Showing 22 items
matching battle of borneo
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, Victory Roll - The RAAF at War, 1952
... battle of borneo... of conflict test pilot wewak the sisters fly on battle of borneo ...The stories in 'Victory Roll' tell of some of the deeds performed in the final and victorious year of WWII. They add to a long tradition of gallant service and sacrifice and will serve as an eternal inspiration in the task of building a new world in which the spirit of the Four Freedoms must predominate. In making final victory possible, we lost many comrades, to w home this book, together with those which preceded it, becomes a permanent memorial.Green hardcover and spine with black text - 'Victory Roll The RAAF at war' on front cover and spine. The inside front and back covers have silhouette, green sepia pictures of a variety of aeroplane. Illustrations, photographs and cartoonsMessage from the Chief of Air Staff.... Air Vice Marshal, Chief of Ai Staff C.Joneswwii, raaf, end of conflict, test pilot, wewak, the sisters fly on, battle of borneo, the biscuit bombers, anzacs on bougainville, raaf pacific, return to timor, pacific landing, long range from darwin, air victory over burma, lifeline to china, photo recce, first over malaya, jungle dawn, the victory in europe, story of a prison camp, night flight over hamburg, youth's prayer at a war memorial, victory at the alps, waaf's good service -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Set 4 photographs. and others for Torquay Light Horse camp, 1940
These images capture for all time Light Horsemen travelling through Geelong on their way to camp at Torquay for the last Group meeting in Australia . information following - details obtained from ......... On Australia Day, 1997, Sir John Young unveiled this plaque on Point Danger, Torquay. Torquay history, Light Horse Training Camp, WW2 Plaque at Pt. Danger Note----- (See images to view plaque) The plaque identifies a significant event in Torquay’s history and the sentiments of ‘change’ for the Light Horse Brigade – from horses to machines. In 1940 the four Light Horse Regiments (4th, 8th, 13th and 20th), some 5000 Light Horse and 2000 horses camped and trained at Torquay. Three other regiments, formerly mounted on horses, were also at Torquay ‘mounted’ on privately owned trucks and cars. Division troops included Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Field Ambulance and other branches of the Army necessary to enable a Division to function. It wasn’t just the sheer numbers of men coming to this little town that made the event significant, it was also the fact that the men of the Light Horse were dramatic, almost glamorous figures and it is easy to see their exploits as some splendid adventure. Horses have played a special role in the story of Australia. They were the only means of transport across this huge country, so it was necessary for everyone to have the ability to ride a horse. When war broke out in 1899 between Britain and the Boers of South Africa (“Boer” was Dutch for “farmer”) Australia sent troops to fight. At first Britain was wary of using untried, unprofessional colonial cavalrymen but soon saw that the slouch-hatted Australian “bushmen” were a match for the fast-moving and unconventional mounted commandos of the Boers. The Australians proved themselves to be expert rough-riding horsemen and good shots. Bush life had hardened them to go for long periods with little food and water. They also showed remarkable ability to find their way in a strange country and use its features for cover, in both attack and defence. By 1914, when Australia joined the war against Germany, there were 23 Light Horse regiments of militia volunteers. Many men from these units joined the Light Horse regiments of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). Men were given remounts (if not using their own horses) – army horses bought by Commonwealth purchasing officers from graziers and breeders. These were called “walers” because they were a New South Wales stockhorse type – strong, great-hearted animals with the strains of the thoroughbred and semi-draught to give them speed, strength and stamina. On 1st November, 1914, Australia’s First Infantry Division and the first four Light Horse regiments sailed for England in a fleet of transport ships. The first of the Light Horse arrived at Gallipoli in May without their horses. Back with their horses after Gallipoli, they were formidable combatants across the Sinai and Palestine. Some British commanders observed that the light horseman moved with a “lazy, slouching gait, like that of a sleepy tiger” but described how the promise of battle “changes that careless gait, into a live athletic swing that takes him over the ground much quicker than other troops”. They had Light Horse, Torquay, training campdeveloped a reputation as formidable infantrymen. The Turks