Showing 654 items
matching aboriginal society
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, The place of dogs in Victorian Aboriginal society in the nineteenth century: a reconsideration of the archival record
... The place of dogs in Victorian Aboriginal society in the... and dogs in northern Australian Aboriginal society have been... in northern Australian Aboriginal society have been extensive (Meehan ...Abstract: ‘Dingo’ is today the name given to Australia’s wolf-like native dog Canis dingo, however it was originally the Dharuk word for a ‘domesticated dog’ - the Dharuk word for a wild dog was ‘warrigul’ (Dixon, Ramson, and Thomas 1992, pp. 65, 87). In its populist usage today this distinction has fallen away and dingo now refers to both wild and domesticated native dogs. Anthropological discussions about the role and significance of dingoes and dogs in northern Australian Aboriginal society have been extensive (Meehan, Jones and Vincent 1999; Smith and Litchfield 2009). Archaeological (McCoy 1882; Barker 1979), ecological (Nowak 2006) and taxonomic debates (Corbett 1995; Coman and Jones 2007) have existed for almost two centuries about the dingo’s origins (Jardine 1839; Gill 1951; Barker 1979; Savolainen et al 2004), and an intense sociological discussion has focused on what has been termed the ‘economic-utilitarian perspective’ that attributes to dingoes a decisive usefulness in Aboriginal people’s food quest (Kolig 1978). Contributors to this lively debate have been almost exclusively northern Australia-centric in their conversations, with the notable exception of Jones (1970), which is understandable given the rich vein of accessible Aboriginal informants in this region and observational data neither of which is possible or available in much of southern Australia. In this paper the authors shall build upon the northern Australian research of Meggitt (1965), Rose (1992), Meehan, Jones and Vincent (1999), and Parker (2006) and demonstrate that there exists a concomitant range of ethno-historical and archeological sources from south-eastern Australia which adds a considerable body of knowledge to our understanding of the utilitarian and symbolic significance of dingoes for Aboriginal communities. Furthermore, the authors shall examine the impact of British colonizers upon Aboriginal peoples’ associations with dingoes in Victoria. The word dingo shall be used throughout this paper to connote dogs as well as dingoes. Unpublished typed manuscript. This item is part of the 'Australian Mythical Animals Collection'.aboriginal, aborigines, fred cahir, ian clark, dog, dingo, australian mythical animals collection, mythical, myth, folklore -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Aboriginal Collection Presented (Historical Society) in 1992, handing over artefacts from McNamara Collection to Brambuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre Halls Gap
... Aboriginal Collection Presented (Historical Society) in...Aboriginal Collection Presented (Historical Society) 1992... grampians Aboriginal Collection Presented (Historical Society) 1992 ...Aboriginal Collection Presented (Historical Society) 1992 handing over artefacts from McNamara Collection to Brambuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre Halls Gapstawell -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, 18th October 1998
... Aboriginal society... items. Scarred trees Aboriginal society Aboriginal technology ...The Aboriginal scarred tree was growing along the Redesdale Road just north of the Langley State School.The scarred tree is evidence of Aboriginal technology as the bark from such trees was used for many items. A coloured photograph of a scarred tree with other smaller trees in the background. The tree has a yellow cross painted on its trunk.scarred trees, aboriginal society, aboriginal technology, langley -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Three coloured photographs, WHS Meeting 5/10/2019. Speaker Gary Presland
... Aboriginal Society... on Aborininal Society. WHS AGM 5/10/2019 Gary Presland Aboriginal ...WHS AGM on 5/10/2019. Gary Presland speaking on Aborininal Society.three coloured photographs of the meeting of 5/10/2019.whs agm 5/10/2019, gary presland, aboriginal society -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, John Rickard, Australia: a cultural history, by John Rickard, 1996_
... Cultural history of Australia, covering aboriginal society..., covering aboriginal society and white society to 1988. australia ...Cultural history of Australia, covering aboriginal society and white society to 1988.Paperback, 317 p,. black and white photographs. 2nd edition.australia history -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Aboriginal Uplift Society... CLUBS Social Aboriginal Uplift Society Lake Tyers/Aboriginal ...Lake Tyers/Aboriginal related material of Merle Bush; a. ''Uplift'' Official Organ of the Aborigines Uplift Society, Nov 1940 32 paged booklet including article on Lake Tyers Aboriginal Station; b. May 1941 issue of ''Uplift''; c. Tourist flyer on lake Tyers and the lake Tyers House accommodation there (Nowa Nowa Park).clubs, social, aboriginal uplift society -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
