research and Resource Centre, The Aboriginal Languages of NSW: an introduction for schools and communities, 2007
... for Aboriginal students; why offer an Aboriginal language in NSW schools... in NSW schools?; First steps to start a school-based Aboriginal ...Contents: What is this CD rom for? Why learn an Aboriginal language? : benefits of learning a language; specific benefits for Aboriginal students; why offer an Aboriginal language in NSW schools?; First steps to start a school-based Aboriginal language program Information about NSW Aboriginal languages: Aboriginal language revival in NSW : the same but different; sounds and writing system; some grammatical features; Map of Aboriginal languages of NSW; List of languages on this CD.CD-ROMlanguage maintenance, language and education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
DVD, Languages Unit Curriculum K12 Directorate NSW Department of Education and Training, My language, my country : teaching Aboriginal languages in NSW, 2007
... Aboriginal Languages in schools. It shows how schools in Gumbaynggirr...Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...This film is designed for use by those involved in teaching Aboriginal Languages in schools. It shows how schools in Gumbaynggirr country (in NSW) work with the community to develop their language programs. It shows the cooperation between teachers, linguists and community tutors in preparation and delivery of Aboriginal Language programs in Gumbaynggirr country, NSWDVDgumbaynggirr -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Charles Harris, 07/1988
... "School at Hall's Gap studies holistic Aboriginal theology... - "Participants at a school of Aboriginal Theology were challenged to take ..."School at Hall's Gap studies holistic Aboriginal theology" - article by Tim Angus - "Participants at a school of Aboriginal Theology were challenged to take up a new partnership in mission by the Rev. Charles Harris, president of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress… Charles Harris gave a quiet and determined witness to the power of the Gospel to free his people to become agents of their own destiny in spiritual, cultural and political terms."Head & shoulders, dressed casually."Rev. Charles Harris"harris, charles, aboriginal and islander christian congress -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
... Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School... Baptist Aboriginal School, Melbourne, Victoria, 1846?47 ? a new... Korkanoon Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School AustKin project ...Mediating conflict in the age of Native Title Peter Sutton (The University of Adelaide and South Australian Museum) Mediators have played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies for a long time. This paper discusses some of the similarities and differences between older customary mediator roles and those of the modern Native Title process. Determinants of tribunal outcomes for Indigenous footballers Neil Brewer, Carla Welsh and Jenny Williams (School of Psychology, Flinders University) This paper reports on a study that examined whether football tribunal members? judgments concerning players? alleged misdemeanours on the sporting field are likely to be shaped by extra-evidential factors that disadvantage players from Indigenous backgrounds. Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian Football League (AFL) players, matched in terms of their typical levels of confidence and demeanour in public situations, were interrogated in a mock tribunal hearing about a hypothetical incident on the football field. The specific aim was to determine if the pressures of such questioning elicited behavioural differences likely to be interpreted as indicative of testimonial unreliability. Mock tribunal members (number = 103) then made judgments about the degree to which a number of behavioural characteristics were evident in the players? testimonies. Under intense interrogation, Indigenous players were judged as presenting less confidently and displaying a greater degree of gaze aversion than non-Indigenous players. These behavioural characteristics are commonly ? and inappropriately ? used as cues or heuristics to infer testimonial accuracy. The paper discusses the implications for Indigenous players appearing at tribunal hearings ? and for the justice system more broadly. Timothy Korkanoon: A child artist at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School, Melbourne, Victoria, 1846?47 ? a new interpretation of his life and work Ian D Clark (School of Business, University of Ballarat) This paper is concerned with the Coranderrk Aboriginal artist Timothy Korkanoon. Research has uncovered more about his life before he settled at the Coranderrk station in 1863. Evidence is provided that five sketches acquired by George Augustus Robinson, the former Chief Protector of Aborigines, in November 1851 in Melbourne, and found in his papers in the State Library of New South Wales, may also be attributed to the work of the young Korkanoon when he was a student at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School from 1846 to 1847. Developing a database for Australian Indigenous kinship terminology: The