called them “the White Ghurkas” – a reference to their deadly skill with the bayonet. The Arabs called them “The Kings of the Feathers”. The plume had originally been a battle honour of the Queensland Mounted Infantry for their work in the shearer’s strike of 1891. During WW1 it was adopted by almost all the Light Horse Regiments. It was the proud badge of the light horseman. The most famous of their battles was the attack on Beersheba- the charge of the 4th Light Horse Brigade. Mounted infantrymen and their superb walers had carried out one of the most successful cavalry charges in history – against what seemed impossible odds. They surprised the Turks by charging cavalry-style, when they would normally have ridden close to an objective then dismounted to fight. The fall of Beersheba swung the battle tide against the Turks in Palestine; and changed the history of the Middle East. While 19 men from the Surf Coast Shire served with the 4th Light Horse over the course of WW1, only four were involved in the charge of Beersheba- John GAYLARD, Philip QUINN.(Winchelsea); Wallace FINDLAY (Anglesea); Harry TRIGG (Bambra). After the war, Light Horse units played a key role in the Australian Government’s compulsory military training programme. The Citizen Military Forces (C.M.F.) thrived on the glamour of the wartime Light Horse tradition, ignoring the possibility that motor vehicles would soon replace the horses. When training was no longer compulsory, the C.M.F. regiments declined and horses became more of a luxury during the 1930s depression years of poverty and unemployment. Some regiments were motorised. Then, in 1939, Australia joined Britain in another world war. Training was increased for the militia at both home bases and regional training camps. The camp at Torquay in 1940, commanded by Major General Rankin, was at Divisional strength. By the end of the camp some felt that the Division was ready for active service. Gradually, over the next four years, the Australian Light Horse units were mounted on wheels and tracks and the horses were retired. Six men enlisted at the Torquay camp and another 57 men and women enlisted at Torquay for service in WW2. Those who served in the Militia provided valuable Officers and NCOs and men for the armed services during the war. Each infantry division of the 2nd AIF had a Light Horse regiment attached to it. But the day of the Australian mounted soldier hadn’t quite passed. During World War II, Australia’s 6th Cavalry Regiment formed a mounted unit they called “The Kelly Gang” which did valuable scouting work. In New Guinea, a mounted Light Horse Troop did patrol duty and helped carry supplies. Some fully equipped walers were flown into Borneo for reconnaissance in rugged mountain country. But by the end of the war, in 1945, the horse had disappeared from the Australian Army. References: Australian Light Horse Association National Australia Archives Australian War Memorial Surf Coast Shire WW1 memorials The Light horse- a Cavalry under Canvas Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2 Late in 1939 it was decided to set up a Lighthorse training camp in Torquay to train both men and horses for the battles of the Second World War. Horses, men and equipment came on special trains from all over Victoria and NSW, and as you would expect horseman came from areas such as Omeo and Sale, the Wimmera and the Western District. They arrived at the Geelong racecourse for watering in the Barwon River and then were ridden across the ford at the breakwater and began their 11 mile trek to Torquay. Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2 Tent city By the end of January 1940 the camp at Torquay accommodated some 5000 men and 2500 horses of the Second Cavalry Division. The rows of horses, tents and huts near Blackgate Road were quite a sight. While the cavalrymen engaged in exercises on the land and on the beaches, many of the troops took over the Torquay School for special training of men and officers. Mr Bob Pettit local farmer and Councillor for the Barrabool Shire, wrote about the Light horse in the Surf Coast Community News in 1985 saying “They used to travel about the district riding four abreast in one long convoy. To my annoyance they went through my property and shut all the gates behind them. I had certain gates open to let stock in to the water holes and it would take me three -quarters of an hour to follow the horsemen up and put all the gates right again” he continued “the men from the Light Horse were here when the fire went through in March 1940. He recalled an incident when early one morning, as some one blew the bugle, a soldier putting a white sheet on the line frightened the horses. They panicked and ran off in all directions. Six went over the cliff near Bird Rock, five were never found, and the rest were gathered up after nearly a fortnight in the bush around Addiscott and