book, Aboriginal people of Victoria, 1990
... aboriginal australia. culture and society... of victoria aboriginal australia. culture and society aboriginal ...15 p. : ill. (some col.), map, ports. ; 30 cm. Cover title. Cat. no. 8907893. Bibliography: p. 15. ISBN 0644101547Stamped: Phillip Island & District Historical Societyrichard broome, aboriginal people of victoria, aboriginal australia. culture and society, aboriginal australians -- australia -- victoria., aboriginal and torres strait islander commission -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 139 July 2001
... : The Nillumbik Art Collection • July Meeting • Gawa Wurundjeri Aboriginal...Eltham District Historical Society Inc 728 Main Rd Eltham ...Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Chris Marks: The Nillumbik Art Collection • July Meeting • Gawa Wurundjeri Aboriginal Resource Trail • Society Happenings • Andrew Ross Museum • Some Other Brief News Items • Poems and Writings of Gwendoline Margaret Baker – nee Bowes The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, Legacy Week 1988, 1988
... (distance, mining, pre-settlement Aboriginal society).... Blainey...-settlement Aboriginal society).... Blainey next turned to the rhythms ...A photo of Professor Geoffrey Blainey speaking at a the public launch of Legacy Week at the ANZ Pavilion at the Victorian Arts Centre. The date is 23 August 1988. Also a photo of John Lady and Terry Hawksley. The attached label says: " Melbourne Legacy held its first official public launch - a luncheon for Melbourne's leading business community at the ANZ Pavilion at the Victorian Arts Centre to highlight 'Legacy Week'. Professor Geoffrey Blainey, AO, addressed the guests and was joined by Legacy's 1988 personality, Australia's first under 4 minute miler, John Lady." They were in a folio of photos from 1988. (see also 001042 to 01049) From Wikipedia: "Geoffrey Norman Blainey AC, FAHA, FASSA (born 11 March 1930) is an Australian historian, academic, philanthropist and commentator with a wide international audience. Biographer Geoffrey Bolton argues that he has played multiple roles as an Australian historian: He first came to prominence in the 1950s as a pioneer in the neglected field of Australian business history....He produced during the 1960s and 1970s a number of surveys of Australian history in which explanation was organized around the exploration of the impact of the single factor (distance, mining, pre-settlement Aboriginal society).... Blainey next turned to the rhythms of global history in the industrial period.... Because of his authority as a historian, he was increasingly in demand as a commentator on Australian public affairs." From the name badges the attendees included: 1. Geoffrey Blainey. 2. John Landy and Terry Hawksley. 3. A girl and L/ Geoff Swan. 4. L/ David Millie and Jim Madden. 5. John ? and L/ Colin Bannister. 6. Patsy Adam-Smith (?) and artist Geoffrey Mallett. 7. ? and Jim Dickson. 8. Peter Prior and Abe Birmingham. 9. President Chas Wilks speaking. 10. President Chas Wilks and Rupe Thomas.A record of celebrities being involved in promoting Legacy Week in 1988 and an official launch at Victorian Arts Centre.Colour photo x 10 of public launch of Legacy Week in 1988.Yellow paper label explaining the event in black type.legacy week, legacy promotion, speakers -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Helen Gardner et al, Southern Anthropology : a History of Fison and Howitt's Kamilaroi and Kurnai, 2015
... of Aboriginal and Pacific Island societies and changed the course...Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...From far-flung sites in Australia and the Pacific Islands, Lorimer Fison and A. W. Howitt produced the landmark study, 'Kamilaroi and Kurnai' (1880). Their book revealed the complexity of Aboriginal and Pacific Island societies and changed the course of anthropology in the early years of the discipline. Using archival sources and an innovative approach, Southern Anthropology explores the research, writing and reception of 'Kamilaroi and Kurnai'. Historical chapters track Fison and Howitt's collection and analysis of anthropological material in the context of raging debates about the evolution of humans. This narrative is interspersed with an introduction to the kinship and social organisation of Aboriginal and Pacific Island people that highlight the enduring value of Fison and Howitt's methods and the resurgence of their questions in contemporary anthropology. Southern Anthropology is designed to be read across disciplinary boundaries. b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, tables, document reproductionshistories, anthropology, howitt, fisson, kamilaroi, kurnai, evolution, archives, australia -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
