Showing 84 items
matching bilingualism
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ed Brumby, Language problems and Aboriginal education, 1977
A collection of essays about language retention, differences and bilingual education.b&w photographs, tables, word listsbilingualism in australia, linguistics, bilingual education, aboriginal english -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Yipirinya School Council Inc, Yipirinya School profile, 2000
Notes on a school providing a Bilingual Education in an independent community school.colour photographs, tablesyipirinya school, mparntwe, western arrernte, northern territory, aboriginal english, bilingual education, bicultural education, primary school education, two way education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Yipirinya School Council Inc, Yipirinya School Council Inc. annual report 1999-2000 : celebrating 21 years of two-way schooling for Aboriginal children, 2000
Report from the Yipirinya School Council which runs a bilingual education program. Contains statements of expenditure.colour photographs, reportsyipirinya school, bilingual education, two way education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Heather Lotherington, What's bilingual education all about? : a guide to language learning in today's schools, 2000
This publication confirms the notion that seriously based bilingual education is a very productive methodology for the teaching and learning of languages.b&w photographs, glossarybilingual education, language in schools, literacy, grammar, vocabulary, lote -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, La Trobe University Department of Linguistics, La Trobe working papers in linguistics, 1989
Verb compounding in Central Australian languages; Discourse and ergative marking in Gooniyandi; Computer-generated finder lists for bilingual dictionaries; general linguistics.linguistics, case relations in languages, pama-nyungan languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Report, Maori Language Commission, Annual report of the Maori Language Commission for the year ended 30 June 2006, 2006
... bilingualism ...Bi-Lingual report into a variety of areas of Moaori Language Maintenance.maori culture, bilingualism -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Annette Schmidt, The loss of Australia?s Aboriginal Language heritage, 1993
Overviews Aboriginal language situation; examines attitudes to language; analyses language maintenance and revival programs, bilingual education, effectiveness of funding and National Aboriginal Languages Program; availability of linguistic training, characteristics of language loss and the place of creoles in language programs.Maps, chartslanguage loss, language maintenance, reports -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Medal with ribbon, Circa 1920s
No more than 350,000 Belgian Victory Medals were issued. The designed was Paul Dubois , a noted Belgian sculptor.Circular bronze Medal with multi-coloured ribbon. Obverse has Victory with spread wings, standing on a Globe. Reverse has Belgian Coat of Arms in a central laurel wreath. Surrounding it are the shields of nine Allied countries.Around the medal's edge is the bilingual text " LA GRANDE GUERRE POUR LA CIVILISATION DE GROOTE OORLOG TOT DE BESHAVING ''. ( "The Great War For Civilization " in French and in Flemish. -
Bialik College
Document - The Button Project Collection, 2007 - 2017
This collection comprises material relating to the Bialik College Button project. Each box has a distinct item number and has been registered separately. I/01182.1 - Miscellaneous I/01182.2 - Bilingual Classroom Materials 2007 I/01182.3 - Bilingual Classroom Materials 2008 I/01182.4 - Correspondence Please contact [email protected] to request access to this collection.holocaust, button project, 2000s -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Folder, Maori Language Commission, He Taonga te Reo, 2002
... bilingualism ...Folder includes Matariki booklet, A guide for Iwi and Hapu to the preparation of long-term Maori Language development plans, 2 copies Promoting Positive Attitudes to the Maori Language in the classroom, stickers and leaflets and Putanga 5, Nama 3 Hotoke 2003 leaflet.multilingualism, education, bilingualism, language transmission -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Teresa L McCarty, Language planning and policy in Native America : history, theory and praxis, 2013
Contextualizing Native American LPP: legal-political, demographic and sociolinguistic foundations; conceptualizing Native American LPP: critical sociocultural foundations; Native American languages 1492-2012; Indigenous literacies, bilingual education and community empowerment: Navajo case study; language regenesis in practice; language in the lives of Indigenous youth; planning language for the Seventh GenerationMaps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographslanguage planning, language policy, native american languages, language standardisation, language restriction -
Bialik College