Anglesea" Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2, Geelong Parade Geelong parade The training camp culminated in a parade through the streets of Geelong on March 12th 1940. The salute was given at the Town Hall and the troops continued on a route to the You Yang’s for a training exercise. Note-----(see media section for photograph) The Camp was abandoned in mid 1940 as it was deemed unsuitable for training during winter and the cost of a permanent camp could not be justified if it could not be used all year. Historic.......Rare,,,Interpretive.Sepia photographs.set of four card size ....Horses &LighthorsemenNo 1, Lighthorsemen Regiment Geelong 1940......No 2 Light Horse at Breakwater Geelong 1938 to 1940....No 3 Light Horse at Breakwater Geelong 1938 to 1940.....No 4 Light Horse crossing Breakwater camped at Geelong Showgrounds. These markings are on reverse of photographs.light horsemengeelong 1940., world war 2 -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, Australia in the War of 1939-1945 - The Final Campaigns Volume VII by Gavin Long, 1963 - first published
World War II List of Events from September 1944 to September 1945 A book in a series of WWII books which includes maps, photographs, illustrations, order of battles, POWs in Cowra,Historical WWII record of the final campaignsAustralia in the War of 1939-1945 - The Final Campaigns Maps, Photographs, IllustrationsAustralia in the War of 1939-45 ARMY The Final Campaigns LONG Australian War Memorial.gavin long, corowa pows, bougainville, final campaigns, army, tarakan, borneo, balikpapan, slater's knoll, stretcher bearers of the 2/23rd -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, HMAS Mk IV - The RAN's Fourth Book, 1945
This is the last of the series of books chronicling the achievements of the ships and personnel of the Royal Australian Navy in WWII. For the whole of the war the Navy was on the job all over the place all of the time. From the first to the last days of WWII RAN was represented, by ships and personnel in the battle for supremacy in t he battle for supremacy at sea. They took part in every rear-guard action in the days when the tide was against. They participated in the invasions of enemy territory that came with the resurgence of Allied strength right through to the final assaults on the Japanese home islands The last book of the series of which HMAS MK IV, servIng personnel of the RAN have recorded the achievements of their service in WWII HMAS Mk IV - The RAN's Fourth Book. Green front, back and spine hardcover.. Inside front and back cover is a green sepia aerials view illustration of Japanese islands with boats and aeroplane. Illustrations, poems, stories, photographs, prints, cartoons.Dedicated to all those past and present, who 'Fear God, Honour the Kingwwii, royal australian navy, triumph of sea power, amphibian, flying seaman, invasion of borneo, whaler's crew, converted ocean liners, wrans go to sea, balikpapan, frigates, new guinea, indonesia, south east oceania, bougainville, surrender of dutch borneo, world war 2 -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Cigarette case, Circa1942
This cigarette case was made from the plexiglass windscreen of a Japanese Mitsubishi Zero aircraft. Whilst its maker is unknown, its inscription, “Tarakan May 1st 1945” suggests that it was created during the Battle of Tarakan. Tarakan was a small, oil-rich island off the coast of Borneo which in 1945 was held by the Japanese. The battle, code named Operation Oboe One, began when Australian forces landed on May 1st 1945, and continued until June 21st. 240 Australians died during the conflict. The term ‘Trench art’ describes objects made from the debris and by-products of warfare. Reasons for making trench art varied, from creating mementos of battles to passing time or mitigating the effects of warfare. This object has historic significance at a national level due to its association with World War Two. As an example of trench art, it makes an important contribution to our understanding of Australian soldiers’ experience of the war. This object is an example of skilled craftsmanship and has artistic and aesthetic significance due to its detailed engraving of a beach scene. Unlike the majority of trench art, which was made from used ordnance, it is made from the windscreen of a Mitsubishi Zero aircraft and therefore is comparatively rare.Cigarette Case made from the windscreen of a Japanese Zero aircraft"Tarakan May 1st 1945" "A-F-B" Engraved beachcigarette, tarakan, windscreen, japan, australia, united states, netherlands, beach -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, c.1945-46