... played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies... played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies ...Mediating conflict in the age of Native Title Peter Sutton (The University of Adelaide and South Australian Museum) Mediators have played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies for a long time. This paper discusses some of the similarities and differences between older customary mediator roles and those of the modern Native Title process. Determinants of tribunal outcomes for Indigenous footballers Neil Brewer, Carla Welsh and Jenny Williams (School of Psychology, Flinders University) This paper reports on a study that examined whether football tribunal members? judgments concerning players? alleged misdemeanours on the sporting field are likely to be shaped by extra-evidential factors that disadvantage players from Indigenous backgrounds. Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian Football League (AFL) players, matched in terms of their typical levels of confidence and demeanour in public situations, were interrogated in a mock tribunal hearing about a hypothetical incident on the football field. The specific aim was to determine if the pressures of such questioning elicited behavioural differences likely to be interpreted as indicative of testimonial unreliability. Mock tribunal members (number = 103) then made judgments about the degree to which a number of behavioural characteristics were evident in the players? testimonies. Under intense interrogation, Indigenous players were judged as presenting less confidently and displaying a greater degree of gaze aversion than non-Indigenous players. These behavioural characteristics are commonly ? and inappropriately ? used as cues or heuristics to infer testimonial accuracy. The paper discusses the implications for Indigenous players appearing at tribunal hearings ? and for the justice system more broadly. Timothy Korkanoon: A child artist at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School, Melbourne, Victoria, 1846?47 ? a new interpretation of his life and work Ian D Clark (School of Business, University of Ballarat) This paper is concerned with the Coranderrk Aboriginal artist Timothy Korkanoon. Research has uncovered more about his life before he settled at the Coranderrk station in 1863. Evidence is provided that five sketches acquired by George Augustus Robinson, the former Chief Protector of Aborigines, in November 1851 in Melbourne, and found in his papers in the State Library of New South Wales, may also be attributed to the work of the young Korkanoon when he was a student at the Merri Creek Baptist Aboriginal School from 1846 to 1847. Developing a database for Australian Indigenous kinship terminology: The AustKin project Laurent Dousset (CREDO, and CNRS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Rachel Hendery (The Australian National University), Claire Bowern (Yale University), Harold Koch (The Australian National University) and Patrick McConvell (The Australian National University) In order to make Australian Indigenous kinship vocabulary from hundreds of sources comparable, searchable and accessible for research and community purposes, we have developed a database that collates these resources. The creation of such a database brings with it technical, theoretical and practical challenges, some of which also apply to other research projects that collect and compare large amounts of Australian language data, and some of which apply to any database project in the humanities or social sciences. Our project has sought to overcome these challenges by adopting a modular, object-oriented, incremental programming approach, by keeping metadata, data and analysis sharply distinguished, and through ongoing consultation between programmers, linguists and communities. In this paper we report on the challenges and solutions we have come across and the lessons that can be drawn from our experience for other social science database projects, particularly in Australia. A time for change? Indigenous heritage values and management practice in the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes region, South Australia Lynley A Wallis (Aboriginal Environments Research Centre, The University of Queensland) and Alice C Gorman (Department of Archaeology, Flinders University) The Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes in South Australia have long been recognised under the Ramsar Convention for their natural heritage values. Less well known is the fact that this area also has high social and cultural values, encompassing the traditional lands and waters (ruwe) of the Ngarrindjeri Nation. This unique ecosystem is currently teetering on the verge of collapse, a situation arguably brought about by prolonged drought after decades of unsustainable management practices. While at the federal level there have been moves to better integrate typically disparate ?cultural? and ?natural? heritage management regimes ? thereby supporting Indigenous groups in their attempts to gain a greater voice in how their traditional country is managed ? the distance has not yet been bridged in the Coorong. Here, current management planning continues to emphasise natural heritage values, with limited practical integration of cultural values or Ngarrindjeri viewpoints. As the future of the Coorong and Lower Murray Lakes is being debated, we suggest decision makers would do well to look to