Document (series) - The Button Project Collection - Bilingual classroom materials 2007, 2007
holocaust, button project, 2000s, bilingualholocaust, button project, 2000s, bilingual -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Tjeerd de Graaf, Endangered languages and language learning : proceedings of the FEL XII, 24-27 September 2008 Fryske Akademy, It Aljemint, Ljouwert/?Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 2008
... bilingualism ...Learning the details, Different approaches in the classroom, School contexts, Innovative methods, Multilingualism and diaspora, Policy overviewmaps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, tables, graphsmultilingualism, education, bilingualism, language endangerment, language transmission -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Christine Walton, Language : maintenance, power and education in Australian Aboriginal contexts, 1990
... bilingualism ...Conference themes of language and power, language maintenance and language in education raised in an Aboriginal context; papers separately annotated.maps, tablesyolngu, yirrkala school, language maintenance, bilingualism, vernacular language -
Bialik College
Document (series) - The Button Project Collection - Bilingual classroom materials 2008, 2008
holocaust, button project, 2000s, bilingualholocaust, button project, 2000s, bilingual -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Kit, Western Australia Department of Education et al, Ways of being, ways of talk, 2002
... bilingualism ...Kit produced by a Primary and Senior Secondary School in Western Australia dealing with communication, language and Aboriginal History. Video 1. Moving Into Other Worlds Video 2. Two Way Learning and Two Kinds of Power Video 3. Now You See It, Now You Don?t Video 4. A Shared World of Communicationb&w illustrations, colour illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographs, videocassette, bookaboriginal education, aboriginal english, cultural awareness, school curriculum, language and literacy, bilingualism, two way learning -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book with DVD, Western Australia Department of Education and Training, Ways of being, ways of talk, 2007
... bilingualism ...Part of original kit produced by a Primary and Senior Secondary School in Western Australia dealing with communication, language and Aboriginal History. Video 1. Moving Into Other Worlds Video 2. Two Way Learning and Two Kinds of Power Video 3. Now You See It, Now You Don?t Video 4. A Shared World of Communicationb&w illustrations, colour illustrations, b&w photographs, colour photographs, DVDaboriginal education, aboriginal english, cultural awareness, school curriculum, language and literacy, bilingualism, two way learning -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Languages : expanding your world : plan to implement the Victorian Government's vision for languages education 2013-2025, 2013
... bilingualism ...A long term government plan to increase diversity of language learning and proficiency across Victorian schools.colour photographs, colour illustrations, tableslanguage and education, bilingualism, language revival, government school education, program certification, certificate of language proficiency, education policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Video, Paul Worthington, Warranna Purruna : Pa:mpi Tungarar : living languages, 1996
... bilingualism ...The video "tells the story of two types of Australian Indigenous language revival programs. The languages involved are Kaurna and Ngarrindjeri."videocassettekaurna, ngarrindjeri, curriculum development, language revival, education, language learning, bilingualism, lote, south australian education system -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Guy Tunstill, Reviving languages : Warranna Purruttiappendi : Tumbelin Tungarar : renewal and reclamation programs for Indigenous languages in schools, 1999
... bilingualism ...Directed at language revival in schools. Includes planning and teaching, LOTE areas, further information and guidelines.b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, colour illustrations, word listskaurna, ngarrindjeri, curriculum development, language revival, education, language learning, bilingualism, lote, south australian education system -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal, Khedive of Egypt's Sudan Medal 1896-1908
Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908 Instituted 12th February 1897 on the approval Abbas Hilmi Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, this medal was initially to commemorate the reconquest of the Dongola province, with the clasps Firket and Hafir included in the original army order (No. 43). Later army orders extended it to cover battles and actions up to 1908 which were commemorated with a further 13 clasps. Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908 Description: Produced in silver and bronze 39mm diameter. Obverse; the Arabic inscription "Abbas Hilmi the Second" and the year "1314" (Anno Hegirae) Reverse; A tablet inscribed in Arabic "The Reconquest of the Sudan 1314" supporting a trophy of arms. Over this is a centrally positioned oval shield decorated with stars and crescents - in the background is a display of lances and flags. Clasps; Bilingual English/Arabic, 15 issued - see table below. The first six actions commemorated with a clasp (highlighted in yellow) were also covered by the Queen's Sudan Medal. Ribbon: Yellow with a wide central blue stripe - symbolic of the desert and the Nile. Naming: Generally issued unnamed, but found named unofficially in a number of styles, although patterns of conformity emerge due to the practice of naming at the unit/regimental level.medal, khedive, sudan -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal, Khedive of Egypt's Sudan Medal 1896-1908
Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908 Instituted 12th February 1897 on the approval Abbas Hilmi Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, this medal was initially to commemorate the reconquest of the Dongola province, with the clasps Firket and Hafir included in the original army order (No. 43). Later army orders extended it to cover battles and actions up to 1908 which were commemorated with a further 13 clasps. Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908 Description: Produced in silver and bronze 39mm diameter. Obverse; the Arabic inscription "Abbas Hilmi the Second" and the year "1314" (Anno Hegirae) Reverse; A tablet inscribed in Arabic "The Reconquest of the Sudan 1314" supporting a trophy of arms. Over this is a centrally positioned oval shield decorated with stars and crescents - in the background is a display of lances and flags. Clasps; Bilingual English/Arabic, 15 issued - see table below. The first six actions commemorated with a clasp (highlighted in yellow) were also covered by the Queen's Sudan Medal. Ribbon: Yellow with a wide central blue stripe - symbolic of the desert and the Nile. Naming: Generally issued unnamed, but found named unofficially in a number of styles, although patterns of conformity emerge due to the practice of naming at the unit/regimental level.medal khedive sudan -
Melbourne Legacy
Film - Video tape, Legacy Somers Camp January 2002, January 2002
A visual record of the activities experienced by Junior Legatees at the Legacy beachside camp.A record of a camp that Legacy regularly ran for junior legatees.A VHS video of Somers Camp in 2002 in cardboard cover.Cover. TEAC,white print, ASX,3 hours, Lifetime Warranty printed in white red highlight, E- 180, video cassette, super high definition in yellow print, SP. 3 hours, VHS LP. 6 hours, PAL SECAM. Video Cassette. Teac insert this side into recorder do not touch the tape inside, VHS, ASX. Label, TEAC, ASX, Legacy Somers Camp January 2002, mono, bilingual, pcm, date, stereo, hi-fi, bs. Label. TEAC, Legacy Somers Camp January 2002, VHS, pal secam. somers camp, junior legatee outing -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Caulfield State School No. 773
Seven articles on school and students past and present activities: Article on 2011 prep childrens first day at school, dated 15/02/2011 Former student shares his recollections during Education Week; dated 31/05/2011. Student making ecofriendly works with household rubbish, dated 29/06/2011 Students perform Songoku in Japanese, a play written by school’s Japanese staff dated 27/09/2011 Annual school fete has a Japanese theme, including Japanese drummers concert. dated 15/11/2011 School to receive a visit from Victoria’s Governor and his wife, following a visit from local Mayor, Education minister and Japanese Consul General; dated 15/05/2012 Article dated Nov, 2012 regarding the success of the bilingual curriculum at Caulfield Primary School. Noting that there are only 12 in Victoria.caulfield primary school, davies emma., davidson angela., glen huntly road., primary schools, artists, caulfield south, gray peter, school plays, japanese bilingual program., hyams jamie, principals, songoku, suzuki- bevan miho, mayors., patterson; ron, oakley sonya, grants, glen eira, governors -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Joseph Lo Bianco, Australian policy activism in language and literacy, 2001
Australian Policy Activism in Language and Literacy presents the dynamics of language and literacy policy activism in Australia by capturing accounts of many of those most deeply engaged in Australia?s distinctive practice of Language and Literacy policy-making and its effects. This book describes how policy texts came about. 