Rectangular framed black & white photograph of HMAS Westralia. Wooden frame, glass front, white mount.Armed Merchant Cruiser 1940/42 - Landing Ship Infantry 1943/45 Battle Honours Indian Ocean 1940/42 - Pacific 1941/45 - New Guinea 1943/44 - Leyte Gulf 1944 Lindayen Gulf 1945 - Borneo 1945photography framed, hmas westralia, ran ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Requisitioned by the RAN on 11.10.39 and outfitted as an Armed Merchant Cruiser. Commissioned 12.12.39 and Decommissioned 6.12.47 and refitted back to original use. Battle Honours, Indian Ocean 1941-42, Pacific 1942-45, New Guinea 1944, Leyte Gulf 1944, Lingayen Gulf 1945, Borneo 1945. Framed photo of "H.M.A.S. Manoora" Black and white photo of full length of ship. Sydney Harbour Bridge is in the background. The frame has stylised branch and leaves. Heavily printed over with cream paint.Marked on rear of frame, "L. SCHILLING" On front states HMAS MANOORA, armed merchant cruiser. 1939 -, hmas ran -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book - Prayer Book, Ivan Loveridge Bennett, Song and Service Book for Ship and Field - Army and Navy, 1942
... prayers army navy soldiers balikpapan borneo indonesia battle ...Small book with black cover; 195 pagesnon-fictionanne rennie collection, wal harbord, merchant navy, seamen, seafarers, ww2, battle of the atlantic, walter harbord, navigation, prayers, army, navy, soldiers, balikpapan, borneo, indonesia, battle of balikpapan, lt d. bacon -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
History - 2/6 Independent Company, The Purple Devils, Syd Trigellis-Smith
The 2/6th Commando Squadron (Australia) was one of 12 independent companies or commando squadrons raised by the Australian Army during WW2. The 2/6th served in four major campaigns - Kokoda, Buna, Markham-Ramu and Borneo and was involved in the Battle of Kaiapit. Late in the WW2 hostilities 2/6th Commando Squadron was at Balikpapan and attached to 25th Brigade to provide support to the Brigade - reconnaissance patrols, fighting patrols, ambushes and humanitarian assistance to local inhabitants. The 2/6th Commando Squadron was disbanded in 1946. The Sword returned to Australia with a member of 2/6th Commando Squadron VX132826 W G H Burrell. The Book Purple Devils was written by Syd Trigellis Smith in his retirement, he had served during WW2 with 2/2 Field Regiment in New Guinea.VX132826 W G H Burrell served with the AIF during WW2 in New Guinea and posted to 2/6th Commando Squadron and was on Borneo and at Balikpapan. George Burrell was able to being back the sword at the end of hostilities. The Book the Purple Devils is the 2/6th Commando Squadron history as interpreted by Syd Trigellis Smith.Book Purple Devils by Syd Trigellis, Smith, a Japanise Sword - steel blade encased in a leather scabbard and the military history of VX132826 W G H Burrell who served with 2/6 th Commando Squadron.The Book - Purple Devils, a History of 2/6 Australian Commando Squadron, ISBN 064607125-4. vx132826 w g h burrell, ww2, new guinea, 2/6th commando sqn, gunto sword, purple devils -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Colonel E G Keogh M.B.E., E.D, The South West Pacific 1941-45, 1965
A book on war in New Guinea and Islands providing a detailed overview of Australian forces participation in the Battle for Australia. Concise for Kokoda and Milne Bay including copy of battle maps, but also covers Singapore, Borneo, Philippines, Wewak and Bougainville, and more.Hard covered book, 479 pages, WW11 Australian soldier on front cover bearing sub-machine gun and pistolnon-fictionA book on war in New Guinea and Islands providing a detailed overview of Australian forces participation in the Battle for Australia. Concise for Kokoda and Milne Bay including copy of battle maps, but also covers Singapore, Borneo, Philippines, Wewak and Bougainville, and more.history, world war 2, south west pacific, keogh -
Australian Commando Association - Victoria
Book, My War: An Australian Commando in New Guinea and Borneo 1943 to 1945
Brian Walpole, the author, was a Australian Commando and special operations operative behind enemy lines in New Guinea and Borneo during WW2. Brian was a commando with the Australian 2/3 Independent Company. He went to New Guinea in January 1943 and remained until the fall of the Japanese base at Salamaua in September. He fought on the Bobdubi Ridge. His commanding officer was the well-regarded George Warfe, whose portrait was sketched by war artist Ivor Hele. Brian blazed a trail through the New Guinea jungle which appears on some maps as Walpole’s Track, discovering and naming the ambush site Goodview Junction. Soon afterwards (July 1943) Goodview Junction was the scene of a key campaign victory which contributed to George Warfe being awarded the Military Cross.Brian’s Special Operations training mostly took place at Careening Bay (Western Australia) and Fraser Island (Queensland). He arrived in Borneo at the time of the 9th Division’s landing at Labuan Island, and took part in two SRD operations – Colt and Semut 3. After the surrender, Walpole's work continued as many of the Japanese did not recognise the