the Ngarrindjeri for guidance on the integration of natural and cultural values in management regimes as a vital step towards securing the long-term ecological viability of this iconic part of Australia. Hearts and minds: Evolving understandings of chronic cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations Ernest Hunter (Queensland Health and James Cook University) Using the experience and reflections of a non-Indigenous clinician and researcher, Randolph Spargo, who has worked in remote Aboriginal Australia for more than 40 years, this paper tracks how those at the clinical coal-face thought and responded as cardiovascular and other chronic diseases emerged as new health concerns in the 1970s to become major contributors to the burden of excess ill health across Indigenous Australia. The paper cites research evidence that informed prevailing paradigms drawing primarily on work in which the clinician participated, which was undertaken in the remote Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia. Two reports, one relating to the Narcoonie quarry in the Strzelecki Desert and the other concerning problematic alcohol use in urban settings.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, tablesstrzelecki desert, native title, timothy korkanoon, merri creek baptist aboriginal school, austkin project, coorong, lower murray lakes district, south australia, indigenous health -
Camperdown & District Historical Society
Photograph - Aboriginal people at Mt Leura, Camperdown, c1875
Three Djargurd Wurrung people on Country, pictured in front of Mt Leura, Camperdown c1875. This image also shows early primitive dwellings, Ower's flour mill (built 1868) and surviving native vegetation. Image of three Djargurd Wurrung people seated in front of Mt Leura, Camperdown, taken near corner of Scott and Curdie Streets c1875. On back: Early 1870s, Bought at first land sale Cr Scott & Curdie St, F.H. Grant, 11 Adeney Streetcdhs, djargurdwurrung, wombeetch puyuun, camperdown george, prince charlie, mount leura, mount sugarloaf, mt sugarloaf, ower's mill, cdhsfirstnations -
Camperdown & District Historical Society
Photograph - Prince Charlie, Camperdown, Mr F.B.W. Stevenson, c1875
Prince Charlie was the second last member of the Liwira Gundidj clan, of the Djargurd Wurrung, still living on Country. He died in 1882 at Framlingham Mission just months before his companion Wombeetch Puyuun (Camperdown George).Black and white photograph of Prince Charlie, an Aboriginal manFront top: J. JORDAN, Liebig Street, WARRNAMBOOL; front bottom: Prince Charlie, Camperdowncdhs, djargurd wurrung, djargurdwurrung, prince charley, cdhsfirstnations -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newsletter, Jinga, July 1979
Cann River is 75 km east of Orbost. The Cann River School newsletter is published fortnightly and includes a calendar of upcoming activities in the school and local community. When the newsletter started (probably in 1968) there was a discussion in the school as to what it would be called - Jinga eventually came out of that and it's still the same today. Jinga derived its name from Croajingolong. Croajingolong possibly comes from the Aboriginal words for 'belonging to' and 'east' and is the name of one of the five clans of the Kurnai (Gunni) - the Krauatungalung, who lived in this region. It is likely that the decision to go with 'Jinga' over 'Jingo' was made by popular vote. For a few years the school published a year magazine called Croalong, and now combines the two so the last issue of Jinga for the year is actually titled Croajingolong! (Information provided by Ruby, current editor of Jinga.) In small rural communities newsletters are an important communication medium. Cann River P-12 College has played a significant part in the education students in the Cann River district . It is the sole educational institution in Cann river. A newsletter for Cann River School. It contains black and white photographs, children's work and reports.newsletter-jinga cann-river -
Orbost & District Historical Society
folder of documents, Aboriginal Soldiers, April 2015
These documents were compiled for the WW1 exhibition held in Orbost April 2015.These documents are a useful reference tool.A reed plastic folders containing research articles on five indigenous men from the Orbost district known to have served overseas in World War 1ww1 soldiers-indigenous -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book/magazine, Snowy River Mail as "Mail" Print, Croajingolong, December 1950
This is the third issue of the annual Orbost High School magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". It belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This item is a useful reference tool.A 39 pp grey paper back magazine with the Orbost High School badge in black and gold on the front cover, a sheaf of corn inside a double oval. inside which is the school motto, " acti labores iundi".on front cover - "M. Gilbert 1950" in red peneducation magazine-croajingolong-1950 orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Document - File Folder, A History of Aboriginal People of East Gippsland, January 1985