1. From policy to anti-policy: how fear of language rights took policy-making out of community hands /? Joseph Lo Bianco 2. Australia's language /? Paul Brock 3. Politics, activism and processes of policy production: adult literacy in Australia /? Rosie Wickert 4. Although it wasn't broken, it certainly was fixed: interventions in the Australian Adult Migrant English Program 1991-1996 /? Helen Moore 5. Advocating the sustainability of linguistic diversity /? Michael Singh 6. The cost of literacy for some /? Anthea Taylor 7. (E)merging discourses at work: bringing together new and old ways to account for workplace literacy policy /? Geraldine Castleton 8. The melody changes but the dance goes on - tracking adult literacy education in Western Australia from 'learning for life' to 'lifelong learning': policy impacts on practice 1973-1999 /? Margaret McHugh, Jennifer Nevard and Anthea Taylor 9. Sleight of hand: job myths, literacy and social capital /? Ian Falk 10. National literacy benchmarks and the outstreaming of ESL learners /? Penny McKay 11. Open for business: the market, the state and adult literacy in Australia up to and beyond 2000 /? Peter Kell 12. Inventiveness and regression: interpreting/?translating and the vicissitudes of Australian language policy /? Uldis Ozolins 13. Deafness and sign language in government policy documents 1983-1990 /? Des Power 14. Imprisoned by a landmark narrative? Student/?teacher ratios and the making of policy /? Merilyn Childs 15. Ideologies, languages, policies: Australia's ambivalent relationship with learning to communicate in 'other' languages /? Angela Scarino and Leo Papademetre 16. Reconciled to what? Reconciliation and the Norther Territory's bilingual education program, 1973-1998 /? Christine Nicholls 17. Sing out that song: the textual activities of social technologies in an Aboriginal community /? Jack Frawley.language activism, linguistic diversity, adult literacy, education, sign language, reconciliation, esl programs -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, The Great Tokyo Earthquake on September 1st, 1923: Asakusa 12-Story Tower with its Upper Floors Destroyed, 1923
The Great Kantō Earthquake of 1 September 1923 devastated the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, as well as five other surrounding prefectures and was one of the world’s worst natural disasters of the early twentieth century. In terms of loss of life and material damage, with an estimated 140,000 deaths and countless homeless, it is still Japan’s worst national disaster. Nearly 90% of the newspaper printers were destroyed in the earthquake. These postcards were not produced for aesthetics but as a major tool for the spread of information. Seeing how newspaper companies were left with their offices in shambles, postcard publishers tried to fill the gap hence some were in three languages. A very small number of publishing companies were fortunate enough to survive, one of them being Mitsumura Printing, which took advantage of its remaining resources to churn out postcards. When the Ōsaka Mainichi Shinbunsha published its bilingual three-volume photographic pictorial of the Great Kantō Earthquake just two weeks after the event, the calamity had already been captured in thousands of images that circulated on a national and international media highway. Commercial photographers and photojournalists produced the most abundant and immediate images of the quake, which were transmitted in newspapers, special-issue newspaper pictorials, commemorative photography collections, illustrated survivors’ accounts, and sets of commemorative postcards. These photographic images functioned as both news and souvenirs, rendering their consumers/viewers, inside and outside the devastated locale, into both witnesses and voyeurs. Images in the news media and those issued by respected publishing houses carried the visual authority of supposed facticity. As such they both produced and became the historical record of the event. Since the vast majority of 1923 disaster postcards that survive have no writing on them, they were likely treated more as collectibles than as a form of postal communication. Many were put into albums, creating new ways to combine images and create visual cultures of disaster for home viewing. Accordion-style albums allowed for personalized, serial organization of images that produced unique, imagistic narratives of the event. The album pages were also two-sided and could be stretched out to view a series of images on recto and verso. References: Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 震災をイメージ化する 東京と1923年関東大震災のヴィジュアルカルチャー - The Asia. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from The Great Kanto Earthquake: Postcards of Tragedy. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from See also: Postcards from Hell – Glimpses of the Great Kantō Earthquake; M. William STEELE (International Christian University, Japan) 14th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies: Visual Culture and Postcard Research Papers – East Asia Image Collection Blog. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from] And item, a souvenir from Japan from between the wars (circa 1923) was brought home to Research, Victoria by Bill Teagle who was serving in the Royal Australian Navy (1919-1945). Bill Teagle's sister Violet Amelda Teagle had married Theodore (Curly) Feldbauer in 1933. Bill's brother-in-law Curly was taken as a Prisoner of War by the Japanese and died at Sandakan in March 1945. The family did not learn of Curly’s death till months later and Bill's sister, Violet, herself could never forgive the Japanese for what happened to Curly. Curly is remembered on the Eltham Roll of Honour Board and his son, Albert Feldbauer (Bill’s nephew and youngest child of the children of the soldier fathers attending a school in the district), was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Infant Welfare Centre Building. Despite this, the family maintained this cherished souvenir from a time of previous foreign friendship with Japan. The item was possibly given by Bill Teagle to his sister Margaret Rose (formerly Ingram) who later married Richard Edward (Eddie) Fielding in early 1948. (Eddie had been engaged to someone else before he went to war, but his fiancée broke it off before his return to Australia.) It was cared for by the Teagle/Fielding family for approximately one hundred years. It is of particular significance given the family's connection to the Eltham War Memorial and the significance of that memorial to the local community and represents that despite the horrors of war, former friends then foes can become friends again.tom fielding collection, japanese postcard, postcard, 1923, great kanto earthquake, japan, tokyo, yokohama -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, The Great Tokyo Earthquake on September 1st, 1923: burnt remains of Asakusa Kannon Temple, 1923
The Great Kantō Earthquake of 1 September 1923 devastated the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, as well as five other surrounding prefectures and was one of the world’s worst natural disasters of the early twentieth century. In terms of loss of life and material damage, with an estimated 140,000 deaths and countless homeless, it is still Japan’s worst national disaster. Nearly 90% of the newspaper printers were destroyed in the earthquake. These postcards were not produced for aesthetics but as a major tool for the spread of information. Seeing how newspaper companies were left with their offices in shambles, postcard publishers tried to fill the gap hence some were in three languages. A very small number of publishing companies were fortunate enough to survive, one of them being Mitsumura Printing, which took advantage of its remaining resources to churn out postcards. When the Ōsaka Mainichi Shinbunsha published its bilingual three-volume photographic pictorial of the Great Kantō Earthquake just two weeks after the event, the calamity had already been captured in thousands of images that circulated on a national and international media highway. Commercial photographers and photojournalists produced the most abundant and immediate images of the quake, which were transmitted in newspapers, special-issue newspaper pictorials, commemorative photography collections, illustrated survivors’ accounts, and sets of commemorative postcards. These photographic images functioned as both news and souvenirs, rendering their consumers/viewers, inside and outside the devastated locale, into both witnesses and voyeurs. Images in the news media and those issued by respected publishing houses carried the visual authority of supposed facticity. As such they both produced and became the historical record of the event. Since the vast majority of 1923 disaster postcards that survive have no writing on them, they were likely treated more as collectibles than as a form of postal communication. Many were put into albums, creating new ways to combine images and create visual cultures of disaster for home viewing. Accordion-style albums allowed for personalized, serial organization of images that produced unique, imagistic narratives of the event. The album pages were also two-sided and could be stretched out to view a series of images on recto and verso. References: Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 震災をイメージ化する 東京と1923年関東大震災のヴィジュアルカルチャー - The Asia. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from The Great Kanto Earthquake: Postcards of Tragedy. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from See also: Postcards from Hell – Glimpses of the Great Kantō Earthquake; M. William STEELE (International Christian University, Japan) 14th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies: Visual Culture and Postcard Research Papers – East Asia Image Collection Blog. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from] And item, a souvenir from Japan from between the wars (circa 1923) was brought home to Research, Victoria by Bill Teagle who was serving in the Royal Australian Navy (1919-1945). Bill Teagle's sister Violet Amelda Teagle had married Theodore (Curly) Feldbauer in 1933. Bill's brother-in-law Curly was taken as a Prisoner of War by the Japanese and died at Sandakan in March 1945. The family did not learn of Curly’s death till months later and Bill's sister, Violet, herself could never forgive the Japanese for what happened to Curly. Curly is remembered on the Eltham Roll of Honour Board and his son, Albert Feldbauer (Bill’s nephew and youngest child of the children of the soldier fathers attending a school in the district), was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Infant