surrender and continued to fight on. Brian relates how on the 14th of September 1945 while still an operative in SRD he was able to save POWs from certain death and after a firefight arrested 10 Japanese soldiers at Simanggang Borneo. He was alone and had been assisted in the battle by 20 headhunters from the jungles along the Rejang River. One of the people saved was a young nurse in her 20s, Lena Ricketts. ww2, australian special operations, australian commando, new guinea, borneo, world war ii -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Letter written from (unknown) POW imprisioned by the Japanese on Morotai Island from 1942 - 1945 to (unknown) friend. Descriptive of life and treatment in POW camp. The island was captured by the Japanese in early 1942. Morotai's southern plain was taken by American forces in September 1944 during the Battle of Morotai, and used as a staging point for the Allied invasion of the Philippines in early 1945, and of Borneo in May and June of that year. Japanese soldier Teruo Nakamura was discovered in the Morotai jungle in 1974, as one of the WWII Japanese soldiers who held out subsequent to the Japanese military's surrender.Photocopy of letter, 4 pages, originally written in ink on (unofficial) Australian Red Cross form.Added to head of letter at a later date is inscription ' First letter written home for 3 1/2 years'.Top left hand- FOR SAFETY/ IN YOUR LETTERS DO NOT REFER TO:-/ The name of your ship or other ships in the convoy, or its escorts./The date of sailing, ports of call, or probable destination./ The description of troops, their loca-/tion or any other information/ which, if intercepted, would be of/ value to the enemy. In your Top right hand- Australian Red Cross Society/ (UNOFFICIAL)/ 25-8-45/ (added at later date 'Morotri Island')/ Alex, Have witten this especially/ as i don't wish our women folk to know the tougher side of life./Well Alex for the first/ 2 1/2 years as POWs we lived reasonably/ well, but the last 15 months was like /hell. Heres the worst lot of b-s/ you could find on earth, they worked /us from 7AM till 6 PM, & fed/ us on muck you wouldn't feed to/ Pigs. I'm nothing at all they would 2, pow, morotri island, morotai island, world war, prisoner of war, australian red cross society -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Winston Oliver Parry, Battles, Heroes and Humour in the RAR, 2007
This book concentrates on the battles of the Korean War, Malayan Emergency, Borneo and Vietnam. I have once again endeavored to have the stories written by the real soldiers who were there. A number of the stories have been published before in books (ie) "Korea Remembered" and other military publications.Ill, maps, p.302.non-fictionThis book concentrates on the battles of the Korean War, Malayan Emergency, Borneo and Vietnam. I have once again endeavored to have the stories written by the real soldiers who were there. A number of the stories have been published before in books (ie) "Korea Remembered" and other military publications.australia - army - royal australian regiment, vietnam war 1961-1975 – personal recollections – australia -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Korea Malaya Borneo Vietnam War Memorial, 2000
... Borneo Uprising Vietnam War Battle of Long Tan war history ...Lest We Forget is a contemporary and crisp treatment, marking the sacrifices of Australian forces involved in the conflicts of South East Asia, including the Korean War 1950-53, the Malayan Emergency 1950-60, the Borneo Uprising 1962-64 and the Vietnam War 1962-72. A plaque was added in 2006 by the Victorian Vietnam Veterans Community in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. The memorial is of historic significance to the people of BallaratLest We Forget is a contemporary and crisp treatment, marking the sacrifices of Australian forces involved in the conflicts of South East Asia, including the Korean War 1950-53, the Malayan Emergency 1950-60, the Borneo Uprising 1962-64 and the Vietnam War 1962-72. A plaque was added in 2006 by the Victorian Vietnam Veterans Community in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Lest We Forget/ Korea/ Malaya/ Borneo/ Vietnamkorean war, malayan emergency, borneo uprising, vietnam war, battle of long tan, war history, ballarat -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