AustKin project Laurent Dousset (CREDO, and CNRS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Rachel Hendery (The Australian National University), Claire Bowern (Yale University), Harold Koch (The Australian National University) and Patrick McConvell (The Australian National University) In order to make Australian Indigenous kinship vocabulary from hundreds of sources comparable, searchable and accessible for research and community purposes, we have developed a database that collates these resources. The creation of such a database brings with it technical, theoretical and practical challenges, some of which also apply to other research projects that collect and compare large amounts of Australian language data, and some of which apply to any database project in the humanities or social sciences. Our project has sought to overcome these challenges by adopting a modular, object-oriented, incremental programming approach, by keeping metadata, data and analysis sharply distinguished, and through ongoing consultation between programmers, linguists and communities. In this paper we report on the challenges and solutions we have come across and the lessons that can be drawn from our experience for other social science database projects, particularly in Australia. A time for change? Indigenous heritage values and management practice in the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes region, South Australia Lynley A Wallis (Aboriginal Environments Research Centre, The University of Queensland) and Alice C Gorman (Department of Archaeology, Flinders University) The Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes in South Australia have long been recognised under the Ramsar Convention for their natural heritage values. Less well known is the fact that this area also has high social and cultural values, encompassing the traditional lands and waters (ruwe) of the Ngarrindjeri Nation. This unique ecosystem is currently teetering on the verge of collapse, a situation arguably brought about by prolonged drought after decades of unsustainable management practices. While at the federal level there have been moves to better integrate typically disparate ?cultural? and ?natural? heritage management regimes ? thereby supporting Indigenous groups in their attempts to gain a greater voice in how their traditional country is managed ? the distance has not yet been bridged in the Coorong. Here, current management planning continues to emphasise natural heritage values, with limited practical integration of cultural values or Ngarrindjeri viewpoints. As the future of the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes is being debated, we suggest decision makers would do well to look to the Ngarrindjeri for guidance on the integration of natural and cultural values in management regimes as a vital step towards securing the long-term ecological viability of this iconic part of Australia. Hearts and minds: Evolving understandings of chronic cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations Ernest Hunter (Queensland Health and James Cook University) Using the experience and reflections of a non-Indigenous clinician and researcher, Randolph Spargo, who has worked in remote Aboriginal Australia for more than 40 years, this paper tracks how those at the clinical coal-face thought and responded as cardiovascular and other chronic diseases emerged as new health concerns in the 1970s to become major contributors to the burden of excess ill health across Indigenous Australia. The paper cites research evidence that informed prevailing paradigms drawing primarily on work in which the clinician participated, which was undertaken in the remote Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia. Two reports, one relating to the Narcoonie quarry in the Strzelecki Desert and the other concerning problematic alcohol use in urban settings.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, tablesstrzelecki desert, native title, timothy korkanoon, merri creek baptist aboriginal school, austkin project, coorong, lower murray lakes district, south australia, indigenous health -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Federation University: Women of Note; Dr Doris Paton, Academic and Aboriginal Elder
... Heritage Council, and the East Gippsland School for Aboriginal... Council, and the East Gippsland School for Aboriginal Health ...Dr Doris Paton is an accomplished academic and respected Aboriginal Elder with a passion for the advancement of First Nations People through education, and the reclamation and revival of Aboriginal languages across Australia. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Social Science) from Monash University, Gippsland campus in 1993, and went on to complete a Graduate Diploma Education (Secondary); Master of Education Studies (Aboriginal Education); Master of Education (Aboriginal Education); and a PhD Philosophy (Education). Her skill and expertise have been acknowledged through roles as Director Vice-Chairperson of the Victorian Aboriginal Languages Corporation (VACL) and as Chairperson of the Victorian Indigenous Languages Implementation Reference Group, Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority, where she developed the framework to accredit “Indigenous Languages of Victoria: Revival and Reclamation”, a VCE accredited subject contributing toward the preservation of Indigenous languages across Australia. A Federation University Council Member since 2020, Doris is also long-serving Director of the Nindi Ngujarn Ngarigo Monero Aboriginal Corporation; and has served on boards for Parks Victoria, the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council, and the East Gippsland School for Aboriginal Health Professionals. Her work has been presented at conferences including the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education, and recognised with several awards including the GippsTAFE Staff Excellence Awards in the Community Development, and Personal Achievement categories, The Wurreker Award for Community Based Employee, and the Parks Victoria Regional Achiever Award.women of note, federation university, doris paton, aboriginal elder, academic, aboriginal languages, monash university gippsland, graduate diploma education, bachelor of arts, master of education, phd philosophy, victorian aboriginal languages corporation, vacl, councillor -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Joan Argenter, Endangered languages and linguistic rights on the margins of nations : proceedings of the Eighth FEL Conference : Barcelona (Catalonia) Spain 1-3 October 2004, 2005
... -ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School...-ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School ...Section 1: Grass-roots Efforts and Top-down Institutions Keynote Address: Leanne Hinton The Death and Rebirth of Native American Languages Patrick Marlow Bilingual Education, Legislative Intent, and Language Maintenance in Alaska Galina Dyrkheeva New Language Policy and Small Languages in Russia: the Buryat Example Zelealem Leyew The Fate of Endangered Languages in Ethiopia Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo Language Planning from Below: Chitumbuka as a Marginalised Language in Malawi John Hobson Learning to Speak Again: Towards the Provision of Appropriate Training for the Revitalization of Australian Languages in New South Wales Shelley Tulloch Grassroots Desires for Language Planning in Nunavut Amandina C�rdenas Demay Hacia la definici�n de una pol�tica del lenguaje & Alejandra Arellano Mart�nez expl�cita en M�xico Elena Benedicto, G. McLean, Linguistic Rights in the Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast: Grupo de Ling�istas Ind�genas Mayangna Actions on the Ground within the Legislative Framework of the Estatuto de Autonom�a Bartomeu Meli� Las lenguas ind�genas en el Paraguay. Una visi�n desde el Censo 2002 Monica Ward Building from the Bottom-up: Linguistic Rights for Extremely Endangered Languages Marta Moskal Language Policy and Protection of Endangered Languages in Poland Sue Wright What is a language? Some difficulties inherent in language rights Joan Ramon Sol� Obstacles in the Way of the Recovery of Catalan Section 2: The Global vs. the Local in Linguistic Rights Keynote Address: Patxi Goenaga Fronteras que dividen y fronteras que separan. Una mirada a Europa desde el Euskara Yun-Hsuan Kuo Languages, Identity, and Linguistic Rights in Taiwan Estibaliz Amorrortu, Andoni Barre�a, What Do Linguistic Communities Think about the Esti Izagirre, Itziar Idiazabal, Bel�n Uranga Official Recognition of their Languages? Alok Kumar Das Linguistic Practices and Not Just Linguistic Rights: Endangered Languages in New Europe Section 3: Languages crossing the Borders Keynote Address: Tjeerd de Graaf The Status of Endangered Languages in the Border Areas of Japan and Russia Mariana Bara Arm�n endangered language Ver�nica Grondona Language Policy, Linguistic Rights and Language Maintenance in Argentina Grup d?Estudi de Lleng�es Amena�ades Linguistic diversity in Catalonia: towards a model of linguistic revitalization Nataliya Belitser Endangered Languages in Crimea/Ukraine: The Cases of Crimean Tatar, Karait, and Krymchak Ivelina Kazakova & Maria Miteva The Future of Bulgarian: The Road to Extinction or Paradise Regained Luke O?Callaghan War of Words: Language Policy in Post Independence Kazakhstan Eden Naby From Lingua Franca to Endangered Language: The Legal Aspects of the Preservation of Aramaic in Iraq Poster presentations Akim Elnazarov Endangered languages and Education. A Case of Badakhshan Province of Tajikistan Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen & Oddvar Hjulstad Linguistic Rights Paving the Way Towards Language Endangerment? The Case of Norwegian Sign Language Eva Savelsberg Kurdish (Kurmanc�) as Minority Language in the Federal Republic of Germany Jos� Antonio Flores Farf�n Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization, Maintenance and Development in Mexico Mary Jane Norris Assessing the Status, Use and Accessibility of Canada?s Aboriginal Languages within Communities and Cities: Some Proposed Indicators Michael Prosser van der Riet Promotion of Minority Language Scripts in Southwest China. A Relative Success or Complete Failure? Mikael Grut The Endangered Celtic Languages: A Wake-up Call Nariyo Kono Developing Partnerships Between Universities and Language Communities: Top-down and Bottom-up Integration Richard J. Hawkins Probit Modeling Language Attrition Rudy Osiel Camposeco El idioma maya Popti? y la Declaraci�n Universal de los Derechos Ling��sticos Victorio N. Sugbo The literary Response: Claiming Rights in Three Philippin Languages Ya-ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School in Taiwanmaps, tables, graphsnsw, endangered languages, linguistic rights -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newsletter, Jinga, July 1979