Welfare Centre Building. Despite this, the family maintained this cherished souvenir from a time of previous foreign friendship with Japan. The item was possibly given by Bill Teagle to his sister Margaret Rose (formerly Ingram) who later married Richard Edward (Eddie) Fielding in early 1948. (Eddie had been engaged to someone else before he went to war, but his fiancée broke it off before his return to Australia.) It was cared for by the Teagle/Fielding family for approximately one hundred years. It is of particular significance given the family's connection to the Eltham War Memorial and the significance of that memorial to the local community and represents that despite the horrors of war, former friends then foes can become friends again.tom fielding collection, japanese postcard, postcard, 1923, great kanto earthquake, japan, tokyo, yokohama -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, The Great Tokyo Earthquake on September 1st, 1923: Fire in the middle of rain - National Sumo Stadium on fire, 1923
The Great Kantō Earthquake of 1 September 1923 devastated the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, as well as five other surrounding prefectures and was one of the world’s worst natural disasters of the early twentieth century. In terms of loss of life and material damage, with an estimated 140,000 deaths and countless homeless, it is still Japan’s worst national disaster. Nearly 90% of the newspaper printers were destroyed in the earthquake. These postcards were not produced for aesthetics but as a major tool for the spread of information. Seeing how newspaper companies were left with their offices in shambles, postcard publishers tried to fill the gap hence some were in three languages. A very small number of publishing companies were fortunate enough to survive, one of them being Mitsumura Printing, which took advantage of its remaining resources to churn out postcards. When the Ōsaka Mainichi Shinbunsha published its bilingual three-volume photographic pictorial of the Great Kantō Earthquake just two weeks after the event, the calamity had already been captured in thousands of images that circulated on a national and international media highway. Commercial photographers and photojournalists produced the most abundant and immediate images of the quake, which were transmitted in newspapers, special-issue newspaper pictorials, commemorative photography collections, illustrated survivors’ accounts, and sets of commemorative postcards. These photographic images functioned as both news and souvenirs, rendering their consumers/viewers, inside and outside the devastated locale, into both witnesses and voyeurs. Images in the news media and those issued by respected publishing houses carried the visual authority of supposed facticity. As such they both produced and became the historical record of the event. Since the vast majority of 1923 disaster postcards that survive have no writing on them, they were likely treated more as collectibles than as a form of postal communication. Many were put into albums, creating new ways to combine images and create visual cultures of disaster for home viewing. Accordion-style albums allowed for personalized, serial organization of images that produced unique, imagistic narratives of the event. The album pages were also two-sided and could be stretched out to view a series of images on recto and verso. References: Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 震災をイメージ化する 東京と1923年関東大震災のヴィジュアルカルチャー - The Asia. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from The Great Kanto Earthquake: Postcards of Tragedy. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from See also: Postcards from Hell – Glimpses of the Great Kantō Earthquake; M. William STEELE (International Christian University, Japan) 14th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies: Visual Culture and Postcard Research Papers – East Asia Image Collection Blog. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from] And item, a souvenir from Japan from between the wars (circa 1923) was brought home to Research, Victoria by Bill Teagle who was serving in the Royal Australian Navy (1919-1945). Bill Teagle's sister Violet Amelda Teagle had married Theodore (Curly) Feldbauer in 1933. Bill's brother-in-law Curly was taken as a Prisoner of War by the Japanese and died at Sandakan in March 1945. The family did not learn of Curly’s death till months later and Bill's sister, Violet, herself could never forgive the Japanese for what happened to Curly. Curly is remembered on the Eltham Roll of Honour Board and his son, Albert Feldbauer (Bill’s nephew and youngest child of the children of the soldier fathers attending a school in the district), was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Infant Welfare Centre Building. Despite this, the family maintained this cherished souvenir from a time of previous foreign friendship with Japan. The item was possibly given by Bill Teagle to his sister Margaret Rose (formerly Ingram) who later married Richard Edward (Eddie) Fielding in early 1948. (Eddie had been engaged to someone else before he went to war, but his fiancée broke it off before his return to Australia.) It was cared for by the Teagle/Fielding family for approximately one hundred years. It is of particular significance given the family's connection to the Eltham War Memorial and the significance of that memorial to the local community and represents that despite the horrors of war, former friends then foes can become friends again.tom fielding collection, japanese postcard, postcard, 1923, great kanto earthquake, japan, tokyo, yokohama -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, The Great Tokyo Earthquake on September 1st, 1923: The situation is miserable, 1923