The Battle of Tarakan was the first stage in the Borneo campaign of 1945. It began with an amphibious landing by Australian forces on 1 May, code-named Operation Oboe One. While the battle ended with success for the Allied forces over the Japanese defenders, this victory is generally regarded as having not justified its costs. 225 Australian soldiers of the 26th Brigade, 9th Division, 2nd Australian Imperial Force were once buried here. They were killed in the Battle of Tarakan (1 May - 21 June 1945) or died due to their wounds until 15 August 1945.The 2/24th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army, which served during World War II .A unit of all-volunteers, it was formed in July 1940 from primarily Victorian volunteers and was known as "Wangaratta's Own" because of the time the battalion spent in the town during its formative period prior to deployment overseas. It served in North Africa in 1941–1942 as part of the 26th Brigade, which was assigned to the 7th Division, before being reassigned to the 9th Division. In early 1943, the battalion returned to Australia and later took part in campaigns against the Japanese in New Guinea in 1943–1944 and Borneo in 1945, before being disbanded in 1946. The 2/24th suffered the highest number of casualties of any 2nd AIF infantry battalion. The Unit was granted the Freedom of the City by the Rural City of Wangaratta in 1996 and one of the first, if not the first, to receive this type of honour. Reproduced black and white photograph of a monument/cenotaph and lawn grave sites with white crosses.Handwritten on rear - Tarakan Cemetery2/24th battalion, wangaratta, tarakan -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
September 30,1945 - The official dedication service and unveiling of the Cenotaph at Tarakan War Cemetery The Battle of Tarakan was the first stage in the Borneo campaign of 1945. It began with an amphibious landing by Australian forces on 1 May, code-named Operation Oboe One. While the battle ended with success for the Allied forces over the Japanese defenders, this victory is generally regarded as having not justified its costs. 225 Australian soldiers of the 26th Brigade, 9th Division, 2nd Australian Imperial Force were once buried here. They were killed in the Battle of Tarakan (1 May - 21 June 1945) or died due to their wounds until 15 August 1945.The 2/24th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army, which served during World War II .A unit of all-volunteers, it was formed in July 1940 from primarily Victorian volunteers and was known as "Wangaratta's Own" because of the time the battalion spent in the town during its formative period prior to deployment overseas. It served in North Africa in 1941–1942 as part of the 26th Brigade, which was assigned to the 7th Division, before being reassigned to the 9th Division. In early 1943, the battalion returned to Australia and later took part in campaigns against the Japanese in New Guinea in 1943–1944 and Borneo in 1945, before being disbanded in 1946. The 2/24th suffered the highest number of casualties of any 2nd AIF infantry battalion. The Unit was granted the Freedom of the City by the Rural City of Wangaratta in 1996 and one of the first, if not the first, to receive this type of honour. Reproduced black and white photograph of monument/cenotaph and catafalque party2/24th battalion, tarakan, cenotaph -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Souvenir Navy Pennant, HMAS Warrego, C 1950
Blue Felt Pennant featuring the ships name with an Emu in a circle.Battle honours - Sunda Straights. New Guinea . Halmaheras . Philippines . Borneo 1940 - 1945 Paramus Eos Secundos -
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Queen's Colour - 16th Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia)
With the re-activation of the Citizen Military Forces (CMF) following the Second World War, the 16th/28th Infantry Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia) was raised in 1948 to carry on the identity and traditions of the pre-war 16th and 28th Battalions respectively. The King's and Regimental Colours formerly held by these two battalions were passed on to the new battalion who paraded them in rotation on ceremonial occasions It was decided in 1950 that a new set of Colours would be presented to 16th Battalion. For reasons that still remain unclear, these were manufactured under local arrangement by "cannibalising" the original 1933 set of colours and transferring the devices and battle honours (in the case of the Regimental Colour) to the new Colours. (Reported by Western Command to the Adjutant General -reference file A 107/1/11 dated 30 April 1952). These new colours were presented by Major-General JS Whitelaw, CB, CBE at a parade of the 16th/28th Infantry Battalion held on the Esplanade, Perth, 26 August 1951. (For details of Colours previously presented to 16th Battalion see separate section below). 