This item is a useful reference tool on the history of Indigenous People in East Gippsland and the Orbost district. A manilla folder with typed pages. On the cover is a label, "History of Aboriginal People of East Gippsland". On the inside cover is a letter addressed to the librarian at the Shire of Orbost Library. The letter is clipped to the inside of the folder.on front cover - a stamp -"Orbost Historical Society"aboriginal australians, gippsland aboriginal history, kurnai, brabawooloong peoples, tatungooloong peoples, krowathunkooloong peoples -
Orbost & District Historical Society
money, 1853 - 1910
These items were on display in the Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre).These items are examples of pre-decimal Australian currency and British coins no longer in use.Three decimal notes and nine coins. There are two $2 notes and one $1 note in a plastic sleeve. The nine coins are separate in small white cardboard frames with black print descriptive labelling. 2366.1 is an Australian $1 note with the queen's head, coat of arms and Aboriginal art. 2366.2 and .3 are $2 notes with John McArthur and sheep and William Farrer with wheat. There are seven coins dating from 1853 - 1897 with the head of Queen Victoria on them. There are two coins, 1902 and 1910 with the head of Edward V11 on them.currency bank-notes-australian-decimal coin-british -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The Australian Aborigines. How to Understand Them, 1964
Adolphus Peter Elkin (1891-1979), professor of anthropology was president of the Association for the Protection of Native Races and vice-president of the N.S.W. Aborigines Welfare Board from 1940. He wrote numerous articles, reports and books with detailed descriptions of the aboriginal way of life.This book was one of the few authoritative works on the subject of Australian Aborigines published before the second world war. It is of interest because Elkin was one of the very few white Australians who was prepared to speak for the Aboriginal people. A dark blue cloth-covered book. The Australian Aborigines: How to Understand Them. Written by A.P. Elkin, Univ. of Sydney. 4th edition.australian-aborigines elkin-a.p. anthropology -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, A History of the Aboriginal people of East Gippsland by Kym Thompson, January, 1985
A manuscript book with a pink cover. A History of the Aboriginal People of East Gippsland by Kym Thompson. It is a report for the Land Conservation Council, Victoria, 1985. Contains archaeological research, history of white invasion and matters related to the preservation of sites of significance in the area. australian-aborigines land-conservation-council thompson-kym -
Orbost & District Historical Society
emu egg
Emu eggs are perfect for decorating, painting or carving. Emu egg shells have multiple layers ranging from an inner white layer through to the dark green outer layer. The contents must be removed through a small hole (either tool drilled or poked with a needle). After the yolk has been blown out (scrambling the yolk first by poking with a needle will make it easier to remove), the egg needs to be washed through and left to drain dry. It can then be painted, carved, etched or decorated. Emu decorating is a traditional Aboriginal art. The carving of emu eggs by Indigenous and non-Indigenous people was popular in the late 19th century but production declined in the 20th century, partly due to the protection of eggs through legislation. This has been overturned in recent years with the development of commercial emu farms. In the period between the two world wars particularly, with the production of other Aboriginal artefacts for an outside market, the carving of emu eggs provided an important source of income for Aboriginal people in many parts of Australia. It was a widespread practice in the south-east and it was not unusual for Aboriginal people to decorate their own homes with carved eggs and other items created by themselves or community members, serving to affirm an Indigenous identity within the domestic environment. (ref National Gallery of Australia)This item is significant for its uniqueness and its aesthetic appeal.An emu egg which has been painted white and decorated with glued on cord/thread to make a pattern of flowers and leaves.emu-egg ornament handcraft -
Orbost & District Historical Society
calendar, 1988 200 YEAR CALENDAR, 1988
The bicentenary of Australia was celebrated in 1988. It marked 200 years since the arrival of the First Fleet of British convict ships at Sydney in 1788. The event triggered debate on Australian national identity, Aboriginal rights, historical interpretation and multiculturalism. The calendar was one of many types of souvenirs created to celebrate the occasion.The bicentenary of Australia was celebrated in 1988. It marked 200 years since the arrival of the First Fleet of British convict ships at Sydney in 1788. The calendar was one of many types of souvenirs created to celebrate the occasion.1988 200 YEAR CALENDAR. It has a cream and red cover with a large photo of an old painting of a coach and bushranger. Inside are photos of events and paintings.1988 200 YEAR CALENDARcalendar bicentenary 1988 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Pioneering East Gippsland, 1983
