Historical information

Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908

Instituted 12th February 1897 on the approval Abbas Hilmi Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, this medal was initially to commemorate the reconquest of the Dongola province, with the clasps Firket and Hafir included in the original army order (No. 43). Later army orders extended it to cover battles and actions up to 1908 which were commemorated with a further 13 clasps.

Physical description

Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896 -1908

Description: Produced in silver and bronze 39mm diameter. Obverse; the Arabic inscription "Abbas Hilmi the Second" and the year "1314" (Anno Hegirae) Reverse; A tablet inscribed in Arabic "The Reconquest of the Sudan 1314" supporting a trophy of arms. Over this is a centrally positioned oval shield decorated with stars and crescents - in the background is a display of lances and flags.
Clasps; Bilingual English/Arabic, 15 issued - see table below. The first six actions commemorated with a clasp (highlighted in yellow) were also covered by the Queen's Sudan Medal.
Ribbon: Yellow with a wide central blue stripe - symbolic of the desert and the Nile.
Naming: Generally issued unnamed, but found named unofficially in a number of styles, although patterns of conformity emerge due to the practice of naming at the unit/regimental level.