16th/28th Infantry Battalion became unlinked in March 1952 with both 16th and 28th becoming independent battalions within their own right. With the accession of HM Queen Elizabeth II to the throne in 1953, all Colours that had originally been presented as King's Colours, and were still carried by units on the current Order of Battle, were automatically deemed to be Queen's Colours. Under major reorganisation of the CMF in 1960, all individual infantry battalions that existed at the time within each State were amalgamated to form State regiments, taking effect from 1 July 1960. Thus from that date the 11/44th, 16th and 28th Infantry Battalions were amalgamated to form The Royal Western Australia Regiment. In September 1960, at a ceremonial parade held at Northam Camp, the Colours carried by all former battalions were handed over for safe keeping by the new regiment. Battle Honours for the Second World War were promulgated under Australian Army Order 135/1961 and the 10 selected honours approved for emblazoning on the Queen's Colour were subsequently added in 1962 These former colours were subsequently laid up in the undercroft at the State War Memorial, King's Park on 29 November 1964. These were transferred to the Army Museum of WA in 1988 as part of the Bicentenary Colours Project Previous Colours presented to 16th Battalion The designation "16th" was allocated to several different infantry battalions that had been raised at different stages during changes to organisational structure of the Citizen Forces during the 1920's and 1930's. The original King's Colour awarded for service of 16th Battalion (AIF) and received in 1920 by the Citizen Force unit 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment was later passed on to 16th Battalion (The Goldfields Regiment) which had been raised in the Kalgoorlie area in 1921. This unit became inactive and this Colour was later laid up in the Kalgoorlie Council Chambers. In order to maintain the identity of 16th Battalion as a Citizen Force unit, in 1930 11th Battalion (The Perth Regiment) was reformed as a linked battalion under the designation 11th/16th Battalion. As the 11th Battalion had already received its set of colours in the 1920's, it was decided that a set of King's and Regimental Colours be presented for 16th Battalion. These were presented by HE the Lieutenant-Governor Sir James Mitchell, KCMG at a parade of 11th/16th Battalion held at Perth Oval on 15 October 1933. The colours were consecrated by the Chaplain General, Archbishop COL Riley, OBE, VD, DD. In 1936 16th Battalion was re-established as a separate battalion within its own right, being formed as 16th Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia). The colours presented in 1933 were passed on to this new battalion and were also initially carried by the post-World War Two unit 16th/28th Infantry Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia) as already mentioned. Union flag with gold fringe. In the centre the Arabic numeral "16" on a red background within a circle inscribed "SIXTEENTH BATTALION", surmounted by the Crown. Emblazoned on the colour are the following Second World War Battle Honours:- NORTH AFICA 1941, SYRIAN FRONTIER, THE LITANI, SIDON, WADI ZEINI, DAMOUR, KOKODA TRAIL, BUNA-GONA, LIBERATION OF AUSTRALIAN NEW GUINEA, BORNEO -
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Queen's Colour - 16th Battalion, The Royal Western Australia Regiment
Presented to 1st Battalion, The Royal Western Australia Regiment by Field Marshall HRH The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh at a parade held at the Western Australian Cricket Association Ground, East Perth on 25 November 1962. The Royal Western Australia Regiment was formed on 1 July 1960 from the amalgamation of all existing infantry battalions in the State at the time :- • 11th/44th Infantry Battalion (The City of Perth Regiment) • 16th Infantry Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia) • 28th Infantry Battalion (The Swan Regiment) At the above presentation of colours to the new battalion, the Colours of the former battalions (four sets of Queen's and Regimental colours) were trooped through the ranks of the battalion and marched off the parade for the last time. These former colours were subsequently laid up in the undercroft at the State War Memorial, King's Park on 29 November 1964. These were transferred to the Army Museum of WA in 1988 as part of the Bicentenary Colours Project. (Refer to Items 4-12 for individual records of these colours) 1st Battalion, The Royal Western Australia Regiment was renumbered 16th Battalion effective from 1st January 1966 as part of a move to reintroduce the old battalion numbers back into the State Regimental system. 16th Battalion, The Royal Western Australia Regiment was presented with a new set of Colours on 27 October 2002. The original 1962 Colours were formally handed over for safe keeping to the Army Museum of Western Australia on 3 November 2002. Battle Honours allocated to the State Infantry Regiments created under the CMF reorganisation in July 1960 were promulgated in Australian Army Order 85/1962. These were a consolidation of the battle honours awarded to the various individual battalions that were amalgamated to form the new regiments. Union flag with gold fringes. In the centre a circle inscribed "THE ROYAL WESTERN AUSTRALIA REGIMENT", surmounted by the Crown. Battle honours emblazoned on the colour : CAPTURE OF TOBRUK, DEFENCE OF TOBRUK, EL ALAMEIN, DAMOUR, BRALLOS PASS, KOKODA TRAIL, LAE-NADZAB, LIBERATION OF AUSTRALIAN NEW GUINEA, BORNEO, LABUAN -