The Great Kantō Earthquake of 1 September 1923 devastated the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, as well as five other surrounding prefectures and was one of the world’s worst natural disasters of the early twentieth century. In terms of loss of life and material damage, with an estimated 140,000 deaths and countless homeless, it is still Japan’s worst national disaster. Nearly 90% of the newspaper printers were destroyed in the earthquake. These postcards were not produced for aesthetics but as a major tool for the spread of information. Seeing how newspaper companies were left with their offices in shambles, postcard publishers tried to fill the gap hence some were in three languages. A very small number of publishing companies were fortunate enough to survive, one of them being Mitsumura Printing, which took advantage of its remaining resources to churn out postcards. When the Ōsaka Mainichi Shinbunsha published its bilingual three-volume photographic pictorial of the Great Kantō Earthquake just two weeks after the event, the calamity had already been captured in thousands of images that circulated on a national and international media highway. Commercial photographers and photojournalists produced the most abundant and immediate images of the quake, which were transmitted in newspapers, special-issue newspaper pictorials, commemorative photography collections, illustrated survivors’ accounts, and sets of commemorative postcards. These photographic images functioned as both news and souvenirs, rendering their consumers/viewers, inside and outside the devastated locale, into both witnesses and voyeurs. Images in the news media and those issued by respected publishing houses carried the visual authority of supposed facticity. As such they both produced and became the historical record of the event. Since the vast majority of 1923 disaster postcards that survive have no writing on them, they were likely treated more as collectibles than as a form of postal communication. Many were put into albums, creating new ways to combine images and create visual cultures of disaster for home viewing. Accordion-style albums allowed for personalized, serial organization of images that produced unique, imagistic narratives of the event. The album pages were also two-sided and could be stretched out to view a series of images on recto and verso. References: Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 震災をイメージ化する 東京と1923年関東大震災のヴィジュアルカルチャー - The Asia. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from The Great Kanto Earthquake: Postcards of Tragedy. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from See also: Postcards from Hell – Glimpses of the Great Kantō Earthquake; M. William STEELE (International Christian University, Japan) 14th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies: Visual Culture and Postcard Research Papers – East Asia Image Collection Blog. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from] And item, a souvenir from Japan from between the wars (circa 1923) was brought home to Research, Victoria by Bill Teagle who was serving in the Royal Australian Navy (1919-1945). Bill Teagle's sister Violet Amelda Teagle had married Theodore (Curly) Feldbauer in 1933. Bill's brother-in-law Curly was taken as a Prisoner of War by the Japanese and died at Sandakan in March 1945. The family did not learn of Curly’s death till months later and Bill's sister, Violet, herself could never forgive the Japanese for what happened to Curly. Curly is remembered on the Eltham Roll of Honour Board and his son, Albert Feldbauer (Bill’s nephew and youngest child of the children of the soldier fathers attending a school in the district), was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Infant Welfare Centre Building. Despite this, the family maintained this cherished souvenir from a time of previous foreign friendship with Japan. The item was possibly given by Bill Teagle to his sister Margaret Rose (formerly Ingram) who later married Richard Edward (Eddie) Fielding in early 1948. (Eddie had been engaged to someone else before he went to war, but his fiancée broke it off before his return to Australia.) It was cared for by the Teagle/Fielding family for approximately one hundred years. It is of particular significance given the family's connection to the Eltham War Memorial and the significance of that memorial to the local community and represents that despite the horrors of war, former friends then foes can become friends again.tom fielding collection, japanese postcard, postcard, 1923, great kanto earthquake, japan, tokyo, yokohama -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, The Great Tokyo Earthquake on September 1st, 1923: Keizen's after-disaster earthquake Daiichi Hamaki - overall view of Yokohama City, 1923