Cann River is 75 km east of Orbost. The Cann River School newsletter is published fortnightly and includes a calendar of upcoming activities in the school and local community. When the newsletter started (probably in 1968) there was a discussion in the school as to what it would be called - Jinga eventually came out of that and it's still the same today. Jinga derived its name from Croajingolong. Croajingolong possibly comes from the Aboriginal words for 'belonging to' and 'east' and is the name of one of the five clans of the Kurnai (Gunni) - the Krauatungalung, who lived in this region. It is likely that the decision to go with 'Jinga' over 'Jingo' was made by popular vote. For a few years the school published a year magazine called Croalong, and now combines the two so the last issue of Jinga for the year is actually titled Croajingolong! (Information provided by Ruby, current editor of Jinga.) In small rural communities newsletters are an important communication medium. Cann River P-12 College has played a significant part in the education students in the Cann River district . It is the sole educational institution in Cann river. A newsletter for Cann River School. It contains black and white photographs, children's work and reports.newsletter-jinga cann-river -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book/magazine, Snowy River Mail as "Mail" Print, Croajingolong, December 1950
This is the third issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". It belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This item is a useful reference tool.A 39 pp grey paper back magazine with the Orbost High School badge in black and gold on the front cover, a sheaf of corn inside a double oval. inside which is the school motto, " acti labores iundi".on front cover - "M. Gilbert 1950" in red peneducation magazine-croajingolong-1950 orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Footprints, 2008
... ' Aboriginal people were excluded from the missions." -co-author Simon ...Co-author Simon Flagg from the Koorie Records Unit, Public Record Office Victoria, did most of the research for the book. Rita Watkins, a descendent of Percy and Lucy, provided photographs and family stories for the book. "As well as brief chapter introductions, the book contains transcripts of the letters to, from and about the Pepper Family. Among various aspects of the family's life, the letters show Lucy Pepper's long battle with tuberculosis and her request to live with other family members on a mission. But she was denied this natural wish because 'half-caste' Aboriginal people were excluded from the missions." -co-author Simon Flagg from the Koorie Records Unit, Public Record Office Victoria,This book, with its transcripts of original letters, is an invaluable historical resource for university and school students on Aboriginal history in Victoria and what happened on Aboriginal reserves. A book titled "Footprints", which portrays the struggles of Lucy and Percy Pepper in the first half of the twentieth century. It was published jointly by the National Archives of Australia and Public Record Office Victoria, both of which hold original records of the family's correspondence with bureaucracy over the years. The book was authored by Simon Flagg and Dr Sebastian Gurciullo. The cover has a dark brown background with black footprints printed over it. They are both bare foot and shoe prints. It has a b /w photograph of a family posed for the camera. Across the top is the title FOOTPRINTS printed in pale yellow. At the bottom of the photo in pale yellow script is "the journey of Lucy and Percy Pepper". At the foot of the front cover is " An Aboriginal Family's struggle for survival". pepper-family aboriginal-history -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Snowy River Mail as "Mail" Print, Croajingolong 1948, 1948
This is the first issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This book belonged to Mary Gilbert, a teacher at the school.This is the first edition of the Orbost secondary school magazine and is a useful reference tool. A 32 pp grey covered magazine titled Croajingolong 1948. It is the annual magazine of the Orbost High School. It has an Orbost High School badge in black print on the front cover. This is the first issue of the magazine.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1949, 1949
The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This is the second edition of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This magazine is the second issue of the Magazine producd by Orbost High School and is a useful reference tool.A 28 pp buff coloured magazine titled Croajingolong 1949. This is the second issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School.on front cover - M Gilbert handwritten in blue penorbost-high-school magazine -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1950, 1950