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Queen's Colour - 28th Battalion (The Swan Regiment)
This former King's Colour was originally authorised by King George V in 1919 in recognition of services of 28th Battalion (AIF) during the Great War. Presented by HE the Governor General Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson, PC, CGMG at a parade in King's Park on 2 October 1920 and handed over to 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment of the Citizen Forces. This colour was passed on to 28th Battalion, which was created, from other units in 1921. The colour was subsequently consecrated by the Chaplain General, Archbishop COL Riley, OBE, VD,DD at a parade on the Esplanade, Perth, 15 November 1924. At the time of presentation this colour was a plain union flag with no central devices or other distinctions included on it. Following Military Board approval given in 1925 the centre circle and Crown were later added, in accordance with the approved design for a King's Colour. With the re-activation of the Citizen Military Forces (CMF) following the Second World War, the 16th/28th Infantry Battalion (The Cameron Highlanders of Western Australia) was raised as a linked battalion in 1948 to carry on the identity and traditions of the pre-war 16th and 28th Battalions respectively. The King's and Regimental Colours formerly held by these two battalions were passed on to the new battalion who paraded them in rotation on ceremonial occasions. The above battalion became unlinked in March 1952 and 28th Infantry Battalion (The Swan Regiment) became an independent battalion within its own right. The former colours of 28th Battalion were handed back at a parade at Northam Camp on 24 August 1952. With the accession of HM Queen Elizabeth II to the throne in 1953, all Colours that had originally been presented as King's Colours, and were still carried by units on the current Order of Battle, were automatically deemed to be Queen's Colours. Under major reorganisation of the CMF in 1960, all individual infantry battalions that existed at the time within each State were amalgamated to form State regiments, taking effect from 1 July 1960. Thus from that date the 11/44th, 16th and 28th Infantry Battalions were amalgamated to form The Royal Western Australia Regiment. In September 1960, at a ceremonial parade held at Northam Camp, the Colours carried by all former battalions were handed over for safe keeping by the new regiment. Battle Honours for the Second World War were promulgated under Australian Army Order 135/1961 and the 10 selected honours approved for emblazoning on the Queen's Colour were subsequently added in 1962 These former colours were subsequently laid up in the undercroft at the State War Memorial, King's Park on 29 November 1964. These were transferred to the Army Museum of WA in 1988 as part of the Bicentenary Colours Project. Union flag with gold fringes. In the centre the Arabic numeral "28" on a red background within a circle inscribed "TWENTY EIGHTH INFANTRY ", surmounted by the Crown. Emblazoned on the colour are the following Second World War Battle Honours:- DEFENCE OF TOBRUK, DEFENCE OF ALAMEIN LINE, QATTARA TRACK, EL ALAMEIN, LAE-NADZAB, BUSU RIVER, FINSCHHAFEN, SIKI COVE, BORNEO, LABUAN -
Kyneton RSL Sub Branch
Framed print, 3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment
Battle Honours of 3rd BattalionBlack frame with glass, logo of 3rd Battalion RAR surrounded by campaigns.1948 Japan 1950, Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam (with dates) -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Framed Photograph, HMAS Westralia
In 1943 Westralia was converted into a Landing Ship, Infantry. In this role, Westralia had a capacity of 933 soldiers, and was used primarily to transport units of the United States Army and Marine Corps. The ship arrived at Manus on 7th April 1945 befoe reaching Morotai on the 19th. The 2/24th Australian Infantry Battalion embarked for attack on Tarakan Island, Borneo. On 1 May – After preliminary bombardment by two cruisers and six destroyers ,troops of 26th Australian Infantry Brigade were landed. After the end of the war, Westralia was one of the ships at Ambon on 22 September 1945 for the surrender and occupation of the island where the 164 survivors of Gull Force prisoners had already been taken off on 10 September. She was later used for the repatriation of Australian troops, before being paid off in September 1946. The ship earned five battle honours for her wartime service: Silver frame containing black and white image of a ship at seaGold coloured plaque attached top right "HMAS Westralia" - 2/24th AUST INF BATT TARAKAN ISLAND BORNEO 1ST MAY, 1945hmas westralia, 2/24th aust inf battalion