The Great Kantō Earthquake of 1 September 1923 devastated the major cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, as well as five other surrounding prefectures and was one of the world’s worst natural disasters of the early twentieth century. In terms of loss of life and material damage, with an estimated 140,000 deaths and countless homeless, it is still Japan’s worst national disaster. Nearly 90% of the newspaper printers were destroyed in the earthquake. These postcards were not produced for aesthetics but as a major tool for the spread of information. Seeing how newspaper companies were left with their offices in shambles, postcard publishers tried to fill the gap hence some were in three languages. A very small number of publishing companies were fortunate enough to survive, one of them being Mitsumura Printing, which took advantage of its remaining resources to churn out postcards. When the Ōsaka Mainichi Shinbunsha published its bilingual three-volume photographic pictorial of the Great Kantō Earthquake just two weeks after the event, the calamity had already been captured in thousands of images that circulated on a national and international media highway. Commercial photographers and photojournalists produced the most abundant and immediate images of the quake, which were transmitted in newspapers, special-issue newspaper pictorials, commemorative photography collections, illustrated survivors’ accounts, and sets of commemorative postcards. These photographic images functioned as both news and souvenirs, rendering their consumers/viewers, inside and outside the devastated locale, into both witnesses and voyeurs. Images in the news media and those issued by respected publishing houses carried the visual authority of supposed facticity. As such they both produced and became the historical record of the event. Since the vast majority of 1923 disaster postcards that survive have no writing on them, they were likely treated more as collectibles than as a form of postal communication. Many were put into albums, creating new ways to combine images and create visual cultures of disaster for home viewing. Accordion-style albums allowed for personalized, serial organization of images that produced unique, imagistic narratives of the event. The album pages were also two-sided and could be stretched out to view a series of images on recto and verso. References: Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 震災をイメージ化する 東京と1923年関東大震災のヴィジュアルカルチャー - The Asia. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from The Great Kanto Earthquake: Postcards of Tragedy. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from See also: Postcards from Hell – Glimpses of the Great Kantō Earthquake; M. William STEELE (International Christian University, Japan) 14th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies: Visual Culture and Postcard Research Papers – East Asia Image Collection Blog. (2024, March 31). Retrieved from] And item, a souvenir from Japan from between the wars (circa 1923) was brought home to Research, Victoria by Bill Teagle who was serving in the Royal Australian Navy (1919-1945). Bill Teagle's sister Violet Amelda Teagle had married Theodore (Curly) Feldbauer in 1933. Bill's brother-in-law Curly was taken as a Prisoner of War by the Japanese and died at Sandakan in March 1945. The family did not learn of Curly’s death till months later and Bill's sister, Violet, herself could never forgive the Japanese for what happened to Curly. Curly is remembered on the Eltham Roll of Honour Board and his son, Albert Feldbauer (Bill’s nephew and youngest child of the children of the soldier fathers attending a school in the district), was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Infant Welfare Centre Building. Despite this, the family maintained this cherished souvenir from a time of previous foreign friendship with Japan. The item was possibly given by Bill Teagle to his sister Margaret Rose (formerly Ingram) who later married Richard Edward (Eddie) Fielding in early 1948. (Eddie had been engaged to someone else before he went to war, but his fiancée broke it off before his return to Australia.) It was cared for by the Teagle/Fielding family for approximately one hundred years. It is of particular significance given the family's connection to the Eltham War Memorial and the significance of that memorial to the local community and represents that despite the horrors of war, former friends then foes can become friends again.tom fielding collection, japanese postcard, postcard, 1923, great kanto earthquake, japan, tokyo, yokohama