This is the third issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This book belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at Orbost High School.This third issue of Croajingolong, the annual magazine of Orbost High Schoo,l is a useful reference tool.A 40 pp grey covered magazine. On the front cover is the school crest in black and gold. The book is titled Croajingolong 1950 - this is not on the cover.orbost-high-school croajingolong -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1951, 1951
This is the 4th issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine was owned by Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This magazine is the fourth issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine and is a useful reference tool. A 36 pp green covered magazine titled Croajingolong 1951. This is the 4th issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1952, 1952
This is the fifth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This fifth issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine is a useful reference tool.A grey covered magazine of 32 pp. On the front cover is the text Orbost High school Croajingolong 1952 Dec. 1952 Vol.1 No.5croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1953, 1953
This is the sixth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This sixth issue of the Orbost High School's annual magazine is a useful reference tool.A grey covered magazine of 28 pp. The front cover has dark blue text The Magazine of the Orbost High School Croajingolong 1953 Vol.1 No. 6on front cover - M Gilbert handwritten in blue inkcroajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1954, 1954
This is the seventh issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". this magazine was owned by Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This seventh issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School is a useful reference tool.A 22 pp grey covered magazine titled Croajingolong 1954 Vol. 1 No. 7 Dec. 1954On front cover - M. Gilbert handwritten in blue pencroajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1955, 1955
This is the eighth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This eighth issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine is a useful reference tool.A 24 pp magazine with a grey cover titled Croajingolong 1955. Vol.1 No. 8croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1956, 1956
This is the ninth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This magazine is the 9th issue of the annual magazine produced by Orbost High School and is a useful reference tool.A 50 pp magazine with a gold/orange cover with dark blue print : Croajingolong printed vertically on the left hand side . The Orbost High School crest , a dark blue oval around a a sheaf of yellow corn is in the centre. This is a rough printed book. The contents have not been professionally printed.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1957, 1957
This is the tenth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This 10th issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine is a useful research tool.A stapled 50 pp magazine with a cream cover with dark blue printing : Croajingolong vertically on the left hand side. The Orbost High School crest , a dark blue oval around a a sheaf of yellow corn is in the centre. The cover has been professionally printed while the contents are rough printed.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1958, 1958
This is the 11th issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This is the eleventh issue of the Croajingolong magazine and is a useful reference tool.A stapled 54 pp magazine with a blue cover. Croajingolong is printed vertically on the left hand side in dark blue. The Orbost High School crest of a yellow sheaf of corn inside a dark blue oval is in the centre of the front cover. This publication is a rough print. It contains some photo pages.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1959, 1959
This is the eleventh issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This magazine is the annual magazine of Orbost High School and is a useful reference tool,A stapled magazine with 46 pp. The front cover is grey and has Craoajingolong Vol. 1 No. 11 in dark blue print. The Orbost High School crest of a yellow sheaf of corn inside a dark blue oval is in the centre. This publication is a rough print. It contains some photos. croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1960, 1960
This is the thirteenth issue of the Orbost High School magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". It belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This is the thirteenth issue of the Orbost High School magazine and is a useful reference tool.A magazine with a pale blue cover. Dark blue printing : Croajingolong and the Orbost High School crest of a sheaf of corn inside a double oval with Orbost High School and its motto " acti labores iucundi". Vol. No 13 1960.This publication has been professionally printed and contains photographs.croajingolong orbost-high-school