The author, Denis O'Bryan was an assistant forester in Orbost, 1977/78.This book is a chronological history of East Gippsland.A small paperback book with a bright orange front cover. It has a stylised picture with historical drawings of a settler, sheep and Aboriginal art. The book was written by Denis O'Bryan and is a chronological account of the history of East Gippsland. It contains black and white photos.In pen - Marina Johnson $5.95 stamp of Orbost Historical Society Box 344 2190 Orb ostpionering-east-gippsland o'bryan-denis history-east-gippsland -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The White Woman, 1994
The white woman of Gippsland, or the captive woman of Gippsland, was supposedly a European woman rumoured to have been held against her will by Aboriginal people in the Gippsland region of Australia in the 1840s. Liam Patrick Davison (29 July 1957 – 17 July 2014) was an Australian novelist and reviewer. He was born in Melbourne, where, until 2007, he taught creative writing at the Chisholm Institute in Frankston. Davison and his wife Frankie, a teacher at Toorak College, were both killed on 17 July 2014 aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 This, his third novel, was shortlisted for both The Age Book of the Year and the Victorian Premier’s Awards.This is a useful research tool on the history of indigenous and settler relationships in early Gippsland.A book titled "The White Woman" by Liam Davison. It is the story of the search for the lost white woman in Gippsland, Victoria, 1846. The cover has a black and white picture of forest with the title in white print.Bottom left corner - orange sticker Orbost Secondary Collegedavison-liam aboriginal-history -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Gardner, Peter, Gippsland Massacres, 1983
This is an early European history of the region that saw the population of the Kurnai tribes plummet from 3000 to less than 300 in twenty years. Gardner examines the details of five major massacres of Aboriginals that occurred in Gippsland before 1852, as well as other massacre sites.A spiral bound book titled "Gippsland Massacres" written by Peter Gardner, The Destruction of the Kurnai Tribe 1800-1860. It has a pale blue cover with black text and a photo of a seated Aborigine. it has 113 pp.aboriginal-history-east-gippsland kurnai massacres -
Orbost & District Historical Society
folder, Daniel Moylan (Dan the Cook), October 2012
This research record was part of a thesis that Mary Doland was preparing.This record is an excellent research tool for the study of the Indigenous history of Orbost.A 38 pp black spiral bound plastic folder containing a CD and research evidence compiled by Mary Doland on the topic of Dan Moylan, known as "Dan the Cook". He was speared to death in 1851 at Orbost Station, Snowy River.handwritten on a white label - Daniel Moylan handwritten on a white label below -Information researched and supplied by Mary Doland (Dan the Cook) Orbost grave Orbost station death 1851daniel-moylan aboriginal-history-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Peisley, Annette, A Shared History, 2006
This book is a useful research tool on the Aboriginal/European history of East Gippsland.A 31 pp book with a bright red/orange cover titled A Shared History a history of the Bidwell-Maap Aboriginal People and European contact history, Genoa district.genoa-history aboriginal-bidwell-maap -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Snowy River Mail as "Mail" Print, Croajingolong 1948, 1948
This is the first issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This book belonged to Mary Gilbert, a teacher at the school.This is the first edition of the Orbost secondary school magazine and is a useful reference tool. A 32 pp grey covered magazine titled Croajingolong 1948. It is the annual magazine of the Orbost High School. It has an Orbost High School badge in black print on the front cover. This is the first issue of the magazine.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1949, 1949
The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This is the second edition of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school.This magazine is the second issue of the Magazine producd by Orbost High School and is a useful reference tool.A 28 pp buff coloured magazine titled Croajingolong 1949. This is the second issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School.on front cover - M Gilbert handwritten in blue penorbost-high-school magazine -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Croajingolong 1950, 1950
This is the third issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This book belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at Orbost High School.This third issue of Croajingolong, the annual magazine of Orbost High Schoo,l is a useful reference tool.A 40 pp grey covered magazine. On the front cover is the school crest in black and gold. The book is titled Croajingolong 1950 - this is not on the cover.orbost-high-school croajingolong